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It was almost the end of April and the air was certainly warm that morning. The windows of the Muggle Studies classroom were all open to let the fresh air in. The said class was set up as usual- with the white board up at the front of the room with its purple marker; the room itself was divided into two with the path down the middle. Professor Stewart’s laptop is missing today and there are surely no indications as to what the topic for the lesson will be. Not to worry! All will be revealed soon!
Your Professor is seated behind her desk as she awaited your arrival. She’s all smiles, excited to get the lesson started. Come on! Have your seat! Have a chat with your friends in the meanwhile but don’t be rowdy!
OOC: Hello, guys and gals! I know I originally stated that I would open the lesson tonight but since it’s my day off, I figured I’d do so earlier. Have your charries chat with their friends or even with Kay just don’t go overboard, please! We’ll get started in about 36 hours! CLASS HAS STARTED!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
Tim was quietly listening and taking down notes. She didn't feel like giving an opinion on muggles. She liked them. They interested her. And now that she was living in the muggle world, she was still fascinated by them. But some of these comments were just plain rude, even for opinions. The blonde softly rolled her eyes and stuck to her notes. She took Nat's paper and wrote some down for her too. Nat wasn't big on taking notes sometimes so Tim did her the favor. As for the professor's next question, Tim had to think hard. There were many things she wondered about what the muggles had invented.
Sitting up properly, she smiled to herself and thought of how to break down her mental list. "I'd go with internet, video cameras," That was just off the top of her head.
Nat did take notes, but haha maybe not as many as she should and obviously she used her parchment for writing notes to friends and doodling I heart Cal or TDK on it. So when Tim started taking notes she smiled and stuck her tongue out playfully. She listened as everyone put their two cents in with the inventions. Though when Tim got distracted by actually paying attention and answering questions Nat took the opportunity to doodle on her friends notes.
I heart Natalia...
Natalia Franks-Mundie is the best best friend in the world....
Tim adores Natalia.
Moving her hand she grinned at her friend and started writing again. "Ice cream after class?" Her eyes moving back to the professor as she put the inventions on the board. "I don't think it is that hard professor. I think we are able to have relationships with them without using our wands. We get the practice of being muggles as children. Not being allowed to use magic outside of school. It is just another training for us if you think about it. They train us to live in a muggle world if we need to." Really not being able to use magic outside of school as a minor was just dumb, but it could be seen as training.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura listened quietly to all the answers that wdre being given, if she were honest, she didn't have many ideas about how to form good relationships with muggles and all of the ones she did have.. seemed rather lame.
Her hand went into the air after a few more moments of thinking.
"I think I would just try to be myself Professor. Connect to them through friendship and try to maintain that friendship.. Also I might bring them cupcakes.. Cupcakes always help everything. " She said with a nod "But honestly I would just try to be their friend, and keep my secret. It's for the best that they don't know anyways. "
Hopefully that would change eventually.. she would like to live in a world where muggles and wizards could live happily together.
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno pondered that question for a few moments. Maintaining relationships with muggles that weren't in your family and already knew your secret, could be difficult.
She raised her hand and waited to be called on. When she was, she responded, "Well, having a good relationship, muggle or wizard, is difficult, but with muggles I think it is harder, especially since we would have to keep such a big part of our selves a secret. But because we have experience with not being allowed to use magic until we are of age, it helps us to keep in practice for when we do have a muggle friend. So keeping that secret could be very difficult when we are so used to using out magic, but it is necessary for us to do so or our world would be in trouble. It is a huge responsibility for us to keep our world hidden." Yes, it was. And she didn't want to ever be the person to let it slip in front of a muggle.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
“A lot of respect, professor.” Jace said with a raised hand. “In my opinion, it is the number one requirement to be able to peacefully co-exist with our muggle counterparts.” He added, with a nod of his head. Sure, they had to keep a huge part of them secret to most, if not all muggles but that doesn’t mean that they have to be hostile to them. They do live in a planet where it is mostly inhabited by them, so as guests, they owe them the same amount of respect as with their fellow witches and wizards.
“I practice Kendo, which is a muggle sport. I think that’s a good way to build and maintain friendship with them professor. I have to put in the same effort as them when it comes to practice and training sessions, so...I really don’t look any different to them.” He said as he sat back on his chair, willing his thoughts to remain on the topic at hand. Kendo could be so distracting sometimes.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
It was a good question and one that she often thought of. "I suppose the internet could be a good way to meet Muggles if you don't live nearby any, or even if you do. I volunteered at a Thrift Store with my dad, so I met lots of Muggles there. So far I've only talked to much older Muggles (which is cool)but this summer I am planning to meet Muggles my own age. So this class could be my practice." So true!
"Personally, I can't imagine keeping my magic a secret from someone I truly cared for," she said, moving on to the harder question. "Right now I don't find it TOO hard since aside from my dad (and he knows) I don't really know any Muggles all that well. I don't think I would break the law, but I really can't imagine keeping it a secret. Not because I would accidentally cast a spell, but because it would feel dishonest. And if my future Muggle friend ever got sick I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of healing him/her with magic." There didn't seem to be an easy answer for situations like that.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: All the Answers! <3
Originally Posted by 2111jen
Jonas blinked his eyes a bit and tilted his head in confusion....he wasn't entirely sure what she said. He had to replay the words in his mind over and over again for a bit...ooooh now he thinks he understood.
"I think it's best that you should have a good relationship with a muggle?" Jonas said raising his hand. "Cos' you gotta have trust in a relationship so to make sure they won't tell anyone else?" He thinks that sounded right.
Originally Posted by RachieRu
"I think it would be hard..." Hattie murmured with a little shrug as she thought about it. "I mean I think we'd have to keep our magic a secret, regardless of how close we are to the person. Because we just don't know if they are going to tell anyone or what they'll do with the information" So that was a thing. "But like Jonas said.... we need to be able to trust each other" So they would need to get around that. She was silent for a few moments as she thought a little more. "In that case... I believe we'd have to be good talkers. Branching around the subject, so we can get them to trust us. But maybe not do too much magic to help with things, when we are off age obviously, because then we won't look suspicious"
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Muggles and Magic. Heh. Naturally Tenacius can survive without magic because his folks made sure he can. It wasnt an excuse in his household that he cant wash his own dishes or make his own bed regardless of wands or house elves. It wasnt just about raising him not to be dependent on magic, it was about not raising him to be lazy.
But right what can he do to build and keep a good Muggle relationship? Trust? Well sure.... he nodded when Jonas and Hattie said them. But there was the matter of that pesky Statute of Secrecy, which quite frankly was more a bane than a boon as the centuries pass. But working with the Statute is in his blood-- the Astors have built an empire on both sides of the Secrecy divide. So if he could maybe borrow a page from the ol Astor playbook.... "Stories Professor. Muggles love good stories!" Nod nod mmhm he knows "I mean sure we may know of Muggles that would be very trustworthy in keeping secrets, but that Statute of Secrecy kinda doesnt care about that." which is why their clan generally despises it, among a list of other things "But yeah Muggles like stories, we can start to build relationships with stories that to us may be fact but to Muggles, its so fantastical they think its fiction. And Muggles always like the fantastical, it entertains them, distracts them, makes them feel good before going back to their Muggle routine. So we can still keep and grow these Muggle relationships but still keeping safe within the boundaries of the Statute."
Originally Posted by Devina Wellheart
Randa watched as the professor wrote their answers upon the board and asked the next question...
Hmmm? She thought for a moment about how to answer this... It was actually alot harder than Miranda first thought... To be honest she didn't really know or even associate with muggles. So, really the question was mute to her, but for the sake of the lesson she pondered how she may maintain some sort of relationship with a muggle or muggles should she find herself in such a position...
Raising her hand when she felt she had an appropriate response, she said when she was called upon, " I'd wager if I were to have the need to maianain a friendship or something with a muggle I'd be just as I am with my magical friends.. I don't see any real difference in us other than the fact that I can use magic.. And seeing as how we first learn to live in a mundane way do to the restriction of underaged magic usage... It'd be easy enough not to reveal the fact that I can use magic..."
She was a bit long winded and she hoped that she was understood as she fell silent.. But she was satisfied enough with her answer..
Originally Posted by emjay
That was an interesting question. Henry thought a moment before raising his hand. "Professor, I have quite a few Muggles in my family. Some of them actually do know about magic.." His grandparents specifically as they had magical children. "Or.. a little bit, I guess. But most of them do not." His grandparents' knowledge was fairly limited from what he knew at least. It was pretty much on a need to know basis. And the rest were not permitted to know anything. He was told that from a young age.
"My cousins, for instance. They don't know that I'm a wizard, but I still try to hang out with them when I can over break." Unfortunately, he did have to cut them out of a big part of his life and he didn't feel as close to them as he'd like. "I can't tell them some things, and sometimes it feels a little bit like lying," he admitted. And sometimes he actually did have to lie, or at least hedge his way around answers. "But they're still loads of fun and there is still plenty we can do together that does not involve magic." People were people, y'know?
Originally Posted by Bazinga
Nat did take notes, but haha maybe not as many as she should and obviously she used her parchment for writing notes to friends and doodling I heart Cal or TDK on it. So when Tim started taking notes she smiled and stuck her tongue out playfully. She listened as everyone put their two cents in with the inventions. Though when Tim got distracted by actually paying attention and answering questions Nat took the opportunity to doodle on her friends notes.
I heart Natalia...
Natalia Franks-Mundie is the best best friend in the world....
Tim adores Natalia.
Moving her hand she grinned at her friend and started writing again. "Ice cream after class?" Her eyes moving back to the professor as she put the inventions on the board. "I don't think it is that hard professor. I think we are able to have relationships with them without using our wands. We get the practice of being muggles as children. Not being allowed to use magic outside of school. It is just another training for us if you think about it. They train us to live in a muggle world if we need to." Really not being able to use magic outside of school as a minor was just dumb, but it could be seen as training.
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Azura listened quietly to all the answers that wdre being given, if she were honest, she didn't have many ideas about how to form good relationships with muggles and all of the ones she did have.. seemed rather lame.
Her hand went into the air after a few more moments of thinking.
"I think I would just try to be myself Professor. Connect to them through friendship and try to maintain that friendship.. Also I might bring them cupcakes.. Cupcakes always help everything. " She said with a nod "But honestly I would just try to be their friend, and keep my secret. It's for the best that they don't know anyways. "
Hopefully that would change eventually.. she would like to live in a world where muggles and wizards could live happily together.
Originally Posted by Suziella
Juno pondered that question for a few moments. Maintaining relationships with muggles that weren't in your family and already knew your secret, could be difficult.
She raised her hand and waited to be called on. When she was, she responded, "Well, having a good relationship, muggle or wizard, is difficult, but with muggles I think it is harder, especially since we would have to keep such a big part of our selves a secret. But because we have experience with not being allowed to use magic until we are of age, it helps us to keep in practice for when we do have a muggle friend. So keeping that secret could be very difficult when we are so used to using out magic, but it is necessary for us to do so or our world would be in trouble. It is a huge responsibility for us to keep our world hidden." Yes, it was. And she didn't want to ever be the person to let it slip in front of a muggle.
Originally Posted by Stefan
“A lot of respect, professor.” Jace said with a raised hand. “In my opinion, it is the number one requirement to be able to peacefully co-exist with our muggle counterparts.” He added, with a nod of his head. Sure, they had to keep a huge part of them secret to most, if not all muggles but that doesn’t mean that they have to be hostile to them. They do live in a planet where it is mostly inhabited by them, so as guests, they owe them the same amount of respect as with their fellow witches and wizards.
“I practice Kendo, which is a muggle sport. I think that’s a good way to build and maintain friendship with them professor. I have to put in the same effort as them when it comes to practice and training sessions, so...I really don’t look any different to them.” He said as he sat back on his chair, willing his thoughts to remain on the topic at hand. Kendo could be so distracting sometimes.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
It was a good question and one that she often thought of. "I suppose the internet could be a good way to meet Muggles if you don't live nearby any, or even if you do. I volunteered at a Thrift Store with my dad, so I met lots of Muggles there. So far I've only talked to much older Muggles (which is cool)but this summer I am planning to meet Muggles my own age. So this class could be my practice." So true!
"Personally, I can't imagine keeping my magic a secret from someone I truly cared for," she said, moving on to the harder question. "Right now I don't find it TOO hard since aside from my dad (and he knows) I don't really know any Muggles all that well. I don't think I would break the law, but I really can't imagine keeping it a secret. Not because I would accidentally cast a spell, but because it would feel dishonest. And if my future Muggle friend ever got sick I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation of healing him/her with magic." There didn't seem to be an easy answer for situations like that.
Originally posted by The Whiteboard
* Being Truthful
* Be good talkers but avoid getting into the topic of magic
* Telling stories
* Be Ourselves
* Engage in activities that do not involve magic
* Continued enforcement of not using magic out of school while underage
Kay made sure to put Jace’s answer in all capital letters. Why? Simply because this was the answer, in her opinion, that was key. She capped the marker then turned to the class fully once more. “Excellent ideas, everyone! Certainly each of these, in their own way, would help us foster stronger bonds with our non magical counterparts. However, I would like to stress on the fact that we must uphold the Statute of Secrecy, if we choose to be ourselves. In a way, we are only being ourselves to a extent but it is of utmost importance and rather necessary.
“Of everything we have on that list, respect- as Mr Reed suggested- is perhaps the best way to forge and uphold these relationships. If we can learn to live with muggles, accept them then we can live in cohesion. It will be one step closer to a peaceful world. Two points for that answer, Mr Reed.’’
Kay looked around at her students, knowing that many of them had already started to live at peace with Muggles. “Today’s activity will be a short and simple one. What I would like you to do is write a short note or message, a poem, a song or something along that line for someone who is Muggle in your life. If you choose to draw something, I have coloured pencils and paper. What you’ll be doing with that piece of creativity once the lesson is over is to hopefully pass it on to that person over the summer holiday. You don’t have to give anything away about magic in this project, let them know how much you appreciate them being in your life.’’ The woman smiled again. “You may begin. You have half an hour to complete this.’’
OOC: HELLOOOoooOOO! So, guys! This is the final part of the lesson. Just go ahead to do what Kay has instructed. You will only need 2 LABELLED posts for this and you’ll have 24 hours to complete it since this is such a small activity
ThunderPUFF | Whoodley | MRD&LKD | Graphics Queen | Tristalen | Mrs. A | Hunny Bun
Juno didn't really have anyone in her life at the moment that was muggle. She had heard that her father's mother's mother might have been a muggle but she wasn't for sure on that information.
How would she do this assignment? She was really good at poetry so maybe she would write a set of Haiku. But...how was she supposed to write it without actually having a muggle friend or relative.
She really needed to think about this. Maybe.....if she just pretended she had one....how would she be a friend to them?
She was definitely getting ideas now.
⫷⫷____________________________________________ I know that you're afraid to...
...let all the dark escape you._____________________________________________⫸⫸
Nat did take notes, but haha maybe not as many as she should and obviously she used her parchment for writing notes to friends and doodling I heart Cal or TDK on it. So when Tim started taking notes she smiled and stuck her tongue out playfully. She listened as everyone put their two cents in with the inventions. Though when Tim got distracted by actually paying attention and answering questions Nat took the opportunity to doodle on her friends notes.
I heart Natalia...
Natalia Franks-Mundie is the best best friend in the world....
Tim adores Natalia.
Moving her hand she grinned at her friend and started writing again. "Ice cream after class?" Her eyes moving back to the professor as she put the inventions on the board. "I don't think it is that hard professor. I think we are able to have relationships with them without using our wands. We get the practice of being muggles as children. Not being allowed to use magic outside of school. It is just another training for us if you think about it. They train us to live in a muggle world if we need to." Really not being able to use magic outside of school as a minor was just dumb, but it could be seen as training.
Tim was too into the discussion of whether muggles should be trusted or not. The blonde had no problem with the muggles in her neighborhood back home. They were lovely people to her and her family. Her mum had raised them to be accepting of all kinds of people; unless they were evil of course. When at home, Tim usually forgot she was magical since her family did many things the muggle way. So she could live without magic, she'd survive. The youngins who mentioned they wouldn't be able to earlier, need to give it a try. Tim found it rather interesting. Forgetting about her notes, she turned back to them, only to see that there were little notes written around them. Chuckling to herself, Tim made a little check mark under Nat's question about getting ice cream after class. Never would say no to that.
Professor say what now?
Timila blinked at her professor as she mentioned the little activity they were going to do. Exactly who was she going to write her note to? Tim thought about her neighbors, and few friends she had back home. Maybe they'd be a good choice?
I don't bend easy, budge or break;
Trust me, you don't want it with the female Scarface;
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
They got to be creative? That was awesome! It was no hidden secret that Harriet was a creative person, so she enjoyed being able to get her creative juices flowing. So she was excited about this activity. She was going to draw off course. Drawing was the best, and it was something that she was really good at. She might do a little message on her drawing too, but she would see what happened when she got to that point in her drawing. Smiling, Hattie got up, and collected some pencils and a piece of paper from the professor. Now to get drawing!
She returned to her seat, and began drawing. Obviously she didn't want to draw anything about magic, so she decided to just draw two friends hanging out at the beach. She did that a lot when she was at home, so it totally worked. Hattie began by drawing out her drawing in pencil, she would colour it in later when she was finished!
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Kay looked around at her students, knowing that many of them had already started to live at peace with Muggles. “Today’s activity will be a short and simple one. What I would like you to do is write a short note or message, a poem, a song or something along that line for someone who is Muggle in your life. If you choose to draw something, I have coloured pencils and paper. What you’ll be doing with that piece of creativity once the lesson is over is to hopefully pass it on to that person over the summer holiday. You don’t have to give anything away about magic in this project, let them know how much you appreciate them being in your life.’’ The woman smiled again. “You may begin. You have half an hour to complete this.’’[/COLOR]
OOC: HELLOOOoooOOO! So, guys! This is the final part of the lesson. Just go ahead to do what Kay has instructed. You will only need 2 LABELLED posts for this and you’ll have 24 hours to complete it since this is such a small activity
What. While she was all for all that stuff on the board (even if the discussion itself had been kiiiinda boring for her tastes), Charlotte found herself blinking a few times when she tuned into the task.
Char looked confused and then stuck her hand up. she had a PROBLEM with this assignment and it wasn't because she didn't want to do it or she wasn't creative or anything like that, it was just that... well...
"Professor? I don't have any muggles in my life." She can't have been the only one either but her consternation was certainly obvious. Had she ever even met any muggles? Who was she supposed to make some thing for if she didn't know anyone, and wouldn't they think it was weird? Wouldn't a stranger be weirded out if they just got some picture or something from some random girl?
She chewed on her lip and tried to figure out who she could do this assignment for. Nothing was coming to her.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
post 1...ish...*wiggles*
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Paige had been thinking over the previous question...but was struggling to answer it for one reason or another. It was not that the sentiment nor the professor's aim not appreciated, but the seventh year's stomach could not resist tying itself in uncomfortable knots for one reason or another. There was just something about the structure of this that was making her feel....uncomfortable...
...which was why she was relieved when class moved on, only in the next moment to also feel a bit confused. Charlotte voiced one of her concerns, her being in the same boat of sorts depending on how the professor responded to her own inquiry.
"Professor?" she squeaked, her quill in hand and tickling under her nose. "When you say...muggle...do you mean a muggle muggle...as in...a muggle who has no exposure to our world? Because..." she paused to look at Charlotte...yeah...same. "...my step father is a muggle...the only one I really have any contact with..."
She did not mind writing him something, of course. He was quite supportive of her literary career after all.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Write something to a muggle in her life..
Ahhhh.. ummm..
Azura was wracking her brain to think if she HAD one in her life. Maybe one of her Aunts was a muggle? Her birth father wasn't even a muggle.. that might have explained why he left but nope. Hmmm..
The fourteen year old was wracking her brain for someone who wasn't a wizard in her life. Or at least a partial wizard?
She raised her hand and looked at the Professor "Professor do half muggles count? I'm not in contact with any actual muggles, but I think one of my cousins is one.. I also know a half Veela.. " Would any of those work?
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Originally Posted by Star-Lord
Tim was too into the discussion of whether muggles should be trusted or not. The blonde had no problem with the muggles in her neighborhood back home. They were lovely people to her and her family. Her mum had raised them to be accepting of all kinds of people; unless they were evil of course. When at home, Tim usually forgot she was magical since her family did many things the muggle way. So she could live without magic, she'd survive. The youngins who mentioned they wouldn't be able to earlier, need to give it a try. Tim found it rather interesting. Forgetting about her notes, she turned back to them, only to see that there were little notes written around them. Chuckling to herself, Tim made a little check mark under Nat's question about getting ice cream after class. Never would say no to that.
Professor say what now?
Timila blinked at her professor as she mentioned the little activity they were going to do. Exactly who was she going to write her note to? Tim thought about her neighbors, and few friends she had back home. Maybe they'd be a good choice?
She chuckled as she saw Tim finally notice her notes and then grinned at the check about the ice cream. Sweet they were going to head to the kitchen as soon as this class was over. She started thinking about what she could put on her ice cream today. Maybe some brownies, chocolate syrup, or cookies if there were freshly made some.
Turning her attention to the Professor again she just stared. "Yes, what Char said. What if we don't have any muggles to write to or... if we do, but they really don't know us anymore because of different reasons." She wanted so bad to write to her neighbor in the apartment to thank her for helping her, teaching her how to cook, and just showing compassion. She knew the neighbor had her memories erased though by her mother so that the lady didn't know who Natalia was, so a letter wouldn't be very helpful in this case.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: These two lovelies! <3
Originally Posted by Tegz
What. While she was all for all that stuff on the board (even if the discussion itself had been kiiiinda boring for her tastes), Charlotte found herself blinking a few times when she tuned into the task.
Char looked confused and then stuck her hand up. she had a PROBLEM with this assignment and it wasn't because she didn't want to do it or she wasn't creative or anything like that, it was just that... well...
"Professor? I don't have any muggles in my life." She can't have been the only one either but her consternation was certainly obvious. Had she ever even met any muggles? Who was she supposed to make some thing for if she didn't know anyone, and wouldn't they think it was weird? Wouldn't a stranger be weirded out if they just got some picture or something from some random girl?
She chewed on her lip and tried to figure out who she could do this assignment for. Nothing was coming to her.
Originally Posted by Bazinga
She chuckled as she saw Tim finally notice her notes and then grinned at the check about the ice cream. Sweet they were going to head to the kitchen as soon as this class was over. She started thinking about what she could put on her ice cream today. Maybe some brownies, chocolate syrup, or cookies if there were freshly made some.
Turning her attention to the Professor again she just stared. "Yes, what Char said. What if we don't have any muggles to write to or... if we do, but they really don't know us anymore because of different reasons." She wanted so bad to write to her neighbor in the apartment to thank her for helping her, teaching her how to cook, and just showing compassion. She knew the neighbor had her memories erased though by her mother so that the lady didn't know who Natalia was, so a letter wouldn't be very helpful in this case.
No muggles in their lives? Or not anymore? Kay had honestly not thought of this issue because these days, practically all witches and wizards knew or were friends with Muggles. She quickly thought of an idea. "That's not a problem then! What you can do is simply dedicate it to a Muggleborn or half blood friend or relative. Let them know that you appreciate them despite their Muggle background.''
There was only one Muggle whom she knew very well, and that was her dad. And she wasn't going to write him a poem or message, not because she didn't love him, but because it just felt awkward and not really as fun as what she planned to do instead.
She went over and collected two colorful pens and a paper, that would be enough. One was pink and the other black. Then she sat back down and thought about whether to write a poem or message or song.
After awhile she settled on a message directed to a future Muggle friend who she just hadn't met yet...
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Ahh well, the Professor didn't exactly answer her question but she gave her enough to go on.. half bloods would count..
Now who was a half blood in her life?
Oh hey! Raiden, her cousin was, his Mother was a muggle. She had totally forgotten about that. She didn't often see her Aunt, but Raiden was in her house here at Hogwarts, so she would write a letter to him..
So she got out her pen and her notebook and went to work writing a letter to her cousin.
SPOILER!!: Az's Letter to Raiden
My dearest cousin Ry,
I was feeling blessed when I came to school and Wes was here, but I got even more blessed when your parents moved over to England and you transferred here from Illvermorny.
Even though I don't have a brother, I feel like I have one in you. Thanks for being there for me when I've needed it.. Thanks for drawing amazing pictures for me to cheer me up.
I love you no matter what or who your parents are.. or what your blood is. You are my family, my friend and my amazing brother..
Thanks for being you!
Love always,
As smiled as she looked at her letter and nodded. There! She was done.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Well that was....
.... interesting?
Was that the word for it? She just kind of stared at the professor for a few moments. Like she really didn't ask people if they were muggle born or half, so if they didn't tell her she really didn't know. Plus how do you just tell someone hey thanks for having a muggle in your family at some point? Nat kind of just sat and stared at her parchment. She wasn't sure what she really wanted to do now. She wanted to write to the lady, but if they had to send it she couldn't do that.
So now she was picking up her quill and looking at her parchment. Who the hell was she writing to? She didn't have the slightest idea, but she was going to fake it to make it if she had to.
SPOILER!!: letter
Dear Maratha,
You don't remember me, I know that for a fact, but you helped save me when I was a lot younger. I would be hanging around outside the apartment and you would talk to me and eventually had invited me in. You taught me how to cook. I remember we made spaghetti the first time you ever had me in your kitchen. I always enjoyed when you were home and allowed me to come in. You had the softest and comfiest sofa.
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for that. Thank you for being nice to me and actually caring about where I was and what I was doing. It was really nice of you.
It was very enjoyable getting to know you this summer and becoming your friend. You're really cool and I hope we can spend as much time next summer together when I come back from boarding school.
Yesterday I very foolishly left one of my letters from school open where you could see it, and you were asking me questions about it. I told you it was nothing but you could tell I was lying. You said there was something strange about me and that I was keeping secrets from you.
Yes, I am strange! I know you wouldn't change me if you could, just as I wouldn't change you. I'm proud of being strange, but I'm not proud of my secrecy. It's true that there are things I can't tell you. One thing especially might scare you away if you knew. It has to do with that letter, yes. Believe me, I wish with all, all of my heart that I could tell you. If I did, would you be disgusted with me? It's not...bad but it's not something you'd expect and it would probably make you feel uncomfortable and angry, like I betrayed you. Please keep an open mind and know that I don't want to hurt you and that if I had my way you would have known from the beginning.
I love you and want to keep hanging out with you. Now that that is out of the way, I hope that we don't have to focus on this issue anymore - at least until I figure this all out. Be seeing you next summer,
When she was finished she turned it in to Professor Stewart. "This is a letter to a friend I haven't met yet but that I plan to this summer. It could be either a boy or a girl."
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Ah they had an activity to do…a creative one at that.
A gift perhaps since it was to given to someone in their lives. Cassie knew unlike some, like Charlotte, she did indeed have a muggle or two or even more in her life so that wasn’t a problem for her. She just needed to brainstorm and come up with an idea. Which of course was easier said than done especially when you’re essentially forcing your creativity. First things first were to pick just who she would be doing this before which should help write the tone and feeling behind the work.
Neighbor maybe? Or a friend from grade school. Each would technically fit the bill because they were muggles not magic folk. Friend…definitely muggle friend since she was more her age and less awkward in the long run. Cass would feel better if and when she passed it on. Now was she going to be drawing or writing? She wasn't just sure just yet...her muse wasn't set at the moment, her pen absently wiggling in her grasp as she thought.
Okay, so they had to write a letter or make a card for a Muggle in their lives? Henry had plenty of Muggles in his life, that certainly wasn't a problem, but he wasn't sure about the whole appreciation thing that was meant to be behind it. He didn't want it to come off as insincere and it being an assignment made it feel a little forced to him. But perhaps he was overthinking it.
Maybe he could just write a casual letter to his cousin, and he knew he couldn't send it owl post, but... would that be weird to just hand it to him during the summer? Okay, he was just going to do it for the assignment and figure that part out later.
Glancing up as he heard Char's question, he almost offered one of his Muggle relatives for her to write to, or whatever. Almost. Because he knew an aunt or cousin, or even one of his grandparents would have liked her had they met her. But none of them had met her, and it would be weird for them to get a letter or card from one of his school friends, wouldn't it? Yeah.. yeah, it probably would. So he kept quiet on that.
He reached down for his things to pull out a piece of paper to write his letter, then looked up when he heard Professor Stewart's solution for those who didn't know any Muggles. Despite their Muggle background? He blinked before looking down at his paper and sinking down in his seat a bit. Henry liked Professor Stewart and he knew she had a great appreciation for Muggles and Muggle culture - she probably wouldn't be teaching this class if she hadn't. But that was.. a weird way to word things. And he was already feeling off about the entire tone of this class, so saying despite just made it sound like being Muggle was a hindrance.
"They're just people, just like us," he muttered to himself as he leaned his head on his hand and looked down at the paper on his desk. He wasn't sure he felt like doing this right now. Was class over yet? He kind of just wanted to go for a run to clear his head right about now.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,105
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
#2 ish XD
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
Chewing on her bottom lip, the seventh year wondered if she should repeat her question since the professor had not heard her - attention on Charlotte and Nat at the time - but felt any motivation to fulfil the assignment drained entirely from her being when the duo's question was answers.
Had that word really just come out of the professor's mouth? Paige couldn't help but gape at the woman as the knots that had been forming in her stomach all of the lesson had reached unbearable discomfort now. It was taking all of her remaining patience not to just storm out of the classroom right now or stand up on her chair and use it as a sort of soapbox. Despite. I like you despite being this one outcome of genetic makeup that you yourself had no control over. Paige was struggling with someone like Professor Stewart being so unaware of how she was coming across - sentiments that it seemed the seventh year was not alone in feeling as her blue eyes looked around the classroom. She couldn't do this...no...she wouldn't do this under those guidelines.
Which was why the Hufflepuff began packing up her things right then and there, first her quill and then the parchment she had gotten out to write poetry upon. She still very much wanted to just walk out of class, but out of respect for the professor she would wait until dismissal with her arms folded across her chest in silent protest.
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
An appreciation letter / poem to a muggle? Jace got himself a fresh parchment and stared at it blankly. What could he possibly give a muggle born? It would be weird to give that person a random poem if he doesn't know this person personally...perhaps a nice traditional Japanese calligraphy? That would work well, but alas, he didn't have his brush and ink with him...and the fact that Professor Stewart will not be able to check it properly because...well, it's in Japanese?
His mind drifted off to their neighborhood back in Japan, and immediately thought of the old man who made traditional wooden dolls. He'd been fascinated by his art, and he would love to give him a letter of appreciation.
Jace made up his mind and began to scribble down his letter in Japanese. He'd translate it too in English so Professor Stewart could check it.
Scribble, scribble, scribble.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
As her students worked, Kay walked between and among the rows, peeking into their work. She couldn’t help but get that warm, fuzzy feeling when she saw the words they were all writing. This made her feel as though she was contributing to help bridging at least a little of the gap between wizards and muggles.
She finally looked at her watch. Merlin! That half an hour flew by quickly! “Everyone, unfortunately time is up for today so you’re all dismissed. I’m glad you attended the lesson and hope you’ll keep what was discussed today in mind as well as pass those notes along.’’ Kay smiled broadly. “Enjoy the remainder of your day!’’
OOC: Thanks a ton for attending, guys! *snugs each of you* I shall leave the thread open for about 7 hours in case you want to post your charrie leaving or finishing up. Posts for the activity after this one WILL be counted for points this one time
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Oh, it's time to leave already? Jace quickly finished his letter, both in Japanese and English, and gave the two separate sheets another round of proof-reading. Were his words, okay? Did it give anything away?
After a final review, Jace signed his letters and quickly stowed away his things. He didn't want to be late for his next Runes class!
And as he got up, he warmly smiled at his teacher and gave him a bow. "Thank you for today, sensei. Have a pleasant day ahead." Jace turned after taking two steps back, and quickly made his way towards their Ancient Runes classroom.
SPOILER!!: Letter!
Dear Okazaki-san,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for upholding your family’s tradition in making Kokeshi Dolls. In a time and age surrounded by modern technology, it is a joy to see that somewhere in Japan, there are still people like you who practice their craft made with so much heart and passion. I have realized that true masters of their craft are honed by hard work and dedication, much like you.
As I make my way to the dojo today for my Kendo grading, I would like you to know that I have learned a thing or two from you. I have learned to give it my all, and to strive to be the best in whatever I do.
Okazaki-san, you are an inspiration to all.
Thank you, and I wish you all the best.
Your neighbor,
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
SPOILER!!: These two lovelies! <3
No muggles in their lives? Or not anymore? Kay had honestly not thought of this issue because these days, practically all witches and wizards knew or were friends with Muggles. She quickly thought of an idea. "That's not a problem then! What you can do is simply dedicate it to a Muggleborn or half blood friend or relative. Let them know that you appreciate them despite their Muggle background.''
Char was still somewhat confuzzled about this whole thing and the answer didn't much help because even though she knew muggleborns and halfbloods, the fact that they had muggle blood didn't have any particular bearing on why Char did or didn't appreciate them. It hadn't occurred to her to be bothered at all. So was she missing something? Had someone done something bad? Also was she supposed to say that? She appreciated them despite their muggle blood?
While puzzling over this, Char figured she might as well get started on the actual task. She started drawing because that was easier and more fun, and just drew a whole bunch of people holding hands, all looking different, some looking almost beast-like, tons of colours, weird appendages, and generally that whole idea of everyone being different.
Under this she wrote a letter, because even though she didn't GET the assignment, she was gonna do her best. She also figured that mentioning anything about a muggle was probably a bad idea so she made sure not to use any wizarding terminology.
SPOILER!!: letter for a muggle?
I don't know you but I bet you're a great person. I can tell because everyone has good in them. You should remember to always believe in yourself and never judge other people based on appearances, or on the kind of blood that runs through their veins. You should judge people on their deeds, and by their heart. That's what I do, and I believe in YOU, whoever you are.
A friend!
Uhh.. there. Was that enough? Did it matter that it was to a random muggle and not to anyone she knew?
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you