-   Term 45: January - April 2017 (
-   -   Ancient Runes Lesson I (

oh its Erik ok 01-25-2017 12:45 AM

Ancient Runes Lesson I
If you have taken Professor Sokolov's class before you would see that it hardly ever changes. Desks and chairs all in rows like an normal classroom. The only thing different this year is he tried to make the chairs as comfortable as he could without risking them falling asleep even though it was the afternoon. He wishes someone would. It would be a fun distraction for him from lecturing.

Also like usual there was an a design on the blackboard hinting of what they will be learning today.

Professor Sokolov was waiting by the door for everyone to enter.

Please do come in and take a seat.

There are no assigned seats.

OOC: Hi Everyone I'll be starting the class in around 24 hours

Class Progress:

Goblinfrog 01-25-2017 12:52 AM

"Good day Professor Sokolov, how are you?" Kitty greeted the professor politely as she strolled airily into the room. She stopped next to him and to ask a question. "Is it okay if I visit you right after classes today to ask something?" She made her way over to the front row and sat down, placing her bag of books on the desk in front of her.

Erindipity 01-25-2017 12:56 AM

This was it. Best part of the day. Second to lunch, anyway. Food was always amazing, but Runes was FABULOUS!

And Sokolov was always nice to look.

Added bonus!

The blonde pranced right into the classroom, smiling at the professor as she passed. She hadn't brought him anything for him, but she was one of the first to arrive so that counted for something, yes?!

"Good afternoon, Professor! Hope you're well! " she said with added exuberance. Then she turned her attention to the desks and paused while considering all of her options.

MIDDLE! She'd sit in the middle! That way she could talk to her friends AND be like attentive and stuff. Yep.

SilverTiger 01-25-2017 01:57 AM

Walking into the classroom, the first thing Elle saw was the symbol drawn on the board. It immediately made her start thinking back on what little she truly knew regarding Ancient Runes to see if she could figure out its significance. The annoying part of it was that she couldn’t immediately latch onto said significance, yet by then she had let her gaze wander and saw the professor waiting by the door. She flushed slightly at that, embarrassed that she’d gotten distracted. “Good afternoon Professor Sokolov,” she said softly, giving him a bit of a smile even as she tried to make her escape.

It was just unfortunate that the only escape was to a desk near the middle and off to one side. By then, though, she’d gone back to trying to figure out the symbol though. Maybe it would help her forget the absentmindedness from seconds before.

Lady of Light 01-25-2017 02:19 AM

Etta pretty much stomped into class, feeling a little under the weather for some odd reason. It was just one of those days, okay?? She wasn't in that great a mood AND she honestly also worried about how this class would turn out to be. Difficult? Easy? Heh. Oh, great. She was early to class too!

"Professor." She managed a smile ( although it might have looked more like a grimace ) before she sat down, pulled out her notebook and started to doodle, hoping that would make her feel better.

SarcasticStrawberry 01-25-2017 02:44 AM

She was still having trouble with this subject but she was actually enjoying it. It was hard, but she liked the challenge of the complex subject.

She headed up to the Runes classroom, and went in. Greeting the Professor first when she had arrived. "Good afternoon, Professor Sokolov." Taking a look at the board as she had gotten accustomed to doing as there was a clue as too what the lesson would be about. It kind of looks like a snowflake, didn't it? With folked ends. She had know idea what it was.

She went on and took a seat, waving at people as she went by. Seeing Etta she took a seat near her. How was she in Runes? She might need some help.

Anna Banana 01-25-2017 04:04 AM

Sleeeeeep. That is literally all Brent wanted to do right now. He trudged down the corridor and toward Runes class. It didn't help that he hated Runes. Maybe he'd like the subject at his new school, though. That didn't cause anymore pep in his step. Walking into the classroom, he noticed the line up of desks all in neat rows. Cool. Very cool. Just how he liked them.

"Hello, Professor," he said, giving the man a nod as he passed him by. Oh, and look---a drawing of a snowflake on the board! Whatever that had to do with Runes... Brent ventured forward and claimed a random seat as his own. He put down his books and got comfortable in his seat. Too bad this thing didn't recline.

Felixir 01-25-2017 04:12 AM

Listen. Of COURSE Abey had taken Ancient Runes. His NAME said it all. ABRAHAM BOTROS. Like THE Abraham Botros except JR.

Of course. Of course he had taken it.

And it... was going terribly so far. SO FAR. Which meant that it wouldn't ALWAYS be going terribly. He just had a little trouble telling the runes apart and occasionally mixing them up in his head, that was all. Admittedly, that was a pretty big part of Ancient Runes, BUT IT WAS FINE, OKAY? He'd get better. That's why he was at SCHOOL.

Also, did it seem a little bit like Sokolov was always in a bad mood? It made Abey nervous, and scared that he might be about to do something wrong, but apparently the guy was just always grumpy and that was his personality. People couldn't help what their personalities were like, could they? Abey still greeted him with an upbeat and slightly scrambled "Hi Professor Soklokov!" as he entered the classroom, accidentally messing up the professor's name, which always seemed to happen. That done, Abey found himself a seat at the front so that he could show how very interested in this subject he was, and also so that he wouldn't get stuck behind someone really really tall and end up not being able to see the board.

And SPEAKING of the board, Abey RECOGNISED the thing on there. He... he KNEW it. He KNEW WHAT THAT WAS. And sort of bounced and pointed and 'oooh!'ed at it. Because it was something he actually recognised which meant that maybe he might actually be okay at this lesson!

Except... he couldn't remember the name of it. And only vaguely recalled what it was for. And little half-formed facts about it. Probably not enough to be very impressive in the slightest; probably everyone here knew much more than him too. But maybe, maybe he might know something nobody else did. He was Abraham BOTROS, after all.

ArianaBlack 01-25-2017 05:39 AM


Yet another class that was WAY over Zoryn's head. But she was here. And she was trying (mostly). Buuuut the real reason why she always looked forward to this class was for the Professor. Hehehe. What questions would she ask him this week? Stay tuned.

"What's up, Professor S!?" She beaaaaaaaamed at the tall dude, whilst making her way inside. Upon walking through the doorway, she paused briefly to stand beside her Professor, giving him a light nudge with her elbow as if they were sharing some sort of secret. "Did your friend send you any more suspicious packages???" She was SO curious. He could probably see it in the way her eyes lit up as she asked.

And after talking to her Professor she had to find a seat, of course. "Oooh pitchfork wheel!"... Was her comment after seeing the image on the board. Yup. This would be one long lesson.

2111jen 01-25-2017 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by ArianaBlack (Post 12138293)

Yet another class that was WAY over Zoryn's head. But she was here. And she was trying (mostly). Buuuut the real reason why she always looked forward to this class was for the Professor. Hehehe. What questions would she ask him this week? Stay tuned.

"What's up, Professor S!?" She beaaaaaaaamed at the tall dude, whilst making her way inside. Upon walking through the doorway, she paused briefly to stand beside her Professor, giving him a light nudge with her elbow as if they were sharing some sort of secret. "Did your friend send you any more suspicious packages???" She was SO curious. He could probably see it in the way her eyes lit up as she asked.

And after talking to her Professor she had to find a seat, of course. "Oooh pitchfork wheel!"... Was her comment after seeing the image on the board. Yup. This would be one long lesson.

Afternoon professor. " Jomas gave him a smile.
He went to go find a seat as he came in only to find that one first year whom he shoved. He mentally sighed. Thisshould be an interesting lesson.

sweetpinkpixie 01-25-2017 09:37 AM

ABEY! we sitting by you :3

Was not one of his strengths and the only bits of information that he could remember were the runic numbers with the Rowling Alphabet because those were SUPER easy to remember. Like...the salamander representing the number six because that was the maximum hours of the creature's ability to survive out of fire and the amount of legs most said creatures.

But those sorts of things never seemed to come up in their classroom discussions so...the Hufflepuff was usually lost. Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich was why he was making a beeline to sit next to Abey because Abey talked smart on the topic. Or rather he intended on making a beeline for the Gryffindor but became startled when the professor was RIGHT THERE next to the door when he entered, causing him to jump a little in surprise.

"Hi, profes-ss-s-sor!" he squeaked, clutching his enchanted suitcase to his chest and scurrying past the man and NOW making his way over to his fellow first year. "S-S-S-So," he greeted as he plopped into the seat next to Abey and pointed at the board. "Red s-s-snowflakes? Red snow?"

Crayola 01-25-2017 10:57 AM

Look, let's be honest here.

This was Daisy Carden's farewell tour, okay?

Not because she was leaving Hogwarts and its Quidditchlessness that is totally a word, shush behind but because she was definitely dropping some of these classes come next year. You could do that as a sixth year, right? Not take every lesson? Right, definitely. Ancient Runes, bless its boring heart, was certainly going. Goodbye. Good riddance and all that.


As it were, though, the fifth year Slytherin still had to take it this year, so she begrudgingly made her way into the classroom, almost catching the fright of her life when she saw the Professor right. there. by. the. door. Merlin. "Professor Sokolov!" She started, hand moving to her chest. "I wasn't excepting you to be right there!" Honestly, what was he doing? Counting them in? Making them go through security like at a football stadium? The fifteen year old stood there for a second, blinking at the Professor until she realised that the other students were sitting at their desks.

Righteo. No security check, then.

Clearing her throat loudly, Daisy averted her eyes from the man and moved to find a desk, whistling. Yes. Nothing to see here. Ahem.

Artel 01-25-2017 12:46 PM

Runes was always very much a middle-of-the-ground class for Sinead. Okay, it didn't hold all the thrills of Transfiguration, but at least it was actually kind of usefully and challenging (intellectually, as opposed to wrestling with a magical tree stump or something in Herbology and COMC.) So this should be an okay class.

"Good afternoon, Professor," she said with a polite bob of the head, before glancing around the class somewhat uneasily in search of a desk. Daisy from Fifth Year she kind of knew but probably wouldn't want to hang out with a firstie during lessons... A couple of random first years she'd never learned the names of... That crazy Gryffindor girl and the guy she bit who always lost them house points...

Okay, on the whole, maybe safer to sit alone. She arranged her things across the desk ready for the lesson, and in absence of anything better to do, began leafing through her textbook in search of the symbol on the board.

Steelsheen 01-25-2017 01:56 PM

Runes. It was time for Runes.

It was also that dangerous hour of all the hours-- after lunch. Oh boy he hoped the Professor has something for them that would keep the sand out of their eyes.

"'Afternoon Professor S!" he greeted the man by the door. "Nice snowflake pattern there." he beamed cheerfully.

Or whatever it was. Right now he's trying to keep himself entertained by just about anything because he could feel the digestive juices in his stomach starting to churn and the wheels in his brain slowly grinding to a halt....

ChanceCoeur 01-25-2017 03:21 PM

Noelle looked a hot mess.

She didn't feel good and you could tell it. Her hair was in a messy bun piled on her head. She looked tired and she slouched as she walked into the classroom. Giving the Professor a half hearted wave and a brief smile of 'hello', she headed for a desk beside Ace.

Anyone else in the classroom got a small smile before she pulled the things she would need for class out of her bag. Maybe she'd just rest her head a moment before class officially started....

RachieRu 01-25-2017 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by ChanceCoeur (Post 12138440)
Noelle looked a hot mess.

She didn't feel good and you could tell it. Her hair was in a messy bun piled on her head. She looked tired and she slouched as she walked into the classroom. Giving the Professor a half hearted wave and a brief smile of 'hello', she headed for a desk beside Ace.

Anyone else in the classroom got a small smile before she pulled the things she would need for class out of her bag. Maybe she'd just rest her head a moment before class officially started....

Ancient Runes. An interesting subject. One that Hattie wasn't the best at. But she was determined to get better, which was why she entered the classroom with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Professor" She murmured with a smile, as she looked up, and spotted Noelle. She headed over to her friend, and poked her should. "Yo. don't fall asleep" She giggled, as she sat down next to her friend.

Nobody could sleep when Harriet was around.

Watson 01-25-2017 04:18 PM

Ancient Runes? Now this had been her brother's ultimate favourite class. So this had to be fun, right? With her bag slung lazily over her right shoulder, Olivia made her way into the classroom, ready for whatever they would learn today. She was excited. Learning at Hogwarts was more enjoyable than her previous school. Olivia walked into the classroom and noticed that it was set up like a normal classroom with desks and rows. What? No pillows? That'd be alright. It'd be good to have a normal class, right?

Before heading to find a seat, she approached the Professor. "Hello Professor!" before seeing Ace and Noelle already seated in seats. Quick wave to them. And the two troublemaker (yet adorable first years). "Derf!" Big wave for him. Then she saw Brent. Hey! Open seat by him. Sweet. "Mind if I sit here, Sir Brenton?" she asked with a small teasing grin, remembering their conversation from the other day. "How's it going? Are the seats comfy?"

Daydreamer11 01-25-2017 06:58 PM

Janelle was not exactly rushing to get to Ancient Runes, but here she was nonetheless. Saying this was not her best class, was a bit of an understatement. Despite that, she was determined to give it her best shot. Taking a deep breath, she walked into the classroom. "Good afternoon Professor", she said, trying to work up her enthusiasm.

If there was one thing Janelle could say about the professor, it was that he was consistent. She was definitely glad of that. Finding the nearest empty desk, Janelle plopped down in it. She got her things out, as she stared at the symbol on the board. She would amuse herself by trying to figure out what it was. That should keep her busy for a few minutes.

MunchyBubbles 01-25-2017 08:37 PM

Ancient Runes, it wasn't actually as boring as everyone made it out to be honestly, Leon enjoyed the class and the Professor.

The older boy managed to get into the room and looked around, he was slightly out of breath, he had to hightail it here from the kitchens, seeing as he had missed his mid-morning snack and didn't want to miss his post-lunch snack.

He skidded in the door and smiled at the Professor. "Afternoon Professor Sokolov. " He said with a nod as he looked at the board and noticed the symbol.. Hey! He knew what that was..

Mostly at least.

"Norse right?" He said to the Professor as he motioned to the symbol.

Helmet of fear? Ehh.. something like that. He sat down in a free desk and waited for the class to start.

potterobsessionist 01-25-2017 08:53 PM

Quick mentions of Zoryn, Olivia and Brent!

Ancient Runes. Let's be honest, Carlton wasn't Professor Sokolov's brightest student. But at least he attended and stayed awake and tried to participate to the best of his abilities. Unfortunately his abilities weren't great.

"Afternoon Professor Sokolov!" He greeted as he ran past him into the class room. No time to chat Mr. Professor. He had to find a seat so he could see the board clearly. He made a beeline to the front. He passed Zoryn and gave her a quick pat on the head in greeting as he zoomed by, as you do, and continued his mission to an empty seat.

After he found one he happily dropped all his stuff on the floor. He had a lot of stuff. Carlton sank down in one of the seats and neatly put his quill, notes and textbook (he'd need that) on the desk in front of him. When he deemed himself ready to embark on the Ancient Runes lesson he had the time to look around him. He spotted Olivia over with an older student (Brent) he recognized from his own house. Beaming he gave them a big wave. OH HAI. Then he pointed to the board. Ruuuuuunes. Yup. He was so ready.

Sonea 01-25-2017 09:47 PM

Almost done, almost done… The second year old walked toward her next class already thinking about the things she could do when she would be free to go back to her dorm. But, first she needed to finish this last lesson of the day! Stepping into the classroom she smiled brightly at the professor who was standing right beside the door.“Hello professor, how are you doing?” She asked with a smile while walking forward. Hmm, what were they going to learn during this new lesson? Looking up at he blackboard she really had no idea…

Shanners 01-25-2017 11:23 PM

Tra la la la. Another hour, another class to sit in when he would much rather be looking into different universities. He supposed that Ancient Runes wasn't actually all that bad, though and the Professor wasn't awful. So Rooney walked into the classroom with a smile, raised a hand in a small wave to his teacher and nodded. "Hiya Professor. Are you well?" As he took a seat towards the back of the class, he observed what was on the board. Innnnnteresting.

And then he dove to look for it in his textbook.

Govoni 01-25-2017 11:29 PM

Okay, so... Olivia Phillips had a complicated relationship with Professor Sokolov, which she would argue was NOT her own fault. He'd been the one with the attitude towards Gryffindors last term, and let's be honest here; that was as good as a formally issued challenge to the blonde Fourth Year. So, even though her demeanor had changed a great deal, as well as her hairstyle and weight... She would never stop pestering this man.

It was tradition. Like with Professor Gaston.

A little lightheaded, she entered the classroom and took a seat right at the front. Oh... Were these different chairs? Her bum didn't remember this level of comfort from the year before. But then again, she'd really not paid that much attention to aches and pains. There had been intense leg agony to worry about. Er, anyway... Liv SMILED at the man; though it was a bit forced. Eh, that part couldn't be helped so much. "Hello, Professor." Some of that old mischievous sparkle was in her eye.

Also, we see you back there, Rooney.

TeafortheSoul 01-26-2017 12:02 AM

Heading into the classroom, Char stopped short when she saw what was on the board.

"Oooooh professor, are we going into battle?" She asked, immediately excited. BATTLE. That was what Aegishjalmur was for, right? To protect the bearer and put FEAR in the HEARTS of their ENEMIES. ROAR.

She deposited herself in a seat next to Dora and waited eagerly. Maybe they'd get to do some other sigils. MAYBE THEY WOULD GET TO BLOW THINGS UP!

Felixir 01-26-2017 12:34 AM

sneaky post cause #yolo

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12138319)
"Hi, profes-ss-s-sor!" he squeaked, clutching his enchanted suitcase to his chest and scurrying past the man and NOW making his way over to his fellow first year. "S-S-S-So," he greeted as he plopped into the seat next to Abey and pointed at the board. "Red s-s-snowflakes? Red snow?"

Abey was still sitting there trying to wrack his brainbox about the symbol thingy up there on the board, and mostly only fragments and things were coming back to him, about what was special about how it was all made up and everything. The proper name was still eluding him, and it probably always would actually because it was a tricky word that came from neither of the languages Abey actually knew, but there was another name for it he was trying to remember.

Derf was the one that finally tore Abey's attention from the board though, when he came and sat by him. FRIEEEEEEEND!

"Hi Derf!" Abey greeted the boy, lowering his voice to a whisper in case the professor was feeling extra grumpy today. "No, not snowflakes. I can't remember what it's-"

But then that older blonde girl walked in, and her mention of battle was enough to jog Abey's memory. He could very distinctly recall Jaddi explaining loaaaaads about it (most of which he couldn't understand actually) a million years ago, when Abey had seen a picture in a book while playing 'Runes Master' and asked him what it was. He turned back to Derf, suddenly even more excitable.

"It's a Helm of Or, I think. But I can't remember what an Or is." Why did he think it was some kind of rock? Did people throw rocks in battle? It could actually make sense actually.

And also, did this mean Abey was smart yet?

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