-   Term 43: May - August 2016 (
-   -   Gryffindor House Table (

Cassirin 05-03-2016 01:05 AM

Gryffindor House Table
The house elves have been hard at work, leaving the Great Hall spotless, the tables set with pristine silverware, and delicious smells floating up from the kitchen. Your stomach might be growling, but it isn't quite time to eat yet.

Hopefully, the new Headmaster will make an appearance before you chew your way through your House table. Has anyone seen him yet?

ChanceCoeur 05-03-2016 01:26 AM

Anyone can grab <3
The feast!!

Noelle had walked with the rest of the school, besides the firsties of course, up to the castle. She marveled in its beauty. She would never get used to it. She knew Hope and Sabbie were somewhere near her. They had gotten lost a little through the scramble of getting off the train and to the castle.

Noelle did manage to grab Chico and Weazel. Both were being escorted to her room by a house elf. Thank Merlin for them. Walking into the Great Hall, she took a look around and couldn't help but feel like she belonged here. Despite last year when all she wanted was to run away. She was much more confident.

The Gryffindor table was waiting for her. She was a third year now! She hurried to the table, waving and saying hello to every familiar face she could. Taking a seat, she saved one for Hope and Sabbie. She didn't know if Hope would sit with them. Not that Sabbie was really supposed to be sitting with them either. He was a Claw. Noelle tended to forget that from time to time. Lately it seemed Hope wanted to get away from them a little bit. Spread her wings. Noelle still considered her part of the crew. Whether she wanted to venture out or not.

Now, where was Sabbie? He would sit with her right? If not, Noelle would be happy with anyone to talk to.

Stormdancer 05-03-2016 01:28 AM

Marsha was extatic to be back. Not only had they had a party on the train back to school for Vince's fifteen birthday, she was back in Gryffindor with her friends and extended family including her brand new sister Lily, ANNNND she could still see Professor Draper at the staff table which meant she didn't have to start at the beginning with a new CoMC Professor.... Which was always a good thing.

Finding a seat at the table, next to Vince and Lance and then was surrounded by more of her amazing house mates, the fourth year got ready to witness yet another sorting ceremony before meeting the new Headmaster. She couldn't wait to see him... silently, she wondered if they would accept transfers at some point if she could convince her parents. How cool would that be?

LilFox06 05-03-2016 01:39 AM

Hai everyone!
Kaycee took a very dramatic flop onto the bench. She puffed out her chest because, HELLLLLLO badge, and grinned.

"Hey guys!" Did you see the badge? Did ya? Maybe she should have waited until there was more people. Oh well. The table would fill up soon enough.

"Welcome back. Ready to eat?" Because she was. Responsibility made her hungry.

Syd 05-03-2016 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 11932070)
Kaycee took a very dramatic flop onto the bench. She puffed out her chest because, HELLLLLLO badge, and grinned.

"Hey guys!" Did you see the badge? Did ya? Maybe she should have waited until there was more people. Oh well. The table would fill up soon enough.

"Welcome back. Ready to eat?" Because she was. Responsibility made her hungry.

Lana was here for the food. She had considered going straight to her dormitory, but the smell of food wafting from the kitchen changed her mind very quickly.

The sixth year made her way to the Gryffindor table, tugging nervously on the sleeve of her shirt. She saw a familiar face, though, and started to relax, even though her dormmate was being fairly loud.


"Prefect?" She asked, eyes wide, as she flopped on the bench by Kaycee. "Congratulations!"

oh its Erik ok 05-03-2016 01:58 AM

slithers on over
While Dante should be going on over to the slytherin table since he was a you know slytherin. He had been doing that for the past five years and well this year was different already. Considering two of his friends were Prefects. Like he can not see that badge Kaycee. He slithered on over and took a seat next to the new Gryffindor Prefect like he always sat at this table. Ah and look Lana was here already also."Lana" Dante greeted her nodding before turning his attention to Kaycee.

"You know i should be surprised you have that badge. But considering Hugo has one. I'm not. But still Congrats Miss Prefect"

This term was going to be fun.

Erindipity 05-03-2016 02:08 AM

Noelle, Kaycee, LANA, and Dante :)
Dora had been sad at every single feast before this one... she had not wanted to even BE at Hogwarts before, but this term was DIFFERENT! She was different. EVERYTHING was different and exciting now.


Making her way across the Great Hall a smile began to stretch her face as she spotted some of her friends already at the table. Noelle got a wave and a wink, but she made a beeline for Lana Keller, her adopted sister kind of person! EEEEEP!! Dora was super excited to see her. So excited she just kind of launched herself onto the older girl! Squeezing her tightly in a hug she giggled a little bit. "I missed you." And then she spotted the girl beside Lana... the one with the Prefect badge. "HEY! I'm Dora!! You're our Prefect... congrats!" Seeing as she did not know the girl's name she just gave a generic greeting in hopes that someone would introduce her properly...

WHAT WAS HER GOSSIP BUDDY DOING HERE? He got wide eyes and a big smile. "DANTE! HI!"

Zoe 05-03-2016 02:29 AM

Even though he had several sweets on the train ride to Hogsmeade, Frankie was STARVING. Was his stomach was less full because he shared his candy with Hady and Kelly? Probably. But he was working on getting some good karma going. Do good things for others, and good things would happen in return. Sooooo ... that meant the food would be appearing before them soon, right? The blond sure hoped so.

Walking down the side of the table with a swagger in his step, the prefect gave head nods at the Gryffindors that had already arrived. His co-prefect even got a wave. She was no Candice Messer, but Kaycee was pretty cool in his book.

Taking a seat, the blond looked up at the staff table, not even noticing the animal sitting in the middle chair, and gave a head nod directed toward a certain few of his favourites. His attention then returned to his housemates ... and then his growling stomach.


"Where's that new headmaster we're getting this year? He needs to get this show on the road," Frankie murmered to no one in particular.

D.A Forever 05-03-2016 02:35 AM

It really wasn't Noah's intention to end up at the same table as Noelle, of course.. this was her house table, really, the boy was just trying to find his older cousin - Vince, and possibly sit with him if he weren't too busy with his friends or Sha.

He figured they could watch the sorting together, since his little sister and Vince's little brother, aka his younger cousin, were to be sorted shortly along with the younger Paton, but somehow or another, instead of finding Vince first, Noah ended up right beside his... best friend? Former best friend? Who even knew. He certainly didn't.

Freezing up on the spot awkwardly, Noah simply shifted his school bag on his shoulder, keeping it close since the kneazle kitten he'd brought with him was curled up inside. He had promised his mum he would look after the little guy, there was no way he would send him to the common room alone.

....Where was Vince? Where was Frankie?

LilFox06 05-03-2016 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Syd (Post 11932085)
"Prefect?" She asked, eyes wide, as she flopped on the bench by Kaycee. "Congratulations!"

Kaycee smiled at her dormmate. "Thanks. Yeah. It's new." she said happily. As if the fact that it was new wasn't obvious. "How was your summer?" she asked.


Originally Posted by Meizzner (Post 11932110)
While Dante should be going on over to the slytherin table since he was a you know slytherin. He had been doing that for the past five years and well this year was different already. Considering two of his friends were Prefects. Like he can not see that badge Kaycee. He slithered on over and took a seat next to the new Gryffindor Prefect like he always sat at this table. Ah and look Lana was here already also."Lana" Dante greeted her nodding before turning his attention to Kaycee.

"You know i should be surprised you have that badge. But considering Hugo has one. I'm not. But still Congrats Miss Prefect"

This term was going to be fun.

Kaycee pretty much side!tackled Dante. Yes. Hi. HUGS. You were getting them, D. She laughed. "Thanks. But I think I'll do way better than Hugo."

She grinned and looped her arm through his. "It'll be the best term yet. You'll be untouchable." Not that she was playing favorites. Except, she clearly was. In fact, she fully expected Maggie to want to borrow said badge.


Originally Posted by Eriin (Post 11932133)
And then she spotted the girl beside Lana... the one with the Prefect badge. "HEY! I'm Dora!! You're our Prefect... congrats!" Seeing as she did not know the girl's name she just gave a generic greeting in hopes that someone would introduce her properly...

WHAT WAS HER GOSSIP BUDDY DOING HERE? He got wide eyes and a big smile. "DANTE! HI!"

Kaycee smiled and extended her hand toward the younger girl. "Kaycee Richards." she greeted. She then glanced briefly between the younger girl and Dante. Ah, yes, she could spy potential trouble. It pretty much followed him around. She made a mental note to keep an eye open for this one.

ChanceCoeur 05-03-2016 02:52 AM

Noah, Kaycee, Dora, Frankie, and anyone else
The Great Hall was booming. People were everywhere. Clapping, cheering, hugging, confused, happy expressions and noises were going on everywhere. And Noelle was sitting here all quiet and a little..... Out of the loop. Which was very unusual for her. She was usually around a group of her friends like Ava, Phillip, Sabbie, Noah.... Was he still her friend?? She didn't know. And others like Char, Dora, and Olly. Of course, with the feast going on, the houses tended to be split up.

A hand distracted Noelle from her thoughts and she looked up to see her table filling up. Dora was waving and winking at her. Noelle grinned at her friend and winked back. She would talk to her later. She seemed to be caught up with some other friends. They hadn't gotten a chance to talk on the train but had saw each other at DA. They could catch up later.

And so thoooose were the new prefects. Kaycee and Frankie. The girl seemed a little goofy, and hunger stricken the way she was saying she was hungry. It was charming. And Frankie.... Was that THE Frankie? Hady's Frankie?? Noelle of course knew his name and had seen him a hundred times probably, but two and two were coming together. Her big sisters boyfriend. Noelle waved at her prefects. She would need to keep an eye out for them.

Then another distraction came as the person she least expected to sit by her did. NoahBear. Noelle looked down, embarrassed. Their conversation on the train had been interrupted. She hadn't expected him to sit with her. Taking a peek at him through her hair, she noticed he looked as awkward as she felt. She needed to fix this. This was her best friend... Former best friend... Were they even still friends?

Biting her lip, Noelle tapped NoahBear's leg. "NoahBear?" She asked quietly. .... But wasn't sure what else to say. At least that was a start.

Syd 05-03-2016 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by Eriin (Post 11932133)
Making her way across the Great Hall a smile began to stretch her face as she spotted some of her friends already at the table. Noelle got a wave and a wink, but she made a beeline for Lana Keller, her adopted sister kind of person! EEEEEP!! Dora was super excited to see her. So excited she just kind of launched herself onto the older girl! Squeezing her tightly in a hug she giggled a little bit. "I missed you." And then she spotted the girl beside Lana... the one with the Prefect badge. "HEY! I'm Dora!! You're our Prefect... congrats!" Seeing as she did not know the girl's name she just gave a generic greeting in hopes that someone would introduce her properly...

... There was a small person in her personal space.

Well. Smaller person. Lana was tiny herself, but this girl was small as in young. Hai, Dora!

Lana returned the hug, a smile tugging up the corners of her lips. "Dora! I missed you too!" Because she did. The girl was weird and full of energy but Lana had taken a liking (and a feeling of reaponsibility, go figure) to the younger girl. "How was your summer?"


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 11932218)
Kaycee smiled at her dormmate. "Thanks. Yeah. It's new." she said happily. As if the fact that it was new wasn't obvious. "How was your summer?" she asked.

Of course it was new, Kaycee. We knew that.

Her summer? "It was alright." Long story. She'd tell her later if Kaycee wanted to know. "How was yours? Beside the new accessory?" Heh. Did she say congratulations, by the way?

D.A Forever 05-03-2016 03:13 AM

Noelle Summers, pls.
.....Oh. There was Frankie. Once seated beside Noelle, Noah spotted him right away. It was entirely possible the Gryffindor Prefect had made his search easier when he spoke up, but nonetheless, that did him no good now that his presence was very obvious to Noelle Grace Summers.

He couldn't just get up and leave.

Internal sighing was happening, and the third year did his best to stare straight ahead, pretending this wasn't so painfully awkward even though.. it most certainly was.

Grey eyes moved, instinctively, forward Noelle when she tapped on his leg. He had to stop himself from answering with 'Princess'. "Hi.. again."

ChanceCoeur 05-03-2016 03:24 AM

SPOILER!!: NoahBear

Originally Posted by D.A Forever (Post 11932306)
.....Oh. There was Frankie. Once seated beside Noelle, Noah spotted him right away. It was entirely possible the Gryffindor Prefect had made his search easier when he spoke up, but nonetheless, that did him no good now that his presence was very obvious to Noelle Grace Summers.

He couldn't just get up and leave.

Internal sighing was happening, and the third year did his best to stare straight ahead, pretending this wasn't so painfully awkward even though.. it most certainly was.

Grey eyes moved, instinctively, forward Noelle when she tapped on his leg. He had to stop himself from answering with 'Princess'. "Hi.. again."

Even though Noelle had just seen him in the train, despite the interruption, she still felt like she hadn't seen him in months. Butterflies seemed to crowd her stomach as he looked at her. She couldn't really tell what he was thinking. Regret seemed to be an emotion playing there. And that was something painful for Noelle to see when he was looking at her.

"Um.... Hi." Why was talking to him so hard?? They had shared every secret with each other. He knew things about her that no one else knew. He had been her safe place when she didn't want to go anywhere else. And now, they acted like they couldn't even look at each other, better yet talk.

Tears threatened at Noelles eyes but she looked away and pushed them back. This was her fault of course. "Just s-surprised your here is all." She said softly, her head turned away from him. She wiped at her eye to keep her tears back and took a deep shaky voice before looking at him again. Her cheeks pink.

"I know it's not worth anything... But I am sorry. And I miss you, NoahBear." There was no way she wasn't going to call him NoahBear. That's what he was to her. Since the beginning. She even still had the bear, which was named Noah, in her room. She just needed to fix this. And she didn't know how. It was something over her head at the moment. So she did the only thing she could...

Said sorry again. "Sorry. So sorry."

What a wonderful feast this was starting out to be....

D.A Forever 05-03-2016 03:44 AM

Princess Noelle <3
Hi. Yes, hi again. Hi.

Why had he said 'Hi'? Really? Silently, the boy chided himself. Stupid. So stupid. But.. what else was he meant to say? Him being here was stupid.

And.. now he was making her cry. She could turn her head and hide it all she liked, but Noah knew her, knew her so well, had seen her cry so many times. But he had never been the reason for her tears. Never. He always felt distressed when she was upset, but the fact he was the reason for it made him feel.. awful. Beyond it, honestly. Noah couldn't even come up with proper words for how that felt. "I.." Have no idea why I'm here? Noah cleared his throat, continuing softly, "Please don't cry, 'Elle.." as he redirected his gaze to the tabletop.

Noah busied himself for a brief moment moving his bag from his shoulder, and into his lap, as she spoke next. Trying very hard not to focus on what she was saying, or what it even meant, or.. any of it. If only it was that easy. Sigh. "I miss you too." The boy mumbled, once again having to catch himself from adding 'Princess'. He had called her that for so long, it came naturally. Especially when she called him that.

He didn't know what to say to her apologizes, and instead, continued to stare at the table. The plate, goblet, and silverware in front of him, hoping to Merlin she wouldn't really start crying because Noah couldn't just sit there and watch her hurt.

MunchyBubbles 05-03-2016 03:49 AM

Crashinnnggggg! Noelle and whoever else wants her!
Azura bit her lip as she headed over to the Gryffindor table, she really wanted to see if she could find Wes and just try to hide next to him all feast, her cousin knew everything about her mother of course, and what she had been going through, so really..He would be perfect to cuddle on for the remainder of the feast before they headed up to their separate common rooms..

There was just one problem really..

She couldn't seem to find her cousin!

Her anxious purple eyes looked around for Wes for a moment, before she bit her lip and then slid into a seat to wait for him.. The pale, tiny near-teen gave a bit of a wave at the table.. "Hello." She said softly as she looked around to see if she could see Wes.. Or.. Anyone she knew.. Blaise and Matt were Gryffindors.. weren't they?

lazykitty 05-03-2016 03:57 AM

Ronan still didn't get the whole boat thing. Like, wouldn't it make more sense for them to arrive with the rest of the students? Was it a part of a plot to single out the first years? Or just a chance for them to see the scenery? Either way, he'd arrived at Hogwarts fresh off the boat, tie firmly knotted and completely straight and uniform perfectly ironed and pleated, been sorted and was now headed towards the table marked with his new house.

Taking a seat at the Gryffindor table, the first year was thinking about his placement. He didn't feel like what he'd always heard Gryffindors were supposed to be. Then again, the only source of information he'd had about it were Slytherins so.......

Wait, was that a cat at the staff table? And a professor dashing towards their table? "Mum always told me Hogwarts was wacky," he said to no one particular.

ChanceCoeur 05-03-2016 04:04 AM

Azura and NoahBear
This had to be torture. If she ever got detention, just have her sit in a room with someone she'd hurt and watch her wiggle. That would teach her.

Noelle shifted in her seat to distract herself and to possibly keep the tears back. She shouldn't be crying right? This was her fault. Now he was telling her not to cry which in turn made her want to do like she'd done so many times and just cry into his shoulder.

But she didn't.

Noelle sat her ground and stayed upright. He wasn't responding to her sorrys which stabbed at her heart. He hadn't forgiven her and she was uncertain he ever would. "i'm not crying." Lie. She looked at the table but could hear him moving things around on the table. He was nervous. And hurt. And a bunch of other things that Noelle could feel just by sitting by him. She knew this because they were Besties. Knew each other. And now...

Noelle took a glance at him moving things and saw the bag in his lap move. She brushed a fallen tear from her pink cheeks and curiousity got the better of her. "Whats in the bag?" She asked before she could stop herself. Oh, what if he ignored that question too??

Then another prescence made itself known. A girl. Younger probably. Noelle brushed another year away. Tears weren't something she liked to do in public. Especially around new people. "H-hi." She said giving the girl a bright smile. It was fake but hopefully it would do its job and make her feel welcome.

sweetpinkpixie 05-03-2016 04:07 AM


Descending from the staff dais like an albino bat - because gold billowing robes - Airey clutched Pebbles to his person and threw his house's table a rushed, but no less enthusiastic, Vulcan salute.

"Live long and prosper, Gryffindors! Let's make this a STELLAR term! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted before throwing himself to the ground on all fours.

Well, alright, it was technically on all threes since one limb was taking careful consideration of Pebbles.

Now, if you all would just excuse him, he was going to crawl his way under the length of the table in manly dramatic fashion while muttering to himself in Klingon to ensure he was out of sight from the feline monster at the staff table. He knew THAT much...that those things did not have x ray he would lose it in the sea of Gryffindor robes and wooden furniture.

Sweet solstice some students could do with a good shoe polish...

LilFox06 05-03-2016 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by Syd (Post 11932270)
Of course it was new, Kaycee. We knew that.

Her summer? "It was alright." Long story. She'd tell her later if Kaycee wanted to know. "How was yours? Beside the new accessory?" Heh. Did she say congratulations, by the way?

Kaycee grinned. "Aaaamazing." she replied holding out the A for emphasis. "I spent most of the summer in New York." Which wasn't uncommon for her. "Then I was in LA for a few weeks teaching a workshop. Kyroh came with me." Which was a BLAST.

"Then I got the badge. That was cool too." But not the highlight.


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11932406)

"Live long and prosper, Gryffindors! Let's make this a STELLAR term! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted before throwing himself to the ground on all fours.

Well, alright, it was technically on all threes since one limb was taking careful consideration of Pebbles.

Ermmmm... Kaycee glanced under the table and tilted her head. "Everything alright Professor?" Because... she was pretty sure he was scaring the children. At least, she'd be terrified if she was a first year.

itsjustjesse 05-03-2016 04:30 AM

*had to steal this*

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11932406)

Descending from the staff dais like an albino bat - because gold billowing robes - Airey clutched Pebbles to his person and threw his house's table a rushed, but no less enthusiastic, Vulcan salute.

"Live long and prosper, Gryffindors! Let's make this a STELLAR term! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted before throwing himself to the ground on all fours.

Well, alright, it was technically on all threes since one limb was taking careful consideration of Pebbles.

Now, if you all would just excuse him, he was going to crawl his way under the length of the table in manly dramatic fashion while muttering to himself in Klingon to ensure he was out of sight from the feline monster at the staff table. He knew THAT much...that those things did not have x ray he would lose it in the sea of Gryffindor robes and wooden furniture.

Sweet solstice some students could do with a good shoe polish...

Melbourne Johanson had come prepared. Yep. She even had stuck and umbrella to the table so in case feathers and glue were thrown again at least the food on the plates near hers would be safe….still looking up from her umbrella she spotted the crazy interesting Head of House…crawling under the table?

Looking down under the table for a moment. “Professor I’ve got something for Pebbles” Mel grinned. Yep. Going with the whole gift for the Professor’s thing…rock friend rock lover? Rock girlfriend? Yep. “It’s startrek things for Pebbles” she smiled as she dropped the box onto the floor and slid it over toward the strange Professor.

“I really hope no one has smell feet for your sake” she muttered before righting herself and curling her own feet below her.

Erindipity 05-03-2016 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by LilFox06 (Post 11932218)
Kaycee smiled and extended her hand toward the younger girl. "Kaycee Richards." she greeted. She then glanced briefly between the younger girl and Dante. Ah, yes, she could spy potential trouble. It pretty much followed him around. She made a mental note to keep an eye open for this one.

If there was one thing Dora Umbridge WASN'T, it was trouble. Not HER! She was only little and cute and bouncy, Thank you!

Hehehehe. Okay not really, but whatever.

Taking the older girl's and she gave it a hearty shake. "Dora Umbridge. I reckon I've seen you in the common room. "


Originally Posted by Syd (Post 11932270)
... There was a small person in her personal space.

Well. Smaller person. Lana was tiny herself, but this girl was small as in young. Hai, Dora!

Lana returned the hug, a smile tugging up the corners of her lips. "Dora! I missed you too!" Because she did. The girl was weird and full of energy but Lana had taken a liking (and a feeling of reaponsibility, go figure) to the younger girl. "How was your summer? "

Okay Dora was TOTALLY 5 feet tall now! She had GROWN so much since she had started Hogwarts! So she wasn't exactly TINY ANYMORE. Hehe.

"YOU DID?! " Dora quite liked the idea of people missing her. Like for real, was this what having proper friends at school was like?! She could get used to it. "My summer was excellent! And I totally got snogged on the train! " She would TOTALLY tell Lana all of the details later, but yeah. DORA GOT SNOGGED.



WHAT WAS PROFESSOR AIREY DOING?? On the ground... under the table. Being a nice girl like she was, Dora attempted to pick her feet up in an attempt to let the man pass. Whether that had helped or hindered, she was unsure... heh.

OH and Noelle waved back! Awesomeness! Hey giiiirl!

Danielle_Daughn 05-03-2016 04:46 AM

Evie made her way from the front of the great hall to the Gryffindor table, it was a looonnngggg dining table. Finding an empty spot about half way she plopped down, so far she didn't see any of her train friends. She looked around and watched as the older students interacted with one another, tried to learn the customs of this feast.

As she watched she saw others from different houses also come visit. Maybe she needed to check some of the other tables for her friends. They have been separated le sad She decided that she would give it a few more minutes and see if anyone showed up to the Gryffindor table.

lazykitty 05-03-2016 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie (Post 11932406)

Descending from the staff dais like an albino bat - because gold billowing robes - Airey clutched Pebbles to his person and threw his house's table a rushed, but no less enthusiastic, Vulcan salute.

"Live long and prosper, Gryffindors! Let's make this a STELLAR term! ROAR ROAR GRYFFINDOR!" he shouted before throwing himself to the ground on all fours.

Well, alright, it was technically on all threes since one limb was taking careful consideration of Pebbles.

Now, if you all would just excuse him, he was going to crawl his way under the length of the table in manly dramatic fashion while muttering to himself in Klingon to ensure he was out of sight from the feline monster at the staff table. He knew THAT much...that those things did not have x ray he would lose it in the sea of Gryffindor robes and wooden furniture.

Sweet solstice some students could do with a good shoe polish...

Yep, it was a professor, alright. Shouting something about living long and prospering and roaring and Gryffindoring. Though, why was he running? Was he scared of the cat? It did look a little odd-

Grown man under the table! Grown man under the table! WHY?! Ronan froze, eyes all wide and freaked looking. So, yes, the professor was definitely scaring the first years. Or one at least. Though, not for the reasons one might think. No, he was scared for the professor's sanity. Because the professor currently cowering under the table had to be insane, right?

"Ow!" That was his foot, by the way, Mr. Cowering Professor.

Hera 05-03-2016 07:47 AM

and anyoneeeee...
He was home... again, only to the school version of it. It had occurred to him that it was maybe a little weird they didn't get to go home at the end of the day. Like, floo or portkey could totally work. At least the advantages of being here outweighed the disadvantages. That was something.

With his usual swagger in his step, Zeke ruffled the front of his hair as he entered the hall, his other hand buried in his pocket.

Could they eat now please? He was STARVING... always.

He peered around the hall, searching for faces he knew at other tables as he continued to make his way along his own. "Congrats on the badge, Kaycee," he beamed, passing the newwwwwww female Prefect. Like, what even happened to Candice? Not that it really mattered, like, she wasn't dead. Right? At any rate, things would be easier this way, he was sure of it.

Eventually he stopped at a gap and inserted himself between people, his elbows resting against the wood and his eyes now longing for foodz, or more to the point, the lack of food on their plates. How sad. Even Flammers under the table couldn't distract him from his despair.

Somebody feed him.

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