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As you enter the classroom you notice that this looks exactly like a normal everyday classroom. Desks lined up in rows and Professor Sokolov up at a his desk in the front lounging in his chair. The only difference is what is written on the board behind Professor Sokolov would not be be found in any normal school. Runic Alphabet. That is what the students would be learning today.
Also each desk has a rune engraved in it. But that is for later.
Right Underneath Runic Alphabet. He wrote
No Assigned Seats sit where you please
Come in and lets continue Professor Sokolov trying to remember your name.
OOC: Hey Everyone! I will be moving in about 24 hours. Also while this is the OUR first lesson together it is not YOUR charrie's first lesson
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Nat wasn't wrong? She sat there staring a bit, she wasn't fully detailed like some, but she wasn't wrong either. A small smile played on her lips, but she quickly went back to straight faced as she listened to the others and the instructions for the next part. They were just to look up the rune in their books. That seemed easy enough.
Looking at the rune she traced it with her finger and figured it would have something to do with men or mom's or something since it was the letter M. Flipping through her book she blinked and started flipping again. She looked once, twice, and started a third time. Was this a joke? Did she not have a real rune? Did the professor put this on her desk as a joke?
She looked around to see if anyone else had a fake rune too.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
In answer to the professor's question... they only told her not to climb on the runestone after she'd already climbed on it. But she'd totally stopped immediately! Or... within the next five minutes or so. Half hour max.
But the professor didn't seem the type to really want details, especially when they were incriminating. So she'd just look at her desk.
With a giant X on it. X marks the spot. Treasure desk. Hello, treasure desk. Katy flipped open her book and poked through the alphabet, looking for her giant X. Not the half tree or the upside down half tree or the belly or the boomerang or the broken cross... and then she spotted it.
GEBO. Katy wrote it in big letters on her parchment, followed by the definitions from the book. Gifts. CONTRACTS. Partnerships.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Torrance poor decision to sit in the back row was clearly affecting him already. He was so focused on the Rune on the corner of his Desk he had neglected to write anything in his Notebook about whatever it was that Soks was talking about. He kept his head down and continued to trace the odd shape on the desk with his thumb. He wondered what it meant.
Entirely on his own he picked out his Runes textbook and found the Shape that was on the Desk.
Hmmm....'For acquiring land or property, to complete a project, to strengthen family ties.' That actually seemed pretty cool. Strengthening family ties even seemed like it was hitting too close to home. He glanced up at the Professor before looking down at his Textbook again. No way he knew where he was going to sit did he? No, he couldn't This class wasn't about to delve into his personal Life was it. He set the Book down on top of the Rune now because he didn't really want to think about it anymore.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura was still scribbling when she heard the Professor start to speak again, she looked up at him and nodded as he spoke and then she took out her textbook and then looked at the rune that was carved into her desk.
Huh.. A slanted backwards 7 thing
All right, she scanned through her textbook, because despite her Ravenclaw-ness she didn't know it off the top of her head. She moved her hand down a page and then grinned!
|G&T=<3|Snuggles her ALI!| <3's Saz |Master Lurker|
Listening to the Professor speak she felt so stupid how did she not realize that a rune was on her desk. Looking back up she scanned the room, wondering if Dora was in this class? She was wanting to bump into her again.
Squinting for her eye sight seemed to be a bit horrible lately, maybe it was the lack of sleep she moved her head closer to her desk.
"some bowtie looking thing... "
Quickly flipping though her book she scanned the pages, she stopped on the page with the funny looking bowtie.
"Dagaz......" some how the name of the rune didnt match the drawing of the rune but who was she going to judge, she wasnt around when this was made up.
Reading further she made some notes on her parchment
Originally Posted by Echo's Notes
Rune= Dagaz
Meaning= Day
Other meanings of the rune
*Good Fortune
very interesting it was kind of a really cool rune, full of good things. Nothing that was darkness this or darkness that. Pretty bright if you asked her.
lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
Of COURSE they could do more than blow things up. Charlotte nodded cheerfully at the professor's response to her answer.
What was Blaise on about? He hardly worked with her on things unless she FORCED him into working on his spellwork, and obviously even then he didn't like it. But Char just nodded to back him up. Sure sure. He could pretend like he knew all the things, that was cool. She was his friend. Loyalty. He could take some credit for her answer....
... but she WOULD make him actually learn something about it later soooooo it was TOTALLY GONNA BACKFIRE, BELLAIRE.
Professor Sokolov was talking a lot and she heard her name and that was cool but otherwise it was a LITTLE boring so far. She was glad she knew stuff already or she'd be super confused probably. Ok. Could they do some magic now please? Okay?
That one girl was asking if runes were used by muggles. Hadn't she been listening? Char had totes said that right? Right? Oh well. Not her problem. Wait, what were they supposed to be doing again?
Oh just looking up the rune on their desk? She looked at hers, it was Kenaz. So...
... oh she hadn't brought a textbook. Oh well. Didn't SUPER need one anyways. Char wrote down 'torches and fire, illuminating light and beacons (literal and figurative), forge stuff for blacksmiths and crafters, inspiration and creativity and artist stuff, passionate looooove and lust' aaaand then she did some Kenaz doodles all over her parchment. Yep. Those were all to do with the magic you could invoke with Kenaz.
It was a pretty cool rune.
love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you
Most of what the Professor was talking about, Trixie had heard before from her uncle but there was stuff in there that she had either forgotten about or had not deemed important enough. She quickly jotted down those points on her parchment for later reference.
At the mention of the Rune engraved into her desk, Trixie lent forward to look at what had been etched into the wood. Ooh and it was a good one.
SPOILER!!: Jera Rune
The cycle of life
Obtain goals
Jera sits in the second aett.
Putting down her quill, Trixie lent back in her chair with a slight smile on her face. She had managed to write about her Rune without having to look in her text book.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Jace tilted his head in curiousity, and wondered if his answer was entirely wrong. When the runes were given to him as a gift of wisdom and prophecy, somehow it’s technically Odin’s. Only those who are worthy were given that gift of knowledge and power. The third year simply shrugged off the unnecessary questioning inside his head and just went on with the activity. He’d wanted to know more about the rune on his desk which was...
The Eihwaz! Jace quietly flipped his book open and eagerly read what it meant. Notes and his interpretation were jotted down diligently as his usual.
SPOILER!!: Parchment
Jacen Riley Tamazaki – Reed
Year 3
Ancient Runes :: 18 September 2090
Magical Uses :: To bring about profound change, to ease a life transition.
Meaning :: “This rune is the turning point in the runic journey, and represents the transformation phase of the initiatory process. All rites of passage, particularly those marking the transition into adulthood, contain the symbolism of death, the idea being that one's former 'self' has died and given birth to a new persona. Eihwaz is the passage through which we must enter the realm of Hel in order to gain the knowledge and acceptance of our own mortality, as well as those mysteries which can only be learned from the dark Lady of the dead. The process is a truly frightening one, but it is something we all must go through if we are to confront our deepest fears and emerge with the kind of wisdom that cannot be taught but must be experienced. Eihwaz is the gateway to this wisdom, and lies between life (jera) and rebirth (perþ).”
Interpretation :: This rune represents going through great challenges and tests in one’s life. One must learn how to trust these trials, having faith that the end result will be for the betterment of one’s self. One must also have the patience while going through change so as to succeed in one’s “rebirth” or “transformation”.
Wait, was he meant to have that rune, considering that he chose that desk for the day? Could it be possible that the Eihwaz attracted him to it?
Very interesting.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
lala no I don't actually have a rune font on my computer :P
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Brooklyn had been listening, but that was about all she could say about the lesson. It was definitely reminding her of the parts of Arithmancy that had nearly made her drop the subject, but then of course they’d had to hire a new professor which meant she’d had to at least check out the class. It was exhausting, but then for the most part all she was concerned with was what she needed for exams, and mostly anything that would affect the possible going into potions. Therefore, she’d continued only taking down the briefest of notes, especially since she figured most of it was in the textbook so she really didn’t need to write it down.
Then Professor Sokolov had gone ahead and actually proven that it was all in their textbooks, which only proved her point. Notes weren’t needed, but she shifted the parchment she’d drawn the chart on over to the side so she could see the rune on her desk. It almost looked like an italic F, an F written by someone who was falling sideways or something. Flipping through the pages in her textbook, she scanned the runes until she found the one that seemed to match. Pulling the parchment back over, she scratched a few things down underneath the chart.
SPOILER!!: “notes”
magical uses: wise decisions, success, leadership, help with divination and magic
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
This professor wasn't the type to give out points was he? Mason didn't mind that though, it showed that he didn't reward anyone for saying simple answers, especially textbook ones people were supposed to know.
Still, the nod was returned with a small smile and as the lesson continued the fifth year opened his book yet again to find his own symbol that was carved on his desk which looked like the letter P. Flipping the pages, he found what he was looking for sooner than he thought.
For success in any endeavor, to motivate, to complete a task.
He read up more about the meaning of Wunjo and decided that he liked it. Did this mean the runes told him he was going to pass his O.W.Ls this year?
Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean
Okay. So Harriet was kind of struggling. Ancient Runes was hard. But she was a determined person, and she knew that she could do this. She just needed to look through her text book, and then try and pay a lot of attention. She wanted to be good at everything she did, but this subject was hard. It didn't mean she couldn't be good at it though. She just needed to try really hard.
Smiling, Hattie looked down at her desk to see what was carved in there. She ran her fingers over the rune, having a good look at it before opening her text book to find the rune that was in there. The rune kind of looked like a weird arrow shaped T. That was unusual. She kind of liked it though.
She carefully drew the rune onto her parchment, so that she would know which rune she had looked up. Now she needed to see what it meant. She leaned in, and read her textbook, and carefully made notes underneath her sketch of the rune.
SPOILER!!: Hattie's notes
Is called the tīwaz or teiwaz Rune
Has the following magical uses; Protection, victory, strength, strengthening the will, healing a wound.
That hadn't been that hard actually. Harriet made a mental note to have a good read of her textbook after the class. Maybe that would make her it a little easier for her in the next class.
It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain
♣ Heejin here | Did somebody say coffee & cakes? | cat lover ♣
As soon as the professor talked about the meaning of Elder Futhark it was Sean's cue to put some ink on his quill and start taking down some notes. Writing on the blank parchment he scribbled a few words that he could catch up from Professor Sokolov.
SPOILER!!: Sean's notes
Elder Futhark
oldest reconstructed form of the known runic alphabets.
The alphabet is divided into three sections or Aetts.
Getting back to the professor's question it was a good thing that he retained a few runic alphabet in his head such as how to spell his name. Yes, one semester he actually wrote his name in runic alphabet in his notebook. He knew very well what each letter meant. Who knew that one would help him? The letter in front of him is very much familiar. He added it in his notes.
SPOILER!!: Sean's notes
Elder Futhark
oldest reconstructed form of the known runic alphabets.
The alphabet is divided into three sections or Aetts.
Runic Alphabet:
Rune: Eihwaz
Magical uses: bring profound change, to ease a life transition
He tried pronouncing the word correctly, mumbling it under his breath "Ey-was?" or is it "Yew-waz?" or is it like "Eh-waz?" it's some sort of Asian calligraphy or you know, military code.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
He was taking lots of notes. These were all really interesting! Carl looked at the rune carved into his desk, before he focused on the board. Uruz, which strengthens the will and increases energy. He nodded - he got the hang of the first task.
The Third Year was sure he knew what his rune was called. It was... either Fehu or Fuhe. He glanced at his open textbook and grinned as he realised that he was correct. Well, half correct. "Fehu." He said to himself, reading the information that followed. It seemed to be mostly associated with money and luck. He noted down some things that he thought were important.
SPOILER!!: notes
- equivalent of F Magical Uses
- to find a job
- to achieve a goal
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle continued to take notes about the Elder Futhark until it was time to move on to the next topic. Now the professor addressed the random rune on each person's desk. She had been wondering what that was all about. Looking down, Janelle thought she recognized her rune, but decided it was best to consult her textbook........just in case.
Janelle browsed through the book, looking for the one shaped like a "less than" sign. When she found it, she began to smile. She was right. She did remember this particular rune, which was nothing short of a miracle. Kenaz, that's what it was. As she began to read about the rune, Janelle wondered if she had gotten that one for a reason. Could she keep this on her desk all year? The magical uses were definitely things that she could use help with, well most of them anyway. Picking up her quill again, Janelle began to write down information about her rune.
SPOILER!!: Janelle's notes
Magical uses: For creative inspiration, aid in study, fertility, dispelling anxiety and fear.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
They will be covering rune meanings. Owen can handle that. He had his book with him and a book!person next to him so he could now breathe more easily. Both figuratively and literally seeing his pants were much looser now. Moving on, there was a rune on his desk. Yes, Professor. He could see that. One that looks like a capital B.
That rune was called Berkana. Flipping through the pages of the book, Owen read a few words to himself, "The most obvious Truth is hidden deep within, and only you will ever know it." That sounded pretty cool. Then he copied down its listed magical uses.
SPOILER!!: Owen's notes
If there is an Elder Futhark, is there a Younger Futhark?
What I know about the Elder Futhark:
1. Ancient/old
2. Has more than 20 24? runes
3. Divided into aett (groups of 7 8?)
Rune in my desk:
Magical uses - healing, achieving conception, a fresh start
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Notes were being taken. Whether or not she was opening speaking an answer during a lesson wasn't all to important just so she was taking down notes and she understood what was going on. At least that's how she saw it. There was no sense in saying the same things over and over again, it wouldn't help anything. Therefore all that was being said around her was being written down onto her parchment in her fine delicate handwriting.
The lesson was moving on and Professor Sokolov was doing some more talking. Hady lifted her gaze slightly to look at the man as he went on talking about Runes. When told to identify the rune craved into their desks she pushed her parchment aside running the tip of her finger over the craving.
She actually knew this one. It didn't stop her from picking up her textbook however and flipping through it until she found the page containing runes. Skimming her finger down over the page she finally came to the one that was on her desk. Picking up her quill once more Hady added some more notes onto her parchment, including a sketch of the rune as well.
SPOILER!!: Notes!
Dagaz: (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Brooklyn had been listening, but that was about all she could say about the lesson. It was definitely reminding her of the parts of Arithmancy that had nearly made her drop the subject, but then of course they’d had to hire a new professor which meant she’d had to at least check out the class. It was exhausting, but then for the most part all she was concerned with was what she needed for exams, and mostly anything that would affect the possible going into potions. Therefore, she’d continued only taking down the briefest of notes, especially since she figured most of it was in the textbook so she really didn’t need to write it down.
Then Professor Sokolov had gone ahead and actually proven that it was all in their textbooks, which only proved her point. Notes weren’t needed, but she shifted the parchment she’d drawn the chart on over to the side so she could see the rune on her desk. It almost looked like an italic F, an F written by someone who was falling sideways or something. Flipping through the pages in her textbook, she scanned the runes until she found the one that seemed to match. Pulling the parchment back over, she scratched a few things down underneath the chart.
SPOILER!!: “notes”
magical uses: wise decisions, success, leadership, help with divination and magic
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Notes were being taken. Whether or not she was opening speaking an answer during a lesson wasn't all to important just so she was taking down notes and she understood what was going on. At least that's how she saw it. There was no sense in saying the same things over and over again, it wouldn't help anything. Therefore all that was being said around her was being written down onto her parchment in her fine delicate handwriting.
The lesson was moving on and Professor Sokolov was doing some more talking. Hady lifted her gaze slightly to look at the man as he went on talking about Runes. When told to identify the rune craved into their desks she pushed her parchment aside running the tip of her finger over the craving.
She actually knew this one. It didn't stop her from picking up her textbook however and flipping through it until she found the page containing runes. Skimming her finger down over the page she finally came to the one that was on her desk. Picking up her quill once more Hady added some more notes onto her parchment, including a sketch of the rune as well.
SPOILER!!: Notes!
Dagaz: (D: Day or dawn.) Breakthrough, awakening, awareness. Daylight clarity as opposed to nighttime uncertainty. A time to plan or embark upon an enterprise. The power of change directed by your own will, transformation. Hope/happiness, the ideal. Security and certainty. Growth and release. Balance point, the place where opposites meet. Dagaz Merkstave (Dagaz cannot be reversed, but may lie in opposition): A completion, ending, limit, coming full circle. Blindness, hopelessness.
Peeves was in ninja mode today. So that meant he dressed in his ninja costume and was in invisible mode. Nin Nin. He was floating above the class and looking for cause a little bit of fun. He picked two random students desk and floated below them careful not to go through any other students.
Nin Nin.
He start shaking the first ones desk for a little bit until he got and bored moved onto to another one and did the same thing.
Now time to leave before Mr. Sacks of Love gets angry at him.
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
Errr, okay. Genny was so relieved she didn't take this class, look at the weird symbols that were on the board. As if learning those long incantations wasn't enough now they had to learn a whole new language? She was glad she followed her heart and didn't take Runes.
Although now she was stuck in this class and there was no way of running out without alerting the professor and probably getting scolded- and while she didn't mind some scolding, she didn't want it to happen this early in the year. Wait, why was Brooklyn's desk in front of her shaking? She frowned... but also ceased the opportunity, "Brooklyn's desk is shaking! We must alert someone!" She jumped from her seat and posed bravely next to the older girl. This way she could 1) play the hero with the pretty girl 2) escape this lesson 3) have a fun story to tell Sam.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Oh so the dwarven runes.... were different from these here runes? Whoah could've fooled him-- in fact it did!
But right moving onto the carvings on their desk. And really if the Professor hasnt said so, Tenacius wouldve assumed that everybody had the same design carved onto their desks as the one he was looking at now-- which looked like a diamond. Or a square doing the pirouette. Or a kite that lost its tail--
-- Runes class Ace focus!
Magical meanings. Text book yes? Yes. So he flips it open and finally finds the page of his pirouetting square "Ingwaz" he murmured. Ok so diamond in the desk has a name. "Whaoh so thats what it does?--" oops why is he babbling out loud? Quill to ink pronto....
SPOILER!!: notes
Runes: Ingwaz
Magical uses:
gather / influence people/ community
brings something to a satisfactory end
to fix something so the benefits doesnt drain away
storage and transformation of power
symbol of fertility
Tenacius leaned back onto his seat. Well that was interesting reading, how he just randomly picked a seat and he gets this rune. Maybe the rune picked him eh eh? The wand chooses the wizard, the rune chooses the rugrat? Something like that.
And then he saw the desks shaking. And Genny suddenly jumping up and yelling. "Uh... earthquake?" Do they ever get earthquakes this far north?
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Too focused on his work, Jace didn't notice the sound of tables scratching against the floor, until a Gryffindor started jumping and yelling. The Ravenclaw looked up from his desk onto the two senior Slytherins, then to Ace.
"Mine didn't move." he said in a confused tone, and looked at the others. They all seem to be okay though. Besides, if they get earthquakes like the ones in Japan, everything will have to move. Not just two desks.
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Well her rune wasn’t Uruz…of that Cassie was sure. That didn’t stop her from copying it and the meaning the professor gave into her notes. Granted, he said it should all be in their texts, but it didn’t harm to have different wordings to help her understand better. With that done, she copied the rune on her desk top into her notes as well, careful to try and duplicate it as close as she could get it. To be honest, it kinda looked like an uppercase ‘C’ just with extra marks so maybe it was a coincidence she had picked the spot.
Now she just had to figure out its meaning. Grabbing her textbook, Cassie flipped through its pages to find the rune in question. Nope…not that one. Or that one. THERE! “Perdhro…” she mused to herself as she passed her glance between book and desk to verify its identity. With it being correct, the third year read just a little further out of curiosity before labeling the rune in her notes.
Hadley probably should have taken notes on what the other students had answered. Because apparently Char Kettleburn had a perfect answer, and Hadley couldn't remember a word of it. Oh well. The girl shrugged and glanced down at the rune carved into her desk. It looked like a Y with an extra bit to it.
Okay. So this should be easy enough. She flipped open her book and searched for the funky y rune. Elhaz, apparently. Means elk. She could see that. The rune did kinda look like antlers. She read on, jotting down notes on the rune as she did. It was all, rather, quite...boring. Which made the shaking desks all the more exciting and distracting when she was trying to concentrate.
SPOILER!!: notes
Elhaz. Means Elk.
Magical uses:
Strengthening personal luck and life force
communication with other worlds
receiving instruction on magical uses of the runes
Silas nodded. Yes, he took his answers from the textbook but he didn't think it mattered. How else was he supposed to learn? It was clearly written in their textbook. Professor wanted them to answer so he pretty much did. Anyway, professor asked them to identify the ruin. "Sowilo". It looked like a thunder bolt or a letter "S". Oh hey, his name started with the letter "S". Easy....
He noted down what the ruin alphabet meant. It represented the sun? Silas read further and noticed the word "fertility" in there. What? He couldn't help chuckle at that. Right. Focus, Silas!
Silas noticed a couple of student tables shook by itself. Huh? Earthquake?!
Last edited by Symphora; 09-10-2016 at 07:46 PM.
Reason: Typo
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
IF you believe in Divination??
As in, this man DIDN'T?
Alright, that was it. He was officially on her list of people she was not a fan of. She wanted to say something snarky back - because seriously, how did someone think that old LETTERS had any magical power? - but she didn't, because she was a smart girl and knew if she held her tongue, she wouldn't lose points. Scarlett was also not about to make this class harder for herself. Still - she didn't trust him at all now. Nope. Did he have any idea who he was talking to?! Who her father was?? Obviously not.
Biting her lip, she looked down at her desk and examined the rune she had before flipping through her book and raising her hand. "I have Gebo, which looks like a big X. It stands for gifts and generosity, and interestingly, it can't be reversed. Cause it's an X," she added. Ok, that bit WAS actually interesting.
What was this about people's desks moving? Huh. Scarlett's hadn't. Weird. Maybe they were accidentally casting their runes while researching and mumbling under their breath while taking notes. It was possible, right?
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid