-   Term 45: January - April 2017 (
-   -   Ancient Runes Lesson II (

oh its Erik ok 02-26-2017 12:22 AM

Ancient Runes Lesson II
Same old, same old in this classroom. Though this time the desks and chairs are all shaped in a horseshoe shape so he can get a better view of everyone and well to minimize the amount of talking. Just a little change to see what happens

Sokolov could be found at his desk throwing a charm in the air to himself.

Please do come in and take a seat.

As everyone should know at this point there are no assigned seats.

OOC: Hi Everyone I'll be starting the class in around 24 hours

Class Progress:

Goblinfrog 02-26-2017 01:06 AM

Ooh, first one! Although she was a prefect, she was almost never first. She walked into the classroom with her textbooks clutched to her chest. "Hello Professor, I hope you are well," she said cheerfully as she moved to sit down near the front.

Angie 02-26-2017 03:38 AM

Levi actually stood by the door a few seconds when he noted the seating arrangement. It was unfortunate because he often chose his seat depending on his level of skill and interest on the lesson at hand, and well; he was not great in Ancient Runes but he enjoyed it regardless, so he often opted for sitting near the middle.

Though the idea of just blocking everyone's entrance until he decided on the perfect spot for today's lesson was appealing, Levi realized this was not ideal because it would probably get him in trouble. So he just settled for sitting right in the middle. "Hello, Professor Sokolov."

MunchyBubbles 02-26-2017 06:42 PM

Leon headed into the classroom with a smile on his face, he had been on cloud nine lately and not even Ancient Runes could bring him down.

"Hello Professor Sokolov ." Leon said with a warm smile as he turned to take a look at the seating arrangement..

Hmmm.. He headed over to the lift of the middle and sat down..

Yeah this should work.

Holmesian Feline 02-26-2017 09:19 PM

Another day another schedule of classes and today's had Ancient Runes. Cassie entered the classroom after making her way to the appropriate floor, taking in what was a new set-up for the room. Interesting...very interesting. The cast of characters already there had also changed as it was prone to do, her entrance into the mix making it mostly Ravenclaws at the moment.

"Good day, Professor," she greeted then man with a polite smile first and foremost. Absently watching curiously for but a moment on what he was doing before moving further inside to find and pick a seat. "Hey Kitty," she greeted the prefect, opting to sit near the older girl today.

sweetpinkpixie 02-26-2017 10:17 PM


Although the internal caps were not necessarily a reflection of the first year's level of interest in the subject. Although he WAS still thinking about getting himself a salamander tattoo...maybe one with it curling around his belly button. Too bad he was only eleven and mum and dad would never go for something like that. At least dad couldn't give him the riot act about how he shouldn't damage his skin or whatever it was adult-types said against inkings since dad had loads himself.

Originally Posted by Oesed (Post 12163481)
Levi actually stood by the door a few seconds when he noted the seating arrangement. It was unfortunate because he often chose his seat depending on his level of skill and interest on the lesson at hand, and well; he was not great in Ancient Runes but he enjoyed it regardless, so he often opted for sitting near the middle.

Though the idea of just blocking everyone's entrance until he decided on the perfect spot for today's lesson was appealing, Levi realized this was not ideal because it would probably get him in trouble. So he just settled for sitting right in the middle. "Hello, Professor Sokolov."

Derf was a little too interested in what spell the professor was playing with and was about to ask the man after greeting him with an eager wave when the Hufflepuff felt the wind knocked right out of him as he walked directly into the seat of another student - back of the chair hitting him riiiiiiiiiiiiight in the stomach and toooottally bruising his rib cage.


One hand gripping the chair next to the Gryffindor, Derf melted into the seat beside him while rubbing his tummy.


Angie 02-26-2017 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12163782)

Although the internal caps were not necessarily a reflection of the first year's level of interest in the subject. Although he WAS still thinking about getting himself a salamander tattoo...maybe one with it curling around his belly button. Too bad he was only eleven and mum and dad would never go for something like that. At least dad couldn't give him the riot act about how he shouldn't damage his skin or whatever it was adult-types said against inkings since dad had loads himself.

Derf was a little too interested in what spell the professor was playing with and was about to ask the man after greeting him with an eager wave when the Hufflepuff felt the wind knocked right out of him as he walked directly into the seat of another student - back of the chair hitting him riiiiiiiiiiiiight in the stomach and toooottally bruising his rib cage.


One hand gripping the chair next to the Gryffindor, Derf melted into the seat beside him while rubbing his tummy.


He'd been in the middle of doodling a snail when something rattled against the back of his chair. By the time he turned around to look at the culprit, the culprit was gone and he thought he saw a small hand gripping his table, with the corner of his eye.


If he felt like being honest, and he often was, Levi often forgot first years existed. He blamed it on their size and also because, well, children had always sort of uninterested him. Possibly even back when he was a child himself. "Hey, man," he whispered, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. He looked, well--hurt. But he'd live, surely. No crying was happening, after all; that ought to mean something. Levi shot a quick look at Sokolov. The boy was a Gryffindor, too, so the fifth talked to him like an equal. Also, he thought he'd read somewhere that talking down to children was actually not great at all. Not that Levi was even an adult himself yet. "That sounded like it kind of hurt. But you'll be okay, right?"

Anna Banana 02-27-2017 01:05 AM

So Brent could think of a million other things he would desire to do besides come learn about Runes. Skinning his knee on purpose, breaking his arm, shaving his head bald, and encountering a seven foot tall people-eating monster were all on the list before 'have a desire to attend Runes class'. Yet here he was.

He trudged into class and bee-lined for a seat. On the way, he passed by the professor. "Hello, Professor," he greeted. May as well be nice to the man. Brent wasn't some monster. Also, who knew? Maybe this was the class things would all turn around for him, and he'd see some odd interest in the subject finally pop up.

Derf had arrived in class before him, and although Brent had never had a conversation with the little dude, that whole crash into the seat thing seemed so typical of the first years' personality. Derf seemed cool. He should introduce himself someday. For now, though...Runes.

Lady of Light 02-27-2017 01:22 AM

Oh, yay. Ancient Runes. Etta looked slightly disgruntled as she entered the classroom, wishing she were somewhere outside right now. Maybe.. somewhere near the lake. Or the treehouse? But then again, wandering about in the grounds scared her these days. What if she got dragged into the portal again? Ugh.

"Hello, professor." She greeted as she found an empty seat somewhere near the middle. The girl sat down, smiling at Derf because he always deserved a smile.. didn't he? She didn't know anyone else.. oh, yeah. Brent too. But nah. He didn't deserve a smile. The girl turned to look at the front once again, hoping class would get over already. Eh.

oh its Erik ok 02-27-2017 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12163253)
Ooh, first one! Although she was a prefect, she was almost never first. She walked into the classroom with her textbooks clutched to her chest. "Hello Professor, I hope you are well," she said cheerfully as she moved to sit down near the front.

Well to his memory he had never seen Prefect Valentine enter his class first but well he never really kept tabs of such irrelevant details so he didn't know for sure.

"Prefect Valentine, Good to see you. Hope your day has been okay so far"


Originally Posted by Oesed (Post 12163481)
Levi actually stood by the door a few seconds when he noted the seating arrangement. It was unfortunate because he often chose his seat depending on his level of skill and interest on the lesson at hand, and well; he was not great in Ancient Runes but he enjoyed it regardless, so he often opted for sitting near the middle.

Though the idea of just blocking everyone's entrance until he decided on the perfect spot for today's lesson was appealing, Levi realized this was not ideal because it would probably get him in trouble. So he just settled for sitting right in the middle. "Hello, Professor Sokolov."

Was he going to enter the class or not. It was really the only time to leave before him ending the class without point loss. Though his head of house would soon be aware.

"And Hello to you Mr. Kenning"

He seemed fine now after walking in.


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12163718)
Leon headed into the classroom with a smile on his face, he had been on cloud nine lately and not even Ancient Runes could bring him down.

"Hello Professor Sokolov ." Leon said with a warm smile as he turned to take a look at the seating arrangement..

Hmmm.. He headed over to the lift of the middle and sat down..

Yeah this should work.

At least he was getting no verbal complaints about the seating arrangement.

"Good Day to you, Mr. Kenendy"


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12163747)
Another day another schedule of classes and today's had Ancient Runes. Cassie entered the classroom after making her way to the appropriate floor, taking in what was a new set-up for the room. Interesting...very interesting. The cast of characters already there had also changed as it was prone to do, her entrance into the mix making it mostly Ravenclaws at the moment.

"Good day, Professor," she greeted then man with a polite smile first and foremost. Absently watching curiously for but a moment on what he was doing before moving further inside to find and pick a seat. "Hey Kitty," she greeted the prefect, opting to sit near the older girl today.

"Good Day to you too Ms. McNally. Hope your day has been alright so far"

Because even when he was a student by this time he was ready for an afternoon nap. No excuses, though.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12163782)

Although the internal caps were not necessarily a reflection of the first year's level of interest in the subject. Although he WAS still thinking about getting himself a salamander tattoo...maybe one with it curling around his belly button. Too bad he was only eleven and mum and dad would never go for something like that. At least dad couldn't give him the riot act about how he shouldn't damage his skin or whatever it was adult-types said against inkings since dad had loads himself.

Derf was a little too interested in what spell the professor was playing with and was about to ask the man after greeting him with an eager wave when the Hufflepuff felt the wind knocked right out of him as he walked directly into the seat of another student - back of the chair hitting him riiiiiiiiiiiiight in the stomach and toooottally bruising his rib cage.


One hand gripping the chair next to the Gryffindor, Derf melted into the seat beside him while rubbing his tummy.


Well.....what was Viktor suppose to say to what just happened. He was going to greet Derfael but well then he walked directly into Mr. Kenning. Not everyday does he see that. He watched both of them but Mr. Kenning seemed to be handling it wonderfully so no need for him to intervene. Good Job


Originally Posted by Anna Banana (Post 12163963)
So Brent could think of a million other things he would desire to do besides come learn about Runes. Skinning his knee on purpose, breaking his arm, shaving his head bald, and encountering a seven foot tall people-eating monster were all on the list before 'have a desire to attend Runes class'. Yet here he was.

He trudged into class and bee-lined for a seat. On the way, he passed by the professor. "Hello, Professor," he greeted. May as well be nice to the man. Brent wasn't some monster. Also, who knew? Maybe this was the class things would all turn around for him, and he'd see some odd interest in the subject finally pop up.

Derf had arrived in class before him, and although Brent had never had a conversation with the little dude, that whole crash into the seat thing seemed so typical of the first years' personality. Derf seemed cool. He should introduce himself someday. For now, though...Runes.

"Good Day to you Mr. Westwood. Please take a seat"


Originally Posted by Lady of Light (Post 12163999)
Oh, yay. Ancient Runes. Etta looked slightly disgruntled as she entered the classroom, wishing she were somewhere outside right now. Maybe.. somewhere near the lake. Or the treehouse? But then again, wandering about in the grounds scared her these days. What if she got dragged into the portal again? Ugh.

"Hello, professor." She greeted as she found an empty seat somewhere near the middle. The girl sat down, smiling at Derf because he always deserved a smile.. didn't he? She didn't know anyone else.. oh, yeah. Brent too. But nah. He didn't deserve a smile. The girl turned to look at the front once again, hoping class would get over already. Eh.

Hopefully there would be no portals in his class. Such distractions only annoyed him like everything going on in this school.

"Hello Ms Kramer. How are you"

Then he could get started. He stopped throwing the charm for a sec to do what he usually does to the door before doing back to throwing his charm up in the air again.

"Okay, what I am throwing up in the air to myself has been a rune charm. We went over one previously if anyone remembers. Aegishjalmur. Now anyone recalls how we went about making these charms magical?"

No reason to get up yet. A little review never hurt anyone.

OOC: Hi Everyone I'll be moving the class in around 24 hours

Anna Banana 02-27-2017 02:48 AM

Freakin' wonderful.

First question in, and Brent couldn't even pronounce the rune, much less tell any information about it. Supposedly, though, he'd sat through this class before? Or maybe that was for the kids who'd been at Hogwarts longer than he had. Either way, Brent was doomed. See, this was why he should have dropped the subject while he still could.

Since he didn't have anything to add, Brent took out a piece of parchment and attempted to spell the rune they'd be talking about today. His notes went a little something like this:

* ?

MunchyBubbles 02-27-2017 05:16 PM

Leon had only two ideas about how to make the runes magical.. one was to say the runes Gladr.. and the second was to carve it into wood.. or some other surface.. bone and what not..

But the 7th year wasn't exactly sure enough to say these answers out loud.. so instead he got out his notes and wrote them down.

SPOILER!!: Notes!
Ways to make rune charm magical-
Say their Gladr?
Carve them into wood?
Use magical intention while carving...
Pole of Nidstang??

Leon put his pen down and looked around..

oh its Erik ok 02-28-2017 01:51 AM

Viktor was trying to keep this from getting advanced or really just trying to make it so everyone could understand. Some still seemed confused as to Ageishjailmer or the Helm of Awe.

Well, it was nothing to worry about right now though at the end of the year maybe.

"The idea is the charms must be consecrated and charged to their purposes. Because without the consecration they are really just cool and interesting designs that do nothing but look nice. Like it saying in your textbook 'Before you begin, make sure you have a clear intention and expectation.' Because without that it will all fail. Most of the charms i will be talking about have three runes and divine powers since three is a good number. Three Fates. Three Norns. Even in Slavic Myth The moon god is triple-headed.

Pretty cool.

Anyone wants to guess or know what three runes would compromise the Rune Money Charm. It's in your textbook. After this question it will be time to make your own charm"

Also Hint.

OOC: I will be moving on in around probably more than 24 hours

PhoenixRising 02-28-2017 02:04 AM

Skylar had been trying to keep up. Really, she had to been, and the lesson had just begun too, so it wasn't as if they'd even dived into anything too challenging yet. Plus Professor Sokolov seemed to really be trying to make sure they understood, which Skylar definitely appreciated his patience. As far as the questions about making charms magical, well, Skylar had one thought which was gandrs, but she wasn't terribly convinced, so she just jotted that word down and waited.

And apparently that wasn't the answer he was looking for, to which Skylar tilted her head and squinted slightly in confusion. As he explained it slightly more, the third year simply jotted down a few more notes and looked up at the next question. Rune money charm; why had she heard that term tossed around before?

"Fehu, is definitely one of the charms involved in the rune money charm. Basically everything about the charm is dealing with money and financial needs and business." And she would let her peers guess the other two, because no one liked a know-it-all who listed all the runes asked for.

Angie 02-28-2017 03:15 AM

Levi was dividing his time between listening to Sokolov, taking notes and stealing glances to the first year next to him to make sure he wasn't about to double over in pain or something of the like. He'd supposed the kid would be fine but what did he really know, honestly. All wishful thinking.

Anyway, it wasn't working out all that great for him. Ancient Runes required his undivided attention and then some and Levi was struggling to keep up with pretty much everything. The frown on his forehead deepened as he flipped through his book, trying to find something close to an answer. More than answer, he wanted to understand. Which was possibly an impossibility and the reason why he'd be dropping Ancient Runes (probably it'd drop him), but.

"Wunjo," Levi said, looking up from his textbook. He supposed he should have felt a little embarrassed that he'd had to search for the answer but unfortunately, he couldn't know everything. "It's meant to bring energy fields together and helps with prosperity." And fulfillment but surely those were basically interchangeable.

sweetpinkpixie 02-28-2017 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Oesed (Post 12163877)

He'd been in the middle of doodling a snail when something rattled against the back of his chair. By the time he turned around to look at the culprit, the culprit was gone and he thought he saw a small hand gripping his table, with the corner of his eye.


If he felt like being honest, and he often was, Levi often forgot first years existed. He blamed it on their size and also because, well, children had always sort of uninterested him. Possibly even back when he was a child himself. "Hey, man," he whispered, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. He looked, well--hurt. But he'd live, surely. No crying was happening, after all; that ought to mean something. Levi shot a quick look at Sokolov. The boy was a Gryffindor, too, so the fifth talked to him like an equal. Also, he thought he'd read somewhere that talking down to children was actually not great at all. Not that Levi was even an adult himself yet. "That sounded like it kind of hurt. But you'll be okay, right?"

Wind still somewhat knocked out of him, Derf managed to give the older Gryffindor a thumbs up as he settled into his seat and flopped his enchanted suitcase on top of his desk. He was...just going to use this as a bit of a pillow for a moment, okay? Nice and, well, not entirely comfortable but not horrible either.

Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 12164020)

"Okay, what I am throwing up in the air to myself has been a rune charm. We went over one previously if anyone remembers. Aegishjalmur. Now anyone recalls how we went about making these charms magical?"

No reason to get up yet. A little review never hurt anyone.

Ruuuuuuuuuuuuune charm. That sounded extra fancy...but not quite as fancy as that, er, slew of sounds the professor had just made. sort of sounded like a creature mating call of sorts. Liiiiiiike...if you were to say it REALLY loud and wiggle your bum, you know?

So...the first year was distracted with THAT visual of the professor...and therefore did not raise his hand to answered the question. Not that he actually had one to begin with.

Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 12164692)
Viktor was trying to keep this from getting advanced or really just trying to make it so everyone could understand. Some still seemed confused as to Ageishjailmer or the Helm of Awe.

Well, it was nothing to worry about right now though at the end of the year maybe.

"The idea is the charms must be consecrated and charged to their purposes. Because without the consecration they are really just cool and interesting designs that do nothing but look nice. Like it saying in your textbook 'Before you begin, make sure you have a clear intention and expectation.' Because without that it will all fail. Most of the charms i will be talking about have three runes and divine powers since three is a good number. Three Fates. Three Norns. Even in Slavic Myth The moon god is triple-headed.

Pretty cool.

Anyone wants to guess or know what three runes would compromise the Rune Money Charm. It's in your textbook. After this question it will be time to make your own charm"

Also Hint.

Rune Money Charm? Yeaaaaaaah...this Hufflepuff did not have a clue, but he was inclined to buy into what the older Gryffindor next to him was saying because, well, it sounded smart.

Although...the professor was implying that the answer was in their maybe he should go flipping through the pages for that....starting with the index, that is.

Which was now how he was occupying his time.

Lissy Longbottom 02-28-2017 08:38 PM

...Kane had no idea WHAT the professor was talking about.

Runes was awful. This was why he hated it. He was already lost and they were barely two minutes into the class!

So instead he just remained quiet, quill at the ready to take notes as soon as someone smarter than him started talking.

Anna Banana 02-28-2017 09:00 PM


Brent still had no idea what this class was even about, but he DID know how to look something up in his textbook. He narrowed his eyes into little slits as he focused as hard as he could on the words in his book. He flipped a few pages here and there as he looked for some Rune Money Charm.

Brent's eyes lit up as he found what he thought was the answer. His hand shot up. Rarely EVER did Brent have the answer in Ancient Runes, but he legit had something to contribute right now. "What about Ingwaz?" he asked, his eyes still hopeful. The book said so, so it had to be right!

...and if not, well...what else was new? Heh.

Crayola 02-28-2017 09:01 PM

AAAH, Ancient Runes. Where the Professor was excellent but the subject matter was ... definitely not so. It was all the weird names, Daisy had decided. They had plenty of those in other subjects too, but somehow in Ancient Runes everything was just ... weirder. She was mildly aware of they were talking about, which was a first, and she definitely had her OWLs studying to thank for that.

Rune Charms. She had read something about it...

Chewing on her lower lip out of habit, the fifth year flicked through the pages of the textbook until she got to the right one. AHA, there it was. "Laguz is necessary to make the Charm, Professor." She supplied, with her hand raised. "It says here that it is the rune of magical power and growth, which would be useful if you wanted to earn money. Or find it." Or steal it.

Holmesian Feline 02-28-2017 09:18 PM

“Mhmm…it has,” Cassie answered the professor. Granted she had a bit of classes since breakfast but she had survived and it hadn’t been too tiresome. Maybe she could manage some downtime before dinner. The Ravenclaw couldn’t dwell on the thought too much as the lesson was soon begun and her attention returned to the man as he started talking to the class as a whole. A rune charm…so that was what he had been playing with. She briefly remembered those from the previous class they had been working on them with, unfortunately she was blanking on the answer to that question.

And it appeared she might not be the only one.

But then it was nearly clear as day as Professor Sokolov answered it himself. Ah…right. Wake up Cassie! Alright she was going to be trying her hardest to be paying more attention to this class to be able to remember more stuff later. Three charms? No…three runes. Which three would work with money? The Ravenclaw began thinking on them as he listened to what others were offering as suggestions themselves.


Fehu definitely worked as it had to do with wealth and prosperity. Money could be seen as success in some ways so she supposed Wunjo was an option. But Ingwaz and Laguz seemed like far off the mark if she was remembering them and their meaning correctly. There was one that came to mind that hadn’t been mentioned already so she raised her hand. “Maybe Sowilo….for increase,” Cassie finally answered for her own.

MunchyBubbles 02-28-2017 10:40 PM

The Ravenclaw got out his textbook and flipped to the proper section, he ran his finger down the page until he found what he was looking for. So the three runes needed to make the charm were

Fehu, Laguz and Ingwaz..

They had already been said though so and since he didn't want to repeat any answers, he simply jotted them down in his notebook and looked up and waited for the next question.

oh its Erik ok 03-01-2017 03:43 AM

Glad to see that most had brought their book or even remember it. "Fehu is for mobile wealth, prosperity, and plenty." Though Wunjo was an interesting guess.It is the rune of happily ever after but more for gaining favor than anything else. But it was more related to glory Making Viktor think. "Wunjo could work since it is good in trying to find success in any endeavor. But it's more related to glory than wealth which both are illusions are actual wealth or success." A nod to Ingwaz since that was the second one of the three.

"Ingwaz is right. Rune of peace and plenty and a storehouse of energy"

And another nod to Laguz.

"It would be a helpful charm if it could help you earn and find money wouldn't it"

Sowilo. Good guess but not one he would think would work for money that is.

"Sowilo is mostly used to strengthening solar energy or motivating healing energies. Not really for increasing say an amount of money. You would still want Fehu for that. I hope you can see at least a little why the three Ingwaz, Fehu, Laguz can be used together to make a charm for money. Ingwaz for being the storehouse of potential energy, a rune of the Vanir and of peace and plenty. Fehu for mobile wealth, prosperity, and plenty and lastly Laguz for magical power and growth. Now today you will be making your own charms be using bindrunes. And most of you can guess what I will be asking next before i start explaining what you will be doing for the activity. What....are bindrunes?"

Since he kind of what them to get experience with combining runes and trying any of the number of different rune charms. The prime examples being in the textbook of course.

OOC: I will be moving on in around probably more than 24 hours again.

Anna Banana 03-01-2017 04:57 AM

Brent grinned widely when it was confirmed that he did indeed have the right answer. No, he wasn't some big nerd or something, but it was always a good thing to finally learn a thing or two in something that was usually completely foreign to you.

He flipped a few pages of his textbook again and read up on bindrunes. He slowly raised his hand as his eyes never left the page. "So we have three runes in the Rune Money Charm. We need a way to connect them all together and have them work together," he said. "So we bind them together. Is...that what it is?"

That was pretty much all he could tell the man on his own.

sweetpinkpixie 03-01-2017 01:04 PM

The problem with Ancient Runes was that everything tended to sound like it was being spoken in a foreign language and the first year had already reached his quota for how many magical languages he could learn at one time. So he was sort of tuning the professor in and out while doodling newts on his piece of parchment and therefore only half heard the question... and he was quite confused as to why they were talking about that.

"You us-s-se them to hold your papers-s!" the first year chirped, pleased that he actually KNEW something. "Us-sually have rings-s-s...and fose are spring-loaded! So you haff to be careful us-s-sing them or you could pinch your finger reeeeeeally bad. I did once. Got a nas-sty blood blister."

Crayola 03-01-2017 02:33 PM


Daisy nodded right back at Professor Sokolov. If Laguz helped you find money then Daisy was definitely changing her answer to 'what rune would you get in a tattoo?'. Well, kind of. More like ... not really? She didn't particularly care about money but people always seemed plenty of stressed about it, especially in Muggle films and such. So it was probably best to find lots and lots of it???

Yeah. That was what was written in her notes. Laguz - helps you find money.

"Bindrunes are ... the runes we bind together to make Rune Charms." She had been voicing that as a question because she really, REALLY was not sure but she couldn't really answer Professor's Sokolov question with another question so she changed the intonation at the last second there. Which sounded weird. OH, here was a question. "Professor, are there any runes that can't be used in a Rune Charm?"

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