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They got to play with eggs!!! And eat some, though Sky was befuddled for about three seconds as to why the professor suggested they eat them when they clearly needed cooking. And most of them knew how to create a fire by now, so how was someone - an older girl at that - not realizing that the professor intended the eggs to be cooked. Standing up and going over to get two eggs from where indicated along with a bowl and a pan, Sky moved back to her seat with her supplies in hand. Filling a glass with hot water, she cracked one egg into it and watched the egg whites form their shape... In the meanwhile she cracked her other egg into a bowl and a spell she'd seen her mum use to mix it and carefully poured it into a pan. Using her wand to cast incendio to heat it up, which seemed to cook the egg much faster than on a stovetop. She then cast finite and scraped the egg onto some bread, carefully folding it to make it like an egg taco. Yum. No raw eggs here. Now what about that egg white shape ?? Sky took a bite of her egg taco as she studied the glass and then turned to look at the professor . Similar methods?? "Uh we kinda have to interpret shapes with tea leaves ?" |
Snacking in class! Now that was something Philipe was perfectly fine with. Oh.. um... What was similar? He tried to think and looked a the professor, "Isn't this similar to Molybdomancy?" He went up and got a cup and quickly poured some water into it then grabbed a tea bag before going back to his seat. He paused about halfway realizing he'd forgotten his egg. The fifteen year old turned back and grabbed one of the eggs as well before again quickly going back to his seat and starting to soak the tea bag in the water, just leaving it sit for a moment. He loved a strong tea. |
Eggggs?!?!? He was thinking BREAKFAST!!!! He turned to the girl, Alyce next to him and nudged her. "bread and eggs, s'like an official mean we're gettin." even if the eggs were for class he always liked a nice poached egg. "come on, mate. Let's go get some." he stood, his robes finally finding their right position over his lanky body. "come on come on come on." he wanted to be nice and all so LET'S GO, ALYCE! |
Food, lessons in which food was provided were the best. No matter the subject. It did make classes better. Katerina wrote down all of the information that she wanted to add to her notes. She looked around and noticed the people were moving around now, The third year got up and moved around as well. Grabbing a tea bag and cup. She made a cup of tea, and made her an egg sandwich Thanks to Paige she knew some tricks to cooking with magic now. All the while thinking about the question that Professor Vance had given them to mull over as they enjoyed the snacks. "What about gastromancy?' She asked, or while that was her answer to the question from the professor. In ended up being more of her asking a question. Gastromancy was divinationing by using sounds coming from the stomach, she knew this from her mother picking on Phillip about getting off gas. And eggs was a gassy food. Oh no, some of these gross boys were about to stink up the room... |
Doorrraaa <3 Quote:
but she didnt seem happy about snack time, she knew it was iffy to be eating food from professors but they were actually preparing it right. Taking her eggs she moved over to sit beside her. "hey! you want to do this together?" he he he, she was excited to spend more time with her plus poach her egg and make a sandwhich with it. yummm... Echo cracked her egg and dropped them into the boiling water."ohh thats kind of cool right?" she was kind of fully nerding out here. |
Gorgeous professor AND food. Merlin. Life was made for Cornelius Orion Baltazar this day. *insert heart eyes here* It was hard for him to focus on the lesson when the pretty blonde professor spoke. It was hard for him to focus when he switched his attention to a particular person in his table. LOL. Both blonde and blue-eyed. Did that mean he had a type? Girls were one thing, but the mention of food was another. His ears perked and his eyes searched wildly for food. He's been doing that working out thing lately, and he was growing, so that made him a whole lot of hungry. Hungry ALL the time. Getting up and making himself an double egg sandwich (protein, HECK YEAH), the boy returned back to the table. "Aw, maaaan. I forgot some tea." What if he choked? Did Katerina or Mason know the Heimlich maneuver? Hold up. Pretty Katerina said what? "Gastro--what?" he asked, mid-bite into his sandwich. |
with a mention of Chaaaaaaaar :3 Quote:
Realizing that she had actually spoken aloud, the seventh year's cheeks flushed and averted her gaze elsewhere. Which just so happened to be on a certain Gryffindor revealing that her mother was a Seer...and a unique one at that. Paige couldn't help but feel her heart flutter like a butterfly emerging from its chrysalis for the first time. It was nothing personal against Professor Vance, of course, but the Hufflepuff's time here at Hogwarts was limited...and the thought of perhaps...perhaps having someone to speak to about acute seer abilities was, well, hopefully didn't even begin to describe the feeling. So Paige was not-so-casually STARING at Charlotte with wide owlet eyes. Was she being too obvious? She always had, and would, wear her emotions on her sleeve. Quote:
Back in her seat, and trying not to stare too much at the back of Charlotte's head, Paige found a little spark of confidence to respond to Professor Vance's inquiry. "It can be combined with tasseoggraphy," she repeated, echoing her own thoughts and the very words the woman had spoken to her only a few minutes prior. Perhaps why there was tea involved in the lesson as well? Although they had been provided tea bags and not leaves so perhaps not. Unable to resist, Paige scooted herself around her table while her tea bag steeped in its hot water to bring herself closer to Charlotte and leaned over a bit so she could tap the younger girl on the shoulder. "I didn't know your mom was a seer," she whispered, tone so clearly laced with curiosity she may as well have been shouting. "Do you...would you mind ...um...my asking you some questions some time?" |
Text Cut: Finishing up with Hadley pre-lesson convo Oh. He'd, um... never thought of that. Hads was right. If she'd been bothered by all those extra additions, she could've just made the directions explicit, yes? He relaxed. Ravenclaw's points were safe. Text Cut: Prof Oh, phew! He'd been right! It sounded like wizards actually did use crystal balls and it wasn't purely some - what had she called it? - muggle invention. Ovo-whatnow? So basically, a way to tell your future is to poach an egg? That sounded.. um.. unique. Was all of Divination that strange?! At least he knew he'd get some good breakfast food out of this lesson if he didn't get the ovomancy down. There was no way he'd be able to answer the professor's question, though. He knew zero in the other-forms-of-divination department. Guess he'd just have to listen to the others. Though really, it sort of sounded like all he had to do was add -mancy at the end of a word and it would work. Jelly-mancy? Cocoa-mancy? Mmmmm cocoa-mancy sounded gooood. And speaking of food, snack time! A little hunk of bread and some butter would hit the spot right now.. maybe a spot of tea as well. Finn grabbed a cup, poured himself some water, and then started his leaves steeping. Yup, he was immensely happy to discover that British wizards still drank tea. His parents practically installed an IV into him with how much tea they drank at home. |
Natalia did take down notes and paid attention, but there was something the professor said that made her look a little weirdly. She knew divination could be off, but that's what she liked about the class. This though, this was she wasn't even sure. Did the professor just tell them they would be cracking eggs to drop in water, but first to go ahead and eat some. Cracking eggs meant they were not cooked, so they were to eat uncooked eggs? Her eyes turning back to her notes, she truly wasn't sure what other form went with this or was like it so she sat quietly. When everyone started getting up and going for tea and bread she got up as well. The tea did sound good. Though she would pass on the food for now. |
Ehhh. Okay so Sam wasn't too keen on eating stinky eggs, but to be honest, she wouldn't mind a bit of toast and tea. Plus, she didn't want to be more rude to the professor than she already had been today. So she got up to grab her snack, making g sure to find something yummy to put on her toast too. Sitting back down, she got another glance at the table beside her and huffed to herself. She didn't know why, but it hurt. Sitting glumly she tried thinking of something similar to this whole egg thing but couldn't really come up with anything. Not anything that could be like divination, but it did remind her of watching clouds with her friends during their first year. That thought sent another pang of hurt through her, and she moved her chair around to face away from her friend. "Professor," She said raising her hand. "it kinda reminds me of seeing shapes in clouds, or when sometimes on the news they report about seeing famous people in burnt toast or some other food." |
"If you say so. It looks kind of gross to me, though." Like really gross cooking snot. Which, in case anyone was wondering, was NOT appealing. In the least. |
To be honest, it hadn't even occurred to Olivia to cook the eggs herself. Being the spoiled, entitled brat she kinda was, she'd never had to prepare her own food before. And much more importantly than that, her mother never let her anywhere near the stove. So, even if she WANTED to, unfortunately, it would be a massive fail. Just all fail. Nothing good. .... But ... Tea. Yes, Liv loved to prepare her own tea. So, gracefully standing from her seat, smol blonde danced her way on over, deciding to take advantage of the bread and butter, as well. MMMMM, actually, some of that Gryffindor tea Professor Newton had created would've been PERFECT right now. Nom, nom, NOM. Man, she could've really gone for some tea biscuits, too. |
Owen was clueless when it came to Divination so why did he choose to take this elective instead of Arithmancy? There were two reasons. One, Arithmancy pretty much was simple math so he had that down. Divination involved more action and magic so that was cool enough. And two, Professor Vance was too pretty to pass up. Now it seemed like another reason was going to be added: food. If a class involved food then Owen was there. 'course. Anyhow, the badger didn't know what Ovomancy or Oomancy was but thank merlin for Professor Vance and her explanation about it. It was basically tea reading, only they were using eggs and looking for shapes not on tea residue but egg whites to interpret. Owen was sort of confident that he could work with that. Now onto important food matters. Seeing as they basically only had bread and eggs, Owen opted to go for an egg sandwich. All he really needed were the bread, eggs, some butter, salt and pepper and a plate. He didn't need a pan because he knew how to heat up utensils without fire and or breaking them in the process. It was one of the first spells that Owen diligently studied and learned. So he was all set. He tapped the plate with his wand, added in the butter to fry the eggs and sprinkled some salt and pepper. Then he scooped the eggs unto the bread and tadah! This badger knew how to make one mean egg sandwich. |
Tea! Harvey loved tea. It was almost as good as hot chocolate. Preparing himself a cup, his buttered toast waiting on the side and making his mouth water (second breakfasts are important!), Harvey thought about the question, but couldn't think of anything that wasn't obvious. And the tea was obviously leading his mind in only one direction. "What about Tessomancy?" he asked as he sat down ad took a sip of tea. Black. He liked it black. |
See. See. See. This one knows something about Divination. She's not that clueless. Ovo--what? Blink. Diving with eggs? Sounds like fun. She's hoping to learn some tarrot reading today but diving with eggs sounds fun too. And did the Professor just said afternoon snacks? Yaaay! She loved afternoon snacks and apparently Landon does too. "YES! Come on before run out!" She's aiming for that deliciously looking bread and some tea. The first year got up from her seat and followed Landon towards the snacks. Yummy! After she got her snacks and tea, Alyce went back to her seat and started eating her bread. Other divination methods are similar to Ovomancy? Umm...She had no idea. |
Whaat was going on? Please, please! Don't be excited about my answer and please don't let me search for Pallomancy into my textbook... Prayed the first year in silence, not liking it a bit that the teacher seemed to be interested in Pallomancy. She didn't. wanted. to. do. it! Bleh! Shaking her head she quickly made a few notes, not because she wanted to but because she needed to. Oomancy? Never heard of it! Sighing out loud she felt suddenly very tired... But... There was food and THAT was something Leesha liked, so quick she left her seat and took a cup of tea and a egg sandwich to eat before opening her textbook to read. |
There were lots of notes being taken by the young girl as the professor answered students' questions. It was nice to hear real humans talk about the subject, instead of just reading textbook vocabulary and then having to look up every other word. Then there were snacks!! Lucy wasn't all that hungry, really, but she hopped up to get some bread and butter. So...egg shapes could tell the future? Or...something? That was new to her. She thought for a moment as she took back her seat. "Like stars?" she ventured a guess. Because didn't they find shapes in stars? Constellations? Didn't that have to do with telling the future? Clouds were always easier for Lucy to find shapes in, but that didn't have any relevance here.... |
He wouldn't be having any of the food. Blaise Bellaire had had his fair share of spiked products while in the castle, coming from both staff and students alike. None were easily forgotten and none were easily overlooked. Consequently, as nice a gesture as this was, the boy would remain firmly planted in his seat and turn his mind from the snacks he had very little interest in. Myers had offered tea and it shrunk them--without telling them and there was no telling what was in these. If anyone else wanted to find out, that was brilliant for them, but not him. Nope. He wasn't particularly sure about anything related to egg reading either but he did have a few questions of his own. "Wouldn't you think it's also possible that the predictions simply lead to self fulfilling prophecies, Professor? I mean, it's not like the future's set in stone. Nothing's already been decided for sure. I sometimes think people bring things on themselves, like if someone says you'll trip then you spend the day focusing on your feet and before you know it, you're stumbling all over the place." That was a more common phenomenon from what he could tell. "I believe some people turn to it for comfort. When they're unsure, they'd like to think someone else is--especially when the prediction is a promising one." |
The smell of the room is still too strong for the boy. Jace tried his best to concentrate on the task at hand, but he just can’t keep his eyes from tearing up. The Ravenclaw scrunch up his nose and started to write down notes on his parchment. He really wasn’t processing the answers at the moment, but words were jotted down of course. Oh and...food? Jace wasn’t really hungry, though tea sounds wonderful right now. It should help him relax a bit and hopefully it would clear his mind as well. After pouring a cup for himself, he returned to his seat and quietly sipped his drink pondering on the answers given. Those that made sense to him most were recorded diligently. |
Alright, this is really boring! Looking secretly at the notes of some of her classmates she decided that a lot of them were thinking about the same things, methods called Scrying, but more than that she wasn’t able to find out, not that she took much interest in doing some more work and reading some important parts of her textbook… No, Leesha liked it to NOT do much work today so she just wrote the word ‘Scrying’ on her parchment, hoping to be able to add something to it while listening to the others and looking secretly at their notes to copy some information if it looked reliable. But still, she didn’t had a good answer to the question after spending her time by eying the others innocently. Well, she had at least wrote something so she could act innocent and tell that she really hadn’t been able to find anything and who wouldn’t believe her? She was a first year after all! |
This was part of the reason Scarlett liked Divination so much - there were SO many different types of it and ways to divine in literally EVERYTHING. Even eggs apparently, which was a new one she had never heard before. Her dad liked to practice the more popular and classic arts - crystal orb gazing, card reading, the usual. Scarlett wasn't sure about this and if it would REALLY yield any results, but either way, they got to eat, so that was good. As she prepared herself a little snack, she raised her hand to answer the professor's question. She seemed nice - Scarlett was still withholding judgement until they actually got to reading these eggs. "There's Favomancy. It's divination using beans. You could prepare yourself a nice meal of eggs and beans," she told her with a grin. |
Well, seeing as Jace decided to go and get his own food she did as well. She moved up to the front and not only made an egg sandwich, (because she had missed breakfast this morning due to practice) but she also made herself some tea in hopes that it would help her head start to feel a little better. She moved to sit back down at the table and started to quietly eat her food. The dark haired Ravenclaw was also listening to the answers that the other kids in the class were giving as well.. |
Ohhh joint class with Professor Socks? Maybe? That sounded muchos interesting to the Gryffindor Ace. Exploring Runes magic in all its form sounded like a blast. Perhaps literally. Oh and they were gonna divine using eggs. Egg whites specifically. Thats likely the first time Tenacius heard about that, but he was very curious how that would go now. He looked at Sammy when she mentioned about their cloud watching stint back up at the Astronomy area. Thumbs up for remembering that yo! "Yeah! And we saw a space cow in the clouds. And shoes and Ugo's hair in the morning!" see cloud watching as a divinatory tool is totally legit as far as he knew. But then there was something more important that has taken the Curly Top's attention-- they wuz gonna be eatin! Oh yeah he got way more interested in this activity now. They had tea and toast and bread... suddenly this place really did feel like a tea shop. But Tenacius has another recipe brewing in his head, as always "Professor do we have any milk? And perhaps some sugar or honey and cinnamon? If we're not gonna be using the yolk for this session, I could make some simple eggnog." Waste not want not right? |
Eggs? They were going to divine with eggs? This felt like a crazy person assignment. Eggs and the future. She tried not to look as skeptical as she felt but it was hard. She was skeptical about pretty much everything. It wasn't divination's fault she was so deplorable. Chloe didn't bother saying anything. She just grabbed some tea and remained an icy kind of silent. |
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