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Following the notice on the appropriate day you make your way toward the grounds to the Quidditch Pitch. It is late November therefore a bit nippy, but clear enough skies to consider this a fine day to fly. Now what could possibly await you here today? At the open field you can see the Groundskeeper, donning a large black cloak awaiting with many brooms lined up accordingly. By his side was a large trunk that occasionally made faint giggle noises if you were close enough.
-- OOC: The lesson has already started. Just joining in? Don't post having your character arrive in. Simply post continuing from the latest one as if they were present all along.
Where are we at?
Post 1 - Greetings + First question. Post 2 - Responses + Most important rule of flight. Post 3 - Trusting your broom and flight activity.
Horses Forever! l l Writer for Life l Yearbook alumnus
Harvey walked outside towards the flying lesson with his heart in his mouth. He hadn't gotten any more convinced that he wanted to learn how to fly properly yet. He'd hoped that his fear would somehow dissipate with time, but alas, apparently not...
He could see the brooms waiting for them. And a box. And... there were noises coming from the box. Giggles? What on earth could that be?
And why had he arrived so early? Feeling queasy now, Harvey tried to hide within his cloak and pretend he wasn't there.
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
There was no way that Junia was going to miss a flying lesson so after ensuring that she was adequately bundled up for the weather, she made her way out to the pitch. The QUIDDITCH pitch. The one that she'd stared longingly at for ages, wishing she could be out there, playing. Flying, though. It wasn't the same but it was something she loved and she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to enjoy it here at school.
"Hello Sir," The second year greeted cheerfully. Her gaze left the groundskeeper for only a moment to eye the mysterious trunk and her eyebrows went up. Hm. Hopefully there were no pixies in there. She'd had enough of those to last a lifetime.
Flying lessons were open to third years! Third. Years! This was the best news Hadley had recieved all week. So, naturally, she was one of the first to arrive. She probably would have been first if she hadn't had to trek up to the tower to get her broom, then trek all the way back down. It was only then she realized she could have just summoned Langley, her broom.
Speaking of brooms, how was Charlie, the hogwarts broom she rode her first year? Hads did feel a pang of regret and guilt she wasn't riding him anymore, but Langley was a terribly jealous broom. Still it was hard to say which broom she connected with more, Langley, or Charlie.
Once Hadley had caught her breath again, she straightened up and waved to the Professor. "Hey, Professor McLeod." That felt weird to say.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
They get to go to flying classes?
They get to go to flying classes!!
Tenacius grabbed his brand spankin new racer broom and zoomed for the pitch so fast, he was probably a few clicks short of breaking the sound barrier. Was it cold? He couldnt feel it even if icicles were growing on his face. He was just that PUMPED!
"Hey there Sir Mcleod!" the boy greeted the Groundskeeper gamer enthusiastically. See his shiny new broom yeah? He's very proud.
He waved hello to the other students already assembled-- Hadley and Harvey he knew, the other Slytherin girl, he didnt, but pleasantries to all of them. And there be a giggling coming from somewhere? Momentarily distracted from his awesome broom to try to figure out where its coming from.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Flying lessoons! Hoorayyyy!
Azura loved to fly and she was so excited that they were open to third years! Was it cold? Yes! Did she care? No!
She had her cloak on and in her hand was her broom from home. She had gotten a new one over the summer. She walked down to the pitch and smiled at the other people who had gathered. She was glad to see she wasn't that she wasn't the only third year there too.
"Hello Sir. " Az said as she waved towards the Professor.
"Hello Haddie, Tenacius! " She said as she waved at her fellow third years, she sent waves to the other kids gathered before she blinked a little..
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Kimi walked out to the grounds for the first flying lesson he was a bit nervous as he had not been on a broom much for the last two years and he was a bit afraid of them
Flying lessons! That she liked! Wrapped in a really large and absolutely warm scarf wrapped around her neck and shoulders she hopped toward the place where they were going to fly that day. She also wore cloves because she was already cold standing on the ground and she didn't wanted to think about how cold it would be on a broom right now.
"Hello" she greeted the groundskeeper while skipping to a stop right before him.
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
SPOILER!!: Greetings + Reactions
Originally Posted by Paintbrush
Harvey walked outside towards the flying lesson with his heart in his mouth. He hadn't gotten any more convinced that he wanted to learn how to fly properly yet. He'd hoped that his fear would somehow dissipate with time, but alas, apparently not...
He could see the brooms waiting for them. And a box. And... there were noises coming from the box. Giggles? What on earth could that be?
And why had he arrived so early? Feeling queasy now, Harvey tried to hide within his cloak and pretend he wasn't there.
The poor kid must be cold, Justin thought.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
There was no way that Junia was going to miss a flying lesson so after ensuring that she was adequately bundled up for the weather, she made her way out to the pitch. The QUIDDITCH pitch. The one that she'd stared longingly at for ages, wishing she could be out there, playing. Flying, though. It wasn't the same but it was something she loved and she wouldn't pass up an opportunity to enjoy it here at school.
"Hello Sir," The second year greeted cheerfully. Her gaze left the groundskeeper for only a moment to eye the mysterious trunk and her eyebrows went up. Hm. Hopefully there were no pixies in there. She'd had enough of those to last a lifetime.
"Well, hello Miss Botros."
Originally Posted by Callie
Flying lessons were open to third years! Third. Years! This was the best news Hadley had recieved all week. So, naturally, she was one of the first to arrive. She probably would have been first if she hadn't had to trek up to the tower to get her broom, then trek all the way back down. It was only then she realized she could have just summoned Langley, her broom.
Speaking of brooms, how was Charlie, the hogwarts broom she rode her first year? Hads did feel a pang of regret and guilt she wasn't riding him anymore, but Langley was a terribly jealous broom. Still it was hard to say which broom she connected with more, Langley, or Charlie.
Once Hadley had caught her breath again, she straightened up and waved to the Professor. "Hey, Professor McLeod." That felt weird to say.
Professor McLeod. Merlin, he hadn't been addressed as such since the seventies. He smiled, "Hello Miss Denaker." She brought her own broom it looks good. Good, good.
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
They get to go to flying classes?
They get to go to flying classes!!
Tenacius grabbed his brand spankin new racer broom and zoomed for the pitch so fast, he was probably a few clicks short of breaking the sound barrier. Was it cold? He couldnt feel it even if icicles were growing on his face. He was just that PUMPED!
"Hey there Sir Mcleod!" the boy greeted the Groundskeeper gamer enthusiastically. See his shiny new broom yeah? He's very proud.
He waved hello to the other students already assembled-- Hadley and Harvey he knew, the other Slytherin girl, he didnt, but pleasantries to all of them. And there be a giggling coming from somewhere? Momentarily distracted from his awesome broom to try to figure out where its coming from.
Well, if it wasn't the felllow gamer. "Hello Master Salander. I see you brought your own broom today."
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Flying lessoons! Hoorayyyy!
Azura loved to fly and she was so excited that they were open to third years! Was it cold? Yes! Did she care? No!
She had her cloak on and in her hand was her broom from home. She had gotten a new one over the summer. She walked down to the pitch and smiled at the other people who had gathered. She was glad to see she wasn't that she wasn't the only third year there too.
"Hello Sir. " Az said as she waved towards the Professor.
"Hello Haddie, Tenacius! " She said as she waved at her fellow third years, she sent waves to the other kids gathered before she blinked a little..
Was that box.. giggling?
"Hello Miss Snow."
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Kimi walked out to the grounds for the first flying lesson he was a bit nervous as he had not been on a broom much for the last two years and he was a bit afraid of them
Justin was keeping an eye on this quiet one. The quiet ones always did the most surprises.
Originally Posted by Sonea
Flying lessons! That she liked! Wrapped in a really large and absolutely warm scarf wrapped around her neck and shoulders she hopped toward the place where they were going to fly that day. She also wore cloves because she was already cold standing on the ground and she didn't wanted to think about how cold it would be on a broom right now.
"Hello" she greeted the groundskeeper while skipping to a stop right before him.
"Hello there Miss Griffel." Lots of eager students today.
Checking his watch, Justin could see it was about time to start. So with that he then took his whistle to blow a sharp whistle, "Alright everyone, gather round." Waiting until everyone got his attention before continuing. "Well, now. I'm glad to see you all have made it today for your Flying lesson. Starting this term I'll also be covering Flying. Mr. McLeod, Professor or Sir is fine to address me as if you so choose. Now then, we're going to be covering some of the basics today before taking flight." Didn't that sound fun?
Now then, "What's the most important thing to remember when taking flight with a broom?" There were quite a number of them to keep in mind after all.
--- OOC: Feel free to be creative with answers here, make sure to give only one tip. We'll continue tomorrow until then.
Last edited by Charely Potter; 09-29-2016 at 08:09 PM.
Despite being bundled up, the cold was starting to seep in. And cold was Hadley's kryptonite. It was that awkward place between too cold for her regular coat and scarves, yet not cold enough for her full winter robes. She hugged herself tighter against the chill and tried to force it from her mind. It wasn't going to spoil the lesson for her, nosireebob.
Both Ace and the Fairy Princess got slightly shivery nods. Hads couldn't help but smirk at Ace's insatiable curiosity that drew him to the box. It was one of his adorable qualities.
Oh, lesson was starting. With an easy question too. "Don't fall off." Definitely the most important thing to remember. Don't fall off.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura had her broom in her hand as Mr. McLeod started the lesson and she watched her carefully, her purple eyes were intent making sure she didn't miss anything. Yeah she knew how to fly but she was always wanting to make herself better.
Her head tilted a bit as he asked what the most important thing about flying was and she had to bite her lip and hold back a giggle as Haddie spoke..
Don't fall off. Yeah that worked.
She herself raised a hand and said "Always be aware of your surroundings. " She said with a smile..Constant Vigilance, yeah?
She had watched her Cousn fly into a tree once because he was trying to show off..
elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿
Basics were boring but Junia supposed she'd be a good listener...for now.
"It's important to remember you're in control, so you need to be mindful of your movements." She'd learned that lesson the hard way and nearly broke her arm. Lucky she had family around who are good at cushioning charms. Confidence was probably also important and judging from some nervous expressions here today, not everyone was going to be a natural at this.
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
Just to be clear, Olivia usually wouldn't have bothered with these types of lessons, as.... Well, it'd have given her mother a fit, but her legs begged for a reprieve. Up HIGH in the air, the blonde wouldn't have needed to worry about her knees throbbing... or trying not to stumble with her unsure balance these days.
Shouldering her broomstick... You know the one her Pro!quidditch da had gotten her for her thirteenth birthday last year... the blonde danced out onto the pitch; smiling and waving at all her peers. Hello! HAI, EVERYONE!
OH! She'd arrived just in time for the lesson to officially begin. Cutting it close... She was especially Gryffindor, obviously.
Hai, Mr. McLeod.
OH! A question. Olivia jumped at the chance to answer confidently (which was rare for her, let's be honest here). "OH, always remember to be confident! If you're unsure, you'll second guess yourself and that can make you a mess up there. And also, brooms can smell your fear." This wasn't her trying to be funny, either. She honestly believed they could.
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
Katerina still had one more year that she could take flying. Much to her mothers dismay. Sorry mama. She wasn't going to miss the chance. Last year to attend and all, so she was going to enjoy it.
She was standing around with her broom over her shoulder. Yeah the broom made her look so cool. She gave Olivia and Junia a nod. Mr. McLeod got a nod and hello as well. She stood a bit in the back for the group, she was short but she thought that maybe the first years should be closer to the front. She could see so all was good, She could hear so she wasn't going to miss anything.
Listening as the conversation started about what to remember when flying. "Mmm... Make sure your broom has had the proper maintenance before getting on. Trimmed tail twigs are important for safe flying." and made your broom look nice and neat. Her mother was always telling her dad to maintain his broom during the season and off season. Mothers always harping about safety.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Tenacius nodded his head enthusiastically. Yep new broom, and a very fine broom at that. So says Dad. Mom says ridiculously expensive, he's-too-young-for-that. Which means Tenacius-ly prized possession right here.
The giggling seem to come from….somewhere not where he or the other students were at. But now lessons were starting-- cue internal squeeing-- and there be the question. Oh oh hands up “Sir McLeod, we need to know which direction we’re flying to. One direction.” Up. Preferably away from tree tops too.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Wait, brooms can smell fear? Jace spared Olivia a glance, then gave his older brother's broom a good look. Jakub had told him things about riding the broom, but since he wasn't as gung ho as his brother about flying and Quidditch, it was safe to say that he'd half-listened to what Jakub said. Maybe he did mention that it can smell fear?
Jace wished he was as natural in flying as his brother, however...he can't have it all, can he? He was content at being a fast learner...and feet always on the groundthankyouverymucho.
Hand darting upwards in the air, Jace waited for his turn to answer. "Relax and find our center of gravity, professor." Because no one would want to fall off after kicking the ground hard. Although he couldn't remember if Jakub had mentioned it, Jace was sure about what he said since he'd been observing...and pretty much watch his older brother show off fly in a confident manner all the damn time.
Absent-mindedly, he stroked the Japanese characters carved on the handle with his thumb as his thoughts wandered to his brother. Jace suddenly felt homesick and wished he was on board the train again to see his family. For now though, he made himself content with Jakub's name engraved on the handle just below the word 'Yajirushi'. He knew his brother would be with him in spirit given that he knew about this class.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
The third year looked around at the other students that were here, his eyes looked over at Mr. McLeod and he gave him a little wave. Bradson knew how to fly and he knew the basics of flying but that was all Kat's fault. Speaking of Kat where was she? The third year looked around and shimmied over towards her with his broom in his hand. Brady also loved Quidditch but he had no choice in that matter his best friend came from Quidditch royalty.
As he listened he realized that there was a question being asked already. Okay, he knew this answer, he had to know this answer because he knew how to fly but what was the answer. The Hufflepuff flew his hand into the air as soon as he had an idea of what the answer was. "To mount the broom." The Scottish teenager attempted to say it with confidence but he wasn't really sure if there was some other answer to the question. Whenever he would play quidditch or fly around he would mount the broom before he would kick off into the air.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Listening to the professor she grinned and raised her hand. “To not fall?” She asked with a twinkle in her eyes and grinned some more. If somebody would fall form a broom then she definitely would laugh, but… Only if that person wasn’t that badly wounded of course…
Wizarding World RPG Admin St. Mungo's Mod WWW Mod Alley Proprietor
Join Date: May 2003
Location: In the Blue (EST)
Posts: 7,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Ean Zoilo Feirgrund
Hogwarts RPG Name: Jansher Leon Grunt
Fifth Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diego Mason Melo-Dreamer
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dionysus Scorpius Laramore
Seventh Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Paul Lee Gen Rocker
Third Year
Ministry Department Head:
Firash Zarko Grunt
Games & Sports
Ministry Department Head:
Isaek Fyodore Edelbach
International Cooperation
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Talom Geremiah Spectre
Gringotts Wizarding Bank
x8 x7
• HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry •
SPOILER!!: Answers + Replies
Originally Posted by Callie
Despite being bundled up, the cold was starting to seep in. And cold was Hadley's kryptonite. It was that awkward place between too cold for her regular coat and scarves, yet not cold enough for her full winter robes. She hugged herself tighter against the chill and tried to force it from her mind. It wasn't going to spoil the lesson for her, nosireebob.
Both Ace and the Fairy Princess got slightly shivery nods. Hads couldn't help but smirk at Ace's insatiable curiosity that drew him to the box. It was one of his adorable qualities.
Oh, lesson was starting. With an easy question too. "Don't fall off." Definitely the most important thing to remember. Don't fall off.
"Yes, that is important"
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Azura had her broom in her hand as Mr. McLeod started the lesson and she watched her carefully, her purple eyes were intent making sure she didn't miss anything. Yeah she knew how to fly but she was always wanting to make herself better.
Her head tilted a bit as he asked what the most important thing about flying was and she had to bite her lip and hold back a giggle as Haddie spoke..
Don't fall off. Yeah that worked.
She herself raised a hand and said "Always be aware of your surroundings. " She said with a smile..Constant Vigilance, yeah?
She had watched her Cousn fly into a tree once because he was trying to show off..
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow
Basics were boring but Junia supposed she'd be a good listener...for now.
"It's important to remember you're in control, so you need to be mindful of your movements." She'd learned that lesson the hard way and nearly broke her arm. Lucky she had family around who are good at cushioning charms. Confidence was probably also important and judging from some nervous expressions here today, not everyone was going to be a natural at this.
"By Jupiter, you got it!"
Originally Posted by Govoni
Just to be clear, Olivia usually wouldn't have bothered with these types of lessons, as.... Well, it'd have given her mother a fit, but her legs begged for a reprieve. Up HIGH in the air, the blonde wouldn't have needed to worry about her knees throbbing... or trying not to stumble with her unsure balance these days.
Shouldering her broomstick... You know the one her Pro!quidditch da had gotten her for her thirteenth birthday last year... the blonde danced out onto the pitch; smiling and waving at all her peers. Hello! HAI, EVERYONE!
OH! She'd arrived just in time for the lesson to officially begin. Cutting it close... She was especially Gryffindor, obviously.
Hai, Mr. McLeod.
OH! A question. Olivia jumped at the chance to answer confidently (which was rare for her, let's be honest here). "OH, always remember to be confident! If you're unsure, you'll second guess yourself and that can make you a mess up there. And also, brooms can smell your fear." This wasn't her trying to be funny, either. She honestly believed they could.
"Right you are. Brooms can not only smell, but they can hear your fear.""
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Katerina still had one more year that she could take flying. Much to her mothers dismay. Sorry mama. She wasn't going to miss the chance. Last year to attend and all, so she was going to enjoy it.
She was standing around with her broom over her shoulder. Yeah the broom made her look so cool. She gave Olivia and Junia a nod. Mr. McLeod got a nod and hello as well. She stood a bit in the back for the group, she was short but she thought that maybe the first years should be closer to the front. She could see so all was good, She could hear so she wasn't going to miss anything.
Listening as the conversation started about what to remember when flying. "Mmm... Make sure your broom has had the proper maintenance before getting on. Trimmed tail twigs are important for safe flying." and made your broom look nice and neat. Her mother was always telling her dad to maintain his broom during the season and off season. Mothers always harping about safety.
"That is true."
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Tenacius nodded his head enthusiastically. Yep new broom, and a very fine broom at that. So says Dad. Mom says ridiculously expensive, he's-too-young-for-that. Which means Tenacius-ly prized possession right here.
The giggling seem to come from….somewhere not where he or the other students were at. But now lessons were starting-- cue internal squeeing-- and there be the question. Oh oh hands up “Sir McLeod, we need to know which direction we’re flying to. One direction.” Up. Preferably away from tree tops too.
A small grin escaped. "At a time, yes."
Originally Posted by Stefan
Wait, brooms can smell fear? Jace spared Olivia a glance, then gave his older brother's broom a good look. Jakub had told him things about riding the broom, but since he wasn't as gung ho as his brother about flying and Quidditch, it was safe to say that he'd half-listened to what Jakub said. Maybe he did mention that it can smell fear?
Jace wished he was as natural in flying as his brother, however...he can't have it all, can he? He was content at being a fast learner...and feet always on the groundthankyouverymucho.
Hand darting upwards in the air, Jace waited for his turn to answer. "Relax and find our center of gravity, professor." Because no one would want to fall off after kicking the ground hard. Although he couldn't remember if Jakub had mentioned it, Jace was sure about what he said since he'd been observing...and pretty much watch his older brother show off fly in a confident manner all the damn time.
Absent-mindedly, he stroked the Japanese characters carved on the handle with his thumb as his thoughts wandered to his brother. Jace suddenly felt homesick and wished he was on board the train again to see his family. For now though, he made himself content with Jakub's name engraved on the handle just below the word 'Yajirushi'. He knew his brother would be with him in spirit given that he knew about this class.
"That's a good but hard one to follow at times."
Originally Posted by MuggleDinosaur
The third year looked around at the other students that were here, his eyes looked over at Mr. McLeod and he gave him a little wave. Bradson knew how to fly and he knew the basics of flying but that was all Kat's fault. Speaking of Kat where was she? The third year looked around and shimmied over towards her with his broom in his hand. Brady also loved Quidditch but he had no choice in that matter his best friend came from Quidditch royalty.
As he listened he realized that there was a question being asked already. Okay, he knew this answer, he had to know this answer because he knew how to fly but what was the answer. The Hufflepuff flew his hand into the air as soon as he had an idea of what the answer was. "To mount the broom." The Scottish teenager attempted to say it with confidence but he wasn't really sure if there was some other answer to the question. Whenever he would play quidditch or fly around he would mount the broom before he would kick off into the air.
Originally Posted by Sonea
Listening to the professor she grinned and raised her hand. “To not fall?” She asked with a twinkle in her eyes and grinned some more. If somebody would fall form a broom then she definitely would laugh, but… Only if that person wasn’t that badly wounded of course…
"Right you are."
No wrong answers with this. "Good, good. You all got the jist of it and seem more than ready to begin. Now the utmost important rule of all is to check the weather, find out which way the wind is blowing." Continuing on, "Before you can even mount your broom you will want to know the conditions and be weary on changes in the weather. If the wind is flowing in your direction you'll want to find the best maneuver in order to get the fastest and safest flight. Since we're getting into the coldest part of the year we should expect no more than the breeze from the already cool air." With that said and now. "Alright everyone, grab your broomsticks if you already own one otherwise pick one off this pile here and form a single line before lying it to your side on the ground." Justin waited for everyone to do so.
"Now as a few of your mentioned, it is important be calm and relaxed. Your broom can sense your fear, based on the sound of your voice. If there's any hesitation in your voice the broom will know and won't want to come up to you." So how were we going to fix that? "If you have any hesitation, here's what you can do. Let out one nice scream. That'll get your heart accelerating enough to cover your fear with some exhaustion making your more likely to relax." A quaint, but effective method. "When you are ready, stick the hand that your use the most over your broom and say 'Up!' as clear as you can."
Like so, as the Groundskeeper had his right-hand over his broom before shouting, "Up!" With a zoop-like sound it went straight up to his hand for him to grasp. "We'll get to fly once you're ready with your broom."
--- OOC: Now you'll get to try to summon your broom to your hand. Once you've gotten a broom and formed in line, try to summon your broom. If your character has some trouble or hesitation, let them scream it out once. This should take no more than two labeled posts. We'll continue again tomorrow until then.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
As the professor spoke, Jace looked up and tried to gauge the wind direction they have on the field. Of course it makes sense not to fly on a stormy day, right? There was no way he’d fly wet with thunder and lightning gracing the skies. He had a feeling that Jakub had been flying in such condition given that he’s part of the Japanese Quidditch Team. They were known for brutal drills. That probably drove their mother to the edge. Jakub seem to have enjoyed it though, given that he’s still in one piece up to the present—complete with swag and unshakeable confidence making Japanese women drool over him.
The thought amused him to no end, and Jace quickly hung his head to hide his smile. Jakub is just like their dad, only...not as rogue as his older brother. Once the instruction was given, Jace headed to form in line, and gently placed the end of the broom on the grass, and slowly dropped the handle on the ground, catching it with his right foot. He didn’t have the heart to just drop it like a hot potato, besides; he could feel Jakub watching him even if he knew he’s back in Japan. Who knows though? Maybe this hand me down broom from Jakub wouldn’t let him ride it properly if he even dare mistreat it. Jace was sure it is still accustomed to its former owner.
Those thoughts overwhelmed him as he gently let the handle roll away from his right foot. It could smell fear right? Who would’ve thought it can? Jace dropped both of his arms on his sides, opened and closed his hands in rapid succession, imagining his negative energy drain away from the tips of his fingers. And...they were allowed to shout? Good then! Jace has mastered the art of the kiai in his Kendo training, so this won’t be any different. Filling his lungs with air, he held his breath for a few seconds, and let out a powerful shout in Japanese. “Ossu!”
Push. Just what he needs to let go of nerves.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Finally, time for some action! She was cold and wanted to do something and flying was one of the things she liked to do! Oh, she wanted to be old enough to own her own broom! Yes, she definitely wanted to have a broom of her own! Grinning widely she walked toward the pile with brooms and grabbed one she liked, one of the smaller brooms because, well, she herself wasn’t that big either and she liked to fly on a broom what was fitting her better.
Placing the broom on the ground she stuck out her hand and spoke in a very clear and calm voice, “Up” she said and the broom flew up toward her hand immediately, censing her control. Not at all surprised about this she looked satisfied, she loved flying and she didn’t had expected another reaction from her broom than this one.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Determined not to let Jakub down, and also, given the fact that he’d already did this a few times before, Jace steadied his breathing as he felt his shoulder loosen up and just...stayed still for a few more moments. Yes, brooms can smell fear, but he’s bigger than the broom. He convinced himself that he is now the master of said broom, and that it will come to him when he commands it.
As he set his mind to the task at hand, he cannot help but get curious as usual. He bit his tongue to remind himself of the present, and that he would raise the question once the broom was in his hand.
Eyes full of determination, he looked at the broom beside his right foot, extended his right arm over it, and shouted the word “UP!”. As he did so, the slightly scratched Yajiurushi broom rose from the ground, and went straight to Jace’s open hand. Now that he was done with the first task, he raised his arm to get McLeod’s attention. “Professor? Is it...really necessary to do this step? Is this some sort of...ritual that must be done, or can we just mount our brooms right away?” Because putting the broom down just to summon it back seemed...impractical, especially if you’re in a hurry. Just saying.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Well this should be old hat to her. She had been to flying lessons several times and the broom was her own so surely she would be okay summoning it, yeah?
She put her broomstick down on the ground next to her and turned to face the groundskeeper once again.. her head tilting a little as she heard him speak.. Brooms could sense fear? She didn't actually know that.
And it could sense hesitation as well.. She swallowed a little as she looked down at the broom next to her. She usually didn't have trouble.. but lately she had been feeling a little weird..
Maybe it was just the time of year and everything that had happened last year? That had to be it..
She put her hand over her broom and said "Up!" and to her utter shock..
Nothing happened.. this was her broom.. and for the first time ever.. it didn't come to her..
Post 1: *just Olivia doing Olivia things* *mentions of Jacen*
Zombie Apocalypse Team Leader ★ ★ in a crown of pepperoni and artisan cheese
HA! Her answer had been right... and the blonde wasn't the least bit shocked, obviously. She'd had the best teacher out of all of them. Her DA. So, needless to say, Liv was very smug in this moment. It didn't even matter that everyone else had also been praised for their answers. Selective hearing on her part, pretty much.
Unshouldering her broom, she carefully laid it down upon the ground beside her feet. This part was always a bit tricky for her. Once she actually got onto the broom, she'd be set, but commanding its attention, was hit and miss in the very beginning. She chalked this up to her attention problems.
So, splaying out her hand above the broom, Liv stood a bit straighter, trying to push all her confidence into this one moment. Breeeeeeath in.... Breeeeeath out.
"Up!" The one word came out in a shout, which hadn't really been her intention, but... Well, she was a loudly obnoxious girl most days. So, that sort of thing just naturally bled through in all the things she did. After a few moments, it zipped up into her hand... but then her attention was snatched by a Ravenclaw nearby.
What had he just said? o.O
We live in cities you'll never see onscreen..._______________________________________________
So very pretty, and we sure know how to run things..._______________________________ Livin' in ruins of a palace, within our dreams...____________
We're on each other's team._____
And the moment that Katerina had been waiting on. Flying time! This was going to be easy peasy.
Oh and look there was Brady, where had he came from? Anyway her best friend was there and that made this lesson even bettear, not that it could get much better.
Now on the important stuff, Before she sat her broom down on the ground she kissed the handle, just a little peck. She had seen pros do this before matches She figured that it was for good luck or something, or showing the broom who was boss. For whatever reason they did it, she had developed the habit of doing it too.
Once the broom was on the ground she looked down at it. Normally if she was at home she would say up in a blink of an eye, and fly off but what if someone was watching and she screwed up. Katerina Markita Delgado Get your head in the game.
Moving her hand out, and relaxing a bit she said "Up!" She smiled as her broom glided up into her hand.
Could they fly yet? She was ready, she was so ready.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!