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Once invited into Kaysha’s office, you enter to find she had decorated it simply. The walls have been covered in amethyst coloured wall paper, her favourite colour. Over these wall papers, there are many framed photos of persons precious to her. One frame holds a collage of her at various ages, another shows pictures of herself and her father and yet another shows a picture of her beautiful, deceased mother. Most of the photos, however, contain pictures of her previous students from the Muggle Primary and Secondary schools she had taught at as well as from the little volunteer group she had formed so that kids who needed extra help in school could get it.
On one corner, there was a huge, wooden bookshelf laden with an assortment of books for her to read in her leisure time. Would you be interested in borrowing one? You simply need to ask! Just ensure that you return them back in their proper condition. In the opposite corner sat a sort of kitchenette dedicated to store refreshments for her guests. These refreshments were provided by the hard working elves of Hogwarts.
In the middle of the room sat Kaysha’s desk which was always so neatly organised. Across from her desk and chair, sat two comfortable chairs. Choose one and make yourself at home! There is no need to be shy!
Paul waved his wand once more and lifted the plant, let himself in after hearing Kaysha say to step inside, and smiled as he looked around her office. "Oh, it's so clear and clean in here. Nice," he said, setting the plant down gently. "I just stopped by to give you this...you know, welcoming you to the school!" He nodded and touched one of the flowers, quite smug with himself on his gift giving abilities this term.
His eyes gazed at the many pictures..."Are these...former students or your children?" he half joked, since she had so many kids in some of the pictures with her!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Paul! <3
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Paul waved his wand once more and lifted the plant, let himself in after hearing Kaysha say to step inside, and smiled as he looked around her office. "Oh, it's so clear and clean in here. Nice," he said, setting the plant down gently. "I just stopped by to give you this...you know, welcoming you to the school!" He nodded and touched one of the flowers, quite smug with himself on his gift giving abilities this term.
His eyes gazed at the many pictures..."Are these...former students or your children?" he half joked, since she had so many kids in some of the pictures with her!
Her very first visitor turned out to be Paul Myers.
Kay smiled very brightly when he entered her office and even more so when she saw the plant (mainly the colour of it) he was levitating. "How thoughtful! Thank you so much! I absoloutely love this colour!'' Purple and amethyst were her favourite. She rose from her seat and took the plant which she placed on the little table next to the window. "It will be able to get sunshine.'' She stood back to admire the plant. In her opinion, it made her office look a lot better. Kay told Paul this then added, ''I like to keep it organised and tidy. It helps me to focus better.''
The woman directed her attention to the photos. "Oh, these are all my past students. I don't have any kids of my own as yet, you see, but they're as good as mine I always like to think.'' She looked fondly at her pictures again. She loved her students so much. "And you, Paul? Do you have any kiddos?''
A second later, Kay lightly slapped a palm against her forehead. "I'm being an ungracious hostess. Have a seat, Paul. Would you like tea? Fruit juice? I have some fresh cookies we can feast on too.''
"Yes, I liked the color, too." Very pretty indeed. "Would you like me to put it near the window, for the sunlight?" he asked cheerfully before just going ahead and doing so. The sun would do it good, sure. "I like a little bit of mess. I actually forewent my traditional office this term to meet with students...I found the atmosphere so...stifling to discussion," he shrugged.
Well, sometimes your students felt like your children, didn't they? Paul was about to point this out when she asked if HE had kids. HA! "Well, m'dear, no, I do not. My partner and I never really wanted children. We're happy with our dogs." Which reminded him that he needed to take Zelda for a walk later. Hmm.
Paul had a seat as soon as she offered. "Tea is fine, Kaysha." He smiled widely
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Paul! <3
Originally Posted by kayquilz
"Yes, I liked the color, too." Very pretty indeed. "Would you like me to put it near the window, for the sunlight?" he asked cheerfully before just going ahead and doing so. The sun would do it good, sure. "I like a little bit of mess. I actually forewent my traditional office this term to meet with students...I found the atmosphere so...stifling to discussion," he shrugged.
Well, sometimes your students felt like your children, didn't they? Paul was about to point this out when she asked if HE had kids. HA! "Well, m'dear, no, I do not. My partner and I never really wanted children. We're happy with our dogs." Which reminded him that he needed to take Zelda for a walk later. Hmm.
Paul had a seat as soon as she offered. "Tea is fine, Kaysha." He smiled widely
Together she and Paul situated the plant in the sunlight. "It's so beautiful,'' she sighed, already very much in love with it. "What type is it? Does it need any special care?'' She was going to take very good care of her baby. But back to Paul's talk of offices. "You did? I must visit sometime to take a look at that and the greenhouses. Herbology wasn't my strongest subject at Hogwarts so please be patient if I bombard you with questions.''
No kids for Paul and his partner? "This makes me sad, Paul. Why don't you two want any? Kids are wonderful!'' Except when they're throwing tantrums, of course. "Tell me about your partner. And your dogs, if you don't mind.'' Paul seemed like such an interesting person!
Kay bustled about fixing the tea tray. She set it down on her table with all the ingredients. "How many spoons of sugar?'' She was poised to dip a tea spoon into the little container of sugar. "Help yourself to as many cookies as you like.'' Those has been placed on a little plate.
"It's a type of shrub...so not too much care is needed, really. Some water, sunlight, and it's all good." He liked to give people easy plants to take care of. What kind gift would it be if it was difficult to keep up? Unless of course they were proper Herbologists and could handle it.
Ahh the kids discussion. It sounded like his mother, honestly. "I can't handle the crying or the...responsibility, no," he chuckled and shook his head. "Well..I am pretty much...married to my partner, Milton," he smiled. "And we have...quite a lot of dogs. Last term I had Sir Fluffington with me..alas, the school did not agree with him. So this term, I've brought Zelda...she's a collie...so pretty, she is. And quite well behaved." And she seemed to enjoy the school more than Charles so far.
"Four spoonfuls of sugar, please," he liked it sweeter than others. "And..OH cookies--I'll wait. I like to dunk them in my tea," he winked at Kaysha. "Do you have any pets, then?"
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Paul! <3
Originally Posted by kayquilz
"It's a type of shrub...so not too much care is needed, really. Some water, sunlight, and it's all good." He liked to give people easy plants to take care of. What kind gift would it be if it was difficult to keep up? Unless of course they were proper Herbologists and could handle it.
Ahh the kids discussion. It sounded like his mother, honestly. "I can't handle the crying or the...responsibility, no," he chuckled and shook his head. "Well..I am pretty much...married to my partner, Milton," he smiled. "And we have...quite a lot of dogs. Last term I had Sir Fluffington with me..alas, the school did not agree with him. So this term, I've brought Zelda...she's a collie...so pretty, she is. And quite well behaved." And she seemed to enjoy the school more than Charles so far.
"Four spoonfuls of sugar, please," he liked it sweeter than others. "And..OH cookies--I'll wait. I like to dunk them in my tea," he winked at Kaysha. "Do you have any pets, then?"
"Wonderful! I'll be sure to see that it gets enough water.'' The sunlight was, of course, readily available. It blended well with the amethyst wallpaper around her office, if he did say so herself.
"I think that's the down side to being a parent,'' Kay responded. "The crying. But I am sure you do a great job with your students; you handle any situations during your classes perfectly.'' Why else would he stick around as a professor, other than having a love for teaching? The Muggle Studies professor found it absoloutely cute that Paul and the Milton were married. "How many years are you two together? Is Sir Fluffington okay now?'' The poor dog... "I'd love to meet Zelda if I can.''
"Is it the sugar that makes you hyper?'' she asked, her eyes twinkling as he cracked the joke. "Here you are then.'' One cup with four sugars and a little milk, proper for dunking cookies. She made herself a cup as well then sat back in her chair. "Sadly I don't. I've always much too busy to get one. I lived with my father and he would have been more than happy to take care of one but I didn't want to bother him.'' Kay took a sip. "I was thinking of getting one now though. Any suggestions?''
"Wonderful! I'll be sure to see that it gets enough water.'' The sunlight was, of course, readily available. It blended well with the amethyst wallpaper around her office, if he did say so herself.
"I think that's the down side to being a parent,'' Kay responded. "The crying. But I am sure you do a great job with your students; you handle any situations during your classes perfectly.'' Why else would he stick around as a professor, other than having a love for teaching? The Muggle Studies professor found it absoloutely cute that Paul and the Milton were married. "How many years are you two together? Is Sir Fluffington okay now?'' The poor dog... "I'd love to meet Zelda if I can.''
"Is it the sugar that makes you hyper?'' she asked, her eyes twinkling as he cracked the joke. "Here you are then.'' One cup with four sugars and a little milk, proper for dunking cookies. She made herself a cup as well then sat back in her chair. "Sadly I don't. I've always much too busy to get one. I lived with my father and he would have been more than happy to take care of one but I didn't want to bother him.'' Kay took a sip. "I was thinking of getting one now though. Any suggestions?''
He sipped his tea. "Ehhhhh...I wouldn't say I handle any situation perfectly...I always look back on things and think...okay, how can I handle something like this better next time?" Paul sighed. "I often think I'm the...well, a not very good professor, to be honest. But it's all about living..and learning..and doing better not for you..for them," he nodded at the pictures of her students. "Learning from them, coming together in the environment and...just trying to bring out the best versions of ourselves in the classroom, for productivity and for just...teaching each other how to be people, how to..live," he sighed a bit. He had not intended on this deep of thought when stepping in here moments ago.
How long HAD he and Milton been together? Pfft..."Somewhere around...oh goodness, Milton remembers these things, NOT ME--" something that got him into trouble. "Goodness...like...thirty...three? years..." he was guessing. Milton would have murdered him.
"Oh, Charles is FINE now. Much happier to be at home." but she wanted a doggggggie? Or any pet? Paul smiled. "I don't know...it depends on what you like, to be honest. Some people prefer cats...some dogs...others just like owls because very low maintenance...ooooh a SNAKE would be creepy but interesting.." he trailed off, chuckling to himself.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
Kay decided it was too much of a beautiful day to be staying indoors and as such, she was about to go for a stroll in the sunshine. She even had on a fashionable floppy hat to protect her face from the sunshine. When she pulled open the door to her office, she had expected her waiting room to be empty since she had not heard a knock. However, she quickly noticed the student waiting there.
"Hello.'' Kay smiled and pulled off her hat. That stroll would have to wait. "Why don't you come right in?'' She pulled the door open wider and held it for the boy to come in. Here was another opportunity to mingle with a student and she was going to seize it.
OOC: Bre can now post the cutie in Kay's Office
The second year was still looking around when he had heard a voice. His blue-green eyes looked towards the voice. He saw the new professor. He sort of knew her face, he had seen her at the feast. "Hey." The Scottish boy said as he got up and walked into the woman's office. "Thank you." He said because his grandmother taught him to use his manners. Bradson looked around the office. It was a really nice office.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
The seven year old was done. She flew down the dungeon corridor and up the stairs. The second flight of stairs she managed to take at a still rather swift pace and that had only taken her to the castle lobby...
Did castles have lobbies?
The third flight of stairs killed her. And there were more stairs beyond that! And the pictures were watching her and shouting things like "What are you doing here, kid?" and "Why is there a child in Hogwarts?"
They were very rude pictures.
Still clutching the two dolls and the fancy black, gold and silver stick tucked in her pocket, the girl dove into a random room to hide. There was a closed door inside the room, like a closet or something. That was even better! Kid Haddie practically dove through the door and shut it behind her so only a tiny crack was open that she could peek through. Which she did, checking to see if they had followed her.
Then she realized this wasn't a closet and she wasn't alone. There was a woman in here too. Errrr.... "I'm hiding," she explained. "Who are you?"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Paul! <3
Originally Posted by kayquilz
He sipped his tea. "Ehhhhh...I wouldn't say I handle any situation perfectly...I always look back on things and think...okay, how can I handle something like this better next time?" Paul sighed. "I often think I'm the...well, a not very good professor, to be honest. But it's all about living..and learning..and doing better not for you..for them," he nodded at the pictures of her students. "Learning from them, coming together in the environment and...just trying to bring out the best versions of ourselves in the classroom, for productivity and for just...teaching each other how to be people, how to..live," he sighed a bit. He had not intended on this deep of thought when stepping in here moments ago.
How long HAD he and Milton been together? Pfft..."Somewhere around...oh goodness, Milton remembers these things, NOT ME--" something that got him into trouble. "Goodness...like...thirty...three? years..." he was guessing. Milton would have murdered him.
"Oh, Charles is FINE now. Much happier to be at home." but she wanted a doggggggie? Or any pet? Paul smiled. "I don't know...it depends on what you like, to be honest. Some people prefer cats...some dogs...others just like owls because very low maintenance...ooooh a SNAKE would be creepy but interesting.." he trailed off, chuckling to himself.
Kay snagged a cookie. She was always so much appreciative of the Hogwarts elves’ snack and food. It made her taste buds happy. She bit into the cookie and chewed as her eyes stayed fixed on Paul. She slowly realised that Paul felt exactly how she felt when it came to handling certain situations. “That's what I think too. It pays to revisit past situations and determine how to go forward.’’ She shook her head, certain that Paul was being modest. “Yes, it’s astounding that sometimes students could be the teachers at times, isn’t it? I understand exactly where you’re coming from, Paul.’’ It was rare that professors admit this kind of sentiments.
The Muggle Studies teacher laughed softly. Paul was so funny even if he didn’t try to be. “Really? That long? That's my relationship goal then.’’ Wow! She was in awe at how long that relationship was going on for. “I wish you both lots more years together, Paul, I really do. You two have a great thing going there.’’
“Hmm, I’ll have to mull over it. I do know that I definitely do not want a Snake.’’ Kay shuddered slightly. “Their fangs scare me.’’
SPOILER!!: The Preciousss!<3
Originally Posted by MuggleDinosaur
The second year was still looking around when he had heard a voice. His blue-green eyes looked towards the voice. He saw the new professor. He sort of knew her face, he had seen her at the feast. "Hey." The Scottish boy said as he got up and walked into the woman's office. "Thank you." He said because his grandmother taught him to use his manners. Bradson looked around the office. It was a really nice office.
Kay smiled as she closed the door behind the boy. “You’re quite welcome, Mr…’’ Unfortunately she did not know his name. “Have a seat.’’ She discarded her hat before taking a seat in her office chair as she indicated the two comfortable chairs before her desk. “Is there something in particular I can help you with?’’ Did he have any questions about something related to Muggle Studies? To life? To almost anything, actually? Kay would do her best to help.
SPOILER!!: Mini Haddie! <3
Originally Posted by Callie
The seven year old was done. She flew down the dungeon corridor and up the stairs. The second flight of stairs she managed to take at a still rather swift pace and that had only taken her to the castle lobby...
Did castles have lobbies?
The third flight of stairs killed her. And there were more stairs beyond that! And the pictures were watching her and shouting things like "What are you doing here, kid?" and "Why is there a child in Hogwarts?"
They were very rude pictures.
Still clutching the two dolls and the fancy black, gold and silver stick tucked in her pocket, the girl dove into a random room to hide. There was a closed door inside the room, like a closet or something. That was even better! Kid Haddie practically dove through the door and shut it behind her so only a tiny crack was open that she could peek through. Which she did, checking to see if they had followed her.
Then she realized this wasn't a closet and she wasn't alone. There was a woman in here too. Errrr.... "I'm hiding," she explained. "Who are you?"
It was one of those days when Kay had some time to herself. Exactly how was she spending it? By playing dominoes on her laptop. Besides the fun room, her muggle objects were able to function in her office. “You loose!’’ sang an automated voice from the laptop. Indeed she had lost. “I’ll get it the next-“ Kay stopped short abruptly as the door to her office which she had left open suddenly banged shut.
She had completely missed the person diving into her office but the voice speaking had her looking down at… a child. Kay was momentarily shocked. Though the girl looked familiar, she was certainly not at least eleven years old. “I am the Muggle Studies professor. Who are you hiding from? More importantly, what are you doing at Hogwarts?’’ The blue eyes found the dolls and wand. “Whose wand is that?’’
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Professor Stewart, Katherine & Haddie
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Dear Merlin seven year olds were fast! Hady had found herself giving chase to the tiny yet adorable blonde headed girl. Down corridors and up flights of stairs, portraits shouting at her and Katherine for running in the halls. Yes she knew she would get into trouble but that wasn't even important, keeping a child out of harms way was!
Did all little kids run this quickly? Was Haddie frightened or did she think this was a game? If she took out her wand would she be able to cast a charm to stop the seven year old in her tracks without hitting anything else? The last question running through her head was possible as her defenses were very good but racing up steps and through corridors wasn't an everyday thing for her.
Glancing over her shoulder for Katherine, Hady hastily pushed hair from her face, her breaths coming in short brusts. "How are you holding up?" Did she need to stop for a few moments?
And there she was! A small streak of blonde hair darting into one of the rooms up ahead. Hady went from room to room knocking on each door or peering inside if the room was open. Reaching Professor Stewarts office she raised a hand and knocked on the door still catching her breath.
Come on...please let the little girl be inside...
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
It was one of those days when Kay had some time to herself. Exactly how was she spending it? By playing dominoes on her laptop. Besides the fun room, her muggle objects were able to function in her office. “You loose!’’ sang an automated voice from the laptop. Indeed she had lost. “I’ll get it the next-“ Kay stopped short abruptly as the door to her office which she had left open suddenly banged shut.
She had completely missed the person diving into her office but the voice speaking had her looking down at… a child. Kay was momentarily shocked. Though the girl looked familiar, she was certainly not at least eleven years old. “I am the Muggle Studies professor. Who are you hiding from? More importantly, what are you doing at Hogwarts?’’ The blue eyes found the dolls and wand. “Whose wand is that?’’
The blonde Californian child rolled her eyes. "The evil cult that kidnapped me and put me in these clothes. Duh." Did she have to explain that to everyone? There, two question birdies with one stone answer! Why she was here at...hog warts? Ew. And who she was hiding from. To emphasize the fact, Haddie glanced down at her attire with a look of sheer disgust. Then she wiggled her toes in the oversized socks on her feet. "I lost my shoes."
But there were more pressing matters at hand. Like, "What are muggles and why do you study them?" The little girl clutched her fancy stick and the dolls closer to her as if she was afraid they'd be taken away. "It's mine!" she said defensively. The dolls too, so don't even think about taking them away lady! "Wait? Did you say it was a wand? Like a magical fairy wand!?" So that's how it made the swirly lights before. "I'm a fairy princess," she announced, standing regal and poised. "And this is my magic wand!" Curt nod to show she meant business. Yeppers.
Merlin, no! Katherine did not have to catch her breath at all. She was panting, her muscles ached and she was cursing Haddie even more fervently, but her rage was keeping her alive. Rage for Haddie's stupid games. Rage for trusting Haddie. Rage for...
"I'm fine," she said curtly. If the professor could be so kind as to open the door, she'd be better.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
It was safe to say Kay was immensely puzzled. Cult? Kidnapped? A child younger than eleven year old at Hogwarts? She stood up. "We can't have you without shoes. Come, let's go find them. You can show me where this cult took you. I promise I won't let them take you again.'' It was her way of trying to get this child to take her to the persons who 'kidnapped' her so that the Muggle Studdies woman could get to the bottom of this.
But she paused. Wasn't the child simply cute, clutching the toys like that? "Muggles are person who have no magical blood. We study them so that get to learn more about them so that we can blend in with them.'' All that was left was for Kay to melt with all the adorableness. "Yes but where is your crown, Princess... what is your name? A princess should never be without her crown.''
Just then there was a knock on her door. "Come in!''
The child shook her head and moved deeper into the office. She rooted herself into one of the chairs. "Nuh-uh. I'm hiding. Plus, the shoes were too big anyway." She wasn't going anywhere. Haddie made herself more comfortable and started straighten on blonde haired doll's hair. "This one looks like me," she pointed out. As for were they took her. "I woke up in the dungeons. There was a guy with a rat and all these teenagers and kids standing over pots and they had the worst fashion sense. Like, you wouldn't even believe...!" She leaned closer to Kaysha and whispered, "They were wearing robes!" She gave the woman a nod as if to say, true story, and went back to playing with her doll's hair.
She knew it. Her sister and her both knew it. Magic was real. This was the fairy kingdom. Haddie must have gotten kidnapped by the enemies they were being hidden away from in the human world! She was having trouble sitting still in the excitement of having everything confirmed, but merely said, "Oh. We just called them humans." Her eyes darted to her forehead as if to check if there was a crown or not. "I don't have one. I was in hiding, so my crown is probably in the fairy palace waiting for me to come back." She was bouncing in the chair again and beamed. "Princess Hadley! But everyone calls me Haddie. Except when I'm in trouble. Then Mom calls me by my full name." Haddie mocked a stern expression and voice and waved a finger at the blonde doll. "Hadley Holland Denaker, you're in big trouble!" She leaned into Kaysha again. "I'm in trouble a lot."
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
A sideways glances towards Katherine proved that the younger girl was indeed fine. Holding up rather well in fact the girl looked rather ticked off. Hopefully not at her as she didn't think she'd done anything wrong here. However there wasn't any time to ask nor was she even entirely sure she wanted to know.
Voices were clearly coming from inside the office and one of them sounded incredibly young. Haddie. There was no doubt in her mind it was her tiny name twin inside that room speaking to an older women who most likely was Professor Stewart being as it was her office.
Hady shook her head at all the talk of kidnapping and such coming from the little blondes mouth inside the room. The call of 'Come in' had gotten her attention and the sixth year pushed the door open so that not only could both her and Katherine now see inside they could enter. Which she did. Stepping inside the office she greeted the older women with a warm smile, "Hello Professor, sorry to bother you but we're actually here to get Haddie." She gestured at the little blonde with her head before smiling at the girl.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Nonononono! No! The seven year old's eyes went wide and she was up out of the chair in a heartbeat. A small, racing, adrenaline fueled heartbeat. The next instant she was hiding behind Professor Stewart, clutching the dolls and her fairy princess wand protectively in her hands.
She tugged on the Muggle Studies Professor's clothes, lightly. Just enough to get the woman's attention. "You said you wouldn't let them take me again. You promised!"
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Was it possible for Kaysha to melt physically? She had a feeling she just might if this child kept up this entire load of cuteness. "Very well. No shoes for now but later we find a pair that'll fit your little feet, alright?'' The woman grabbed her container of cookies then sat in the chair beside her visitor. "Yes, it does. Are they both yours? And would you like some cookies?'' She listened to the narration with interest, her brain not needing to work over time to figure out the girl was referring to... "Professor Art and his students! I think you were attending a Potions lesson, dear.'' This meant that this was a student. No wonder she looked familiar. Kay studied the face before her. "Ms Denaker?'' she asked after a moment.
There was the confirmation. She knew it! Haddie still had her mini self's face even at twelve or thirteen years old. "We definitely need to get you shoes and that crown, little Ms Denaker.'' Haddie's antics with the doll had Kay laughing. Could she keep this Haddie frozen in time? She was quite adorable. "Even older Haddie gets into a lot of trouble,'' she muttered absently.
The Professor looked around as another student entered her office. "Hello, Ms Lynch!'' These two kiddos were name twins. "What transpired in the Potions class with Ms Denaker?''
Katherine allowed the older girl to enter first, as she had to compose her face. She couldn't afford to look angry as that would only scare child!Denaker or whatever; and she also didn't want Professor Stewart to remember her as a raging teenager. No, she put on her sweeeeeeeetest smile and bowed at the professor. It didn't take her long to spot THE girl, and she couldn't help but glower at her for a split second before she caught herself.
She was cool, it was alright, she got this...
"We were brewing an Aging Potion, Professor," she said in a calm and sweet tone, "and Hadley must have made a mistake somewhere."On purpose."She got younger instead of older."On purpose."Professor Newton had given us an antidote..." Which was in the Slytherin's pocket.
Now, could this be over so that she could kill her?
Kay smiled as she closed the door behind the boy. “You’re quite welcome, Mr…’’ Unfortunately she did not know his name. “Have a seat.’’ She discarded her hat before taking a seat in her office chair as she indicated the two comfortable chairs before her desk. “Is there something in particular I can help you with?’’ Did he have any questions about something related to Muggle Studies? To life? To almost anything, actually? Kay would do her best to help.
Bradson was still looking around while the new professor was talking to him. "Brady Somerhalder." The Scottish Hufflepuff said and he looked at the chair and sat down in it. The second year looked at the new professor. "I don't really know why I'm here." He shrugged. "I was just walking around the castle and I knew that you're new and everything." He was new last year but hew as also a first year last term.
maybe that plane wouldn't ever take off maybe that dust wouldn't fly off the drive maybe that tumbleweed and me wouldn't leave every other sunrise
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hadleigh gave Professor Stewart a light smile opening her mouth to talk only to close it when Katherine went ahead to explain. Well alright then. The younger girls vibes told her that she was indeed rather upset/angry about the situation. Keeping quiet she simply nodded her head at what was being said to confirm it was indeed all correct.
Reaching into her robes she pulled out the vial that Professor Newton had given her. "This is supposed to bring her back to her proper age, Professor," she answered handing the vial over her eyes shifting to tiny Haddie.
"Take you? Where would we be taking you?" she asked quietly kneeling down so she was at Haddie's height more. "We only came to find you because you worried us, we didn't want you getting lost." That was basically true. Lost and into trouble. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear she gave the little blonde a smile. "I hear your name is Haddie as well, so is mine." Would this news make her happy as it had the first time they met? The brunette hoped so. A little luck on her side wouldn't be such a bad thing right now.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
What she was hearing made no sense at all. Normally the seven year old loved things that didn't make sense, but this...It also explained quite a bit which made less sense to her. She moved out from behind the Muggy studies professor and watched the exchange with confused interest.
Aging potion? Only she got younger? Proper age? Had she really taken a potion and got younger? COOL! How old was she? Like 15? Or 17? Wait a minute, what if this was a trick?
Despite that intrusive thought, Haddie's gut told her it wasn't. Either that or she was just too curious to care. And then: "I hear your name is Haddie as well, so is mine."
Haddie's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. "REALLY!?" She looked up at the Muggy Professor for confirmation. Was it true? Huh? Huh? Huh? Was it?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: Brady! <3
Originally Posted by MuggleDinosaur
Bradson was still looking around while the new professor was talking to him. "Brady Somerhalder." The Scottish Hufflepuff said and he looked at the chair and sat down in it. The second year looked at the new professor. "I don't really know why I'm here." He shrugged. "I was just walking around the castle and I knew that you're new and everything." He was new last year but hew as also a first year last term.
Kay grinned. "So this is more of a spontaneous visit?" Lovely! She liked these kind of visits considering that she used to do the same as Brady when she was a student. "It's great to meet you, Mr Somerhalder! I thank you for visiting.'' Kay headed over to grab some cookies for her visitor. She set a plate of them before him. "What would you like to drink?'' Best get him comfortable if they were going to have a chat. "What year are you in?''
SPOILER!!: Kath, Hades & Hads! <3
Originally Posted by StarShine
Finally they could enter.
Katherine allowed the older girl to enter first, as she had to compose her face. She couldn't afford to look angry as that would only scare child!Denaker or whatever; and she also didn't want Professor Stewart to remember her as a raging teenager. No, she put on her sweeeeeeeetest smile and bowed at the professor. It didn't take her long to spot THE girl, and she couldn't help but glower at her for a split second before she caught herself.
She was cool, it was alright, she got this...
"We were brewing an Aging Potion, Professor," she said in a calm and sweet tone, "and Hadley must have made a mistake somewhere."On purpose."She got younger instead of older."On purpose."Professor Newton had given us an antidote..." Which was in the Slytherin's pocket.
Now, could this be over so that she could kill her?
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Hadleigh gave Professor Stewart a light smile opening her mouth to talk only to close it when Katherine went ahead to explain. Well alright then. The younger girls vibes told her that she was indeed rather upset/angry about the situation. Keeping quiet she simply nodded her head at what was being said to confirm it was indeed all correct.
Reaching into her robes she pulled out the vial that Professor Newton had given her. "This is supposed to bring her back to her proper age, Professor," she answered handing the vial over her eyes shifting to tiny Haddie.
"Take you? Where would we be taking you?" she asked quietly kneeling down so she was at Haddie's height more. "We only came to find you because you worried us, we didn't want you getting lost." That was basically true. Lost and into trouble. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear she gave the little blonde a smile. "I hear your name is Haddie as well, so is mine." Would this news make her happy as it had the first time they met? The brunette hoped so. A little luck on her side wouldn't be such a bad thing right now.
Originally Posted by Callie
What she was hearing made no sense at all. Normally the seven year old loved things that didn't make sense, but this...It also explained quite a bit which made less sense to her. She moved out from behind the Muggy studies professor and watched the exchange with confused interest.
Aging potion? Only she got younger? Proper age? Had she really taken a potion and got younger? COOL! How old was she? Like 15? Or 17? Wait a minute, what if this was a trick?
Despite that intrusive thought, Haddie's gut told her it wasn't. Either that or she was just too curious to care. And then: "I hear your name is Haddie as well, so is mine."
Haddie's eyes grew as wide as dinner plates. "REALLY!?" She looked up at the Muggy Professor for confirmation. Was it true? Huh? Huh? Huh? Was it?
Oh, there was Ms Moss with Hady! Kay gave her a warm smile too which quickly went to a grim one. She was grim because a mistake could have also hurt Haddie. Potions were tricky to brew if the brewer was not concentrating properly. "I see, Ms Moss. Thank you and Ms Lynch for coming to get her. Do either of you have an antidote? Or will the potion automatically wear off?'' Ehem. She needed to brush up on certain potions so excuse her. The words were hardly out of her mouth when Hady was handing over a vial with what must be the antidote. Hopefully Haddie had not noticed. Vial in hand, Kay went to grab a glass of juice mixed with the antidote.
"Yes, you two share the same name. You're name twins,'' Kay told Haddie. "Why don't you go have this glass of juice, Ms Denaker? You'll be fine afterwards.'' She didn't stress that there was an antidote mixed with it lest Haddie not want to take it.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Hadleigh had no trouble handing the antidote over to her Professor allowing her the task of giving it to the young blonde. She did happen to take note of how the women mixed it into a glass of juice for the girl. Good call there. Chances were Haddie probably wouldn't have taken it otherwise.
"Yes, really," she confirmed with a small laugh nodding when Professor Stewart also confirmed this. "And a name twin wouldn't do anything to harm another which such a lovely name." True or not as that may be this Hady never hurt anyone intentionally. So could the little claw drink up her juice so they could get back to their lesson before she decided she wanted to keep Haddie small and adorable forever?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!