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Girls Only!! (That includes you Misters Potter and Weasley!)
A funny inscription etched on the door with a potions knife reminds us all of the great deeds Harry Potter and his friends performed in this very bathroom during their time at Hogwarts. While this second floor bathroom is indeed still haunted by Moaning Myrtle, it is no longer nearly as shifty as it used to be in Harry Potter's time.
And hopefully, these days the toilets are only being used for.... well, toilety things, not for brewing potions.
OOC Note: All SS Board Rules and School Rules apply in this bathroom. Violators may be punished both OOC and IC should they break any of those rules.
It was, usually, quiet and empty and the perfect place to work on her makeup. The dorms were always bustling with excitement and the Great Hall was hardly the place to practice but this place had calm.
And calm was exactly the kind of environment she needed to concrete. Read: really concentrate. Makeup was hard. And Chloe was determined to be the best at it. Ever.
It was the only kind of discernible hobby she had that was completely for herself. The selfish kind of hobby that made the Ravenclaw really happy.
It was, usually, quiet and empty and the perfect place to work on her makeup. The dorms were always bustling with excitement and the Great Hall was hardly the place to practice but this place had calm.
And calm was exactly the kind of environment she needed to concrete. Read: really concentrate. Makeup was hard. And Chloe was determined to be the best at it. Ever.
It was the only kind of discernible hobby she had that was completely for herself. The selfish kind of hobby that made the Ravenclaw really happy.
And she LIKED her quiet.
Dora didn't want to be ALONE right now, but she also didn't mind if she was. If that makes sense? Heh. As she bounded into the bathroom, with her usual exuberance, she was thrilled to see CHLOE NEWMAN!
"CHLOE HI! " A few giggles escaped her as she made her way up beside the other girl, a big grin on her face. "Could you do my makeup next? That could be fun, yeah? Chloe... does a boy buying you flowers mean he like LIKES you? " Dora didn't really care if her friend answered all of her questions, just the last one...
Dora didn't want to be ALONE right now, but she also didn't mind if she was. If that makes sense? Heh. As she bounded into the bathroom, with her usual exuberance, she was thrilled to see CHLOE NEWMAN!
"CHLOE HI! " A few giggles escaped her as she made her way up beside the other girl, a big grin on her face. "Could you do my makeup next? That could be fun, yeah? Chloe... does a boy buying you flowers mean he like LIKES you? " Dora didn't really care if her friend answered all of her questions, just the last one...
Chloe was working with some contour crayons. Her face had line after line of brown on her face, carving out angles that her baby face didn't quite have yet. But none of it was blended in yet. So when her friend came flouncing in Chloe's face lit up red from embarrassment.
She ducked her head and tried to blend in the contour as quickly as possible. So she missed part of what Dora said. Save the last thing.
Her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. She glanced at her friend and levelled her with a look, "Who sent you flowers? And what kind?" All of that stuff mattered. Like roses were different from daisies. See?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Charms Lesson Artwork 1
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
With the Charms days charm lesson still fresh on her mind Hady wandered the corridors later that day after her next lesson. There was about a half hour window of open time before her next and last lesson of the day. More then enough time in her eyes to get some artwork accomplished. Just where to do this?
Hands in the pockets of her robes she came to a stop mid-step surveying the area in which she currently stood. Well the Girls Bathroom wasn't what she had in mind to work some art magic buuuuttttt the wall OUTSIDE the bathroom could certainly work. With a small smirk she pulled her wand from her pocket eyeing the wall before her. It was the girls area, so something sickeningly sweet was in order here.
Aiming her wand at the center of the wall she spoke clearly while picturing the color she wanted it to become. "Colovaria!" The wall changed to a very girly bright shade of pink. Just the color made Hady laugh. Now to add some shapes or something. She then went on to trace different shapes along the wall. "Figura Heart"..."Figura Star" Many sizes and many many hearts and stars were made all along the now bright pink wall.
The girl then went from shape to shape and cast "colovaria" on each one changing them different colors. Yellow, orange, purple, silver and gold. All very bright happy cheery colors. Ones that wouldn't go unnoticed. Once every single heart and star was colored in Hady then went over to each one tracing the shape with the tip of her wand while casting, "Animatae", on them. It took a few minutes but soon enough the stars were shooting back and forth across the wall and the hearts were spinning or blinking.
When she finished Hady stepped back to look at her work. What was before her was nothing short of a large headache. Oh well, it's what they had been asked to do.
Now to find another spot...
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Was Mason here already? Hadley entered the bathroom and glanced around. No Mason. It looked clear of anyone else too, but Hadley wanted to make sure. Creeping quietly along the row of stalls, she crouched just low enough to see if there were any feet visible behind the doors.
Nope. No one. They were in luck. There'd be no witnesses to rush off and tell a professor. Now she just needed to wait for Mason to show up. And possibly surprise her. With a wicked smirk the dark redhead made her way to the far side of the door, so that when Mason arrived, she'd be hidden by the door, and waited.
Sassenach l theJoff l RoughDough l Aslan l Snidget l My Lord Kate l Dark-Side l BEETSSS l smol George
Was Mason here already? Hadley entered the bathroom and glanced around. No Mason. It looked clear of anyone else too, but Hadley wanted to make sure. Creeping quietly along the row of stalls, she crouched just low enough to see if there were any feet visible behind the doors.
Nope. No one. They were in luck. There'd be no witnesses to rush off and tell a professor. Now she just needed to wait for Mason to show up. And possibly surprise her. With a wicked smirk the dark redhead made her way to the far side of the door, so that when Mason arrived, she'd be hidden by the door, and waited.
Was this a good idea? Probably not. Was there a possibility that they could die? Maybe. Did Mason even care? Zero frogs were given.
Like c'mon. They were Hadley and Mason, Sass-Monarchy of Hogwarts. Even if Mason refused to acknowledge that Hads was on her level, she still trusted the Ravenclaw and admired her greatly. Which was why she had been so willing to do this with the girl.
There were few people in this castle that would actually be willing to risk their stupid points and their peasant lives for an adventure, especially if said adventure could possibly include a giant snake and equally giant spiders. Which honestly sounded like the best damn adventure ever. But to start said adventure, she needed to get to the bathroom. Why the entrance to such a horrid place was in the girl's bathroom, though, Mason had no clue.
But that was her destination tonight and she had finally been able to sneak out of the Dungeons, which had been harder tonight than she would have liked. But she was here now, and that was all that mattered, since Hadley was probably already waiting for her. Mason shot one last looked down the hall before shoving open the door and entering the bathroom. . .
Her head jerked up when she heard the door creek open not once but twice. Who was there? They didn't even knock! HOW RUDE.
From up in the rafters, Myrtle watched the two girls enter. Were they going to call her UGLY and throw BOOKS at her? Why else would they be there? Nooooooo one eeeeeeever came to see her anymore!!
Her mouth opened to scream because it was waaaaaaay past their bedtime, but she stopped herself. She was going to see what they were doing in HER bathroom before calling for a professor or one of the prefects.
You're always welcome to share my toilet.
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking!
Was this a good idea? Probably not. Was there a possibility that they could die? Maybe. Did Mason even care? Zero frogs were given.
Like c'mon. They were Hadley and Mason, Sass-Monarchy of Hogwarts. Even if Mason refused to acknowledge that Hads was on her level, she still trusted the Ravenclaw and admired her greatly. Which was why she had been so willing to do this with the girl.
There were few people in this castle that would actually be willing to risk their stupid points and their peasant lives for an adventure, especially if said adventure could possibly include a giant snake and equally giant spiders. Which honestly sounded like the best damn adventure ever. But to start said adventure, she needed to get to the bathroom. Why the entrance to such a horrid place was in the girl's bathroom, though, Mason had no clue.
But that was her destination tonight and she had finally been able to sneak out of the Dungeons, which had been harder tonight than she would have liked. But she was here now, and that was all that mattered, since Hadley was probably already waiting for her. Mason shot one last looked down the hall before shoving open the door and entering the bathroom. . .
Hadley waited until the door was fully closed and aimed her wand, making a small circle centered on Mason's back. "Expecto Patronum!" She whispered it, instead of proclaiming it loudly. It wouldn't do to get caught sneaking into the Chamber of Secrets.
Nothing happened. Not even the tiniest hint of silver. "Dang it!" She shrugged and grinned at Mason.
"Okay, help me find the sink that has a snake on it. That's the one that leads to the chamber of secrets." Then they just needed to figure out how to open it up. As far as she was aware, neither of them could speak the snake language, Parseltongue. She was gonna try to hiss at it if need be first.
Hads started to examine the closest sink, bottom to top, but it was perfectly ordinary. No snakes what-so-ever. Just to be sure, she tried the tap. Water flowed easily from it. The tap! Of course. "Actually, easier way. Find the sink that doesn't work." Then they could confirm if it was the correct one by checking for a snake.
Hadley moved on to the next sink, trying the tap. It worked too.
Her eyes widened with glee as the Ravenclaw attempted to cast the spell on the Slytherin. She had to cover her mouth to stop herself from cackling at the girl's failure. Myrtle almost blew her cover. She wanted to laugh so, so, so hard.
But ooooOoooOoooOooo! What were they up to now? The ghost floated from her hiding place in the rafters, silently sneaking up behind the two girls.
Her arms were crossed, her face frumpy. They were wasting HER sink water so they could run off to the Chamber of Secrets? Why weren't they sneaking around at night to see HER? She had PLENTY of bedtime stories to tell about that place and her bathroom. Oh, yes. Stories about that NASTY Olive Hornby who used to tease her about her glasses and acne, how she DIED in that stall over there, and how the great Harry Potter FLIRTED with her and then LEFT her for that silly ginger girl.
Myrtle let out a VERY LOUD WAIL. The world was so cruel to her!
You're always welcome to share my toilet.
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking!
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Patrols that night had so far not revealed anything out of the ordinary. However, as Penelope was walking down the second floor corridor with Rooney she could hear Myrtle wailing in the bathroom. It was awful when Myrtle wailed like that. Chances were that Myrtle might just be feeling sorry for herself and bemoaning the lack of visitors, but Myrtle also loved to alert prefects to intruders so it would be best to investigate the cause of Myrtle's wailing. Penelope approached the bathroom door with caution, pulling out her wand and slowly opening the door while signaling to Rooney to wait outside of the bathroom while she assessed the situation.
"Hello Myrtle. What's going on?" Looking around the bathroom, Penelope spotted Haddie and another girl by the sinks. The other one wasn't a Ravenclaw, and Penelope was pretty sure she was a Slytherin. Students sneaking around at night, and of course it was Haddie. Why did it have to be Haddie? Judging by the way that the girls were examining the taps, it looked like they were trying to figure out how to get in the chamber of secrets. With a flick of her wand the door was open again, the signal for backup from Rooney. She placed her left hand on her hip, still holding her wand in her right hand, and put on her serious prefect face. "Hadley Denaker, what in Merlin's beard are you doing sneaking around after curfew in Myrtle's bathroom? Trying to get in to the chamber of secrets? What were you thinking? Both of you shouldn't be out of your dormitories at this time of night, and it's dangerous in the chamber of secrets. A few years ago students went down there alone and were kidnapped and nearly eaten by acromantulas. If you went down there and something happened, no one would ever find you because you were breaking the rules sneaking out of your dormitories at night and going somewhere where you weren't supposed to." As much as she loved Haddie, this was a very serious thing that Mr. Kitridge would definitely be hearing about. Mr. McLeod would be hearing about this as well because there was a Slytherin girl here too. Of all things that could have happened, she had not expected to find anything like this, although she was unsurprised that it was Haddie. Penelope really didn't want to have to do this, but sneaking out after curfew was serious business.
∞ 17 | RP entrepreneur | defies gravity | Miss George is flawless | blanket burrito lyfe
Rooney was still wary around Miss Penelope, ever since he'd planted a kiss on her in her huge worry about Haddie, but he left that feeling behind whenever they had a patrol together. In fact, he pretended it hadn't happened when they were supposed to be professional. Hadn't happened, so much so...that he hadn't told his new girlfriend about it. Tonights patrol fell after getting dinner with Minnie, and Roo was very ready to get into his bed after. Even more so when the Head Girl was distracted by the TOILETS. THE GIRLS TOILETS!!! She knew, as well as him, that this place was nOT the place for him. He had bad memories here. Memories including wetting himself and seeming like an absolute fool in front of a lot of people.
"Damnit, Penelope.." He muttered as he followed her in, raising an eyebrow at what they found. Brilliant. Another Ravenclaw he didn't want to sEE. Hadley bloody Denaker and her bloody annoying face that he had found sooo attractive once upon a potion-influenced time. "Evening, Myrtle. They bothering you at all?" What? Penelope was already lecturing at the students, so it wasn't like he was needed here for anything but casual conversation with the ghost.
Speaking of that lecture... did Penelope realise that she talked AT people and not to them? Penelope the preaching prefect. Penelope the -- ugh. Words. Happening. "Penelope, I think they get it. I don't think we need a History of Magic lesson... especially not in the toilet." THE GIRLS TOILET, FOR THAT SAKE.
Hadley tensed and clamped her hands over her ears as the world's most blood-curdling screech echoed through the bathroom. Even that didn't do much to soften the intensity of it. What on EARTH had she ever done to Moaning Myrtle!?
There was no disguising the fact that Myrtle was purposely doing this to get them into trouble for no discernible reason, other than she was apparently tattle-tale and a bit of a bully in that she took pleasure in causing others misery. "What the hell Myrtle? What did I ever do to you?" Seriously.
"Let's just hope no one heard..." And from behind, she heard her name being screeched almost as loudly as Myrtle might have. "...that." Hadley clasped her hands over her ears again, until Penny lowered her voice. Busted. And she'd never seen Penny this mad before. Wow. Did she know that kid or something? The way she was going on and on about the chamber and how angry she was, Hadley was sure that was it. The dead kid had to have been close to Penny, and she was freaking out over the thought of losing another friend down there. That was the only thing that fit.
Oh, and perfect. There was Rooster. As if this night wasn't bad enough already. Why was he here in the girl's bathroom!? She gave him an unwelcoming glare before softening her expression for Penny. "Sorry." If she had known Penny lost someone close to her down there, she'd not have tried this.
Myrtle gave the girl a deadpan stare. What did she ever do to her? The ghost wanted to laugh, but instead she whimpered and angrily scrunched up her face. "YOU were SNEAKING around MY bathroom. Didn't even CARE TO KNOCK," she whined. "YOU were just USING ME and MY BATHROOM just to get to that STUPID chamber. And--"
She would have went on, but she then heard her bathroom door open. With a swift turn, she found herself facing the two Ravenclaw prefects. Her eyes focused on the Head Girl and then ... the boooooooooy! He was no Harry Potter, but he sure had a pretty face. Myrtle was glad her cheeks didn't change colour.
OoooOoooOoooOooo! They wanted to know what was going on? Myrtle took in a deep breath, not that she actually needed to. "THEY," the ghost shouted, pointing at the two young girls, "were DISTURBING the PEACE!" She paused for dramatic effect. "Here I was, floating around up there in the rafters, minding my own business when THESE TWO barged in. Didn't even knock, and they WASTED my sink water."
Another pause followed, this time ghostly tears falling from her eyes. "And ... and they didn't even notice UGLY, MISERABLE, MOPING, MOANING MYRTLE!"
Not able to take it any longer, she let out a wail before soaring into the air and diving right into a nearby toilet. The pipes rattled and toilet water splashed everywhere.
You're always welcome to share my toilet.
You do NOT just SWING on someone's PIPES without asking!