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It’s a beautiful, sunny day and this promises to make the Broom Race even more spectacular. But first, why not fill that stomach of yours with the delicious and colourful foods on sale? Before each dish, lays a card with a description in English of what the foods are. Choose from Swedish pancakes; Surströmming, which is basically fermented herring served with boiled potatoes and salad; Swedish knäckebrö or crisp bread or Ärtsoppa which is known as ‘yellow pea soup’ in English.
Just looking for desserts at present? Feel free to taste Ostkaka also known as Swedish Cheesecake; Gotländsk saffranspannkaka or rice pudding; Biskvi a pastry made from almonds and butter cream or Kladdkaka, a chocolate flavoured cake.
Don’t forget to wash it down it one or more of the numerous drinks there! These include: Fruktsoda, a lemon- lime drink; Trocadero, a drink with apple and orange flavours and Enbärsdricka, a drink made from Juniper berries.
Treat your taste buds to some exotic flavours! It's worth your Galleons!
As exciting as the races were--and they were plenty exciting--Hadley was way too hungry to simply sit and watch any longer. Her stomach was growling louder than a Swedish Short-snout. And the smells, so delicious and heavenly, were hitting her before she could even see the tents, reminding her just how empty her stomach felt.
Hads made sure that Asher was safely tucked in her bag, so as to not cause an international incident if he decided to jump onto a serving dish or something. He was, and adorably snuggling with the plush dragon she got him yesterday. Good. International incidents avoided. For now.
Hadley made her way through the tents, trying to decide what to get. So much looked and smelled delicious, despite not knowing what it was or even how to pronounce it. There was literally too many choices. And she was adventurous, and wanted to get something she's never tried before. Only about 85% of the offered dishes were things she's never had before, making narrowing the choices down near impossible. Decisions, decisions.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Hadley
Originally Posted by Callie
As exciting as the races were--and they were plenty exciting--Hadley was way too hungry to simply sit and watch any longer. Her stomach was growling louder than a Swedish Short-snout. And the smells, so delicious and heavenly, were hitting her before she could even see the tents, reminding her just how empty her stomach felt.
Hads made sure that Asher was safely tucked in her bag, so as to not cause an international incident if he decided to jump onto a serving dish or something. He was, and adorably snuggling with the plush dragon she got him yesterday. Good. International incidents avoided. For now.
Hadley made her way through the tents, trying to decide what to get. So much looked and smelled delicious, despite not knowing what it was or even how to pronounce it. There was literally too many choices. And she was adventurous, and wanted to get something she's never tried before. Only about 85% of the offered dishes were things she's never had before, making narrowing the choices down near impossible. Decisions, decisions.
Races, were awesome. Fact.
Food, was also awesome. Fact.
And he was hungrier than a dragon. Fact.
For the last two reasons he was drawn away from the broom races to the food tents, and since he was so easy to please as far as foodstuffs was concerned he had no qualms about joining a queue to purchase things he couldn't pronounce or describe. The Swedish did food good, right? Right! He couldn't see how he could go wrong with any choice, food was food, and his stomach would thank him for it. B'sides, he could sample things, all the things.
"Sorry, are you ordering?" he asked the blonde in front of him. He wasn't rushing her, per se, but if she was still deciding....
Was she one of theirs? DID SHE UNDERSTAND HIM?! He was about ready to give up with other tongues.
Food tents seemed like a good idea. Nostalgia food sounded amazing after eating mostly British food throughout the school year. Really....she mostly just wanted a drink though and then would probably just go back to the dragon area because...well we were talking about her and there were dragons present duh. She crossed her arms to wait behind two other students. Hey it was Zeke! And....eww....it was Rachel's little snot nosed friend. Maybe she didn't want anything anymore.....too tempted to trip the child down the stairs or something.
For the last two reasons he was drawn away from the broom races to the food tents, and since he was so easy to please as far as foodstuffs was concerned he had no qualms about joining a queue to purchase things he couldn't pronounce or describe. The Swedish did food good, right? Right! He couldn't see how he could go wrong with any choice, food was food, and his stomach would thank him for it. B'sides, he could sample things, all the things.
"Sorry, are you ordering?" he asked the blonde in front of him. He wasn't rushing her, per se, but if she was still deciding....
Was she one of theirs? DID SHE UNDERSTAND HIM?! He was about ready to give up with other tongues.
Hadley jumped a little, and then relaxed. "Merlin-in-Mustard! Don't sneak up on someone like that." She looked back at the speaker. He looked familiar but she wasn't sure. "You're from Hogwarts, right?"
The girl nodded. But it was a nod that was full of doubt, and a pinch of desperation. "Yep. I totally am! Just as soon as I decide between the Falukabletar... or the Krorapkakkakorp?" Or you know, figure out how to pronounce them. "Yep, just another second and I'll definitely be ordering." Because she'd been deciding for 20 minutes now and was about to pass out from hunger. "Definitely. What's your name, again?" She look at the boy for the first time really and looked him up and down. Not bad. Kinda cute.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hey you three! Feel free to nab her if you like! XD
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
When she was finally able to move away from watching dragons fly overhead Hadleigh Lynch decided to do something she didn't always do. Head straight for the food. Normally this was something she did first when with Frankie, it had been habit really when the two were together. If the blonde had eaten he was more willing to go along with whatever she had come up even if it had been shopping for their school supplies.
Only now they weren't together but she was sure he was somewhere. This could've been the best school weekend ever but it wasn't. She hadn't even wanted to come now but it was paid for and dad had even owled her a good amount of gallons which she didn't want. The twins needed things more then her...she should've asked to go home. What if they were born while she was here and she missed it?!
Releasing a deep sigh and dragging her feet towards the food court Hady found herself stepping into line. Her hazel eyes sought out the food list and she tried to make as much sense of it as possible. Now if only she could remember what it was her dad had told her to try....
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Ilia was almost considering leaving so she didn't trip an ickle, until a familiar pretty face entered the queue. "Hello there beautiful Siren." She winked at the slightly younger girl. Hady's company could keep her well enough behaved. She needed sister time lately, and lucky her Ilia was going to give it to her. "Ever had Swedish food?" If not she would today, so would Henric whenever he showed up...."I'm mostly here for Enbärsdricka, but the food smells alright too."
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Originally Posted by VRSCIKA
Ilia was almost considering leaving so she didn't trip an ickle, until a familiar pretty face entered the queue. "Hello there beautiful Siren." She winked at the slightly younger girl. Hady's company could keep her well enough behaved. She needed sister time lately, and lucky her Ilia was going to give it to her. "Ever had Swedish food?" If not she would today, so would Henric whenever he showed up...."I'm mostly here for Enbärsdricka, but the food smells alright too."
Hady was so lost in a million different thoughts she hadn't even taken any notice to who was there right in front of her! That was until the girl turned around and spoke to her. Blinking a few times in surprise at her own stupidity for not seeing her sooner a small smile formed on her lips. "Hey lovely, having a nice time?," she questioned quickly scanning the surrounding area for a boy that belonged to her fellow band mate. "Where's Henric?" Had he strayed away from his girlfriend to a different food vendor?
Food? The smallish girls gaze once more returned to the menu board. "Nope but my dad has and he told me to try something...only now I can't remember what it was." Small laugh. And say what now?! She glanced at Ilia. "What? Is that food or-?" Yeah, she had no idea. Swedish was not one of her languages if one couldn't tell.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley jumped a little, and then relaxed. "Merlin-in-Mustard! Don't sneak up on someone like that." She looked back at the speaker. He looked familiar but she wasn't sure. "You're from Hogwarts, right?"
The girl nodded. But it was a nod that was full of doubt, and a pinch of desperation. "Yep. I totally am! Just as soon as I decide between the Falukabletar... or the Krorapkakkakorp?" Or you know, figure out how to pronounce them. "Yep, just another second and I'll definitely be ordering." Because she'd been deciding for 20 minutes now and was about to pass out from hunger. "Definitely. What's your name, again?" She look at the boy for the first time really and looked him up and down. Not bad. Kinda cute.
Where'd that come from?
Uh..... whooops?!
And, WHAT?!
Merlin in mustard? Zeke's lips were strung wide, twitching slightly before letting a short chuckle escape them. "Sorry, didn't mean to, t'wasn't the intention at all." Well, didn't mean to startle her at least, like, he hadn't even TRIED sneaking. He was simply being present, and he was most definitely after food - that much was deliberate. "Yep, sure am," he replied, taking a moment to rub the back of his neck with his hand. The question also answered his own, she was one of his peers, he supposed.
... and she was deciding still. That was mildly annoying. "Get both?" he suggested, "and if you don't like one of them, I'll take it off your hands." Done. Sorted. Problem solved. He was a hero in so many ways. Time to order right? Or so he thought until introductions were initiated - good thinking. "Zeke, Zeke Browne...and yours?" he asked in return. His ego was growing though, because that up-down assessment clearly showed she was checking him out.
You're welcome, girly. He was a catch.
It was possible that his smugness was showing now, evident in his slight smirk which continued to grow when he spotted Ilia and Hady. They'd witnessed it right? He was practically being hit on.
Merlin in mustard? Zeke's lips were strung wide, twitching slightly before letting a short chuckle escape them. "Sorry, didn't mean to, t'wasn't the intention at all." Well, didn't mean to startle her at least, like, he hadn't even TRIED sneaking. He was simply being present, and he was most definitely after food - that much was deliberate. "Yep, sure am," he replied, taking a moment to rub the back of his neck with his hand. The question also answered his own, she was one of his peers, he supposed.
... and she was deciding still. That was mildly annoying. "Get both?" he suggested, "and if you don't like one of them, I'll take it off your hands." Done. Sorted. Problem solved. He was a hero in so many ways. Time to order right? Or so he thought until introductions were initiated - good thinking. "Zeke, Zeke Browne...and yours?" he asked in return. His ego was growing though, because that up-down assessment clearly showed she was checking him out.
You're welcome, girly. He was a catch.
It was possible that his smugness was showing now, evident in his slight smirk which continued to grow when he spotted Ilia and Hady. They'd witnessed it right? He was practically being hit on.
No, no, Mr. Hot stuff--Seriously what was with her today?--it's perfectly okay to laugh at that phrase. She was quite proud of that one. Also she was choosing to think his desire to laugh was about the phrase and not him startling her, because that would just be rude.
"Huh." She glanced back at the two dishes she was debating between. "That's not a bad idea, actually." Cute and smart, ohmerlinstop! Just stop already. Hadley shook her head, trying to regain at least some of her senses. It helped, a little. "Uh, Hadley. Denaker." Gryffinclaw.
"That one, and that," Hads said, gesturing to both dishes. She moved aside to let Zeke order. "Wait, does that mean you're gonna eat with me?" Because that idea confused her in completely new ways.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: LMAO, life goals XD
Originally Posted by Callie
No, no, Mr. Hot stuff--Seriously what was with her today?--it's perfectly okay to laugh at that phrase. She was quite proud of that one. Also she was choosing to think his desire to laugh was about the phrase and not him startling her, because that would just be rude.
"Huh." She glanced back at the two dishes she was debating between. "That's not a bad idea, actually." Cute and smart, ohmerlinstop! Just stop already. Hadley shook her head, trying to regain at least some of her senses. It helped, a little. "Uh, Hadley. Denaker." Gryffinclaw.
"That one, and that," Hads said, gesturing to both dishes. She moved aside to let Zeke order. "Wait, does that mean you're gonna eat with me?" Because that idea confused her in completely new ways.
Yeah, he was sorry-not-sorry? It was no big deal, but it was funny and he LOVED to laugh.
The confusion on the girls face that followed was also amusing, but not to a lesser extent. It was a GOOD idea, which was better than not bad, thank you very much. Only, he didn't say anything about reimbursing her, so it could likely end up as a loss as far as she was concerned. THOUGH, she would be winning by simple proximity to him. His company was golden. "Just a thought," he confirmed while she thought it over. And then the girly had a name. Hadley. Like Hady... only he couldn't be sure they were the same name. Close enough. "Nice to meet you."
Watching as she ordered, Zeke nodded his approval, smile smirk still fixed to his lips. And then MORE questions... she about as many as he did, only, hadn't learned to keep them to herself yet. Brilliant. "Unless you have objections?" Like, was there a reason why she wouldn't want to?
Zeke pointed at one of the other dishes entirely, figuring if he got lucky he'd get a decent spread, and if not, then he'd be back. But in addition to that he ordered one of those weird berry drink things and then forked over his galleons.
Last edited by Hera; 05-20-2016 at 01:37 PM.
Reason: coding mishap
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Actually taking notice to the others <3
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Yes she hadn't noticed those in front of her.
And yes her mind was on everything else but what it should be focused on.
Her gorgeous snakette band mate snapping her out of her own little daze was enough to not only get her talking but also have her spot the others in front of them. What had been wrong with her?! How had she not noticed her bestie and her little name twin standing right there in front of her and Ilia. Had she really been that out of it?
Sighing softly she gave her older friend a slight grin before her hazel eyes shifted onto the voices of the others there. Both Zeke and Haddie got a small grin from her. Not her usual one but enough to show she was there and in the present at least for the time being.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!