Her second duel.
Some how, Noelle had made it through her first one and won. She had lost her hair but luckily, and thankfully, Hirsch had given her her hair back. She probably looked horrendous bald and was glad there wasn't a mirror around.
Now for her second duel though. Noelle mind was distracted because of a recent breakup that had just happened between her and her first boyfriend, Sabbath. She hadn't seen him around school lately, but she also was sort of avoiding places he would be.
Noelle's appearance didn't look up to par either. She had bags under her eyes from lack of sleep and feels. She had threw her hair up in a messy bun for the match. Time to get it started.
Noelle knew her fellow opponent. She didn't know her terribly well but they had talked on occasion. Noelle knew she was heavily into make up, so her strategy was to mess with her appearance.
Taking a deep breath, Noelle pushed back thoughts of Sabbie, and her nerves. She steadied her mind as Henric had taught her. Then she bowed at Chloe, before sending off Expelliarmus spell and quickly after that an Ears to Kumquat spell towards Chloe. Hopefully one would hit her.