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It's a chilly late November morning at Hogwarts, but Professor Marchand has kept the classroom warmed with a heating charm. As you walk in, you find the professor leaning against the front wall watching his students as they arrive. As always, the refreshment table at the back of the classroom is full of tasty treats for you to enjoy. On today's menu: hot cocoa and fudge with bits of candy cane in it, just in time for the holiday season.
You'll soon notice that something is different about the classroom today. The desks are gone! In their place are two long benches along the left and right walls, and a large trunk sits in the middle of the room. Ooh, what's inside?
Oh, how we drift away from our friends. And the ones back home play remember when
Zelena entered the classroom and noticed the room's different appearance. This threw her off a bit as she smiled at Professor Marchand and said, "Good morning, sir." She turned her head towards the benches and then back to the professor. "Am I allowed to sit down on one of the benches, sir?"
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Carlton wasn't good in Charms class because it required him using his wand. But he did enjoy it, and he did think it was fun. Plus, professor Newton had reassured him that he could do anything. So he wasn't feeling down at all, in fact he was bouncing when he made his way to the class room.
Bounce, bounce, bounce.
"Goooooooooooood MORNING, professor Marchand!" It was a good morning. And he was almost the first one there, apart from an older student from his own house. Hi older student.
He marched straight up to the refreshments to see what was available to them today and bounced a little when he saw the hot cocoa. His favorite in the whole world. He'd even planned to go see professor Salvatore and ask her to have it in the bakery but he didn't need the bakery if he went to Charms.
"OH! OH! OH!" Exciting. He glanced at professor Marchand. "Can I have some? I want some." He beamed as he started to take some of the tasty treats. Because WHYYY would it be standing there if he couldn't have some? That was torture and he liked professor Marchand, he didn't do that stuff.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Oh he could smell the hot cocoa with peppermint candy from around the corridor, hence the slight bop to the Curly Top's step, he was eager for the drink "Mornin' Professor M!" he greeted the other man. But just as he made a beeline for the drinks table he spotted the trunk "Ooohhh" he cooed as he made a slight detour, circling around the chest "Whats in it Professor?" Clothes? A kidnapped former Auror? So curious....
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Etta entered the classroom... and stopped for a moment. She was early to class, again. It was warm. No desks? A trunk? What was inside? Something interesting, hopefully. She looked at it curiously for a moment before her attention wavered towards the refreshments table (obviously).
"Hello, professor." Etta greeted the professor politely before she made her way over to the drinks table. Hot cocoa! YUM. Could they have some? Yes?
You have bewitched me body and soul, And I love- I love- I love you
Evie hurried out of the cold corridor into the Charms classroom. She smiled at the professor as the heat from the heating charm began to thaw her and within seconds she was finally able to speak again. "Good morning Professor Marchand." The third year looked around the room with a quizzical look at the benches and trunk before shrugging and quickly making a line to the snack table. Taking a cup of hot cocoa into her hands she hugged the warm beverage to her face as she breathed in the scent of chocolate and the steam coming from the cup, stepping out of the way she turned back to the trunk and began walking around it trying to figure this out.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Natalia was actually looking forward to class today. As she walked into the room she noticed the seating and then the trunk. Her first thought was bogarts, but this wasn't DADA, would they really do that? If that was the case maybe she'd do a quick turn and head the other way. She didn't want to show the class what her bogart was. No one needed to see that.
Pushing it out of her mind she gave the professor an small smile, "Good day Professor." Turning from him Nat made her way towards a seat on the left. She gave the other students a smile and a wave before sitting down and taking out her things.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
It was chilly. It was very chilly, and Hattie was cold. She wrapped her arms closer around her body as she headed up towards the charms classroom. Hopefully it wouldn't be so cold in there! Otherwise she would need to remember to bring another scarf next time. That or she needed to learn how to do a heating charm. She made a mental note to try and do that. But for now she needed to get to the lesson on time.
She nearly sighed in relief when she felt the warmth of the classroom. That was good at least she wasn't going to freeze in the classroom. And refreshment. Ooh. She was going to go there once the professor had said it was okay, since she heard a few more students asking.
"Hello Professor" She murmured with a smile, and instead headed to sit on the right bench. This was new, and she was interesting to see what was going to happen in today's class.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zoryn was SO READY for Charms class!!!
She had her charm bracelet kit stuffed in her bag, so she was basically the epitome of preparedness.
"HIIIII Professor!!!" She gave him a HUGE smile with her sort-of pearly whites. "UP TOP!" She announced, throwing her hand way up high in the air (again, sort of). It was a high-five, my dude.
Also, how come there weren't desks? Zoryn didn't like that. 'Cause she had a usual spot but now she had to find an all new usual spot. And honestly, that was a lot of pressure. Where were her friiiiiiiiiiends?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Leon was blowing into his hands to get them to warm up as he headed into Charms class. It was a little brisk outside!
Thankfully the Charms classroom was nice and warm and Leon shot the Professor a grateful smile as he entered the room. "Thank you for the heat Professor Marchand! And good morning! I hope you are well today? " The older Ravenclaw said as he looked around..
Hey the desks were gone!
Ahh well.. he grabbed some hot Cocoa and then headed over to sit on the left bench..
Kitty leaned forward and kept her hands tucked inside her robe pockets as she walked towards the Charms classroom, shivering against the cold. Thankfully the classroom was heated, and she very quickly uncurled herself and made her way over to the left bench, eyeing the trunk curiously in the center of the room.
"Good day Professor Marchand," she greeted cheerfully, as she went to sit down next to Leon. "Hey Leon," she said in quitter words, removing her bag of books and placing them by the bench.
COOOOOLD! One thing she hated about a castle like Hogwarts that it wasn’t having the same luxury like any normal Muggle house because, for starters, Muggles were having a standard heating system build standard INTO their homes! She wished, really wished, that Hogwarts would be warmer during the winter, AND, she wished that Hogwarts was having a elevator so that she didn’t needed to climb all those stairs all the time… Shaking her head to clear it she stepped into the classroom for her next lesson and… It was warm! Yeey! Exactly like she had hoped! “Hellooooo” professor, sang the second year, completely happy with the temperature and she walked over toward the table with the snacks to take something and THAT was also something what made her day, food during a lesson! Perfect!
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
It seemed that moving to Russia had had some benefits, benefits that made the miserable state of Hogwarts so much more tolerable. Mason couldn't help but smile as she swaggered towards the Charms classroom, blue-streaked ponytail swishing with every springy step, cutting through the hot air that surrounded her like a cocoon.
Her slight joy remained as she stepped into the classroom, lowering her spell and letting the wonderful heat of the class wash over her. Mason dipped her head slightly towards their professor, who was watching as they entered the classroom. "Professor Marchand."
Dark eyes dancing over the interior of the classroom, Mason looked each of the peasants over, smiling slightly to the people she knew. Scrunching her nose at the hot cocoa and sweets they all seemed to be devouring, Mason bypassed the trunk in the middle without a second glance, making her way towards Kitty and the hot guy beside her. She dropped her bag unceremoniously on the ground beside their bench, smiling sweetly to them both as she took her seat beside the aforementioned hot guy. "Kitty," she said in to greeting to the goth, "I don't believe that I know you're friend here." She said, cocking her head to the side and sticking out her hand towards the guy. "I'm Mason."
HAH! Matt liked it when there were no desks. Always a good start to the lessons!
He marched in and looked around, sending waves as greetings to his friends and professor. "Hello, all!" He said before moving to where the goodies were. Hmmmmmm! His favourite part of the lesson!
The boy proceeded to stuffing his face with fudge and hot chocolate. Omnomnomnom!
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
HAH! Matt liked it when there were no desks. Always a good start to the lessons!
He marched in and looked around, sending waves as greetings to his friends and professor. "Hello, all!" He said before moving to where the goodies were. Hmmmmmm! His favourite part of the lesson!
The boy proceeded to stuffing his face with fudge and hot chocolate. Omnomnomnom!
It was chilly. And anyone that knew Noelle knew she wasn't a fan of the cold. She was bundled up tight as she headed into the Charms classroom. "Morning professor!" She greeted as she went to the table and grabbed a few pieces of fudge and a nice and warm hot cocoa.
Charms was the best.
Noelle took a seat beside Matt and offered him a wave of fudge before sipping her hot cocoa.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Freezing, wasn't even the way to describable the way she was feeling. Bundled up more than she normally was. She headed up to the Charms classroom, Another of her favorite subjects so needless to say was ready for it.
Walking inside the classroom was like jumping into a frozen lake and then going to jump into a hot tub. Which sounded pretty fun right about now. Warmth, ah! Now this was so much better. Oh and hot chocolate and peppermint fudge. She could not say no to either one.
"Hello, Professor. Thank you." With a smile she got a cup of the hot chocolate and a piece of fudge. Now were to sit. Right or left. Maybe to the left side today. She took a seat not really that close to anyone specific. She just made herself comfortable and enjoyed her snacks.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Seeing as Hunt had skipped so many of his classes this week, he decided that he should at least act like he cared about his education and that meant he'd have to attend this Charms class. Which was a waste of time in his opinion.
Sauntering into the heated classroom, frozen hands shoved into his slacks and face slightly reddened from the cold, cold that he was in no way used to, Hunt didn't even bother greeting the professor. Earphones still blaring music, Hunt snorted as he saw the cocoa and candy canes, snatching one of the canes as he bypassed them on his way to the back of the classroom. Away from anyone else. So far, he hated everyone here. Everyone except the fiery Mason Stevens, who was currently sitting with a goth and some overly muscled dude, batting her eyes prettily at him. He inclined his head towards her in greeting, smiling slightly as he leaned back onto the bench and stuck the candy cane into his mouth, watching the classroom as the students started filing in.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno happily stomped her boot clad feet into the Charms room. She was interested immediately in the new layout of the room. Wondering what was happening today, she gave a curt wave to the professor and replied, "Good morning, Professor Marchand. Thanks for the goodies!" She quickly grabbed a cup of hot cocoa. It smelled delectable.
She was looking for an open seat when she saw that beautiful Ravenclaw she was hoping to see. He hadn't seen her yet luckily...
She quickly took the empty seat next to him and placed her bag on the ground. "Morning, Leon." She said then grinned and took a sip of her hot cocoa. She was so happy to see him.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Charms were the best because TREATS. Yes, Daisy didn't particularly trust food given by these Hogwarts professors but she had to make an exception for Charms. Especially this lesson since it was all Christmasyy and she loved Christmas more than anything in the world!
Well, almost.
"Hiii Professor!" She distractedly told Professor Marchand before dashing towards the table in the back of the room. OH LOOK. There were no desks! Grabbing a mug, Daisy made her way to the right bench to sit by Hattie, eyeing the chest in the middle of the room. "You don't think there's a monster in there, do you?" She whispered to the Hufflepuff girl, raising her mug to toast with her and noticing her friend had none.
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Brent loved Charms class. LOOOOOOOOOOOVED it. It wasn't his best or even his favorite class, but there was always FOOD in here. To a fourteen year old teenage boy, that was GOLD. "Morning, Professor!" he said, with enthusiasm and a grin on his face. This was the guy that provided the FOOD. He turned toward the desks all set to take his usual seat, when he noticed the desks were GONE.
Seriously? What was it with this school and desks?!
He started to take a seat on a bench, but then he heard some other kid ask for permission to sit down. He paused, waiting to hear the answer. He didn't even think to ask for permission, but somebody had, so he'd wait.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Kitty!
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Kitty leaned forward and kept her hands tucked inside her robe pockets as she walked towards the Charms classroom, shivering against the cold. Thankfully the classroom was heated, and she very quickly uncurled herself and made her way over to the left bench, eyeing the trunk curiously in the center of the room.
"Good day Professor Marchand," she greeted cheerfully, as she went to sit down next to Leon. "Hey Leon," she said in quitter words, removing her bag of books and placing them by the bench.
Leon put his cup down as he was joined by Kitty and he smiled warmly at her. "Hello Kitty! How are you today? " He asked with a grin as he took a sip of his hot chocolate.
SPOILER!!: Mase!
Originally Posted by Hiraeth
It seemed that moving to Russia had had some benefits, benefits that made the miserable state of Hogwarts so much more tolerable. Mason couldn't help but smile as she swaggered towards the Charms classroom, blue-streaked ponytail swishing with every springy step, cutting through the hot air that surrounded her like a cocoon.
Her slight joy remained as she stepped into the classroom, lowering her spell and letting the wonderful heat of the class wash over her. Mason dipped her head slightly towards their professor, who was watching as they entered the classroom. "Professor Marchand."
Dark eyes dancing over the interior of the classroom, Mason looked each of the peasants over, smiling slightly to the people she knew. Scrunching her nose at the hot cocoa and sweets they all seemed to be devouring, Mason bypassed the trunk in the middle without a second glance, making her way towards Kitty and the hot guy beside her. She dropped her bag unceremoniously on the ground beside their bench, smiling sweetly to them both as she took her seat beside the aforementioned hot guy. "Kitty," she said in to greeting to the goth, "I don't believe that I know you're friend here." She said, cocking her head to the side and sticking out her hand towards the guy. "I'm Mason."
Leon's attention was once again drawn away from his drink as another girl whom he didn't fully recognize sat down next to Kitty and him. "It's nice to meet you Mason, I'm Leon Kennedy. " He said as he shook her hand and gave her a warm smile. Before someone else came up to sit beside him..
SPOILER!!: Junooo!!
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno happily stomped her boot clad feet into the Charms room. She was interested immediately in the new layout of the room. Wondering what was happening today, she gave a curt wave to the professor and replied, "Good morning, Professor Marchand. Thanks for the goodies!" She quickly grabbed a cup of hot cocoa. It smelled delectable.
She was looking for an open seat when she saw that beautiful Ravenclaw she was hoping to see. He hadn't seen her yet luckily...
She quickly took the empty seat next to him and placed her bag on the ground. "Morning, Leon." She said then grinned and took a sip of her hot cocoa. She was so happy to see him.
Leon smiled warmly as he heard a welcomed voice and he turned to look at Juno. "Morning Juno! How are you today? " The boys grey eyes lit up as he looked at the blonde and he felt his heart start to beat faster..
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
Olly had a smile on his face as he entered the Charms classroom. It was a nice day. He was well rested. And he had gotten a letter from his brother that morning. It was a good day so far. He sent a cheerful wave to the professor. "Good morning Professor. How has your day been so far?"
Olly's day was getting better and better. He grinned more broadly when his gaze landed on the snacks at the back of the classroom. Hot chocolate and fudge. Olly poured himself a mug and grabbed a piece of the fudge before looking for a spot to sit. The fact that there were no desks in the room barely phased him. Though it was a little unusual for charms class, he had walked into many different classrooms without desks so it wasn't completely out of the ordinary. Olly selected his seat next to Noelle and nudged her with the elbow that was not attached to the arm holding hot chocolate. "Hey."
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle arrived for Charms class, ready to roll. She went into the classroom and looked around. This no desks, no chair thing had really seemed to become a theme at Hogwarts this year. "Hello Professor ", Janelle said, as she passed by. Then she spotted the snack table. You could always count on Professor Marchand to have some goodies.
Janelle picked up some fudge and cocoa and found a seat on one of the benches. As she sipped her cocoa, she observed the trunk that was the centerpiece of the room. Ahhhh, something else to pique her curiosity. Janelle had no choice, but to be patient and wait for its contents to be revealed. In the meantime, she'd just enjoy her snacks.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Leon smiled warmly as he heard a welcomed voice and he turned to look at Juno. "Morning Juno! How are you today? " The boys grey eyes lit up as he looked at the blonde and he felt his heart start to beat faster..
So prettyyyy..
Juno grinned at the sound of his voice. It was very nice and always sounded so happy when she was around. She liked that. She took another sip of her cocoa before responding, "I'm good, wondering what is in that trunk, but good." She took another sip then asked, "How are you?" She looked over at him as she asked with a small grin.
Why was he so cute?
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Dora wasn't here for social hour. Nope. It was OWL year, guys. Socialize on your own time! Charms class was not the right place for it.
"Hey Professor, " Dora muttered before moving to the END of one of the benches before plopping down with a huff. Was she stressed out? Yes. Did she plan to spend the majority of the class glaring at the people who offended her? You betcha.