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Post 2 Quote:
"Well it's nice to meet you Finn, welcome to Hogwarts and to Ravenclaw." She replied to him, glad that she had gotten his name right. Finn was much easier to remember too. "Sounds great." She said with a smile as she grabbed an egg and carefully cracked it on the edge of the bowl, as close to the middle as she could get it. "All right, well first hold the egg over the bowl, it will be easier to separate them and then drop the white in, that way we don't have to worry about any of the yolk getting into the water and ending up with well.. scrambled eggs." She said with a grin at him. "So, take your egg and carefully hit it on the edge of the bowl as close to the middle as you can.. then, slowly pry the shell apart with your thumbs.." She demonstrated for him as the goopy clearish egg white started to ooze into her bowl.. "Then you slowly pass the yolk back and forth between the egg shells until you just have the yolk.." She again demonstrated and set the egg yolk down in a separate bowl.. |
So obviously she had never separated an egg before in her cooking experience. Thank Merlin she didn't have to in any of her favorites. Cleaning the newest egg mess she looked up when she heard someone. "Do you know how to separate an egg?" If she did then Nat would fully be will to be her partner. She had to figure out how to do this if shew as going to do the reading at all, but really she didn't even know if she wanted to do the reading. "So do you believe in this stuff?" She wanted to be someone who did believe in it. Some of it seemed real, the sleep journal that Paige had done with her a few terms ago seemed to be spot on. This though, was this real? It seemed so far out and just to weird to be real. You can predict what is going on by an egg in the water. "Now I guess we need to get this egg thing right or at least I do."Third time was a charm, right? |
Post 1 No offense to everyone else in the room, but Scarlett was going to do this on her own. She didn't trust many people when it came to Divination, having learned from the best...so she was going to go solo on this one. She walked up and took her egg, selecting the one she thought was the roundest out of the bunch (or at least it seemed to be). She walked back to her station and prepared a kettle of hot water before she took her egg, cracking it on the side of the kettle. She took the two halves of the egg and passed the yolk back and forth to separate it - they had a little tool for this at her house, it was wayyyy easier than this. |
SPOILER!!: Chaaaaaaaarlotte Paige was in even less of a mood for food a this point, tea still calling her name however, as a small smile of relief tugged at her features. She wished the Ministry had provided her with a list of local Seers upon her confirmation, but she supposed that all had to do with confidentiality. She wouldn't want her own name handed out willy nilly to people either...especially considering things... Paige was just about to dive into some questions when Professor Vance spoke, continuing the lesson and giving them a non-snack making task. SPOILER!!: professoooooooor Slight pause in her inquires then. Standing once again, Paige went to gather her things and grabbed a couple extra bowls for seperating her egg white from the yolk. Instead of returning to her own table, the seventh year set the supplies - including kettle filled with hot water - on the table where Charlotte was taking up occupancy. Bit desperate? Just a smidgen. But the Gryffindor's smile was inviting so it was hard not to be drawn to that. Starting with her egg, Paige cracked it on the edge of the table and slowly began shifting the yolk back and forth between the two halves of she shell while holding it over one of the bowls to catch the egg whites as they poured over the sides. "How...old was your mom when she found out?" Paige asked of Charlotte meekly as she dropped the egg shells and yolk into another one of her empty bowls and set it off to the side. |
Post 1 Quote:
Juno quickly filled her kettle with water, putting it over a medium heat so it would be warm enough to cook the egg but not boil over. Juno then grabbed an egg, and taking a deep breath, tapped it gently to get it to crack enough that she could gently open it and begin to separate the yolk from the white. It cracked perfectly for her, grinning, she pulled open the egg and began separating the white from the yolk. The first egg white plopped gently into the bowl and she put the yolk and shell in another bowl. This was a lot of work... |
In search for a partner ^_^ Leesha stood up with a sigh and walked over to grab the things she needed when the activity had been announced. She didn't had prove that this lesson was all fake so today she would find out! Predicting her own future with a egg, who had thought that! If her dad had known this he would laughed at her direct in her face, just because it was such a stupid thing to do! Her mum and dad didn't believed in this things either so she decided to not tell them that she needed to follow this lesson. Alight, she now had all the things she needed so she looked around her and spoke in general. "Is there somebody who want to do this with me?" |
"I do," he said, getting his stuff and walking over to her. He felt a bit shy, but he did his best to make sure this didn't come through in his voice. He was doing better than he had at the start of the year anyway. "I'm Harvey, by the way," he offered a hand. |
Up for grabs! :D Egg sandwich consumed, Owen stepped to the front along with everyone else -those who were willing anyway - to watch their lady Professor demonstrate how they were supposed to do this egg-white reading session. Huh. Easy enough. Owen readied his textbook along with the materials he needed and began looking for a partner just as the lady Professor suggested because no offense meant Professor Vance, but working on this activity alone was going to get really boooooooooring. |
"Hi! I'm Leesha Griffel" Greeted Leesha when the boy stood close enough. He seemed shy but brave enough to walk up toward her, what was a good thing. So she flashed a big smile toward him and offered him her hand. "Shall we start and get over with it? Oh, and do you really believe in this lesson?" She herself wasn't exactly hiding it that she didn't believed this but if the boy believed in this stuff than she was willingly to at last keep silent about some of her opinions. |
Post 3: WE NEED A TEAM NAME! Quote:
... But they shouldn't think on such unpleasantness right now. Tea was present. ^_^ Not that Olivia got any of those vibes from him. No, Ashwin seemed incredibly shy and just a touch awkward, and it was definitely adorable. To express how pleased she was that he would be staying to work with them, Liv affectionately rubbed his shoulder, her smile still in place. "I have an idea about that." LOOK AT HER CONTRIBUTING! And again, thank you, mum. For this technique. Er, there wasn't any other reason she'd be thanking her right now. Lol, her mother simply didn't eat the whole egg, so she'd seen her do this. Yup. Digging around in her bag, which was disorganized and could only be described as 'creative chaos', she pulled out an empty plastic water bottle. Empty because when you did the ballet thing, as she did, you had to stay hydrated and such. And she liked to sneak off between lessons, since dance was cathartic and the best natural destresser. Soooo, yep, she kept water on her! "Watch me flub breaking this egg." FIRST TIME CRACKING ONE EVER. True to her word, the blonde cracked the first two with too much force, popping the yolk before she could properly separate it from the white bit. Delicate things, weren't they? Bloody frustrating... EVENTUALLY, though, she'd managed to successfully break an egg without ruining it. VICTORY! "I don't know what you guys plan on doing with your yolks, but I won't be eating mine." So, it was totally okay for her to be using this bottle (that she'd had her mouth on). If they planned to eat theirs, they might not want to... Ahem, anyway. Uncapping the bottle, she turned it upside down, hovering the mouth bit over the orange bulge in the middle of the egg. With a careful squeeze, the yolk was pulled up into the bottle and she hadn't had to touch any of it; save for the shell. "What do you think?" Dead clever, right? |
"Um, not sure," Harvey frowned. "I really don't feel like I know enough about Divination to dismiss it all, to be honest. And it can be... fun, at least, true or not, don't you think?" he offered a smile of his own. "Oh, hang on, let me get an egg too," he said, coming back moments later with his own. "Right, do you want to start then? I promise to make sure your future is bright and cheerful," he grinned. He could see why she didn't believe in any of it. But he meant what he'd said. This really could be fun. |
With her arms folded she looked down at what was happening but all what happened was that it formed like... A stone? A rock? "Hmm, I don't know what that is but I think that it didn't worked, it just looks like a blob! Or, if I really need to say something than I can look like a rock, what do you think?" She asked her partner who's name she still didn't knew. |
Post 1: Anyone? (even though he's being all to himself) Alright, then time to pretend that eggs could predict his future. Ethan was, evidently, a little sceptic but he'd go about with the activity for interest-sake. In a sense he wanted to experiment the validity of the subjects practices so, of course, partaking in them would allude to that. As for the partners bit......yeah...could he not? He was sure that would be make him all anxious and well mess up his chances of validating the outcome of the activity. Alone was best, and, therefore, alone he went in order to fetch an egg from the basket. Once grabbing an egg, Ethan carefully cracked it in half. The crack was perfect, leaving both halves of the eggshell intact. Now onto the separating. He did such slowly and with precise caution wanting to ensure he'd make no errors. |
Post 1 :: US TALI! :3 Quote:
The Ravenclaw shuffled next to a fellow Eagle, and gave him a bow of his head. "I hope you don't mind me joining you...someone else took my table." And he doesn't have the heart to shoo them away. Quietly, Jace arranged the paraphernalia needed for the activity. Using the lip of the bowl, Jace tapped the egg against it, pushed the crack gently, and pulled the other half away, causing the egg white AND the yolk to fall inside his bowl. "Oh, come ooon." the boy muttered in Japanese. Merlin. Wasting away eggs like this when he can instead make Tamagoyaki for afternoon tea. Tsk tsk. |
"Well, if it's a rock, it means... you should be prepared for some alarming situation. But with good signs it would mean you might find a smooth path in your life," he said, rifling through their textbook. "I'm not really sure what that would mean, really. Could be that it suggests you'll face some challenges but you'll overcome them?" Picking up on Leesha's lack of enthusiasm for the class, he chanced a joke. "For example, you'll find it challenging to accept this class, or maybe get a good grade in it, but you'll manage to overcome your superstitions in the end and you'll pass with flying colours," he grinned. Harvey was nothing if not an optimist. |
“Well, I’m a first year so everything here is a challenge, so if that’s the answer to this egg stuff then I think we’re done” she grinned, thinking that it all sounded so random, exactly like the muggle horoscopes. At Harvy’s next words she burst out in a loud laugh, “that’s a good one, I like it” she grinned and flashed another bright smile at him. “One thing is sure, you have a good sense of humor” she still laughed and shook her head, some of her irritation about this lesson gone. At last she was done for now and the professor couldn’t tell her that she didn’t had participated in the lesson. “Now it’s your turn” she spoke while removing her egg out of the kettle so that Harvy could use it. |
He liked Leesha, he decided, even if she was a bit cynical. It was kind of... cool. He copied her motions, separating the whites from the yolk carefully (he had a bad habit of breaking these in the process) and dropping them into the water-filled kettle. Hmm. "It looks like... tentacles," he began hesitantly, then cocked his head. "No, wait, it's more like... flames? It would definitely look like fire if it was the yolk, it's totally the wrong colour. Kind of rectangular at the bottom and spiky at the top, like in a fire place. Don't you think?" he asked Leesha, leaning back so she could take a look. |
Harvy wasn't a bad kid, for a boy. She didn't understood boy's and why some of the older girls were always gossiping about them but he was not bad she decided. He captured her attention again while talking about his egg and she too watched and frowned before grinning. "That's cool! I like fire, did you knew that?" Spoke Leesha excited while opening her book to search for a description about fire and she started to read out loud; "Your chief interests in life will probably lie in your home; small duties, simple pleasures, and a circle of friends." Looking up at him she tried to hold back her grin, wondering if he believed it. "So, if I need to believe this than you need to go home and leave Hogwarts because you need to be there, or... You're going to meet new friends soon." Spoke Leesha, trying to sound serious but she couldn't keep a grin from appearing on her lips. |
"I'm Katerina, but I like Kat better, sometimes.: Getting all of her items together and ready, She didn't say much else for the time being, until she was asked another question. She sure did like to ask a lot of questions didn't she? "I don't know. Sometimes things are believable and sometimes its a load of rubbish, you know?" Her mother seem to be a believer in such things. Sometimes things sound true then somethings not so much. "I can show you." Kat took a egg and cracked it, keeping the halves of the shells close together, and let the white slide thought the shell, now the hard part was making sure you didn't get pieces of the... shell. Oppps. She could dig them out right? |
Post 1 ohh the egg that she had already dropped in the water wasnt even boiling, looks like she would have to try again. Emptying her pot she got her water boiling and while she was doing this she looked around to watch how the other students were separating their eggs. "so they were cracking them in their hands and opening up their fingers a little bit to let the whites fall into the bowl under their hands... very smart" Echo was going to do the exact same thing... and now that her water was boiling she speed up her cracking of the eggs faster. after a few eggs were cracked and separated Echo was ready to put these guys in the water and see what shapes she would get. |
Post 3 - Team Gryffpuffclaw? Quote:
Separate the eggs. Yeah, that sounded about right for their first step to their task. And Olivia apparently had an idea how to do it, outside when the professor had shown, causing Cassie to raise a slight eyebrow in curiosity. Especially when she pulled out a plastic bottle for some reason. “If you say so…” she mused, willing to let her have a shot as she watched with interest to see what was going to happen. Or at the very least figure out what was supposed to happen. Three broken eggs later, the Gryffindor was separating the egg parts by a sort of suction. “Cool!” Definitely another way to do what they needed to do. “I think you have a good idea,” she answered, grabbing a bowl and an egg for herself. Carefully she broke the egg, deliberately emulating how she had seen her mom do and how she herself had done once maybe twice. Luckily it didn’t break so she turned to Olivia again with interest. “Mind if I try?” she asked, since it was the other girl’s bottle and idea after all. |
Post 2 Quote:
As soon as she started the demonstration, he listened with all his might, eyes glued to her hands. His hands were mimicking her actions as he watched. Finn eyed the middle of his egg and then gave it a tiny tap. Nothing. A little harder... nothing. Next he gave it a good thwack against the side... "Um, oops, hold on." The egg completely plopped in the bowl, starting over was his only option. Now with moderation, his next egg cracked open with no problem. "Alright, thumbs prying it open.." His tongue poked out of his mouth as he concentrated. He'd gotten it this time! "Okay, back and forth, back and forth," he said, passing the yolk between the shells several times. "Oh, stink!" He'd missed and the yolk had slipped out into the bowl. "This is hard." Cue pouty lip. |
Post 1 - and if anyone wants to partner with us, let us know? :3 Ah she was on the right track by suggesting the interpretation of shapes being similar to that of tea leaves. Even if she didn't precisely believe in most of these divining methods herself, Sky was impressed with her understanding of the subject at least. Glancing at her egg that she'd cracked into her glass already, Sky frowned because she'd had some yolk harden with the egg white in the glass, so perhaps redoing it might be a good thing. Her egg didn't really take any particular shape anyway, so whatever, she'd just redo it. Dumping her glass of hot water and egg in the sink, Sky walked back over to her seat with more hot water and another egg. Carefully cracking her egg this time, she tossed the yolk back and forth between egg shells letting the egg white drip into her glass and watched for any particular shape to form ... and carefully contemplated it. Maybe she should ask for a second opinion? |
Lead the way, Miss Prefect. |
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