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For reasons unknown, a gate between two dimensions cracked open by means of a portal. Dare you enter through it?
Once through the portal, you find yourself in familiar surroundings. However, you soon realize that this is not the same world you were standing in moments ago. Everything appears to be a mirrored version of the sixth floor corridor with some peculiar differences. Overgrown tendrils and fleshy membrane cover the walls and ground beneath you, and spores eerily float in the air. Goosebumps appear on your arms and your vision isn't very clear for it is colder, darker, and foggier here. The rest of the castle and grounds, for those who get that far, are no different. Not a single ray of sun shines in this topsy-turvy world where magic, you soon will discover, isn't as strong as it is in the brighter dimension you came from.
If your gut is telling you that this place is too creepy and that you should turn back now, then listen to it. Otherwise, explore this alternate Hogwarts at your own risk. Who knows what lurks within these walls.
The first set of students were out of the room, allowing the group remaining to steadily move toward the doorway, focusing on keeping the barrier alive or trying to keep the monster from wiggling its way through. Stay focused and your efforts will prevent the monster from getting through the barrier any further.
Minutes then quickly pass by, surely enough for those remaining to start making a run for it. Do so now or you will be dinner.
OOC: The first group of students should be heading through the portal (make your posts there at this time). Those of you still remaining: it is time to make your escape! Start casting spells at the monster (it will be interacting with you, so stay vigilant) and make your way back up to the portal.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
The other's were getting the hell out which was good. She knew she wasn't the boss in there, but she did have a badge and she did see the need to tell them to leave. If it was her last job as head girl she was going to help get everyone out to safety. Merlin she was ready for summer and maybe a trip to a beach.
Watching the ones leave she kept her wand up and the barrier going. She resaid the spell a few times as her feet moved towards the door with the rest holding guard. She hoped the ones behind her that were doing the defensive spells took off while the ones with the barrier were still holding strong at the door. Lifting her hand for the first time since she had been scratched Nat felt the mark that was left.
When it was time to break and get their feet moving Nat pointed her wand and did the spell that she knew forced the creature back last time. "Incendio" pointing her wand and saying it with as much force as she could she turned on her heel and headed down the corridor.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
SPOILER!!: monster and narrator
Originally Posted by The Monster
It was getting easier and easier for the monster to pull away at the invisible barrier now that two more of its casters were preoccupied and bleeding. It's tongue licked its lips. Dinner would be served soon, and it, by the look and smell of that fresh blood, was going to be absolutely delicious.
The beast decided to lift its leg through the hole it had been pulling at in an effort to get the rest of its body through so it could get a taste of that blood. It was at this moment that it felt something invisible slash at its face. The cut wasn't deep, but it was enough for a strand of blue blood to slowly trickle down its face. The monster paid no attention to that. It was just a flesh wound.
The Fire-Making Spell did cause it to hiss angrily, however. Its leg retracted, and it moved its face away from the flames. Then came another series of spells casted by one of the girls, the first missing it completely and the others whacking it in the face and its upper torso sticking through the barrier. But it did not let go of its grip on the barrier walls for the flames were quick to die out and the other spells only had the affect of hard punches. It sniffed and eyed them all for a moment, pausing before letting out a loud roar and reached an arm out to give another of those humans a ruby red face so it had another chance of pulling itself through the barrier.
Originally Posted by The Narrator
The first set of students were out of the room, allowing the group remaining to steadily move toward the doorway, focusing on keeping the barrier alive or trying to keep the monster from wiggling its way through. Stay focused and your efforts will prevent the monster from getting through the barrier any further.
Minutes then quickly pass by, surely enough for those remaining to start making a run for it. Do so now or you will be dinner.
OOC: The first group of students should be heading through the portal (make your posts there at this time). Those of you still remaining: it is time to make your escape! Start casting spells at the monster (it will be interacting with you, so stay vigilant) and make your way back up to the portal.
Henry's voice raised with the incantations was a comfort to Char but she didn't turn her attention away from the threat they all faced.
Did.... that worked! or did, the darker spell worked! Not hugely but it cut the monster and ew it's blood was blue. Its.... maybe it was more ichor then blood.
"Sectumsempra!" Char cast again at the monster. What other dark(ish) spells could she try? And it didn't like fire either? "Incendio!" Char began backing up, lights still held aloft with her non wand hand, and she didn't stop for breath in throwing spells the monsters way, focusing on flames, slicing, and the darkest curses she could manage.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Baguette | there is no D in my name | TRAITORclaw | Queenie of Narnia
Finally, mercifully, the tendrils were gone, and Abey was free, and there wasn't a moment to lose. It sounded like the barrier group was struggling with the monster now, but Rula didn't allow herself to look for long - the Headmistress was ordering them to run, and she wasn't going to argue.
The second Abey had taken her hand she raced forward as fast as she could manage. Abey's moments of stumbling did slow them just a little, but she tried not to let it. She didn't dare stop to try to carry him - she wasn't sure she'd even be able to, and attempting would waste precious time. The faster she and the others in her group got away, the sooner the barrier group could get to the portal too.
And then finally, there was the portal - and Rula ran right into it, dragging Abey through with her.
if we fall, we will fall together; and when we rise, we will rise together__________________♥♥♥♥ together we are dangerous; together with our differences; together we are bolder, braver, stronger
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle was willing her barrier to stay as much as she could as she backed away with the others. Her concentration was on the monster but her shoulder never left Nat's.
It had been a few minutes (what seemed like hours) since the others had headed to the portal, was that enough time?? Noelle was following the others lead. Her barrier spell being reinforced with each step she took to the door. Henry and Chars spells whizzing past her ear.
When Nat started running, Noelle took that as her cue to head out too. "Protego horribilis!!!!" She yelled with everything she had to try and keep the barrier up a little while longer. "INCENDIO!" She bellowed out next , following the lead of Henry, Char, and Nat. She was right on Nats heels.
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
As the humans began leaving one by one, the monster got more and more agitated. Its full-course dinner was escaping! Out of frustration, the beast let go of its grip on the barrier and let the hole in it disappear. Its hands balled into fists, and the beast started pounding on the barrier over and over again.
Once the barrier was moved to the doorway, it found a weak spot and banged on it ferociously. Soon the barrier bursted and there was nothing invisible between it and the humans. A loud roar escaped the beast's throat and it stretched its arm outward, once again slashing at the first human in reach with the razor sharp nails on its fingers.
Blood and flesh. It wanted blood and flesh.
Within the blink of an eye, the beast moved out of the way the moment spells were being casted at it. Hiding behind the wall, out of view, it waited. No spells were going to make contact with it it while the humans were on the other side of the doorway -- especially the fire spells. It was safe from harm.
Then without warning, when there was a slight pause in spells being casted, it latched itself onto the wall inside the room and crept along the top of the doorway upside down. It saw that the humans were running now, so the beast followed after them with rapid speed, ready to dodge whatever they threw at it.
OOC: You have roughly 12 hours to get through the portal.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Screams of fear and pain reached the professor's ears making her want to turn around and help those in need. The spells being cast behind her and the students saving the boys became more frantic which only served in making her efforts double. The tendrils holding Abey to the wall were breaking free and finally he, just as Simon were free. A small breath of relief left her lips but they weren't safe yet. No one was.
Camilla made sure both Chris and Rula got away from here with Abey and Simon. Those four needed to get back through the portal quickly. "Zelena go with them, help them get the boys to Healer Reed," she told the sixth year as calmly as she could. If one could even call her state of being calm anymore.
There was a rush of students regrouping as two students run past, both with blood covering their faces. Dear Merlin...
Gripping her wand tightly she aimed it directly at the Monster. "Incendio!," she cast as strongly as she could before joining the rest of those still fighting against the Monster. She could hear Regina giving directions to keep the barrier strong as everyone inched back towards the door. Slowly she moved backwards keeping her wand tightly fixed in front of her. "Protego Totalum!"
As the humans began leaving one by one, the monster got more and more agitated. Its full-course dinner was escaping! Out of frustration, the beast let go of its grip on the barrier and let the hole in it disappear. Its hands balled into fists, and the beast started pounding on the barrier over and over again.
Once the barrier was moved to the doorway, it found a weak spot and banged on it ferociously. Soon the barrier bursted and there was nothing invisible between it and the humans. A loud roar escaped the beast's throat and it stretched its arm outward, once again slashing at the first human in reach with the razor sharp nails on its fingers.
Blood and flesh. It wanted blood and flesh.
Within the blink of an eye, the beast moved out of the way the moment spells were being casted at it. Hiding behind the wall, out of view, it waited. No spells were going to make contact with it it while the humans were on the other side of the doorway -- especially the fire spells. It was safe from harm.
Then without warning, when there was a slight pause in spells being casted, it latched itself onto the wall inside the room and crept along the top of the doorway upside down. It saw that the humans were running now, so the beast followed after them with rapid speed, ready to dodge whatever they threw at it.
OOC: You have roughly 12 hours to get through the portal.
This thing was relentless the way it kept throwing itself at the barrier. Cami could feel the shield shake and everything happened so quickly thereafter. One second the shield was there and the next her face was burning. Red hot slash marks right down the side of her face, blood spilling through the open wounds. On instant she raised a hand to the gash marks her wand hand shaking now. The fear was there as was the pain but she couldn't scream. She didn't know why but she couldn't. When she tried to spot the Monster again it wasn't there. "We need to go. Now!" she shouted at the students. This was there chance to get everyone out! "Run for the portal and be careful!" She was right behind them.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
With the rescued first years and the injured Kitty and Olly on their way out, Henry was focused on keeping the monster at bay with whatever spell seemed to work to make sure he and Char and the rest of them could get out. He wasn't sure which of his spells worked the best, but it seemed like the monster was most affected by Nat's Incendio and Char's Sectumsempra. If they got out of this alive, he'd have to get Char to teach him that one.
The monster seemed to shrink back away from their spells, or at least was no longer trying to get through their shield. But once some of them started running, that monster didn't seem to want to let them go without a fight. "Char, come on!" Henry grabbed her hand because he wasn't going anywhere without her and he threw some spells at the monster over his shoulder to try to hold him back and let them escape. "Incendio! Reducto!"
Hopefully that would help with everyone else's cast spells. But he wasn't looking to see. Right now all he was concerned with was getting himself and his girlfriend out of here as they ran for their lives towards the portal.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
She was moving away and up the steps of the castle, but her eyes were always moving. She wanted to make sure the others were getting out as well. She knew the professors and headmistress would help, but she was the oldest here and needed to help as best she could, but she also just wanted the hell out of there. This stupid thing had scratched enough of them. She felt someone right against her and turned seeing Noelle.
Getting her friend in front of her and checking that the rest were coming she noticed the movement from above. "It's on the ceiling. Keep running." She was yelling to warn everyone, but especially her friends around her. Pointing her wand she sent another few spells at it, "Incendio, Immobulous".
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle couldn't speak except to send spell after spell at the monster. She was running for her life. Her mind was numb except for spells that were currently present. She glanced at Nat as she ran when Nat pulled Noelle in front of her. If Noelle had been in her right mind, she would have wanted to help Nat with the blood running down her face. She'd have helped somewhere. But not right now. It was like her body was responding but she wasn't in it.
"INCENDIO DUO!!!!" She yelled and pointed her wand where Nat was indicating the monster was at. It was the strongest fire spell she knew how to do. She didn't know how to do the spell Char and Nat had done that seemed to hurt the monster a little bit, but she was doing what was strong with her.
Her feet pounded on the ground as she ran. She wasn't going to stop. She made a grab for Nat's so to not loose her. "INCENDIO DUO!" She sent a few more spells at the monster as she continued to run. Her heart racing as quick as her legs. Her breath coming in puffs. They were almost there!!
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Last edited by ChanceCoeur; 04-05-2017 at 03:43 PM.
Reason: Opps!!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
It was hard to figure out what was going on with the rescue part of the team because his focus was on the shield and the monster itself. The man had full faith in the others but he also felt as though this was taking longer than it should. Or was this just nerv-
His eyes widened as he looked between the monster and the now injured Kitty and Mr Thomas-Borzekowski. The scene, one that had been bad enough already what with the kidnapping, had suddenly turned into an even worse kind of nightmare the moment the creature's claws made contact with the two students. Cancel that, three students now that it had struck again at Natalia.
Hirsch was glad that Regina was there because he wasn't sure what he could say that would be appropriate in front of the students. Any swearing could, probably, be forgiven given the circumstances but still. Eyes narrowed behind his glasses, the man found that the rising anger on behalf of his hurt students was driving more of the shield forward than anything else. It was now or never, right?
As people filtered out of the room, the Defence Professor found himself backing further and further towards the door. There was no time to look behind him to check on the students but he did hope they had enough sense to know to run for it rather than staying back to 'enjoy the show'. When it looked like no other students were in the room, aside from the ones casting the shield spells, the man felt safe enough to head out of the room himself. Backwards. He was not letting this creature out of his sight.
And then it got worse.
The barrier, the shield, their one protection, had given way and there was nothing saving them from the clutches of the monster. Or, it would have if the monster hadn't decided to go and crawl along the ceiling, instead. While that made the firing of spells and escaping task rather difficult, it wasn't entirely impossible. Not when the students were smart enough to use fire spells to their advantage during this task.
Hirsch himself shot a few Incendio Trias up towards the monster overhead. There was a sense of rhythm going on: shoot some fire-based spells (because those had worked for Natalia and the others), run for a while and urge the students to do the same, and then shoot a few more spells. His mind was racing faster than his feet, however, and he had an idea in the back of his head that, well, was likely to work but was also incredibly dangerous considering how many students were still present.
Here went nothing.
In a desperate attempt to get the students to get out of there, the Ravenclaw Head of House conjured a lasso of fire and held it up towards the creature. It wasn't aimed directly at it, more along the path in front of it so as to stop it from following them any further ahead. If it worked, then he was going to be delighted. If it didn't........ there were other tactics.
But for now, they needed to get out of here. Quickly!
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Was it possible to have your heart pound through your chest?
Because Noelle felt like hers was.
She was running as fast as she could. Her senses were tingling but she still didn't feel part of her body. If out of body experiences were a thing... she was having one.
She was sending spell after spell over her shoulder towards the wall and ceiling where the monster was. She knew how fast it was but was too numb to actually think about that right now. The portal and everyone going through it was her concern.
A flash of light made her look over her shoulder as she ran. Hirsch. That man.. that lasso of fire. Noelle didn't concentrate on that though because she was soon facing front again, running as quickly as she could. "INCENDIO DUO!!!" She yelled with everything she had pointing her wand in front of the monster. The portal was right there. And Noelle was about to go through it!
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Keeping her eyes to the where the monster seemed to be lurking Nat's adrenaline was high so she didn't really notice the scratch that clearly was on her face. She quickly looked to see Noelle head closer to the portal. Were they all out now? No, she knew Char and Henry were still around and no way would she let Henry be stuck again. She kept moving down the corridor, but her eyes searching in the dark when the fire lit up the area. Thank Merlin the place wasn't starting to burn with all the fire spells and it seemed to be keeping the monster away since he hadn't attacked at all.
Her eyes widened at the fire that Hirsch did. She felt the warmth of the flames. This was not going to end well for the monster and she wished she could stop and watch it burn. Giving one last look and knowing they were close behind Nat took to the portal and went through.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by emjay
With the rescued first years and the injured Kitty and Olly on their way out, Henry was focused on keeping the monster at bay with whatever spell seemed to work to make sure he and Char and the rest of them could get out. He wasn't sure which of his spells worked the best, but it seemed like the monster was most affected by Nat's Incendio and Char's Sectumsempra. If they got out of this alive, he'd have to get Char to teach him that one.
The monster seemed to shrink back away from their spells, or at least was no longer trying to get through their shield. But once some of them started running, that monster didn't seem to want to let them go without a fight. "Char, come on!" Henry grabbed her hand because he wasn't going anywhere without her and he threw some spells at the monster over his shoulder to try to hold him back and let them escape. "Incendio! Reducto!"
Hopefully that would help with everyone else's cast spells. But he wasn't looking to see. Right now all he was concerned with was getting himself and his girlfriend out of here as they ran for their lives towards the portal.
When you ran with a light in your hand and couldn't hold it straight, it threw the light all over, haphazardly. Char's runes were no exception to this - it was almost eerie the way the light moved with every pound of her feet against the floor on their way up the corridor.
Hand in hand with Henry, Charlotte was more glad than ever that they were both fit and fast. Was it only professors left behind them? She wasn't sure she'd ever run so quick in her life once they started making that run for it. A few more spells as they retreated and then the portal was in sight, and Char and Henry jumped through it.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
There was no pain, only anger now. The fear of anyone else getting hurt had been replaced by anger the closer they got to the portal. It was hard to see where she was going due to the deep scratches on her face but that didn't slow her down any. Camilla continued to run as quickly as she could which was not very easily done in shoes, so she may have tripped once or twice.
Following the students as quickly as she could, Cami wiped the sleeve of her robe across her face in an attempt to wipe some of the blood away. It was just enough to allow her to briefly see clearly enough and be able to continue casting spells as she ran. "Incendio Trias!" were aimed at the Monster each chance she could get. She continued to encourage the students to keep running as fast as they could.
The quick thinking of Hirsch and that lasso rope of fire he conjured was on point. Cami used this moment to cast the strongest fire spells she could safely use around the lasso rope at the Monster. If she hit it and set it aflame that would only be all to good right now. If not she would happily settle for keeping it at bay.
One by one the students ahead of her tumbled through the portal and she out a breath. "The portal is just up ahead!" she called behind her to Hirsch and Regina. Quickening her pace Professor Stewart jumped through the portal right behind Charlotte and Henry.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Hirsch was glad to have Camilla there to reinforce the flames on the lasso rope of fire. The thinking behind it was linked entirely to Inferi because surely, if it kept an army of Inferi at bay, it could deal with a monster, right? The flaw in this logic was the fact that they were in a universe where magic didn't work in the same way as it did back where they were from.
Still. Thank you, Camilla.
The slightly uplifting part of this entire escape plan was the fact that they were getting closer and closer towards the portal itself, as Camilla had mentioned. The number of people left fighting the creature was dwindling down which made the procedure harder but this wasn't a bad thing. Students had gotten back to Hogwarts, hadn't they?
Through all the commotion and quick firing of spells, Hirsch noticed that there were only professors left on this side of the portal. Good. That meant that the time was coming close to when they needed to get out of there as well. When Cam left, the Defence Professor yelled out to Regina instead, "Come on, Regina! Let's go!" He really didn't want to leave her behind but considering how close they were to escaping and the fact that their defences had gone down as well, it was now or never.
And so, Hirsch turned around and jumped into the portal.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
That monster was something else. Regina remained calm as ever, at least externally, as she and the others made their way out if the room with the barrier still in tact. The fact that this was working truly said something about those present in the alternative universe. Though the situation was life threatening, the American was rather impressed. It wasn't every day a small handful of professors and a group of older students went face-to-face with a beast such as this.
True to her training, the woman remained focused on the task at hand. The wall and keeping the beast at bay was her focus, otherwise they would all be its dinner. She winced at the monster's attacks and hoped that they would all be out of this hell soon. There were injured students that needed medical attention immediately.
And then the barrier gave way and there was nothing she nor anyone else could do to fix it. Her eyes widened as she began during spells at the beast left and right.
"Go, go, go!" she exclaimed on top of the others screaming that it was time to get out. They all needed to leave and get out as fast as they possibly could.
Within moments, all of the students were through the portal. The headmistress continued to toss spells at the monster with good speed. She had honestly lost track of where she was because she was focused on keeping that devilish thing from harming anyone else. It'll it wanted to get to them, the thing was going to have to get past her first
It was Roderik that brought her out of the zone. Cami had gone through, and the man was about to do the same. Beads of sweat coming down from her forehead, Regina casted one last spell, hoping to blast the monster with some heat and catch the tendrils on the wall of fire. Not waiting to see the outcome, she ran through the portal, her mouth ready to shout that now was the time. She hoped everyone else was on the other side with Storm...
At this point, the monster was desperate. Its great meal was running away from it, heading back to where they had come from. The pit of its stomach growled, a sign that it just should have ate the two boys when it had the chance. The beast angrily roared as it chased after the adults and older students. It would be happy if it could at least snatch one of them.
But the beast, when it was so close to pouncing on one of them, was prevented from doing so. Spell after spell was casted at it. It let some of them hit it, for all it would do was act like a punch or a slap. Those didn't really slow it down. It just aggravated it even more. The fire spells, however, were a different story. The beast did not like fire.
Now on the sixth floor, it scattered about the ceiling with all of its might, desperate to catch someone. Its eyes singled on the woman that was left, but it soon had flames to face. One of which smacked it right in the face. The beast cried out in pain, and it soon realized that it could no longer see.
But that didn't stop it. It could still rely on its sense of sight and smell. After taking a moment to recover from the damage, it made its way toward the portal...