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If you keep walking into the classroom you'll notice to the right of you there are tons of thick poster paper, paints, markers and other art supplies. Once you make it towards the table you'll see Professor Salvatore sitting at her desk and a chalkboard with writing on it.
Originally Posted by CHALKBOARD
Welcome Everyone! Please choose any seat you like, class will begin very soon.
As you keep looking around there are all different kinds of canvas paintings on the wall of stars, the sun, moon, the planets in our solar systems and galaxies hanging on the walls. Professor Salvatore had done a nice little remodel of the Astronomy classroom. She didn't really care for desks so she had tables set up in three long rows that would allow two students to sit at each table. On each table there is a photograph of the solar system.
OOC: Please remember to follow all of Professor Salvatore's rules and remember all SS rules apply! You're more than welcome to have your characters mingle before class starts.
They were officially a team of three now, and had settled on a planet."Neptune is fine with me too," said Kitty. In all honesty, she didn't know that much about Neptune. Normally if she didn't know something that she was curious about, she would have taken out her Muggle phone (which Professor Stewart had helped to work at Hogwarts) and researched it, but she had a feeling that might count as cheating. So instead she'd have to just write down what she'd memorized.
"Okay guys, what facts do we know about Neptune?" she asked once Rula was back with the supplies. "It's the eights planet in our solar system and is farthest from the Sun. I know it's named after the Roman god of the sea and in pictures it's almost always blue. I guess the entire planet is covered with water..."
As she talked, she bent down to start helping her teammates make the poster.
Annnd they had a suggestion. Janelle nodded as Colt suggested they work on Venus or Mars. "Two good choices", She replied. Actually, those would probably have been her first two choices. "Venus, I vote for Venus. That alright with you Noelle?". At that moment, the professor announced that the class would be moving on. They had to make a poster including all of the information they gathered.
Considering they had just begun considering their planet, time was of the essence. "Venus it is then......I guess." Janelle thought about what she knew about Venus. "So what do we know?", she said while looking at her partners. "Venus is the second planet from the sun and the closest one to earth..........I know it's the hottest planet of the eight. What are your thoughts guys?" While waiting for a response, Janelle flipped open her textbook to hunt for more details.
Colt was really glad Janelle was cool. She seemed to agree with him a lot which was unusual for girls to do that. Usually they were bickering with him. Colt looked for Noelle's opinion and she seemed to be fine with it in his opinion with her blank stare. "Noelle..?" he asked and snapped fingers in her face. "She will input when she is ready.." he commented. He saw the claw making notes and he found interesting facts in his book. "Hmm well I see on Venus it snows metal and rains sulfuric acid.." That was cool yet dangerous Winchester don't think about it. "One day on Venus is longer than one year.." he told the group. "I am finding this planet to be interesting than it seemed.." he thought out loud to the group. "How do you wanna make the poster?" he asked the girls.
Hattie just beamed at her friend. "See this is why we are besties" Because they had similar thoughts, and that would be amazing. She hoped that their poster would be good. Actually she knew that the poster would be great. That was because it was them, and they wre the best.
"Hmm. I could like do a picture of venus and we could write the facts around it" She mused with a smile. She was good at art, so that would be good. "And we can make it nice and bright. I like bright colours! But first we need to think of some facts about Venus to put on our poster" She mused, pulling a piece of parchment closer, and writing a title.
"Okay.... so. It's the 2nd planet away from the sun. That can be fact one"
Kat couldn't help but to laugh. It was true, they were similar in lots of ways. 'Point exactly." She could not wait to get to work on the poster. Again it was a good thing that Katerina had picked Hattie, A picture of Venus? Oh boy yes thank Merlin she had Hattie.
"I like that fact. Maybe have the sun in the background, and Mars" That was the closest planet to the sun, it would be fun to sneak another planet onto the poster. Kat flipped through her book to find somemore facts about the planet Venus. "Venus is nearly as big as the Earth, and is sometimes called Earth’s sister planet." She kept reading on to see what other facts sounded good the poster. "Venus rotates in the opposite direction of other planets. Did you know that?" That was interesting, she wrote down these facts so they could keep track of them.
Originally Posted by Notes on Venus
Second planet from the Sun.
Venus is close to the same size as earth.
Sometimes called Earth's sister planet.
Rotates in the opposite direction of the other planets
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
And finally to the main event, the creativity part of the class involving all the crafty supplies. And their knowledge of each planet of course. Having somehow missed out in making up part of group, Cass found herself alone in her endeavor but she wasn’t too bummed about the prospect of doing the work all on her own. Gave her time to flex her own muscles and ideas without having to worry about clashing with the thoughts of others or relying on them. She had to make due with her own working knowledge of things.
First things first…choosing a planet. With a few minutes of thought, the Ravenclaw opted for Mercury, the smallest planet now that Pluto was excluded. The planet named after the messenger god of ancient Roman mythology. Like the earth’s moon but just a little larger. Oooo…she could maybe use that fact to add a snappy bit to her poster. Something to make it more interesting than just the facts.
That determined, she got up from her seat to retrieve supplies, returning as an idea churned in her mind on what to draw. Black poster board…gray poster board…some glue, some paint, some glitter and scissors for cutting since it seemed a better idea than using magic. With the black poster board as his overall background, the Ravenclaw proceeded to cut out two large circles of the gray, one larger than the other. The smaller one was made to look in the background with the larger one forward as they were both glued down on the poster. Then Cassie proceeded to use a darker grey paint she had mixed up to mark out the impact craters on both.
“Needs a Sun….” she mused almost to herself, adding it in shades of red, yellow and orange on the left side of her poster framing Mercury with the Moon on the other side. Then with the same yellow, the fourth year wrote out the following saying up top. Brother Space Object from Another Mother. Next, she wrote down some facts in white paint:
- Closest planet to the Sun
- Smallest planet in Solar System
- Can be real hot during the day and real cold during the night.
Finally, she added random dots of glue all around the poster where pictures and words weren’t. To this Cass sprinkled the glitter she had borrowed, shaking the excess off. There…A Sun, a planet, a moon and some more stars scattered around randomly in the background showing up small from the other galaxies. She couldn’t help but smile when she was finally done, liking her work and its end result.
Abey's enthusiasm did wonders for Junia's mood and the brunette couldn't help but smile to herself while he zoomed off to gather their supplies. He was an instant mood booster, Abey was. Could turn your frown upside down in .2 seconds flat. It was nice getting to have him here with her at school, she'd decided.
While she waited for his return, Junia dutifully added on to their list of facts, only including what she thought was NEED to know information about Saturn. There was just no way they could include everything.
Annnnnnd he was back and just as excited as he'd been when he left, which caused Junia to smile big. "Abey, I like ALL of your ideas! I think making our poster BE Saturn is the best choice and I like the idea of use writing the words ON the rings or...OH! Oh, ABEY! What if the string of words were the rings? We could space 'em out so it'd work!" It'd be tricky, but worth it if it came out correctly!
What do you think?"
In the meantime, Junia got to work cutting their poster into the desired Saturn shape, rings included.
The problem with the whole poster project thing was that Abey was already getting so far into the #aesthetic of it all that the whole point of it being an EDUCATIONAL thing was actually already going out of the window actually. He was very quickly forgetting that the focus should really be on the FACTS rather than the LOOK because, well... he was Abey.
After crawling back under the table for a third time, this time to get back into his chair, Abey popped back up into view, already giving more input.
"Yes! It's brilliant! And do you know any charms to make the writing all silvery and glistening, Juni?" he asked his cousin, watching her cutting up the paper into the right shape. "Because the rings are icy aren't they? Blocks of ice and things, so if the words are the rings it would be fun if they glistened." OH! Wait! "OR!!!!! I think I saw something here that was all silvery. A silver pen. We could use that if not."
As he spoke, Abey had noticed that Junia had written more on her little list there, and - in spite of his better judgement - he reached out and pulled it a little closer to him so he could attempt to read it. For a long while, he stared at the words, tracing them out with his finger only when he was SURE the ink was dry, and mouthing to himself, all the while screwing up his face in concentration.
Eventually, he looked up at Junebug, having given up on... all that. "Why do you suppose Saturn has such big rings? But not Juniper or......." Uhhhhh... "... the others? Do you think maybe it spins so fast that all the ice gets thrown off it? Have you ever seen what happens when you throw a ball that's got all wet?" If she had or if she hadn't, Abey was going to tell her. "'Cause when you throw it and it spins, the water drops fly off from around the middle for some reason, and it sort of looks like rings like with Saturn actually. Maybe it's the same and Saturn is really rainy and really cold and all the water freezes and ZOOMS off to make the ice rings! ... But I don't know why it would stay there and not fly into space for forever."
"Either way, they're pretty no matter what actually."
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Leon's eyebrows rose ever so slightly as she spoke of how she took morning runs as well! "You take morning runs as well? Perhaps we should run together.. sometime. " He said as he attempted to be casual. But really his heart was pounding so violently inside of his chest he felt like everyone in the room could hear it.
Breathe Leon, just breathe. He told himself, And focus on the planet and not those beautiful blue eyes...
However as those blue eyes looked into his, he felt all his resolve melting away and he could not figure out what in the world they had just been talking about, so instead he just nodded as he attempted to get himself back together. He had just met her, and yet.. what was going on!
Ohh! She giggled! Leon grinned back at her, happy to have elicited hat sort of reaction from her. "I would love to listen to it sometime! I need to owl my step dad for it, when he sends it.. I'll let you know okay? " He said with a warm smile at her, and then another neck rub..
He smiled again as she beamed at him.. Merlin.. what he wouldn't do to keep that smile on her face..
Okay he was losing it right? Surely that girl couldn't look like Juno right?
Ohhhhhh!! Thank the dragons.. He wasn't losing it! "Yes, the one with your face. " He said as he aimed a grin at her and nodded. He waved over at Esme and then smiled back st Juno. "A twin is awesome! I've always wanted a sibling. " And now he had one! If he could only find her!
He turned his attention back to the teacher for a moment before smiling at her. She could draw as well? "I can draw too. " He said with a smile as he watched her, and he was so tempted to push that errant strand away from her face..
In fact his hand was halfway towards her when he realized what he was doing and instead tried to focus on the project.
"Well The planet of course, and then.. maybe a night time landscape with a bright spot? Indicating the North Star? " He asked as he leaned his head on his hand and looked at her.
Juno grinned, her little tidbit of info got her exactly what she was hoping for. His nervousness was super freaking cute too. "That would be awesome! I've been trying to find a running partner for a long time." Esme, though fit in her own ways, wasn't much of a runner.
He was staring at her so hard it was unnerving but she liked it at the same time. She kinda loved how nervous she made him. She had never done this to anyone before but there were guys that had made her feel that way. "That would be great! The only other person that I know that loves it as much as I do is my dad. So it would definitely be nice to hang out and listen to with someone other than him." Ugh....her dad....if he knew she was even talking to this hunk of dude he would be freaking out and probably trying to scare the pants of him. Dads!
She giggled at his confusion and realization. Juno had to deal with that a lot having an identical twin. But she enjoyed it. Except for when people actually called her Esme...that was annoying. They were actually very different in personality and things they liked. "Yeah we have an older brother too. He graduated when we were second years." She grinned, "Siblings are fun. Though my older bother can be a major pain sometimes. Esme is my best friend." She smiled over at her sister. "So you are an only child then?" She always wondered what it would be like to be an only child, but would never want to be one.
"I like to doodle," she chuckled, "but I am not like...Picasso or anything. Oh, what do you like to draw?" Artist as well? Or doodle king? hmmmmmmmm This should be interesting.
She noticed his hand but pretended she didn't. She wouldn't have minded...she might have even blushed a little. Yeah just the thought made her cheeks a little warm, but not enough to be visible. "That sounds great!" She hopped up and grabbed all the supplies they might need to create their drawing. "Do you want to draw or do you want me to?"
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
SPOILER!!: Colt and Noelle
Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin
Colt was really glad Janelle was cool. She seemed to agree with him a lot which was unusual for girls to do that. Usually they were bickering with him. Colt looked for Noelle's opinion and she seemed to be fine with it in his opinion with her blank stare. "Noelle..?" he asked and snapped fingers in her face. "She will input when she is ready.." he commented. He saw the claw making notes and he found interesting facts in his book. "Hmm well I see on Venus it snows metal and rains sulfuric acid.." That was cool yet dangerous Winchester don't think about it. "One day on Venus is longer than one year.." he told the group. "I am finding this planet to be interesting than it seemed.." he thought out loud to the group. "How do you wanna make the poster?" he asked the girls.
Colt had some good Venus facts to add and Janelle began to write all of the facts in her notes. They had to remember everything for when they made their poster. Janelle had a few more facts of her own that she had noticed in her textbook. She added them to the list. "Hey guys, I found a few more facts about Venus" Then Janelle shared her list with the other group members.
SPOILER!!: Venus Notes
-Second planet from the sun
-Closest planet to earth
-Hottest planet of the eight in our solar system
-Snows metal and rains sulfuric acid
-One day on Venus is longer than one year on earth
-Appears bright white in color when observed from space
-Rotates in an opposite direction (clockwise) compared to most other planets
Janelle wasn't sure exactly how many facts they needed for their project. After checking her watch though, she knew that needed to get on with the poster making. When Colt asked about how to make the poster, Janelle thought for a minute. "Welllll......that's a good question. Do we want to draw a picture of Venus and write out our facts or do we want to draw a picture that incorporates our facts or none of the above?" The truth was, they were running out of time and they had to come up with something quickly.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
SPOILER!!: These two!
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
SPOILER!!: You two lovelies
Carlton was very content with the situation. He even got a little squeeze from Liv. Much appreciated. AND she mentioned Saturn. His number one planet in the whole world! Or... Universe.
"SATURN!" He cried out, excited. "Saturn. I like Saturn. It has hula-hoops." Or 'rings' that Professor Salvatore insisted on calling them. Carlton would continue to call them hula-hoops. Because fun.
He cleared his throat in order to tell them all the things he knew about his favorite planet. He was so all-knowing. "It's laaaaarge, it has many moooons and hula-hoops." He leaned in further and looked between Roo and Liv. "And it's made out of gas." He whispered the last word because... Well, because of farts. How could a planet be made out of farts? Carlton didn't get that. Seemed kinda gross. But he'd read it in a space magazine. "It's a gas giant." Whatever that meant.
Originally Posted by Shanners
SPOILER!!: Liv and Carlton
Rooney automatically saw the light in his girlfriends face when they were joined with Carlton and he offered the first year a ruffle of the hair. He traded looks with Brian and accepted the nod, deciding that that was clearly that and they weren't going to go and have lunch any time soon to high five over their shared thoughts. Nah. Rooney didn't have positive feelings for the Hufflepuff, but also the ones he did weren't of the dreadful kind. So with a nod of his own, he moved on to seeing Miss Charlotte stare at him the way that she was. He could understand why people were gaping and why people were shaking their heads and tutting, but had they known him...how he thought that Char knew him...then they would understand why he had said the things he did in the way that he did. Clearly they just weren't as understanding of one another as they had once been. Probably a good thing seeing as he knew things about her stupid best friend which made him see her in a completely different light.
Rooney's attention drew back to Liv and Carlton and he smiled. "Then Saturn we shall do!" Seeing as both of them were agreed on it. Roo probably wouldn't be offering a lot of things to their project, but he did laugh at Carlton's gas comments. "We can title our poster that, then. Saturn: A Gas Giant." Title courtesy of Carlton Lewis the adorable.
"I'll go get us some supplies." Mainly because he wanted to get up and stretch some of his annoyance out. So up the Ravenclaw got and went straight to the back cupboard, filling his arms with absolutely everything he could fit and that they would need and then returned to his group with it all.
Olivia wasn't much for arts and crafts usually, but she'd had some practice with hers and Rooney's scrapbook. So, tackling a poster didn't seem that overwhelming, in retrospect. Listening to her boyfriend and his fantastic, beautiful Ravenclaw brain seemed to be a plus, as she went about snagging the posterboard he'd collected. She figured she and Carlton could work on that and Roo could get all smart and technical with the facts and such. He was good at being smart and she was more than willing to left him to it. It was probably why they worked so well together, honestly. Look at the compromise.
Now, in no realm of the imagination was Liv especially artsy, but.... Well, this couldn't be that difficult, right? The blonde Gryffindor had a steady enough hand, anyway.
So, listening to her Ravenclaw person rattle off information. she and Young Carlton got to work. She mostly worked on getting Saturn into an almost ball shape. Not totally ball-like, as it wasn't perfectly circular...but slightly flattened? She'd read that somewhere, anyway. Heh, don't actually quote her on that. Rooney had to help just a little, as circles were just evil and not in the sphere of her limited talents. Carlton, however, helped dot the board with beautiful, luminous stars... Which were actually pretty wonderful. Hey, they were magical, after all. Why not animate their hardwork? As an aside, this was very soothing for her current sensibilities; despite her lack of natural talents.
The rings were easier... but Liv had it in her mind that she wanted them to flash to and fro, giving the illusion that they were disappearing and reappearing. See, she'd read somewhere, a few years ago, that they appeared invisible sometime through telescopes. So... Heh, all her big ideas. It wasn't too hard for a theatre brat to get carried away when it came to anything artistic.
Finishing up with actually writing the facts onto the poster, she settled back.... admiring their combined effort.
"What do you guys think?"
SPOILER!!: Team!SpaceDrama
Saturn: the Ringed Giant
- “Jewel of the Solar System”
- Only 4 spacecrafts from Planet Earth have encountered Saturn (1979, 1980, 1981, 2004)
- Second largest planet in the solar system
- Saturn’s volume of gas means that it would float in water
- A full day on Saturn lasts only 10 hours and 42 minutes, however a year (it’s orbital period) is over 11,000 days
- Saturn has 53 officially named moons and plenty of unnamed moons
- A person's weight would be multiplied by 1.08 on Saturn
- Sometimes, the rings seem to disappear completely.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom
Kane tapped his chin as he thought. "OH! I know! All those stripes on the surface are like, made up of different gases I think. So we should make our poster striped too! Each fact can be on a different colored line. And maybe we can draw the hurricane and charm it to actually move! I don't know how to do that so that'll be on you, but that would be SOOOO cool, so get on that," he told him rather bossily. Brent was the older one so he definitely should know some fun artsy fartsy spells like that, right?
"Another fun fact is that it is named after the Roman equivalent of Zeus. So it's basically the ruler of all the other planets," he pointed out. HENCE why it was also the best.
...then all of the sudden, Kane was like a live wire. Well, not all of a sudden. Kane had always been a live wire, but right now, he was REALLY wild. Brent tried to keep up as the live wire blurted out fact after fact after fact. "Dude, slow down," he said, his quill working overtime. He side-eyed his brother over the whole moving hurricane thing. Brent wasn't even sure he could do that... "Okay. I think I have it all."
Jupiter, yo
- Has a permanent hurricane on it that's been there forever
- It's HUGE
- Made entirely of gas
- Couldn't land on it if you tried
- Has something like fifty moons
- Stripes made of different gases
- Roman equivalent of Zeus
- Basically the ruler of the planets
"I think we have enough for a small poster," he said, and if Kane wanted it bigger, he'd have to do that part himself. "Let's get this party started." Brent headed over to the art stuff and began collecting what they'd need to do something pretty awesome.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno grinned, her little tidbit of info got her exactly what she was hoping for. His nervousness was super freaking cute too. "That would be awesome! I've been trying to find a running partner for a long time." Esme, though fit in her own ways, wasn't much of a runner.
He was staring at her so hard it was unnerving but she liked it at the same time. She kinda loved how nervous she made him. She had never done this to anyone before but there were guys that had made her feel that way. "That would be great! The only other person that I know that loves it as much as I do is my dad. So it would definitely be nice to hang out and listen to with someone other than him." Ugh....her dad....if he knew she was even talking to this hunk of dude he would be freaking out and probably trying to scare the pants of him. Dads!
She giggled at his confusion and realization. Juno had to deal with that a lot having an identical twin. But she enjoyed it. Except for when people actually called her Esme...that was annoying. They were actually very different in personality and things they liked. "Yeah we have an older brother too. He graduated when we were second years." She grinned, "Siblings are fun. Though my older bother can be a major pain sometimes. Esme is my best friend." She smiled over at her sister. "So you are an only child then?" She always wondered what it would be like to be an only child, but would never want to be one.
"I like to doodle," she chuckled, "but I am not like...Picasso or anything. Oh, what do you like to draw?" Artist as well? Or doodle king? hmmmmmmmm This should be interesting.
She noticed his hand but pretended she didn't. She wouldn't have minded...she might have even blushed a little. Yeah just the thought made her cheeks a little warm, but not enough to be visible. "That sounds great!" She hopped up and grabbed all the supplies they might need to create their drawing. "Do you want to draw or do you want me to?"
Leon grinned widely as she accepted and he rubbed his neck again. "That's great! I've wanted a running partner as well. " He said with a smile as he looked over at her. "I run nearly every morning. " He supplied, "So maybe tomorrow morning? I can meet you in the entrance hall? " He asked her as he attempted not to blush.
He let his gaze move slowly around the room only in order to attempt to get his thoughts together, he found it rather hard to pay attention to anything but her when he looked at her. Also he didn't fully want to be a creeper.. so there was that. He turned back to her though and grinned as she spoke..
"I've only ever talked about it with my dad as well, so it will be a welcome change as well for me too. " He said with a soft chuckle, Merlin they had so much in common already! Leon's grey eyes were practically hearts as he looked at the Hufflepuff perfect.
Keep it cool Leon..c'mon.. just chill. He mentally chided himself as she explained about Esme and her older brother. "Ahh yes. Older brothers are meant to be a pain, didn't you know that? " He teased her softly as she spoke more, and for the first time during their conversation, Leon's smile faded a bit. "Well, I thought I was.. until this summer my Dad, my actual Dad, owl'd me and told me I have a sister, well a half sister.. that he also left. " The boys hand made a bit of a fist as he spoke. "He didn't even tell me her name. Just that she was at Hogwarts and her birthday. " He still needed to check into this Azura Snow person..
"Anyways. Sorry about that. " He said as he smiled again..
"Well. I like to draw landscapes and people and to relax, I sit in the courtyard and draw what comes to mind. " He said with a warm smile.
He ran the errant hand through his hair and watched her as she went to go get supplies..
The seventh year perked up as she said she liked his idea and he smiled.. "Wanna both do it? I can do the land if you want to do the sky? " He suggested as he looked up and met her eyes..
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Brent would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this. He never could get their planet moving, but he and Kane had put together one awesome looking poster. "Check it out, man," he said, showing Kane the finishing touches he'd just added. It was their names on the bottom, of course.
They had drawn the background to look just like a really bright and colorful outer space. One the bottom, they'd listed all the facts they had come up with. The facts were painted on this really cool looking lime green shape one of them had designed on the poster. On the top, they'd come up with a pretty awesome sounding title---Brent and Kane's Most Excellent Planet. Of course Brent had put his name first. Heh. Then of course they'd painted a pretty accurate looking image of Jupiter in the center.
She was liking what she was seeing so far as she walked around the classroom. After some time passed the Frenchwoman walked back towards her desk and took a seat. Caroleena looked at the watch on her hand as she stood up from her desk. "Okay everyone! Times up." the blonde woman walked to the door. "I want everyone in the groups names on the back of the posters and please set them all on the top of my desk." Caroleena opened the door for them to exit. "If some of you aren't finished yet you can stay for another ten minutes and finish up." Hopefully none of them wouldn't need any more than ten minutes. "I hope you all have a great rest of your day."
OOC: I'm going out of state tomorrow, I'll be gone for the most of the day so I'm going to leave this thread open for another day. If any of your characters need to finish up their groups and say goodbye to Caroleena they're more than welcome too! I hope you all enjoyed the lesson and thank you all for participating and baring with me with my very first lesson.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Leon grinned widely as she accepted and he rubbed his neck again. "That's great! I've wanted a running partner as well. " He said with a smile as he looked over at her. "I run nearly every morning. " He supplied, "So maybe tomorrow morning? I can meet you in the entrance hall? " He asked her as he attempted not to blush.
He let his gaze move slowly around the room only in order to attempt to get his thoughts together, he found it rather hard to pay attention to anything but her when he looked at her. Also he didn't fully want to be a creeper.. so there was that. He turned back to her though and grinned as she spoke..
"I've only ever talked about it with my dad as well, so it will be a welcome change for me too. " He said with a soft chuckle, Merlin they had so much in common already! Leon's grey eyes were practically hearts as he looked at the Hufflepuff perfect.
Keep it cool Leon..c'mon.. just chill. He mentally chided himself as she explained about Esme and her older brother. "Ahh yes. Older brothers are meant to be a pain, didn't you know that? " He teased her softly as she spoke more, and for the first time during their conversation, Leon's smile faded a bit. "Well, I thought I was.. until this summer my Dad, my actual Dad, owl'd me and told me I have a sister, well a half sister.. that he also left. " The boys hand made a bit of a fist as he spoke. "He didn't even tell me her name. Just that she was at Hogwarts and her birthday. " He still needed to check into this Azura Snow person..
"Anyways. Sorry about that. " He said as he smiled again..
"Well. I like to draw landscapes and people and to relax, I sit in the courtyard and draw what comes to mind. " He said with a warm smile.
He ran the errant hand through his hair and watched her as she went to go get supplies..
The seventh year perked up as she said she liked his idea and he smiled.. "Wanna both do it? I can do the land if you want to do the sky? " He suggested as he looked up and met her eyes..
What was he talking about?
Juno just remembered that she promised Esme training sessions the next couple mornings. They were also having their Hogsmeade trip this weekend. "How about Monday? I need to move a few things around in my schedule. I promised a few people, including my sister some training sessions for hand to hand and kick boxing this week. But they wont mind if we move them next week to the afternoon." That was a lot of information in a few seconds. "But I would love to go running with you." She gave him her brightest sweetest smile. She really did want to run with him.
She was kind of confused at why he was looking away.She hoped she wasn't boring him. But she didn't let the worry show on her face. "Well, it's settled then! As soon as you get it we are going to have a listen together!" She grinned hugely at the thought, and wondered what it would be like to sit next to him on a small couch...
She snapped back to focus faster than she fell out of it. Oh...a sister he didn't know about? That would be crazy to find out. Thinking you are an only child your whole life. She gently put her hand on his forearm. "I'm so sorry. That had to be terrible to not only get a letter from the man that abandoned you but to find out you have a sister somewhere that he also left." How interesting that she was here and all he had was her birthday. "Do you know what she looks like? Maybe I know her." Juno didn't know a lot of people but she knew names and faces.
"No need to apologize. That is a big burden to bare." She realized her hand was still on his forearm, and slowly moved it away.
She grinned. Esme liked to draw all kinds of things, and Juno always enjoyed watching her. "Well, if you ever need anyone to draw...," She winked hoping he would get her hint.
"Sounds great to me." She met his smile with one of her own, and then quickly started drawing.
"I think we are finished!" Juno wrote out their names on the bottom of the poster. She nodded her head in approval before rolling it up and tying it with a ribbon. "It was great being your partner Leon. Maybe we can run into each other in Hogsmeade. Say...Three Broomsticks around noon." She winked at him before standing up, grabbing her stuff and walking towards the professor.
She handed the Professor their poster, "Thanks for the great lesson, Professor." She turned and sent a wave and a smile to Leon before walking out of the classroom.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Rula et Kitty
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl
Oh good, Elle had agreed to work with her, and Kitty was joining too. That worked out well. Rula grinned.
And now to decide on a planet! "Neptune is okay with me." She didn't really have a favorite planet or anything - well, except for Earth, obviously, since she lived on it - so she wasn't picky about which one they did their poster on. All of them were probably interesting in their own way.
"I'll go get the supplies for us," she said as she got to her feet and headed for the supplies table. Might as well go ahead and get all the stuff they needed so they could get started as soon as they had their notes done, right?
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
They were officially a team of three now, and had settled on a planet."Neptune is fine with me too," said Kitty. In all honesty, she didn't know that much about Neptune. Normally if she didn't know something that she was curious about, she would have taken out her Muggle phone (which Professor Stewart had helped to work at Hogwarts) and researched it, but she had a feeling that might count as cheating. So instead she'd have to just write down what she'd memorized.
"Okay guys, what facts do we know about Neptune?" she asked once Rula was back with the supplies. "It's the eights planet in our solar system and is farthest from the Sun. I know it's named after the Roman god of the sea and in pictures it's almost always blue. I guess the entire planet is covered with water..."
As she talked, she bent down to start helping her teammates make the poster.
Part of Elle had expected a bit more difficulty in getting a planet picked, but in that she’d apparently underestimated her group. In the best way possible. The planet choosing seemed to go as easily as it could have been, as practically moments after she’d suggested Neptune, they’d agreed and Rula had offered to go retrieve the necessary supplies for their poster. That just left her and Kitty to find out what they knew about their chosen planet.
She had nodded in response to the facts Kitty gave, shifting slightly in her seat as their group came back together and the poster planning had apparently begun. “The blueness is due to methane in the planet’s atmosphere,” she offered. “Also, it isn’t visible without the help of a telescope or stronger equipment and the closest planetary twin is Uranus. They both are considered ice giants as opposed to the other larger planets that are mainly composed of just hydrogen and helium. Although it has a ‘Great Dark Spot’ similar to Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’, too.” She didn’t know if those were enough facts, but that was about all she had without literally reading the textbook aloud.
“What kind of poster do we want to do?”
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
"That's great to hear!" Carl said, his smile widening. "I've been here since I was a First Year, so yeah I guess you can say it's been a while. Did you go to another school previously?" He asked in return. He liked hearing about what it's like studying magic outside of Hogwarts.
The boy nodded at Etta's suggestion. "Sure, simple and colorful." He added the fact she mentioned to their notes and read it over. It seemed like a good list! "I'll copy our facts onto the poster. Can you ummm draw Uranus, maybe?"
He took a blue poster board and a yellow marker and began to write, making sure to leave space for the drawing.
SPOILER!!: Facts about Uranus!
Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system. Neptune is on average colder, but Uranus can reach the coldest temperature.
It is the seventh planet from the sun.
It has thirteen rings, eleven inner and two outer.
It has twenty-seven moons.
It is made of ice, water, ammonia and methane.
Uranus is also the fourth largest planetary mass in the solar system.
"Homeschooled." Etta said, nodding with a small smile. First year, though. That was pretty cool. How she wished for the hundredth time that she had joined Hogwarts way sooner.. SIGH. Anyway. She still had a few years to go, yes? "I like it here. It's pretty great." She added, grinning.
She watched him write, wondering if they had covered all the points. She couldn't add anything more to the list, though. WAIT WHAT. Draw? Her? She could try.. but what if it wasn't good enough? And what if he laughed at her? EEEP. He DID write down the notes, though. She reached for a blue marker, side-eyeing him. "Uranus is.. blue, right?" Just confirming.
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
SPOILER!!: mom and dad
Originally Posted by Shanners
SPOILER!!: Liv and Carlton
Rooney automatically saw the light in his girlfriends face when they were joined with Carlton and he offered the first year a ruffle of the hair. He traded looks with Brian and accepted the nod, deciding that that was clearly that and they weren't going to go and have lunch any time soon to high five over their shared thoughts. Nah. Rooney didn't have positive feelings for the Hufflepuff, but also the ones he did weren't of the dreadful kind. So with a nod of his own, he moved on to seeing Miss Charlotte stare at him the way that she was. He could understand why people were gaping and why people were shaking their heads and tutting, but had they known him...how he thought that Char knew him...then they would understand why he had said the things he did in the way that he did. Clearly they just weren't as understanding of one another as they had once been. Probably a good thing seeing as he knew things about her stupid best friend which made him see her in a completely different light.
Rooney's attention drew back to Liv and Carlton and he smiled. "Then Saturn we shall do!" Seeing as both of them were agreed on it. Roo probably wouldn't be offering a lot of things to their project, but he did laugh at Carlton's gas comments. "We can title our poster that, then. Saturn: A Gas Giant." Title courtesy of Carlton Lewis the adorable.
"I'll go get us some supplies." Mainly because he wanted to get up and stretch some of his annoyance out. So up the Ravenclaw got and went straight to the back cupboard, filling his arms with absolutely everything he could fit and that they would need and then returned to his group with it all.
Originally Posted by Govoni
SPOILER!!: These two!
Olivia wasn't much for arts and crafts usually, but she'd had some practice with hers and Rooney's scrapbook. So, tackling a poster didn't seem that overwhelming, in retrospect. Listening to her boyfriend and his fantastic, beautiful Ravenclaw brain seemed to be a plus, as she went about snagging the posterboard he'd collected. She figured she and Carlton could work on that and Roo could get all smart and technical with the facts and such. He was good at being smart and she was more than willing to left him to it. It was probably why they worked so well together, honestly. Look at the compromise.
Now, in no realm of the imagination was Liv especially artsy, but.... Well, this couldn't be that difficult, right? The blonde Gryffindor had a steady enough hand, anyway.
So, listening to her Ravenclaw person rattle off information. she and Young Carlton got to work. She mostly worked on getting Saturn into an almost ball shape. Not totally ball-like, as it wasn't perfectly circular...but slightly flattened? She'd read that somewhere, anyway. Heh, don't actually quote her on that. Rooney had to help just a little, as circles were just evil and not in the sphere of her limited talents. Carlton, however, helped dot the board with beautiful, luminous stars... Which were actually pretty wonderful. Hey, they were magical, after all. Why not animate their hardwork? As an aside, this was very soothing for her current sensibilities; despite her lack of natural talents.
The rings were easier... but Liv had it in her mind that she wanted them to flash to and fro, giving the illusion that they were disappearing and reappearing. See, she'd read somewhere, a few years ago, that they appeared invisible sometime through telescopes. So... Heh, all her big ideas. It wasn't too hard for a theatre brat to get carried away when it came to anything artistic.
Finishing up with actually writing the facts onto the poster, she settled back.... admiring their combined effort.
"What do you guys think?"
SPOILER!!: Team!SpaceDrama
Saturn: the Ringed Giant
- “Jewel of the Solar System”
- Only 4 spacecrafts from Planet Earth have encountered Saturn (1979, 1980, 1981, 2004)
- Second largest planet in the solar system
- Saturn’s volume of gas means that it would float in water
- A full day on Saturn lasts only 10 hours and 42 minutes, however a year (it’s orbital period) is over 11,000 days
- Saturn has 53 officially named moons and plenty of unnamed moons
- A person's weight would be multiplied by 1.08 on Saturn
- Sometimes, the rings seem to disappear completely.
Carlton was so pleased with their finished work. He had contributed with a smart comment every five seconds, enthusiasm and the most important thing on the entire poster: the stars in the background.
"So pretty." He murmured, taking a step back to admire it from afar. He was especially proud of the little dotted star in the upper left corner. He hoped professor Salvatore would notice it.
Carlton didn't have any facts to add and he really did think they didn't need any more little stars so he carefully wrote his name on the back of the poster to avoid ruining the front. He chose a green marker and put the lid back on as he slid the poster towards Liv and Roo to sign and hand over to professor Salvatore.
"This was fun, professor!" Could they do this every lesson? He didn't want to change planets either. Just Saturn every day. Every. Day.
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Kat couldn't help but to laugh. It was true, they were similar in lots of ways. 'Point exactly." She could not wait to get to work on the poster. Again it was a good thing that Katerina had picked Hattie, A picture of Venus? Oh boy yes thank Merlin she had Hattie.
"I like that fact. Maybe have the sun in the background, and Mars" That was the closest planet to the sun, it would be fun to sneak another planet onto the poster. Kat flipped through her book to find somemore facts about the planet Venus. "Venus is nearly as big as the Earth, and is sometimes called Earth’s sister planet." She kept reading on to see what other facts sounded good the poster. "Venus rotates in the opposite direction of other planets. Did you know that?" That was interesting, she wrote down these facts so they could keep track of them.
"Oooh. We need to hurry up!" Since the lesson was almost over. And she wanted to get the poster done. Art was her thing, so she didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to use her creative flair. "I love that idea.... I'll get started and you can find some more?" She asked, as she pulled the big poster paper closer to her and she began to draw. She was a bit of a perfectionist, and so she wanted it to be perfect. "But isn't it Mercury that's closest to the sun? Not Mars...."
"It looks pretty..." She murmured, looking up when she'd done a quick sketch. She'd put the sun in the background with Mercury, and then Venus was in the foreground. "Okay.... let me quickly colour it in then we can write the facts on!"
And then she began to start colouring in the planets and sun.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
SPOILER!!: Abey!
Originally Posted by Felixir
The problem with the whole poster project thing was that Abey was already getting so far into the #aesthetic of it all that the whole point of it being an EDUCATIONAL thing was actually already going out of the window actually. He was very quickly forgetting that the focus should really be on the FACTS rather than the LOOK because, well... he was Abey.
After crawling back under the table for a third time, this time to get back into his chair, Abey popped back up into view, already giving more input.
"Yes! It's brilliant! And do you know any charms to make the writing all silvery and glistening, Juni?" he asked his cousin, watching her cutting up the paper into the right shape. "Because the rings are icy aren't they? Blocks of ice and things, so if the words are the rings it would be fun if they glistened." OH! Wait! "OR!!!!! I think I saw something here that was all silvery. A silver pen. We could use that if not."
As he spoke, Abey had noticed that Junia had written more on her little list there, and - in spite of his better judgement - he reached out and pulled it a little closer to him so he could attempt to read it. For a long while, he stared at the words, tracing them out with his finger only when he was SURE the ink was dry, and mouthing to himself, all the while screwing up his face in concentration.
Eventually, he looked up at Junebug, having given up on... all that. "Why do you suppose Saturn has such big rings? But not Juniper or......." Uhhhhh... "... the others? Do you think maybe it spins so fast that all the ice gets thrown off it? Have you ever seen what happens when you throw a ball that's got all wet?" If she had or if she hadn't, Abey was going to tell her. "'Cause when you throw it and it spins, the water drops fly off from around the middle for some reason, and it sort of looks like rings like with Saturn actually. Maybe it's the same and Saturn is really rainy and really cold and all the water freezes and ZOOMS off to make the ice rings! ... But I don't know why it would stay there and not fly into space for forever."
"Either way, they're pretty no matter what actually."
Hmm, did Juni know any spells that would make their words glisten? The third year thought and then frowned some. "'M afraid we'll have to settle for the silver pen. I bet there are charms like that, though. I'll learn them for the future, okay?" Because his idea was pretty awesome and really, their poster would've looked even cooler with that type of magic. It would.
The poster board was cut now and ready for colors. Luckily, that seemed to be their specialty as both Botros child was interested in art of some kind. They really were the dream team for this particularly project. Junia had selected some colors, deciding that blending them into each other would make for a beautiful Saturn. She then moved the posted closer to her younger cousin so they could share, and got to work. It took her a moment or two to notice he was trying to read the facts she'd written. "When it's time for those, I can write them out, if that's okay. I'm thinking of using pretty, swirly letters that'll really make the poster POP!" She grinned at him, excited.
It was hard to follow along with what he was saying about throwing a ball and water coming off and spinning planets because her head felt like it was spinning trying to follow along with his train of thought. Lucky for them both, the Professor was calling time, but allowing for some extra minutes to finish up, which they'd be needing.
"You know, I think you're on to something there, but let's discuss that more after the lesson! We've got some work to do." She smiled encouragingly at him and then continued with the poster, knowing he'd jump in and do the same.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Her planet looked very make-believe. But that was the way Zoryn liked it.
Plus, how cool would it be if was a PINK planet out there somewhere!?!?! Zoryn would live on it and it'd be AWESOME!!!!!!!! She spent some more time perfecting the shading within the pink circle, before jotting down her planet facts all around the not-so-uranus look-a-like. But see that shouldn't matter.
What should matter is that it looked FUN.
Oh? They were out of time? COOL. Cleaning up her little work station, Zoryn bounced back up and put all the materials away before walking over to the Professor's desk to hand over her creation. "Thanks Professor! I hope you like my planet, IT'S PINK!!" Never mind that there were a bunch of cross-outs all over the poster 'cause in the end she got the spelling right.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Originally Posted by Anna Banana
Brent would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this. He never could get their planet moving, but he and Kane had put together one awesome looking poster. "Check it out, man," he said, showing Kane the finishing touches he'd just added. It was their names on the bottom, of course.
They had drawn the background to look just like a really bright and colorful outer space. One the bottom, they'd listed all the facts they had come up with. The facts were painted on this really cool looking lime green shape one of them had designed on the poster. On the top, they'd come up with a pretty awesome sounding title---Brent and Kane's Most Excellent Planet. Of course Brent had put his name first. Heh. Then of course they'd painted a pretty accurate looking image of Jupiter in the center.
Kane was going to offer to help - but Brent was totally going off on his own and creating a BOMB poster! Kane didn't even need to do anything artsy! "BROOOOO! That looks SICK! Thanks man! It looks great!" he exclaimed with a grin.
Were they going to have to present it to the class? If so, Kane would gladly do the whole presentation himself. As payback to his bro for making a GREAT poster.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno just remembered that she promised Esme training sessions the next couple mornings. They were also having their Hogsmeade trip this weekend. "How about Monday? I need to move a few things around in my schedule. I promised a few people, including my sister some training sessions for hand to hand and kick boxing this week. But they wont mind if we move them next week to the afternoon." That was a lot of information in a few seconds. "But I would love to go running with you." She gave him her brightest sweetest smile. She really did want to run with him.
She was kind of confused at why he was looking away.She hoped she wasn't boring him. But she didn't let the worry show on her face. "Well, it's settled then! As soon as you get it we are going to have a listen together!" She grinned hugely at the thought, and wondered what it would be like to sit next to him on a small couch...
She snapped back to focus faster than she fell out of it. Oh...a sister he didn't know about? That would be crazy to find out. Thinking you are an only child your whole life. She gently put her hand on his forearm. "I'm so sorry. That had to be terrible to not only get a letter from the man that abandoned you but to find out you have a sister somewhere that he also left." How interesting that she was here and all he had was her birthday. "Do you know what she looks like? Maybe I know her." Juno didn't know a lot of people but she knew names and faces.
"No need to apologize. That is a big burden to bare." She realized her hand was still on his forearm, and slowly moved it away.
She grinned. Esme liked to draw all kinds of things, and Juno always enjoyed watching her. "Well, if you ever need anyone to draw...," She winked hoping he would get her hint.
"Sounds great to me." She met his smile with one of her own, and then quickly started drawing.
"I think we are finished!" Juno wrote out their names on the bottom of the poster. She nodded her head in approval before rolling it up and tying it with a ribbon. "It was great being your partner Leon. Maybe we can run into each other in Hogsmeade. Say...Three Broomsticks around noon." She winked at him before standing up, grabbing her stuff and walking towards the professor.
She handed the Professor their poster, "Thanks for the great lesson, Professor." She turned and sent a wave and a smile to Leon before walking out of the classroom.
And just like that, class was over and Leon was blinking a little.. Wait what? Juno was leaving already? In his haste to get out out of his chair and go after her, he tripped over the chair legs and landed on his backside on the floor!
He looked up just in time to see the Blonde hand their project in and then tell him to meet her at the Three Broomsticks!!
A goofy smile moved over his mouth as she spoke and he nodded..
He would be there!
The older boy was a bit dazed before he scrambled up and grabbed his stuff..
"Best class ever Professor! " He said with a warm smile as he nodded and then headed out of the room.. humming softly.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: Team Neptune!
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
They were officially a team of three now, and had settled on a planet."Neptune is fine with me too," said Kitty. In all honesty, she didn't know that much about Neptune. Normally if she didn't know something that she was curious about, she would have taken out her Muggle phone (which Professor Stewart had helped to work at Hogwarts) and researched it, but she had a feeling that might count as cheating. So instead she'd have to just write down what she'd memorized.
"Okay guys, what facts do we know about Neptune?" she asked once Rula was back with the supplies. "It's the eights planet in our solar system and is farthest from the Sun. I know it's named after the Roman god of the sea and in pictures it's almost always blue. I guess the entire planet is covered with water..."
As she talked, she bent down to start helping her teammates make the poster.
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
Text Cut: Rula et Kitty
Part of Elle had expected a bit more difficulty in getting a planet picked, but in that she’d apparently underestimated her group. In the best way possible. The planet choosing seemed to go as easily as it could have been, as practically moments after she’d suggested Neptune, they’d agreed and Rula had offered to go retrieve the necessary supplies for their poster. That just left her and Kitty to find out what they knew about their chosen planet.
She had nodded in response to the facts Kitty gave, shifting slightly in her seat as their group came back together and the poster planning had apparently begun. “The blueness is due to methane in the planet’s atmosphere,” she offered. “Also, it isn’t visible without the help of a telescope or stronger equipment and the closest planetary twin is Uranus. They both are considered ice giants as opposed to the other larger planets that are mainly composed of just hydrogen and helium. Although it has a ‘Great Dark Spot’ similar to Jupiter’s ‘Great Red Spot’, too.” She didn’t know if those were enough facts, but that was about all she had without literally reading the textbook aloud.
“What kind of poster do we want to do?”
Rula returned with lots of arts supplies in her arms, and she set it down as neatly as possible on the table. Hopefully she'd gotten everything they'd need! She'd tried to get as many different things as possible.
Then as they started discussing different facts they knew about Neptune, she pulled out a bit of paper to jot them down on so they wouldn't forget them all. A few of the things Kitty and Elle mentioned she did remember reading about during her OWL studies, though a few others she'd forgotten.
"It's also one of the windiest planets, since its winds are like nine times stronger than Earth's," she added. "And it has at least thirteen moons." And possibly more, though none had been found or made official yet.
"Do you think these are enough?" She held up the paper for them to see.
Originally Posted by Neptune Notes
-Eighth planet in our solar system
-Farthest planet from the sun
-Named after the Roman god of the sea
-Blue because of methane in atmosphere
-Covered with water
-Isn't visible from Earth except with telescope/other stronger equipment
-Closest planetary twin is Uranus
-Considered an "ice giant" vs other large planets composed of hydrogen/helium
-Has a "Great Dark Spot", similar to Jupiter's "Great Red Spot"
-Winds are 9x stronger than the Earth's
-Thirteen known moons
"Maybe we could do blue-colored poster? Or a different color that complements blue?" The planet was already blue, so she wasn't sure if even more blue would be a good idea or not. And how/where did they want to write the facts on there?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
"Oooh. We need to hurry up!" Since the lesson was almost over. And she wanted to get the poster done. Art was her thing, so she didn't want to miss out on an opportunity to use her creative flair. "I love that idea.... I'll get started and you can find some more?" She asked, as she pulled the big poster paper closer to her and she began to draw. She was a bit of a perfectionist, and so she wanted it to be perfect. "But isn't it Mercury that's closest to the sun? Not Mars...."
"It looks pretty..." She murmured, looking up when she'd done a quick sketch. She'd put the sun in the background with Mercury, and then Venus was in the foreground. "Okay.... let me quickly colour it in then we can write the facts on!"
And then she began to start colouring in the planets and sun.
Oh no. How was it time for class to be over with already? She looked up, glad that they now had ten more minutes that they could stay over. Nodding to Hattie. She looked at the book more for some more facts about Venus."I'm actually going to add what you said about Venus being the only planet after a girl." It was! There were actually a lot and a lot of not so factorial things, She just read though it again, and had to decide for herself what facts worked for their poster...
OMG She did say Mars. O__o
'Oh yeah. Yes, Mercury." Kat nodded again and laughed it off. She might have really been thinking it was Mars for a second there, Lalalala Ten minutes right? She glance at the poster, Hattie was great at this stuff. Now for some facts... "Venus's magnetic field is very weak?"/ That was something that sounded interesting to her. As well as, "Did you know that one year on Venus is longer than a year on earth?" So like a month on Venus would be more than 30 years. How cool was that?
Was their poster almost completely colored yet? Kat could help do the coloring if she needed to.
Originally Posted by Notes for Venus
Second planet from the Sun.
Venus is close to the same size as earth.
Sometimes called Earth's sister planet.
Rotates in the opposite direction of the other planets
Venus is the only planet in the Solar System to be named after a female figure.
Venus has a very weak magnetic field.
One day on Venus is longer than one year.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Hmm, so the professor wasn’t having a problem with her poster! Good, very good! Because she didn’t liked it to work more than she already had AND she absolutely had no idea’s left for her poster! So unless she was allowed to copy some text out of her textbook she needed to keep the poster the way it was now and… She was satisfied with it! “Time to clean up” she muttered to herself while turning the poster on its front so that she could write her name on the back of the poster.
Name: Leesha Griffel Houes: Slytherin Year: Second
Soooo! Looking at her poster one last time to make sure that she hadn’t made any obvious big mistakes she nodded to herself. “Time to go” she muttered, this time to her rat Vlam she carrying inside of her pocket and she quickly placed her textbook back in her bag and brought the poster she had made to the professor. “Bye” she said friendly while walking away because… This lesson wasn’t that bad so it would be a good thing to keep friendly with the teachers she wasn’t having problems with…
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
SPOILER!!: mom and dad
Carlton was so pleased with their finished work. He had contributed with a smart comment every five seconds, enthusiasm and the most important thing on the entire poster: the stars in the background.
"So pretty." He murmured, taking a step back to admire it from afar. He was especially proud of the little dotted star in the upper left corner. He hoped professor Salvatore would notice it.
Carlton didn't have any facts to add and he really did think they didn't need any more little stars so he carefully wrote his name on the back of the poster to avoid ruining the front. He chose a green marker and put the lid back on as he slid the poster towards Liv and Roo to sign and hand over to professor Salvatore.
"This was fun, professor!" Could they do this every lesson? He didn't want to change planets either. Just Saturn every day. Every. Day.
Olivia couldn't help herself; she reached out and hugged the younger Slytherin boy. "It's wonderful. We make a pretty great team." This was becoming a habit for them. They's worked closely together in many lessons, thus far... Liv didn't mind one bit, however.
Also, the arts and crafts had been a nice reprieve from the seriousness of some of their lesson content. And she had to agree with Carlton; she hoped they would do this again.
While she added her name to the smol boy's on the back, she forced a smile at the teacher. "Thank you, Professor. That was a nice lesson." Not overly complicated or headache-inducing. Really, these were the types of classes she could get behind. And to Carlton, "Did you want to walk to the next lesson together? Rooney?"
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____