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If you keep walking into the classroom you'll notice to the right of you there are tons of thick poster paper, paints, markers and other art supplies. Once you make it towards the table you'll see Professor Salvatore sitting at her desk and a chalkboard with writing on it.
Originally Posted by CHALKBOARD
Welcome Everyone! Please choose any seat you like, class will begin very soon.
As you keep looking around there are all different kinds of canvas paintings on the wall of stars, the sun, moon, the planets in our solar systems and galaxies hanging on the walls. Professor Salvatore had done a nice little remodel of the Astronomy classroom. She didn't really care for desks so she had tables set up in three long rows that would allow two students to sit at each table. On each table there is a photograph of the solar system.
OOC: Please remember to follow all of Professor Salvatore's rules and remember all SS rules apply! You're more than welcome to have your characters mingle before class starts.
The professor's response was noted-literally noted-and Junia gave a smile and nod of understanding in response. She supposed it made sense that certain planets had a greater pull than others. Some people could have a greater pull, too. She'd learned that fact quite recently and her thoughts wandered for a moment as the lesson continued. It would've continued wandering had she not noticed those around her partnering up.
The appearance of a younger boy and his mention of Jupiter to Brent made things a liiiiiittle clearer and the brunette turned her attention to Abey. They could work together, right? They were a pretty excellent team, so it only seemed natural they pair up.
"What do you say, cousin? Pick a planet, any planet, and we can get to work."
Oh, hey, Abey knew that kid! The one that came to claim the Slytherin boy that Abey was currently actually totally sharing seats with as a partner. He got a smile and a wave because they were perhaps maybe probably actually friends and all. The Slytherin boy got another smile too, but then of course Abey's attention was aaaaaaaall on Junebug, so that those other boys could focus on Juniper.
"Hmmmmmm..." This was serious business. A lot of responsibility right here after all actually. Abey got to pick the planet. It was sort of easy in the sense that he didn't really know much about any of them, so he had no bias or anything, but then if he had perhaps known something about them, he might have known the best one to pick. Risky business, actually.
Okay, no. He couldn't waste time trying to decide. It was DECISION MAKING TIME. And... that decision would rely on choosing from the ones that he could actually remember their names. He had ACTUALLY wanted to pick JUNIPER because of all of its pretty colours, but he also didn't want to seem like he was trying to copy the two boys. Though, when he thought about it, actually the prettiest one was...
"Saturn?" Because also that was one of the big ones actually, which meant - according to Abey's kid logic - that there was probably MUCH more to find out about it, which would make things easier because they could just pick a few of those things. And it was pretty. "Is Saturn okay? It's big." Logic, see? ".............. And pretty."
And then also... "What... sort of important facts would people need to know about the planets?" Pause. "Like maybe how far away it is? In case someone wanted to visit?" 'Caaaaauuuuuse... Abey couldn't think of many more reasons to need to know that much about them actually, and he wanted to stay on earth anyway. For reasons.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno grinned. He was rambling a little and it was kinda cute. "Exactly. And not only can we see it at night but if we were up early enough we would see it in the morning as well." She smiled up at him for a moment. Maybe indifference was too harsh...
Juno thought about his question for a moment, "If we were any color it would probably be a light blue since the earth is 70% water." At least that's what she thought. Who knows maybe they could be green too! Or just plain white like Venus is.
She chuckled, "As a matter of fact I did. But my father likes the movie from like 2005 or something like that and the radio show from when the book first came out. So I haven't actually heard or seen the musical." She grinned as he hummed, what she guessed had to be a song from the musical but wasn't familiar to her at all.
"Very true!" She jotted down notes, glancing up as he made his two points. "Yes, and yes! We also should write down about how it is not only visible at night but early in the morning as well. Also we need to make note that it has the densest atmosphere with 96% carbon dioxide." She quickly jotted all of this down on their parchment.
This silly strand of hair kept falling in her face. She sighed and with a flick of her wand, her hair pulled in a bun. "Much better." She said more to herself.
"Any other interesting facts?" She looked up at him with a small smile.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Juno Darcy, Hufflepuff
Leon Kennedy, Ravenclaw
Important Facts:
- 'Sister Planet' to Earth because they are almost the same size, Earth being slightly larger.
- Hottest planet in the entire Solar System
- No natural orbiting satellite/moon
- One of the brightest objects in Earth's sky
- called the 'morning star" and 'evening star' because it is visible just as the sun is going down in the evening and just as the sun is coming up in the morning.
- has the densest atmosphere with 96% carbon dioxide
Man her smile was so pretty..The 7th year was sorta leaning on his hand a bit while he looked at her, not creepily of course! But there was a small light in his grey eyes that hadn't exactly been there when he walked in. "Well when I'm up for my early morning runs I'll be sure to keep a look out for it. " He said with a grin.
He tilted his head. "Light blue would make sense, also bright white due to our cloud cover.. but who knows for sure? " He said with a shrug as she chuckled a bit.
That was a nice sound.
"Yeah the movie was all right. As was the original radio show of course. You should check out the audio musical version, it's cool, a bit creepy of course but still quite cool. " He was now kicking himself that he didn't have it with him, they could have gone to the muggle studies room to listen to it..
But perhaps it would have been too.. uhh forward to invite her there?
Another neck rub was had as she spoke and he tried to focus on what they were doing!
"Yes! That's brilliant. " He said with a smile as he watched her put her hair back in a bun and a small smile appeared on his lips as he spoke.. "We could say its named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty? " Though personally she couldn't have been as pretty as Juno..
Leon blinked his grey eyes as he looked around trying to clear his head, what was wrong with him? He'd seen pretty girls before! In fact, there was one..
She looked like Juno! Almost exactly like her! He blinked his eyes again and ran a hand through his dark hair.. either he was seriously losing it.. or there was someone in the class who looked like her!
"Hey uh.. Juno? Do.. you know that girl?"He asked as he nodded his head towards the other girl. You know.. the one with her face!
Hopefully she did, or he was really losing his marbles.. Dear sweet Merlin what was happening?
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Lady of Light
Etta kept looking around for group-mates when someone spoke to her, all of a sudden. She EYED the boy person. Ahem. "It's Etta." She said, before giving him a small smile. She didn't like being called Henrietta, okay. And yes! "Of course. It'll be fun."
"So, planet should we pick? Uranus? Saturn? Or Mars? I think Uranus would be interesting......" She trailed off, realising that she didn't know his name. She side-eyed him curiously. "What do I call you?"
Um... did he do something wrong? "Okay. Etta. Sorry." Carl corrected himself. He knew some people did not like being called by their real first names. Like nobody really called Mel Melbourne. Etta was added to his list. He gathered his notes and stationary and turned to the desk.
"Yeah, I think Uranus would be good." The Fourth Year agreed. He started thinking about facts he knew about this planet. It is the seventh from the Sun... but everyone knew that. What else was there? "Oh, it's Carl. I'm also in Hufflepuff... I'm a Fourth Year." He smiled. He knew most of the new badgers by now, but understood that they had more names and faces to remember than he did.
"And Uranus is practically the coldest planet in the solar system." He said, remembering what he read some time ago. "Neptune is on average colder, but Uranus hits the coldest temperature."
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Kat quiet liked the ghost Prefessor last term, thank you very much., Anyway talking about the planets made Kat really happy because the planets was big reason why she liked Astronomy. So she was all about this lesson.
Taking a few notes from what was being said by the professor. Now they were getting into the fun stuff, Activity time, and she was going to have to find a partner or two. That was easy, or she guessed it was. She got up, she had seen Hattie come in. She needed to partner up with Hattie. She headed over to the younger Hufflepuff. "Hey Hattie you want to partner up with me?" And if she already had someone they could just be a group of three.
Hattie really didn't like how people were talking to the Professor. What happened to respecting your elders? She knew it was important to have our opinion, but it wasn't good to not respect your elders. But she moved on. She could get on with the class now.
She looked up as she heard a voice and smiled as she saw it was Kat. "Hey bestie" She murmured with a smile. She would love to pair up with her. "Of course! What planet should we do? Maybe Venus? I like Venus. It's the only planet named after a girl!"
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
SPOILER!!: You two lovelies
Originally Posted by Shanners
Rooney could feel himself getting more upset and annoyed by the second. Babbling? Oh, if she thought that she was babbling then she also thought that the class were listened to the trout coming out of her mouth. "I did not say that you didn't have any experience, Professor. That was all you. But I wouldn't say that around the Headmistress...wouldn't want you to get yourself fired, now would we? We'd have to have a ghost teach us again! But, like I do with all new Professors... I looked into you." Not that that would be a surprise to anyone in here who knew him and the files he kept on many many people. "You haven't actually taught Astronomy previous to now. Just Herbology and Defence Against the Dark Arts -- so that doesn't scream twenty years in the career to me. A university education, three years and three subjects...does not make you qualified to teach me, in my opinion." He took a second to breathe, closing his eyes and then folding his arms.
"But, of course, you ARE the expert on what is a good hire and what isn't. Professor Burbage is, was and always will be a well respected educator in these halls, no matter your stance on her hire. I'm sure she feels equally the same about being succeeded by someone who has barely spent a year in higher education on this subject. Three years at university, three subjects...one year a subject?" Heck, if they were going for it.. Brian was qualified to teach this class. And Rooney wouldn't care if he did take over. He'd probably learn something, because the Hufflepuff surely knew what he was talking about already.
"AND both Brian and Derfael have explained to you what 'Planet Nine' is, but you've dismissed it both times." Rooney gestured to both of the Hufflepuff boys as he named them and then shrugged. "But I'm sure their well-researched answers have little on your twenty years of other subject experience. I'll be sure to have them apologise at a later date for inconveniencing you with something they love." That was a lie. He had just lied up front to a Professor and would surely regret it in the near future. But right now he was IRATE. And he was ANGRY. And he was a Rooney Bronwyn with balled up fists and the urge to walk out of class. But he would NOT. He would not leave this room because that would mean that she won. And she was not to win...not at all. Having Rooney Bronwyn LEAVE your class was some sort of high privilege that only Professor Hirsch had.
Cupping his hands to his mouth, Rooney spoke again. "For those of you that answered Pluto... You are WRONG. Professor Salvatore assures me that this would be an INCORRECT answer on your exam." Because he was more worried about other students failing exams than their Professor was.
With a huff, he settled back into his seat as she spouted rubbish and then some more rubbish about dogs which had the Ravenclaw rolling his eyes and making a point of not making any notes. Actually, he had wrote very little for this class and had no intention of transferring it into his personal Astronomy class binder. If she had wanted to find out what he knew about the subject, then she should have asked about terraforming OR even about their trip to the Royal Observatory! But no no, she wanted to know about the bloody order of the planets because they probably hadn't covered that stupid simple stuff in her ONE YEAR OF UNIVERSITY. Fume.
Another huff and Rooney had been joined by Carlton who was hoping to work with he and Liv. Which definitely meant that Rooney was going to have to stay. To help out a first year in need, something of which he did often. Very helpful was he. "Yeah, sure, kid. Pick a planet and that's what we'll do." Because hE HAD NO QUESTIONS AND THEREFORE DID NOT NEED TO ASK ANYTHING FROM PROFESSOR FAKERY.
Still irate.
Originally Posted by Govoni
SPOILER!!: These boys!
....And Olivia was just... going to continue taking her notes and... not show any outward attention towards the two rabblerousing Prefects. Whether or not they were accurate in their arguments was sorta besides the point. This lady was an adult. Her mother would've pulled her out of school and sent her to that ill-fated disciplinary institution in Bulgaria had she learned Liv was being so rude. Her mum was a harpy. The blonde Gryffindor didn't think for one moment that she wouldn't make good on her threats. The woman was... painfully serious when she made promises.
Liv did, however, have a great deal of respect for the knowledge both boys seemed to possess. She'd come to realize, when this relationship had begun with Rooney, that she was really into smart guys. Intelligence was attractive and should be aspired to. Looks were not everything; a lesson taught the hard way.
And there was her favorite First Year! Young Carlton was approaching her and her Rooney with the hopes of working together, and Olivia couldn't have been more pleased (despite personal things). He was such a good kid, and over these last couple of months, she'd become very protective of him. So, of course, she didn't mind. In fact, when the smol Slytherin boy was around, Liv felt more like her old self. It was such a relief, to be honest. "Of course you can!" The blonde wrapped an arm around his shoulders for just a moment, giving him a squeeze. "How do you feel about doing Saturn? They have all those rings the professor mentioned." Either Jupiter or Saturn... Those were her two favorites.
Carlton was very content with the situation. He even got a little squeeze from Liv. Much appreciated. AND she mentioned Saturn. His number one planet in the whole world! Or... Universe.
"SATURN!" He cried out, excited. "Saturn. I like Saturn. It has hula-hoops." Or 'rings' that Professor Salvatore insisted on calling them. Carlton would continue to call them hula-hoops. Because fun.
He cleared his throat in order to tell them all the things he knew about his favorite planet. He was so all-knowing. "It's laaaaarge, it has many moooons and hula-hoops." He leaned in further and looked between Roo and Liv. "And it's made out of gas." He whispered the last word because... Well, because of farts. How could a planet be made out of farts? Carlton didn't get that. Seemed kinda gross. But he'd read it in a space magazine. "It's a gas giant." Whatever that meant.
“If I could have your attention for just a moment.” Caroleena stepped up from behind her desk. “Now all of you should have a partner or are in a group. I would like you all to make poster about the planet you all chose. You could make the poster look like a movie poster, an educational poster really anything you all can think of. The only rule that I have for this activity is that you all have to incorporate your facts into your poster in some way.”
She hoped they understood what she was getting at. “This project is about creativity and your knowledge on the planets. Your artistic skills will get you nowhere with this project. The more creative you are with this project there’s a chance you might get some extra house points.” Oh right! She was forgetting a couple things. "All the supplies that you will need are in the back of the classroom. There's different colored poster board, glitter poster board, glue, glitter and just about everything else you can think of." That was about all she had to say at the given time. She would be walking around the classroom though, she wanted to see what everyone would be creating.
"If anyone has any questions just ask, I'll be walking around the class room."
OOC: If you don’t have a partner or aren’t in a group you can have your character work by themselves! Using Photoshop or GIMP is NOT required. If you wish you can make a graphic and send it to me via PM. If you want you can find a planet poster on Google and add it into your post with all of the facts that your group came up. If you choose not to make a poster or find a picture on Google then in your post just describe what your group is coming up with. As always this is meant to be fun! HAVE FUN! If you have any questions about the activity just send me a VM, PM or IM!
You have until January 29th, 2017 at 3:30AM GMT (January 28th, 2017 at 10:30PM ET)
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
½ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Oh, good lud, she didn't just - she did. She was actually honest to goodness trying to shoot him down based on experience. Now, Brian didn't have multiple bachelor degrees, but he did know enough about space to be of use to the UK Space Agency, and after his internship with the astrophysics department there, was very well-versed in the type of coffee astrophysicists were fond of as well as programming telescopes. But as to if he'd like to teach the class? The Hufflepuff simply raised an eyebrow at her, as if to say I might as well, if you're not going to.
And seeing as that wasn't her decision, whether she agreed or not was irrelevant. It was honestly downright hilarious, if she thought her personal opinions mattered so much in the hiring of staff. Catching the eye of his co-prefect, Brian returned her smirk with a rare but full grin, as though they were in on a joke that the rest of the class wasn't. This was going to be fun to discuss on patrol later that night.
But Bronwyn got an appreciative nod, because despite their differences (and they were rather numerous), he did appreciate being appreciated. And affirmed. And knowing that at least someone else thought that this teacher was a little full of it. Char, however, wasn't exactly being looked at, mostly because Brian just wasn't looking in her general direction. Nothing personal, but the disapproving look was firstly, unwarranted and secondly, ignored.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
SPOILER!!: Liv and Carlton
Originally Posted by Govoni
....And Olivia was just... going to continue taking her notes and... not show any outward attention towards the two rabblerousing Prefects. Whether or not they were accurate in their arguments was sorta besides the point. This lady was an adult. Her mother would've pulled her out of school and sent her to that ill-fated disciplinary institution in Bulgaria had she learned Liv was being so rude. Her mum was a harpy. The blonde Gryffindor didn't think for one moment that she wouldn't make good on her threats. The woman was... painfully serious when she made promises.
Liv did, however, have a great deal of respect for the knowledge both boys seemed to possess. She'd come to realize, when this relationship had begun with Rooney, that she was really into smart guys. Intelligence was attractive and should be aspired to. Looks were not everything; a lesson taught the hard way.
And there was her favorite First Year! Young Carlton was approaching her and her Rooney with the hopes of working together, and Olivia couldn't have been more pleased (despite personal things). He was such a good kid, and over these last couple of months, she'd become very protective of him. So, of course, she didn't mind. In fact, when the smol Slytherin boy was around, Liv felt more like her old self. It was such a relief, to be honest. "Of course you can!" The blonde wrapped an arm around his shoulders for just a moment, giving him a squeeze. "How do you feel about doing Saturn? They have all those rings the professor mentioned." Either Jupiter or Saturn... Those were her two favorites.
Originally Posted by potterobsessionist
Carlton was very content with the situation. He even got a little squeeze from Liv. Much appreciated. AND she mentioned Saturn. His number one planet in the whole world! Or... Universe.
"SATURN!" He cried out, excited. "Saturn. I like Saturn. It has hula-hoops." Or 'rings' that Professor Salvatore insisted on calling them. Carlton would continue to call them hula-hoops. Because fun.
He cleared his throat in order to tell them all the things he knew about his favorite planet. He was so all-knowing. "It's laaaaarge, it has many moooons and hula-hoops." He leaned in further and looked between Roo and Liv. "And it's made out of gas." He whispered the last word because... Well, because of farts. How could a planet be made out of farts? Carlton didn't get that. Seemed kinda gross. But he'd read it in a space magazine. "It's a gas giant." Whatever that meant.
Rooney automatically saw the light in his girlfriends face when they were joined with Carlton and he offered the first year a ruffle of the hair. He traded looks with Brian and accepted the nod, deciding that that was clearly that and they weren't going to go and have lunch any time soon to high five over their shared thoughts. Nah. Rooney didn't have positive feelings for the Hufflepuff, but also the ones he did weren't of the dreadful kind. So with a nod of his own, he moved on to seeing Miss Charlotte stare at him the way that she was. He could understand why people were gaping and why people were shaking their heads and tutting, but had they known him...how he thought that Char knew him...then they would understand why he had said the things he did in the way that he did. Clearly they just weren't as understanding of one another as they had once been. Probably a good thing seeing as he knew things about her stupid best friend which made him see her in a completely different light.
Rooney's attention drew back to Liv and Carlton and he smiled. "Then Saturn we shall do!" Seeing as both of them were agreed on it. Roo probably wouldn't be offering a lot of things to their project, but he did laugh at Carlton's gas comments. "We can title our poster that, then. Saturn: A Gas Giant." Title courtesy of Carlton Lewis the adorable.
"I'll go get us some supplies." Mainly because he wanted to get up and stretch some of his annoyance out. So up the Ravenclaw got and went straight to the back cupboard, filling his arms with absolutely everything he could fit and that they would need and then returned to his group with it all.
Astronomy might not be one of Henry's favorite classes and he'd likely not take it past this year, but he did make at least as much of an attempt as he did in any of his other classes. He just sometimes found the facts boring and got a little lost in the lecture. Today wasn't much of an exception, though the outburst of the two prefects did hold his attention probably longer than anything else during class.
He wasn't staring at them though. The initial remarks did cause him to look that way, but his eyes soon diverted to the doodling that was basically covering the margins of his parchment. No way would he ever speak to a professor like that, even if he was so certain that he was right and the teacher was wrong. He didn't even want to think about what his mother would do to him if she found out he'd been so disrespectful, and she would find out. But even more than that, he was kind of embarrassed for Professor Salvatore. The words being said might or might not be educated or correct, but it was.. well, it was kind of mean. And she was new. It hardly seemed to be something that would feel all that welcoming and he felt kind of bad for her.
From his seat in the back, he stopped the doodling of stars and planets in his notes and looked up as they were asked to get into groups. Looking around, he was open to work with pretty much anyone and it looked like people were quickly pairing up. He started to walk over to the Hufflepuff group of Etta and Carl when he heard Charlotte's voice, looking for someone to work with. He did notice the looks she had been giving her cousin earlier and... he felt responsible, at least partially so, and still felt really bad for what he thought she was feeling. But... she wouldn't say no to him, right? Grabbing his "notes", he moved over closer to her. "Partner with me?"Hopeful smile.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Originally Kitty had planned to not join any team until there were only one or two people left that she could join - then she'd pick them. That way no one would have hurt feelings for being picked last. As it turned out, they were now moving forward with the lesson, and it was she, Kitty, that didn't have a partner.
This was embarrassing. Kitty raised her hand kind of awkwardly. "If anyone needs another partner, I'm currently team-less. Otherwise that's okay, I can work alone too. But if anyone wanted me..." She let the sentence hang in the air, hoping she didn't sound desperate.
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Text Cut: quotes
Originally Posted by SilverTiger
So much was going on that Elle had decided that nobody would have even noticed her quietness. She’d continued jotting down notes as to the discussion, even going so far as to do a little random sketch of Saturn as the discussion had turned to that planet. Once again, she hadn’t answered to any of the questions posed by, well, anyone, but she hadn’t fallen asleep either. She was just quietly observing, quietly participating in the lesson. Except now it seemed as if the discussion part of the lesson was coming to an end, as she heard the professor say they were going to be doing a group research activity.
Her first thought was that it would be easiest to just stick with who was at her table, and in fact she had looked over at Rula as a couple of Hufflepuffs had already started actively looking for a group. She was perfectly open to working with her fellow Slytherin, but just to cover all her bases she turned her gaze to the rest of the room as well. “Does anyone want to be in a group with me?,” she asked. Just in case Rula wanted to work with her siblings or something.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Originally Kitty had planned to not join any team until there were only one or two people left that she could join - then she'd pick them. That way no one would have hurt feelings for being picked last. As it turned out, they were now moving forward with the lesson, and it was she, Kitty, that didn't have a partner.
This was embarrassing. Kitty raised her hand kind of awkwardly. "If anyone needs another partner, I'm currently team-less. Otherwise that's okay, I can work alone too. But if anyone wanted me..." She let the sentence hang in the air, hoping she didn't sound desperate.
A lot was happening, and Rula found herself more interested in watching and listening and taking notes instead of answering the questions herself. Especially when some friction appeared between the professor and Rooney and Brian. Even if she didn't approve of the tones they used, their points didn't seem entirely wrong, at least to her.
But a group activity was starting, so it was time for her to focus on that. It seemed easiest to work with the person she was already sitting next to...though Elle was already directing her request to the rest of the room? Maybe she was just...trying to be polite by not assuming or something? Rula didn't know.
"I'll work with you, if you'd like." She wouldn't force it if she didn't want to though.
And then she heard someone else saying they didn't have a team yet, so Rula looked in her direction. "You can come join us if you want." If Elle didn't mind, but hopefully she wouldn't?
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by emjay
Astronomy might not be one of Henry's favorite classes and he'd likely not take it past this year, but he did make at least as much of an attempt as he did in any of his other classes. He just sometimes found the facts boring and got a little lost in the lecture. Today wasn't much of an exception, though the outburst of the two prefects did hold his attention probably longer than anything else during class.
He wasn't staring at them though. The initial remarks did cause him to look that way, but his eyes soon diverted to the doodling that was basically covering the margins of his parchment. No way would he ever speak to a professor like that, even if he was so certain that he was right and the teacher was wrong. He didn't even want to think about what his mother would do to him if she found out he'd been so disrespectful, and she would find out. But even more than that, he was kind of embarrassed for Professor Salvatore. The words being said might or might not be educated or correct, but it was.. well, it was kind of mean. And she was new. It hardly seemed to be something that would feel all that welcoming and he felt kind of bad for her.
From his seat in the back, he stopped the doodling of stars and planets in his notes and looked up as they were asked to get into groups. Looking around, he was open to work with pretty much anyone and it looked like people were quickly pairing up. He started to walk over to the Hufflepuff group of Etta and Carl when he heard Charlotte's voice, looking for someone to work with. He did notice the looks she had been giving her cousin earlier and... he felt responsible, at least partially so, and still felt really bad for what he thought she was feeling. But... she wouldn't say no to him, right? Grabbing his "notes", he moved over closer to her. "Partner with me?"Hopeful smile.
"Of course!" Char answered, face lighting up when Henry approached her to work together. Really, of courrrrse! "I think we would make good partners." She added lightly, attention completely diverted away from her prefect friends(?) and her so-called cousin (!), and all the way on Henry.
She didn't mind the task either, really. Even if lots of activities in past years has been fun, the hard science involved had melted her brain a bit, so it was honestly quite a relief not having to fill her mind with too much of that stuff.
"We just have to pick a planet!" Hmmmmm. Maybe Venus? Or Mercury?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Last edited by TeafortheSoul; 01-26-2017 at 09:55 PM.
Reason: Phone typo
"Of course!" Char answered, face lighting up when Henry approached her to work together. Really, of courrrrse! "I think we would make good partners." She added lightly, attention completely diverted away from her prefect friends(?) and her so-called cousin (!), and all the way on Henry.
She didn't mind the task either, really. Even if lots of activities in past years has been fun, the hard science involved had melted her brain a bit, so it was honestly quite a relief but having to fill her mind with too much of that stuff.
"We just have to pick a planet!" Hmmmmm. Maybe Venus? Or Mercury?
Henry gave Char a brighter smile as she agreed to work with him and he pulled one of the nearby empty chairs over to take a seat at her table. "Great! I do too.." He knew she was pretty good at Astronomy, better than him, but he'd still pull his weight when it came to a group project. And she would be fun to work with of course.
A poster seemed easy enough to do, even if arts and crafts weren't his strong point either. They'd still do an awesome job.
"Right... any ideas? We could do Mars or Venus?" Why those two jumped out first for him, he wasn't sure. "Or Mercury.. Closest to the sun, right?" That one he knew, so fact one already done. But really, any of them would require just as much research as the next for him, so he was fine if she wanted to pick.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Group time, which meant that Brent had to go through that awkward stage of standing around and figuring out who would have pity on the new kid and want to hang out with him for a while. Then a second later, a yellow ball of energy marched up to him and pretty much stated they were partners and they would pick Jupiter as their planet.
Brent shrugged. He wasn't that into Astronomy to really care which planet they chose. "Sounds good little bro," he said, and he clapped the younger Westwood on the back. It was good to hang out with the bro for a while. "So I guess we have to start listing cool facts about Jupiter." He reached into his bag and pulled out a fresh piece of parchment and got his quill ready to go. "I like that hurricane. The one that never goes away." It was pretty much boss to just stay there like that for all of time.
Jupiter, yo
- Has a permanent hurricane on it that's been there forever
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Originally Posted by Felixir
Oh, hey, Abey knew that kid! The one that came to claim the Slytherin boy that Abey was currently actually totally sharing seats with as a partner. He got a smile and a wave because they were perhaps maybe probably actually friends and all. The Slytherin boy got another smile too, but then of course Abey's attention was aaaaaaaall on Junebug, so that those other boys could focus on Juniper.
"Hmmmmmm..." This was serious business. A lot of responsibility right here after all actually. Abey got to pick the planet. It was sort of easy in the sense that he didn't really know much about any of them, so he had no bias or anything, but then if he had perhaps known something about them, he might have known the best one to pick. Risky business, actually.
Okay, no. He couldn't waste time trying to decide. It was DECISION MAKING TIME. And... that decision would rely on choosing from the ones that he could actually remember their names. He had ACTUALLY wanted to pick JUNIPER because of all of its pretty colours, but he also didn't want to seem like he was trying to copy the two boys. Though, when he thought about it, actually the prettiest one was...
"Saturn?" Because also that was one of the big ones actually, which meant - according to Abey's kid logic - that there was probably MUCH more to find out about it, which would make things easier because they could just pick a few of those things. And it was pretty. "Is Saturn okay? It's big." Logic, see? ".............. And pretty."
And then also... "What... sort of important facts would people need to know about the planets?" Pause. "Like maybe how far away it is? In case someone wanted to visit?" 'Caaaaauuuuuse... Abey couldn't think of many more reasons to need to know that much about them actually, and he wanted to stay on earth anyway. For reasons.
Junia was veeeeery patient when it came to Abey, which was actually pretty hard for her, considering she had little to no patience in her everyday life. It was probably easier with him because she loved him, he was family, and he could tell 'San if she did something in school that she shouldn't and THEN 'San would tell her parents and THEN she'd be grounded forever like that time she'd said a word she wasn't supposed to say at the dinner table, even though her father was allowed to say it WHENEVER he wanted even if it was behind closed doors...
ANYWAY-Saturn! "Saturn it is!" All smiles and nodding in agreement here. Junia even pulled her paper closer and began jotting down the few facts Abey had provided for them and the few others had shared.
That was a pretty good start as far as she was concerned.
"I bet we could look that part up in our books! We should also note the colors for our poster and maybe even come up with a slogan worthy of Saturn's awesomeness." Yes, that.
"You want to get the supplies, and I'll do the researching?" Because Abey liked art just as much and he'd pick good paints and markers, and also because she knew reading was sometimes difficult for him and she didn't want him to feel bad about it.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Zoryn looked away for like .5 seconds. Or maybe like five minutes. Or maybe a little more than that.
The point here was that SHE DIDN'T HAVE A PARTNER !!!!!!!
So uh. Stumped.
It's okay though because she was really good at arts and crafts, so she'd work by herself ans bedazzle the ENTIRE poster. It was BRILLIANT!!! So getting out of her seat, she walked over to the supplies to find the bestest color ever to make it on (pink, please).
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by emjay
Henry gave Char a brighter smile as she agreed to work with him and he pulled one of the nearby empty chairs over to take a seat at her table. "Great! I do too.." He knew she was pretty good at Astronomy, better than him, but he'd still pull his weight when it came to a group project. And she would be fun to work with of course.
A poster seemed easy enough to do, even if arts and crafts weren't his strong point either. They'd still do an awesome job.
"Right... any ideas? We could do Mars or Venus?" Why those two jumped out first for him, he wasn't sure. "Or Mercury.. Closest to the sun, right?" That one he knew, so fact one already done. But really, any of them would require just as much research as the next for him, so he was fine if she wanted to pick.
"Lets do Mercury." Char suggested, though she waaaas tempted to say Venus because of reaaasons. But... Mercury! "It's named after Mercury, the Roman messenger to the Gods." Char got out her colouring things ready to start drawing. "Oh! And its day is longer than its year right? I don't remember how long though." They should start looking things up probably.
If she could stay on task that was.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Um... did he do something wrong? "Okay. Etta. Sorry." Carl corrected himself. He knew some people did not like being called by their real first names. Like nobody really called Mel Melbourne. Etta was added to his list. He gathered his notes and stationary and turned to the desk.
"Yeah, I think Uranus would be good." The Fourth Year agreed. He started thinking about facts he knew about this planet. It is the seventh from the Sun... but everyone knew that. What else was there? "Oh, it's Carl. I'm also in Hufflepuff... I'm a Fourth Year." He smiled. He knew most of the new badgers by now, but understood that they had more names and faces to remember than he did.
"And Uranus is practically the coldest planet in the solar system." He said, remembering what he read some time ago. "Neptune is on average colder, but Uranus hits the coldest temperature."
HEY. This boy person seemed super nice! Etta BEAMED at him, glad he understood. "I'm a fourth year too! Hufflepuff... I think I have seen you around? In the common room probably?" It was rather difficult to remember everyone's names but she really tried.
Uranus, it is! "Okay..." Etta nodded, quickly scribbling that in her notebook before looking up at him, trying to remember what she knew about Uranus. "It's the seventh planet from the sun.... I think it has thirteen rings? Eleven inner and two outer?"
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
It's like the Professor KNEW. "AWESOME!!!!!" She threw a fist in the air in celebration as she picked out a glittery pastel green piece and walked back to her table. Instead of sitting at it, however, she made camp right next to it on the floor. This way she'd have way more room. Buuuuuuut.... There was only one problem. She needed to think of the planet she wanted to research.
This was gonna take more thought than she wanted. So in the meantime, she drew a GIANT circle right in the middle of the poster, 'cause all planets were round. It was like the law of planets. Though, a square planet would be much cooler and more unique. Zoryn thought, anyways. Alright, now to figure out which planet this circular thingy would be. It wasn't a very good circle, but Zoryn was PROUD.
She reached for her textbook and started flipping pages... Deciding on...... URANUS. Because it had a funny name.
Hehehe. Uranus.
The Gryffindor wasn't entirely sure if they were allowed to use their textbooks (she hadn't payed much attention), buuuuuuut she didn't really know anything about the planet on her own. So she had to do a quick scan!!
Lotsa moons.
7th from the sun.
Ice GIANT!!!!!
None of the above meant anything to her. But that's what she could gather from the textbook so, YOLO.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
A lot was happening, and Rula found herself more interested in watching and listening and taking notes instead of answering the questions herself. Especially when some friction appeared between the professor and Rooney and Brian. Even if she didn't approve of the tones they used, their points didn't seem entirely wrong, at least to her.
But a group activity was starting, so it was time for her to focus on that. It seemed easiest to work with the person she was already sitting next to...though Elle was already directing her request to the rest of the room? Maybe she was just...trying to be polite by not assuming or something? Rula didn't know.
"I'll work with you, if you'd like." She wouldn't force it if she didn't want to though.
And then she heard someone else saying they didn't have a team yet, so Rula looked in her direction. "You can come join us if you want." If Elle didn't mind, but hopefully she wouldn't?
Kitty approached the girl who had invited her on the team. "Thanks for having me on," she said with a small smile, directing her thanks to both of the other girls on the team.
"What planet are we working on?" she asked, not knowing if she had joined in the middle of a group effort or at the start of one.
"Lets do Mercury." Char suggested, though she waaaas tempted to say Venus because of reaaasons. But... Mercury! "It's named after Mercury, the Roman messenger to the Gods." Char got out her colouring things ready to start drawing. "Oh! And its day is longer than its year right? I don't remember how long though." They should start looking things up probably.
If she could stay on task that was.
"Mercury sounds good to me," Henry nodded. Really, any of them did. He knew minimal, common knowledge facts about probably any of them, so he was perfectly happy for her to decide. "Messenger to the Gods, huh? He must be fast.." Maybe that's why the planet was given the name, for its quick trip around the sun. He thought about saying something about using that visual for their poster, but he really didn't know where to begin with that. "How are you with crafty things?"
So, they already had three facts! How many were they supposed to have again? Henry wasn't sure but it seemed like they were at least halfway there. He opened up his book to find out exactly what Char was saying about Mercury's day and year. "Yeah, here it is.. It takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to orbit the sun once or to complete one year. One day on Mercury seems to last two Mercurian years, or 176 Earth days, from sunrise to sunrise. It is daytime for one Mercurian year, and nighttime for one Mercurian year." He leaned his head on his hand to look at her. "It'd be pretty weird to live on Mercury." And yeah, he was now thinking about what that would be like.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Originally Posted by laurange
And seeing as that wasn't her decision, whether she agreed or not was irrelevant. It was honestly downright hilarious, if she thought her personal opinions mattered so much in the hiring of staff. Catching the eye of his co-prefect, Brian returned her smirk with a rare but full grin, as though they were in on a joke that the rest of the class wasn't. This was going to be fun to discuss on patrol later that night.
Did....did he just...he grinned! FULL GRINNED at her! YES! She was getting through finally! They would definitely have to talk about this on patrol later. They didn't usually have much to say to each other. Sometimes it was hard for Juno to talk to people...especially when she was worried they didn't like her. But Hopefully they could be friends. She wanted to dance in her seat but she played it cool and and turned back around.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Man her smile was so pretty..The 7th year was sorta leaning on his hand a bit while he looked at her, not creepily of course! But there was a small light in his grey eyes that hadn't exactly been there when he walked in. "Well when I'm up for my early morning runs I'll be sure to keep a look out for it. " He said with a grin.
He tilted his head. "Light blue would make sense, also bright white due to our cloud cover.. but who knows for sure? " He said with a shrug as she chuckled a bit.
That was a nice sound.
"Yeah the movie was all right. As was the original radio show of course. You should check out the audio musical version, it's cool, a bit creepy of course but still quite cool. " He was now kicking himself that he didn't have it with him, they could have gone to the muggle studies room to listen to it..
But perhaps it would have been too.. uhh forward to invite her there?
Another neck rub was had as she spoke and he tried to focus on what they were doing!
"Yes! That's brilliant. " He said with a smile as he watched her put her hair back in a bun and a small smile appeared on his lips as he spoke.. "We could say its named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty? " Though personally she couldn't have been as pretty as Juno..
Leon blinked his grey eyes as he looked around trying to clear his head, what was wrong with him? He'd seen pretty girls before! In fact, there was one..
She looked like Juno! Almost exactly like her! He blinked his eyes again and ran a hand through his dark hair.. either he was seriously losing it.. or there was someone in the class who looked like her!
"Hey uh.. Juno? Do.. you know that girl?"He asked as he nodded his head towards the other girl. You know.. the one with her face!
Hopefully she did, or he was really losing his marbles.. Dear sweet Merlin what was happening?
Interesting...he took runs in the morning too?? Juno thought she was the only one that did that! "You totally should. I take morning runs too, and always make sure to stop and appreciate it." She grinned. Hmm...running partner.........HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
"That is true. We do have a lot of cloud coverage." And suddenly she noticed what a beautiful shade of grey his eyes where. Man he was pretty...and very well built... UGH JUNO WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU JUST MET HIM STAHP! She screamed in her own head at herself. She gave him a small smile, but she couldn't let this dream boat distract her so!
She gave him a small giggle...she just couldn't help it...just flirt dang it. "Well, maybe we can listen to it together some time." She gave him her best flirty smile. She did really enjoy the story...and she did love music and musicals so this would totally be up her alley!
She beamed at him when he called her answer brilliant. She did love this subject. "Oh, good point!" She said jotting down that bit of info in their notes, and yet....this one strand of hair would not stay put. She sighed, shook her head and just left it there, blowing it out of her eyes as she wrote.
Juno looked up at the girl he mentioned and smiled. He was pointing at Esme. "You mean the one with my face?" She giggled, "Yeah, that is my twin sister Esme." And best friend whom she was having to help get over someone. She was really worried about her.
Then there was the announcement about their assignment. Posters. Sighing a little, she grinned, "At least I am a little artistic...though my sister is the artist of the family. I think we have enough facts though." She read over the list again. "What images do you want to put on the poster?" She asked hoping he had some good ideas.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Juno Darcy, Hufflepuff
Leon Kennedy, Ravenclaw
Important Facts:
- 'Sister Planet' to Earth because they are almost the same size, Earth being slightly larger.
- Hottest planet in the entire Solar System
- No natural orbiting satellite/moon
- One of the brightest objects in Earth's sky
- called the 'morning star" and 'evening star' because it is visible just as the sun is going down in the evening and just as the sun is coming up in the morning.
- has the densest atmosphere with 96% carbon dioxide
- Named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by emjay
"Mercury sounds good to me," Henry nodded. Really, any of them did. He knew minimal, common knowledge facts about probably any of them, so he was perfectly happy for her to decide. "Messenger to the Gods, huh? He must be fast.." Maybe that's why the planet was given the name, for its quick trip around the sun. He thought about saying something about using that visual for their poster, but he really didn't know where to begin with that. "How are you with crafty things?"
So, they already had three facts! How many were they supposed to have again? Henry wasn't sure but it seemed like they were at least halfway there. He opened up his book to find out exactly what Char was saying about Mercury's day and year. "Yeah, here it is.. It takes 88 Earth days for Mercury to orbit the sun once or to complete one year. One day on Mercury seems to last two Mercurian years, or 176 Earth days, from sunrise to sunrise. It is daytime for one Mercurian year, and nighttime for one Mercurian year." He leaned his head on his hand to look at her. "It'd be pretty weird to live on Mercury." And yeah, he was now thinking about what that would be like.
"I'm pretty good!" Really. "I can draw pretty well." So she would be drawing Mercury for sure. "Should I draw Mercury in its orbit? Or just on its own?"
She leaned over a bit to see what Henry was reading from. That WAS weird. A year was a day.
"It would be weird. But if you only had one day to live, it would be a good way of like... tricking a genie or something." She smiled and then pointed at the page. "Mercury is super heavy, apparently! Or like... dense for its size." Not that she knew why. Why was it?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Suziella
Did....did he just...he grinned! FULL GRINNED at her! YES! She was getting through finally! They would definitely have to talk about this on patrol later. They didn't usually have much to say to each other. Sometimes it was hard for Juno to talk to people...especially when she was worried they didn't like her. But Hopefully they could be friends. She wanted to dance in her seat but she played it cool and and turned back around.
Interesting...he took runs in the morning too?? Juno thought she was the only one that did that! "You totally should. I take morning runs too, and always make sure to stop and appreciate it." She grinned. Hmm...running partner.........HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
"That is true. We do have a lot of cloud coverage." And suddenly she noticed what a beautiful shade of grey his eyes where. Man he was pretty...and very well built... UGH JUNO WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU JUST MET HIM STAHP! She screamed in her own head at herself. She gave him a small smile, but she couldn't let this dream boat distract her so!
She gave him a small giggle...she just couldn't help it...just flirt dang it. "Well, maybe we can listen to it together some time." She gave him her best flirty smile. She did really enjoy the story...and she did love music and musicals so this would totally be up her alley!
She beamed at him when he called her answer brilliant. She did love this subject. "Oh, good point!" She said jotting down that bit of info in their notes, and yet....this one strand of hair would not stay put. She sighed, shook her head and just left it there, blowing it out of her eyes as she wrote.
Juno looked up at the girl he mentioned and smiled. He was pointing at Esme. "You mean the one with my face?" She giggled, "Yeah, that is my twin sister Esme." And best friend whom she was having to help get over someone. She was really worried about her.
Then there was the announcement about their assignment. Posters. Sighing a little, she grinned, "At least I am a little artistic...though my sister is the artist of the family. I think we have enough facts though." She read over the list again. "What images do you want to put on the poster?" She asked hoping he had some good ideas.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Juno Darcy, Hufflepuff
Leon Kennedy, Ravenclaw
Important Facts:
- 'Sister Planet' to Earth because they are almost the same size, Earth being slightly larger.
- Hottest planet in the entire Solar System
- No natural orbiting satellite/moon
- One of the brightest objects in Earth's sky
- called the 'morning star" and 'evening star' because it is visible just as the sun is going down in the evening and just as the sun is coming up in the morning.
- has the densest atmosphere with 96% carbon dioxide
- Named after the Roman goddess of Love and Beauty
Leon's eyebrows rose ever so slightly as she spoke of how she took morning runs as well! "You take morning runs as well? Perhaps we should run together.. sometime. " He said as he attempted to be casual. But really his heart was pounding so violently inside of his chest he felt like everyone in the room could hear it.
Breathe Leon, just breathe. He told himself, And focus on the planet and not those beautiful blue eyes...
However as those blue eyes looked into his, he felt all his resolve melting away and he could not figure out what in the world they had just been talking about, so instead he just nodded as he attempted to get himself back together. He had just met her, and yet.. what was going on!
Ohh! She giggled! Leon grinned back at her, happy to have elicited hat sort of reaction from her. "I would love to listen to it sometime! I need to owl my step dad for it, when he sends it.. I'll let you know okay? " He said with a warm smile at her, and then another neck rub..
He smiled again as she beamed at him.. Merlin.. what he wouldn't do to keep that smile on her face..
Okay he was losing it right? Surely that girl couldn't look like Juno right?
Ohhhhhh!! Thank the dragons.. He wasn't losing it! "Yes, the one with your face. " He said as he aimed a grin at her and nodded. He waved over at Esme and then smiled back st Juno. "A twin is awesome! I've always wanted a sibling. " And now he had one! If he could only find her!
He turned his attention back to the teacher for a moment before smiling at her. She could draw as well? "I can draw too. " He said with a smile as he watched her, and he was so tempted to push that errant strand away from her face..
In fact his hand was halfway towards her when he realized what he was doing and instead tried to focus on the project.
"Well The planet of course, and then.. maybe a night time landscape with a bright spot? Indicating the North Star? " He asked as he leaned his head on his hand and looked at her.
"I'm pretty good!" Really. "I can draw pretty well." So she would be drawing Mercury for sure. "Should I draw Mercury in its orbit? Or just on its own?"
She leaned over a bit to see what Henry was reading from. That WAS weird. A year was a day.
"It would be weird. But if you only had one day to live, it would be a good way of like... tricking a genie or something." She smiled and then pointed at the page. "Mercury is super heavy, apparently! Or like... dense for its size." Not that she knew why. Why was it?
"Okay, if you want to do the drawing part, maybe I can write the main points about Mercury." His handwriting was pretty good, especially if he took his time and made it neat. And Henry was determined to do a good job contributing to their poster. "Umm.. maybe by itself. Let's give Mercury a chance to be in the spotlight," he grinned.
Time seemed like it would have to be so different on Mercury and he nodded, his mind somewhat wandering as he thought about tricking genies. "I wonder if people would age differently there." Not that anyone actually lived there. "Can you imagine living three months in the sunshine and three months under the moon... oh, wait." Did the planet even have a moon? Henry glanced down at his book again. "Mercury doesn't have a moon, does it?" And what was Char saying about it being heavy? "Yeah... that's weird, because it's the smallest planet, isn't it?" That sounded right. Maybe he should be writing this stuff down.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line