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[LESSON] Astronomy One The crisp November evening air may cause a bit of a chill as you step inside the Astronomy classroom, but even a ghost such as Marion Burbage has made the proper arrangements to ensure that conditions are not too uncomfortable for the living. Desks remain in the usual semi circle formation that returning students have become accustomed to, and besides the festive streamers strung about the classroom and single colorful balloons tied to the backs of each chair. The ghost herself is floating in the front of the with a pleased-as-peach smile on her face as she waits for her wide-eyed and bushy tailed students to enter, the framed photo of a gentleman displayed proudly on the professor's desk. { index of class progressionOOC: class will not officially begin for a while still (at least 12 hours). Your characters can chat among themselves but please try to keep conversation to a minimum, dears.[1] WHO is this STUDMUFFIN and what do you know about him? |
Jasper was early, he peeked inside of the Astronomy classroom. He usually seemed to be one of the last to arrive, so it was a somewhat pleasant surprise. Except for the fact that that meant he was literally all alone with the professor. Still the third year slowly allowed his feet to carry him inside the classroom, a soft shiver running down his spine. Was it colder in here than it was outside? He honestly wasn't sure. But the streamers definitely seemed to be quite a nice touch, it seemed that their professor was quite excited for the class too. "Evening Professor," Jasper greeted as his green eyes caught side of the smiling ghost who was watching at the front of the classroom. It was a bit weird that their professor was a ghost... but then again they were surrounded by ghosts all the time. Shrugging off any questions with that simple logic, the Ravenclaw quickly sat himself down at a desk and pulled out what he thought he might need for the lesson. Now to wait and see who would walk in next... |
He had just eaten, and it was nearing winter, plus there wasnt that much effort getting from his dorms at the Gryffindor tower to here, so Tenacius was pretty chill when he walked into the room. "Hey there Professor Burbage!" the Curly Top greeted the lady spectre he once marvelously mistook as the Ravenclaw house ghost. His hand swiped the air where a table and a lint roller used to be..... ..... of course it wouldnt be there. Alas old habits die hard eh? So he makes his way to where he usually sat, but his gaze is taken by the festive decor "What are we celebrating Professah?" |
Kimi had made his way up to the astronomy tower for the first lesson in astronomy and said "Evening Professor" Kimi took a seat in one of the free desks and waited for the lesson to begin |
Why. Why was it so damn cold in here? The cold was literally the BANE of Mason's existence, and she was honestly not prepareed for this nonsense. Scowling slightly at the ghost responsible for said-nonsense, Mason tilted her blue-dyed head towards Professor Burbage, who still bore too eerily of a resemblance to Mason's grandmother. "Professor." She said curtly, letting her eyes wander to the Hobbit-looking man that stared back at her from some old portrait. Rolling her eyes, Mason made her way towards the semi-circulie-desks, claiming one of the *SSSSIIIGGGHHHHH* |
After a couple months of Astronomy this term, Henry finally had it in his mind well enough that the classroom was going to be cold that he remembered to wear a cloak over his robes. He still thought it a little strange to be taught by a ghost and to call her professor, even if he thought her awfully nice, and he still didn't care much for the subject, after more than three years of it. He could always appreciate Professor Flamsteed's attempts at making it more fun and interesting, but it just wasn't for the fourth year. Astronomy was just too boring, even if he did like movies set in outer space. And so far this year it hadn't been much better. What he also didn't appreciate were evening classes. Henry actually liked having his classes early and out of the way so that he could have the rest of the day free for what he wanted to do. But despite the slight negativity he had for the subject, the fourteen year old put on a cheerful face as he sprinted up to the top of the Astronomy tower. His smile grew a bit wider as he entered, his eyes falling on the decorations. "Evening, Professor Burbage! Are we having a party?" He didn't know what it would be for exactly, but he'd be all for a party lesson, like what they had in Herbology last week with the games and all. Yeah, that'd be a good time. Turning to look at the semicircle rows of desks, he took a seat next to Tenacius. "Hey, Ace! How's it going?" he grinned at the other boy as he pulled out his class materials. Classes were always more fun sitting next to a friend. |
To be honest, Jace found it weird not to pick up the lint roller and clean himself before entering the Astronomy classroom. However, it was not an excuse for him to arrive in class with crinkled robes and uncombed hair. The thirteen year old showed himself inside the room, and immediately inclined his head towards the professor. "Konbanwa, Professor." Seeing that he was early for class, the Ravenclaw took the opportunity to snag a desk right beside...Jasper Quinn. The raven-haired boy didn't mean to sit by him, but was rather drawn to his fellow third year. It's been a while since he last saw him properly in class. "Hello." he said inclining his head too towards Azura's friend, and busied himself with preparing his book and parchment for class. "It's...been a while." with a grin, Jace wondered if Azura is aware of Jasper's presence? Or is she currently distracted with Chris? Glancing up the front, Jace noticed the portrait that was beside the professor, and he immediately wrote down the astronomer's name in Japanese characters. He didn't want to share his answer just yet. . . . ...Unless Takeru-san sits by and goes to peek at his notes... |
Blaise had long since stopped showing up to his Astronomy classes with a sullen look on his face. It now being November, there was a silent sort of acceptance that Airey was gone and no amount of sulking would bring him back. These days, the boy sported a more stoic expression when he ventured inside. It took him some time, but he no longer glanced to where the lint roller used to be and he no longer felt unsettled by the idea of sitting in this room without de-linting. The Gryffindor was basically on auto-pilot as far as this subject was concerned. He'd considered skipping it but there were already too many gaps in his education. Quite frankly, he couldn't afford to--unless circumstances called for it and even then, he'd have to think it through. "Hello Professor Burbage." His tone was an impassive one as he took his usual seat. Funny how the only thing that remained of the man he'd admired so much was the seating arrangements. A glance was given at the portrait and indeed the balloons, but he didn't much feel like asking. |
Charlotte was skipping when she came into class. Excited to be there because Astronomy was ALWAYS good. It was one of the classes that she found relatively easy when she could bring herself to pay attention and didn't get too distracted, because she'd been learning stuff for a longlonglong time because her very Ravenclaw parents had always been super into it. Tracking constellations had even been one of the ways they had got to know each other when THEY were at school. Sooooo it was a thing, kind of! She was excited to see if what they were doing today would be exciting or if it would be bor--oooooh! The portrait caught her eye. "Its the parallax guy!" She knew some stuff about this! Maybe they'd get to play with cool stuff today then! EXCITING! Oh and, "Hi professor!" Char added cheerfully. |
Azura walked into the classroom and looked around. Everything looked so festive! A smile came to her face as she saw the baloons and she turned to look at the front to see a picture of a man. She wasn't exactly sure who it was.. but she took a note of it all the same. She smiled warmly at the ghost up in the front. "Hello Professor. " She said with a wave as she looked around the room and spotted Jace and Jasper. The purple eyed girl made her way towards them with a smile. "Hey you two. " She said as she settled down in a seat next to Jasper.. Two of her three best friends were in the room.. and sitting next to each other.. Azura had a sudden flashback to first year.. Trying to figure out her feelings For Jazzy and then Jace.. and ugh.. Older and wiser now yeah? |
Was he trying to tell her something? Probably. Jace fought the urge to nudge Jasper, instead, his eyes traveled from the only girl in the group to the boy who recently went MIA. Keeping the grin on his face, Jace went back to reading his book and braced himself for the awkward stuff. At least things have been cleared up for both Azura and Jace. Thank Merlin. |
To be honest Olly still missed Flamsteed. Astronomy just wan't the same without him. Even though having a ghost for a teacher was pretty cool, she couldn't replace Flamsteed. Still, Olly gave her a cheerful smile and greeted her as he entered the room. "Hello." Why did she have a picture of that old man on her desk? Olly had know idea who that was but he didn't really care. He promptly forgot about the strange man's picture the second he turned away. He was too distracted by the decorations in the room. Streamers and balloons? It looked like a party. Specifically, it looked like a birthday party. Was it someone's birthday. He glanced back at the professor. "Is it your birthday?" Did ghosts even celebrate birthdays? It seemed like it might be a bit of a sore subject. |
Charlotte and Azura Prepared for an evening in the astronomy tower, especially for late fall, Cassie was dressed a little warmer than earlier in the day. The better to deal with the chill as she made her way up all the stairs to the proper classroom in time for the lesson. It really was a long way but she supposed she was used to it with having to travel back and forth up to the Ravenclaw tower every day. And it wasn’t like a ghost was going to mind being so far up and having to ‘walk’ all the stairs. The sight she was greeted with at the top when he finally reached it was certainly festive, with streamers and balloons. “Good evening, Professor,” she greeted the spectral woman with a polite smile. From then she moved to take a seat amongst those already gathered. “Hey guys,” she greeted Charlotte and Azura both. |
A ghost as a professor, how cool was that! She REALLY needed to tell her parents about this! But... Was the ghost doing this because she wanted this or because she was paid to do so and if so, then what was a ghost doing with money? Shaking her head she entered the classroom while shivering slightly. She hated the cold so she hoped that the temperature would be better inside. "Hello professor" greeted Leesha while looking at the professor, a question burning on her lips but not sure if she would offend the professor by asking her why she was teaching while being, well... dead? Taking a seat she opened her textbook and just stared at the professor, not quite understanding how it was working, did everybody who died return like a ghost or just a few of them? Her eye fell on the picture of a old man on the desk from the professor and her frown deepened. |
Sam had still been eating a roll from dinner as she climbed the stairs to the astronomy tower, so she paused a few moments outside the door to finish it. She brushed her hands on her robes to sort out the crumbs, glad that the lint roller was no longer a thing, and entered the classroom with a grin. The chill in the air didn't really discomfort the Ravenclaw, having slept outside in far worse, but she'd still wrapped a House scarf tightly round her neck. "Hi Professor Burbage!" she greeted with a smile as she headed to a desk near the edge of the arc. She missed Flamsteed, but she had a good feeling about today's lesson. She loved sitting and looking at the stars, had done since she was a kid, and the third year felt like she was finally getting a scholarly feel for them too. Hmm, who was the guy in the picture? |
SPOILER!!: Jace and Azura Jasper was grateful for the familiar face, a grin crossing his face when he recognised that it was in fact Jace sitting beside him. "Hey," he answered, wondering what to say but he nodded at Jace's comment about it being a long time. "It's only been a year?" he commented innocently, though that in itself made it a long time. "How have you been Jace?" he continued, not sure whether he had actually ever had a proper conversation with the boy in memory. He was certain the two of them were both super quiet, especially in first year. Maybe his memory was just terrible though. Azura was the next who appeared, taking the seat to Jasper's other side. Mentally Jasper said a thank you to the girl who ensured that he wouldn't have to go through meeting someone new right now. While he was currently dealing alright with the awkwardness of finding his old friends... he didn't want to go through meeting other people too. That could wait a few more weeks. After he'd settled back into Hogwarts. "Hey 'Zura" Jasper responded, the grin on his face. As he glanced back at Jace he was fairly certain that the boy to his other side also was smiling at them weirdly.... but he'd only glimpsed the expression for a second so he wasn't sure. Giving Jace a confused look, he shrugged before turning his attention back to the purple-eyed girl in the group. |
Kitty pulled her school robes tightly around her as she stepped into the Astronomy classroom. A red scarf was wrapped around her neck, overkill perhaps, but she was just recovering from a cold and was taking all precautions. "Greetings Professor Burbage," the prefect said respectfully as she moved to an empty seat. "How are you this day and who is that dashing gentleman with the green hair?" Maybe it wasn't green but that's what it looked like to her. |
The best thing about Astronomy wasn't that it was in the highest tower, or that the professor was a ghost, or that the subject matter was already pretty interesting. Nope... the best part was that they got to stay up LATE to go to class. It was enough that Katy was a bouncy little third year as she climbed to the Astronomy Tower and zipped into a seat. Maybe it was late, but she wasn't remotely tired. She was awake awake AWAKE. "Good evening, Professor. You're looking particularly transparent and floaty tonight." How does one butter up a ghost, anyway? |
Juno quickly rushed into class. She was cutting it pretty close! but that was alright she was still on time. She walked past the Ghost professor, giving a small wave, "Hello, Professor Burbage!" She found her usual seat, wondering what the balloons where about. She quietly pulled out all the supplies she would need for class, including her textbook and waited patiently for class to begin. |
All this walking.... Olivia was NOT amused. And her legs weren't, either. Merlin's underpants, her KNEES were screaming in protest by the time she finally tumbled through the door, hair and clothing a bit disheveled. WHEW. Making this trip several times a week... had not gotten ANY easier. Also, their ghostie Professor: that was EASILY the coolest aspect of these Astronomy lessons. EASILY. Quote:
Waving towards the ghost!professor, Liv set about getting out books, a notebook, two glitter pens... Grunt, grunt. |
Evie pulled her robes tighter around her as she entered the astonomy classroom, it was always so cold. She really needed to remember to wear more clothes. She looked around as she entered, "Hello Professor" She saw the photo on the desk but was not familiar with the person in it. The brunette took a deep breath and found a seat towards the back and pulled her self tighter into her robes. Godric, I could use a heater. the second year thought to herself. |
Jace and Jasper, mentions of Cassie As Az settled down into her chair next to Jasper she looked over at Jace and one eyebrow rose as his look and his grin.. Oh.. what was that for.. Ohhhh... She smiled back at him and bit her lip a bit. She was just happy to have her best friend back.. well one of them at least. And hey look, two of them were sitting next to each other. She only hoped Jace wasn't referencing their talk on the fourth floor balcony from first year.. She looked up as she heard a female voice and she waved at Cassie. "Hello! " She said with a warm smile before she turned her attention back to her now present best friend. "Hey Jazzy. " Ugh did he know how good it was to see him? To tak to him? To have him sitting next to her in class? She smiled at him warmly.. so happy right now.. so so happy. |
SPOILER!!: Jazz and Az A year isn't a long time to be honest. Weren't they just first years a couple of terms ago? That doesn't seem too long either. "It's a long time for others." he said in a low tone so Azura won't overhear him. "But I'm glad you're back with us." he said sincerely and spared Azura a glance. "I've been doing well. I'd like to believe I'm accustomed to Hogwarts already, although I get the occasional bout of homesickness..." Japan was, after all, his home. "Do you need help in settling down? We can hang out some time if you want..." he said with a shrug. Jace wasn't too sure about it, knowing that he and Azura would rather make up for the lost time together. Azura's smile was returned with a chuckle. He'd been a first hand witness of her distress when Jasper went missing in action. Jace didn't understand it at first, but through persistent curiosity, he was able to make Azura talk and open up her feelings for the boy sitting right next to her. The raven-haired Raveclaw was now...all the more curious if Jasper liked her back? Jace spared them both a glance, and immediately went back to reading his book. Jasper came back to continue his study, and not cause any trouble for Azura right? However...that look she's giving the boy right now could send off the wrong signal to other people. The Ravenclaw sank lower in his seat and did his best to focus on the book he's reading. M e r l i n. |
*sits next to* ^________^ Having got in a bit of a dispute with one of the plants surrounding her bed - results of it being dissatisfied with the amount of water it had received that day - Paige scrambled to get to Astronomy in a timely manner and arrived in the classroom with her robes in a bit of a disarray and unkept short mousy brown hair. "Good evening, Professor Burbage," the Hufflepuff managed to squeak out despite being out of breath from the long haul up the stairs. Quote:
So Astronomy NOT exactly one of Katerina's strongest subjects but she still enjoyed it. Stars, Planets, solar systems, so on and so on. She made her way up to the astronomy tower. She walked in, still even in November looking for that darn lint roller, as much as she hated to admit it. She missed Professor live long and prosper, even if he didn't find it funny that she thought he had actually she live long and spout nose hair. SHE COULDN'T HELP IT! "Hello Professor Burbage." She trotted passed the |
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