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Since it's first discovery in the 2050s, the treehouse has maintained its presence throughout the years with upkeep and improvements thanks to the many Groundskeepers. A massive tree houses a wooden fort that sits high up in its branches. A rope ladder automatically descends down upon approach. Once inside you are greeted with a spacious place to lounge, much larger than the exterior leads on.
Whether you choose to bird watch, study or simply relax with friends, this place makes it easier with the mini fridge that refills with cool beverages, thanks to Mr. McLeod. If you happen to slip, don't worry, you are greeted with a bouncing charm on the ground keeping you safe and free to climb back up again.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
A part from the courtyard, the tree house was Bentley's favourite place to shoot from. He could basically see everything across the grounds from where he was. The zoom on his camera handled the rest. After plopping down and unpacking by his favourite window, Bentley brought his baby camera up to his eyes and began focusing on the Whomping Willow. He needed to get that bird as soon as it got close enough for the willow to smack it into smithereens.
Why didn't those silly birds ever learn? He shook his head and focused the camera once again.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
A part from the courtyard, the tree house was Bentley's favourite place to shoot from. He could basically see everything across the grounds from where he was. The zoom on his camera handled the rest. After plopping down and unpacking by his favourite window, Bentley brought his baby camera up to his eyes and began focusing on the Whomping Willow. He needed to get that bird as soon as it got close enough for the willow to smack it into smithereens.
Why didn't those silly birds ever learn? He shook his head and focused the camera once again.
Hagan wanted to be outside. The way the munchkin cat dashed straight at the doors when they reached the Great Hall had proved as much. Really Hady couldn't blame him at all. It was a beautiful day so she went along with it and pushed open the door letting them both outside. Her feet instantly began making their way towards one of her many spots, The Tree House. From up there she could relax, enjoy the wonderful breeze and keep an eye on her cat playing below. Or sleeping. Whichever he choose to do this day.
As she walked the friendly fluff ball in question padded along at her side. Wondering if Hagan would indeed play Hady pulled her wand from the holster on her wrist as they drew closer to the tree house. A small wave and whispered incantation later and small butterflies burst forth from her wand tip taking flight only to be directed around as she moved her wand through the air. Hagan taking notice at first looked bored but when one of the winged beauties came just above his head the cat pawed at it before leaping about in very poor attempts to catch one.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Hagan wanted to be outside. The way the munchkin cat dashed straight at the doors when they reached the Great Hall had proved as much. Really Hady couldn't blame him at all. It was a beautiful day so she went along with it and pushed open the door letting them both outside. Her feet instantly began making their way towards one of her many spots, The Tree House. From up there she could relax, enjoy the wonderful breeze and keep an eye on her cat playing below. Or sleeping. Whichever he choose to do this day.
As she walked the friendly fluff ball in question padded along at her side. Wondering if Hagan would indeed play Hady pulled her wand from the holster on her wrist as they drew closer to the tree house. A small wave and whispered incantation later and small butterflies burst forth from her wand tip taking flight only to be directed around as she moved her wand through the air. Hagan taking notice at first looked bored but when one of the winged beauties came just above his head the cat pawed at it before leaping about in very poor attempts to catch one.
A break in the silence drew Bentley's attention away from the Willow to the source of the sound. The sharp clicks of his camera sounded in rapid succession once he focused on the cat and the butterflies, then eventually the owner of the cat [he presumed].
"Let me have some more butterflies," he said while squinting through his camera, lens focused on the cat and the butterflies. "Thaaaat's it...that's it....perfect!." He pulled the camera away from his eyes and looked at what he had gotten.
"Not bad."
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
A break in the silence drew Bentley's attention away from the Willow to the source of the sound. The sharp clicks of his camera sounded in rapid succession once he focused on the cat and the butterflies, then eventually the owner of the cat [he presumed].
"Let me have some more butterflies," he said while squinting through his camera, lens focused on the cat and the butterflies. "Thaaaat's it...that's it....perfect!." He pulled the camera away from his eyes and looked at what he had gotten.
"Not bad."
Hadleigh laughed softly shaking her head at her own cat. "Silly boy," she whispered softly wrinkling her nose a little bit. She had almost forgotten about the Mandrake leaf which was being held inside her mouth. Almost. It wasn't to difficult to forget when she wasn't speaking or eating. Only two more weeks left though and she would be finished with this part of the training. Two weeks that she wished would hurry up.
Pushing the thought of training from her mind the brunette focused on her cat leaping about. She angled the butterflies just out of the cats reach to make him move and run about, the voice from above catching her attention. Tilting her head to look around it took but a moment to spot the boy with the camera from up in the tree house. Butterflies? Had he been taking pictures of her cat and the butterflies? She tilted her head questioningly at him.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by Kolyander
Hadleigh laughed softly shaking her head at her own cat. "Silly boy," she whispered softly wrinkling her nose a little bit. She had almost forgotten about the Mandrake leaf which was being held inside her mouth. Almost. It wasn't to difficult to forget when she wasn't speaking or eating. Only two more weeks left though and she would be finished with this part of the training. Two weeks that she wished would hurry up.
Pushing the thought of training from her mind the brunette focused on her cat leaping about. She angled the butterflies just out of the cats reach to make him move and run about, the voice from above catching her attention. Tilting her head to look around it took but a moment to spot the boy with the camera from up in the tree house. Butterflies? Had he been taking pictures of her cat and the butterflies? She tilted her head questioningly at him.
How lucky was he to have a subject just stroll on down to him. Granted he did come down to the grounds to take pictures of birds getting beat up by the willow, but this was an easier subject for you.
Packing up his stuff, Bentley made his way down the tree house and to the base of the tree so he could make the acquaintance of his new subjects.
"Errrm....hello...I'm Bentley." And I'm going to take tons of pictures of you and your cat now. Ha!
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
It was a rather nice day outside, so Esme had decided that she would head out and enjoy the nice weather as well as get some fresh air.
She had spent a few hours napping and then got a snack from the kitchens so she was in a good mood as she made herself along the grounds. The thoughts of what had happened to her earlier this term were still there - as was her worry about her father - but she had been keeping herself busy as much as possible. It was in dreams that she felt everything the most but then she couldn't escape from her subconscious. Siiiigh.
Making her way up the latter, she was a little disappointed to see that the place was completely deserted. Part of her had hoped that one of her friends or her sister would be around so that she could talk to them. Oh well, she would be seeing Juno later and maybe she could find Oliver and see what he was up to. Esme really liked hanging out with him.
It was a rather nice day outside, so Esme had decided that she would head out and enjoy the nice weather as well as get some fresh air.
She had spent a few hours napping and then got a snack from the kitchens so she was in a good mood as she made herself along the grounds. The thoughts of what had happened to her earlier this term were still there - as was her worry about her father - but she had been keeping herself busy as much as possible. It was in dreams that she felt everything the most but then she couldn't escape from her subconscious. Siiiigh.
Making her way up the latter, she was a little disappointed to see that the place was completely deserted. Part of her had hoped that one of her friends or her sister would be around so that she could talk to them. Oh well, she would be seeing Juno later and maybe she could find Oliver and see what he was up to. Esme really liked hanging out with him.
Dora was there. She was simply HIDING, and clearly she was doing it WELL! Hahahahah!
After watching the other girl for a few minutes she jumped from the top of the treehouse onto the balcony there. Like RIGHT beside the other girl. RIGHT. BESIDE. HER.
"Who are you?" she asked rather bluntly, eyes wide and staring at the girl... because that was what she did.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by Davvy_Wavvy
How lucky was he to have a subject just stroll on down to him. Granted he did come down to the grounds to take pictures of birds getting beat up by the willow, but this was an easier subject for you.
Packing up his stuff, Bentley made his way down the tree house and to the base of the tree so he could make the acquaintance of his new subjects.
"Errrm....hello...I'm Bentley." And I'm going to take tons of pictures of you and your cat now. Ha!
Butterflies still took flight in the path of her fur baby, the cat swatting at them but always missing. It was a good thing really for she didn't exactly want to see her cat capture and then torment a beautiful creature or well any creature really for that matter. Except maybe spiders cause she could very easily do without those.
Hady watched the younger boy make his way down from the tree house towards her and Hagan. The whole time she eyed him and the camera he was carrying. So his name was Bentley hmm. Sounded familiar but not much. Using her tongue she pushed the mandrake leaf to the inside of her cheek before talking. "Hady," which was her obviously. Then a flourish of her hand was given towards her cat. "Hagan." There introductions done and she hadn't even choked on, swallowed, or spit out the leaf. Job well done there Lynch.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Eriin
Dora was there. She was simply HIDING, and clearly she was doing it WELL! Hahahahah!
After watching the other girl for a few minutes she jumped from the top of the treehouse onto the balcony there. Like RIGHT beside the other girl. RIGHT. BESIDE. HER.
"Who are you?" she asked rather bluntly, eyes wide and staring at the girl... because that was what she did.
What the heck was THAT?!
Esme practically jumped out of her skin as a girl launched herself from the top of the treehouse and onto the balcony, landing right beside her. She would be okay. She just needed to get her heart rate back in check. Nothing to see here besides a startled Hufflepuff. Errr. The whole staring thing wasn't helping matters either. "I'm Esme," she said as soon as she found her voice again. Now she needed to know who thought it was a good idea to jump off of roofs and scare people half to death...
Esme practically jumped out of her skin as a girl launched herself from the top of the treehouse and onto the balcony, landing right beside her. She would be okay. She just needed to get her heart rate back in check. Nothing to see here besides a startled Hufflepuff. Errr. The whole staring thing wasn't helping matters either. "I'm Esme," she said as soon as she found her voice again. Now she needed to know who thought it was a good idea to jump off of roofs and scare people half to death...
Dora was still pretty amused by the other girl's reaction. HEHEHEhehehHEHEHE!!
"Hey Esme! I'm Dora. You're in Hufflepuff?" Because robes and all. Not that Dora was wearing hers. She was afraid she was going to rip them so she had tossed hers haphazardly onto the balcony floor. Did a balcony have a floor?
That was a thought for another time, though. Heh.
"Sorry I scared you," she lied. She was not sorry at all. She thought it was hilarious. But to perhaps make the other girl feel better, she finally blinked and stopped all of the staring business. For now.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Eriin
Dora was still pretty amused by the other girl's reaction. HEHEHEhehehHEHEHE!!
"Hey Esme! I'm Dora. You're in Hufflepuff?" Because robes and all. Not that Dora was wearing hers. She was afraid she was going to rip them so she had tossed hers haphazardly onto the balcony floor. Did a balcony have a floor?
That was a thought for another time, though. Heh.
"Sorry I scared you," she lied. She was not sorry at all. She thought it was hilarious. But to perhaps make the other girl feel better, she finally blinked and stopped all of the staring business. For now.
Clearly the girl was rather amused by having terrified her but Esme wasn't really bothered. They didn't know each other and it seemed rather silly to get hot and bothered over the issue when really she was just glad that she hadn't been landed on. Now THAT would have been a lot worse since she was small. Would have needed the Healer then. As it was, she shrugged the whole thing off. "It's alright."
At least she wasn't being stared at anymore because that always made Esme feel self-conscious like she had a big zit on her forehead or something. "Hey, Dora. I am in Hufflepuff, yes. You're in Gryffindor?" There weren't too many Lions that she was familiar with but she did know some.
Melbourne hadn’t been as active this year – in fact the Gryffindor had almost been a recluse. It wasn’t due to any specific reason except perhaps how uncomfortable the now thirteen year old girl felt about just about everything. Her hands clasped tightly around a little tin filled with polaroid photographs she had collected and taken throughout the years with her family, some were older, taken from the boxes in her brother’s attic. The photographs of her mother and father were one of her most prized possession, which was why she had insisted that Finn duplicate them for her so she wouldn’t have to fear ever losing them.
Not again. Pushing her braids behind her should the soon-to-be-third year climbed up to the treehouse and took a seat. She could see everything from up in those trees, it was like her own little private tower that just about everyone else knew about and used...she remembered hearing that it was where Mika had told Kaiden she liked him too...where they had started dating...that made it more special to her because she absolutely adored Kaiden.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
Melbourne hadn’t been as active this year – in fact the Gryffindor had almost been a recluse. It wasn’t due to any specific reason except perhaps how uncomfortable the now thirteen year old girl felt about just about everything. Her hands clasped tightly around a little tin filled with polaroid photographs she had collected and taken throughout the years with her family, some were older, taken from the boxes in her brother’s attic. The photographs of her mother and father were one of her most prized possession, which was why she had insisted that Finn duplicate them for her so she wouldn’t have to fear ever losing them.
Not again. Pushing her braids behind her should the soon-to-be-third year climbed up to the treehouse and took a seat. She could see everything from up in those trees, it was like her own little private tower that just about everyone else knew about and used...she remembered hearing that it was where Mika had told Kaiden she liked him too...where they had started dating...that made it more special to her because she absolutely adored Kaiden.
Carl was sitting at a swing in the playground, relaxing and watching other people. It was almost the end of the school year and he was excited for the holiday to begin. Just like last year though, there were people he was going to miss. His eyes soon found an all too familiar Gryffindor in the distance, climbing up to the Treehouse. A grin appeared on his face as he got up from the swing and walked over.
The thirteen-year-old climbed up the ladder leading to the house. He peered in from the entrance aaand saw Mel! She looked pretty when her hair was in braids like that. "Do you mind if I join you?" He said, smiling.
Carl was sitting at a swing in the playground, relaxing and watching other people. It was almost the end of the school year and he was excited for the holiday to begin. Just like last year though, there were people he was going to miss. His eyes soon found an all too familiar Gryffindor in the distance, climbing up to the Treehouse. A grin appeared on his face as he got up from the swing and walked over.
The thirteen-year-old climbed up the ladder leading to the house. He peered in from the entrance aaand saw Mel! She looked pretty when her hair was in braids like that. "Do you mind if I join you?" He said, smiling.
The photograph in her hands fluttered in the breeze as she sat there. Her smile was beautiful, that was the one thing she would have really loved to have gotten from her mother instead well, she’d gotten her hair…India looked so much more like her that it was almost absolutely insane – really, she was like a clone of her mother even down to the exact shade of her eyes. When she heard a familiar voice the small Gryffindor just grinned.
CARL! She loved seeing him it was too bad they weren’t able to hang out in the common room together at night…really, she would have loved to be able to spend more time with him around school because he was great a true friend. “Hey Pumpkinhead!” She smirkily grinned up at him hopping up as he came closer over.
Standing there for a moment she debated what she was doing before practically bouncing a step closer and hugging him. He deserved all of the hugs…at least that was what she told herself. “Of course you can join me!” she grinned as she took a small step backward…was that overstepping things? Hugging him like that? In the back of her mind the young Gryffindor simply thought ’What would Mika do?’ her sister had always been somewhat of a role model for her even to the point that she had taken some of her hand-me-downs gladly.
“So…do you have any plans for summer?” She asked happily as she practically bounced on the balls of her feet “I just got a letter from my sister…apparently we’re moving in with my brother? Oh…and she’s adopting her boyfriends kid…I’m going to have a sort-of-little-brother" she admitted excitedly as that was well big news…barely taking a breath she continued on plowing into her next thought without even really giving Carl the time to respond to anything what so ever "we should make plans this summer! Maybe meet in Diagon Alley with everyone or just us or anyone really and get ice cream or things at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?” She offered with a grin. “I’m thinking of getting a pygmypuff for next term and just carrying it around with me to like every single class ever…or a hedgehog? Or a ferret…I might even ask if I can bring a Jarvey with me” okay she was nervous but hopefully it just came off as excitement?
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Last edited by itsjustjesse; 07-27-2016 at 09:16 PM.
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
The photograph in her hands fluttered in the breeze as she sat there. Her smile was beautiful, that was the one thing she would have really loved to have gotten from her mother instead well, she’d gotten her hair…India looked so much more like her that it was almost absolutely insane – really, she was like a clone of her mother even down to the exact shade of her eyes. When she heard a familiar voice the small Gryffindor just grinned.
CARL! She loved seeing him it was too bad they weren’t able to hang out in the common room together at night…really, she would have loved to be able to spend more time with him around school because he was great a true friend. “Hey Pumpkinhead!” She smirkily grinned up at him hopping up as he came closer over.
Standing there for a moment she debated what she was doing before practically bouncing a step closer and hugging him. He deserved all of the hugs…at least that was what she told herself. “Of course you can join me!” she grinned as she took a small step backward…was that overstepping things? Hugging him like that? In the back of her mind the young Gryffindor simply thought ’What would Mika do?’ her sister had always been somewhat of a role model for her even to the point that she had taken some of her hand-me-downs gladly.
“So…do you have any plans for summer?” She asked happily as she practically bounced on the balls of her feet “I just got a letter from my sister…apparently we’re moving in with my brother? Oh…and she’s adopting her boyfriends kid…I’m going to have a sort-of-little-brother" she admitted excitedly as that was well big news…barely taking a breath she continued on plowing into her next thought without even really giving Carl the time to respond to anything what so ever "we should make plans this summer! Maybe meet in Diagon Alley with everyone or just us or anyone really and get ice cream or things at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes?” She offered with a grin. “I’m thinking of getting a pygmypuff for next term and just carrying it around with me to like every single class ever…or a hedgehog? Or a ferret…I might even ask if I can bring a Jarvey with me” okay she was nervous but hopefully it just came off as excitement?
As he looked around the Treehouse, Carl noticed a little tin of photographs clasped in Mel's hands. He wondered what or who they were of, but focused on his fellow Second Year as she called him by his amusing nickname. "Pumpkinhead, huh?" He grinned and walked over.
The boy looked at Mel for a moment, thinking of something to say. Then she was hugging him! He had hugged her before, but this time, it felt ... different? Ignoring the strange feeling he had, he hugged her back. It had been a while since he had seen his good friend.
However, Carl was glad when she changed the topic. He listened to her summer plans with a grin - she seemed so happy that she was moving in with her brother and that her sister was adopting her boyfriend's child. These were things he could not imagine happening to him, seeing as the only family members he had were his aunt and uncle. Before he could respond though, she continued talking about making plans for the summer and he laughed. "Yeah, ice cream and WWW shopping sound fun! And we could go try out candies at Sugarplum's. My aunt and uncle said we are travelling to somewhere this summer, but I will still write to you when I'm away. You have to tell me all about the moving and the little brother and the pet!" He said when she paused. Was it just him or did she seem a bit nervous? Nah, she was probably just excited for the summer.
He moved to the middle of the Treehouse and took a seat, indicating that Mel should do so as well. It was really comfy here! "So ... what are these? Can I take a look?" He asked, pointing at the photographs.
As he looked around the Treehouse, Carl noticed a little tin of photographs clasped in Mel's hands. He wondered what or who they were of, but focused on his fellow Second Year as she called him by his amusing nickname. "Pumpkinhead, huh?" He grinned and walked over.
The boy looked at Mel for a moment, thinking of something to say. Then she was hugging him! He had hugged her before, but this time, it felt ... different? Ignoring the strange feeling he had, he hugged her back. It had been a while since he had seen his good friend.
However, Carl was glad when she changed the topic. He listened to her summer plans with a grin - she seemed so happy that she was moving in with her brother and that her sister was adopting her boyfriend's child. These were things he could not imagine happening to him, seeing as the only family members he had were his aunt and uncle. Before he could respond though, she continued talking about making plans for the summer and he laughed. "Yeah, ice cream and WWW shopping sound fun! And we could go try out candies at Sugarplum's. My aunt and uncle said we are travelling to somewhere this summer, but I will still write to you when I'm away. You have to tell me all about the moving and the little brother and the pet!" He said when she paused. Was it just him or did she seem a bit nervous? Nah, she was probably just excited for the summer.
He moved to the middle of the Treehouse and took a seat, indicating that Mel should do so as well. It was really comfy here! "So ... what are these? Can I take a look?" He asked, pointing at the photographs.
She didn’t get it – why was she nervous? She had hugged him before but this was awkward right? Ignoring the awkward the Gryffindor girl just grinned at her friend and moved over to sit down on the tree house floor with him. “Yes Pumpkinhead…I still think that was the most hilarious duel ever” Mel grinned at him and glanced over to her friend when he said he was traveling over summer…oh…he wasn’t going to be around well, she just hoped that he had fun on his trip.
“When is your trip? B-because we could always stock up on candies before you go on your trip?” Mel grinned over to him because really that would be the best right? Having candies to bring on a vacation sounded like a fun thing. “…if you see anything really funny will you take a picture of it for me?” Mel asked with a bright-eyed grin – humor that was basically what she lived for. “Oh…and I’ll do the same if I find anything funny to show you! Though I probably won’t because the most entertaining thing I’m doing is going to my sister’s wedding…and well obviously being Ace’s neighbor again” she grinned at that idea she had really missed being able to climb through the woods to his house. Mel’s fingers pressed into the little tin as she heard Carl asking if he could look.
Right…the tin, her memories. “Oh…this? Its” she chewed her lip a bit before moving the little tin closer to him “yeah of course you can” she smiled and bit her lip “I don’t really look like any of them at all…that’s an old photo of my sister India she still looks sort of like that but…older?” She shrugged as she pointed at the picture that must have been taken after a trip to the beach. “I can point out who everyone is if you want?...though I think I wrote the names on the back of the photographs?” She shrugged her shoulder and grinned at her friend even though she was indeed nervous now, she didn’t typically share her sentimental side with just everyone. “I miss them…you know? Its hard sometimes hearing everyone talk about what they are doing with their parents…” she paused for a moment before raising one of her hands to the small amethyst necklace she had been wearing and began twirling it in her fingers. “My family says I’ve got my mum’s hair and my dad’s eyes?” She admitted with a small smile, “India looks just like her though…I used to be jealous of her for that” she admitted with a small almost humorless laugh.
She didn't really know why she was sharing all of this, but still deep down she did. She knew that Carl understood it...right? Missing family was hard to do especially when you couldn't just go somewhere to see them.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
She didn’t get it – why was she nervous? She had hugged him before but this was awkward right? Ignoring the awkward the Gryffindor girl just grinned at her friend and moved over to sit down on the tree house floor with him. “Yes Pumpkinhead…I still think that was the most hilarious duel ever” Mel grinned at him and glanced over to her friend when he said he was traveling over summer…oh…he wasn’t going to be around well, she just hoped that he had fun on his trip.
“When is your trip? B-because we could always stock up on candies before you go on your trip?” Mel grinned over to him because really that would be the best right? Having candies to bring on a vacation sounded like a fun thing. “…if you see anything really funny will you take a picture of it for me?” Mel asked with a bright-eyed grin – humor that was basically what she lived for. “Oh…and I’ll do the same if I find anything funny to show you! Though I probably won’t because the most entertaining thing I’m doing is going to my sister’s wedding…and well obviously being Ace’s neighbor again” she grinned at that idea she had really missed being able to climb through the woods to his house. Mel’s fingers pressed into the little tin as she heard Carl asking if he could look.
Right…the tin, her memories. “Oh…this? Its” she chewed her lip a bit before moving the little tin closer to him “yeah of course you can” she smiled and bit her lip “I don’t really look like any of them at all…that’s an old photo of my sister India she still looks sort of like that but…older?” She shrugged as she pointed at the picture that must have been taken after a trip to the beach. “I can point out who everyone is if you want?...though I think I wrote the names on the back of the photographs?” She shrugged her shoulder and grinned at her friend even though she was indeed nervous now, she didn’t typically share her sentimental side with just everyone. “I miss them…you know? Its hard sometimes hearing everyone talk about what they are doing with their parents…” she paused for a moment before raising one of her hands to the small amethyst necklace she had been wearing and began twirling it in her fingers. “My family says I’ve got my mum’s hair and my dad’s eyes?” She admitted with a small smile, “India looks just like her though…I used to be jealous of her for that” she admitted with a small almost humorless laugh.
She didn't really know why she was sharing all of this, but still deep down she did. She knew that Carl understood it...right? Missing family was hard to do especially when you couldn't just go somewhere to see them.
Carl laughed and leaned against the Treehouse wall. "I can't deny that. None of my other duel opponents has given me a pumpkin head." Talking about funny things definitely made the situation less awkward.
"It's at the end of July, so yeah! We can do that before I leave." The Hufflepuff said, grinning. Sweets were a must on any trip and it would be great to have Wizarding ones to eat. "Sure, but I'm afraid I won't be able to make the photographs move for you." Muggle camera and all. "Oh, congratulations to your sister and her boyfriend! And I hope you have lots of fun with Tenacius." He knew that the Gryffindor boy was a really fun person to be around.
He observed her reaction, thinking maybe the photographs were too personal for him to look at. When Mel did say that he could do so, Carl smiled and leaned in to see. Oh, it was of her family ... He had always been curious about her family members, so he nodded as she talked about her sister India. "Yeah I would love that, can you tell me who everyone is?" He asked.
I miss them… you know? The thirteen-year-old felt a wave a sadness come over him. He understood almost everything she was feeling. Whenever he missed his parents, whenever he needed them to be with him, they were not there. "Yeah, I know ... it can be a bit hard sometimes. I miss my parents too. But we're brave, right?" He took the girl's hand, the one not touching her necklace, and squeezed it gently. "Your parents are beautiful. I heard I have my dad's hair and my mom's eyes." He smiled, his eyes landing on the picture of her parents.
Carl laughed and leaned against the Treehouse wall. "I can't deny that. None of my other duel opponents has given me a pumpkin head." Talking about funny things definitely made the situation less awkward.
"It's at the end of July, so yeah! We can do that before I leave." The Hufflepuff said, grinning. Sweets were a must on any trip and it would be great to have Wizarding ones to eat. "Sure, but I'm afraid I won't be able to make the photographs move for you." Muggle camera and all. "Oh, congratulations to your sister and her boyfriend! And I hope you have lots of fun with Tenacius." He knew that the Gryffindor boy was a really fun person to be around.
He observed her reaction, thinking maybe the photographs were too personal for him to look at. When Mel did say that he could do so, Carl smiled and leaned in to see. Oh, it was of her family ... He had always been curious about her family members, so he nodded as she talked about her sister India. "Yeah I would love that, can you tell me who everyone is?" He asked.
I miss them… you know? The thirteen-year-old felt a wave a sadness come over him. He understood almost everything she was feeling. Whenever he missed his parents, whenever he needed them to be with him, they were not there. "Yeah, I know ... it can be a bit hard sometimes. I miss my parents too. But we're brave, right?" He took the girl's hand, the one not touching her necklace, and squeezed it gently. "Your parents are beautiful. I heard I have my dad's hair and my mom's eyes." He smiled, his eyes landing on the picture of her parents.
Melbourne gave Carl a small grin when he said that no one had given him a pumpkin head save for her. “Well, that’s good…I’m the memorable one then” she grinned, “and you know I just had to do it…the spell seemed to funny.” She admitted with a grin.
“Oh awesome! Of course we will!” Mel grinned over to him crinkling her nose a bit as she scrunched her face at the mention of moving photographs. “You don’t have to have the be moving…I just really like adventures” she chuckled. “Oh thank you I’ll tell her you said so…” and when he said to have lots of fun with Tenacius she nodded over to him. “Of course, we always have the weirdest adventures – one time we broke a glass table at his house?” She admitted with a laugh.
“We were playing like we were super heroes,” she admitted with a laugh before nodding at Carl’s question. “Of course I will” she nodded and gave Carl a small nod as he mentioned that it could be hard. She understood, all too well and would always understand and be there for him if he needed support. “We’re the bravest” she smiled over to him and squeezed his hand back as she sat there, his hand was almost grounding really as if it helped her face missing them. “Thank you,” she smiled softly before letting his hand go in order to show him her family. “Alright…easy bit – the guy with the curly hair – he’s Kaiden Yarborough…family but not?” She grinned, “He’s my future brother-in-law and the blonde girl – that is Amelia or…well Mika my sister” she smiled at the pictures. “Alright…the guys are easiest because the other two are my brothers’ Finnlay and Phil they are twins actually….Phil’s the one with the glasses” she added with chuckle.
“The really close of up face – that was a photograph of my sister India?” She admitted with a small smile. “She’s tough as nails and I’m completely convinced that her boyfriends is a dangerous creature…well, a werewolf actually – I never saw him around near the full moon and India had a lot of wolfsbane potion ingredients in the cupboards” she admitted with a small laugh…”if he is I want to ask about it – what its like? That would be kind of cool knowing first hand accounts on werewolfism?” she took a deep breath before continuing on. “You know you should come and meet them sometime they’re more interesting in person…” she laughed “apparently when they were our age Kaiden licked people’s faces…well, Mika’s but still its pretty interesting…oh he’s the reason I think hufflepuffs are good huggers.” She grinned.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
Melbourne gave Carl a small grin when he said that no one had given him a pumpkin head save for her. “Well, that’s good…I’m the memorable one then” she grinned, “and you know I just had to do it…the spell seemed to funny.” She admitted with a grin.
“Oh awesome! Of course we will!” Mel grinned over to him crinkling her nose a bit as she scrunched her face at the mention of moving photographs. “You don’t have to have the be moving…I just really like adventures” she chuckled. “Oh thank you I’ll tell her you said so…” and when he said to have lots of fun with Tenacius she nodded over to him. “Of course, we always have the weirdest adventures – one time we broke a glass table at his house?” She admitted with a laugh.
“We were playing like we were super heroes,” she admitted with a laugh before nodding at Carl’s question. “Of course I will” she nodded and gave Carl a small nod as he mentioned that it could be hard. She understood, all too well and would always understand and be there for him if he needed support. “We’re the bravest” she smiled over to him and squeezed his hand back as she sat there, his hand was almost grounding really as if it helped her face missing them. “Thank you,” she smiled softly before letting his hand go in order to show him her family. “Alright…easy bit – the guy with the curly hair – he’s Kaiden Yarborough…family but not?” She grinned, “He’s my future brother-in-law and the blonde girl – that is Amelia or…well Mika my sister” she smiled at the pictures. “Alright…the guys are easiest because the other two are my brothers’ Finnlay and Phil they are twins actually….Phil’s the one with the glasses” she added with chuckle.
“The really close of up face – that was a photograph of my sister India?” She admitted with a small smile. “She’s tough as nails and I’m completely convinced that her boyfriends is a dangerous creature…well, a werewolf actually – I never saw him around near the full moon and India had a lot of wolfsbane potion ingredients in the cupboards” she admitted with a small laugh…”if he is I want to ask about it – what its like? That would be kind of cool knowing first hand accounts on werewolfism?” she took a deep breath before continuing on. “You know you should come and meet them sometime they’re more interesting in person…” she laughed “apparently when they were our age Kaiden licked people’s faces…well, Mika’s but still its pretty interesting…oh he’s the reason I think hufflepuffs are good huggers.” She grinned.
Carl grinned back at the memory of the duel. "Yeah, it was the most memorable duel I've had!" He said. His other duels were decent too, but none of them were as funny as the one he had with Mel.
The Badger smiled as she said the photographs did not have to be moving. Of course, it was the story within them that mattered. "Right, I will try to capture the funny moments as best as I can." And what? She and Tenacius once broke a glass table? "That sounds fun! I mean playing like superheros, not breaking the table." He laughed.
As he held her hand, Carl looked at the Gryffindor and felt some of his sadness dissipate. He knew that she would be there for him if he needed support. He nodded with a smile as she let go of his hand. Time to learn more about the family!
Kaiden, Mika, Finnlay and Phil, India and - a werewolf? "It would definitely be cool to ask him about being a werewolf, if he is one." He did not have any bad feelings about werewolves like some people did, but thought they were somewhat cool. They probably did not like the transformation, though. "Oh I would love to meet them!" He agreed, but decided to not be pushy about it. "So, they began dating when they were at Hogwarts?" He asked, referring to Kaiden and Mika. He couldn't imagine licking people's faces, but was glad that the almost brother-in-law made Mel think Hufflepuffs were good huggers. Y'know, maybe it really was true!
Carl grinned back at the memory of the duel. "Yeah, it was the most memorable duel I've had!" He said. His other duels were decent too, but none of them were as funny as the one he had with Mel.
The Badger smiled as she said the photographs did not have to be moving. Of course, it was the story within them that mattered. "Right, I will try to capture the funny moments as best as I can." And what? She and Tenacius once broke a glass table? "That sounds fun! I mean playing like superheros, not breaking the table." He laughed.
As he held her hand, Carl looked at the Gryffindor and felt some of his sadness dissipate. He knew that she would be there for him if he needed support. He nodded with a smile as she let go of his hand. Time to learn more about the family!
Kaiden, Mika, Finnlay and Phil, India and - a werewolf? "It would definitely be cool to ask him about being a werewolf, if he is one." He did not have any bad feelings about werewolves like some people did, but thought they were somewhat cool. They probably did not like the transformation, though. "Oh I would love to meet them!" He agreed, but decided to not be pushy about it. "So, they began dating when they were at Hogwarts?" He asked, referring to Kaiden and Mika. He couldn't imagine licking people's faces, but was glad that the almost brother-in-law made Mel think Hufflepuffs were good huggers. Y'know, maybe it really was true!
Melbourne would always remember that duel as being her favorite. The first ever duel she had been in and with such a close friend – it was great. “Thank you in advance” Mel grinned over to him. “If you cant get pictures just tell me about the moments sometime? I’m sure they’ll be good for a laugh.” Laughing was the best and it would just be nice to see him looking happy. To watch as the laughter lit up his features and made his eyes crinkle happily. “It was a lot of fun” Mel grinned, “until we had to hide…house elves are really good finders – his dad has them you know? Because they work at the Bed & Breakfast” Mel admitted with a small laugh…oh he was laughing. Sigh. “y’know you have the happiest smile when you laugh. I like it…laughing is the best” don’t be an awkwizard she told her self.
“Yeah I think it will be cool…well, it should be easy to tell…my sister’s getting married in August? The day before the fullmoon” she grinned to herself. “He might be all rawr-rawr vicious then and grumpy…agitated heck if he doesn’t go may actually BE a werewolf.” Mel smirked at her reasoning and immediately smiled when she heard Carl’s answer.
He’d want to meet her family. That was awesome. “Oh yay! I’m glad…you should come meet the crups sometime too! We can like make a day of it have adventures and play with puppies?” She offered with a small smile on her face…oh right Kaiden and Mika…that question, she just nodded in response before opening her mouth to speak. She was going to have to say something about that. “Actually…um…they started dating here in the tree house actually…its cool though, I get it. Why people choose this place to have deep conversations” she looked around at the tree house and smiled. “They’re getting married in one you know…a tree house.” It was their thing….”actually we still have a giant pillow fort at the house from back in those days – I kind of want to make one in the tree house and just have a cozy place to read sometime?” She grinned…or well it didn’t have to be used for reading really it could have been used for absolutely anything.
“I don’t get it really…you know – why he licked her. Kaiden’s weird but I guess that’s why I like him?...and he makes Mika happy.” She said with little nod as she glanced over to her friend and smiled, “I was planning on doing something funny…well an experiment this summer in Diagon Alley – wearing one of those ‘free hugs’ shirts and see how many hugs I can get.” She admitted. She was a hugger it was something that couldn’t be disputed she liked hugs...Carl's hugs were especially nice.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
Melbourne would always remember that duel as being her favorite. The first ever duel she had been in and with such a close friend – it was great. “Thank you in advance” Mel grinned over to him. “If you cant get pictures just tell me about the moments sometime? I’m sure they’ll be good for a laugh.” Laughing was the best and it would just be nice to see him looking happy. To watch as the laughter lit up his features and made his eyes crinkle happily. “It was a lot of fun” Mel grinned, “until we had to hide…house elves are really good finders – his dad has them you know? Because they work at the Bed & Breakfast” Mel admitted with a small laugh…oh he was laughing. Sigh. “y’know you have the happiest smile when you laugh. I like it…laughing is the best” don’t be an awkwizard she told her self.
“Yeah I think it will be cool…well, it should be easy to tell…my sister’s getting married in August? The day before the fullmoon” she grinned to herself. “He might be all rawr-rawr vicious then and grumpy…agitated heck if he doesn’t go may actually BE a werewolf.” Mel smirked at her reasoning and immediately smiled when she heard Carl’s answer.
He’d want to meet her family. That was awesome. “Oh yay! I’m glad…you should come meet the crups sometime too! We can like make a day of it have adventures and play with puppies?” She offered with a small smile on her face…oh right Kaiden and Mika…that question, she just nodded in response before opening her mouth to speak. She was going to have to say something about that. “Actually…um…they started dating here in the tree house actually…its cool though, I get it. Why people choose this place to have deep conversations” she looked around at the tree house and smiled. “They’re getting married in one you know…a tree house.” It was their thing….”actually we still have a giant pillow fort at the house from back in those days – I kind of want to make one in the tree house and just have a cozy place to read sometime?” She grinned…or well it didn’t have to be used for reading really it could have been used for absolutely anything.
“I don’t get it really…you know – why he licked her. Kaiden’s weird but I guess that’s why I like him?...and he makes Mika happy.” She said with little nod as she glanced over to her friend and smiled, “I was planning on doing something funny…well an experiment this summer in Diagon Alley – wearing one of those ‘free hugs’ shirts and see how many hugs I can get.” She admitted. She was a hugger it was something that couldn’t be disputed she liked hugs...Carl's hugs were especially nice.
He would definitely get lots of pictures from his travel! Taking photographs was an amazing way of recording a moment. "You're welcome. It would be cool to share funny things we saw over the summer." Another cool thing? Listening to how people who grew up in Wizarding families. And Carl was not disappointed when he heard that Mel and Tenacius had to hide from House Elves after breaking the glass table, which was pretty awesome despite the circumstance. He laughed as he said, "I guess the House Elves were not very happy with you guys. Tell me about other funny things that happened!" Oh, he had the happiest smile? He grinned broadly at her. "Thank you ... you have a beautiful smile too, has anybody told you that? It really lights up your face." Really, she was pretty both smiling and not. He felt himself redden a bit and turned his face to the photograph of curly haired Kaiden, not meeting her eyes.
Ohhh, the day before the full moon. "Ha, that makes sense! You've got to tell me whether or not he turns up!" The Hufflepuff thought it would be cool if Mel personally knew a werewolf. There probably were not many people who did!
Carl smiled. "Your family has crups? That's cool, all I have is an owl who does not like me ... oh yeah, I would love that!" Going over to meet her family and her puppies, he could imagine how much fun they would have. He looked around at the Treehouse, amazed that it was such a meaningful place for Mika and Kaiden. Nodding, he understood why people liked it here - it was like a fort that provided a good chance for them to relax and have deep conversations, as the Gryffindor said. "That's really romantic." He commented as she said the couple was getting married in a Treehouse. He was not sure of the exact definition of being romantic, but this was surely an example. "You know, a pillow fort would also be good for hiding snacks, or comic books, or ... weapons." She collected weapons, right? Biiig grin.
He nodded; Kaiden did sound like a nice person, even though he had never met him in person. An experiment? He smiled at Mel. "I bet you would get a lot of hugs. I could help you conduct the experiment too, if you want." He wouldn't mind wearing a 'free hugs' shirt and giving out hugs. Then they would know how many people in the Wizarding World liked being hugged.
Mel nodded over to Carl as he commented about sharing funny things, “very fun…and funny hopefully” she grinned over to him when he asked if the house elves weren’t happy with them. “Not in the least – but they tried to tell me he wasn’t there sometimes and I’d just find him and we’d have adventures…I’ve always been nice to them.” She admitted with a grin.
“I used to actually collect weapons and things – still do…but I’d made cache’s at his place and well…the house elves didn’t like finding them.” She admitted with a shrug of her shoulder. Oh…god…beautiful? It was beautiful? Raising her hand she moved to brush her braids back over her shoulders. Oh dear merlin she was nervous.
Taking in a deep breath as quietly as she could the Gryffindor simply blew out the held in air. Her already flushed cheeks puffing out as she exhaled trying to calm her nerves. “Oh. I will tell you” she nodded still looking down at the floor of the treehouse and not over at the boy next to her.
“My brother raises them…” she nodded and glanced over to him giving him a sheepish smile. “My owl hates me…he gave me this” she pointed to a scratch on her arm, “he didn’t like that I asked him to send a letter to my sister….” She chuckled and brushed the little scar with her finger. Mel’s face reddened again as he commented about the romantic nature of her sister’s wedding. “mmm it is, it really is.” Why was this happening? Her face didn’t need to be all hot and weird it wasn’t something she was used to at all. Moving her hand she poked her cheek with her hand and groaned, “its hot in here” she practically whispered while pressing her hand into her cheek. Maybe that would hide the blush? Maybe. Hopefully. “Yes! Pillow forts would be great for hiding weapons and things…I’d rather have books and food in a fort though” she admitted with a laugh.
“You’d do that with me?” She grinned over to him gosh she was just happy to have ever met him. Carl was the best. Taking another calming breath she glanced over at Carl and then back at the ground. “Thank you…for uh…saying my smile was beautiful” as she spoke she pulled her knees closer to her wrapping her arms around them. “I…no…no one told me that” she muttered tucking her face against knees. "Thanks for that." She grinned over to him before reaching over and ruffling his hair. "Last term I was convinced your hair would feel all icy...because its as silvery as Daenerys Targaryen's..." she paused before smirkily looking over to him, "so...are you a Targaryen?" She had to kill the awkward somehow and bringing up one of her favorite book series was so much safer than accidentally saying she I think you have a nice face. Which she did. Because he did....wait did she say it aloud? She didn't even know.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
Mel nodded over to Carl as he commented about sharing funny things, “very fun…and funny hopefully” she grinned over to him when he asked if the house elves weren’t happy with them. “Not in the least – but they tried to tell me he wasn’t there sometimes and I’d just find him and we’d have adventures…I’ve always been nice to them.” She admitted with a grin.
“I used to actually collect weapons and things – still do…but I’d made cache’s at his place and well…the house elves didn’t like finding them.” She admitted with a shrug of her shoulder. Oh…god…beautiful? It was beautiful? Raising her hand she moved to brush her braids back over her shoulders. Oh dear merlin she was nervous.
Taking in a deep breath as quietly as she could the Gryffindor simply blew out the held in air. Her already flushed cheeks puffing out as she exhaled trying to calm her nerves. “Oh. I will tell you” she nodded still looking down at the floor of the treehouse and not over at the boy next to her.
“My brother raises them…” she nodded and glanced over to him giving him a sheepish smile. “My owl hates me…he gave me this” she pointed to a scratch on her arm, “he didn’t like that I asked him to send a letter to my sister….” She chuckled and brushed the little scar with her finger. Mel’s face reddened again as he commented about the romantic nature of her sister’s wedding. “mmm it is, it really is.” Why was this happening? Her face didn’t need to be all hot and weird it wasn’t something she was used to at all. Moving her hand she poked her cheek with her hand and groaned, “its hot in here” she practically whispered while pressing her hand into her cheek. Maybe that would hide the blush? Maybe. Hopefully. “Yes! Pillow forts would be great for hiding weapons and things…I’d rather have books and food in a fort though” she admitted with a laugh.
“You’d do that with me?” She grinned over to him gosh she was just happy to have ever met him. Carl was the best. Taking another calming breath she glanced over at Carl and then back at the ground. “Thank you…for uh…saying my smile was beautiful” as she spoke she pulled her knees closer to her wrapping her arms around them. “I…no…no one told me that” she muttered tucking her face against knees. "Thanks for that." She grinned over to him before reaching over and ruffling his hair. "Last term I was convinced your hair would feel all icy...because its as silvery as Daenerys Targaryen's..." she paused before smirkily looking over to him, "so...are you a Targaryen?" She had to kill the awkward somehow and bringing up one of her favorite book series was so much safer than accidentally saying she I think you have a nice face. Which she did. Because he did....wait did she say it aloud? She didn't even know.
Carl nodded with a grin. He found it funny that the House Elves tried to tell her Tenacius was not at home sometimes. "Maybe they were tired of finding the house messy every time you had an adventure. I'm glad you have been nice to them though!" He said. Although he did not see House Elves often, he tried to be kind to them whenever he did too.
The Second Year laughed at the story of the House Elves discovering Mel's weapon collection. "Wow, what kind of weapons did you have there?" He still thought it was cool that she collected weapons.
When he finally looked up after telling her that she had a beautiful smile, Carl was surprised to see that her cheeks were flushed. He really should not have said that... it must have made her feel awkward.
At the mention of her brother, the Badger's eyes immediately found the photographs of the twins Finnlay and Phil. It seemed that he had learned their names and faces quickly enough! He smiled, but the smile faded a bit as he saw the scratch on Mel's arm. "That's awful. The only thing my owl does well is delivering letters, he won't listen to me when I talk to him or anything." He admitted. Then he heard her whisper something about it being hot in here. "Yeah, it is a little hot." Hotter than it was when he first entered, anyway. He looked around (unnecessarily) for the source of the heat and did not see the brunette trying to hide her blush. He grinned as she said next that she would rather have books and food in a pillow fort. Honestly, he was not sure how pillow forts were used, but hiding books and snacks sounded right.
"Yep! I think it would be really fun." Carl replied. He had a feeling that this summer would be more interesting that his last, when he spent most of his time in the Muggle World. He looked at the girl, she was cute being all awkward and nervous like that. When she thanked him, he smiled at her. "You're welcome." Oh and hair ruffling! He liked that she still said his hair was icy. "Oh yes, I am a Targaryen. Carl Targaryen." He laughed. Who knew, maybe he was related to Daenerys or something. Wait, did he hear that right? She thought he had a nice face? He could have been imagining it. "Thanks. Do you think we should go back to the castle now? It's getting late..." And hot. Definitely.
Carl nodded with a grin. He found it funny that the House Elves tried to tell her Tenacius was not at home sometimes. "Maybe they were tired of finding the house messy every time you had an adventure. I'm glad you have been nice to them though!" He said. Although he did not see House Elves often, he tried to be kind to them whenever he did too.
The Second Year laughed at the story of the House Elves discovering Mel's weapon collection. "Wow, what kind of weapons did you have there?" He still thought it was cool that she collected weapons.
When he finally looked up after telling her that she had a beautiful smile, Carl was surprised to see that her cheeks were flushed. He really should not have said that... it must have made her feel awkward.
At the mention of her brother, the Badger's eyes immediately found the photographs of the twins Finnlay and Phil. It seemed that he had learned their names and faces quickly enough! He smiled, but the smile faded a bit as he saw the scratch on Mel's arm. "That's awful. The only thing my owl does well is delivering letters, he won't listen to me when I talk to him or anything." He admitted. Then he heard her whisper something about it being hot in here. "Yeah, it is a little hot." Hotter than it was when he first entered, anyway. He looked around (unnecessarily) for the source of the heat and did not see the brunette trying to hide her blush. He grinned as she said next that she would rather have books and food in a pillow fort. Honestly, he was not sure how pillow forts were used, but hiding books and snacks sounded right.
"Yep! I think it would be really fun." Carl replied. He had a feeling that this summer would be more interesting that his last, when he spent most of his time in the Muggle World. He looked at the girl, she was cute being all awkward and nervous like that. When she thanked him, he smiled at her. "You're welcome." Oh and hair ruffling! He liked that she still said his hair was icy. "Oh yes, I am a Targaryen. Carl Targaryen." He laughed. Who knew, maybe he was related to Daenerys or something. Wait, did he hear that right? She thought he had a nice face? He could have been imagining it. "Thanks. Do you think we should go back to the castle now? It's getting late..." And hot. Definitely.
Grinning she nodded at Carl’s absolutely perfectly correct allegation that the house elves didn’t like her adventures. “Yeah I think its safe to say that that is the case” Mel chuckled and turned to face him for a moment. “oh…mainly silly things – a child’s bow and arrow…I was convinced that I was going to be in the hunger games as a kid” she sighed. “Note-to-future-self don’t let baby kids read The Hunger Games without explaining that it doesn’t really happen” she laughed and grinned over to him.
She didn’t know that he had looked over at her, the Gryffindor had missed seeing the surprised look that her friend had given her. She did however see the fading smile at the owl’s markings. “I’m got a new Owl for Christmas and I’m giving mine back to my sister India – he liked her more than me” she shrugged her shoulder and couldn’t help but smile when he said his owl didn’t like delivering things.
“Ah…so its not me then…g-good” she stammered out as he had commented on it also being hot in there…but it wasn’t hot, not really, it was just the average Scottish summer weather…so….did it being hot to him mean something? “Oh my gosh I’m going to call you that from now on…you know that.” She beamed. “it’s on my list of nicknames to call Carl – pumpkinhead is still my favorite” she admitted with a grin and nodded when he asked about leaving for the castle. “Its…thank you Carl for looking at the photographs with me” Mel smiled over to the hufflepuff boy. “…” she opened her mouth to speak and stopped herself before simply leaning over and hugging him. “Thanks…y’know for being my friend and for everything” she slowly retracted her arm from his shoulder before tucking the photographs away and tucking her braid back over her shoulder.
She didn’t know what to do really; she just knew that she was going to miss being around him all summer. “I’m glad…you know that we met and that I’ve got you as well…as a friend” she paused and resumed cleaning up before giving him another slightly awkward pat on the head. Say it she thought to herself. “I like you…the way you are y’know that – don’t ever change for anyone.” Why had she said that? WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? She was going to well go find a rock to hide under…maybe I the Gryffindor common room. “I’ll uh…see you around Carl and you are the best…just uh remember that…kbye” the words were being spoken as she started walking backwards out of the room because dear merlin what had she done? She’d never be able to face him again or the school or anyone…maybe she’d have to transfer schools? That’d be a smart idea. Never deal with that whole load of awkward she had just unloaded without even thinking no no no…she had been thinking that was the problem she just hadn’t been thinking clearly at all. Maybe she hadn’t been thinking…maybe it sounded different out loud then it did in her head? She was going to awkward out now...yep. Awkward-out.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Originally Posted by Optimist
Grinning she nodded at Carl’s absolutely perfectly correct allegation that the house elves didn’t like her adventures. “Yeah I think its safe to say that that is the case” Mel chuckled and turned to face him for a moment. “oh…mainly silly things – a child’s bow and arrow…I was convinced that I was going to be in the hunger games as a kid” she sighed. “Note-to-future-self don’t let baby kids read The Hunger Games without explaining that it doesn’t really happen” she laughed and grinned over to him.
She didn’t know that he had looked over at her, the Gryffindor had missed seeing the surprised look that her friend had given her. She did however see the fading smile at the owl’s markings. “I’m got a new Owl for Christmas and I’m giving mine back to my sister India – he liked her more than me” she shrugged her shoulder and couldn’t help but smile when he said his owl didn’t like delivering things.
“Ah…so its not me then…g-good” she stammered out as he had commented on it also being hot in there…but it wasn’t hot, not really, it was just the average Scottish summer weather…so….did it being hot to him mean something? “Oh my gosh I’m going to call you that from now on…you know that.” She beamed. “it’s on my list of nicknames to call Carl – pumpkinhead is still my favorite” she admitted with a grin and nodded when he asked about leaving for the castle. “Its…thank you Carl for looking at the photographs with me” Mel smiled over to the hufflepuff boy. “…” she opened her mouth to speak and stopped herself before simply leaning over and hugging him. “Thanks…y’know for being my friend and for everything” she slowly retracted her arm from his shoulder before tucking the photographs away and tucking her braid back over her shoulder.
She didn’t know what to do really; she just knew that she was going to miss being around him all summer. “I’m glad…you know that we met and that I’ve got you as well…as a friend” she paused and resumed cleaning up before giving him another slightly awkward pat on the head. Say it she thought to herself. “I like you…the way you are y’know that – don’t ever change for anyone.” Why had she said that? WHY WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY? She was going to well go find a rock to hide under…maybe I the Gryffindor common room. “I’ll uh…see you around Carl and you are the best…just uh remember that…kbye” the words were being spoken as she started walking backwards out of the room because dear merlin what had she done? She’d never be able to face him again or the school or anyone…maybe she’d have to transfer schools? That’d be a smart idea. Never deal with that whole load of awkward she had just unloaded without even thinking no no no…she had been thinking that was the problem she just hadn’t been thinking clearly at all. Maybe she hadn’t been thinking…maybe it sounded different out loud then it did in her head? She was going to awkward out now...yep. Awkward-out.
He grinned when Mel said she kept a bow and arrow because she thought she was going to be in the Hunger Games. That was something children in the Muggle and Wizarding Worlds had in common. "I thought so too! Receiving my Hogwarts letter was more exciting though." Carl said. And yes. Don't let kids get their hopes high on fictional things. He agreed with that too.
Oh, so Mel is getting a new owl! And the old one is going back to sister India. "So I guess that's good for both of you." The boy smiled. The school had many owls too, so she could send letters using them if all else failed.
Targaryen was so going to be his new nickname. He liked it. "Alright! I have a list of nicknames for you too." Not really, of course. The only name he called her by was Mel. Maybe he should add Melon to the list? That was a cute nickname too! "No problem... I liked looking at the photographs of your family too. Thanks for being my friend." He said that almost the same time she did and smiled as he hugged her back.
Helping her gather the pictures back into the tin, Carl felt a pat on his head. He was going to miss the hair ruffles in the summer, he just knew it. As he stood up straight, he heard her say that she liked him the way he was. That meant a lot to him, probably more than she realized. "Thank you. Mel... " He was not sure of what he wanted to say, but knew he should tell her something meaningful. But she was hurrying out of the room before he had a chance to say anything. "Yep bye..." He murmured.
He was going to listen to Mel and not change for anyone. She liked him the way he was. And he really really liked her. Pushing his hair back, he sighed and left the Treehouse.