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Clearly the girl was rather amused by having terrified her but Esme wasn't really bothered. They didn't know each other and it seemed rather silly to get hot and bothered over the issue when really she was just glad that she hadn't been landed on. Now THAT would have been a lot worse since she was small. Would have needed the Healer then. As it was, she shrugged the whole thing off. "It's alright."
At least she wasn't being stared at anymore because that always made Esme feel self-conscious like she had a big zit on her forehead or something. "Hey, Dora. I am in Hufflepuff, yes. You're in Gryffindor?" There weren't too many Lions that she was familiar with but she did know some.
Amused indeed. VERY Amused. But to be fair, Dora would have been amused whether she knew the other girl or not. HEHEHE.
But as it were, she did try to compose herself and like a normal human being. For a moment. "
Cool. Thanks." It was really nice of her to shake it off like that. Some people were too uptight sometimes, so she was always pleased to meet some chill people.
Yes, I am in Gryffindor," she said with a hint of misery in her tone. Some days she wished she hadn't been placed there. Maybe she would have been better off in Slytherin. UGH. If only she could go back to the sorting and try again. "
Do you like Hufflepuff?" Same went for her, really. She didn't know a lot of Puffs, so she was always curious if other houses liked their own.