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Jessiqua 05-09-2016 05:44 AM

Potions Lesson 1: The One with All the Stirring
Thank you Stefan

Art was stooped over his walking stick. It was all that was holding him up. He'd thought this would have been fun, a good idea, something to get a laugh, but he was regretting it now. The walking stick was shaking under his tremour. Even dear Madame Curie was looking at him, her little nose sniffing about in concern. He slowly, slowly pulled out his chair, walked around it, and sat down. It took him about two minutes to be able to lift up high enough to place his backside on the chair, but there it was. And hopefully he wouldn't have to move it this lesson. It would take a few hours for the potion to wear off.

The door was already open, and the ingredients were lined up under a charmed piece of cloth. Mostly so that he could be sure nobody had tampered with them, but also to keep the ingredients a secret. At least for now. He was starting to think about how he would manage to reach across the desk to lift the cloths... how would he manage that? Well, a class of students, he was sure he could ask one of them to lift it up for him.

Class Progression
Post 1 - Greetings + revealing the ingredients [guess?]
Post 2 - Getting Started
Post 3 - Replies
Post 4 - MORE replies!
Post 5
Post 6
Post 7
Final Post

SPOILER!!: Aging Potion
  • 100ml Red Wine
  • 10ml Prune Juice
  • 2g Hairy fungus, mashed
  • 2g Tortoise Shell, powdered
  • 5g Caterpillar, sliced
  • 1 Bat Tongue, diced

  • Prepare all ingredients as listed in the ingredients list, weighing and measuring each carefully.
  • Slowly heat the red wine and prune juice and begin stirring clockwise until you can just see bubbles starting to form. (The mixture will be dark purple/brown)
  • Immediately add the Hairy Fungus and continue to stir clockwise for ten minutes. (The mixture will slowly fade to a lighter purple/brown)
  • Continuing to stir clockwise, add the tortoise shell. (The mixture will be a creamy color)
  • After eight minutes, remove the cauldron from the heat and add the caterpillar and bat tongue, making sure to continue to stir the solution in a clockwise motion for five minutes, until it changes to a creamy green colour.
  • As the potion cools, it will turn emerald green. Once it is completely cooled (about fifteen to twenty minutes), you may cease dispense the potion into appropriate vials for storage.

Characteristics: Emerald Green
Level: Advanced
Information: The effects are dosage based; the more ingested, the older one will age

MunchyBubbles 05-09-2016 06:02 AM


Even though it was Az's most beloved subject, she was still feeling a little wary of it. Not only with the whole mild poisoning thing.. But since her mom was out getting potion ingredients when she..


She would focus on the class.. Try and do her best! She could do this.. So what if she hadn't been eating. She would be okay!

"Hello Professor. " She said with a wave as walked in. "How are you today?" The little girl asked as she sort of smiled. He looked.. Sick? Or maybe tired? She hoped he was all right.

Danielle_Daughn 05-09-2016 06:03 AM

Evie had almost gotten lost on her way to her first Potions class, she had walked the route several times the night before but the staircases kept moving and she was almost sure that it was just to confuse her. Entering the classroom hauling all of her supplies she noticed the professor sitting at the desk. "Hello Professor, I'm Evie Bailey" She smiled sweetly at him and hoped that she would enjoy this class.

Looking around she saw the bowls covered by cloths so that you couldn't see inside. hmmmm she couldn't wait. She loved surprises. She took a seat near the front, knowing that she would thank herself later when some of the older students aka taller came in.

griffin 05-09-2016 06:04 AM

All of Penelope's potions equipment was in order, clean, and ready for potions. She had triple checked to make sure that she had everything she needed before coming to the lesson. It would not do to be missing necessary equipment, and once one left the Ravenclaw common room there was no going back in a hurry. Penelope greeted the professor as she walked into the classroom. "Good morning, Professor Newton." Oooh, secret ingredients. Should be interesting to see what the professor had planned for today. Potions lessons were fascinating and fun, except for that one incident where everyone had been poisoned last year.

WhittyBitty 05-09-2016 06:05 AM

Time for Potions and Esme was rather looking forward to the lesson with Rat Man. Just so long as he didn't do a lesson with birds ever again she would enjoy the subject.

Entering the classroom, she smiled at Rat Man though she knew better than to actually CALL him that. She didn't mean the name in a bad way but he might take it as such. "Hello, Professor!" Something seemed a little off with him but Esme couldn't pinpoint in what way. Confused, she headed over to a workstation near the front and took a seat. She couldn't wait to find out what they were brewing today.

Steelsheen 05-09-2016 06:16 AM

Stairs... there were loooooots of stairs going down to the dungeons. And given that his skill with stopping on his cruiser leaves much to be desired, Tenacius decided to just walk down the stairs. Besides he could swear he still felt some random thorn still pricking at him from Herbology class. Ouchie.

He entered the class just as the Professor was oh so very gingerly setting himself on his seat. Had a little unfortunate accident too? "Whaddup Professor. Rough day too Sir?" He could sympathize really. "Hey how's the world from down there Ms Curie?" he greeted the Professor's little furball. Still thought furry curry was a cuter name for her but yeah she be one of those prim and proper rats lulz.

So yes off he goes grabbing his lab coat and plopping himself onto his workstation and.... getting that wretched thorn off his side. Like literally.

Kimothy 05-09-2016 06:41 AM

Hmm. Potions class was next.

Vivian skipped her way to the Potions classroom, which wasn't far away from own common room anyway since it was located in the Dungeons. She figured that maybe the class would be interesting. She'd seen her mum and dad brew a couple and she thought they were really cool. Guess she'll never be able to learn now! It was exciting.

"Hi. Good morning, Professor," the Slytherin greeted and beamed at the old man. Oh, he looked so fragile! Poor guy. "I'm Vivian Fairfield, Slytherin." The first year part of the intro didn't really seem too important. Puhlease. Vivi then skipped and settled for a seat near the wall (in case she fell asleep). There you go. Such a good student, she was.

SilverTiger 05-09-2016 07:31 AM

Even the poisoning hadn’t given Brooklyn a reason to drop Potions. As it was, they’d found out what was going on with that last term, although she still was a bit untrusting as to professor Newton’s qualifications after he’d allowed the poltergeist’s trick. She still felt like that wouldn’t have happened if Professor Culloden was still there, yet she kept that to herself. By now she knew beliefs didn’t pan out all by themselves. She was willing to continue, if just for the subject. That and she wasn’t going to drop her usual demeanor when it came to the professors just because she remembered being poisoned.

In any case, the trip to the classroom hadn’t taken long. The advantage to already being in the dungeons, and she’d walked in with her head held high. Not many of those who were already there gained her notice, aside from the little snake and the boy from the train. Instead, she’d made her way to her usual seat, only then noticing exactly how shaky the professor looked. “Good morning professor,” she said, giving him a half nod before she’d begun setting her things out for the lesson.

MadMadamMalfoy 05-09-2016 08:25 AM

Fiyero didn't think he was cut out for Potions. The closest he'd come to brewing anything was the time he tried to bake a birthday cake for his dad and caused an explosion of batter in the kitchen, but he decided to give it a try. After all he'd heard ut was a requirement for many wizarding world professions. He hoped "Good morning, Professor," he greeted the man sitting behind the desk. "I'm Fiy Jones." What were the odds he could get this teacher to not call him Fiyero?

He saw a rat nearby and assumed it belonged to Professor Newton. was adorable! Maybe he'd be allowed to pet it... "I like your rat," Fiy said with a smile, but as he got a better look at the professor, he noticed that he looked... unwell. Fiy's smile faded. "Are you alright?"

As Fiy took a seat, he wondered if Professor Newton was always that frail. A thought suddenly occured to him. Did a potion do that? Was the class going to brew the same potion that had made their teacher seem so sickly? Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all...

hermygirl 05-09-2016 08:38 AM

She'd finally managed to find all of her potions kit, having wondered at various points whether her Pa had acquired some of it to sell. Eventually though, with the help of her rat Oliver, she'd managed to collate and pack it all into her cauldron and bring it down to the potions classroom.

"'ey Professeh Newton, Madam Curie" she greeted, as she made her way to a seat somewhere in the middle of the classroom. Except, was it her or was the professor looking a little frailer than usual? She couldn't remember if she'd seen him use a walking stick before. "Did yeh need 'n 'and, Sir?"

Ooo, what was under those cloths? How exciting!

Jojogali 05-09-2016 09:22 AM

Professor and everyone else who wishes to participate!
Another one of her favorite lessons. Elsa came straight from her common room, which made her traveling distance considerably shorter then most students since her common room was like, 4 steps away? She entered the classroom and found that Professor Art was already inside, she gave him a honest smile and a wave of her hand "How are you today professor?" she chirped happily and walked by his table. She intended to walk and find a spot, but something about his posture had her a little concerned, so she stopped in her tracks and walked back. Was he in some sort of pain? It surely looked like it, so she hang back, walking up to Professor's Art table with her big innocent green eyes. Maybe she could help him somehow?

"Can I assist you somehow today professor?" she suggested, blinking her eyes.

TeafortheSoul 05-09-2016 09:25 AM

You know who didn't notice there was anything amiss with the old man professor? This Gryffindor! Charlotte was instead IMMEDIATELY attracted to the whole COVERED BY CLOTH thing. WHAT WAS UNDER THERE? WAS IT SOMETHING DANGEROUS? If it hadn't been covered, to be perfectly honest, she probably wouldn't have even looked twice, but the fact that it was covered made her all sorts of twitchy.

Maybe if she just... lifted a little corner.... and had a little peek....

Saz Hale 05-09-2016 09:27 AM

Abby made her way into the potions classroom and said "Good morning Professor Newton" Abby took a seat in the middle of the classroom and got out her equipment ready for the lesson to start

DuckyLinJi 05-09-2016 09:57 AM

Was this Professor capable of teaching a lesson? Because he didn’t look so well….

Bec kept her eyes on the old Professor as she entered the room. Mostly she would have greeted enthusiastically but now she was actually looking at him as if he was going to drop dead at any moment. “Hello Professor” she greeted with a smile. “I want to help assist as well" she said as she stood next to that slytherin girl (Elsa) The Gryffindor had no idea with what but she wanted to do something because the Professor looked like...well..not good to put it nicely.

AmyyVengeance 05-09-2016 10:15 AM

One of the things her mom luckily told Jessica was that Potions was taught in the dungeons. Her mom used to be quite good at the subject and for some reason, it made her even more excited for her first ever lesson. Her Common Room wasn't that far from where she needed to be luckily, so the few minutes that she spent, staring at all the pictures made no difference.

"You can do this, Jessi, it's just people, that's all." She mumbled to herself, giving a mental peptalk before walking towards the room. Her bag was hanging of her shoulder, packed with books while she clutched all things she needed in her hands, finding comfort in them.

A piece of cloth was covering something. It was the first thing that caught her eye when she walked into the classroom and she assumed it were the ingredients needed for the lesson. She looked around to see lots and lots of people already, not knowing if to approach them or not and she chose the second option, walking to the front of the class and sitting at front.

It was at that moment Jessica finally noticed the teacher and she slightly bowed her head.
"Hello Professor." Her voice was soft as she said it, quickly reaching to get the things ready that she thought she would need.

Hera 05-09-2016 11:25 AM

It didn't take long to get back into the rigmarole that was classes... at least potions was a relatively painless one. Granted, he still wasn't sure about Newton's competency (the man didn't have his fathers flare), but he'd passed his O.W.Ls with flying colours, so he wasn't outwardly concerned.

"Hello, Professor," Zeke greeted as he took to his usual seat near the front.



The Prof really didn't seem himself. Like. Yeah.

Not wanting to waste time Zeke took his things from his bag, ready to get started. He afforded curious glances at his peers, but otherwise didn't say much else.

Uncle Moose 05-09-2016 11:40 AM

Pretty suuuuuuuuure No Gryffindor, or Ravenclaw too he supposed enjoyed having to trek down from the towers to the Dungeons to get to the Potions Class. Torrance had made a mental note to from now on be as close to the Dungeons as possible before Potions class so he wouldn't have to bother rushing down flights of steps to get here.

Now if he knew how to Fly! If Torrance could fly he could easily float himself down from the Gryffindor Tower to the Grounds then reach the classroom much faster. "G'Morning Mister Professor Potions Master" Too long a title, but not as long as Mister Professor Head of House...Flamsteed got him by one word.

As he went to get all the gear he needed Lab Coat, gloves all that jazz Torrance doubled back. Literally he walked backwards to eye the professor because the guy looked in pain. He eyed him up and down. He went back to his things then after. Making no comment about the Professor's Health. He did look Old so maybe he felt old. Nothing to worry over. His Grandpa had those spells no pun intended every now and then.

Kolyander 05-09-2016 11:46 AM

Lessons were a thing again. The very next morning after the feast. It was expected of course and the sixth year was ready to get back into the swing of things. She knew what to expect for the most part and had done quite well were her OWLs were concerned.

"Morning Professor, Madame Curie," Hadleigh greeted with her usual soft smile and slight nod of her head. Normally she would've continued onward towards her seat however she stopped and paused for a moment before the mans desk taking in his appearance and the way he appeared to look about ready to fall over at any given second. "Are you alright Sir? Shall I fetch the Healer?" Yes she was well aware of the fact that this was a potions class and it had crossed her mind that maybe he had taken something but there was no harm done in asking.

If the professor did need anything she wouldn't be far off as she chose her usual empty seat up front, setting her things down on the table. Hady sat down on her chair and quickly set up her things her eyes drifting towards Professor Newton occasionally to make sure he hadn't tumbled from her seat of anything. Poor guy looked horrible this morning.

Daydreamer11 05-09-2016 11:51 AM

Potions time! Janelle was exited for class today. Potions had quickly become one of her favorite classes, even though she hated the potential for making costly mistakes. Then there was the poisoning thing, but whatever. She still found it to be a lot of fun.........pressure filled, but fun.

As Janelle entered the classroom, she took a quick look around. "Good Morning Professor", she said brightly. Then she stopped by the sink to wash her hands. Finally Janelle headed over to the first empty seat she saw, which happened to be next to a familiar face. "Hey Zeke", she said, as she claimed her workstation. Janelle immediately began to clean her equipment in preparation for the lesson. What could they be brewing today? No clues from the ingredients because everything seemed to be covered up. She would just have to wait and see, she guessed.

StarShine 05-09-2016 12:10 PM

With her bag hung from her shoulders, Katherine silently made her way to the potions classroom. She DID notice that the professor looked unwell, as well as the covered ingredients (she assumed that he wanted to surprise them, and she hated surprises - although it could also be that the ingredients were sensitive to the light) and how people asked if he was alright. Well, then, there was no need for her to ask that, so putting on her sweetest smile ever (that looked fake), she greeted the man: "Good day, Professor." Then, she proceeded to find a seat at the very front, to prove that she was a nice student.

Goblinfrog 05-09-2016 12:39 PM

Kitty followed the others into the potions classroom and made her way over to the front row. "Good morning Professor Newton," she said pleasantly, before noticing that he seemed remarkably unwell. "Um...are you okay?" If he needed help then she could help him since she was sitting in the front row. Peeves hadn't poisoned any more of his potions, had he???

Devina Wellheart 05-09-2016 12:45 PM

Miranda walked into the dungeon where Potions was located... Ugh... Dark, damp and musty. Miranda sneezed as the dusk inflamed her allergies. How was she ever to get through a whole school year in this classroom? She made a mental note to owl home for some allergy medicine.
She found a seat near the rear of the classroom and prepared herself for what she was sure to an extremely taxing class.


Harron Peasley 05-09-2016 12:50 PM

With a nod of greeting to Professor Newton, Dalton sidled past the desks to a spot in the back corner, his preferred seat ever since first year. It didn't matter that he actually enjoyed potions - although it probably wasn't something he'd admit to - he still preferred the seat at the back, where he could observe the overall lesson without feeling like people were able to watch him.

Noting the covered ingredients as he unpacked his bag, the fifth years curiosity spiked, and he caught himself looking around at the other people in the room to see what they were making of all of the secrecy.

Callie 05-09-2016 12:55 PM

eyes you, Mossy.

Originally Posted by StarShine (Post 11938991)
With her bag hung from her shoulders, Katherine silently made her way to the potions classroom. She DID notice that the professor looked unwell, as well as the covered ingredients (she assumed that he wanted to surprise them, and she hated surprises - although it could also be that the ingredients were sensitive to the light) and how people asked if he was alright. Well, then, there was no need for her to ask that, so putting on her sweetest smile ever (that looked fake), she greeted the man: "Good day, Professor." Then, she proceeded to find a seat at the very front, to prove that she was a nice student.

Hadley already knew what to expect from this class. Utter failure...which would somehow get her put on the top potioneering list. She was still piecing that one together. But, hopefully, by the end of this year she wouldn't be a complete hob at potioneering. Hopefully.

And Professor Newton was in a chair. He was never sitting when they came into class. "Hey, Professor Newton...why are you in a chair?" It was a valid question, even if it didn't sound like one. She grabbed her lab coat and made her way up to the front. To Mossy, actually. Not Rachel which was her norm. Well, being in the front did have the benefit of being able to get Professor Newton's help with whatever potion they were doing today.

Sitting down next to her best frenemy, Hadley smiled. "I've made up my mind, Moss. I'm not giving up on our friendship, so sorry, not gonna do it." 'It' in this case was Hads staying away from Mossy forever. "Besides, you need me. You just don't realize it. But," she added, quickly, before the Mosster could leave, or shove Hadley out of her chair. "Me sitting here means you get to see what a total disaster I am at potions, thus proving you're better than me to everyone, including Newton!" Come on, Mossy, you know you can't pass that up. Huh?

Shanners 05-09-2016 01:09 PM

On first entry, Rooney's eyes were unusually not drawn to Miss Charlotte.. Instead they didn't move from the Professor. "You've looked better, Sir." Honesty was the best policy, and everyone else was just saying 'hello' and similar greetings. "Let me know if I can do anything this lesson." And with a departing smile, the Ravenclaw went to go sit down and unpack his things. Whilst inspecting the classroom, he discovered that his Gryffindor was in here but her attention was...taken by something.

The something that next caught his attention (only because it had hers) was the table of covered things.

They...were in a Potions class, right? But they couldn't possibly be using something that required covering, could they? Was it a dead body..?

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