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You’re more likely to meet Professor Newton inside the Student Lab, experimenting on his own lab bench, set up in the front. But if you wish to speak to him within his office, you need only knock on his door. He might be in there, he might not, but whilst you wait, just take a seat and read one of his magazines, both on muggle and magical subjects.
OOC: Please follow the link above to the Waiting Room, post your character knocking at the door, and we will reply ASAP. It make things easier for me to follow this way.
With a magnifying glass in one hand, and a unicorn horn in the other, Art was assessing it for any impurities which might affect its use in certain potions. So far, only one from this batch was impure. It would have to be used in other things. He was concentrating so hard when he heard a knock. He looked at the door for a moment before realising it was probably someone to see him. He placed the items down on his desk and went to open the door, peering outside. "Ahh Miss. Denaker, would you like to come in?" he asked.
He had a new supply of teas, including some berry ones, he thought some of the younger students might like that rather than the blends of black teas he had last term. He was half way through a cup himself.
He opened the door and walked back in, over to the little kitchenette area he had set up the previous term.
OOC: Feel free to post in the office now!
Hadley smiled at the Potions Professor as she entered the office. This was the first time she'd seen it actually, and honestly, it was exactly what she expected. Refreshing. "Hey, Professor...uh, how are you?" She was being a bit lame, she knew, but Haddie was torn.
If her own 5-star, award-winning chef of a mother couldn't help her, what hope did Professor Newton have? Still, her mother seem to think asking him would help a lot. Her Mom also seemed to think she had improved, just a pinch, over the summer, but Hads didn't see it. That was the real reason she had suggested Hadley see about getting tutored or something by Professor Newton. According to her Mom, he must have seen something in her or she wouldn't have been put on the top potioneering students list.
But, voluntarily going to a Professor wasn't Hadley's MO at all. And at the same time, there was a lot of really cool stuff you could do with potions. Like really cool stuff. Stuff she'd never be able to do if she didn't improve, so...yeah, Hadley Denaker was a little bit torn.
"I, uh...I've been practicing my cooking skills at home. My Mom's a chef, and she's been helping me, but I still stink. And we, my Mom and I, were, uh, wondering if you would be willing to tutor me or something?" Wow, why was her mouth getting dry? It never got dry when she spoke. "Uh, she seems to think it'd be good if I still had someone who knows what they're doing," though not if you asked her Dad, "helping me practice and everything..." She waited a moment, rolling on the balls of her feet in the uncomfortable awkwardness she was feeling. "So?"
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley smiled at the Potions Professor as she entered the office. This was the first time she'd seen it actually, and honestly, it was exactly what she expected. Refreshing. "Hey, Professor...uh, how are you?" She was being a bit lame, she knew, but Haddie was torn.
If her own 5-star, award-winning chef of a mother couldn't help her, what hope did Professor Newton have? Still, her mother seem to think asking him would help a lot. Her Mom also seemed to think she had improved, just a pinch, over the summer, but Hads didn't see it. That was the real reason she had suggested Hadley see about getting tutored or something by Professor Newton. According to her Mom, he must have seen something in her or she wouldn't have been put on the top potioneering students list.
But, voluntarily going to a Professor wasn't Hadley's MO at all. And at the same time, there was a lot of really cool stuff you could do with potions. Like really cool stuff. Stuff she'd never be able to do if she didn't improve, so...yeah, Hadley Denaker was a little bit torn.
"I, uh...I've been practicing my cooking skills at home. My Mom's a chef, and she's been helping me, but I still stink. And we, my Mom and I, were, uh, wondering if you would be willing to tutor me or something?" Wow, why was her mouth getting dry? It never got dry when she spoke. "Uh, she seems to think it'd be good if I still had someone who knows what they're doing," though not if you asked her Dad, "helping me practice and everything..." She waited a moment, rolling on the balls of her feet in the uncomfortable awkwardness she was feeling. "So?"
Art looked at Miss Deanker for a brief moment. How are you? He considered that question... well, he was... good. He nodded "I'm.... I'm good, yes, health is optimal for my age," he nodded again. "And... and how are you Miss Denaker?"
Art stood behind his desk and listened to everything she said. He pushed his glasses up his nose, but other than that, his attention was dedicated to the young Ravenclaw in front of him. Asking for Potions tuition. Once she was done, he held a hand out, indicating the seat across from him. "Sit down... please..." and he sat in his own chair. "So... so you uhh you would like me to-to help tutor you? Well I'm-I'm your Professor of Potions and of course I'd be-be uhh be... well, of course I'd tutor you! Ab-absolutely. We can-can start at-at easy things and work our way up. Hmm? Uhh how-how about we start in a few days? Wh-when would you have a free period?"
"I'm...It's good to be back, Professor." Hadley happily took a seat as Newton indicated and shifted slightly to get more comfortable. Professor Newton gave Hadley his undivided attention. That was one of the things she liked about him. He made his students feel like they were the most important thing going on at the time, that everything else could wait. It was a rare quality among adults.
"Yes, that's right." She nodded. "I think I need you to tutor me as much as I want you too." She was dismissal at cooking and potions and clearly needed all the help she could get just to get to average. But more than that, she wanted to be better, wanted to be able to brew a potion correctly. And despite her father's opinions, Professor Newton was a great teacher. "That's perfect." She grinned. Maybe there would be hope for her yet. "I have a free period every Thursday after lunch. Would that work?"
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Callie
"I'm...It's good to be back, Professor." Hadley happily took a seat as Newton indicated and shifted slightly to get more comfortable. Professor Newton gave Hadley his undivided attention. That was one of the things she liked about him. He made his students feel like they were the most important thing going on at the time, that everything else could wait. It was a rare quality among adults.
"Yes, that's right." She nodded. "I think I need you to tutor me as much as I want you too." She was dismissal at cooking and potions and clearly needed all the help she could get just to get to average. But more than that, she wanted to be better, wanted to be able to brew a potion correctly. And despite her father's opinions, Professor Newton was a great teacher. "That's perfect." She grinned. Maybe there would be hope for her yet. "I have a free period every Thursday after lunch. Would that work?"
"I know what you mean, it... it really is good go be back, isn't it?" He had missed Hogwarts over the summer. Teaching, his labs, yes plural, the students, the ghosts, the staff...
Art checked over his large muggle year planner that he had pinned on the board behind him. Thursdays... "After lunch, that would work, yes," he said, turning back and pulling out a piece of lined paper. "Err.. s-so Thursdays after lunch, w-we can start this week. Or next. Uhh l-let's start with... ho-how about the Antidote to Common Poisons? W-we didn't really get to brew that properly last time."
Hadley nodded. "This week would be preferable, Professor." Her Mom had suggested she not delay in continuing her practice, and in all honesty she agreed. The little progress she had managed to make was small enough that any time off from practicing might erase it. The sooner really was the better.
The poison? Hadley hesitated. She wasn't that thrilled about his choice of starting potion, given how awful last time. "Only if I don't have to brew it while poisoned and you have actual antidotes on hand in the," extremely likely, "event that mine doesn't work." She nodded again, indicating her willingness to try that potion again. "Do you think we could work our way to animal related potions? Like the one that let us read our animals thoughts?" Which hadn't worked for her. "And ones that let you be an animal? Potions like that?" She knew she'd probably have to work her way up to those, but the were a goal to work towards.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley nodded. "This week would be preferable, Professor." Her Mom had suggested she not delay in continuing her practice, and in all honesty she agreed. The little progress she had managed to make was small enough that any time off from practicing might erase it. The sooner really was the better.
The poison? Hadley hesitated. She wasn't that thrilled about his choice of starting potion, given how awful last time. "Only if I don't have to brew it while poisoned and you have actual antidotes on hand in the," extremely likely, "event that mine doesn't work." She nodded again, indicating her willingness to try that potion again. "Do you think we could work our way to animal related potions? Like the one that let us read our animals thoughts?" Which hadn't worked for her. "And ones that let you be an animal? Potions like that?" She knew she'd probably have to work her way up to those, but the were a goal to work towards.
"This week? Alright," Art said with a nod. This week it was! Potion tutoring! Well this was going to be good. But he couldn't NOT let out a chuckle as she mentioned that she didn't want to be poisoned whilst brewing the antidote. "No poisoning, no poisoning. I'll... I'll triple check all ingredients b-before we... before we brew the potion." He would. DILIGENCE. His eyebrows went up, as they often did when he thought about things. Such as options and possibilities. "Hmm the animal whisperer? Y-yes of course we can. We just... we-we will reassess things as-as you go, does that sound like a plan?"
She sighed, notably relieved to hear there would be no poisoning. Nodding to his assertion that'd he'd triple check the ingredients--because she was confident that ingredient freshness wouldn't be the issue here--Hadley asked, "How will we test it then?" If no one was being poisoned, could they even be sure it worked? He better not be planning to use a poor animal. She'd rather take her chances again with the poison than give it to animal.
"That sounds good, Professor." She expected it to be honest. Got walk before you can run, crawl before you can walk. That sort of thing. So she had no issues with reassessing as they went. "Sounds like a plan. You can be the judge of what I am ready for and when. I really do want to get better." She paused, trying to decide if there was more she needed to cover, but she was sure they covered everything. "I'll see you thursday after lunch then? Thanks again, Professor."
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Callie
She sighed, notably relieved to hear there would be no poisoning. Nodding to his assertion that'd he'd triple check the ingredients--because she was confident that ingredient freshness wouldn't be the issue here--Hadley asked, "How will we test it then?" If no one was being poisoned, could they even be sure it worked? He better not be planning to use a poor animal. She'd rather take her chances again with the poison than give it to animal.
"That sounds good, Professor." She expected it to be honest. Got walk before you can run, crawl before you can walk. That sort of thing. So she had no issues with reassessing as they went. "Sounds like a plan. You can be the judge of what I am ready for and when. I really do want to get better." She paused, trying to decide if there was more she needed to cover, but she was sure they covered everything. "I'll see you thursday after lunch then? Thanks again, Professor."
He thought about that... "W-well there's ways we can tell. I... I can put a drop into a.. a tester potion and see if it turns a good colour. OR.. or Iyyyy uhh... I can try it." Uhhuh, he was confident enough that his antidotes worked so that just in case his student's did not, he could have a little sip of one of his. But he had confidence that it could work.
Art nodded with a smile. "I know you do Miss Denaker... a-and we will get you there! Don't you worry!" He would judge fairly, because he wasn't about to dump her into the deep end before she was ready. He nodded again "Alright, I'll see you then! Bring your big thinking cap," he said with a chuckle.
"Um..." That didn't sound like a good idea at all. Well, the no one drinking it way, sounded good. However, Professor Newton drinking it instead, didn't. "I'd rather it be me that drinks it, not you. If something goes wrong I trust you to fix it more than I trust me." Kinda like when you fly, and they tell you to secure your own mask before someone else's.
She stood up and smiled, wide. "Thank you, Professor Newton. I'll see you then." It might take her long then this year, but she was confident that one day she'd be at least competent at potions. "And don't worry, I'll have my best thinking cap on." She never would have said anything like that on her own. But it was such a Newton thing to say, and he did just agree to help tutor her, so she gave him this one.
"Thanks again. Have a good one, Professor." With that she exited his office, feeling hopeful about potions.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art was just sharing a cup of tea with Madame Curie when he heard a knock at the door. Well, three knocks, really. He placed his cup onto the saucer and went to open the door.
"Oh hel-hello Miss Darcy, would-would you like to come in?" he asked, also observing that she had COOKIES.
OOC: Feel free to post in the office now
As Professor Newton opened the door, Esme smiled at him. He was her favourite Professor because he was so nice and helpful. He also made her think of a grandfather and she had never had one of those since they had both died long before she had been born. "Hello, sir. I brought some cookies." Even though he had probably seen for himself she was just saying.
Nodding, she stepped inside the office and made herself comfortable.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Haddie
Originally Posted by Callie
"Um..." That didn't sound like a good idea at all. Well, the no one drinking it way, sounded good. However, Professor Newton drinking it instead, didn't. "I'd rather it be me that drinks it, not you. If something goes wrong I trust you to fix it more than I trust me." Kinda like when you fly, and they tell you to secure your own mask before someone else's.
She stood up and smiled, wide. "Thank you, Professor Newton. I'll see you then." It might take her long then this year, but she was confident that one day she'd be at least competent at potions. "And don't worry, I'll have my best thinking cap on." She never would have said anything like that on her own. But it was such a Newton thing to say, and he did just agree to help tutor her, so she gave him this one.
"Thanks again. Have a good one, Professor." With that she exited his office, feeling hopeful about potions.
Art was not sure he liked the idea of Miss Denaker drinking the potions herself... he would prefer to do it. He was much older than her, so he would prefer to consume it. No harm coming to his students. Well, no more harm than his classes had already caused them. He gave a nod, "My pleasure Miss Denaker, b-bye for now," he said as he closed the door behind her. He put it in his planner, Miss Denaker Potion Tutoring, every Thursday for the remainder of term. He figured it would be easier to erase the plan than overbook himself, even if they didn't end up needing the little sessions for the entirety of the year.
Originally Posted by Squishy
As Professor Newton opened the door, Esme smiled at him. He was her favourite Professor because he was so nice and helpful. He also made her think of a grandfather and she had never had one of those since they had both died long before she had been born. "Hello, sir. I brought some cookies." Even though he had probably seen for himself she was just saying.
Nodding, she stepped inside the office and made herself comfortable.
"They look delicious! W-would you like a cup of tea?" he asked, pulling out a small selection of teas that he had stored in little glass jars. He had black tea, a special relax blend he had made himself, some earl grey and some green jasmine.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
"They look delicious! W-would you like a cup of tea?" he asked, pulling out a small selection of teas that he had stored in little glass jars. He had black tea, a special relax blend he had made himself, some earl grey and some green jasmine.
Aww, Professor Newton was SO sweet. Esme had already known that but still. He and Professor Myers were THE nicest teachers in the entire school and that was saying a lot because most of them were really friendly.
"I would love some tea, sir." White hot chocolate would have been best of all but she did like tea a fair bit after drinking it for Divination. Besides, not many people drank white hot chocolate and quite frankly Esme wouldn't have been surprised if most people didn't even know that such a thing existed. No matter. She got herself comfortable in her chair.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Squishy
Aww, Professor Newton was SO sweet. Esme had already known that but still. He and Professor Myers were THE nicest teachers in the entire school and that was saying a lot because most of them were really friendly.
"I would love some tea, sir." White hot chocolate would have been best of all but she did like tea a fair bit after drinking it for Divination. Besides, not many people drank white hot chocolate and quite frankly Esme wouldn't have been surprised if most people didn't even know that such a thing existed. No matter. She got herself comfortable in her chair.
Art smiled, happy for the company, the cookies, and that a student apparently enjoyed tea. "I uhh I vote the relax blend. Yes?" He looked towards her. Such a tea might be good for students. Nothing potent enough to put anyone to sleep, but a nice mixture of herbs and dried fruit to calm the mind and body.
"How have you found the term so far?" he asked Miss Darcy as he pottered around with the teapot and boiling water.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art smiled, happy for the company, the cookies, and that a student apparently enjoyed tea. "I uhh I vote the relax blend. Yes?" He looked towards her. Such a tea might be good for students. Nothing potent enough to put anyone to sleep, but a nice mixture of herbs and dried fruit to calm the mind and body.
"How have you found the term so far?" he asked Miss Darcy as he pottered around with the teapot and boiling water.
Relax blend? That was one that Esme had never tried before but she was totally game for it. Nothing wrong with feeling relaxed, right? And every once in a while she drank sleepytime tea when her mind wouldn't settle at night. Of course that was harder to do at Hogwarts when there was a curfew. Still... it DID help whenever she had it. "Sure thing!" She was already rather at ease but there was no way that she would ever say no to feeling more comfortable. At least it wasn't something that would put her to sleep in his office because yeah... Professor Newton was really nice but she didn't think that he would want that.
She watched him set about brewing the tea, hoping that it wouldn't take too long though she would be patient for it; he was being nice just offering it to her when he didn't even have to. "Very good so far. How are you finding it, sir?" Because he experienced the term just as much as she did even though he wasn't a student. "Hoping that nothing crazy happens but I find probably will." Esme laughed. It always got crazy at Hogwarts.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Squishy
Relax blend? That was one that Esme had never tried before but she was totally game for it. Nothing wrong with feeling relaxed, right? And every once in a while she drank sleepytime tea when her mind wouldn't settle at night. Of course that was harder to do at Hogwarts when there was a curfew. Still... it DID help whenever she had it. "Sure thing!" She was already rather at ease but there was no way that she would ever say no to feeling more comfortable. At least it wasn't something that would put her to sleep in his office because yeah... Professor Newton was really nice but she didn't think that he would want that.
She watched him set about brewing the tea, hoping that it wouldn't take too long though she would be patient for it; he was being nice just offering it to her when he didn't even have to. "Very good so far. How are you finding it, sir?" Because he experienced the term just as much as she did even though he wasn't a student. "Hoping that nothing crazy happens but I find probably will." Esme laughed. It always got crazy at Hogwarts.
Art smiled and started to brew the tea, heating the whistling kettle over the bunsen burner and pouring it over the tea leaves when it was boiling. Once it had steeped long enough, he poured it into two mugs and gave Miss Darcy one. "I-I hope you like it! It's one of my f-favourites." He blew on it and had a sip.
Art was glad she wasn't here to express how horrible the term had been, or how stuck she was. He worried about the workload of the students sometimes. "Very good, much nicer w-without all of the-the things from last term." Shudder. No Peeves or... whats-her-name-female-poltergeist. No hag. It was good. Art chuckled. "Yes I th-I think you're right there, Hogwarts was n-never one for normality."
Wizarding World RPG Admin Minister for Magic Alley Proprietor
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: The Paths
Posts: 40,102
Hogwarts RPG Name: Briallen Ashburry-Hawthorne
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Nyle Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Iris Harden
Second Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Calliope Barrington
First Year
Hogwarts RPG Name: Diamond Marchbanks
Sixth Year
Ministry Department Head:
Charles Hollingberry
Minister's Office
Ministry Department Head:
Airey Flamsteed
Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Zachaël Lufkin
Owl Post
x12 x12
astronomizzle ♧ gryffinDORK | & the rest is drag ♣ #badluckDerf
SPOILER!!: from outside
Originally Posted by Ameh
Somehow he had gone from leading them to standing between the three of them. The small Slytherin wasn't all that concerned about it though; Jaemin looked up at Airey's back, bouncing a bit as he walked, impatience growing more and more obvious. This was taking so much longer than he ever wanted it to take. He needed to be at Beauxbatons now, to kiss his 💕princess💕! He was going to give her soooooo many kisses, and snuggles, and just shower her with 💕loooooooooove💕.
"I can't wait to see her again," he murmured dreamily, expression far away. "She's so 💕beautiful💕, and she 💕kisses💕 really well, and she 💕holds my hand💕 really tight..."
💕She💕 had loved him even when he had been an absolute brat and hadn't returned her affections. He had been so awful to her. He would have to make up for it the minute he got there... and then they'd go to her headperson, and get him transferred to Beauxbatons, and they could be together every day and 💕get married💕 and he would be 💕her💕 prince always and forever...
He was the luckiest boy in the entire world.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul didn't have a clue what to even...think.
This was so weird, and it was ALMOST comical but then it wasn't comical at all so...yeah. The older man was merely quiet on the trek down into the dungeons to pay ole' Art a visit. Paul also knocked, since Airey seemed to have either A. Forgotten or B. Thought Art would sense their presence out here...
Pssshhhh. Highly possible, though.
Ew, he didn't want to hear about Jaemin kissing O___O ever O____O again. HE WAS A BABY CHILD.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art was just cleaning out Madame Curie's house (cardboard box) when he heard a knock, and what sounded like multiple people out there. He took his time getting to his feet, and did a mini back bend to stretch.
Opening the door, he was surprised to see three Professors and a student. "Great Scott, what's g-going on?" he asked them all, opening his door wide and ushering them all inside. Had Mr Song done something so terrible that he needed three escorts?
OOC: Post in the office when you're ready
Sweet solstice.
If Mr. Song's words were not fabrications brought about by the effects of a love potion, the man's skin would have crawled right off the bone and down the hall to find a broom cupboard to hide in. Regardless...there were still little disgusting nuggets of information being delivered that he could have done without.
He did not share personal information with students and therefore expected the same sort of courtesy to be extended to him.
Love potion was not an excuse for...oh sweet solstice please just stop talking, Mr. Song. Please.
P L E A S E.
Temporary relief came when Art answered Paul's knock, grin still plastered across the astronomer's face. "Why don't you tell him why we are here, Mr. Song," Airey encouraged with a stiff nod of the head towards the boy. Because what better way to illustrate things than to hear it right from the source?
When you're stuck in a moment and your spark has been stolen .................................................. ........... this is our time to own it, so own it..................................... baby we were born withfire and gold in our eyes
Thank Merlin, the professor had finally answered his door. Jaemin was about ready to vibrate out of his skin with impatience. He bolted into the room after Airey, looking around every which way as if the answer to his needs would present itself with an ethereal glow. The dreamy look had not faded, and indeed seemed to be intensifying with every passing minute.
He could remember eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery detail of their perfect, wonderful 💕kisses💕. And he was so ready to recount them to all of the professors. Every single one. So they would fully understand why he had to get there NOW.
"Professor Flamsteed said you would be able to get me to Beauxbatons," the small Slytherin supplied, looking at Airey for a moment before focusing on Professor Newton. "There's a 💕 beautiful, wonderful princess💕 waiting for me."
How could he possibly make Professor Newton understand why he had to hurry? Jaemin reached to touch the man's arm, giving it a tug. Help, Professor. Help. He had wasted soooooo much time.
"If I make 💕her💕 wait too long, 💕she💕 might not love me anymore." DID HE SEE. DID HE GET IT. He had to gooooo. "Please!"
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art smiled and started to brew the tea, heating the whistling kettle over the bunsen burner and pouring it over the tea leaves when it was boiling. Once it had steeped long enough, he poured it into two mugs and gave Miss Darcy one. "I-I hope you like it! It's one of my f-favourites." He blew on it and had a sip.
Art was glad she wasn't here to express how horrible the term had been, or how stuck she was. He worried about the workload of the students sometimes. "Very good, much nicer w-without all of the-the things from last term." Shudder. No Peeves or... whats-her-name-female-poltergeist. No hag. It was good. Art chuckled. "Yes I th-I think you're right there, Hogwarts was n-never one for normality."
Grandpa Newton was just awesome. Esme wished that he could be her real grandpa though obviously that couldn't happen. "Thank you, sir," she said with a smile as she took the tea from him. It smelled really nice and tasted just as good even if it was a little too hot for her even after blowing. "It's wonderful. I have started liking tea more after using it for readings." Divination interested her a lot.
Of course he agreed with her there. Crazy things always happened at Hogwarts. "That doll was very creepy. It slumped against my legs at the Hufflepuff table." Of course she only fount it incredibly creepy after it had ran off while they had been looking away. Anyway... "I guess lots of crazy stuff happened to you when you were at Hogwarts." That must have been a long time ago since he was Grandpa Newton.
If Mr. Song's words were not fabrications brought about by the effects of a love potion, the man's skin would have crawled right off the bone and down the hall to find a broom cupboard to hide in. Regardless...there were still little disgusting nuggets of information being delivered that he could have done without.
He did not share personal information with students and therefore expected the same sort of courtesy to be extended to him.
Love potion was not an excuse for...oh sweet solstice please just stop talking, Mr. Song. Please.
P L E A S E.
Temporary relief came when Art answered Paul's knock, grin still plastered across the astronomer's face. "Why don't you tell him why we are here, Mr. Song," Airey encouraged with a stiff nod of the head towards the boy. Because what better way to illustrate things than to hear it right from the source?
Originally Posted by Ameh
Thank Merlin, the professor had finally answered his door. Jaemin was about ready to vibrate out of his skin with impatience. He bolted into the room after Airey, looking around every which way as if the answer to his needs would present itself with an ethereal glow. The dreamy look had not faded, and indeed seemed to be intensifying with every passing minute.
He could remember eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery detail of their perfect, wonderful 💕kisses💕. And he was so ready to recount them to all of the professors. Every single one. So they would fully understand why he had to get there NOW.
"Professor Flamsteed said you would be able to get me to Beauxbatons," the small Slytherin supplied, looking at Airey for a moment before focusing on Professor Newton. "There's a 💕 beautiful, wonderful princess💕 waiting for me."
How could he possibly make Professor Newton understand why he had to hurry? Jaemin reached to touch the man's arm, giving it a tug. Help, Professor. Help. He had wasted soooooo much time.
"If I make 💕her💕 wait too long, 💕she💕 might not love me anymore." DID HE SEE. DID HE GET IT. He had to gooooo. "Please!"
💕Princess Sachiko💕 needed her Prince.
Paul had no words because he was just so very uncomfortable. And he wanted Art to get the bloody HINT that Jaemin Song was under the influence of a love potion--like pLEASE POTIONS MASTER, HELP THIS CHILD.
This was quite bad O___O
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Squishy
Grandpa Newton was just awesome. Esme wished that he could be her real grandpa though obviously that couldn't happen. "Thank you, sir," she said with a smile as she took the tea from him. It smelled really nice and tasted just as good even if it was a little too hot for her even after blowing. "It's wonderful. I have started liking tea more after using it for readings." Divination interested her a lot.
Of course he agreed with her there. Crazy things always happened at Hogwarts. "That doll was very creepy. It slumped against my legs at the Hufflepuff table." Of course she only fount it incredibly creepy after it had ran off while they had been looking away. Anyway... "I guess lots of crazy stuff happened to you when you were at Hogwarts." That must have been a long time ago since he was Grandpa Newton.
Art smiled happily at Miss Darcy who seemed to like his tea blend. "Oh, f-for Divination? Is that a subject you enjoy?" he asked. Tea readings could only come from that subject, surely?
Art widened his eyes in surprise at the doll touching her. "It DID?" he asked. "How v-very creepy!" The whole... doll and Miffy thing gave him the heebie jeebies, and he was glad the doll never popped into his office or.. worse, his sleeping area! Art let out a chuckle "I'm... well I'm s-sure there was, I just... can't think of anything too crazy. Although I was the cause for a lot of it," he said with another chuckle. "I was a bit of a... a daredevil in my younger days." He still did the occasionally silly thing, having a much higher confidence than coordination, which never helped.
SPOILER!!: Love is in the aiiiiiiir
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie
SPOILER!!: from outside
Sweet solstice.
If Mr. Song's words were not fabrications brought about by the effects of a love potion, the man's skin would have crawled right off the bone and down the hall to find a broom cupboard to hide in. Regardless...there were still little disgusting nuggets of information being delivered that he could have done without.
He did not share personal information with students and therefore expected the same sort of courtesy to be extended to him.
Love potion was not an excuse for...oh sweet solstice please just stop talking, Mr. Song. Please.
P L E A S E.
Temporary relief came when Art answered Paul's knock, grin still plastered across the astronomer's face. "Why don't you tell him why we are here, Mr. Song," Airey encouraged with a stiff nod of the head towards the boy. Because what better way to illustrate things than to hear it right from the source?
Originally Posted by Ameh
Thank Merlin, the professor had finally answered his door. Jaemin was about ready to vibrate out of his skin with impatience. He bolted into the room after Airey, looking around every which way as if the answer to his needs would present itself with an ethereal glow. The dreamy look had not faded, and indeed seemed to be intensifying with every passing minute.
He could remember eeeeeeeeeeeeeeevery detail of their perfect, wonderful ��kisses��. And he was so ready to recount them to all of the professors. Every single one. So they would fully understand why he had to get there NOW.
"Professor Flamsteed said you would be able to get me to Beauxbatons," the small Slytherin supplied, looking at Airey for a moment before focusing on Professor Newton. "There's a �� beautiful, wonderful princess�� waiting for me."
How could he possibly make Professor Newton understand why he had to hurry? Jaemin reached to touch the man's arm, giving it a tug. Help, Professor. Help. He had wasted soooooo much time.
"If I make ��her�� wait too long, ��she�� might not love me anymore." DID HE SEE. DID HE GET IT. He had to gooooo. "Please!"
��Princess Sachiko�� needed her Prince.
Originally Posted by kayquilz
SPOILER!!: Airey and Jae -__-
Paul had no words because he was just so very uncomfortable. And he wanted Art to get the bloody HINT that Jaemin Song was under the influence of a love potion--like pLEASE POTIONS MASTER, HELP THIS CHILD.
This was quite bad O___O
Art was sensing a lot of discomfort from Airey, which would almost make him chuckle if the situation wasn't so... so bizarre. He felt Mr Song brush past him and watched him with his mouth agape, as he appeared to be looking for something.
Great Scott not this again.
But as he was about to ask if this was another one of those zombie things, Mr Song started speaking. "Be-Beauxbatons?" Art asked, looking from Mr Song to Airey. But he continued, and it became quite clear what the problem was. And why he was here. "Ahh," he said, just as Mr Song gave his arm a bit of a tug. "OHH," Art mumbled, feeling a pop come from the joint. He awkwardly gave Mr Song a bit of a pat on the shoulder and led him towards his very own chair. "T-take a seat Mr Song, I-I'll... I'll send a patronus to th-the... Professor Draper to g-get some... Thestrals ready. To take us to Beauxbatons." He didn't, though. Instead he ducked out of the office and went to the Laboratory where his potions were. He poured a dose of the antidote into a little glass and, knowing how odd this would be, poured three other glasses of water. So he wasn't drinking alone.
"Here we go, let's all have a drink whilst we wait for word from Professor Drapper, shall we," he said, handing Mr Song the antidote, and a glass of water to the two other men in his office. "To Love," he said, in cheers, taking a sip.
Take a seat? Taking a seat meant that they were going to be here longer than a minute, which was longer than a minute too long for Jaemin at that very moment. He was so far away from his 💕love💕... so very far... every moment apart had his heart shattering into smaller and smaller pieces. 💕She💕 was his everything, and he had to get to her... he just had to...
The small boy sank into the chair, however, twitching impatiently. He would sit here and try to wait for Professor Newton to... wait a minute. The professor was sending a patronus to Draper, about thestrals? He blinked slowly at the man's back as he disappeared into the hall, then continued blinking at him when he returned. Soon... soon... he'd be with his 💕precious princess💕 soon...
The boy took the cup when the professor handed it to him, but really... he didn't have time for this. He didn't have time for toasts, not when Draper was supposed to be getting thestrals ready. Thestrals that were outside. As in, not in this room. His mode of transportation to his 💕princess💕 was outside.
Without a word, Jaemin dropped the cup he'd been handed and bolted for the door. TO 💕PRINCESS SACHIKO💕!
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art smiled happily at Miss Darcy who seemed to like his tea blend. "Oh, f-for Divination? Is that a subject you enjoy?" he asked. Tea readings could only come from that subject, surely?
Art widened his eyes in surprise at the doll touching her. "It DID?" he asked. "How v-very creepy!" The whole... doll and Miffy thing gave him the heebie jeebies, and he was glad the doll never popped into his office or.. worse, his sleeping area! Art let out a chuckle "I'm... well I'm s-sure there was, I just... can't think of anything too crazy. Although I was the cause for a lot of it," he said with another chuckle. "I was a bit of a... a daredevil in my younger days." He still did the occasionally silly thing, having a much higher confidence than coordination, which never helped.
Professor Newton's question made Esme smile. "Yes, I find it an interesting and fun class even though I know better than to take everything you read as gospel." To do so was pure silliness. But... it couldn't be ignored that Divination DID have accuracies. It just wasn't always the case. Plus reading about crystals was something that she actually enjoyed doing and that said a lot because she wasn't crazy about reading. "I also find Potions and Care of Magical Creatures interesting." Not just saying that because he taught Potions; nope, she really DID like the class. Charms was another favourite as well.
Yeeep, his expression and reaction was exactly the same way that she felt. "Yes, and I think I heard it giggling too - earlier." Around the time that Professor Draper had been given love potion. Was that something that everyone knew about by now? Esme didn't mention the incident because she wasn't sure. And... he had been a trouble maker? Now it was her turn to be shocked. "Really? What kinds of things did you get up to?" SHE WANTED TO HEAR STORIES.
*Waits for others to reply to the love potion bit*
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Squishy
Professor Newton's question made Esme smile. "Yes, I find it an interesting and fun class even though I know better than to take everything you read as gospel." To do so was pure silliness. But... it couldn't be ignored that Divination DID have accuracies. It just wasn't always the case. Plus reading about crystals was something that she actually enjoyed doing and that said a lot because she wasn't crazy about reading. "I also find Potions and Care of Magical Creatures interesting." Not just saying that because he taught Potions; nope, she really DID like the class. Charms was another favourite as well.
Yeeep, his expression and reaction was exactly the same way that she felt. "Yes, and I think I heard it giggling too - earlier." Around the time that Professor Draper had been given love potion. Was that something that everyone knew about by now? Esme didn't mention the incident because she wasn't sure. And... he had been a trouble maker? Now it was her turn to be shocked. "Really? What kinds of things did you get up to?" SHE WANTED TO HEAR STORIES.
"Ohhhhhoooo," Art said with a chuckle. "That's good advice, that is!" Not to take everything one read as gospel. Yes. "D-do you remember the Quibbler? I mean that publication was full of inaccuracies but it was... well, it was very interesting. I got my hand on a few old copies." Silly as anything, but entertaining. "S-so what's your favourite activity in divination?" He knew of a few, but not many. Tarot cards? Crystal ball gazing? Tea leaf reading? He smiled broadly at Miss Darcy's declaration that she found his subject interesting. "Well I'm glad to hear, and you're good at it too!"
"Oh it GIGGLED too?" His mouth was open. That was just... disturbing. Greatly disturbing.
"Oh well... turning the stairs from the Gryffindor common room into a slide... swapping flobberworm mucous with troll bogies in one of our seventh year classes," the memory had him chuckling. Everyone's potion except his and his friends were disasters. "Swapping the covers of books in the library. That one had uhh.. p-particularly hilarious responses from some of the Ravenclaws," he said, adding the last bit in a lower tone. He shrugged, "Well it was all a bit of fun, really."