![]() |
"Do you want me get you a cup?" She asked him as she cleaned up her eggy mess with a cleaning spell. "I'm grabby something I can actually eat." She dash off to get something to sandwich between her bread, butter, jelly, mustard, something and a cup of tea for Curly. She giggled at his reaction to her gastromancy, response to the professors question. She looked at Cornelius with a grin on her face. "its the studying of Divinationing by the sounds of your stomach. you're gas tells your future" She let out a another loud giggle, and her face turned red. |
Oh-methods were in the textbook. He was just about to scribble them down in his notes, but was saved by paying attention to the professor's words. Thank goodness, and for two reasons that was. One, his hand-writing was rather messy and obviously less legible than a textbook. Two. Well, time saver, wasn't it? As for the tea, Ethan couldn't object. It was one of those things that always comforted him inside and made him think of home. Therefore, the third year got up and helped himself before returning to his seat and scribbling a few of his own notes as to what more he knew about this egg divination. Yes it was in the textbook, which meant that his notes were more his own confirmation now. Text Cut: notes Before putting his quill down, he put a side note to himself, just to ensure what he had remembered off his head was correct. Again, bulks of theory wasn't always his strength. |
You didn't have to tell Juno twice to get food. She hopped up and made a bee-line for the eggs and bread. She was going to make an egg sandwich! She wasn't huge on poached eggs, but it would have to do for today. She grabbed two already cooked eggs and two pieces of bread and made a delicious looking sandwich. She was so hungry. Then Juno grabbed a mug and filled it with hot tea water before grabbing a tea bag and heading back to her seat. This was going to be a fantastic lesson. Any lesson with food was fantastic in her book. |
Cornelius nodded at Katerina. "Please. And if you don't find something I can share my sandwich." It was a very delicious eggy sandwich. He watched her as she dashed off and sighed. Merlin. When she was back, and explained this Gastro-something, Cornelius let out a LOUD BARK of laughter. He leaned back on his chair, almost tipping backwards, and waved his hands at the professor. "Sorry, sorry!" Did SHE know about this??? Attempting to calm his laughter, the boy leaned forward, sides aching. "My--my gas can foretell my future?" He laughed again, not as loud, but he couldn't help it! GAS TELLS THE FUTURE. LOL. |
Hmm? Charlotte shook her head fervently. If she had, the professor would have been told about it from the ministry, and also she would have said that it was her and not her mum. Soooo no. She was NOT a Seer. Thankfully. Quote:
And her attention span wasn't so great so she didn't quuuuiiite get to answering the question. Quote:
... which was why she was so easily distracted when she was tapped on the shoulder. She turned and looked at the older girl and nodded. "Oh, sure. She's registered and everything." She paused. "It gets annoying sometimes. I can't always tell if she knows things or if she KNOWS things, you know?" It made it harder to get away with stuff! Questions? What kind of questions? Charlotte nodded again and smiled cheerfully. "Sure you can!" |
They're going to learn Ovomancy or Oomancy. The words just sounded very weird but Sean knew what those words meant. He had come across this word before while flipping through his Divination book while pretending to study for his OWLs when he completely wasn't. But hey, now it's a becoming a good thing that he did skimmed through the book. And then there were snacks. Sean beamed. WHO DOESN'T LOVE SNACKS especially during class? It's what every student likes. Of course there were eggs, if they are going to study Ovomancy today they definitely need eggs for that. Sean got up and took his own cup of tea by putting water onto the cup and then sliding the tea bags in. After that he took a bread, smeared butter on it. He got back to his seat and placed his food with beverage on the table. Oh right, he almost forgot the professor asked that one question. Hm... Sean was thinking so much of his food that he couldn't even remember what he wanted to answer. |
Oh, snacks. Except the snacks included tea...ew. Plus, was it really safe to eat the food the Professors provided this year? Last year it really hadn't been so safe, if you believed Blaise, which she half did. While she debated on getting a snack or not, Hadley considered the question. "Tea reading is similar. And it can probably be combined with it too..." She shrugged and made a face at the thought of tea reading again. Getting up, Hadley made her way to the front and grabbed a snack, minus the tea of course, and made her way back to her seat. She glanced around at all the kids drinking tea. Hads didn't get it. How could anyone like that stuff? |
Ashwin sat near the back and scribbled his name and information as instructed on a piece of parchment. Quote:
Miranda was in one of her most unliked and misunderstood classes... Divination... Or the study of seeing the beyond.... Yeah okay... In miranda's head it was for the foggy minded... None of it made a bit of sense and the fact that she had to be there was somewhat irritating... but Whatever.. However todays lesson was a bit interesting and there was a snack... Which at the mment had gained the medal of the day for best class... Any class with food was definitely a boost for her... She was sitting there munching when she realised that made she'd have to start to pay a bit more attention in this class... afterall if there was a snack today perhaps it'd become a normal thing... Oh wouldn't that be grand... then she started to think that maybe every class should have a snack time... |
Unfortunately, his knowledge on divination stopped at crystal balls, tea reading, and necromancy or whatever it was the teacher said it was. Even then, it was just the basics of what was used. This oominancy stuff sounded delicious though. If the egg was cooked enough at the end, could they eat it? Speaking of eating eggs... Lance got himself a good helping of those and a piece of bread before heading back to his seat, skipping on the tea because ew. "You can use other foods in divination too?" He asked as he loosened his tie a bit. The warmth in here was starting to get to him. But someone had mentioned beans, didn't they?! |
catch up attempt Her quick quotes quill wrote down everything that was being said about Divination. Maybe she was just getting lazier, but she found using a quick quotes quill to be much more enjoyable than writing everything by hand. It still made some grammar mistakes (forgetting periods, misspelling words, etc.) but it was getting better and the number of times she had to correct it were far fewer than when she was doing Care of Magical Creatures. Eggs! A small giggle escaped her when the professor said "Oomancy." What an adorable word that was. Kitty put her quick quotes quill away and joined the others as they lined up to collect snacks. For her she was content with tea and a little butter (by itself) but she copied her fellow classmates in getting something of everything for what they would have to do up ahead in the lesson. Then she sat back down and listened quietly to the conversation as she sipped her tea. |
SPOILER!!: Individual student responses Beaming around Laurel said "You've all made good guesses. Tasseography is the though the method most people would combine with Ovomancy for a more accurate prediction but any of the others mention would work too." Deeming that it was time to move on Laurel walked over to her big kettle and called out "Everyone gather around, so I can demonstrate what you are doing to do." When the students had gathered around her she took an egg from the basket left by Nimma, cracked the shell in two and then she separated the egg white from the yellow. "We are going to solely be working with the egg whites today so make sure you separate the white fully from the yellow. When you have done that you drop the egg white into the hot water and watch carefully what shapes the egg forms on the hot water surface." Doing just that Laurel watched as her egg shaped itself into what she could only interpret as an apple. "Look students my egg shaped itself into the form of an apple. If I look in my textbook then I can see that an apple predicts that I will have good health and fortune in my life." Stepping away from the kettle to open the cupboards Laurel said "I now want you all to partner up and practice Ovomancy and predicting your futures by looking at the shapes your eggs make in the water. We've got plenty of eggs and lots of hot water and kettles you can take to your tables so don't be grumpy if you lose an egg or you can't make out a shape. Just take a new egg and try again." OOC: Let's practice Ovomancy.Minimum post requirement is 4 posts for full credit. You have until Sunday 18 Sep to complete the activity. The steps to follow is: separating the egg white from the yellow, dropping the egg white into the hot water, interpreting the shapes they make and finding the meanings in your textbook/using the website provided. Partnering up is fun so please do that if it works with your daily schedules but you can do it on your own too! Have fun with it! Be creative. Be silly. If you have any questions for Laurel then say so in your post titles or I might miss it. |
Azura up for grabs! Azura looked up at the Professor as she spoke and she sighed softly again, she didn't want to say the tea leaves again because she was sure everyone was going to say that. She rubbed at her aching head slightly and bit her lip.. Despite her correct answer Az didn't feel like she was doing very well here. The purple eyed girl was quiet as she watched the Professor carefully demonstrate what they were going to do. She watched her every move to make sure she had the steps right. Crack and egg, separate the white from the yolk, drop the egg white into the water and then see if it turned a shape.. Seemed easy enough she supposed. Though, she was sort of just waiting to see if she could mess this up as well. "Does anyone want a partner?" She asked as she looked around. |
Anyone want to work together? Post 1 Well that seemed easy enough. Natalia was sitting and enjoying her tea when the professor started talking again. She cooked so separating the egg seemed like a piece of cake. The rest just seemed easy, but first she made sure to open her text book to the page they could find the symbols on. She glanced at the apple that was being talked about and saw what she was saying. It was kind of interesting, but she wasn't fully sure that it could actually predict things for her. Plus if it really did Nat didn't need an egg to tell her life was crap at the moment. She could look around and see that. Walking up to the front she grabbed everything she needed and headed back to her seat. Cracking the egg she tried to separate it, but soon there was a PLOP and the egg was on the floor. Glancing around the room had anyone else done it? Soon she pulled out her wand and cleaned up the egg mess before going to get another egg. This time she was going to try to only crack it a little. PLOP Again the whole egg was on the floor. What was she doing wrong? |
Post 1: Gathering materials! The only thing the young blonde could think once Professor Vance had revealed all that they would be doing for the lesson ... was that her mum would've labeled this woman as a fraud; a phony... and probably would've used some other really not nice names, as well. Olivia, however, was much more forgiving about this subject matter, and was honestly be placated by the fact that they'd be accomplishing it with FOOD. Because food. It didn't need an explanation. Traipsing over to collect more eggs, tea, and hot water, the Gryffindor spoke up. Loudly, as was her way. "Anyone wanna work together?" FLAIL. FLAIL. FLAIL. Cause, not gonna lie, Liv thought she could do with some help. |
Post 1 Quote:
Cassie was listening intently to what was being discussed, but opted to stay quiet instead of offering her own voice in giving the answer. It was only when the professor asked them to watch her that the third year reacted, getting up and moving closer to see the demonstration of Ovomancy. The woman made it look natural and easy. And then they were on their own...correction...partnered up in pairs to do it on their own together. Cassie moved to get her supplies which was the simpler task, pausing in step as she heard a loud voice asking about partners. She turned to the Gryffindor who seemed roughly her age and smiled. "Sure...I'm game," she answered relieved it might not be hard to find a partner for once. "I'm Cassie," she introduced. |
"I suppose I could offer me services miss, if ya wanna werk wif me?" he said softly as me made his way closer to her. He was familiar with her, even knew her name, as most third years were, but he wasn't exactly the social. Quote:
Grabbing Azura if that's okay ^_^ Text Cut: Prof Okay so let him get this straight. Eggs, beans, and all sorts of other foods could be used to tell the future?! His parents were never going to believe him when he wrote this weekend. As pub owners, they were sure to appreciate that. Finn watched as the professor separated her egg halves. Um.. there was no way he was going to be able to do that without at least five tries. He'd barely even cracked eggs before, much less done that. This was going to be a challenge. Text Cut: Azura Finn let out a sigh of relief when Professor Vance said they could work with a partner. He barely knew anything about Divination, so he definitely needed some help. He spotted another Ravenclaw that was looking around the room. That's... Azura, I think. Yeah, that's her name. He made his way over to the girl and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, Azura, are you looking for a partner?" Please say yes please say yes please say yes! |
Totally fine!! Post 1 Quote:
Finnlay? Was that his name? She wasn't entirely too sure. However she smiled warmly at him and nodded. "I do indeed need a partner." She said as she moved a bit at her table in order to give him room to stand by her. "I've never done this before, however, I can separate white from yolks in my sleep, so.. we've got that down at least." She said with a bit of a grin. She baked in her free time, so really she could do the egg separating thing in her sleep if she needed too. "You are Finnlay? Right? She asked him as she poured some water in a bowl and got another bowl for the egg yolks.. |
Post #1 Quote:
Sigh of relief there. First cuz apparently that really was her name. And second cuz she didn't say no! "Great!" he said, a little too enthusiastically out of relief. Wait, she could crack eggs and do the separating thing? "Good. I've barely done more than crack a few eggs in my life. You'll have to give me some pointers." He smiled. "Yeah! Finnlay Muir, but you can call me Finn if you want." His uncle always did. "I'm going to go grab another bowl and a few more eggs, be right back!" He set off to the supply hoard and returned a few minutes later with everything he needed. Grabbing an egg, he held it poised next to the hot water. "Alright, ready!" |
Nat! Post 1 Quote:
Bringing the other cup off tea of Cornelius back to the table, yeah. Katerina wasn't really in the mood for eggs now. She skipped back to the table carefully so she wouldn't spell the tea, Merlin knows she made quite a mess with the egg the first time. She had also grabbed a few tabs of butter to spread on her bread. It was better than nothing. She buttered her bread and watched Cornelius. She could help but laugh silly butt. She was tempted to each over and tug one of his curls or poke his side. But they were in class, so that probably wasn't the best idea. She flashed him a sweet smile too, Well... she nodded at the professor's reply to her answer, clearly divination was NOT her thing, but she totally seen the similarities in the two forms of divination. Quote:
Kat got up and got all the things she need for this. Walking back she wasn't paying attention and stepped in egg on the floor. Gross... Great there she was making another mess with eggs. She cleaned up that mess of eggs she stepped in. Gross. Getting her things back together she looked at her table, No Cornelius she signed, looks like she would be needing a partner now. She looked over and seen, that singer girl from the concert last year. Okay Kat you could do this, she took a deep breathe. "Hey do you need a partner?" If she was the one who dropped the egg she stepped in maybe she did need a partner to at least crack her egg for her. |
TWO PARTNERS. Well, of course, Olivia was terribly flattered and pleased that people didn't mind working with her. That was hard to discern sometimes, as she wasn't the smartest girl in her year (or house, or...anything else). And she feared that others might not be interested in working with someone who wasn't a super genius or didn't know all the answers right away. This was a relief, to be honest. "Hey, Cassie! I'm Olivia." The Ravenclaw really hadn't needed to introduce herself, as Liv knew of her, but it was wonderful all the same. There was a formality to it, and anyone that knew the blonde could understand her love of ridiculous formality. "Would you mind working in a group?" Seeing as a Hufflepuff boy had also joined their small party. "If not, I totally understand." Sometimes it was hard working in groups. It made some people uncomfortable, and she'd never want to make anyone feel that way. ...As for the cutie Hufflepuff, yeah, she recognized his face, but the name escaped her. Ash- something. This wasn't her being rude or anything, by the way. Her mind simply struggled with retaining too much information. The attention issues didn't help either. "I'd love to work with you, yes." She held out a hand for him to take, as if they were about to make a super serious business arrangement. "Olivia Phillips, good sir!" She wanted to work with BOTH of them. |
"Eh...uh...anyways, me name is Ashwin...Ashwin Phelan," he quickly added. "I suppose we ought ter separate dese eggs?" He pushed forward a wooden bowl that seemed appropriate for separating the yolks from the whites. He would much rather watch someone else do it, so he can either perfect their technique or learn from their mistakes. |
Post 2 Quote:
The more the merrier. “And I’m Cassie McNally,” she added to her partner’s introduction. “…you can work with both of us.” Surely the professor wouldn’t have a problem with them helping each other out. It was way better than letting someone be out of the loop all alone if they really wanted to partner up. She just let her gaze wander over the supplies already gathered to make sure they had enough for everybody in this venture. Wouldn't due to be short but it looked okay. |
Post 1: gathering ingredients and congrats to Professor "Congratulations Professor Laurel on your good health and luck," said Kitty with a small smile. She wasn't all that sure she believed all of this, but congratulation seemed only proper after someone's told you that they just found out they will have lots of fortune. She hoped it was true because she had nothing but goodwill to her teachers. She began separating the white egg from the yellow. "Anyone want to partner with me? If no one does that's okay, I can do this alone." But she was a prefect and if anyone wanted her help she would gladly help them. In the meantime she continued separating the yellow from the white. |
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