-   Term 44: September - December 2016 (
-   -   Divination Lesson 1 - Eggilicious (

Poolicious 09-17-2016 09:13 AM

Post 1 and Landon

Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 12041613)
"nom nom nom" he wiggled once back into his seat with his bread and tea. "ever had a poached egg?" he was whispering over to his new friend here, Alyce. "also. Do yo you know what Ovomancy is???" maybe she was a little genius or something and she would be able to tell him. Merlin, he was excited.

At first she thought Divination was a dull lesson but now this was kinda fun. Snacking and studying at the same time. She loved it! Omnomnom. "Poached egg? Umm..No. I'm not a big fan of egg." She whispered back. "Its diving with egg." At least that's the Professor said earlier.

Alyce was already done with her snack when Professor Vance called them to see the demonstration on how to do Ovomancy. She watched the steps carefully because she didn't want to mess up her reading. Hopefully Landon did the same too.

Moving on to the fun part! Yay! The first year grabbed some eggs, hot water and kettle and took it to her table. There. "Hey, wanna partner up?" She turned her attention to Landon.

Paintbrush 09-17-2016 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Sonea (Post 12043587)
Following Harvey's movements she noticed that he didn't seemed that shy anymore, what was a good thing because she wasn't a scary person, not if she didn't wanted to and today she wasn't in the mood to be scary. Thinking back at her first day when she had tried to scare somebody she and the Ravenclaw boy had both fallen into the Lake but it had been fun to see the fear in his eyes. But anyway, today she wasn't trying to scare anyone so it was good that Harvey had calmed down, they were working together so that was a good thing.

Harvy wasn't a bad kid, for a boy. She didn't understood boy's and why some of the older girls were always gossiping about them but he was not bad she decided. He captured her attention again while talking about his egg and she too watched and frowned before grinning. "That's cool! I like fire, did you knew that?" Spoke Leesha excited while opening her book to search for a description about fire and she started to read out loud;

"Your chief interests in life will probably lie in your home; small duties, simple pleasures, and a circle of friends." Looking up at him she tried to hold back her grin, wondering if he believed it. "So, if I need to believe this than you need to go home and leave Hogwarts because you need to be there, or... You're going to meet new friends soon." Spoke Leesha, trying to sound serious but she couldn't keep a grin from appearing on her lips.

Leesha looked a lot more excited about this lesson all of a sudden. Harvey knew it could be fun!

"Really? No, I didn't know," he smiled, glad of his lucky guess. "I like being home, that's true, I'm not a particularly crazy out-going kind of person. But I definitely don't plan on leaving Hogwarts!" he shook his head and sat up straighter to make his point. No. Definitely not.

"New friends would definitely be a good thing though, I'll take that!" he grinned back at her.

This lesson was turning out far better than he'd hoped.

sweetpinkpixie 09-17-2016 11:50 AM

Trying to get a bit more comfortable in her seat, Paige checked to make sure her other bowl was clean before pouring some of the hot water from the kettle into it. For a moment, the seventh year got lost in the way the steam rose from the liquid as it hit the much cooler surface of the bowl...something mezmorizing about it and there was nearly a flash of something before she realized she poured too much into it and it was now overflowing on to the table.

Squeaking softly, Paige quickly set the kettle down and removed her wand to siphon up the excess liquid from the table. Focus, Skeeter, come on.

Carefully, Paige began to pour the egg whites into the water...and had a momentary freak out moment wondering just HOW she was meant to do that. All at once? Did she need to swirl the water like one would do if she were poching an egg? Swallowing and full of uncertainty, it seemed fate was making that decision for her as her hands had slipped slightly and all the egg whites dumped into the hot water at once.

Oh...well then.

Setting the now empty bowl down, Paige balanced her elbows on the table and waited while the egg whites cooked and began to take shape.

Stefan 09-17-2016 12:09 PM

Post 2
Vanishing the ruined egg, Jace attempted to crack another one and this time, he was more careful with the process as he focused on the egg whites. The first step of the process is already hard and the Ravenclaw was starting to get antsy over a task that was too simple for the thirteen year old. Keeping his hands and eye steady, Jace slowly cracked the egg open and let the egg white drop into the small vat of hot water.

No matter how ridiculous he felt over the activity, he still kept his curiosity high and wondered what the outcome will be. Will the following weeks be hell for him? Will he make more friends this time around? Will he be getting better grades this time around? Questions. Yes, he’s got loads of those.

Goblinfrog 09-17-2016 04:33 PM

technically post three

Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12043862)
Someone was coming over towards him. A prefect! And she was looking for a partner. Owen was so down for this. "Yeah, sure. Let's partner up." The badger gave her his signature side grin. "Let me just gather my things," He added as he in fact gathered his things so he could transfer to her table.

Lead the way, Miss Prefect.

"Okay, great." Kitty smiled warmly at the Hufflepuff and led the way back to her table as he came with his ingredients. When they sat down she gave him some instructions in case he didn't know how to separate egg yolk. "What I did was bang the bang gently on the table (around the middle). You might have to hit it more roughly if you didn't hit it hard enough, I always hit it too softly. Then when it's cracked you can carefully pry the shell off the egg. And it will all fall out except the yolk, which we keep." She had already done this step so she waited for him.

Sonea 09-17-2016 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Paintbrush (Post 12043870)
Leesha looked a lot more excited about this lesson all of a sudden. Harvey knew it could be fun!

"Really? No, I didn't know," he smiled, glad of his lucky guess. "I like being home, that's true, I'm not a particularly crazy out-going kind of person. But I definitely don't plan on leaving Hogwarts!" he shook his head and sat up straighter to make his point. No. Definitely not.

"New friends would definitely be a good thing though, I'll take that!" he grinned back at her.

This lesson was turning out far better than he'd hoped.

A smile crept over her face, so NOW they were talking! At least they were now both done with this stupid task and they could talk freely without bothering that they were irritating the professor in some way. “So you believe in the prediction?” She asked, still trying to sound lightly and then she shook her head. “I like being away from home, it’s always boring in my hometown and I always need to hide who I really am in front of the other kids. Even my parents are not the same, I’m the only witch the family ever had so yeah, I liked it to be here” spoke Leesha calmly. “And besides, I like the adventure of finding all those new things, the lessons, meeting new people and discovering this world” grinned Leesha. “When I’m older and done with my study here at Hogwarts I’m never going back to those stupid kids at home, I’m much better than they are so why should I?” Spoke she snoring while even rolling with her eyes at the thought.

Flashing a wide smile at Harvey she stuck out her hand a second time that lesson and offered it to him, “well, then you have made a new friend today” she spoke still grinning. “We first years need to support each other and besides, there is really no fun into making adventures all alone isn’t it?”

Stefan 09-17-2016 04:57 PM

Post 3
After dripping the egg white into the small bowl of hot water, Jace kept his eyes on the gooey substance as it slowly turned opaque and turned into the shape of a...what is it even? The Ravenclaw had to sit down and take a moment to figure out what it was, given that he struggled in the ‘creative’ department.

The egg white finally made a form, and Jace had to stare at it for a while. Jace cradled the side of his face in his hand as he propped his elbow on the table, obviously in deep thought. Midway through his cheek-tapping, the thirteen year old stopped and drew the shape on a piece of parchment. “A...fork?” he muttered as he compared his drawing to the shape.

Satisfied with his result, Jace went on to flip his book open to see what it meant.

MunchyBubbles 09-17-2016 05:10 PM

Post 3

Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 12043730)
Yeah, he had picked a good partner. She was totally going to be able to help him with the eggs. And she was friendly and welcoming, too. That helped make him feel a bit more at ease. "Gotcha," he said, shifting his hand so his egg was over the bowl. "Although, I really do like scrambled eggs. Now I want some!" Maybe breakfast tomorrow..

As soon as she started the demonstration, he listened with all his might, eyes glued to her hands. His hands were mimicking her actions as he watched. Finn eyed the middle of his egg and then gave it a tiny tap. Nothing. A little harder... nothing. Next he gave it a good thwack against the side... "Um, oops, hold on." The egg completely plopped in the bowl, starting over was his only option. Now with moderation, his next egg cracked open with no problem. "Alright, thumbs prying it open.." His tongue poked out of his mouth as he concentrated. He'd gotten it this time! "Okay, back and forth, back and forth," he said, passing the yolk between the shells several times. "Oh, stink!" He'd missed and the yolk had slipped out into the bowl.

"This is hard." Cue pouty lip.

Azura watched as Finn tried to at first open his egg and then..totally smash it.. Ahh well, this was a delicate business. She grinned at him more as he seemed to get it the next time before.

Fwoopers! Into the bowl it went.

"Yeah, it is rather hard, but here.. I have another method to teach you, one that is a bit more messy.." She said with a bit of a grin as she took the egg and cracked it into another bowl..

"Okay, now you just pick up the bowl and pour the egg between your fingers, the egg white should slip through and you are left with the yolk in her hands." She said with a smile as she did just that.. She tipped the bowl into her fingers and slowly let the egg white drip into the boiling water, before she stuck the yolk back into the bowl..

She peered into the water to see what sort of shape it looked like..

"Huh.. That sort of looks.. like a crown.." Az said as she turned her head a bit to look at the egg.. "I think?" She bit her lip as she looked into the book to see what crown meant..

"Crown.—Advancement and honour; the attainment of your highest ambition." She read out loud. and smiled.. well.. she could live with that!

Paintbrush 09-17-2016 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sonea (Post 12044089)
A smile crept over her face, so NOW they were talking! At least they were now both done with this stupid task and they could talk freely without bothering that they were irritating the professor in some way. “So you believe in the prediction?” She asked, still trying to sound lightly and then she shook her head. “I like being away from home, it’s always boring in my hometown and I always need to hide who I really am in front of the other kids. Even my parents are not the same, I’m the only witch the family ever had so yeah, I liked it to be here” spoke Leesha calmly. “And besides, I like the adventure of finding all those new things, the lessons, meeting new people and discovering this world” grinned Leesha. “When I’m older and done with my study here at Hogwarts I’m never going back to those stupid kids at home, I’m much better than they are so why should I?” Spoke she snoring while even rolling with her eyes at the thought.

Flashing a wide smile at Harvey she stuck out her hand a second time that lesson and offered it to him, “well, then you have made a new friend today” she spoke still grinning. “We first years need to support each other and besides, there is really no fun into making adventures all alone isn’t it?”

Harvey shook Leesha's hand for the second time that day and smiled. "How could I not believe it since we're now friends?" he asked, answering her question. And he definitely agreed. Adventures with someone were bound to be more fun. Not that he'd had much experience in the area, but he believed what all the stories told him, and all the stories had heroes with friends.

As Leesha opened up a bit about her childhood, Harvey realised his mouth was slightly open. He closed it quickly. He didn't want to seem rude, but it was so interesting!

"So you're Muggleborn?" he asked, excited. "Is life as a Muggle really that different?" he realised how rude he must sound.

"Sorry, Leesha, I know that probably sounds weird. But I've only got witches and wizards in my family, and they only know witches and wizards, and I've always found Muggles really interesting. It's so hard for me to imagine life without magic I can't help but wonder what it's like. My family doesn't get it, not really, apart from my Dad's parents." he explained quickly, hoping she'd understand and she wouldn't find him... too weird.

sweetpinkpixie 09-17-2016 06:32 PM

Chewing on her lower lip as she watched, Paige was quickly reminded why she did not prefer these sorts of readings. Ones that required a bit more of an aesthetic sense rather than kinesthetic. Although it did give her SOME peace of mind in knowing, at least subconciously, that the accuracy of whatever she saw here would be a bit off from normal. Even if it was her own touch that was involved in the process...the final activating ingredient was not of her own doing, but of a third party in the form of hot water.

Merlin it was hard to figure out abstract shapes, wasn't it?

Squinting and turning her bowl a bit...Paige supposed that one shape was that of an .......... anchor? Thinking nothing more on that particular shape, Paige grabbed her quill and quickly jotted it down before her blue gaze returned to the egg whites. Paige instantly thought of Sir Toby and how she ought to write him again some time soon...but back to the task at hand.

A...cow...and an...anchor?


Checking the egg whites again and deciding she ought to stop trying to look for shapes - as the ones she had found were questionable enough as to their accuracy - Paige got out her textbook and began flipping through to look up the meanings.

Talikins 09-17-2016 08:34 PM

YAY! <3 Post 2

Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 12043326)
Ovomancy just might be the messiest method to predict the future, and Jace is sloooowly losing interest just with the thought of his hands getting all slimy and just...gross. Although his predicament is a big deal to him, it didn’t stop the Ravenclaw from getting his own bowl, kettle, and a good number of fresh eggs from the professor’s table. His robes already spelt disaster, so might as well get his hands slimy and attempt to read his future.

The Ravenclaw shuffled next to a fellow Eagle, and gave him a bow of his head. "I hope you don't mind me joining you...someone else took my table." And he doesn't have the heart to shoo them away. Quietly, Jace arranged the paraphernalia needed for the activity. Using the lip of the bowl, Jace tapped the egg against it, pushed the crack gently, and pulled the other half away, causing the egg white AND the yolk to fall inside his bowl. "Oh, come ooon." the boy muttered in Japanese.

Merlin. Wasting away eggs like this when he can instead make Tamagoyaki for afternoon tea.

Tsk tsk.


There. Was. Someone. Next. To. Him.

What was he to do? Freak out? Be rude? ---No he had to act normal and what would normal people do? Be friendly.

Ethan took a breathe in and out and then shook his head to answer that he did not mind. This was much easier for him than answering with actual words, although it appeared words would be necessary throughout this activity. But what words were these exactly?

With slight confusion, Ethan looked at the boy to realise that the words just spoken were not English. He wanted to ask more but he was rather afraid the boy was secretly criticising him or such. Therefore, he instead focused back on the task at hand. "I-uh-it-you-you mustdoitcarefully." He murmured and then went back to look at his own egg that had already begun forming shapes.

Was that a rectangle? Or-wait it looked like a rectangle with a loop? Maybe an apron?

Hmmm....his brows furrowed in concentration.

Bazinga 09-17-2016 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry (Post 12043641)
Oh so she didn't know how to crack an egg? Obviously her eggs were on the floor and in the water. Separating eggs was not the easy task to do though. The yolk always seemed to watch to slip out, with the white part. It was really a matter of getting the white part out before the yolk, and again that was obvious. "I sure do. Smiling confidently at the older girl. Taking the question as a "cool yes, you can be my partner." She took the seat next to her.

"I'm Katerina, but I like Kat better, sometimes.: Getting all of her items together and ready, She didn't say much else for the time being, until she was asked another question. She sure did like to ask a lot of questions didn't she? "I don't know. Sometimes things are believable and sometimes its a load of rubbish, you know?" Her mother seem to be a believer in such things. Sometimes things sound true then somethings not so much. "I can show you." Kat took a egg and cracked it, keeping the halves of the shells close together, and let the white slide thought the shell, now the hard part was making sure you didn't get pieces of the... shell. Oppps.

She could dig them out right?

She was bringing her stuff over and sitting down, that meant she knew how to do this right? Nat watched her for a moment and smiled as she said she knew how to separate the egg. "Great, let me just go and grab another." Three was a charm, right? Headed back to the front of the room Nat grabbed another egg and made her way back to Kat, who was just introducing herself.

"That's fun, I'm Nat. Guess we were meant to be partners." Nat/Kat perfect rhyming combo. "So I cook all the time and have never once had to do this. I really can't believe I don't know how." One of her favorite things was cooking, really how did she not know. Watching the girl crack the egg and let the white fall she knew that's what she was trying to do, but the yolk kept coming out too. Why was it doing that to her.

"Yeah rubbish would probably be good for today. I really like the tarot cards and the crystal balls. Those I believe work, but eggs in water? It just seems a bit much." Who was she to argue with the signs or stars or whatever it was.

Cracking her egg she held it close and let the white fall into her cup. "Sweet, what does yours look like?" She looked into her own to see what it might be.

Stefan 09-17-2016 10:38 PM

Post 4

Originally Posted by Talikins (Post 12044303)

There. Was. Someone. Next. To. Him.

What was he to do? Freak out? Be rude? ---No he had to act normal and what would normal people do? Be friendly.

Ethan took a breathe in and out and then shook his head to answer that he did not mind. This was much easier for him than answering with actual words, although it appeared words would be necessary throughout this activity. But what words were these exactly?

With slight confusion, Ethan looked at the boy to realise that the words just spoken were not English. He wanted to ask more but he was rather afraid the boy was secretly criticising him or such. Therefore, he instead focused back on the task at hand. "I-uh-it-you-you mustdoitcarefully." He murmured and then went back to look at his own egg that had already begun forming shapes.

Was that a rectangle? Or-wait it looked like a rectangle with a loop? Maybe an apron?

Hmmm....his brows furrowed in concentration.

After reaching the correct page of his book, Jace deadpanned on his fortune and just...kept on reading the meaning over and over and over again. Somehow, he could relate to what it says. Was it really just a warning, or was it a validation of his fear? See, Jace finds complements a tad intimidating. Often times, he'd question himself if he is actually worthy of such praise, or was it given out of pity?

The Ravenclaw didn't want to look pitiful because there is no reason for him to be. The thirteen year simply wants to be the best at what he do but...are his accomplishments enough to warrant good compliments?

Questions, doubts...yes, he has a lot of that too.

Blinking at the voice that broke his thoughts, Jace looked at his fellow Ravenclaw and gave him a warm grin and a nod. "It requires a bit of precision too..." he said as he went back to record his answer on his parchment.

Once he was done, Jace packed his things away and went on to look at his bowl again. Well, it really wasn't the kind of reading he was expecting, but the warning was much appreciated. Turning his attention back to his fellow Eagle, Jace grinned at the boy and properly introduced himself. "I'm Jace by the way...what's your name?" he's seen the boy around, definitely. "Mind if I take a look at your work?" he asked politely.

SarcasticStrawberry 09-17-2016 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 12044372)
She was bringing her stuff over and sitting down, that meant she knew how to do this right? Nat watched her for a moment and smiled as she said she knew how to separate the egg. "Great, let me just go and grab another." Three was a charm, right? Headed back to the front of the room Nat grabbed another egg and made her way back to Kat, who was just introducing herself.

"That's fun, I'm Nat. Guess we were meant to be partners." Nat/Kat perfect rhyming combo. "So I cook all the time and have never once had to do this. I really can't believe I don't know how." One of her favorite things was cooking, really how did she not know. Watching the girl crack the egg and let the white fall she knew that's what she was trying to do, but the yolk kept coming out too. Why was it doing that to her.

"Yeah rubbish would probably be good for today. I really like the tarot cards and the crystal balls. Those I believe work, but eggs in water? It just seems a bit much." Who was she to argue with the signs or stars or whatever it was.

Cracking her egg she held it close and let the white fall into her cup. "Sweet, what does yours look like?" She looked into her own to see what it might be.

" Yeah, Kat and Nat. It rhymes.' How cool was that? It it was like they were meant to be partners for this. She smiled "I like baking mostly, cupcakes to be exact." Cupcakes were her speicality. Once she got her egg cracked, she decided to watch Nat as she cracked her egg. To you know supervise. at

Kat dropped her egg white into the boiling water, after she seen that the older girl had manged to separate the egg. "There is so many different ways of doing Divination, I like tarot cards too and tea leaves." She also like the one that you used fire to predict the future. It was cool. Fire reminds her of Cornelius last term.

Looking down at her egg floating around in the hot water. Mmmm. "I don't know. What about you?" This was the hard part, how for you suppose to tell what shape the egg or anything for that matter. It looked just like an egg floating in boiling water was suppose to look like. "I see a cup, don't you?" Pointing down at her water. Cup yes she was going with that of maybe a mug..... "Or a mug?" The cup was even a stretch.

Just to be on the safe side she would look up mug too.

Sonea 09-17-2016 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Paintbrush (Post 12044166)
Harvey shook Leesha's hand for the second time that day and smiled. "How could I not believe it since we're now friends?" he asked, answering her question. And he definitely agreed. Adventures with someone were bound to be more fun. Not that he'd had much experience in the area, but he believed what all the stories told him, and all the stories had heroes with friends.

As Leesha opened up a bit about her childhood, Harvey realised his mouth was slightly open. He closed it quickly. He didn't want to seem rude, but it was so interesting!

"So you're Muggleborn?" he asked, excited. "Is life as a Muggle really that different?" he realised how rude he must sound.

"Sorry, Leesha, I know that probably sounds weird. But I've only got witches and wizards in my family, and they only know witches and wizards, and I've always found Muggles really interesting. It's so hard for me to imagine life without magic I can't help but wonder what it's like. My family doesn't get it, not really, apart from my Dad's parents." he explained quickly, hoping she'd understand and she wouldn't find him... too weird.

“Coincidence, that’s all” spoke Leesha shrugging, “It’s hard at a place like Hogwarts NOT to make new friends” added the first year while flipping through her textbook and reading some of the explanations for some signs and she needed to suppress a laugh because it all sounded so stupid and silly! “Only time will learn I suppose” she said looking down at her textbook, not really believing it but what else was there to do?

A few minutes later when she had spoke about the stupid kids at home and that she didn’t wanted to go back there she saw that Harvey looked surprised, why was he surprised? Had he never seen a muggleborn before or was he just surprised to see a muggleborn being sorted in Slytherin? Well, whatever it was, she would show everybody that she was worth it to be a Slytherin and that she was better than everyone at home!

“Yes, I am” spoke Leesha a slowly, thinking back at her parents and the way she always had known that she was different. A life she didn’t wished to live anymore, she was a witch now and far better than everybody at home, well… Beside her parents of course, they were cool for muggles she decided. “How am I supposed to know? I don’t know the difference because I haven’t a idea how you’ve grown up” she now frowned while speaking, she really didn’t knew and to be honest, she didn’t even have thought about it, learning about the magical world was already a lot to take and then she wasn’t even talking about the lessons at Hogwarts! No, she didn’t had thought about how some of the kids here at Hogwarts have grown up with their wizard families.

Listening to his next words she nodded to show that she wasn’t angry or anything like that. “Well… I think that I need to disappoint you, muggles are boring and I can tell you that I’m not intended to go back to that live when I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I like my parents and family but the rest of the muggles around are just stupid and they never really understood me.” Leesha fell silent and didn’t wanted to sound too harsh while speaking about her opinions related to the muggles she had grown up with but she couldn’t help it to look down upon them. They never had accepted her and she never really had accepted them or even liked them! So yeah, there was a reason for her to be sorted into Slytherin.

Bazinga 09-18-2016 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry (Post 12044430)
" Yeah, Kat and Nat. It rhymes.' How cool was that? It it was like they were meant to be partners for this. She smiled "I like baking mostly, cupcakes to be exact." Cupcakes were her speicality. Once she got her egg cracked, she decided to watch Nat as she cracked her egg. To you know supervise. at

Kat dropped her egg white into the boiling water, after she seen that the older girl had manged to separate the egg. "There is so many different ways of doing Divination, I like tarot cards too and tea leaves." She also like the one that you used fire to predict the future. It was cool. Fire reminds her of Cornelius last term.

Looking down at her egg floating around in the hot water. Mmmm. "I don't know. What about you?" This was the hard part, how for you suppose to tell what shape the egg or anything for that matter. It looked just like an egg floating in boiling water was suppose to look like. "I see a cup, don't you?" Pointing down at her water. Cup yes she was going with that of maybe a mug..... "Or a mug?" The cup was even a stretch.

Just to be on the safe side she would look up mug too.

Of course they were perfect for partners because of their names. Would you want anyone else then Nat/Kat doing your work? Come on! She figured the younger girl knew a bit what she was doing especially when she said she made cupcakes. "My favorite is actual foods. I love cooking dinners for people. I learned from a neighbor and books when I lived with my mother." Her mother never cooked so someone had to.

Oh she forgot about tea leaves, they were fun too. "Palm reading is another good one. I think it's interesting on how you can tell certain things by their life lines and stuff. That's why I think Arthimancy is so interesting. You get to use numbers to see about your past, present, and future." She was always so shocked at how accurate it had always been. By far her most favorite subject in school.

Glancing in her cup and then into Kat's she couldn't decided on either of them. "I think you are right. It's a cup or mug. Look them both up, which ever is better pick that one." It was a good idea, pick the one with the best future and use it as the interpretation. Brown eyes glancing down in her own cup again she studied the egg, "Mine looks like a cat or dog. I'm going to look up cat I think." It was bloodish, but she could see a tail and maybe some ears. Yes a cat.


Tazzie 09-18-2016 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12044087)
"Okay, great." Kitty smiled warmly at the Hufflepuff and led the way back to her table as he came with his ingredients. When they sat down she gave him some instructions in case he didn't know how to separate egg yolk. "What I did was bang the bang gently on the table (around the middle). You might have to hit it more roughly if you didn't hit it hard enough, I always hit it too softly. Then when it's cracked you can carefully pry the shell off the egg. And it will all fall out except the yolk, which we keep." She had already done this step so she waited for him.

When they were back to Miss Prefect's table, the girl gave him almost detailed instruction on how to crack the egg in order to separate the egg yolk from the white. Owen didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't need that, given that he could already do that when he was only five, "Okay. Thanks."

He shot her a side grin as he readied a cup with hot water, grabbed an egg and cracked it gently yet firmly against the side of the table, and expertly separated the egg white from the yolk. The latter went into a spare cup while the former was dropped into the hot water cup.

Okay Miss Prefect, your turn.

Goblinfrog 09-18-2016 03:53 AM

4: not pink because phone post

Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12044617)
When they were back to Miss Prefect's table, the girl gave him almost detailed instruction on how to crack the egg in order to separate the egg yolk from the white. Owen didn't have the heart to tell her that he didn't need that, given that he could already do that when he was only five, "Okay. Thanks."

He shot her a side grin as he readied a cup with hot water, grabbed an egg and cracked it gently yet firmly against the side of the table, and expertly separated the egg white from the yolk. The latter went into a spare cup while the former was dropped into the hot water cup.

Okay Miss Prefect, your turn.

It only occurred to her after he had replied that he probably already knew how to crack an egg. "I'm Kitty by the way," she said cheerfully as she watched him repeat the steps.

Once he was finished she continued. "Now we'll just see what shape it forms." She frowned as a shape began forming from her egg mess. It really didn't look like any shape from the book to her, though when she twisted her head it looked sort of like the letter S. "Unfortunately the only thing I see in mine is the letter S. Which brings to mind secret. Or maybe it's a snake. That can't be good."

"What's your shape?" she asked as she flipped through the book for snake, pausing to look at her partners progress

Tazzie 09-18-2016 04:30 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12044712)
It only occurred to her after he had replied that he probably already knew how to crack an egg. "I'm Kitty by the way," she said cheerfully as she watched him repeat the steps.

Once he was finished she continued. "Now we'll just see what shape it forms." She frowned as a shape began forming from her egg mess. It really didn't look like any shape from the book to her, though when she twisted her head it looked sort of like the letter S. "Unfortunately the only thing I see in mine is the letter S. Which brings to mind secret. Or maybe it's a snake. That can't be good."

"What's your shape?" she asked as she flipped through the book for snake, pausing to look at her partners progress

"Kitty. Nice to meet you. I'm Owen."

He looked over to see what shape her egg white had taken. He really couldn't tell what shape it was but when she mentioned that it sort of looked like a letter S, he began to see it too. "Mmm...I guess it's a snake." He searched for the meaning behind it on his textbook and shook his head, "Damn, sounds like someone's about to betray you, Kitty." Or not. Who knew, Divination was weird.

Anyhow, Owen decided to take a look at his own cup of egg white, squinting and tilting his head this way and that to somehow find a shape. "Um, I have no idea what this looks like exactly but kinda look ear?" Possibly. Probably.

Suziella 09-18-2016 05:04 AM

Post 2
Juno grabbed the bowl with the egg white, while also making sure that the water was at the perfect temperature. When she was satisfied with the temperature, she carefully poured the egg white into the water, watching the form it took.

She tilted her head to the side, "Is that...that looks like a guitar." She quickly searched through her textbook and found the meaning. She blushed something fierce, and was really glad she was doing this alone. She wrote in her notes:


Egg white 1: Guitar - This symbol displays strong power of attraction for the opposite sex, also pleasant adventures ending in a happy love affair.
She blushed a little more re-reading that one. But this was wasn't necessarily true. Juno reached for the second egg, preparing to get it cracked open.

sweetpinkpixie 09-18-2016 05:38 AM

Reminding herself over and over again as she flipped through the pages of her text that the accuracy of this in accordance to her inner eyes was questionable - especially seeing as she had not once experiences the surreal tingling sensation in her fingers (like being gently pricked by sharp pins) that often accompanied other readings - Paige finally found the first symbol and quickly wrote down it's meaning on her parchment.


ANCHOR: A pleasing symbol of good and loyal friends, constancy in love, and the realisation of your wishes; an emblem of safety to a sailor.
Well....that was a promising start at least? Although she hardly needed egg whites to tell her this information. Still, a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips...ignoring the fact that what she thought she saw to be an anchor could very well look like a palm tree to someone else.

Turning the page again and scanning the symbols beginning with C, her finger finally rested on 'cow'.


COW: A calm, contented state of mind, peaceful and prosperous days
"Basically...confirming what I already know," she whispered, mostly to herself. Although she used the term confirming quite loosely here considering her uncertainty with this method of divining.

Suziella 09-18-2016 06:00 AM

Post 3
Juno was a little shell shocked about that first egg. Her adventures and love affairs? Doubtful. But you just never know what is true or not with these different ways of divining the future. She hoped she would at least get something out of this second egg that made sense.

Juno handled the second egg gently. She tapped it against the bowl to get a small crack in the side. Finally she got a crack in there, pulling the shell slowly apart and gently rocking the yolk back and forth to each shell to get that white to drop into the bowl. When it finally did, she put the yolk and the shell in the second bowl with her first one.

"Well, here goes nothing." She tipped the bowl over into the water and watched as it formed.

Govoni 09-18-2016 07:31 AM

Post 4: *adding our egg to the water and seeing SHAPES*

Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12043708)

“Nice to meet you, Ashwin,” Cassie said when the boy introduced himself. At least to Olivia...or Liv…whom he seemed more comfortable with. Hopefully she herself wasn’t going anything to bother him. Or make him nervous. The name though, was definitely a unique one in her opinion. Not bad, just different. But before she could linger on it, he was speaking again, bringing them back to what they were supposed to be doing within their group.

Separate the eggs.

Yeah, that sounded about right for their first step to their task. And Olivia apparently had an idea how to do it, outside when the professor had shown, causing Cassie to raise a slight eyebrow in curiosity. Especially when she pulled out a plastic bottle for some reason. “If you say so…” she mused, willing to let her have a shot as she watched with interest to see what was going to happen. Or at the very least figure out what was supposed to happen.

Three broken eggs later, the Gryffindor was separating the egg parts by a sort of suction. “Cool!” Definitely another way to do what they needed to do. “I think you have a good idea,” she answered, grabbing a bowl and an egg for herself. Carefully she broke the egg, deliberately emulating how she had seen her mom do and how she herself had done once maybe twice. Luckily it didn’t break so she turned to Olivia again with interest. “Mind if I try?” she asked, since it was the other girl’s bottle and idea after all.

"Yes, of course!" Pleased that her new Ravenclaw friend wanted to attempt her method, Liv handed over the bottle... almost eagerly. It had worked much better than she thought it would, being that this was her first time experimenting with it, but YAY! "We don't eat the yolks at my house." A fun fact, or whatever... just because Liv liked to talk and stuff. That was probably an overshare... but oh well!

Shifting her focus towards getting the water ready, she lifted the kettle and poured until the bowl was moderately full. It had to be able to hold two eggs, right?... Or had she understood that wrong? Eh, either way. It was full enough for two, at least. Now for the eggs... Just as a note, this was the weirdest thing she'd done in a while. And that was really saying something as Olivia had been known to get down with the weird. Unashamedly so. But we digress.

Lifting the bowl with her egg whites (two of them as she'd quickly sorted out another), she positioned the lip of it over her steaming water, carefully pouring out the contents. It took real concentration as sometimes liquids could be unpredictable, but she eventually got the whites into the water. This might not've seemed like a huge deal to most, but she felt accomplished in her own right. And that was her right! Mhm!


Watching the eggy substance shift and move around (even in hot water) was... odd. It LOOKED kinda like snot? And if it was supposed to be taking shape, how would she be able to tell what sort of shape it was? There were literally SO MANY different ones... Eh, getting down on eye level with the clear bowl, so she could in on it at a less awkward angle, she DID note that... it sorta resembled a flower. Well, one did. A flower... and a feather? This was a stretch, at best, but it was much better than writing down that it all appeared to be snot to her.

Welp. Pulling out her book she went about looking up those two shapes.

Goblinfrog 09-18-2016 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Tazzie (Post 12044744)
"Kitty. Nice to meet you. I'm Owen."

He looked over to see what shape her egg white had taken. He really couldn't tell what shape it was but when she mentioned that it sort of looked like a letter S, he began to see it too. "Mmm...I guess it's a snake." He searched for the meaning behind it on his textbook and shook his head, "Damn, sounds like someone's about to betray you, Kitty." Or not. Who knew, Divination was weird.

Anyhow, Owen decided to take a look at his own cup of egg white, squinting and tilting his head this way and that to somehow find a shape. "Um, I have no idea what this looks like exactly but kinda look ear?" Possibly. Probably.

Kitty found the snake symbol in her book. "You're right Owen! 'Snake.—This is an unpleasant sign of treachery, disloyalty, and hidden danger, sometimes caused by those whom you least suspect; if its head is raised, injury by the malice of a man is predicted; it is also an indication of misfortune and illness.'" She paused dramatically and let it hang in the air for a moment. "Oh dear. Well I can't tell if its head is raised so it might be a man. Are you going to betray me Owen?" And she poked Owen playfully on the shoulder. Of course, she never really was certain how much she took Divination seriously. That snake didn't bother her...much.

When Owen said his looked like an ear she flipped to the entry for ear. "You are much more fortunate than I," she said. "Ear.—A large ear shows that you will be shocked by hearing of some scandal or abuse; a normal ear means that you will receive some interesting and pleasant piece of news or valuable information." Again she paused dramatically, though not as long as before. 'Does your ear look normal to you? If it's large then it's good news." She cocked her head to look at it sideways.

Nordic Witch 09-18-2016 02:04 PM

Laurel quickly had to back out of the way as the students started to partner up left and right. For the next few minutes it was quite a frenzy as everyone found kettles and eggs and decided where to sit. It was interesting to watch.

Having watched the majority of the students separate their eggs with both success and misses Laurel was pretty grateful for having the sense not to put rugs under the tables. The floor was now egg sticky and quite slippery. Nimma was not going to be pleased. But it was to be expected when the students got working, misses happened.

After walking around amongst the tables, giving tips or looking at certain interpretations she stole a glance at her watch and sighed as she adressed the class. "Everyone great work today! That's all we've got time for. Class dismissed! We'll see what the eye thinks we should dabble with next time. Until then watch out for falling objects and keep both hands on the moving staircase!"

OOC: Class dismissed! Thank you all so much for coming and playing with and my eggs!:loved: No homework. I will leave the thread open until 5PM GMT +1 on Monday 19th September for those of you who still want to finish your activities or to catch up.

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