-   Term 43: May - August 2016 (
-   -   Meeting Space with Professor Myers (

kayquilz 04-14-2016 04:26 PM

Meeting Space with Professor Myers
Paul couldn't lie to himself anymore; he hated his office. Well, hate was such a strong word. But really, he didn't like meeting with students in there. It was so stifling to conversation so...not fun. And so, he would keep his office the same, of course, but only spend time in there when he needed absolutely concentration grading papers or doing his own research. He would NOT be meeting with students in there anymore.

The waiting area that had previously held those flower chairs that most students seemed to not like...was transformed into the meeting space, but the students must knock on the door to be let inside now. And he would only meet with students in here becaaaaaause there was something very special he was going to with this room.

Paul would make it different, every three months. Fun things, too. He had plenty of ideas, yes! But for now, the room looks like: THIS. It was fun to be a child sometimes.

OOC: I apologize deeply for not having a normal office .___. Have your character knock and Paul will let them in, all in this thread.

LilFox06 05-07-2016 07:00 PM

hehehe HAI
Kaycee held a brand new in box Chia Pet in her arms. As per tradition, she was on her way to give it to Professor Myers. What started as a joke made the newly badged Gryffindor pretty fond of her Professor.

So here she was...

... confused.

Didn't those weird flower chairs used to be here? In an open space? Why was there a closed door instead?

... and so... Kaycee did the thing that you do anytime you're greeted with a closed door. She knocked.

kayquilz 05-07-2016 07:11 PM

Come in, M'dear.
Paul was meditating on a lily pad. How tranquil this room was at the moment. Ahhh. Nice. SO nice. It was nice to have this weird spot. MUCH more enjoyable than a dark, old office. Pfft.

He heard the knock. Without opening his eyes, he answered with, "Come in!" and sat still atop the giant lily pad. Who would the first student to visit his office be? Hmm?

He was curious.

LilFox06 05-07-2016 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11937352)
Paul was meditating on a lily pad. How tranquil this room was at the moment. Ahhh. Nice. SO nice. It was nice to have this weird spot. MUCH more enjoyable than a dark, old office. Pfft.

He heard the knock. Without opening his eyes, he answered with, "Come in!" and sat still atop the giant lily pad. Who would the first student to visit his office be? Hmm?

He was curious.

Kaycee entered the room and looked around. ... ... This was new.

"You redecorated." she said simply. She glanced around the lilies before hopping on to one. "How buoyant are these?" she asked bouncing around on one. Could she skip on them? Breakdance on them? These were important questions.

"Oh. And I brought you something." she added as a bit of an afterthought.

kayquilz 05-07-2016 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 11937384)
Kaycee entered the room and looked around. ... ... This was new.

"You redecorated." she said simply. She glanced around the lilies before hopping on to one. "How buoyant are these?" she asked bouncing around on one. Could she skip on them? Breakdance on them? These were important questions.

"Oh. And I brought you something." she added as a bit of an afterthought.

Ha! The look on Miss Richards' face when she stepped inside just about made his day. He cackled. "I have. My old office is behind us--" he nodded at the door behind him. "But it's so dull to hang out in there all the time." He stood atop the lily pad and bounced a little, water sloshing about. "Pretty buoyant." He jumped a little and flapped his arms. "See?" he chuckled. "Since it's all..charmed and whatnot. Magic, you see," Obviously.

"Is it about...plant pet?"
he asked. "The thing you brought me last term? I still have it and continue to take care of it!" PAUL LOVED PRESENTS.

MunchyBubbles 05-08-2016 06:47 PM

To be honest, Azura wasn't sure if all of the Professors had been informed of what happened to her mother or not, but regardless.. she just really wanted to talk to Professor Paul!

And so.. The small girl knocked and waited patiently as she looked around.. Huh..

Didn't his office used to look different? She blinked her purple eyes a bit in slight confusion..

Maybe she was just.. forgetting things?

Yes.. Yess, that must be it.

oh its Erik ok 05-08-2016 11:57 PM

So well Dante did like to meet up and gossip but he had nothing related to Professor Paul to share this time. He mostly wanted to clear up any misunderstanding with him and Kaycee and how they act in his class. Mostly the rest was to gossip like old ladies. . Dante was a little surprised that this famous seats and whole area was going. Guess he wanted as change or something. Can blame the guy since he gets new co workers almost every year.

Dante knocked on the door.

And now that they were not here. Dante missed those flower seats.

kayquilz 05-09-2016 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 11938017)
To be honest, Azura wasn't sure if all of the Professors had been informed of what happened to her mother or not, but regardless.. she just really wanted to talk to Professor Paul!

And so.. The small girl knocked and waited patiently as she looked around.. Huh..

Didn't his office used to look different? She blinked her purple eyes a bit in slight confusion..

Maybe she was just.. forgetting things?

Yes.. Yess, that must be it.

"Come right in!" The Herbology professor called out as soon as the knock rang out in his lily-padded room. He dropped the stack of papers he had been reading and hopped over to the door, barefoot, and opened the door. "Come right in, come right in!" he smiled as he saw Azura.

Poor girl.

"Azura! Lovely to see you, m'dear!"


Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 11938287)
So well Dante did like to meet up and gossip but he had nothing related to Professor Paul to share this time. He mostly wanted to clear up any misunderstanding with him and Kaycee and how they act in his class. Mostly the rest was to gossip like old ladies. . Dante was a little surprised that this famous seats and whole area was going. Guess he wanted as change or something. Can blame the guy since he gets new co workers almost every year.

Dante knocked on the door.

And now that they were not here. Dante missed those flower seats.

And it seemed as soon as Paul was done with one person, another arrived. He had not even gotten a chance to settle down back onto the main lily pad to finish reading when ANOTHER knock rang out in the room.

"Door's open--come right in!"
he called out, plopping down on the lily pad, causing the water to ripple a little and the rest of the lily pads to move about.

MunchyBubbles 05-09-2016 03:53 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11938330)
"Come right in!" The Herbology professor called out as soon as the knock rang out in his lily-padded room. He dropped the stack of papers he had been reading and hopped over to the door, barefoot, and opened the door. "Come right in, come right in!" he smiled as he saw Azura.

Poor girl.

"Azura! Lovely to see you, m'dear!"

Mighty Fwoopers in the inky depths!

Azura's dull purple eyes were wide with surprise as she saw what the Herbology Professor's "office" looked like. Sweet Sweet Fwoopers, please let her not fall in! She swallowed slightly, hoping to all that was lovely and gracious that she could maintain her balance while talking to the Professor!

"Hello Professor Paul." She said with as much of a smile as she could muster these days, as she slowly walked in.. and attempted to balance on the Lily pad..

"I.. uhh.. this is new." Was about all she could say.. It wasn't bad! It was just.. surprising? Yes.. She would go with that.

"It's nice to see you as well." Of all the Professor's besides Hirsch, she liked Paul the most. And she felt like he could be the one she could talk to the best.. "How are you? How was your summer?" She asked curiously as she gingerly made her way further onto a lily pad and sat down.. She wasn't taking ANY chances right now.

kayquilz 05-09-2016 03:17 PM


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 11938554)
Mighty Fwoopers in the inky depths!

Azura's dull purple eyes were wide with surprise as she saw what the Herbology Professor's "office" looked like. Sweet Sweet Fwoopers, please let her not fall in! She swallowed slightly, hoping to all that was lovely and gracious that she could maintain her balance while talking to the Professor!

"Hello Professor Paul." She said with as much of a smile as she could muster these days, as she slowly walked in.. and attempted to balance on the Lily pad..

"I.. uhh.. this is new." Was about all she could say.. It wasn't bad! It was just.. surprising? Yes.. She would go with that.

"It's nice to see you as well." Of all the Professor's besides Hirsch, she liked Paul the most. And she felt like he could be the one she could talk to the best.. "How are you? How was your summer?" She asked curiously as she gingerly made her way further onto a lily pad and sat down.. She wasn't taking ANY chances right now.

"Hellllllo, m'dear!" he smiled and hopped his way back to the lily pad he had claimed as HIS lily pad. "Yes...this certainly IS new...I was getting so bored with my old office. It's still there--" he nodded behind him. "Just...I want to meet with YOU all in here," he said with a shrug. "Have a--"

And she sat! Well, good. "I'm good. I had a nice partner and I went to Hawaii." He chuckled and...did not proceed to ask her about her summer. "How are you, my dear?"

MunchyBubbles 05-09-2016 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11939115)
"Hellllllo, m'dear!" he smiled and hopped his way back to the lily pad he had claimed as HIS lily pad. "Yes...this certainly IS new...I was getting so bored with my old office. It's still there--" he nodded behind him. "Just...I want to meet with YOU all in here," he said with a shrug. "Have a--"

And she sat! Well, good. "I'm good. I had a nice partner and I went to Hawaii." He chuckled and...did not proceed to ask her about her summer. "How are you, my dear?"

A small smile actually cracked Azura's pale face as she watched Professor Paul hop back over to his Lily pad.. This was crazy.. but really.. it was what she needed right now.. Something silly.. and fun! Fun! She needed that! "Well, I like it. It's fun and new and.. exciting." Mmm.. yes. She needed to visit here more often.. That is what she needed to do.

She made herself comfortable on the Lily pad and then then listened to how his summer went. "That sounds like a fun time! Is that why you had a Hawaiian shirt on at the Feast?" She asked him and looked at him gratefully as he didn't ask about her summer.. So he knew.. She had figured most of the Professors knew..

"I'm... I.." She shrugged.. "I don't know how I feel, to be honest. Numb? I.. still can't believe it happened." She looked down at the Lily pad she was on and gently touched it with her small fingers. "Her Funeral was two days before I had to leave and come here." She bit her lip.. She wasn't going to cry.. She.. wasn't..

Okay..Maybe a little?

kayquilz 05-09-2016 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 11939523)
A small smile actually cracked Azura's pale face as she watched Professor Paul hop back over to his Lily pad.. This was crazy.. but really.. it was what she needed right now.. Something silly.. and fun! Fun! She needed that! "Well, I like it. It's fun and new and.. exciting." Mmm.. yes. She needed to visit here more often.. That is what she needed to do.

She made herself comfortable on the Lily pad and then then listened to how his summer went. "That sounds like a fun time! Is that why you had a Hawaiian shirt on at the Feast?" She asked him and looked at him gratefully as he didn't ask about her summer.. So he knew.. She had figured most of the Professors knew..

"I'm... I.." She shrugged.. "I don't know how I feel, to be honest. Numb? I.. still can't believe it happened." She looked down at the Lily pad she was on and gently touched it with her small fingers. "Her Funeral was two days before I had to leave and come here." She bit her lip.. She wasn't going to cry.. She.. wasn't..

Okay..Maybe a little?

He was hoping the students would enjoy it; he knew HE did. Then again, Paul felt he was sort of a big kid himself most days. Nothing wrong with that, though.

He chuckled. "Ah...funny story. My trip ended..the day before term started. I got home, went to sleep...forgot to unpack and repack, and thought I had done the repacking and so...I came here with only my vacation clothes. SO yes...that's why I had those silly vacation clothes on. quite...embarrassing," he laughed a little more. "I had to get sent my real clothes early the nest morning." Milton...had wanted to kill him.


And...the more serious things. The things Paul had assumed she had come to talk about as soon as he saw her. He nodded, leaning back on his elbows and letting the heel of his foot touch the icy water. "It must be hard, m'dear." He was silent for a little while, watching her. "It's okay to feel sad right now, you know. But it's also okay to let yourself feel happy." While he didn't know the minute details of all his students, he knew enough about Azura. "I am so sorry this had happened to you, Miss Kennedy." There weren't words enough to comfort the girl, so why bother with them?

He stood up, quickly, almost falling into the water-----but caught himself before doing so. "I'll be right back--" and he disappeared into his old office.

WhittyBitty 05-09-2016 11:15 PM


This was different.

Confused, Esme looked through the glass to see... she wasn't exactly sure WHAT but it definitely wasn't the waiting area that she was used to. Where were those comfy chairs? Why was everything a pond with huge lily pads? Nothing made sense except for the fact that she had the most amazing Head of House in all of Hogwarts. The Hufflepuffs really were lucky because Professor Myers was AWESOME - though of course all the Professors were awesome. They just didn't let their students in on recording sessions or have PONDS in their offices.

Shifting the brownie she had brought in her arms, Esme knocked and waited to be allowed in.

kayquilz 05-10-2016 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy (Post 11939727)

This was different.

Confused, Esme looked through the glass to see... she wasn't exactly sure WHAT but it definitely wasn't the waiting area that she was used to. Where were those comfy chairs? Why was everything a pond with huge lily pads? Nothing made sense except for the fact that she had the most amazing Head of House in all of Hogwarts. The Hufflepuffs really were lucky because Professor Myers was AWESOME - though of course all the Professors were awesome. They just didn't let their students in on recording sessions or have PONDS in their offices.

Shifting the brownie she had brought in her arms, Esme knocked and waited to be allowed in.

And another student! Paul felt so popular these days! He grinned and called out, "Come in!" and waited patiently for whoever this was to see his NEW and improved "office," per say.

Another day another adventure. Paul Myers was relaxing on his lily pad, barefoot, playing his banjo gently. The music sounded really great in this room; the acoustics! OH the acoustics!

MunchyBubbles 05-10-2016 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11939618)
He was hoping the students would enjoy it; he knew HE did. Then again, Paul felt he was sort of a big kid himself most days. Nothing wrong with that, though.

He chuckled. "Ah...funny story. My trip ended..the day before term started. I got home, went to sleep...forgot to unpack and repack, and thought I had done the repacking and so...I came here with only my vacation clothes. SO yes...that's why I had those silly vacation clothes on. quite...embarrassing," he laughed a little more. "I had to get sent my real clothes early the nest morning." Milton...had wanted to kill him.


And...the more serious things. The things Paul had assumed she had come to talk about as soon as he saw her. He nodded, leaning back on his elbows and letting the heel of his foot touch the icy water. "It must be hard, m'dear." He was silent for a little while, watching her. "It's okay to feel sad right now, you know. But it's also okay to let yourself feel happy." While he didn't know the minute details of all his students, he knew enough about Azura. "I am so sorry this had happened to you, Miss Kennedy." There weren't words enough to comfort the girl, so why bother with them?

He stood up, quickly, almost falling into the water-----but caught himself before doing so. "I'll be right back--" and he disappeared into his old office.

Azura had to at least let a little smile grace her lips as Professor Paul talked about what happened at the Feast. "Well, that's perfectly understandable. I mean, you were probably so tired from your trip, you didn't remember anything." She nodded her head as she pulled some of her black hair forward to play with as he spoke more. "Well, I thought it looked pretty cool actually. But, that's just me." Yes, Azura was trying to make him feel better.. because that is what she did. And it was the truth.. His clothes were like a ray of sunshine in the sea of black. "It made me smile, and lately, I haven't been smiling much."

She didn't mean to be morose or depressed.. it was just the truth. She hadn't been smiling much. She was still in shock.

She nodded at his next words.. "It IS hard.. I.. can't sleep much. I get nightmares.. and food..just tastes like ash.. but.. I'm trying." She really was. She was trying as hard as she could to get through this.. Alone really. The less people knew about this.. the less attention she drew to herself.

"I know it's okay to feel sad. I do feel sad.. and I know it's okay to feel happy, but.. " She shrugged as she trailed off. She had to force herself to be happy lately.. because if she didn't.. everyone would find out. And those she had told.. didn't seem to want anything to do with her..

A few tears came to her eyes as he spoke.."It's okay Professor Meyers, Thanks for letting me talk to you." She said in a soft voice as she watched him get up and then nearly fall over! Azura almost stood up as well, but he righted himself and then took off.. and she was left alone.. She lay down on the Lily pad.. tears streaking out of her eyes as she looked upwards..

oh its Erik ok 05-11-2016 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11938330)
And it seemed as soon as Paul was done with one person, another arrived. He had not even gotten a chance to settle down back onto the main lily pad to finish reading when ANOTHER knock rang out in the room.

"Door's open--come right in!"
he called out, plopping down on the lily pad, causing the water to ripple a little and the rest of the lily pads to move about.

Finally standing was not something Dante liked to do and standing and waiting was testing his patience. Which was not that great to begin with. Dante walked into the room and was actually impressed. Better than his old office that was for sure. But now how was he suppose to get to him

"Professor Paul please tell all i have to do is just jump on over to you and that's it."

He was overthinking a bit. But you never know. Professor Paul could have suddenly got inspiration to have it become a game or obstacle course to reach his desk.

Dante would believe it.

WhittyBitty 05-11-2016 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11940391)
And another student! Paul felt so popular these days! He grinned and called out, "Come in!" and waited patiently for whoever this was to see his NEW and improved "office," per say.

Another day another adventure. Paul Myers was relaxing on his lily pad, barefoot, playing his banjo gently. The music sounded really great in this room; the acoustics! OH the acoustics!

At the sound of his voice, Esme opened the door. Immediately she was greeted with music coming from his banjo. Of course; a pond was the perfect place to play because it was so serene. If she had an instrument with her she would have loved to join in and they could play music together. As it was that could wait for another time.

"Hello, Professor Myers," she said as she carefully joined him on his lily pad. Not exactly easy when holding brownies but it was what it was. "I hope you are well. I like the new layout." She glanced around wondering if this was his new office because he wasn't telling her to go in his old one. How much work could someone get done on a lily pad? Ehhh. "I brought brownies," she said as an afterthought, still wondering how an office like this worked.

kayquilz 05-11-2016 08:27 PM

SPOILER!!: Azura

Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 11940488)
Azura had to at least let a little smile grace her lips as Professor Paul talked about what happened at the Feast. "Well, that's perfectly understandable. I mean, you were probably so tired from your trip, you didn't remember anything." She nodded her head as she pulled some of her black hair forward to play with as he spoke more. "Well, I thought it looked pretty cool actually. But, that's just me." Yes, Azura was trying to make him feel better.. because that is what she did. And it was the truth.. His clothes were like a ray of sunshine in the sea of black. "It made me smile, and lately, I haven't been smiling much."

She didn't mean to be morose or depressed.. it was just the truth. She hadn't been smiling much. She was still in shock.

She nodded at his next words.. "It IS hard.. I.. can't sleep much. I get nightmares.. and food..just tastes like ash.. but.. I'm trying." She really was. She was trying as hard as she could to get through this.. Alone really. The less people knew about this.. the less attention she drew to herself.

"I know it's okay to feel sad. I do feel sad.. and I know it's okay to feel happy, but.. " She shrugged as she trailed off. She had to force herself to be happy lately.. because if she didn't.. everyone would find out. And those she had told.. didn't seem to want anything to do with her..

A few tears came to her eyes as he spoke.."It's okay Professor Meyers, Thanks for letting me talk to you." She said in a soft voice as she watched him get up and then nearly fall over! Azura almost stood up as well, but he righted himself and then took off.. and she was left alone.. She lay down on the Lily pad.. tears streaking out of her eyes as she looked upwards..

Paul opened the door a minute later, seeing Azura sniffling. He let Zelda, his collie, go, and the dog jumped right into the water and doggy-paddled over to Azura excitedly. She rested her front paws and her chin on the lily pad, trying her best to lick Azura's nose. Her tail was wagging so hard it was propelling the lily-pad a little bit, water sloshing around quite a bit from it as well.

"Remember my other dog I had here last term? Charles Fluffington? He was quite I brought one of our other dogs, Zelda, with's a muggle name," he added. Paul was under the impression Zelda was a common muggle name. "She seems to enjoy it here a lot more than he did. So..I think I'll probably be bringing her every term if I can..." he chuckled.


Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 11940879)

Finally standing was not something Dante liked to do and standing and waiting was testing his patience. Which was not that great to begin with. Dante walked into the room and was actually impressed. Better than his old office that was for sure. But now how was he suppose to get to him

"Professor Paul please tell all i have to do is just jump on over to you and that's it."

He was overthinking a bit. But you never know. Professor Paul could have suddenly got inspiration to have it become a game or obstacle course to reach his desk.

Dante would believe it.

It was Dante!

Paul smiled at the boy and gestured him over. "Just hop right over--it's possible to fall in, but it's not deep enough to cause any harm." He was glad to see the boy....who was certainly getting older and was probably more of a MAN nowadays, actually.

"I hope you're doing all right. How was your summer? Had fun? Relaxed? READY TO LEARN?"


Originally Posted by Squishy (Post 11941106)
At the sound of his voice, Esme opened the door. Immediately she was greeted with music coming from his banjo. Of course; a pond was the perfect place to play because it was so serene. If she had an instrument with her she would have loved to join in and they could play music together. As it was that could wait for another time.

"Hello, Professor Myers," she said as she carefully joined him on his lily pad. Not exactly easy when holding brownies but it was what it was. "I hope you are well. I like the new layout." She glanced around wondering if this was his new office because he wasn't telling her to go in his old one. How much work could someone get done on a lily pad? Ehhh. "I brought brownies," she said as an afterthought, still wondering how an office like this worked.

Esme! "Ah, thank you, m'dear," he paused his playing for a minute to wave and smile at her. "BROWNIES!" he cried, setting his banjo aside carefully. He actually picked it up again to put it in its CASE so that it wouldn't get wet by accident or anything.

"Yes--I needed a more interesting meeting space with you all. And also somewhere more interesting and stimulating for my brain to get work done," he smiled. "Just step on the lily-pads, m'dear."

VRSCIKA 05-12-2016 01:01 AM

Ilia had not had a proper meeting with the herbology professor since last term. He was the only adult with whom she had sought personal counsle, mostly by accident but still. She enjoyed his special brand of oddness and he had consoled her when she was in distress, personal visits were owed really. Straightening her dress, she knocked gently on the door.

kayquilz 05-12-2016 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by VRSCIKA (Post 11942145)
Ilia had not had a proper meeting with the herbology professor since last term. He was the only adult with whom she had sought personal counsle, mostly by accident but still. She enjoyed his special brand of oddness and he had consoled her when she was in distress, personal visits were owed really. Straightening her dress, she knocked gently on the door.

Doing yoga on his lily-pads. It was relaxing. it was SOOTHING. The room echoed with the sound of his movements. Currently in downward dog, Paul didn't look up as he heard the knock.

"Come...right in....don't" he said airily, with pauses in between his words because yoga was aalllllll about that breathing, you know? He was feeling MUCH better than he felt earlier..after the...outrage.

VRSCIKA 05-12-2016 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11942154)
Doing yoga on his lily-pads. It was relaxing. it was SOOTHING. The room echoed with the sound of his movements. Currently in downward dog, Paul didn't look up as he heard the knock.

"Come...right in....don't" he said airily, with pauses in between his words because yoga was aalllllll about that breathing, you know? He was feeling MUCH better than he felt earlier..after the...outrage.

The professor sounded even more interesting than usual today...Ilia had come to take the eccentricity in stride though. Opening the door, the young blonde was met with an unusual sight. Yoga on a lily pad...her head tilted to the side a bit as she observed. "Hello professor. Should I come back at a better time?" Although, honestly she was intrigued by the new interior of the banjo man's office. "I see you've redecorated."

MunchyBubbles 05-12-2016 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11942007)

Paul opened the door a minute later, seeing Azura sniffling. He let Zelda, his collie, go, and the dog jumped right into the water and doggy-paddled over to Azura excitedly. She rested her front paws and her chin on the lily pad, trying her best to lick Azura's nose. Her tail was wagging so hard it was propelling the lily-pad a little bit, water sloshing around quite a bit from it as well.

"Remember my other dog I had here last term? Charles Fluffington? He was quite I brought one of our other dogs, Zelda, with's a muggle name," he added. Paul was under the impression Zelda was a common muggle name. "She seems to enjoy it here a lot more than he did. So..I think I'll probably be bringing her every term if I can..." he chuckled.

Azura pushed up a little on the Lily pad and wiped her eyes when she saw a dog bound out of the office and straight into the water!! She actually let out a soft giggle as it paddled right towards her and put it's head up on the Lily Pad and tried to lick her nose. She leaned her head forward just a bit so the dog could indeed lick at her.. getting her slightly wet in the process..

She gently rubbed the Dog's head.. "Hello there Zelda." She said as she looked up at the Professor. "Mmm, I think I remember him.. and aww, that's so sad. I hope he's better now?" She asked, feeling some concern for the other puppy before grinning.. "She's awfully adorable." She said with a warm smile.

kayquilz 05-12-2016 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by VRSCIKA (Post 11942159)
The professor sounded even more interesting than usual today...Ilia had come to take the eccentricity in stride though. Opening the door, the young blonde was met with an unusual sight. Yoga on a lily pad...her head tilted to the side a bit as she observed. "Hello professor. Should I come back at a better time?" Although, honestly she was intrigued by the new interior of the banjo man's office. "I see you've redecorated."

Paul laughed and flopped out of his position, landing on his bum. Sweat beaded his brow. "No! This time is perfect, m'dear--please take a seat or..don't. Hop around, I don't mind," he said.

"Yes! The old office is still there--" he pointed at the door behind him. "This used to be my waiting room BUT I transformed it into a place where I with you all in a more stimulating and exciting environment. I was feeling so stifled in there. I quite like grading papers in here, too. I'll change up the design every two months or so," he grinned."So...what do you need, m'dear?"


Originally Posted by MunchyBubbles (Post 11942175)
Azura pushed up a little on the Lily pad and wiped her eyes when she saw a dog bound out of the office and straight into the water!! She actually let out a soft giggle as it paddled right towards her and put it's head up on the Lily Pad and tried to lick her nose. She leaned her head forward just a bit so the dog could indeed lick at her.. getting her slightly wet in the process..

She gently rubbed the Dog's head.. "Hello there Zelda." She said as she looked up at the Professor. "Mmm, I think I remember him.. and aww, that's so sad. I hope he's better now?" She asked, feeling some concern for the other puppy before grinning.. "She's awfully adorable." She said with a warm smile.

Oh good, she least smiling a little. His plan had worked! Even if just a wee bit.

"He is better now! I think he just missed Milton," he snorted and shook his head slightly. "I should have known he'd miss Milton, to be honest, but I THOUGHT the dog liked me more--alas, I was wrong!" he sighed and settled back down on a lily-pad near Azura.

Zelda pulled herself up onto the lily-pad with Azura and curled up, sighing in that doglike way. "You can come by and see her any time you want, m'dear..."

VRSCIKA 05-12-2016 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11942261)
Paul laughed and flopped out of his position, landing on his bum. Sweat beaded his brow. "No! This time is perfect, m'dear--please take a seat or..don't. Hop around, I don't mind," he said.

"Yes! The old office is still there--" he pointed at the door behind him. "This used to be my waiting room BUT I transformed it into a place where I with you all in a more stimulating and exciting environment. I was feeling so stifled in there. I quite like grading papers in here, too. I'll change up the design every two months or so," he grinned."So...what do you need, m'dear?"

Ilia couldn't help but giggle a bit as the professor plopped on his rear. Albiet sweaty, he seemed to be well. The thought of hopping around the room like a frog did, in fact, cross her mind. Sitting would be eventual though. The blonde was wearing a summer dress and flat sandals, so the plants should be okay.....she jumped onto the closest one light with a big smile, then hopped across a few until she was on one of the lily pads closest to the professor. Kneeling like a lady she beamed a smile up at him. That was much more fun than just sitting in a waiting chair.

"I love what you've done with the place, I almost feel like a frog." Which, the young witch didn't mind at all. Need? "I wouldn't say that I need anything. I came to visit you really."

LilFox06 05-13-2016 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by kayquilz (Post 11937392)
Ha! The look on Miss Richards' face when she stepped inside just about made his day. He cackled. "I have. My old office is behind us--" he nodded at the door behind him. "But it's so dull to hang out in there all the time." He stood atop the lily pad and bounced a little, water sloshing about. "Pretty buoyant." He jumped a little and flapped his arms. "See?" he chuckled. "Since it's all..charmed and whatnot. Magic, you see," Obviously.

"Is it about...plant pet?"
he asked. "The thing you brought me last term? I still have it and continue to take care of it!" PAUL LOVED PRESENTS.

Kaycee grinned. "Good call, Professor." she replied. She was impressed. It looks like grown ups will knew how to have fun. This was very good to know. "Offices are boring."

She grinned a little at the professor's jumping around. "I'm almost tempted to grab Kyroh to see how they hold up to break dancing." Because, why try it herself and risk the possibility of getting wet when there was a perfectly good Ravenclaw around?

She nodded and made her way over to him. "It's even in the box so you can start from scratch." she said holding it out to him. "Happy start of term."

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