Was she? Was she? Ariadne dashed into the room, panting slightly due to her half-jog from the Slytherin common room. She had TOTALLY forgotten about her scheduled duel with Mel.
"SORRY, MEL!" she called out. Okay, breathe. *pant pant* Breathe, Ariadne. *pant*
She stepped up to the platform, drew her wand, and gave the Gryffindor girl across from her a bow. Now. Time to begin. She had been practicing all summer...well, maybe not ALL summer...BUT, she was better prepared for a duel this time. Her brain jumped right to the 'F section' of the spells she'd memorized, and she knew just which one she wanted to start with. Actually, which ONES she wanted to start with. Heh.
"Furnunculus!" she exclaimed, directing her spell toward Mel. She quickly followed that casting with a
Feather-light Charm cast on
herself. Please work! Oh, please work!