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Professor Stewart is already present in the classroom when you arrive. She is waiting eagerly by the classroom’s door to greet each of her students as usual. She hopes that you’re wide awake this bright, sunny morning and are ready for the exciting lesson. After entering the room, you are to take your seat on one of the comfortable chairs with the desks attached to it. The desks are divided into two groups, one group on the left and one on the right so that there is a path in the middle of the room. This path will direct your attention to the laptop sitting on a small table at the back with a projector hooked up to it. Please do not trouble it, even though some of you may be curious. All will be revealed soon enough.
Take a moment to relax, get your writing apparatus ready and maybe even try to figure out what today’s lesson is all about though there are no clues about this. Class will begin shortly.
OOC: HIHIHI, guys! Welcome to the first OOC MS lesson! Class will begin in about 24 hours! Please familiarise yourself with Kay’s rules before posting and also, kindly keep chatting to a minimum. Thanks! <3 Class has begun!
While his little companion chose her words Cornelius coloured away. Red...blue...yellow...a little bit of brown here...some more red there. He was so into his drawing that he forgot how terrible he was at drawing. His skills lied in Quidditch and music. Art? LOL. If anyone wanted to see ace four year old drawing here you go.
Tongue between his teeth as he finished off the cape, shading it red, Cornelius set the crayon down and grinned at it. "Look," he told Katherine. "It's me as Superman AND Harry Potter." Talk about a wonder.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
This time when Esme got to the tail she made sure to make the lines as sharp as possible. Everything was coming along perfectly. The eyes were a little difficult but she was sure that she managed to get them fairly symmetrical. For a moment she had considered doing blue eyes, but then she decided that the black would look best; not like she wouldn't be modifying other features or anything.
Once the Pikachu had been drawn, Esme used black pencil crayon to darken the lines. Next, she added some hair as well as a band of flowers to its head. That was how her Pikachu would have similarities with her. Once she finished with enhancing those lines as well, she used the black pencil crayon to colour in the tips of the ears as well as most of the eyes, leaving a small white circle in the top of each. Next she used a light brown pencil crayon to colour in the bottom part as well as the bit just under the chin. Then it was red marker for the cheeks, orange marker for the center of her flowers, blue marker for the strand the flowers were on, and - obviously - yellow marker for the main part of the body. Lastly she used light yellow pencil crayon for the hair and light orange pencil crayon for the base of the tail.
Finished, she added her information:
Esme Darcy
Fourth Year
Bringing her paper over to Professor Stewart she said, "I drew a girl Pikachu. I gave her blonde hair and a wreath of flowers because I am blonde and like wearing flowers in my hair!" So it was a perfect way to show who she was.
Okay, this was going better. The second she started drawing it, she knew she'd made the right choice. It fit her better than Nala, and allowed for more options and customization to try to make it her.
Because...let's face it. Hadley Denaker pretty much WAS Stitch.
She did a decent job sketching it out, not perfect, but decent enough for someone who wasn't exactly an artist. Though, she did draw him a lot as a kid as well, so that helped too. At first she tried to add a lopsided wig, but that didn't look good, so she erased it and focused on the accessories instead. And gave Stitch a defiant expression.
First, Hads put Stitch in a t-shirt, that was supposed to say Sassy on it, but when she went over it again with black, it kinda just blended together and was no long readable. Next she added her cuff bracelets she always wore. And of course a surfboard. Neither her nor Stitch were really complete without one.
The downside of living in London. She missed surfing A LOT.
Finally it was time to color. Finding the right colors was tricky, and in the end it ended up being too dark, but still, Hadley was proud of it. It was probably her best attempt at Stitch yet. "Professor Stewart," she raised her hand, waving it a bit to get the Professor's attention. "I'm done. You can display it if you want to."
The Magnificent Hadley Denaker
Also Cute and Fluffy
2nd Year
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
As Fiyero was finishing up the detail on Ash's clothes, he realized it needed something, a sort of personal touch. But what? Then it dawned on him: a Gryffindor scarf!
Outlining the picture proved to be much harder than he thought. The black lines came out a lot heavier than he intended, and some of the finer details were lost in the process. Aw, pooh! He'd worked so hard on that! He sighed. Oh well, there wasn't time to fix it now...
Now came the fun part: coloring! Fiyero was unable to find the exact colors of Ash's outfit, so he had to make do with the closest he could find. Finding a color to match his eyes was a lot easier, but when he went to color them in, some of the blue bled into the pupils, making the drawing look dead-eyed, more like a zombie than Ash Ketchum. Fiyero shook his head. He was having the worst luck with crayons today! And all this time he thought he was good at drawing...
All he had left to do was fill in his hair. But what color should he use? The yellow crayon was too light, but the brown one was too dark; his hair color was somewhere between the two. Finally he decided to try to combine the two colors, but it came out a lot darker than he'd planned. He supposed mixing the colors wasn't such a good idea after all!
Fiyero looked at his finished drawing, and he wasn't happy with the result. It was hardly recognizable as Ash Ketchum! He thought about scrapping it and starting over, but he loked at the clock and saw there were only a few minutes left in class. He had no choice but to turn in what he had. "Here you go, Professor," he said, smiling sheepishly as he handed in his drawing. Maybe she wouldn't think it was too terrible! "It's me as Ash Ketchum, but I'm afraid he's more Fiyero than Ash."
Photos!: Fiyero as Ash
OOC: I actually did draw that myself, btw.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Post 3 -- You have permission to post Jace's work ^_^
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
Once he was done with the colors, which by the way only required 3 shades, Jace packed away the borrowed colouring materials, and signed his masterpiece before getting up to hand his work in to the professor up front. Without a word, he placed the box of markers and crayons inside the box where he got it, and then handed his parchment to the professor.
With a sheepish smile, Jace inclined his head, and went back to his seat quietly.
Are they allowed to go to their next class already?
SPOILER!!: Jace as Samurai Jack!
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Whoooah so they're gonna be cartooning?? Tenacius eyes grew large, he has never cartooned anything before, although he has seen it being done-- heck there was someone who cartooned him-- as a superhero even! But right this is something they have to do at class and good grief why is he scared?
He stood to get the supplies and sat himself down again. There was A LOT of things he wanted to create-- but did he even have the skillz for it? One way to find out eh?
He started to scribble on the parchment-- maybe he can make himself into a superhero to eh? Cape? No capes! He suddenly remembered a delightful cartoon movie that illustrated pretty good reasons why one shouldn’t have a cape. Although he's the first one to say Superman cant go around without a cape. That’s just plain wrong.
So there he goes draw draw draw....
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
"Well done, all of you. I am rather pleased to see that despite these animated shows being outdated, many of you are still aware of them.'' Again, this backed up her point about the shows being recommended by older folks. "The main focus for the lesson is hand drawn animation. But before I touch more on the subject of hand drawn versus technology aided animated shows, I would like each of you to tell me this: why did you or do you watch animated shows? Which is your favourite? Even if you never watched any, tell me why you never did.'' The reason she had stated earlier that she may be taking them back a few years was because Kay knew that some persons tended to watch animated shows up to a certain age. As they got older, their interests changed and they moved onto other hobbies. But others like herself, still would watch them. Hence they did not need taking back to their childhood.
OOC: I love the opinions of your charries, guys! Keep up the good work! The final question will be posted in approximately 24 hours. Questions? You know how to reach me!
Bella wasn't a telly watcher, but that was mainly because there wasn't one at her house. She was sure if she had one, she would have watched more cartoons. They seemed rather interesting. "I watched a few shows before when I was at a friend’s house. She wanted me to watch her favorite show because I had never heard of it at the time." That friend was of course muggle, but Bella hadn't watched anything on the telly since that friend moved away two years ago. She didn’t have a favorite character because she didn’t know too many.
SPOILER!!: Hand Drawn or Computer
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
As the reasons were being listed, Kay had used her marker to neatly scribble the answers on her board, joining the ones that had been there prior.
"Now, you have all touched on important points. As you can see many of you believe animated shows are rather beneficial. For those of you who were influenced by your families as to not focus on Muggle life, it is my hope that you would sometime take the opportunity to change this. We can all learn a thing or two from Muggles.'' Kay hoped that her time here at Hogwarts could be spent bridging the gap that had been created between some students and their opinions of the muggle world.
"Alright, everyone!'' The woman capped her marker and set it down. "Here's the final question before we move on to the activity. Ms Moss mentioned earlier she preferred technology driven animation. Which would you prefer and why?''
OOC: Hi, all! This is the final question before the activity which will commence in 24 hours. Once again, I must say that I am thoroughly enjoying reading your responses! <3
Bella really didn't have a preference to whether cartoons were being hand drawn or technology driven; however, she was sure that both had a number of reasons why they were good. But she had to agree with the hand drawn being more personal because she was very much attached to the drawings she did at home.
SPOILER!!: Activity
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
The Professor’s keen eyes had not missed the ones who were silent. She did not expect every student to answer each question but as long as they took notes on what was discussed, she was happy.
“Thank you all for your answers. As you can see there are a few reasons why each of you has your preference. This list-" Kaysha tapped the portion of the board that contained the most recent one. “-gives both advantages and disadvantages for each of the two. Before we get started on the final part of the lesson, I would just like to add some final points. Hand drawn animation is also known as Traditional or Cel animation. ‘Cel’ because an animator’s drawings are traced onto transparent sheets called ‘cels’. These cels are filled with paints corresponding colours on the opposite side of the drawing which are then individually photographed. This is done against a backdrop or background which has already been painted. Sadly this process has ceased somewhere shortly after the start of the 21st century.’’ RIP, Traditional Animation.
“And with that, it has brought us to the final part of the lesson- the activity!’’ Kay moved behind her desk two heave to medium sized cardboard boxes. She then returned her gaze to the class. “Today’s topic dealt with Traditional Animated shows so for the activity, you’ll be drawing!’’ No surprises there, right? “What will you be drawing? You’ll be drawing yourselves as your favourite Traditional Animated character; you’ll be animating yourselves. This means making the necessary changes to an existing character and adding your physical traits. So, for example, we may have a Superman with red or blond hair. For those of you who are not very familiar with these old shows-“ Kay smiled in Jaemin’s direction.”-feel free to choose any character from a more modern show.’’
“In these boxes, I have packets of crayons-wax and wooden along with regular pencils, erasers and sharpeners if you need them.’’ She pointed to the first box. “In the second box, there are papers for you to draw on. You may take a few sheets just in case you need to start over if you’re unhappy with your work. I don’t want you to think that you’re not good at drawing and colouring because I look forward to seeing all of your work. We have about half an hour left so you may come get the supplies to get started! When you are done, please label your name, House and year then hand in your work. Come on up in an orderly fashion to get your supplies.’’
While the students got started, Kay moved to switch off the projector and re-open the windows. She reasoned they should have some fresh air now.
OOC: Hey, guys! Have I mentioned yal are awesome? Anywho, this is the final bit of the lesson which will end on Saturday May 21st at 1 PM EST. For the activity:
1. You need 3 posts creating your animated charrie. Grabbing the art supplies does not count as one post but can be included in the same post at your charrie getting started on the art work.
2. Turning in the art work does not count as a post either but it can be included in the same post in which your charrie is finishing up their drawing.
3. You can include an image under a spoiler tag or via a link for an extra credit of five points. Images MUST be of your own creation! and can be hand drawn by you or paint or any other programme you see fit can be used. The image your charrie will draw does not necessarily have to be human. For example, you can draw your charrie as a Pokemon but you can feel free to add any defining traits such as a tattoo or their signature hair style. Pretty much you can be as creative as you like as long as the image is SS appropriate
4. Have fun!
If you need Kay, simply put ‘Professor’ in the header of your posts I’ll be around stalking all you awesome peeps *is so not creepy*
She made sure jotted down important notes so she didn't forget them because she didn't know much about animated drawings before. When Professor Stewart said they would be animating themselves, Bella was actually excited. She had never drawn herself that way before, so it would be interesting.
Bella got up and gather all the supplies she would need for the art project and returned to her seat. It took her a moment before she started sketching her head, making it a little bigger than normal size. If she could remember the girl show Brit had showed her, the characters all had large eyes as well. So she started there first trying to get the size of the head just right and the eyes, before moving on to the body.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
... And then he leaned back and regarded his cartoon-- this.is.AWFUL! He was thinking of drawing himself as a Knight from Visionaries-- and it looked like he was some kind of robot. No no no no no this is all wrooooong...
*crumple crumple shoots into bin**2 points!*
Ok start over. His skillz as an animator leaves much to be desired-- painting aint gonna be in this guy's future that’s for sure-- so he decided he has to scale waaaay back, go with something simple. Also he has to figure out something that’s easily identifiable to himself-- sure he's a ball to be with when he's with his friends, but those are much to complicated for him to draw or even express.
Keep it simple silly.
What can he draw to represent himself that wouldn’t require an art degree? He looked around at the people in his class, drifting slowly back to his childhood friends. They who knew him so well, they who have earned his and his family's trust to be privileged enough to call him by a childhood pet name--
-- Oh!
Suddenly he got his inspiration. Draw draw draw like you've never drawn before....
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Okay, so maybe this was a lot harder than she thought it would be. The way she wanted the head just wasn't coming out how she wanted it, so she had gone back and erased several times before she was satisfied. This probably would have been a lot easier if she had a picture to go off of, but she didn't so her memory would just have to do.
The body was a lot easier. If she could remember correctly everyone in the cartoon were super skinny with tiny waist. Oh, and bigger... O__O Thinking about that section of her body being bigger made Bella blush a little. So, maybe she deviated from the cartoon she had in mind and made herself more flat chested than it would have been in the cartoon.
Bella wasn't sure how much time they had left, but she knew she needed to pick up the pace. There was still a few part of her character she had to touch up on. She moved back to the face and finished up on the eyes. Drawling the circles within circles to make them sparkle when she added the color later and long lashes. She finished up the finishing touches on her hair, making it a little longer and wavier than normal.
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Tenacius was sketching away. It took him a few tries to get this puppeh right-- after all it’s the most famous Beagle in Muggle history. But he's read so much comics and watched all those cartoons over and over that now the imagery has been committed to memory, pretty much permanently.
Inspiration supplies a lot of the skillz this time around. Incredible how such seemingly impossible task from earlier seems to flow about from his pen and ink with ease isnt it? As he drew and colored and got creative with the tissue paper-- because clouds must be fluffeh-- he recalled the endless hours of himself as a mere tot, flying around or pretending to be a living plane or an ace pilot, arms stretched out to his side and making artillery noises as he goes about his run over enemy territory.
Ace pilot... He had to wonder if his dad thought of that when he came up with his petname. Or maybe the old man, as per usual, wanted to have a shortcut with even calling his son and thus came up with this. Or maybe subliminally he wants his kid to be the best he could be? Well whichever is the case, Tenacius-- Ten Aces-- Ace.
The Gryffindor Ace.
SPOILER!!: please forgive the simplicity, i only had a few hours to make this from scratch lol!
He stretched himself-- such a creak in the neck!-- and then regarded the finished cartoon. Very not bad eh? And if the Professor knew the spell to make images move, the Gryffindor Ace would actually look like it was flying.
And with that he submitted his work and returned the art supplies.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Post 2
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
It started off as just a rough sketch. Lines being drawn and then erased as she decided it didn't look right. Deeper lines and shading slowly being placed in the right areas. All her focus was on this drawing and in all actuality the girl may have briefly forgotten where she even was.
Hadleigh was so into what she was doing that she wasn't taking much notice to anything around her. Hazel eyes fixed firmly on the paper in front of her. Her hand was moving slowly adding more and more lines onto the paper as slowly shapes began to form. These shapes worked together to slowly form that of a pokemon just like so many of those others around her but she didn't even notice. She was working hard to get it just right but for now she was carefully keeping her drawing from anybody's view not wanting to show which one it was just yet.
Flexing her fingers around the pencil in her hand she leaned back in her chair for a moment. It looked right but it wasn't perfect...not yet. Hady went back to drawing once more so she could start on the coloring part soon.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bewitching Bowtruckle | a roamin’ numeral | Newt's salamander eyes ❤ | Ko Ko Bop
Alright, the head was complete! Carl leaned back and looked at his drawing, nodded, and began to draw ... the suit and cape.
From the suit, the Badger moved on to the arms. After drawing two bumpy lines coming out of both sides of the neck, he frowned and erased them. No, he did not have these strong arms. He wanted his character to resemble him some more. He drew two lines, one of them bending at the elbows, so that it looked like it was about to punch something.
Then, he drew hands at the ends of the arms. He had to admit he was most horrible at drawing hands.
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Sky wasn't into drawing superheroes or cartoons, but there was one super easy cartoon drawing that stood out in her mind. Even though she used mostly one or two colours, there was one distinctive feature that she decided to add to her drawing which would truly make it her own. Picking up the greenish crayon, the first year added dots for the colours of her pupils.
There. She was done.
Adding her name, "Skylar Diggory, First Year Slytherin" to the bottom of the drawing, Sky stood up to turn in her drawing and return the crayons and unused paper stack.
"There you are, Professor. Thank you," for you know, allowing her the creativity to make whatever she wanted pretty much. It was in essence, the original hero and cartoon character at least in Sky's mind
SPOILER!!: look if you dare! y'all are such artists though compared to me haha. but yes, if you really want to share, you may
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle was ready to put some clothes on her rabbit. Thinking for a minute, she finally grabbed some pencils and continued working. She put a shirt and a skirt on her character. It wasn't exactly her style, but she chose to make her clothes in shades of blue and green........her favorite colors. Then Janelle began to add some hair, lots of it. Now that was a reflection of her. She started to put a bow on her bunny, but Janelle Guidry would never wear a hair bow. Nope, never.
Now that her rabbit was dressed, Janelle added the hands and details on the feet. As a last thought, she added some eyelashes. This was a girl rabbit after all. When she couldn't think of anything else to add, she stopped. Janelle took a moment to look at her finished product. Well it wasn't great, but it wasn't a total disaster either. It would have to do though because that was pretty much her best effort. She wrote her identifying information and put her colored pencils back in their box.
Janelle picked up her picture and her other supplies and headed toward the front of the room. She returned her drawing supplies and handed her picture to Professor Stewart. "Here you go Professor. I did the best I could. Anyway, I had fun drawing and talking about cartoons" Then she returned to her seat and got her things together.
SPOILER!!: Janelle as Bugs Bunny
Janelle Guidry
Fifth Year
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
There wasn't enough time for Rooney to be completely satisfied with his work, but.. it would just have to do right now. He supposed that his work wasn't awful, but he wasn't sure on the colours he had put together if anything. But it was supposed to be himself, which...was accurate in that he threw clothes on whether they went together or not and didn't give much of a second thought to it. He had wanted to put incredible detail into everything about it...the pattern on his glasses, the creases in his clothes...the accurate direction of the tuft of hair that rarely sat down... but that wasn't accurate to the cartoon aspect of this.
Simple lines, simple ideas and...plain simple things were how it was supposed to be.
So as Roo added the final colourings onto the yellow skin, he muttered a "It'll do.." and added his name to his work before taking it to the Professor. Donezo.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Post 3 (You can display it if you like <3)
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Shifting around in her seat a little to get herself comfortable Hady finally lifted her hazel eyes off of the paper set before her. She was finished. Or as finished as she could be. There was some hair, a hoodie and her silver butterfly pendent. What she did leave out was her tattoo but only because it was much to detailed and the area on her drawing where it would have went was much to small. Oh, well though. Not many people knew she had it anyhow.
Setting her pencil aside she picked up a black fine tipped marker and began working on the tracing the outline of it. Once she had that finished she pushed her colored pencils aside and took out her box of crayons from inside her bag instead. She wasn't in a colored pencil mood right now. Selecting several colors from inside the box she laid them out on her desk and began the task of coloring everything in paying no real mind which colors she had used and where until she was completely finished. Picking up the thin marker one last time she quickly signed her name at the bottom of the drawing.
Now that she was finished she could right? She really didn't want to sit around and do nothing if she didn't have to. Hadleigh lifted her head to look around the room once more taking quick notice to who else was finished and who was still working. Slowly her eyes moved back to her desk and her work.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bella wasn't completely satisfied with her drawling, but it was too late to start over. It didn't have to be perfect, but it would do for now. At least when she added some color you wouldn't see all of the eraser marks in several places from her making corrections.
Moving on!
She had official stopped correcting things or else she really won't finish her drawling. Bella made herself have on a short skirt and cami, along with knee high socks and heels. She even had herself had dog ears which was appropriate because in this cartoon everyone was some kind of monster. "Now for some color."
Instead of making her skin normal color, she colored it blue and for the clothes she switched between her two favorite colors purple and red. It was the fastest color job she’d ever done, but it would do for now.
Post 3. Sorry we were the only ones without a real picture :O
Mischievous Niffler
Now that Kitty had drawn the outline of herself, next she just HAD to color it. She used a black color crayon to color the cape, clothes, and hair. Then she took the white color crayon (because she was pale as a vampire in her makeup) and colored her hands and face. Her nails she colored black too (leaving them much longer in the picture than they were in real life so you could see the contrast between her nails and hand) and lipstick too. She dabbed her eyes gently with the green color crayon. In real life her eyes were not green, but this was self expression and in self expression she could do whatever she pleased.
There. Satisfied with herself, Kitty stood and brought her picture over to the professor. "This is my picture Professor," she said, handing her picture over. "Thank you for the lesson, it was really fun talking about cartoons and drawing them. Even though I've always loved cartoons, you really helped me to appreciate what went into making them even more."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
SPOILER!!: All you talented peeps! <3
Originally Posted by littledhampir
Olly was almost finished. The big parts were colored, but he didn't like them just being on a plain white piece of paper. He needed to color in some of the background too. So he added a brown road that the van was on, and some grass below that for his character to stand on. And the sky of course, with a yellow sun partly hidden behind the van because he didn't have enough room on the paper. There that looked pretty good. Except he remembered that the van had a name, only he couldn't remember what exactly the name was. So he made one up. 'Mystery Mobile.' That sounded pretty good to him. He flipped it over and wrote his name on the back.
When that was finished he cleaned up his supplies and put them back in the correct place. He grabbed his drawing and brought it up to the professor. "I made myself as one of the characters in Scooby Doo. See the green and silver clothes, that's how you know it's me. Could I have it back sometime? I want to send it to my dad."
SPOILER!!: artwork
Originally Posted by Squishy
This time when Esme got to the tail she made sure to make the lines as sharp as possible. Everything was coming along perfectly. The eyes were a little difficult but she was sure that she managed to get them fairly symmetrical. For a moment she had considered doing blue eyes, but then she decided that the black would look best; not like she wouldn't be modifying other features or anything.
Once the Pikachu had been drawn, Esme used black pencil crayon to darken the lines. Next, she added some hair as well as a band of flowers to its head. That was how her Pikachu would have similarities with her. Once she finished with enhancing those lines as well, she used the black pencil crayon to colour in the tips of the ears as well as most of the eyes, leaving a small white circle in the top of each. Next she used a light brown pencil crayon to colour in the bottom part as well as the bit just under the chin. Then it was red marker for the cheeks, orange marker for the center of her flowers, blue marker for the strand the flowers were on, and - obviously - yellow marker for the main part of the body. Lastly she used light yellow pencil crayon for the hair and light orange pencil crayon for the base of the tail.
Finished, she added her information:
Bringing her paper over to Professor Stewart she said, "I drew a girl Pikachu. I gave her blonde hair and a wreath of flowers because I am blonde and like wearing flowers in my hair!" So it was a perfect way to show who she was.
SPOILER!!: Pikachu!Esme
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
As Fiyero was finishing up the detail on Ash's clothes, he realized it needed something, a sort of personal touch. But what? Then it dawned on him: a Gryffindor scarf!
Outlining the picture proved to be much harder than he thought. The black lines came out a lot heavier than he intended, and some of the finer details were lost in the process. Aw, pooh! He'd worked so hard on that! He sighed. Oh well, there wasn't time to fix it now...
Now came the fun part: coloring! Fiyero was unable to find the exact colors of Ash's outfit, so he had to make do with the closest he could find. Finding a color to match his eyes was a lot easier, but when he went to color them in, some of the blue bled into the pupils, making the drawing look dead-eyed, more like a zombie than Ash Ketchum. Fiyero shook his head. He was having the worst luck with crayons today! And all this time he thought he was good at drawing...
All he had left to do was fill in his hair. But what color should he use? The yellow crayon was too light, but the brown one was too dark; his hair color was somewhere between the two. Finally he decided to try to combine the two colors, but it came out a lot darker than he'd planned. He supposed mixing the colors wasn't such a good idea after all!
Fiyero looked at his finished drawing, and he wasn't happy with the result. It was hardly recognizable as Ash Ketchum! He thought about scrapping it and starting over, but he loked at the clock and saw there were only a few minutes left in class. He had no choice but to turn in what he had. "Here you go, Professor," he said, smiling sheepishly as he handed in his drawing. Maybe she wouldn't think it was too terrible! "It's me as Ash Ketchum, but I'm afraid he's more Fiyero than Ash."
Photos!: Fiyero as Ash
OOC: I actually did draw that myself, btw.
Originally Posted by Callie
Okay, this was going better. The second she started drawing it, she knew she'd made the right choice. It fit her better than Nala, and allowed for more options and customization to try to make it her.
Because...let's face it. Hadley Denaker pretty much WAS Stitch.
She did a decent job sketching it out, not perfect, but decent enough for someone who wasn't exactly an artist. Though, she did draw him a lot as a kid as well, so that helped too. At first she tried to add a lopsided wig, but that didn't look good, so she erased it and focused on the accessories instead. And gave Stitch a defiant expression.
First, Hads put Stitch in a t-shirt, that was supposed to say Sassy on it, but when she went over it again with black, it kinda just blended together and was no long readable. Next she added her cuff bracelets she always wore. And of course a surfboard. Neither her nor Stitch were really complete without one.
The downside of living in London. She missed surfing A LOT.
Finally it was time to color. Finding the right colors was tricky, and in the end it ended up being too dark, but still, Hadley was proud of it. It was probably her best attempt at Stitch yet. "Professor Stewart," she raised her hand, waving it a bit to get the Professor's attention. "I'm done. You can display it if you want to."
SPOILER!!: Haddie and Stitch
Originally Posted by Stefan
Once he was done with the colors, which by the way only required 3 shades, Jace packed away the borrowed colouring materials, and signed his masterpiece before getting up to hand his work in to the professor up front. Without a word, he placed the box of markers and crayons inside the box where he got it, and then handed his parchment to the professor.
With a sheepish smile, Jace inclined his head, and went back to his seat quietly.
Are they allowed to go to their next class already?
SPOILER!!: Jace as Samurai Jack!
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Tenacius was sketching away. It took him a few tries to get this puppeh right-- after all it’s the most famous Beagle in Muggle history. But he's read so much comics and watched all those cartoons over and over that now the imagery has been committed to memory, pretty much permanently.
Inspiration supplies a lot of the skillz this time around. Incredible how such seemingly impossible task from earlier seems to flow about from his pen and ink with ease isnt it? As he drew and colored and got creative with the tissue paper-- because clouds must be fluffeh-- he recalled the endless hours of himself as a mere tot, flying around or pretending to be a living plane or an ace pilot, arms stretched out to his side and making artillery noises as he goes about his run over enemy territory.
Ace pilot... He had to wonder if his dad thought of that when he came up with his petname. Or maybe the old man, as per usual, wanted to have a shortcut with even calling his son and thus came up with this. Or maybe subliminally he wants his kid to be the best he could be? Well whichever is the case, Tenacius-- Ten Aces-- Ace.
The Gryffindor Ace.
SPOILER!!: please forgive the simplicity, i only had a few hours to make this from scratch lol!
He stretched himself-- such a creak in the neck!-- and then regarded the finished cartoon. Very not bad eh? And if the Professor knew the spell to make images move, the Gryffindor Ace would actually look like it was flying.
And with that he submitted his work and returned the art supplies.
Originally Posted by Jean Granger
Alright, the head was complete! Carl leaned back and looked at his drawing, nodded, and began to draw ... the suit and cape.
From the suit, the Badger moved on to the arms. After drawing two bumpy lines coming out of both sides of the neck, he frowned and erased them. No, he did not have these strong arms. He wanted his character to resemble him some more. He drew two lines, one of them bending at the elbows, so that it looked like it was about to punch something.
Then, he drew hands at the ends of the arms. He had to admit he was most horrible at drawing hands.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising
Sky wasn't into drawing superheroes or cartoons, but there was one super easy cartoon drawing that stood out in her mind. Even though she used mostly one or two colours, there was one distinctive feature that she decided to add to her drawing which would truly make it her own. Picking up the greenish crayon, the first year added dots for the colours of her pupils.
There. She was done.
Adding her name, "Skylar Diggory, First Year Slytherin" to the bottom of the drawing, Sky stood up to turn in her drawing and return the crayons and unused paper stack.
"There you are, Professor. Thank you," for you know, allowing her the creativity to make whatever she wanted pretty much. It was in essence, the original hero and cartoon character at least in Sky's mind
SPOILER!!: look if you dare! y'all are such artists though compared to me haha. but yes, if you really want to share, you may
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Janelle was ready to put some clothes on her rabbit. Thinking for a minute, she finally grabbed some pencils and continued working. She put a shirt and a skirt on her character. It wasn't exactly her style, but she chose to make her clothes in shades of blue and green........her favorite colors. Then Janelle began to add some hair, lots of it. Now that was a reflection of her. She started to put a bow on her bunny, but Janelle Guidry would never wear a hair bow. Nope, never.
Now that her rabbit was dressed, Janelle added the hands and details on the feet. As a last thought, she added some eyelashes. This was a girl rabbit after all. When she couldn't think of anything else to add, she stopped. Janelle took a moment to look at her finished product. Well it wasn't great, but it wasn't a total disaster either. It would have to do though because that was pretty much her best effort. She wrote her identifying information and put her colored pencils back in their box.
Janelle picked up her picture and her other supplies and headed toward the front of the room. She returned her drawing supplies and handed her picture to Professor Stewart. "Here you go Professor. I did the best I could. Anyway, I had fun drawing and talking about cartoons" Then she returned to her seat and got her things together.
SPOILER!!: Janelle as Bugs Bunny
Janelle Guidry
Fifth Year
Originally Posted by Shanners
There wasn't enough time for Rooney to be completely satisfied with his work, but.. it would just have to do right now. He supposed that his work wasn't awful, but he wasn't sure on the colours he had put together if anything. But it was supposed to be himself, which...was accurate in that he threw clothes on whether they went together or not and didn't give much of a second thought to it. He had wanted to put incredible detail into everything about it...the pattern on his glasses, the creases in his clothes...the accurate direction of the tuft of hair that rarely sat down... but that wasn't accurate to the cartoon aspect of this.
Simple lines, simple ideas and...plain simple things were how it was supposed to be.
So as Roo added the final colourings onto the yellow skin, he muttered a "It'll do.." and added his name to his work before taking it to the Professor. Donezo.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Shifting around in her seat a little to get herself comfortable Hady finally lifted her hazel eyes off of the paper set before her. She was finished. Or as finished as she could be. There was some hair, a hoodie and her silver butterfly pendent. What she did leave out was her tattoo but only because it was much to detailed and the area on her drawing where it would have went was much to small. Oh, well though. Not many people knew she had it anyhow.
Setting her pencil aside she picked up a black fine tipped marker and began working on the tracing the outline of it. Once she had that finished she pushed her colored pencils aside and took out her box of crayons from inside her bag instead. She wasn't in a colored pencil mood right now. Selecting several colors from inside the box she laid them out on her desk and began the task of coloring everything in paying no real mind which colors she had used and where until she was completely finished. Picking up the thin marker one last time she quickly signed her name at the bottom of the drawing.
Now that she was finished she could right? She really didn't want to sit around and do nothing if she didn't have to. Hadleigh lifted her head to look around the room once more taking quick notice to who else was finished and who was still working. Slowly her eyes moved back to her desk and her work.
Originally Posted by Lady Marmalade
Bella wasn't completely satisfied with her drawling, but it was too late to start over. It didn't have to be perfect, but it would do for now. At least when she added some color you wouldn't see all of the eraser marks in several places from her making corrections.
Moving on!
She had official stopped correcting things or else she really won't finish her drawling. Bella made herself have on a short skirt and cami, along with knee high socks and heels. She even had herself had dog ears which was appropriate because in this cartoon everyone was some kind of monster. "Now for some color."
Instead of making her skin normal color, she colored it blue and for the clothes she switched between her two favorite colors purple and red. It was the fastest color job she’d ever done, but it would do for now.
It wasn’t her best work, but it would do for now.
SPOILER!!: Monster High Bella
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Now that Kitty had drawn the outline of herself, next she just HAD to color it. She used a black color crayon to color the cape, clothes, and hair. Then she took the white color crayon (because she was pale as a vampire in her makeup) and colored her hands and face. Her nails she colored black too (leaving them much longer in the picture than they were in real life so you could see the contrast between her nails and hand) and lipstick too. She dabbed her eyes gently with the green color crayon. In real life her eyes were not green, but this was self expression and in self expression she could do whatever she pleased.
There. Satisfied with herself, Kitty stood and brought her picture over to the professor. "This is my picture Professor," she said, handing her picture over. "Thank you for the lesson, it was really fun talking about cartoons and drawing them. Even though I've always loved cartoons, you really helped me to appreciate what went into making them even more."
Kay had a collection of some of the best art work to ever be done in her entire teach career and she was proud. “I will surely let you have it back, Mr Thomas-Borzekowski.’’ Such creativity deserved to be showed off to the family. To the rest of the class, she said…
“Thank you all for participating in today’s lesson! I admire all of your drawings and I will be putting them on display.’’ She beamed around at the class. “That’s all for today! Kindly return the art supplies to their respective boxes before leaving. Mr Baltazar? Would you be so kind as to check to see that there are no of the supplies left lying around?’’ He did volunteer earlier so Kay would take him up on his offer.
OOC: Hiya, guys and girls! Just a few things from me:
1. Thank you again for attending and helping me make this lesson a success whether you took part in the entire class or not or if you drew an image or not! <3
2. It is not late to let Kay and I have permission if you haven’t given any. Just contact me via Skype, VM or PM.
3. Class has officially ended but I will leave the thread open for a few hours for those of you who want to post your charries leaving. Any posts done for the activity after this one will not be counted.
“Thank you all for participating in today’s lesson! I admire all of your drawings and I will be putting them on display.’’ She beamed around at the class. “That’s all for today! Kindly return the art supplies to their respective boxes before leaving. Mr Baltazar? Would you be so kind as to check to see that there are no of the supplies left lying around?’’ He did volunteer earlier so Kay would take him up on his offer.
OOC: Hiya, guys and girls! Just a few things from me:
1. Thank you again for attending and helping me make this lesson a success whether you took part in the entire class or not or if you drew an image or not! <3
2. It is not late to let Kay and I have permission if you haven’t given any. Just contact me via Skype, VM or PM.
3. Class has officially ended but I will leave the thread open for a few hours for those of you who want to post your charries leaving. Any posts done for the activity after this one will not be counted.
They boy's head snapped up so fast at Professor Stewart calling his name that it was a wonder how it did not pain him. She was calling for HIM, okay. "Sure can do, Professor Stewart," he grinned and saluted her.
Turning in his little project (of which he was SUPER DUPER proud of) Cornelius put his things away and then inspected desktops and the floor for forgotten materials. He found a few under the desks at the back. Why don't people clean after themselves? Didn't their mumma or papa teach them?
Everybody clean up and DO THEIR SHARE. PFFT.
Anyway, he was doing this for a good cause so it didn't bother him. Taking the things he found to the materials box, he smiled at the Professor. "All done and good." Ace student right here.
Speaking of...was he going to be awarded extra house points for this?
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Kay smiled when Cornelius saluted her. He was such a little darling. While he sought out any runaway stationery, she carefully gathered all the precious drawing in one folder and cleaned her whiteboard manually. By this time, her student helper was all done. She ensured the stationery he brought were back in the boxes.
"You've been an excellent help, Mr Baltazar. Thank you. Take five points for Slytherin.'' Kay grinned. "Thanks for coming! Enjoy your next class.'' Leaving him to depart, she went to grab her laptop, leaving the projector behind. That just might permanently be apart of this classroom.