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Divination Lesson 1 - Eggilicious IC Date, place and time: Monday, October 1st, Divination Classroom, 2PM GMT. Entering up through the trapdoor you come into the divination classroom that looks more like a tea lounge then a modern classroom. A myriad of 50 or so circular tables are scattered about the room along with cretonne covered arm chairs and small fluffy blurbs in strong colours. The lighting is provided by the many lamps that give off a weak crimson red light. It's quite stuffy and hot in the classroom as well as heavily scented. The professor has a thing for strong scents and perfume. The cupboards along the tower walls that usually are crammed with feathers, lithomancy stones, candle-ends, countless crystal balls and tarot desks and tea sets are today full off carton boxes of something for now undisclosed, kettles and some other necessary equipment and ingredients for today's lesson. Divination Professor Laurel Vance can be found by her big copper kettle up front dressed from head to toe in pink attire because of a vision she had prior to class. On the blackboard behind her a message is written in curvy handwriting that reads: Quote:
OOC: Hello everyone!:hello: Welcome to the first Divination lesson of the term. As always read the class rules before posting. I will move on/start in approx 24 hours from this. While this is the first class OOC it's not your first class IC with Professor Vance. Also EVERYONE should be wearing PINK attire to class courtesy of an incident that just happened in the Laundry Room. Class Progression: Hello's + first question Responses, new question + snack time Responses + main activity Class dismissed |
Kimi entered the classroom after climbing up the ladder and stopping to say "Hello Professor" Kimi made his way to a seat at the front of the class and used the parchment to write down his details Quote:
Well this was mortifying. The most Finn could hope was that lots of other people had been affected by the mayhem in the laundry room. He'd heard rumors it was a poltergeist. He didn't really know what those were yet, as he'd yet to see any around the castle, but he had a feeling that was a good thing, if the state of his robes was any indication. So, pink robes and all, he entered the Divination Tower. He had actually managed to get here in good time because he hadn't got lost (first time!). So it was that he was one of the first ones to arrive. It would be awkward to not sit next to the only other person in the room, so Finn strode over to a young Hufflepuff and took a seat. "Hi, my name's Finnlay. Finn for short." Before he had a chance to forget, he took out his quill and wrote out the information the professor had requested on both sides, folded it up, and made it stand on the front of the table next to the other boy's. Too bad he couldn't see it.. Quote:
Divination plus pink attire is not a good combination at all. Sean tried his best to just go ahead and make the most of this but he lazily walked toward the classroom. Entering with a soft smile on his face. This is the class with the pretty good looking teacher. He has no complains with that one at all. Making his way inside, he greeted the professor with a wide grin "Hello, Professor Vance. Lovely day..." he is in a pink colored outfit and she is too. It's probably for the best but Sean doesn't like it one bit. He sat down and filled in a small parchment. Quote:
Okay, can Jace claim his prediction that today isn’t a good day? He doesn’t mind the piled up course work he got back in his dorm, but to have his uniform for the day delivered DYED in PINK was another story. To be honest, he didn’t mind the choice of colour because it reminded him of the sakura months in Japan, however, the thought of his mother getting furious with a set of messed up uniform made him cringe. Of course, there was a way to return his robes to black with a charm, but given the tight schedule he has for the day, he didn’t have any choice but to showcase his pink wardrobe for everyone in school to see. What’s even weirder was the fact that everyone he came across with had the same problem. Whatever happened to their uniforms? Thinking that that is not important at the moment, Jace made his way to Divination and pulled himself up from the trap door. Oh Merlin. The room was stuffy, heavily perfumed, and he was wearing pink robes. *cough* *cough* *cough* Blinking away the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes, Jace stood straighter and inclined his head towards the professor. “Konnichiwa, Vance-sensei.” Jace then sat next to a Hufflepuff first year (Kimi), gave him a grin and a nod of his head, and wrote down his name plate as instructed: Quote:
Kimi looked at Finn and said "Nice to meet you Finn, name's Kimi" Kimi was glad that he had another firstie sitting beside him he also gave the older Ravenclaw (Jace) a smile back and continued to wait for the lesson to start as he fixed his pink robes out |
His bad mood from earlier had all but evened out by the afternoon. Waking up to pink robes wasn't how he expected to start his day but he'd quickly settled in himself that he wouldn't be having it. Why the staff at Hogwarts always tried to force their magic on them was beyond him, but if this was their idea of a joke or some other student's for that matter, then the joke was on them. Blaise climbed the ladder to the Divination classroom in a pair of jeans and a comfortable plaid, flannel shirt. He'd seen the others walking around in their pink robes, and that was good for them but he wouldn't be having it and until the wise guy who did this FIXED it, this would be how he attended his lessons. Pink robes. Honestly. "Good afternoon, Professor Vance." The lion all but choked, finding himself once again greeted by the strong scents that circulated the room. How was this still okay, a month into teaching? How had they not all been admitted to the Hospital Wing with respiratory problems? "Is it possible for us to crack open a window...or three?" Please? Strong scents bothered him and messed with his concentration. Blaise walked to one of the empty tables, deciding he'd be saving seats for his friends but raised an eyebrow at the instructions on the board. Name tags? They were still doing those? ....Sure....alright. Anything that helped her get their names right he supposed. Though if he didn't learn names within the month, he'd have stopped trying. Kudos to her for sticking to it. Quote:
Today ... was a VERY good day. NOT ONLY was it after lunch, which in Liv's opinion was the best time for a lesson, but her robes had (by some MIRACLE OF MERLIN) been turned P I N K! And not just a muted, faded pink, either. But a VIVID, eye!watering one. Needless to say, this Gryffindor gal was ecstatic! It was a BLESSING from the laundry gods (and house elves), is what it was. And Olivia intended to make GOOD with this gift! So, as if to offset the pink, she'd broken out her bedazzler; working through the night to add little heart embellishments to the hood of her robe, as well as around the bottom hem and cuffs. Shine BRIGHT like a diamond, indeed! She'd even taken great pains to make sure her hair and makeup was on point for the day. Just because one couldn't just wear their regular face when sporting a robe as fabulous as hers! It would've been a crime against her dramatic sensibilities, to commit such an act. A h e m. Strutting into the classroom (AFTER CLIMBING A MILLION STAIRS, GOSH PEOPLE, YOU TRYING TO KILL US?!), Liv held her head high! "Good afternoon, Professor." After the greeting, she flounced her way towards a seat and parked herself, getting her nametag in order . What a wonderful day this was?! |
POP! Nimma appeared next to Professor Vance and slowly, nervously tugged on the Professor's robes to be noticed. Nimma would have to punish herself for such forwardness later. "Nimma is here, as Mistress asked." She held up a basket of eggs. Nimma did good? Nimma looked around wide-eyed at everyone's uniforms. "Why are studentsies pink?" |
Hadley danced her way into the classroom. For one thing she liked Divinations a lot, as well as Professor Vance. For another thing, she was really rocking the pink. Oh, yeah. Rachel was probably jealous of how good she looked in pink. But too bad. "Hey, Professor Vance! Did you see me coming?" Oh, she wasn't teasing the professor, not really. No. Hadley was just intensely curious about how often and how well the gift of foresight worked. Immensely curious. No assigned seating. That's one thing she loved about Hogwarts. No assigned seating. Though glancing around she only saw a few faces she knew and could tolerate, so it didn't leave her many options. Oh hey, there's Finn! Hadley grinned and made her way over to the first year boy and plopped down in the seat next to him. "Hey fin. How'd your first month at Hogwarts go?" While she waited for an answer, Hads pulled out her quill and jotted her basic info down on the provided parchment. SPOILER!!: Nametag |
Mentions of Jace Azura's robes were pink.. Well everyone's robes were pink. It wasn't that she minded really, but it was just another thing. She sighed as she marched up into the classroom and then wrinkled her nose at the scent and how stuffy the room was.. It certainly wasn't helping her headache out at all. That was for sure. She managed a smile as she looked over at the Profesor. "Hello Professor. " She said with a nod as she looked around and found Jace she settled down next to him with a soft sigh and smile before looking down at her parchment and then writing on it. Quote:
There.. She put it up and then spoke to Jace.. "How's it going?" Simple.. Because stuffy headed tired Azura's were not good conversationalists. |
Divination, a class to Natalia's surprise she actually liked. She wasn't fully sure if she believed in it, but she at least liked it and did very well on her OWLs. When she woke up that morning to find all pink robes. No, no, NO that wasn't going to go well with her. Not that she hated pink, but she wasn't big on wearing all pink robes. Good thing she was a witch and Professor Primaeux taught a charm to fix that. She made a quick color changing charm right before she left the dorm so when she made her way to the classroom she was in black robes with a little teal since she had been charming it why not make it her own fashionable robes. Turning and noticing all the pink she kind of giggled, "Pink looks good on some of you, but you do know there is a charm to fix it?" Seeing an elf near the professor she chuckled, "One of the elves get a red sock stuck in the laundry with the robes?" Though with black it shouldn't have turned pink. "Hello Professor" giving her a smile she found a seat at one of the round tables. Quote:
Accident or not, he quite liked the change of color of their uniforms. Lance strutted into the classroom, rather proudly showing off the pink-ness. Though seconds later, it was a lot less of a strut and more of a hunched back wobble. The amount of perfume in the room was going to make him sneeze. "Gud aternun," he managed to get out as he passed the professor, pink uniform clad arm raised to his nose in case the sneeze finally decided to make an appearance. Which it DIDN'T. All he got was a burning sensation which made his eyes water. Plopping into one of the SUPER comfy arm chairs, he blinked to clear his vision and stared up at the blackboard. Supposed it was good there were no assigned seats. Grabbing one of the parchments, he carefully started to fill it out. Quote:
Miranda climbed the ladder into the Divination classroom and had a peek about as she push up the hatch. ' What in Merlin's name was up with this atmoshere?" whatever... Not important.. but finding a seat being of paramount importance she chose a chair in the far back and did as instructed by the Teacher's sign. Miranda Blaze Second year Hufflepuff after having finished she looked around the room a bit more observantly this time and watched as other students began to fill the classroom. |
joins le Hadley and le Finnlay Tenacius was fumbling about his robes whilst walking up the ladder that led to their classroom. It wasn’t the fact that his robes have turned the most vivid shade of pink, but the thought that the Gryffindor colors have bled out in the wash and affected the entire fabric. And in turn affected everybody's robes. "You'd think these robes would've been made with better qual-- FOOOWIIIE!" Holy cannoli those scents just hit him like a truck, he nearly fell backwards and off the ladder. But he did make it up the classroom and looked around at the décor.... and just started to turn around bewildered. Good grief is his Grandmother here? Because this place totally reminded him of one of her dressing rooms. "Heya Professor Vance... you too huh?" of course he'd think her clothes got affected in the wash just like their robes have. And find a seat he does. Oh look the Dazzling Denaker is there, and even rocked the pink look with her hair. He goes to join her and another young Ravenclaw student "Heya Hadz! Hey..... Finnlay" seems like these nameplates is just as beneficial to students as they are to the professor. Oh right he has to make one for himself. But once again he does a double take on Hadley's name tag "Is that how we're supposed to do it?" Because Finnlay's looked pretty simple. But what the heck, since when was Tenacius ever a simpleton eh eh?
Pink was to be the uniform of the day it seemed, remembering the surprise she had gotten this morning. Pink robes returned from the laundry. Cassie had groaned at the change but had gradually relaxed as she saw that it had happened to everyone. Including the guys. Then the whole incident took on a whole new more amusing turn. Even if she inwardly hoped things might get straightened out at some point. Bright pink all around you all the time could be damaging to your eyes. Or something. At least divination class was the lesson for the day. Some might say it seemed fitting to have the crazy robes in the class. It certainly seemed to blend right into the reddish light of the tower classroom as she climbed the last few steps inside. And look…the professor even matched them. “Hello Professor,” Cassie greeted before reading the blackboard for any possible instructions. With no assigned seats, the third year moved to take an armed chair near a window as her seat. Setting quill to paper as she prepared herself for the lesson. Quote:
Watching her, he internally gasped at what she wrote on her name tent. So disrespectful! So as much as he felt embarrassed, with a small, shy voice, he said, "Don't you think Professor Vance won't like that?" He didn't want Ravenclaw to lose points! Quote:
"No, it's not," he had the nerve to say. "And I think Hadley might have been a little disrespectful. Just a little," he added hastily, seeing the older boy follow her lead. "But I'll shut up now." Clearly they knew how Hogwarts operated better than he did. He actually shrank down in his chair and made himself smaller |
Lucy entered the class and was immediately overcome by the heat. She was already unfastening her robe before she even made it halfway across the classroom to check the board. No assigned seats. Good. She meandered over to one, rolled her robes into a ball and threw it beside her seat. She threw her hair up and rolled up her shirt sleeves. She sighed and filled out her nameplate. Quote:
Prof + Nimma Today, in another day of Cornelius Orion Baltazar's life, he was wearing PINK. His robes had been dropped off as usual but...in PINK. He was baffled to say the leas, but considering he didn't have clean ones to wear (he wanted to be clean for miss professor blondie) he sufficed with wearing this. Besides. He was rocking it. "Lovely day to you, Professor. How do you do?" He was ever so polite. Cheeks already growing warm from the stuffiness in the room, Cornelius ruffled his curls. This was not good for his hair. It was going to make it stick and look oily. That's what Peyton once said when they had visited Africa on Safari. He had just taken his seat and written on his name plate when he saw one of the house elves. "Yo, Nimma. Why're the robes pink?" He hadn't had time to ask the elf that dropped off his robes, but now that Nimma was here... Explain YO-self. SPOILER!!: Name |
Echo had almost had a coughing fit as soon as she walked into the room.. Geeez so many scents such a little space... could someone possibly open up a window.... she couldnt breath..... not to mention everyone was wearing pink just like she was.. She was so going to write to her parents about this... these house elfs or who ever messed up her clothes so badly. "*cough.... cough*** hiii Professor" she said inbetween her coughs as she went to a desk and wrote her name tag. Quote:
seemed like alot of people didnt like the pink... on a plus side she got to buy all new clothes yay! shopping, she would have to find Juno so they could shop together again. |
So... PINK robes. What was this? As she headed up to the divination tower she noticed that it wasn't just her robes that were pink. Everyone's robes were pink. Well now someone or something really messed up somewhere down the line. Shrugging it off because other than the major clash of the pink and yellow it was alright. Katerina was no fashionista but she didn't think the colors matched to well. Nor did any of the other house colors. Heading up into the tower, She poke her head in before walking into the classroom. Seeing all the pink, and the Professor, she smiled. "Good morning Professor Vance."[/b] She walked on pass the professor and heading up to a seat. Spotting a empty seat right next to Cornelius she grinned. "Hello Curly." Sitting next to him. She liked having all of these classes with him so that they could sit together. She wrote her name on her name tag. SPOILER!!: name tag |
She was back. After those AWFUL few weeks in the frigid cold damnation that was Koldovstoretz, Mason had finally been expelled. And it was so fricken good to be back. So there she was, strutting in the class like the queen that she was, a smirk fixed permanently onto the beauty that was her face. "Good morning, Professor. . . Whatever." She said with a curt nod of acknowledgement. It wasn't like she knew any of these new peasants. Turning her back towards the teacher, Mason stared at all of the people in the room, actually feeling a twinge of affection for some of them. And after that, a crap ton of humility for all of them, seeing as they all looked as if a unicorn had barfed on their robes. With one last salute to Miss. Divination, Mason sought out her people, the first of which being- "Corny!" She exclaimed as she made a B-line for her curly-haired friend, throwing her arms around him unceremoniously. "I've missed you, dude!" Random girl (Katerina) got the same nod as the professor. Throwing her bag down beside her and taking the seat next to theirs, Mason proceeded to catch up with Cornz while writing her name and details onto the piece of paper. "How've you been, dude? Haven't seen you since last year, for Merlin's sake!" SPOILER!!: Name-tag Andddd, dooonneeee. |
Dirty Danielle and Dirty Blaise Quote:
"Professor...". Cue dramatic cough. This was a lot of strong smells, and though he was being dramatic at the moment, he was uncomfortable with it. He climbed up the ladder after Phillip and plopped unto the seat, at the table where Blaise was sitting. He noticed at his cousin had opted out of wearing robes all together. He however just charmed his black. No need for casual wear during school hours. "You know, you could have asked me to change them back." He said giving the fourth year a pointed look. Quote:
Bleh, she didn't liked this class! No, not liking it was not the right word, she HATED this class! She didn't believed a thing about this whole divination thing and she had trouble with concentrating. To her it was just all fake and she just couldn't believe it. Buuuuut, she had no other choice than to just accept it and hope that she could skip this class as soon as she could when she would be older! For now she just entered the classroom, looking more grim than ever because she wore PINK clothes! Pink!? She really hated that color, it was too girly and she had started to dislike that same color while wearing it that day. "Hello Professor" she said, still looking sour while walking to a seat as far in the back of the room, hoping to keep out of the teacher's direct view. Sighing she took the parchment and wrote her name, house and year, wondering WHY the teacher still needed those information, this wasn't her first class so the teacher was supposed to know her by now, or that was what Leesha expected. Quote:
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