-   Term 44: September - December 2016 (
-   -   Divination Lesson 1 - Eggilicious (

Talikins 09-12-2016 07:10 PM

The pink robes were strange, but they were everywhere and to be honest, Ethan liked the colour. Yet, he would never admit such publicly, not that he admitted much aloud at all in the first place. This also explained why Ethan did not answer the question but instead took down notes for his own benefit.

Divination, what did he know about such? Well, of course, one fact stuck in his mind and simply because it revolved one of his favorite things: logic. In a sense at least, because predicting things wasn't really just about prophecy. The furture was often sought through more logistical methods such as that of Arithmancy.

Text Cut: Notes
Ethan Jeremy Dixon
Third Year

  • Divination often merges with other subjects and, thus, can be used or expressed through Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

Mercia 09-12-2016 08:45 PM

Andrei was struggling to concentrate enough to write down the information that Professor Vance required due to the stifling heat in the room, he puffed out his cheeks as his quill moved across the parchement


Andrei Sychev
First Year

hermygirl 09-12-2016 09:23 PM

Once again, the lingering perfume scent in the classroom was making Sam's eyes itch, and trying not to scratch was taking the majority of her concentration. Seriously, how did anyone else focus in here?


At less the first question was an easy, open ended one, and she even had an answer she was pretty sure no one had said yet. "Palmistry is reading the palm of someone's hand to predict stuff," Sam replied, squinting her eyes in an effort to avoid rubbing them. She'd seen a couple of folks palm reading around Diagon Alley, although she was pretty sure at least one of them was a fraud.

Goblinfrog 09-12-2016 10:46 PM

Catching up!
It was not that Kitty had anything against pink. In fact, she once dyed her hair (partly) pink at Hogsmeade. True, it was unlike her usual Gothic style, but there was no color that Kitty hated. And it wasn't like she looked bad in pink robes. No, that wasn't what was angering her this morning. But what DID anger her was that she was almost 100 percent certain that her enemy Miffy was the one behind this latest stunt - a stunt that once again intruded on one of her favorite forms of self expression: clothing.

So it was some annoyance that she sat down somewhere near the back and waited as the Professor greeted everyone. Still, she did her best to look happy and she greeted the professor along with everyone else. She was a prefect after all, and she was supposed to set a good example. So she couldn't be distracted during class by her dislike of Miffy. Miffy would have to wait until after the classes were over for the day.

"One thing that we know for certain about Divinatuon is that it is not always right. For example, Professor Trelawny (whom I read about in history) was the fanous seer who made the prediction about Harry Potter defeating Voldemort, but out of all the hundreds of predictions she made only two turned out to be real."

Expecto-Penguin 09-12-2016 11:41 PM

Colt nodded at the Professor. She seemed familiar like she was in a muggle movie his older cousins watched. He couldn't place it but he let it go for now. He heard the Professor mention he could help Blaise with opening the windows. Wait who was Blaise. He turned around and found him. "Sure thing Professor." He nodded and went to help his fellow classmate. He now felt better feeling some fresh air. He returned to his seat and made a mental note to close the windows.

He heard the first question and he rolled his eyes. It was a typical starter question though. He shrugged and thought why not add to it. He raised his hand and said, "Well Divination is part of telling prophecies right? I mean the famous prophecy was of Voldemort and Harry Potter." He remember hearing about that.

Grrr..Meow 09-13-2016 12:43 AM

well she was going to answer honestly. beside being in full pink, it kind of wanted to make her vomit.

"well Professor" she raised her hand

" I believe that your fate is not always fully sealed.... like your choices you make daily change the outcome of your future.."

shes always lived by that actually, she wasnt sure if it was correct or not but she believed it.

Holmesian Feline 09-13-2016 12:54 AM

Professors were one of the few she allowed to call her by her full name. It was what she was officially after all. It didn’t mean she was all to use to it all the time. Cass managed to not be totally surprised this time around as Professor Vance answered her greeting in turn. Instead offering a small smile as she waited for class to begin. Something that didn’t take too long to happen.

What did she know of divination?

“Well I believe a lot can be up to interpretation,” she answered after raising her hand. At least for those that might not be true seers. What each person saw was what they thought they saw at the very least. Cassie herself didn’t have enough experience in her opinion to turn in one direction or another in her views.

hpluvr037 09-13-2016 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 12039889)
Ace had to wonder when young Finnlay said that what Hadley and he did with their name plates were disrespectful. He looked at the Hadzters and back at his name plate "Is it? Its just being share-y and informative.... dont mean anything bad about it."

Well, he wasn't about to question such an obviously smarter older student. But.. the professor hadn't asked for anything else. So the other stuff just looked like they weren't taking it seriously, didn't it? Mostly, he just didn't want anyone to lose Ravenclaw points.


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 12039209)
Kimi nodded and said "Yeah i did Finn i don't mind having Pink robes but really i can't wait either, i wonder what we are going to be learning today"

Well, Finn minded the pink robes, but apparently Kimi didn't. Good for him, you go, dude. There was no point in Finn guessing at the lesson's topic because, frankly, he didn't even know what the possible topics were.

But then the lesson was beginning!


Originally Posted by Nordic Witch (Post 12039774)
Adjusting her robes, pulling her hair out of her vision and standing straighter Laurel felt it high time to start the lesson. With a smile tugging at her lips she spoke to the class. "Welcome everyone to another lesson in the wonderful and mysterious art known as Divination. For those who might have been absent or just not remembering from last lesson, I'm Laurel Vance and I will be your professor in this subject the year out." She paused for a few moments to let that sink in before she continued. "Before we get to our main activity for the day I'd like to test your knowledge in the subject. Can each and every one of you share one fact that you already know about divination with the rest of the class?" Sadly the notes from previous professors in the subject had been lacking in her opinion and thus she had to start off easy.

Um, WHAT?! Dread filled Finnlay's stomach. But, but.. he didn't know anything yet! He was a first year! His palms began to sweat and he got quite warm under his robes. Think, Muir, think. Divination.. Well, here went nothing.

His little hand stuck barely into the air. "Aren't there crystal balls for seeing someone's future?" he asked with a grimace. He absolutely HATED looking stupid. "At least, muggles use those," he added hastily. Maybe people wouldn't laugh as much when he was wrong.

Yourenodaisy 09-13-2016 02:43 AM

When Tenacius caught her eye and asked to talk later, she gave him a small nod. Of course he wanted to talk, and honestly, she didn't know why she was mad at him, or even if it was him she was even mad at. It's not lime they had some unspoken rule that bestie's were supposed to save each other seats so the other wasn't left out.

The girl was pulled out of her brooding thoughts when the Divination professor greeted her. She blushed slightly, feeling guilty about ignoring her when she came in she looked up at her and returned her greeting. "Good afternoon Professor Vance."

As the lesson started, Sam listened quietly, fiddling with the corner of her parchment. She was sulky, but she could anewer the professor's question, thanks to Kara. Perks of having older sisters. Raising her hand she answered "the is something called floromancy, which is Divination with flowers. It's where the idea that four leaf clovers are lucky came from." And that was about all she knew on that.

Suziella 09-13-2016 03:04 AM

Catching up and answering
Juno quietly listened to everyone else's answers to see if there was anything she could add, as she filled out her place card.


Juno Darcy
Fifth Year

There were many different aspects and ways to use Divination. The most popular were probably crystal ball reading, tea leaves, and Tarot cards. But there was something that no one else had really said yet and they had actually studied extensively last year. Juno raised her hand and waited to be called on before answering, "There is also Palmistry also known as palm readings. We studied that a lot last year. It can teach you many things about your life and the possibilities for your future." She hoped Esme would be proud of that answer. She was much better than Juno at Divination.

DaniDiNardo 09-13-2016 03:08 AM

Closing it if people started complaining about it being cold? Somehow he doubted that, not when the alternative was suffocating. Besides, there were warming charms that could be applied to those who were cold without jeopardizing the room's ventilation so everything would be fine and the boy simply nodded. "Of course Professor. Everything will work out." The windows would be staying open, it needed to be done. Just listen to the way his cousin was coughing. Serious stuff right there.

Back at his seat the boy listened attentively to the Professor introducing herself when they'd been sitting in classes with her for a month. To be fair....he supposed you couldn't blame her. There might have been that one kid who skipped every Divination lesson until now, like how he used to skip Charms before he was no longer forced to attend.

Hopefully that one kid was listening.

And another arbitrary question, much like the one the Creatures Professor had asked. What he knew about Divination? Well then. "Some people think it's fake and many can argue that nothing is set in stone so predictions aren't worth the tea leaves they're read off of." He knew that much.

sweetpinkpixie 09-13-2016 03:49 AM

Despite it being her favorite subject next to Herbology, Charms coming in closely behind the pair, Paige had resolved to remain quiet during Divination lessons. As much as possible at least. It wasn't that she had nothing to say, it was a subject she had more confidence in than most, but now felt as though she was in possession of an unfair advantage. Even if her skill set was still greatly limited and the likelihood of anything truly transpiring during a lesson incredibly unlikely.

Her eyes wandered around the classroom, focusing on each student as they spoke until she recalled the presence of a few house elves. Smiling at them, Paige only just then noticed one clutching a basket of eggs in her eager little hands. "Oomancy..." she said aloud before realizing it, and more to herself than in response to Professor Vance's inquiry which was why she elaborated no further.

Divination by egg, usually by way of separating the yolk part from the white and pouring the white into hot water to see what shapes were formed by the cooked whites. Sort of a deconstructed poached egg, when you got to thinking about it. Combined this method with tasseography and add a bowl of oatmeal and you had yourself breakfast.

JennMarie 09-13-2016 04:48 AM

Weeelllllll, yes, he had only just woken up, couldn't you see the sleep in his eyes still?! Plus it was the first time he had seen the professor today and he had hoped she had a good morning!! He was going to open his mouth to answer but he was too slow in adjusting his robes from under his bum as he sat.The fabric being stubborn and his arm flailing out and accidentally bumping the girl next to him "oops, sorry, yea, thanks."

QUESTION TIIIME!!!! His hand shot up, he knew he'd be wrong but that's the gold of LEARNING"Divination is cool, you can see things in crystal balls and tell of good or bad futures with psychic things." he wiggled his fingers by his head, no wonder he didn't take this class last term. He was already making it weird.

Sonea 09-13-2016 09:22 AM

Sitting with her head supported by her hand she tried very hard NOT to cough, the smell with all the different incenses were really worsening her already bad mood and now she even needed to answer a question about a lesson she even didn’t believed it could be true? Muttering a silent curse she wondered again why a lesson like this one was allowed at Hogwarts! Nobody believed in this stuff right? Magic she believed in but this? This was going just a little bit too far for the first year Slytherin.

Now folding her arms she was tempted to be rude and she muttered softly to herself while the question was asked. “What I already know is that this lesson is fake” muttered she in a low voice. But still she tried to think about something to say what would be accepted, true or not. So she raised her hand, still looking sour and speaking with a boring voice she answered the question. “There are more than just one method to work with if you want to predict the future, like tea, a crystal ball or even a pendulum.” So, she had done her part, now she was done and she hoped that she could stay silent. Nobody could say now that she didn’t had done her best today!

Poolicious 09-13-2016 09:45 AM

Its not a compliment she just saying the truth. But thank you Professor for pointing out about the color of her robes clashed with her hair.

Alyce watched the boy struggling with his robes and he accidentally bumped his arm. "'S fine." She's not hurt or injured here. But she's a bit concerned with him and his robes. Best to leave it alone.

What they know about Divination? Hmm..Not much. Most of her classmate already pointed out about seeing the future thingy so she decided not to repeat that. "Tarot! Some Muggles use it to gain insight or to find an answer to their question." She saw it once during the Street Fair near her home.

TeafortheSoul 09-13-2016 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Nordic Witch (Post 12039774)

"Good afternoon Charlotte." Laurel chirped to the lioness that had skipped in and found a seat.

Adjusting her robes, pulling her hair out of her vision and standing straighter Laurel felt it high time to start the lesson. With a smile tugging at her lips she spoke to the class. "Welcome everyone to another lesson in the wonderful and mysterious art known as Divination. For those who might have been absent or just not remembering from last lesson, I'm Laurel Vance and I will be your professor in this subject the year out." She paused for a few moments to let that sink in before she continued. "Before we get to our main activity for the day I'd like to test your knowledge in the subject. Can each and every one of you share one fact that you already know about divination with the rest of the class?" Sadly the notes from previous professors in the subject had been lacking in her opinion and thus she had to start off easy.

OOC: Class has now started! Please don't post arriving late after this post or there will be IC consequences, just jump in and answer the question asked as if you've been there the whole time. Everyone should list one fact/thing they know about Divination it can be anything from methods to what divination is etc. I will move on in approx 24 hours from this post.

"Morning professor!" Charlotte responded happily enough. She wasn't a huge fan of divination for reasons relating to what was about to be her answer. Char put her hand up.

"My mum is a Seer, and I know that Seers have different affinities for different things, like they are attuned and more sensitive to certain stuff! Like my mum is sensitive to babies and pregnancy, to werewolves, and to duels and battles." Which was totally random right? But yes, her mother being a Seer was why Char wasn't a huge fan of divination... because she wasn't. She wasn't good at any of it, so it got boring easily. But she was giving it a chance.

Jean Granger 09-13-2016 10:42 AM

He was excited for the lesson to begin. He liked Divination, but despite his efforts, he rarely managed to... see the future, or anything like it. It did not help that the subject kept reminding him of the Hag, either.

Raising his hand, Carl said, "Another method is to observe how stars and planets move. it's called Astrology."

Kimothy 09-13-2016 10:57 AM

Vivian was still quite distracted by her lovely pink robes. It was such a nice trend, she believed. It also suited her blonde hair well. See? It was a win-win situation. PINK, her favourite color... and the fact that it looked good at her! Yay!

Annnnnyway, anything about Divination? Well, okay. With really nothing much up her sleeve, Vivian decided to just share something. It was probably common knowledge. Whatsoever. The new professor wouldn't eat her alive anyway... just like that hag who wanted to make student soup out of them. The second year raised her hand. "There's... uh... tarot cards, Professor, and palm-reading. Seers used them to predict future events for their customers or those who ask for it." Other than that, Vivian knew nothing more. The others have already said it, at least, so no need to repeat it.

Daydreamer11 09-13-2016 03:29 PM

It was time for class to begin and Janelle was trying to focus on what the professor was saying. It was hard to concentrate when surrounded by so much pink. It would fine if pink was her thing. Unfortunately for Janelle, it was most definitely not. Maybe keeping her eyes on her parchment would help........maybe.

As the first question was asked, Janelle began to take notes. Good. This gave her a legitimate reason not to look at the overwhelming pinkness. She raised her hand to give her one fact about Divination. Daring to look up when she was called on, Janelle began to speak. "Scrying is a form of Divination that uses that uses things such as crystal balls, mirrors or even water to find out information. If you do it right and your inner eye is working, you can see a vision that can be interpreted." Janelle had never actually done it, but she had learned a thing or two about scrying from her sister.

Davvy_Wavvy 09-13-2016 04:54 PM

Thank you Blaise! He was saved from a painful death by suffocation. He owed his cousin one for sure. Good, they were starting, which meant that they'd be over soon and that would be it for classes for today. He could do this.

What was he suppose to say when all the other students had basically dished out whatever relevant information there was about Seeing? The answer was nothing. Divination wasn't really a discipline that he was into but he needed to pass the subject anyways, so he'd pay attention for as long as his eyelids permitted.

Nordic Witch 09-13-2016 05:13 PM

SPOILER!!: Indiv responses: interesting thoughts + rare methods and others

Originally Posted by Grrr..Meow (Post 12040183)
"well Professor" she raised her hand
" I believe that your fate is not always fully sealed.... like your choices you make daily change the outcome of your future.."
shes always lived by that actually, she wasnt sure if it was correct or not but she believed it.

Echo came with another interesting statement. Smiling towards the snake she said "You are on to something there Echo, our daily choices and mood does very much impact the outcome of our future both in the long term and short term. Deciding to arrive late to class for instance could turn a pleasant future into one filled with detentions."


Originally Posted by Tegz (Post 12040531)
"My mum is a Seer, and I know that Seers have different affinities for different things, like they are attuned and more sensitive to certain stuff! Like my mum is sensitive to babies and pregnancy, to werewolves, and to duels and battles." Which was totally random right? But yes, her mother being a Seer was why Char wasn't a huge fan of divination... because she wasn't. She wasn't good at any of it, so it got boring easily. But she was giving it a chance.

Turning her full attention to Charlotte she asked curiously. "Have you inherited your mother's gift of Seer?" It was hard not to ask when she was one herself. "You are correct though Seers can be more attuned and sensitive to certain stuff as you put it. It's individual though to each seer what they are more attuned or sensitive to."


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 12040127)
So it was some annoyance that she sat down somewhere near the back and waited as the Professor greeted everyone. Still, she did her best to look happy and she greeted the professor along with everyone else. She was a prefect after all, and she was supposed to set a good example. So she couldn't be distracted during class by her dislike of Miffy. Miffy would have to wait until after the classes were over for the day.

"One thing that we know for certain about Divinatuon is that it is not always right. For example, Professor Trelawney (whom I read about in history) was the famous seer who made the prediction about Harry Potter defeating Voldemort, but out of all the hundreds of predictions she made only two turned out to be real."

The girl with the eagle prefect badge brought up a point which Laurel had wondered when it'd be said. Smiling to her she replied "Yes, you are correct Kitty. Divination is not an exact art and it is as you said not always right since it can't predict the exact choices a person makes in a certain moment which is evidenced by how many of Professor Trelawney predictions that came true."


Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo (Post 12040278)

And another arbitrary question, much like the one the Creatures Professor had asked. What he knew about Divination? Well then. "Some people think it's fake and many can argue that nothing is set in stone so predictions aren't worth the tea leaves they're read off of." He knew that much.

She knew that Blaise was one to keep an eye on and he didn't dissapoint by providing another statement much like those of Kitty and someone else earlier. Laurel turned her eyes to the lion and responded calmly. "Divination isn't for everyone and yes some argue that its fake but I've seen firsthand what happens when real predictions come true. They can change the way events unfold both for good and bad. So don't brush it off just because you might not believe in it. Learn from it and try to understand why people go to it for counsel. You will be more knowledgeable then."


Originally Posted by PuppySara (Post 12039904)
One fact about what he knew? Um... That wasn't much for him... He wasn't very good with divination... Could he pass? No... Um. When it came to his turn he knew he'd seem like a fool but... "Divination is the method of obtaining knowledge of the unknown or the future by means of omens... Typical ways of doing this are through astrology or crystal gazing..." Right? He hoped he was right at least.

Another spoke up which Laurel hadn't fastened her eyes on earlier. He brought up another interesting method though. "Divining by omens is called by a fancier name Cryptomancy and you can practice this by using astrology and crystal gazing but also fire."


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 12040326)

Her eyes wandered around the classroom, focusing on each student as they spoke until she recalled the presence of a few house elves. Smiling at them, Paige only just then noticed one clutching a basket of eggs in her eager little hands. "Oomancy..." she said aloud before realizing it, and more to herself than in response to Professor Vance's inquiry which was why she elaborated no further.

"Yes, that's another rare method Paige. Oftenly comined with tasseoggraphy." Laurel murmured. Had the badger seer in training predicted what they were going to do?


Originally Posted by Sonea (Post 12040528)
So she raised her hand, still looking sour and speaking with a boring voice she answered the question. “There are more than just one method to work with if you want to predict the future, like tea, a crystal ball or even a pendulum.” So, she had done her part, now she was done and she hoped that she could stay silent. Nobody could say now that she didn’t had done her best today!

"Oo pendulums. I haven't used one in years." Laurel shared excitedly with Leesha. "The method is called Pallomancy in your textbooks."


Originally Posted by Eriin (Post 12039915)
Okay, Dora wasn't a HUGE fan of Divination typically, but seeing as she had been absent a while, she had trudged in with everyone else... in pink robes. How did that even happen?! Ugh. She didn't understand how BLACK turned oink, but WHATEVER. After having filled out her place card she raised her hand high into the air and smiled.
"You can use FIRE to divine. It's called Pyromancy, " The fourth year knew this because FIRE WAS AWESOME!! Who didn't love fire?

The lioness Dora mentioned fire too. Shooting her a glance Laurel nodded "Yes, divining by fire is called Pyromancy, very good Dora."


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 12040197)
“Well I believe a lot can be up to interpretation,” she answered after raising her hand. At least for those that might not be true seers. What each person saw was what they thought they saw at the very least. Cassie herself didn’t have enough experience in her opinion to turn in one direction or another in her views.

"Good Cassandra, that is basically what Divination is at its core just interpretations of different signs, shapes etc and to give them meanings that make sense." Laurel responded kindly.


Originally Posted by Yourenodaisy (Post 12040266)
As the lesson started, Sam listened quietly, fiddling with the corner of her parchment. She was sulky, but she could anewer the professor's question, thanks to Kara. Perks of having older sisters. Raising her hand she answered "the is something called floromancy, which is Divination with flowers. It's where the idea that four leaf clovers are lucky came from." And that was about all she knew on that.

Another girl by the name of Samantha spoke up listening another yet unnamed method. Nodding she responded "Yes Floromancy or floriography is a divination method where you ascribe meaning to flowers since people for many years have seen flowers as symbols for love and fortune to name a few."


Originally Posted by Expecto-Penguin (Post 12040167)
He heard the first question and he rolled his eyes. It was a typical starter question though. He shrugged and thought why not add to it. He raised his hand and said, "Well Divination is part of telling prophecies right? I mean the famous prophecy was of Voldemort and Harry Potter." He remember hearing about that.

Turning her attention to Colt that helped his classmate with opening some windows she affirmed. "Yes one part of divination is telling prophecies but that is something only Seers can do like that famous prophecy that Professor Trelawney made about Harry potter before he came to Hogwarts and that also came true." It was good for the students to see Laurel thought that Divination wasn't just drinking a lot of tea and pulling cards out of decks.


Originally Posted by Roselyn (Post 12039822)
"You can look at the clouds in divination," he said, raising his hand.
They should all just totally go outside, considering it was probably a lot cooler out there than in here too.

"Ah nephomancy, divining by studying the clouds. Not a very popular method but it can be used since clouds we have on almost all days." Laurel said with a smile to Lancelot. She had a feeling that he wasn't enjoying her warm classroom.


Originally Posted by Steelsheen (Post 12039889)
What did he know about Divination? Well many and nothing, because Grandma was a fan and he was either too young, too distracted or too Tenacius to remember things like these properly. But as something more recent was brought up in another class, this he remembered better. Up goes the hand "Professor Socks.... Suckle.... uhm..." good grief the struggle with that name again "...uhm the Runes Professor mentioned that you would know more about Runes Divination." So yeah thats the extent of what he knew about that. A side comment from another teacher.

Professor Socks? Laurel eyed Tenacious slightly bewildered until she understood that he meant Sokolov. Nodding she said "Yes, you can definitely divine by casting runes to foretell your future. If there is interest we might be able to do a joint lesson on the method sometime in the future with Professor Sokolov." But not today. Laurel had other plans.

SPOILER!!: Individ responses: tealeaves + tarot desks + methods used by muggles


Originally Posted by Stefan (Post 12039800)
Raising a hand, Jace waited for his turn. “Divination is a form of magic used to foretell the future.” It may be a lot of guesswork to many, but it sure does come in handy if you’re out of options.

Turning her gaze to Jace, she nodded. "That is correct Jace. Divination is a form used by both muggles and wizards to foretell the future ahead."


Originally Posted by Poolicious (Post 12040529)

What they know about Divination? Hmm..Not much. Most of her classmate already pointed out about seeing the future thingy so she decided not to repeat that. "Tarot! Some Muggles use it to gain insight or to find an answer to their question." She saw it once during the Street Fair near her home.

"Very good Alyce. Tarot cards is a practice that muggles are very fond of to use when they wish to gain insight of the future." Laurel replied to the snake.


Originally Posted by Jean Granger (Post 12040540)
He was excited for the lesson to begin. He liked Divination, but despite his efforts, he rarely managed to... see the future, or anything like it. It did not help that the subject kept reminding him of the Hag, either.

Raising his hand, Carl said, "Another method is to observe how stars and planets move. it's called Astrology."

"Astrology is the method where you indeed observe the movement of stars and planets. Its what muggle use to base their horoscopes off." Laurel commented.


Originally Posted by hjhm (Post 12039887)
That is a hard question considering how much Sean doesn't believe in Divination but from previous notes he can share what he has learned in this class. Raising his hand up to answer to the teacher "One of the well-known methods of reading about your future in Divination is Cartomancy. Which is using a deck of cards." Sean said.

The snake Sean provided another divination method. Responding Laurel said. "Yes Cartomancy is another very popular method that both muggles and wizards use by reading your future in the cards you draw from a deck."


Originally Posted by hermygirl (Post 12040052)
At less the first question was an easy, open ended one, and she even had an answer she was pretty sure no one had said yet. "Palmistry is reading the palm of someone's hand to predict stuff," Sam replied, squinting her eyes in an effort to avoid rubbing them. She'd seen a couple of folks palm reading around Diagon Alley, although she was pretty sure at least one of them was a fraud.

Ravenclaw that Laurel hadn't notice shot her hand up and offered a so far unmentioned method of Divination. Smiling kindly in the girl's direction Laurel said "Very good Samantha, palmistry is the method where you read the lines on the palm of a person's hand to predict the future. Quite a popular practice by muggle psychichs."


Originally Posted by hpluvr037 (Post 12040245)
His little hand stuck barely into the air. "Aren't there crystal balls for seeing someone's future?" he asked with a grimace. He absolutely HATED looking stupid. "At least, muggles use those," he added hastily. Maybe people wouldn't laugh as much when he was wrong.

Turning to little Finnlay Laurel she had to smile. "Yes crystal balls can be used for foretelling someone's future which is also known as scrying and can be used by muggles too not just by us magical folk."


Originally Posted by Suziella (Post 12040275)
Juno quietly listened to everyone else's answers to see if there was anything she could add, as she filled out her place card.
There were many different aspects and ways to use Divination. The most popular were probably crystal ball reading, tea leaves, and Tarot cards. But there was something that no one else had really said yet and they had actually studied extensively last year. Juno raised her hand and waited to be called on before answering, "There is also Palmistry also known as palm readings. We studied that a lot last year. It can teach you many things about your life and the possibilities for your future." She hoped Esme would be proud of that answer. She was much better than Juno at Divination.

Another prefect this time a badger picked this time to speak up. Glancing over to the girl Laurel smiled. "Oh you did, well good. Palmistry is very good to use when you want to divine about your nearest future and possibilities." A popular method.


Originally Posted by JennMarie (Post 12040400)
QUESTION TIIIME!!!! His hand shot up, he knew he'd be wrong but that's the gold of LEARNING"Divination is cool, you can see things in crystal balls and tell of good or bad futures with psychic things." he wiggled his fingers by his head, no wonder he didn't take this class last term. He was already making it weird.

Turning to sleepyhead Landon Laurel smiled. "I think Divination is cool too and divining by crystall balls is called scrying."


Originally Posted by Saz Hale (Post 12039801)
Kimi thought and said "Well one aspect of divination to use tea leaves to read your future" Kimi was sure that was right because he remembered that his mum does this reguarly

Eyes moving to Kimi next Laurel smiled. "Yes, there is one method in divination where we use tea leaves to read our futures. With a fancier name it's called Tasseography."


Originally Posted by Govoni (Post 12039803)

Ahem. BUT DIVINATION. What did she know about it? Well, funny Professor Vance should ask, because she had a TEA-rrific answer. PUNNY! "Some people use tea as a medium. They prepare the tea carefully, drink it, and then read the remaining leaves." And Olivia DID love her tea, as everyone knew ... and she couldn't help but to think that might be a cool party trick to learn. Hehe, SHE COULD THEME A TEA PARTY AROUND IT. They could dress as fortune tellers!

Next Olivia spoke up who also seemed fascinated by tasseography. Looking over at the lion she affirmed. "Good Olivia, tea can definitely be used as a medium for foretelling the future by following those steps that you mentioned. You read the remaining leaves by drawing meaning from the shapes that appear in the cup."


Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft (Post 12039934)
Azura smiled up at the Professor as she spoke and asked her question and Az's hand went into the air before she answered whith one fact that she knew about Divination. "There is a form of Divination called Tasseomancy, which is the art of reading tea leaves and trying to divine the meanings of the images left behind in the soggy tea leaves." They had done that last year.. Which had been pretty fun.

Azura spoke up next an mention Tasseomancy just like a few others had done. Laurel said with a glance to the eagle. "That is correct Azura, the images the tea leaves leave behind is what you interpret meaning from when you are using the Tasseomancy method to read your future."


Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 (Post 12040695)
It was time for class to begin and Janelle was trying to focus on what the professor was saying. It was hard to concentrate when surrounded by so much pink. It would fine if pink was her thing. Unfortunately for Janelle, it was most definitely not. Maybe keeping her eyes on her parchment would help........maybe.

As the first question was asked, Janelle began to take notes. Good. This gave her a legitimate reason not to look at the overwhelming pinkness. She raised her hand to give her one fact about Divination. Daring to look up when she was called on, Janelle began to speak. "Scrying is a form of Divination that uses that uses things such as crystal balls, mirrors or even water to find out information. If you do it right and your inner eye is working, you can see a vision that can be interpreted." Janelle had never actually done it, but she had learned a thing or two about scrying from her sister.

"Very good Janelle. Scrying is that in its essense and interpreting visions is what is most fun don't you think?" Laurel asked.


Originally Posted by Kimothy (Post 12040552)

Annnnnyway, anything about Divination? Well, okay. With really nothing much up her sleeve, Vivian decided to just share something. It was probably common knowledge. Whatsoever. The new professor wouldn't eat her alive anyway... just like that hag who wanted to make student soup out of them. The second year raised her hand. "There's... uh... tarot cards, Professor, and palm-reading. Seers used them to predict future events for their customers or those who ask for it." Other than that, Vivian knew nothing more. The others have already said it, at least, so no need to repeat it.

"Good Vivian. Both of those methods are very popular for predicing future events and ascribing meaning to things that might just have happend." Laurel said.

SPOILER!!: Individ responses: beings + note taking


Originally Posted by pundantic (Post 12039844)
She rose her hand tentatively and added to the discussion, "Centaurs have their own way of practicing Divination different from humans." See? It was about divination but now how they did it. Because, well, Chloe did not have the sight. Not even a little.

The eagle girl that raised her hand next and spoke Laurel hadn't seen come in but she had obviously been there when the lesson got underway. Smiling kindly she affirmed. "That is correct Chole, the Centaurs do have their own way of practicing Divination by looking for the future in the stars and burning herbs to refine their skills."


Originally Posted by Bazinga (Post 12039898)
Finally looking up she put her hand in the air, "Professor, certain beings as someone mentioned Centaurs do their own version of divination, but others do as well. Hags like to do tarot cards or crystal balls. That's why the school hired one a few terms back, isn't it?" Though she did hear that the hag was never actually hired, but it was something she was sure no one else had mentioned yet.

Turning to Natalia she nodded. "Yes, certain beings have their own methods for divining the future and Centaurs and Hags are among them." Stealing a glance at her watch she responded to the snake when she raised her gaze again. "You'd have to ask Headmaster Shanoun about why the school hired a hag to teach Natalia, but yes hags tend to dabble with both tarot cards and crystal balls when they which to know more about what is to come." She wasn't sure why the hag had taught and thus she directed the girl to the headmaster.


Originally Posted by Talikins (Post 12039956)
Divination, what did he know about such? Well, of course, one fact stuck in his mind and simply because it revolved one of his favorite things: logic. In a sense at least, because predicting things wasn't really just about prophecy. The furture was often sought through more logistical methods such as that of Arithmancy.
  • Divination often merges with other subjects and, thus, can be used or expressed through Arithmancy and Ancient Runes.

It was good to see a student busy taking notes it showed that he was attentive and thinking and got a thumbs up from Laurel.


Originally Posted by Ginny_Fan (Post 12040017)
Andrei was struggling to concentrate enough to write down the information that Professor Vance required due to the stifling heat in the room, he puffed out his cheeks as his quill moved across the parchement.

Another boy was also taking dutiful notes which earned him a thumb's up too.

When the last student had spoken Laurel and pulled down their hand Laurel had to beam broadly. "I'm surprised and glad to hear that all of you already know something or in some cases a lot about Divination and its many different methods/practices where some practices are more popular than others and even used by muggles or rare."

She paused for just a moment. "Now I'm not going to ask you to write down all the methods of divination we just gone over/talked about since you can all find that in your textbooks."

Lifting up the basket off eggs that Nimma had so graciously dropped off she continued "For the remainder of the lesson we are going to be focusing/practicing the method known as Ovomancy/Oomancy. Ooomancy is diving with eggs where you drop the egg white into hot water and interpret meaning to the shapes the egg whites form when they hit the water."

"But before we do that I've got plenty of eggs, breads and tea water in my kettle, and tea bags if you all would like to come up and make yourself an afternoon snack. You can of course help yourself to the tea cups, plates, butter and such found in the many wall cupboards."

Remembering something she had forgotten Laurel hastily added. "I'd like you all to think on while we snack. What other divination methods are similar to Ovomancy or can be combined with Ovomancy?"

OOC: Snack time! As Laurel said make your character a snack by helping themselves to tea and maybe if they like an egg sandwich while they answer/think on the answer to the next question. I'll move on in 48 hours or so since i'm closing at work tomorrow. No post limit. Have fun, converse some with each other and snack but don't forget to answer the question too.;)

Callie 09-13-2016 05:19 PM

Catching up
Hadley chuckled a little. "I think Professor Vance has a good enough sense of humor not to be offended by it. Besides," Hads leaned in toward Finn conspiratorially, "She's psychic. She already knows I'm doing it." Wink. In otherwords, relax kid. It was fine.

Hadley grinned as Tenacius joined them. "Salamander! How's it going?" Was it just her, or did his hair look particularly good today? Er...on second thought, forget she thought that. In case it came up in his cards or something today.

She nodded along to what Ace said it was just share-y and informative. Exactly. Nothing bad about providing more answer than the Professor asked for.

And there was Colt! Hads grinned widely in greeting to Slytherin. "I'm always ready to know the future. The real question is, are you?"

Before she could say more though, class began, with the easiest question ever. What does she know about divination? "You use it to tell the future!"

Erindipity 09-13-2016 05:41 PM

Well... color Dora confused. Why had the professor looked at HER like that? And why had she been so... not as kind when responding? Um. Whatever. And seeing as Dora had NO desire to play with raw eggs, or eat food offered by a professor, she stayed put. Even propped her chin on her hand and watched the others.

Govoni 09-13-2016 06:00 PM

So, check this out. Olivia was an EATER, and the quickest way to garner her attention and fealty (lesson wise) was to offer up food, but she had some reservations about this. Her mum had told her numerous times not to eat eggs that weren't fully cooked (ahem, it had to do with cookie dough and her wanting to eat it in bulk), due to some type of bacteria. She could be a bit of a worrier, her mum ... but now, thinking back on it... She'd had a friend in kindergarten who had gotten very sick from eating eggs sunny side up. Very sick and then she'd passed away.

Liv really liked living. So, you could see her concern.

Raising her hand, the blonde frowned slightly, which was totally throwing off the aesthetic of her entire outfit. But food related things? Well, Liv was a foodie. "Professor, I'm not allowed to eat raw eggs. They can make you sick." And really, she was only saying something aloud because she didn't want any of her friends eating them either.

As for the question, she didn't know anything about this form of divination or what could be similar. Still learning over here, people, but one thing was for sure... She was going to make it a personal mission to start reading up on all the things before her lessons so she could properly contribute

MunchyBubbles 09-13-2016 07:04 PM

Post 1 and answering the question.
Azura sighed a bit to herself. She hadn't thought people had said anything about Tasseomancy before her, or if they had, they hadn't used the actual name. Man she was really batting a thousand today in this class wasn't she? It must have been the stuffy air in the room or perhaps her slight cold that was muddling her senses and her thoughts.

Whatever it was, she vowed to be better next time.

Though as the professor next spoke about Oomancy.. which frankly just sounded like breakfast, if she was honest. She tilted her head a bit..Reading shapes as you drop egg white into hot water.. Huh.. What would they think of next?

It almost sounded like tea leaf reading, but she wasn't going to say THAT again.. So instead she raised her hand. "Professor, this method sounds similar to molten lead divination, where people read the shapes the lead forms as it cools." She said with a warm smile as she nodded..

Then she turned to Jace, "I'm going to go get some tea and bread, did you want anything?" She asked him as she tucked some of her hair behind her ear.

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