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The classroom looks quite different today. Instead of the normal worktables there is a circle of meditation pillows on the ground. Small personal use lap desks that those familiar with muggle technology will recognize as being laptop desks are situated next to each of the pillows. A small collection of handmade metal bowls sit near the cushion that Professor Greyvson lounges atop. The bowls have lit candles behind them and the scent light floral scent of the burning lavender and jasmine incenses permeate the air. It is almost as if Professor Vance had donated some of her incense for the class.
A small chalkboard sits on the wall behind Professor Greyvson with simple instructions on the board. Please take a seat on one of the meditation pillows, class will begin momentarily. Resting on one of the yet unused pillows is Yeti, Professor Greyvon’s lab puppy and class mascot.
OOC: Class has yet to begin, I wanted to give you guys some time to post. Please feel free to join, jsut post as if you have already arrived. class will continue in about 8-12 hours
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
So many words…All they did was make Elle that much quieter, as she’d actually been looking out the window during much of the lecture. That didn’t stand to reason that she wasn’t paying attention, nor had she fallen asleep like some of the others. She was just quiet, hoping that her mind understood or at least retained most of what was being said. As it was, she was fairly certain she wouldn’t have been able to take notes fast enough, so when the little paper plane had landed on her lap and she’d unfolded it, she was grateful to find out it contained at least a basic outline of the lecture.
But now they were being instructed to actually do some calculations. A few of which she was certain she’d done before in previous terms, but she didn’t happen to have her notes from those terms. It meant she’d have to redo them all, but at least the numbers they were calculating were the simpler ones.
She’d turned her head to look at Nat first though. Something told her the other girl wasn’t actually asking to go to the loo. She wouldn’t say anything however. Instead, she merely shifted the lap desk closer to herself and got a piece of parchment ready. Time to do some calculating.
And none of that made sense to her. Even trying to go back and read the descriptions, it sort of seemed like it fit her but she still didn’t understand how.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Etta tried to keep up with the explanations again.. but, yeah. Frankly, she found the subject more difficult than she had imagined. A lot more studying needed to happen. SIGH. BLINK. So calculation was happening all of a sudden. Ooooookay.
4th August, 2077/08-04-2077
Soul Number --- 4
Karma number --- 8
Gift Number --- 2077 ---- 7 + 7 = 14 ---- 1 + 4 = 5
That seemed easy enough but she still didn't understand WHY that was important?? What did that indicate? The girl was confused so she tried to follow the notes she'd written earlier hoping that would help.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime
Summoning the papers from her desk Imogen quickly flicked her wand. What happened next was simple, the papers simply folded themselves into little paper cranes and simply flew over to the students one by one before unfolding neatly on their laps. The notes would definitely be helpful for them now? Wouldn’t it? She had thought so while planning the lesson.
SPOILER!!: notes & responses
SPOILER!!: I made notes for people
✗ Chakras are split into 3 sections, two triangles – upper and lower, and a balance point in the middle
✗✗ the lower triangle deals with the physical needs of the body
✗✗ the upper triangle deals with the metaphysical and spiritual aspects
✗✗ the balance point is where both physical and spiritual are combined and balanced. This balance point contains only one chakra.
✗ the lower triangle contains 3 chakras, the base chakra, second, and first chakra.
✗ the base chakra is Muladhara
✗✗ located around the tailbone or base of spine
✗✗ associated with security and survival
✗✗ color is red
✗✗ element is earth
✗✗ planet associated with it is saturn
✗ the second chakra is Swadisthan.
✗✗ located around the pelvic region
✗✗ associated with creativity
✗✗ color is orange
✗✗ element is water
✗✗ planet associated with it is jupiter
✗ the third chakra is Manipura
✗✗ located around the solar plexus / navel point
✗✗ associated with action and balance
✗✗ color is yellow
✗✗ element is fire
✗✗ planet associated with it is mars
✗ the balance point contains only the fourth chakra
✗ the balance point heart chakra or Anahata
✗✗ it is located in the middle of the chest
✗✗ associated with love and compassion
✗✗ element is air
✗✗ color is green
✗✗ planet associated with it is venus
✗ the upper triangle deals with the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth* chakras
✗ the Fifth chakra or Visshudi
✗✗ is associated with the projecting words, reand the power of words,
✗✗ it is located at the throat
✗✗ the color is light blue
✗✗ element is ether
✗✗ planet associated with it is mercury
✗ the sixth chakra or ajna
✗✗ is associated with intuition and wisdom
✗✗ it is near the eyebrows / third eye
✗✗ the color is indigo
✗✗ planet associated is it is the moon/sun
✗ the seventh chakra or Sahasrara
✗✗ is associated with connection of goodness, the divine source / humanity/vastness
✗✗ at the crown of the head
✗✗ the color is violet
✗ the eighth chakra*
✗ not always indicated as a chakra because of the fact it is above the crown chakra, however in Kundalini it is considered to be an element of the Chakra system
✗✗ is the aura
✗✗ it is the color white
✗✗ it is the electromagnetic field surrounding the body
SPOILER!!: the responses
SPOILER!!: I laughed with you guys, love it
Imogen looked at the students and could barely hold back her laugh. Dear merlin, those faces were so perplexed and confused. That reminded her of how she had been when teaching Annabelle to walk and how not peeing in house plants was a good thing…still, Annabelle had been a toddler at the time. It wasn’t like she was a first year with dire bladder issues.
Her eyes did widen as she watched the Gryffindor male Prefect nearly fall over. "do you need anything?...you look a little woozy?" she asked the concern seemed to radiate off of her in the way it only seemed to do with mothers....the Question young Derf had made Imogen grin. "I think you have a good point there Mr. Ashbury-Hawthorne...but, alas its more associated with the tailbone so right above the bum," she grinned. "Too bad eh? would have been poetic."
SPOILER!!: squee I love you guys seriously
Hattie Patton got a small smile when she gave her answer. "The idea of a balanced body is more akin to what we will be learning with Ayurveda, as it not only deals with mental health but has been used for generations as a meditation and medical practice." It was after all far older than modern western medicine. "I do believe that reading chakras can be effected with how centered you are, not only physically because if you aren't physically centered it can be from an outlying problem such as having weak core body muscles or general aches and paines" she gave a small smile to Miss Patton before glancing around at everyone.
If Imogen had known of Leesha's dislike of divinations...which with her kinship to Laurel Vance she probably should have been aware of it...still, she would have warned her that Arithmancy is a subset of Divinations. A form using only numbers....after all it is a mancy.
Looking over to everyone she gave them small smiles. "I'm sorry I failed to mention that I had notes coming to you earlier," she smiled softly before listening to the answers the students were trying to give. "calmness and concentration are a good point, as yes it does have strong effects on these aspects of life." She gave Etta a small nod for her answer.
Imogen listened to what Olivia Phillips was saying about her mother’s connection to Meditation and the singing bowls. That must be nice for her mum to have some way to calm her mind in a tranquil and relatively easy way. ”I understand, honestly in my studies I have found it is a very personal experience, and I have to commend you on answer dear.” she smiled again.
Someone had obviously read ahead…or well, already knew what they were talking about maybe? That was probably it. Something like that at least. For the moment when Imogen followed Olivia's gaze she had to stifle a laugh.
The gryffindor Prefect got a large grin when she brought up numbers. Yes, that was clearly one of the methods to meditate. "that is a common meditation technique the idea is to imagine a staircase and count down until you have essential quelled your mind into a sense of complete and serene calmness. It is quite relaxing...impossible on planes though - for me that is." She added the last bit with a little grin. Yeah, that was an interesting plane ride...meditating on an international flight was about as useful as a Swiss army knife that only had multiple spoons for its utensil. Quite impractical indeed.
Daisy's confused look got her a small smile. Imogen did of course feel sorry about the utterly dreadfully long discussion on chakras that just happened...still, it was an integral part of Kundalini and Tantric numerology which was well, what they were learning about today.
Wait...had he said Nadis? HE DID! Imogen grinned over to the second year. "Nice work Mr. Westwood, yes that is a way, it is also about unblocking and finding why they are blocked and using your mindful and intent filled energy to unblock it so you can have steady and balanced chakras." she smiled over to him. Good job kid. Good job.
Imogen nodded over to Kane Westwood as he gave his attempted answer. It was good, really, he was trying and that was all that she ever asked people to do. To try. "Yes that is a key part of meditation and really mental health in general." she gave him a small smile. "It is also just a good practice in life in general as you never know what might arise that could throw you off of you game."
SPOILER!!: there is a dog in here somewhere
Imogen watched as Sinead’s quill broke. Oh, she hated when that happened to her. ”I’m sorry Miss Dance, here, take one of my quills…or the handouts I gave with detailed notes” she smiled over to her softly. It was the least that she could do.
Was he SLEEPING? Imogen’s eyebrow raised at the previously ’meditating’ Ravenclaw Prefect. She didn’t want to make a scene…no, that wasn’t like her at all. No, instead she simply gave a little light whistle noise to little Yeti.
THE NOISE…furry ears twitched at the whistle…humans? Feeding…he could smell treats. TREAAATS…TREAT ME HUMANS. The little lab had perked up at the sound his human had given him whenever she wanted him to get up and do things….
What things?
The squishy thing was comfy.
The squishy thing that sleeping human beanbag chair was sleeping on looked comfier. Sleeping human looked comfy. Sleepy…he was sleepy. must. Sniff…don’t lick. Just sniff. No lick…no lick his mind was a whirl of whimpering grunts and undecipherable noises…well, to the human mind that is. The small fuzzball stretched out shook his head lightly before slinking over to the human beanbag chair next to him and promptly sat down on beanbag’s chest. Beanbag had foodybreath…food breath.
SNIFFFFFFFFFFFF….he liked breath. The paper like somewhat wet tongue had already darted out of his mouth to lick the air before he pressed his snout against the salty beanbag chair’s chin…no food there. Where was food? In the mouth? Yes. Mouth. Immediately Yeti’s wet nose was on the human salt lick’s face…he was salty. Salt.
With a little yip he tried to tell the beanbag chair to feed him…and to give him his salt. Where did he keep his salt? Why was it on his face?
Imogen Greyvson simply raised an eyebrow at the head girl as she seemed to be rather agitated indeed. ”Yes this is a part of Arithmancy Miss Franks-Mundie.” Imogen spoke in a calm and merely matter of fact tone. ”This is actually more connected to the practice of Kundalini and Yogic Numerology or as we are learning Tantric Numerology…this, is just the basis of it. Is there anything else you want to know miss?” She asked with a kind tone but her eyes were far less friendly now.
Now that the lecture portion of the class was over Imogen was ready...or welllll more ready to introduce the new subject matter to the students. ”Now that we have covered the basics of Chakras we can move on to today’s main subject, that is Tantric and Yogic numerology.” She looked around at everyone before tapping the board again. The information on the chakras faded away to simply be replaced by a list of the spiritual bodies associated with Tantric numerology.
”now the bodies here are used in Tantric Numerology…which first off everyone that believes they know what tantra is. Stop. It isn’t what you think it is at all.” her voice was calm and almost peaceful as she spoke. Using her wand she tapped the board and the definition appeared.
”Tantra is a Sanskrit word meaning loom or weave.” she paused for a second, ”when we use this along with numerology which is the basis of Arithmancy we see it means the study of weaving numbers…or how numbers weave through our lives. Now, with Arithmancy it means a similar thing, divining how numbers weave through our lives.” She smiled softly. There. Wasn’t a nasty word…just something quite simple and rather beautiful really.
”if you don’t already know Sanskrit is one fo the first written languages, and it is the primary sacred language of Hinduism and Mahãyãna Buddhism, a philosophical language in Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism.” There. She had given them the true meaning of Tantra…”Tantra is also an esoteric tradition in both Hinduism and Buddhism. In Indian traditions it has a systematic meaning that is rather broadly acceptable, those are text, theory, method, system, instrument, practice and technique.” she gave them a small smile because clearly, this was new to them? It wasn’t like it was a scary thing that they had to fear.
”now when are calculating Tantric Numerology and Kundalini the only thing we will need is our birthdate, this makes it a bit easier then some of the more complex forms of Arithmancy we have learned in the past.” she gave them a small smile.
”The numbers we are calculating today are the soul number, the karma number, the gift number, the destiny number, and the path number. Please do not confuse these with the numbers you find in your normal Numerology textbooks, as they have slightly differing meanings and calculation methods when using the Kundalini and Tantric approach…however, these are still calculated similar to the Chaldean method with addition used to reduce numbers,” she nodded and wrote down the instructions on the board.
”each of the numbers we will figure out are related to the spiritual bodies, and therefore to your chakras.” Imogen grinned. There. She was almost to the best part. ”I will be handing out a parchment with what the numbers relate to as well as what the meaning of the five numbers we are calculating today mean in Tantric Numerology.” she smiled over to everyone…well almost everyone.
SPOILER!!: the definitions & numbers
Soul Number;
Indicates your relationship with yourself. Represents the link you have to your undying and infinite soul. The soul is deep, inner peace which can only be attained when you go inside of yourself.
Karma Number;
Indicates your relationship with others. It describes what you need to do to achieve harmonious relationships.
The Gift Number;
This refers to given talents. You calculate this number in order to recognize and use your talents.
Destiny Number;
Tells you how others see you, represents the quality for which you have been working on for many years and lifetimes. This quality is in you, people can see this quality it is something you are a master in and you can use it to help yourself and others as well.
The Path number;
Indicates who you are, and what your purpose on earth is. It lets you know about that one trait that you need to manifest in your daily life. The one thing that will help you live a fluid life.
”now the bodies defined on the board are the definitions we are looking for in our readings. See, this is a simple part, and by calculating these numbers it can tell you what parts of your life you need to focus on to awake the spiritual energy within you…or at least, that is the premise of Kundalini.” Imogen smiled and looked around.
”Everyone please take the lap desks and your writing utensils and start calculating…I will calculate these along with you, as really, I do find this quite interesting myself.” she said while pulling one of pillowed desks onto her lap and writing down her information.
ooc: take the next 8-12 hours to calculate, then we're going to do one last thing before closing the lesson! you guys are all great, i love your creativity.
.................................................. ..... and this was why Char was PRETTY SURE she wasn't going to take the OWL after all. Because she was so lost. It was so hard to follow. She flipped through her textbook, and the wall of text that was the notes hand out, desperately hoping something would just jump out at her to make it make sense and be simple and also easy and also less boring. Because omgggg. Soooo.... borrring.
She'd discovered from previous years, that not all professors noticed when she needed help, or even paid any attention when she outright asked for it, but she wasn't yet sure about this one so after a few minutes of flipping back and forward, Char thrust her hand up.
"I'm lost, professor." She confessed. Yeah. She needed extra help with the actual calculations part before she could even begin to decipher what all the rest of that stuff meant.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Notes, notes and more notes. Janelle tried to keep up because it seemed like all of the information was important. She was still writing when the professor started to explain what they would be doing for their activity. Trying to multitask, Janelle kept writing, while paying attention to the lecture. Fortunately the instructions were on the board, so she could always sneak a peek while she was working. The task seemed pretty straightforward. Once she caught up with her notes, she was ready to tackle the assignment. Picking up her quill, she began to write.
SPOILER!!: Janelle's notes
Janelle Guidry
January 20, 2074
Soul Number: 20 = 2+0=2
The Negative or Protective Mind
Karma Number: 01 = 0+1=1
The Soul Body
Gift Number: 74 = 7+4= 11 1+1=2
The Negative or Protective Mind
Destiny Number: 2074 = 2+0+7+4= 2+11=13 1+3=4
Neutral (Meditative) Mind
Path Number: 1/20/2074 = 0+1+2+0+2+0+7+4=16 1+6=7
Auric Body
Well alrighty then. When she finally put down her quill, Janelle took a moment to look over her notes. She was going to need more time to try to figure out what all of this meant. So she went from book to notes and back again, trying to make sense of it all.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Tailbone. Oh. The first year still failed to see how that had ANYTHING to do with smell though. Some of the other points seemed to make sense...but tailbone?
Derf's attention was back on Yeti...who had abandoned him to go sit on the Ravenclaw prefect it seemed. Sigh.
...........and then there was A LOT of stuff on the board...and numbers...and information...and the first year's eyes somewhat glazed over at the overload of EVERYTHING that was coming all at once. He wasn't following...at all...but he COULD read just fine sooooooo he could kind of follow the next set of instructions. Probably.
Getting his quill out and a fresh piece of parchment, Derf set to...er...trying to do this properly. So...to start he needed his name and birthday. HE KNEW THAT!
Merlin he was going to be glancing back and forth between the board and his notes for this.
Derfael Mitchell Ashburry-Hawthorne
May 1, 2080 = 05/01/2080
Okay...so that hadn't been toooooooooo terrible since his numbers were all small and pretty easy to add up. He might be a tiny bit concerned about the last number though...
So...wait...now what? Something about...bodies?
Speaking of tailbones though...his was getting a little sore from sitting sooooooo he was going to be like the prefects and lay down on his cushion, chest towards the ground and parchment on the floor in front of him.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
It was kind of the Professor to offer her another quill- but it might have been more useful if she’d offered the handout before she started talking. Still, it was good to write down what was going on in your own words, right?
“Thank you, Professor,” Sinead said with a small smile, scanning over the handout with interest. It didn’t hold her attention for long, though; not far away Natalia’s voice broke into her thoughts and she watched with slightly parted lips, amazed that anyone- let alone the Head Girl!- would talk to a teacher like that. But- she was right! This wasn’t what Sinead had expected from Arithmancy at all, and okay, the teacher was nice, and she was still trying to enjoy the subject- but Natalia’ favourite subject was Arithmancy, she’d said so, and she was the Head Girl so she must be good at it- and she thought they weren’t studying real Arithmancy. Which meant that Sinead herself was being disadvantaged by this teacher who weirdly loved yoga!
Professor Grevyson’s answer kind of explained things, but not really, and even if they did have some real numbers now it still seemed pretty basic. Sinead could have done this when she was, like, five. So Natalia was clearly a bit of a hero right now, saving their class from probably all failing all their Arithmancy exams ever. But now she was leaving, just as soon as they got to the real maths? That was… weird. But oh well. Even if this was a weird assignment, she was still going to do it. With a last awe-struck glance at Natalia, Sinead bent over her page, the borrowed quill feeling odd in her hand as she carefully scratched out the numbers.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
......Her brain was starting to hurt, thanks to all this numbers talk... and the sheer amount of information. There was so much. There was actually no realistic way that she could copy all this down, even with the short breaks in speech from their Arithmancy professor, but she needn't have worried. By the end of it, everything had been compiled into a master list for them... Thank you for small miracles, considering the Gryffindor was taking this all very seriously. Or trying to, at least. Doing well gave her a sense of purpose again, much like with correct answers and their ability to provide confidence. She'd had a good run the term before. If it wasn't broke....
.... Anyway, Olivia did as was instructed, pulling the strange lap desk over. It took some maneuvering, shifting and rearranging her legs, but she eventually got comfortable, and in a position to write out calculations. Calculations. Ugh, why was she still subjecting herself to this?!
Blasted numbers. They did nothing for her current temperament.
.... It wasn't hard. Just frustrating. Like, adding and subtracting numbers wasn't the problem here. It was then taking the calculations and doing something with them. It was right on par with thinking that your star sign predestined your life. Yeah, it was a nice, cushy idea. Having a particular path laid out for you, but there was something about it that Liv couldn't quite buy. What if you wanted to make you own destiny?
"I think I did this right." Henry had helped her that once....
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
So while Skylar was ordinarily fascinated by Arithmancy, she had to admit that the Professor was using WAY too many words and the third year was getting very confused and just gave up attempting to take notes on the subject. She set her quill down and just listened. Was she supposed to memorize all this, because she definitely was not absorbing any of the information right now... And like yea, she was pretty sure that those students who had zero interest in the subject were probably bored to tears right now, considering she had some interest and was zoning out herself.
Oh FINALLY they were doing some calculations, which seemed easy enough considering they just involved her birthdate, no assigning of numbers to letters in her name just yet. And yes she may have side eyed her house prefect just a little, cause it wasn't really any of her business, as she excused herself to go to the loo. Back to her calculations though, because that was the task at hand....
She did notice all the sixes and eights in her chakras. But her last number, well Skylar was unsure over it because well there was the master number of 11 listed on the list of numbers and she was pretty sure 22 and 33 were also master numbers - at least for regular arithmancy... The third year raised her hand to call over to the professor for clarification. "Professor? Uh my path number, before I reduced, I had a 22, which I believe is one of the master numbers, but is that not true for Chakra Arithmancy?"
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Oooh. They got to do some calculations. Now to be honest, this was the bit that Hattie struggled with, but she was more determined than ever to get better at the subject. She didn't want to give up just because she couldn't do it, and to be honest, she couldn't really get any worse. It could only get better, and so Hattie was going to make sure she did her best, so that she would hopefully get it right. She carefully listened to the professor, making some notes. She knew making notes was good, so that she could go over it and make sure that she really understood what was going on. It was a lot of concentration, but it would be worth it if she could end up doing the calculations right.
And now to do the calculation herself. She concentrated, trying to do it to the best of her ability
SPOILER!!: Hattie's notes
Harriet Rosaleigh Paton
Soul Number:
14 - 1 + 4 = 5 Physical Body
Karma Number
02 = 0 +2 = 2 The Negative or Protective Mind
And she was done. Actually she hadn't found that too hard. Success! And now to have a little read about what that all meant.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means
Carlton struggled this lesson. It was a lot to take in. He was still thinking about the musical bowls. When could they try those out?! Bounce, bounce, bounce.
But he knew calculations! Muggles did this too! He knew how to add and substract numbers. Well, add at least. Which is what they were supposed to do. He hadn't understood anything much of the lesson so far, but he did know how to follow instructions.
SPOILER!!: Carlton's notes!
Carlton Lewis March 8th, 2080
03. 08. 2080.
Soul Number:
08 = 0+8 = 8
Pranic Body.
Karma Number:
03 = 0+3 = 3
The Passive (Expansive) Mind
Gift Number:
2080 = 8+0 = 8 (08 = 0+8 = 8)
Pranic Body
Destiny Number:
2080 =2+0+8+0 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1
The Soul Body
After adding all the numbers and checking them off from the list he put down his quill. He hoped he had done the math right because he didn't understand any of the other things.
Nope. Professor Greyvson had supplied them with an awful lot of notes and Daisy looked them over thoughtfully, still trying to understand what they were all talking about. Daisy could've sworn that this was the very first time she had ever wished they were dealing with numbers already.
OH. Here they came!
Shuffling herself closer to the laptop desk, the fifteen year old got her quill back from where it had dropped to the floor and started scribbling. See, this part was easy, she just had to follow the calculations Professor Greyvson had done. The really hard part was, of course, interpreting it all, but honestly - who had time for that?
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Dude. Zoryn was SO lost.
So lost that she didn’t even think to look at the instructions on the board. Instead, she peered over to take a peek at what Derf had written in his notes. They were doing math? Zoryn could do math.
Zoryn Amari Spinnet
March 21, 2080 = 03/21/2080
There just like Derf’s. What the other numbers were about… She had no idea. So she just added a bunch of her favorites together!! Wow, arithmancy was SO MUCH FUN. Aside from all the words. That… Wasn’t so fun.
With a worried frown she looked at all the numbers and she started to regret it more and more to be here. She wasn’t exactly good at this, although it was better than all the fake stuff like Chakra’s… But calculating… That… Wasn’t her strongest side…
Taking the parchment she *tried* to do it right, although she wasn’t sure if she would succeed…
Pffff! More and more worried she looked down at her work and she hoped that she had done it correctly but she wasn’t sure… So let’s hope that it wasn’t too bad…
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Cassie was listening to all that the professor and her fellow students were saying, trying to make sense of it all. Chakras? Chanting? Definitely hinted to the things better associated with subjects like divination but she wasn’t going to knock it or complain. Nothing wrong with trying something new and she still liked the smells coming from the incense. Professor Grevyson then went on to talk about the subject of the day, the Ravenclaw adding it to the top of her notes before following it with what appeared on the board.
Tantric Numerology.
And finally the calculating that always played a part in Arithmancy lessons. Well most of the time if not all. Cass wrote down her name and birthday into her notes as she had done several times before, adding the numbers associated with them beneath. With that all done and double checked, she got to work, doing the calculations of the various numbers. She got three out of the five but wasn’t quite getting the last two. Karmic numbers? Where was gift numbers even talked about?
SPOILER!!: Notes/calculations
Cassandra McNally
3-1-1-1-1-5-4-9-1 4-3-5-1-3-3-7
February 21, 2077
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
[QUOTE=Optimist.Prime;12137273]Was he SLEEPING? Imogen’s eyebrow raised at the previously ’meditating’ Ravenclaw Prefect. She didn’t want to make a scene…no, that wasn’t like her at all. No, instead she simply gave a little light whistle noise to little Yeti.
THE NOISE…furry ears twitched at the whistle…humans? Feeding…he could smell treats. TREAAATS…TREAT ME HUMANS. The little lab had perked up at the sound his human had given him whenever she wanted him to get up and do things….
What things?
The squishy thing was comfy.
The squishy thing that sleeping human beanbag chair was sleeping on looked comfier. Sleeping human looked comfy. Sleepy…he was sleepy. must. Sniff…don’t lick. Just sniff. No lick…no lick his mind was a whirl of whimpering grunts and undecipherable noises…well, to the human mind that is. The small fuzzball stretched out shook his head lightly before slinking over to the human beanbag chair next to him and promptly sat down on beanbag’s chest. Beanbag had foodybreath…food breath.
SNIFFFFFFFFFFFF….he liked breath. The paper like somewhat wet tongue had already darted out of his mouth to lick the air before he pressed his snout against the salty beanbag chair’s chin…no food there. Where was food? In the mouth? Yes. Mouth. Immediately Yeti’s wet nose was on the human salt lick’s face…he was salty. Salt.
With a little yip he tried to tell the beanbag chair to feed him…and to give him his salt. Where did he keep his salt? Why was it on his face?
Mid-breath, Rooney was sat on by someone...or something... and began to groan as he tried to catch his breath and balance in one moment. Instead of being able to do any of that, he fell backwards and took the dog with him, paws pressing into his chest and all sorts. And then...the licking started and Rooney's eyes opened instantly as he started to swat the dog away. "OmgaAAAHD." Pls pls pls get off. Ugh. "PROFESSOR, YOUR DOG IS TRYING TO SNOG ME. THIS IS SO INAPPROPRIATE."
Wiggling his arm, Rooney managed to grab and unwrap the sausage sandwich from his satchel and offer it to the dog in an attempt to regain his personal space.
Oh goodness, Liv was here. She had seen the dog trying to snog him. Wait, why was everyone writing? Oh..no...what had he MISSED???? Nothing boring, he hoped? Seeing as that was why he had fallen asleep.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Blargh. This was the worst. Char looked around a bit but it didn't help much, even when Roo was all distracting about snogging a dog. Parchment in front of her, Char at least had her name and birthdate written down. She was having to struggle through on her own since the professor hadn't noticed her difficulties.
Charlotte Hannah Kettleburn
It was just sooo hard to focus on this stuff, especially when she barely grasped the basic arithmancy stuff.... Wait. The Chaldean method? What happened if you had nines? Oh gosh. Why was it the Chaldean one? Had it gone to India through what was, at the time, Persia?
Charlotte Hannah Kettleburn
Soul Number: 1+5= 6 (???)
Was.... was that it? Was that all her soul number was?
Charlotte Hannah Kettleburn
Soul Number: 1+5= 6 (???)
Karma Number: 1 + 2 = 3
And why did Karma numbers need months? Didn't that automatically mean that some Karma numbers were more common? 1s, 2s, and 3s? Like her? Char's expression was definitely strained with the effort of focusing, her mind even wandering when she was ON task.
Also, how did Gift Numbers even work when the way they reckoned dates back when the number systems were invented was different to how they are reckoned now? And they'd changed a bunch of times along the way?
And now that she was thinking about that she couldn't stop. Maybe she could write to her da-- no. Not her DAD. Her Grandfather. YEAH. She was mad at her dad, she remembered.
.... and promptly spent another few minutes with her attention having wandered.
Just in time Char remembered to reduce first. If not it could apparently be different right? Not that she'd ever seen it be different..... Also, was a Path number different from a life path number? Were there multiple paths? Oh gosh. Oh gosh.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
So Kane still had NO clue what the professor was talking about, but there were calculations to do now, and thankfully Kane was good at plugging numbers into equations and figuring it out. He got one of the lap desks and pulled out his parchment, scribbling down the equations and then using his birthday to calculate things out. Now THIS he could follow...
SPOILER!!: Le calculations
Kane Westwood
December 4th, 2078
Soul Number: 4 - The Neutral mind/Meditative Mind
Karma Number: 12 = 1+2 = 3 - The Passive (Expansive) Mind
Path Number: 1+2+4+2+0+7+8 = 2+4 = 6 - The Arcline
And what now?
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
So Katerina was pretty much lost, after the Chakras? All the confusion was happening. All she wanted was to add up the numbers. That was all she wanted to do. She had lost focus on the lesson until she heard Nat. she was kind of wondering what the point of the bowls were, at least into connection with Arithmancy. She still didn't know where this lesson was going.
But now that she seen the numbers that she could now calculate. She got her things together to do her work and started to get to work on it.
SPOILER!!: Notes
Katerina Markita Delgado
Soul Number: Add the numbers of your birthday (just the date, ie 26) together until you get a single digit number.
2+6= 8
Karma Number: Add the numbers of your birth month together until you break it down to a single digit (i.e. november: 11 = 1+1 = 2)
The Gift Number: take the last two digits of your year and these together (i.e 1988 – 88 = 8+8 = 16 = 1+6 = 7)
Destiny Number: Add the four digits of the year until you break it down to a single digit number (i.e 1988 = 1+9 + 8+8 = 10 + 16 = 1+7 = 8)
Path Number: add all the numbers of your birthdate together ( 26 + 11 + 1988 ect.)
26 11 2077
2+6= 8
Soul Number: 8
Karma Number: 2
The Gift Number: 5
Destiny Number: 7
Path Number: 8
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
James blinked at the set of numbers he had right now. WHAT? IS? THIS? He almost cursed before his mind went blank. Okay...James...try to concentrate...focus...chakra mantra....mantra...
James Severin
December 8th, 2076
Soul Number: 8 - Pranic Body
Karma Number: 12 = 1+2 = 3 - The Passive (Expansive) Mind
Gift Number: 76 = 7+6 = 13 = 1+3 = 4 - Neutral (Meditative) Mind
Everyone had done wonderfully, really. Really it had gone better than she ahd excepted. Sure, she had been expecting strained and confused faces but…seeing that only a few people had fallen asleep and her little pup hadn’t pee’d on anyone that was a good start. ”Sorry about him,” Imogen called over to the boy that was being dramatically licked…clearly Yeti wasn’t snogging him.
She watched as Yeti crawled off off of the poor fellow and began to devour the sandwich….of course he had had a sandwich on him that made perfect sense. ”Alright everyone, I want you to save the calculations we did today, we will be using them later as these numbers will also be useful in other forms of Arithmancy,” she gave them all smiles.
Imogen smiled over to Skylar as she asked her question. ”Oh, Miss Diggory good question. With the Path Number you would calculate it down to the 4, however keep the master number as well. As you may have noticed the path number is a variation of the life-path number in Chadlean Numerology…so in the end your calculation would be 22 over 4…as there isn’t a body relating to the number 4 yours would be the neutral meditative mind…does that help?” she asked the girl and smiled over to her.
Oh…someone wanted to leave? ”If you could just wait one moment Miss Franks-Mundie our class time is almost up.” Imogen gave her a kind smile and then turned to the rest of the students. ”now you guys are probably wondering what this is all about, I do have an optional assignment for all of you that goes along the line of this lesson.” She took a calming breath and looked around at all of the students.
”As you know I have the ‘relaxation’ room that I developed for students just around the corner, and I want all of you to try and use it.” Yes, she had developed a full term project for them, something simple and easy. ”I will be posting a notice on the board for a project concerning the relaxation…zen? Room? It is completely and utterly optional but please, do have fun and try and relax and get rid of some of your stress.” Imogen grinned over to the students.
”you are all dismissed!”
ooc: sorry for the delay something came up in my real life that took my away from SS for the past few days. Anyhow, thank you all for coming you were wonderful! I really wanted to reply to everyone but I have been having a bit of technical difficulties lately with my net provider
everyone feel free to finish up - i'm leaving the class up for 12 hours and then closing it!
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________