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A bit confused about the plot? Housemates talking about a mysterious something going bump in the night? Here's where you can catch up on happenings around the castle and in Hogsmeade -- out of character, of course.
This means that unless your student character heard this stuff from other students or witnessed the actual event, your student character doesn't know about it.
Also, this is a reminder to everyone to only post updates on the school plot here. Please do not post the happenings of your student character in here; that kind of chat goes in the school chat thread.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Board of Governors President - Cassandra Rae-Branxton (Cassirin) Vice President - Ivy Knox (sarahlooo) Treasurer - Harold Lagerty (Harold Lagerty) Secretary - Carter Phillips (LilFox06)
Althea Scabior (Tegz)
Atticus Aldredge (AlwaysSnapesGirl)
Sherman Clark (lemon)
Corineus Vanderbilt (Steelsheen)
Cooper Cope (Hera)
Erik Vinteren (Erik Vinteren)
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Headmaster - Mohamed Sahnoun
School Staff Ancient Runes – VACANT Arithmancy - Prof. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037)) Astronomy - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie) CoMC - Prof. James Draper (ArianaBlack) Charms – Prof. Julien Primeaux (Bazinga) DADA - Prof. Roderik Hirsch (hermionesclone) Divination - Prof. Sora Yoon (RandonRaven) Herbology - Prof. Paul Myers (kayquilz) History of Magic – Prof. Ansley Finch (emjay) Muggle Studies – Prof. Kaysha Stewart (FearlessLeader19) Potions - Prof. Arthur Newton (Jessiqua) Transfiguration – Prof. Nana Ichihara (nicole black) Flying - Prof. Tiara Tanner (hpluvr037) Groundskeeper – Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter) Librarian - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) School Healer (Nurse) – Mrs. Cecelia Murdoch (The1HBIC)
School Poltergeist - Peeves School Ghost - Moaning Myrtle House Elves – Algamus, Argyle, Beezley, Nimma, Pips, Quirly, Schmoop, Tinka, Tippin, Toddles
Head Boy – Henric Nicolei (Symphora) Head Girl – Penelope Wright (griffin)
Gryffindor House Ghost - Sir "Nearly Headless" Nick Head of House - Prof. Airey Flamsteed (sweetpinkpixie) House Prefects - Franklin Paton (Zoe), Kaycee Richards (Lilfox06)
Hufflepuff House Ghost - The Fat Friar Head of House - Prof. Paul Myers (kayquilz) House Prefects – Henric Nicolei (Symphora), Norah L. Kittredge (Sararara)
Ravenclaw House Ghost - The Grey Lady Head of House - Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) House Prefects – Rooney Bronwyn (Shanners), Penelope Wright (griffin)
Slytherin House Ghost - The Bloody Baron Head of House - Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter) House Prefects – Hugo Foster (WeasleyGirl), Dot Wojack (Cassirin)
Gobstones Club – Mr. Leobald Kitridge (Nordic Witch) and Mr. Justin I. McLeod (Charely Potter)
Hogsmeade Shopkeepers Dervish & Banges – Saul Bunyons Gladrag’s Wizardwear – Summer Longshadow Hog’s Head Pub – Samuel Huxley Honeydukes – Maisie Windell Madam Puddifoots – Sapphira Puddifoot The Three Broomsticks – Harold Lagerty Scrivenshaft’s – Edina Fairbairn Simply Stylish Salon – Monte Bossa Zonko’s Joke Shop – Emerald McDougal
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Dem Carters | even 🕊🕊 have pride | | Expecto PAWtronum 🐈 | U-NA-GI
Cat in the Great Hall!
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Before anyone arrived in the hall, a medium-sized cat with large ears casually made its way between the tables before pausing at the top of the dais. Its tail swayed excitedly as it looked back at the empty tables soon to be filled with students. If someone had been present and noticed the mammal, they would have been very perplexed for two reasons: firstly, this was no creature native to Britain, and, secondly, it seemed to be reciting something. Four quiet meows escaped its mouth before it looked away, quite satisfied with itself.
With it having long legs, it didn't take long for the wild cat to make its way beneath the staff table and jump onto the middle seat with purpose. Dark brown eyes fixated on the empty tables as the cat's tail swiftly moved back and forth as it patiently waited.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Only those close enough to the cat would have been able to observe its eyes scan the length of the hall and glance to the side whenever a professor arrived to the dais. For the most part, it appeared to be rather amused with everything that was happening in the hall – especially when the astronomer dropped a box in front of it and made a mad dash for one of the tables. Besides its wandering eyes and the occasional ear twitch, the cat (even when the groundskeeper rubbed the top of its head with his finger) remained quite still.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Originally Posted by Mohamed Sahnoun
Suddenly, without warning, the cat stood up on all four paws and let out a loud cry. Those at the back of the hall were unlikely to hear it, but the staff and those with attentive ears at the front of the four House tables surely would have heard. It was time.
The pattern of the serval's fur began to expand, its ears grew small, its body quickly increased in size. Mere moments later, the African wild cat that was casually perched on the chair was no more. Now standing, looking out at the students, was a tall man clad in an orange-patterned cotton top. He smiled at those who had watched him return to his human form. Standing briefly in silence, he waited for those students at the dais to return to their seats before speaking.
"Good evening. I would like to welcome each of you, old and new, to Hogwarts. Before I introduce myself, it has come to my attention dat dere are two new staff members dis term: Professah Yoon, who will be teaching Divination, and Professah Stewart, who will be teaching Muggle Studies. Please join me in welcoming dese ladies as dey each begin deir journey here at dis legendary school."
He clapped his hands together, shifting his posture first toward Professor Yoon and then at Professor Stewart. He gave each woman a courteous nod of his head before he faced the students again.
"As you all can see, your da'ling Headmistress Moxley is not standing in front of you today. Da International Confederation of Wizards has arranged an exchange program for da headmastahs and headmistresses at each of da eleven major wizarding schools to promote international cooperation and broaden our own pedagogical perspectives," he explained with a warm smile, pausing to let his words sink in. "My name is Headmastah Sahnoun, and I taught alchemy at Uagadou School of Magic for twenty years before I became headmastah several years ago. Even dough I am far from my homeland, I am so glad to be joining you at Hogwarts dis term."
He paused again, only this time to feel his stomach churn. The smile on his face grew wider, knowing that everyone else must have been just as hungry. A low chuckle escaped his lips.
"I am sure dat you all have grown tired of listening to an old man ramble, so I will leave it at dat. Welcome to Hogwarts, and ready yourself for a year filled with many learning opportunities. Now, let us eat ... or, as we say at Uagadou, hebu kula!" The man then clapped his hands together and took his seat as food of all varieties appeared.
And here is our HeadMEOWster!
(And food. Which are we really more excited about?)
Welcome to Hogwarts, Headmaster Sahnoun! We hope we don't scare you off.
So, um...we have a little.............pickpocket problem O__O
Originally Posted by Niffler
Sniff, sniff, sniff!!
Long, pointed noses sniffed the air in search of shiniieeeeessssssssss.
Where were the shinies? The small herd of her-black snifflers nudged and shoved their companions in their hurried scampered search. They crawled, wiggled and made way into the playground filled with kiddies.
Kiddies always had shinies. One Niffler, a bit slimmer and faster than it's fellows, walked up to two females kiddies making quite a bit of noise. The Niffler sniffed at one of the girl's (Esme's) ankles before it's long nose reached up and into the girl's pocket to rummage through it's contents.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
There are nifflers digging holes, peeing, and destroying things in the Slytherin boys dorms.
Originally Posted by Niffler
It was a wonder the niffler!herd had made it down to
the dungeons, but there were suuuuuure to shinies down here, surely? Studentsies always had shiny things...and so many of them, too.
They thundered into the Slytherin dorm, heading into whichever room they could get into, the boys' dorms it seemed, and began to sniff around a few of the rooms with much determination to find SHINIES.
Turned over trunks, digging holes in beds, and one niffler even peed in the corner of the room! Did someone have a feather pillow? Because feathers were now everywhere. A niffler had its nose in one of the boy's drawers, digging in its contents for shinies.
OOC: There's a small herd of them making chaos around here. Feel free to interact with them whatever age your Slytherin is, whichever dorm he is in. Also, feel free to say the nifflers have ruined something of your child's if you want!
zee nifflers strike again! this time in the HEADMASTER'S OFFICE O__O
Originally Posted by Niffler
The small stampede of nifflers that had run from the Slytherin dorm had sniffed their way here.
The headmaster's office.
With the stairway left ajar, and the office door left open by someone (the nifflers didn't care) the animals pelted into the office, SMELLLLLLLLLLLING the shinies as soon they got in.
Hope the headmaster didn't mind his nice things being ruined because there was utter chaos in his office right now.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Something strange is happening in the Forbidden Forest Come and see.....
In the middle of the December day the sun was shining, air was cold, and it seemed like a peaceful moment on the grounds. Though it was daylight a greenish glow started to be seen through the trees of the forest.
The glow seemed to be the start, but it wasn't all that was new with the forest. An eerie but hypnotic lullaby could soon be heard.
Torie stumbled through the Great Hall not really paying close attention to where he was going but his dull, blank eyes definitely searching for something. Gold he mumbled as he jerked a little as he stumbled forward slowly. Torie find gold he mumbled looking for anything shiny. Whether it be a necklace someone was wearing or a ring on their fingers or bracelet on their wrist.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Julien does not enjoy scratching at his office door Haddie. What is going on?
Rattle! Rattle! Rattle! The door wasn't opening. Book. Spell. Eyes glazed, unresponsive; body stiff and awkward, Hadley Denaker was either asleep or undead. Either way she was clumsily trying to get into Professor Primeaux's office.
Book. Spell. Spell. Book.
Spell book. Scratch scratch scratch. The unresponsive girl was now trying to claw her way into his office. If she thought anything, it seemed perhaps that what she was looking for might be in there. But Hadley wasn't really thinking, just running on instinct. Spells. Charms. Primeaux. Book. "Booooook." Scratch, scratch. Claw, claw. BASH! BASH! BASH! She was determined to get in the office and search.
FIRST, we got these guys having a party or something in the Armour Gallery:
Originally Posted by Niffler
All that noise was coming from inside the Armour Gallery. The clashing of metal on metal could probably be heard from anywhere in the corridor, and maybe even from the stairs.
The nifflers were having a ball with all that SHIIIIIINY.
and THEN these are the CREEPY!STUDENT posts happening in Paul's part of the world and mERLIN WHAT IS GOING ON HE IS SO WORRIED.
SPOILER!!: Students
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Yes.. Yes...
Azura.. must find.. Pretty.. Here?
Be here?
The teen lumbered into the Greenhouses.. her eyes lazily searching for..
Must.. Find.. Azura must find..
Find Red..
She stiffly turned around and moved jerkily forward.. Find flowerrrssss..
Pretty flowersss..
She moved forward and grabbed a handful of roses..
She turned and wandered off.. flowers still in her hand..
Originally Posted by Squishy
Book was somewhere...
Walking stiffly into the greenhouse, Esme knocked plants over. Searching in soil. Book need be SOMEWHERE here. Need to. No luck... might be on table. Or flower beds. Keep looking until find book.
Flowers ripped out of pots and others tossed as they were. Esme ignore sounds of shattering clay pots. Not important. Only book important. Where? Where book??? Not seeing it anywhere... Wander to another table and keep looking. Dig up more flowers. Looking in soil.
Had to be hidden in soil.
Had to.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Need Rose Thorns!
Kitty needed thorns. The light - the song, needed them.
She had already crawled through the garden. Next she came to the professor's office. Still on her knees.
Knock. Knock.
Kitty knocked weekly on his door. Vaguely she was aware that he might know where rose thorns were. She knew they were here, but she wanted to find them quickly.
"Kitty wants thorns!"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
It seems like the Nifflers have hit the Ravenclaw Girl's dorms too
Originally Posted by Niffler
Their journey through the castle to find shinies (and ALLLLLLLLLL shinies of ALLLLLLLL sizes, mind you) had been long. But up in the towers they had come, and it was in the Ravenclaw dorms where their noses led them to next.
Up up up up up UP THE STEPS.
This human dwelling smelled better than than the last one. There were also many more shinies to sniff out, and the nifflers began to file into the different rooms, digging into chests of drawers, trunks, pillow, under beds, and more important, chewing holes in clothes to GET TO DA SHINIESSSSSS.
A butterfly hairclip?
All belonged to the nifflers now. But they kept sniffing for MOREEEEE.
Originally Posted by Niffler
The little niffler didn't stand a chance. Petrified. It turned as rigid as stone, making a small noise before being rendered completely....still.
One of its companions followed suit, not really concerned with his pal but more concerned with finding LE SHINIES. It ignored the human in the human!bed and went riiiiiiiiight for the trunks, sniffing at it with eagerness.
Originally Posted by Niffler
The few nifflers currently ransacking this human's dorm all turned their heads at once when the glitter appeared on the floor. They ran as QUICKLY as they could towards SHIIIIIIIIIIINY.
However, the glitter dissipated as the snifflers ran towards it, the air pushing it out of a pile of glitter and more of a scatter of glitter. The snifflers became uninterested in it, and they had thus far been able to escape the cages the human sent their way.
Butterfly clip in its mouth, along with its fellows and their various booty they had managed to plunder from the dorm, they made their exit.....
The one was petrified under the other human's bed.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Originally Posted by ACROMANTULAS!
Scampering out from the colony's den deep within the forest, Aletag waved his large hairy legs in the air towards Hogwarts castle...where the preciouses were kept.
Slow roasted juicy goodness!
Goodness that MUST be protected!
Taking several more hurried steps out of the forest and into the light, his thick legs sinking into the snow and abdomen leaving a wide trail as he moved, he moved towards the castle on an urgent mission.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Out of the forest and around the lake he gooooooooooes with eight tree trunk legs moving as swiftly as possible through the snow. Aletag decided then and there that he much rather preferred spring at Hogwarts, despite his late mother's invasion attempt somewhat tainting the season...but it would be far too late were he to wait until then to seek out the humanfolk of Hogwarts and deliver relay his concerns.
Now WHERE were the humanfolk?
"DWELLERS OF THE CASTLE! I SEEK YOUR COUNSEL NOT YOUR FLESH!" the acromantula shouted, front legs waving in the air wildly to draw even more attention to his large black body.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
An update on Aletag:
Originally Posted by ACROMANTULAS!
Leave it to humanfolk to follow the spiders loud noises.
"Would be better if I had a whole roasted turkey within my pincers," Aletag replied, clicking them together eagerly. "But can't complain otherwise."
And ever so kind of her not to draw her stick on him. Aletag noticed movement just a bit in the distance...the form of another human leaping behind a tree, but thought nothing more of it. "Though...you could tell your friend they can come out from behind that tree," he added as he approached her closer.
Aletag clicked his pincers together eagerly at the human girl's (FwooperOnYourLeft) offer. "That would be splendid!"
With the promise of a whole roasted turkey on the horizon, his previous precious long gone now, the acromantula was about to leap hairy legs first into his dramatic retelling of events when more humanfolk (Jean Granger) began showing up.
Was that some sort of human riddle?
"The sky? Clouds?" Human intellect was something that remained a bit of a mystery to his kind.
OH LOOK! Even more reinforcements (Callie & Nymphadoraliz)! Shouting ones. But at least they were all keeping their sticks to themselves? Or did humanfolk at Hogwarts no longer carry their sticks with them?
"Eat you? I've never acquired the taste of human flesh, unlike my predecessors and some of my brothers and sisters." Like his dearly departed mother. "The alliance between my colony and Hogwarts prohibits us from it." An alliance that he was coming to honor now so the shouting could stop, yeah? "Strange happenings in the forest these days....very strange...including unusual movements by some of our co-residents. I've come to offer my assistance in their removal."
And maybe a snack. Not turkey exclusive.
Originally Posted by ACROMANTULAS!
SPOILER!!: humanfolk humanfolk humanfooooooooolk!
Azula (FwooperOnYourLeft)...Coral (Jean Granger)...humanfolk had funny sounding names.
"I am known as Aletag," he greeted, clicking his pincers together several times. THE TREE WAS TALKING TO HIM NOW?! Wait no...more humanfolk (Deezerz) hanging from the tree. Twas a bit hard for the spider to position himself to see this one, but the lack of visual contact did not impede his hearing. "Are humanfolk always so hostile?" he inquired. Genuinely curious. If he had wanted to eat any of them...he would have by now. "You speak of the time when Mother ran our colony. Things are different now."
Headmaster? Aletag lifted two of his great hair legs into the air and formed an X shape across his front, his abdomen wiggling a bit and knocking into one of the humans (littledhampir). "Entirely unnecessary unless the lot of you feel that tracking down a pack of nifflers too difficult a task for wizarding blood like yourselves." Which about summed up all the humanfolk's questions, yes? "We noticed unnatural behavior some time ago and then disappeared from the forest entirely. You haven't happen to have seen any recently, have you? I would very much like to escort them home."
And have a snack.
The acromantula briefly looked to the human (Nymphadoraliz) and their final question. "Perhaps. We have not seen it...but we sense it."
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
Um "she" is in high demand at the Headmaster's Trophy Room Party.
Anyone know where we can find "her"?
SPOILER!!: ''SHE'S'' driving them mad
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
Finishing up his brownie with one last swallow, the Astronomy professor looked down at Pebbles and gave her leash a little tug. "No need to be shy now, Miss Darcy is asking how you are doing," he grinned at the rock. But since she seemed a bit too tongue-tied to answer, he would do that for her. "She is doing quite well, thank you for asking."
Plantain chip moving towards his lips, Airey paused and wiggled the food in Mr. Song's direction. "Plantain chip. They aren't so ba----"
Oh...that was...what was THAT feeling?
His stomach was doing some sort of funny little dance that then turned into a jig that then turned into A TANGO OF DESIRE.
Pushing his way past people as he frantically moved about the room, his eyes wildly fell on Miss Kennedy. Was there anything he liked in particular? HA....HAHAHAHAHAHA. "OF COURSE THERE IS!" he declared. Sweet solstice what an absurd question to ask of a man obviously infatuated. "Yes, yes you can. MAKE ME A MAP TO HER!"
"No time for visits, Headmaster," the astronomer said with a dismissive hand wave right in the man's face. He had more IMPORTANT things to do.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" he demanded of the man, arms reaching out and firmly grasping him by the shoulders and shaking him. Which really resulted in the Astronomy professor shaking himself given his gangly form compared to the Jupiter sized shoulders of Professor Draper.
He failed to even notice Miss Wojack-Gusey throwing the trophy at his prefect. Far too concerned on shaking extracting all the information out of James that he could. If he could rule out the grounds now...then he could find her FASTER and more EFFICIENTLY.
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Dot glanced at her fingertips, checking that they were clear of any stickiness, and her stomach gurgled. Oh, embarrassing. She wasn't even hungry after that snack. In fact, she felt a bit off. Flushed, stomach unsettled, her fingers were tingling, her tongue... well, it was fine. Her tongue was just being very tongue-like at the moment. But the rest of her felt off. Not sick, exactly, but just... bereft. Like she would never be happy again, not if she didn't fill the hole opening up in her heart.
She glanced around the room, trying to be subtle, trying to find the source of this well of unhappiness, but all she was were more miserable saps like herself. All in search of a beloved one. All looking for... wait! What was Paton doing? What if he was searching for the same beloved one that Dot was searching for?
"KEEP YOUR GRUBBY HANDS OFF HER, PATON." She grabbed up the nearest trophy and flung it at his head. That'll show him.
Originally Posted by Zoe
Why wasn't Hady helping him in his search for her? What the bloody hell! Frankie gave her a look before quickly looking away again. Well, if she wasn't going to help him, then he was going to have to find his one true love on his own. How rude!
And how rude of Draper to be standing in his way. Frankie tried leaning to look past him with no success. "Dude, you're standing in the way! Can't you see I'm looking for someone very special?" Where was she? Why was the Creatures professor asking him if everything was alright when it was obvious that the blond's hair was on point and he never felt better in his life? The prefect gasped. Did he lock her up somewhere? "WHERE IS SHE?! IF YOU DID ANYTHING TO HER, I WILL --"
OOMPH! Out of nowhere, a trophy was flung at him. Fortunately it ended up hitting him in the gut, but it still hurt. But not as much as the empty space in his aching heart. The trophy clanged to the floor, and it registered in his mind that Dot was telling him to keep his hands off of her. Oh no she didn't!
"BUZZ OFF, GINGER! SHE'S MINE!" he shouted, not hearing a single word the Divination professor was saying. The prefect then grabbed Hady's plate and starting throwing whatever was left on it at Dot. She wouldn't want to be with anyone who was covered in food. "SHE IS MINE I TELL YA! MINE!"
Originally Posted by Ameh
There was a vague moment of being split between horrifying half-recognition and the sudden onset of other feelings, and then it was gone. Everything was gone. His life, his love, his happiness. There was one thing that was everything good in this world, and she was not here with him. The small Slytherin's skin was practically buzzing with sudden, unquenchable need. He looked around hurriedly, at the bodies that filled the small space, and... realising almost immediately that she would not be there, and that there were others who would try to steal her away from him should they find her first...
The diminutive second year let his glazed eyes roll toward the door and, with a look of the most lovesick preteen in the world plastered across his face, headed toward it, moving fairly fast.
She had to be around somewhere.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
From the Forest!
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Something suddenly cracked within the forest, Was it a fallen tree branch being stepped on? Or something worse? The small boy was being watched. Another crunch of leaves proved something was indeed there and moving closer. The sight of the professor made the forest go still. It watched cautiously for a moment before silently retreating further into the forest. This could work to an advantage.
Soon music was softly coming from the forest. The same hypnotizing song that had danced from the branches before. The forest started to glow and became inviting as if singing come all children, come and see.
Puff by day, snake by night | Mj's bestie | Always UP to Something...
Guys!!! The Hag!!
Originally Posted by hag
From somewhere deep inside the Forbidden Forest, the hag stepped out. She closed her eyes and inhaled the delicious scent, taking it in to the very bottom of her lungs and holding it there before she exhaled.
Delicious children.
It was hard to stay away from them, it was. She quietly stepped closer to the grounds and tore a few leaves off some nearby trees, sniffed them then threw them away. They definitely weren't what she needed. The scent of children was close, just not close enough. But it wouldn't be long to wait. Oh no.
With a wicked grin directed towards the castle, the hag turned and disappeared back into the Forbidden Forest.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
LEOBALD KITRIDGE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY OFFICE? Sora is totally not pleased with this
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch
Leo trudged slowly up the stairs to the Divination Tower. His head titled at a weird angle as he moved stiffly towards Sora's office. Surely she had to have a tarot deck and a crystal ball in her office? A place for Divination!
Many minutes later he entered Sora's quiet office and started to rummage through the books on the mahogany bookshelves, tossing books clumsily over his shoulder as he repeated quietly to himself "Must find tarot cards and a shiny, shiny ball of glass." hihi.
Moving over to cabinet Leo thrust open the doors to it and started to threw out tea bags carelessly around muttering. "Not ball, not cards. Must find them."
Laughing to himself the librarian with over glazed eyes was slowly turning Sora's office into a gigantic mess.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Originally Posted by The Narrator
There's a very good reason for that stuck and sinking feeling once someone steps foot into the swamp. It seems the swamp has been filled with quicksand, slowly holding fast to legs and limbs before slowly pulling them down under.
How will the professor and student get out of this predicament? Best not to fight against it too much. The more you struggle, the faster it will pull you down.
Originally Posted by The Narrator
The moving staircase was a naturally occurring phenomenon at Hogwarts and something most students and staff were used to happening. Although it could be annoying for some people and fun for others, most just accepted it as the norm. But what happened next wasn't so usual for the stairs.
As the young Ravenclaw's foot stepped on just the right spot on a specific step, the stairs folded down into a giant slide! Anyone not holding on tight for dear life would surely go tumbling down. But why not make the most of the fun and SLIDE DOWN THE STAIRS? Hopefully your classes were downstairs and not upstairs.
Better step out of the way, Professor Stewart. Someone might slide into you and knock you down.
The 43rd terms Gobstones Championship winners are GRYFFINDOR ! Congrats to the lions for winning and thank you all houses for participating in the matches! Gobstones doesn't run without you. We hope you'll come back to play with us and to win the cup again for your houses next term!
Final Gobstones Club standings: 1st place: Gryffindor 2nd place: Ravenclaw 3rd place: Slytherin 4th place: Hufflepuff
It was time for her revenge and to find The Book of Mysteria that her hypnotized children couldn't find. She should have eaten them for failing and if she found them she would eat them.
Now she had to do double the work.
First though she was hungry and she could smell children. She slipped through the grounds until she came to the courtyard and saw a student (Hadleigh) alone. Sniffing the air she couldn't help her self and took of jumping and grabbing the student.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin