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Eagle Library and Art Nook! When you are well into the common room you'll notice that one wall has recently been furnished with wall to ceiling bookcases with books to peruse to every eagle heart's content if it's for your own reading pleasure or to further your studies. And of course some comfy navy blue comfy chairs and loveseats with attached reading lamps have been provided too. A notice sticks up on a pole on the floor that reads in glowing golden handwriting: Quote:
Whether you are reading or crafting it's not uncommon that you build up some hunger or thirst. If you don't want to go to go all the way down to the kitchen then there is a cookie jar provided as well as a magically run hot coco maker and mugs for every eagle's use! |
Clara was sweaty from practically running from the Great Hall all the way up to the Ravenclaw Common Room. Sighing loudly and trying to catch her breath, she looked around for an empty space to let down her materials. Seeing a little corner with books, she smiled as a familiar feeling took over. She took her bag and laid it on the floor as she took a seat. The navy blue chair was comfortable and inviting, and Clara almost wanted to sink into it and take a nap, perhaps. However, it was only four in the afternoon and that was nowhere near bedtime. She pulled out her notes for Muggle Studies and Astronomy, as well as the books for those respective courses. She also took out a small notebook where she kept her own musings and writings. That was for study breaks. Rubbing her hands together in preparation, she grabbed a napkin and a few cookies from the cookie jar. She made a mug of hot cocoa as well, flipping open the most recent chapter for Astronomy and beginning to look over it, taking a sip of the chocolatey drink every once in a while to keep her sane and awake... |
The lights were on, but no one was home. Those blue-grey eyes of hers were in a complete, lifeless daze. She shambled her way to the Ravenclaw library. No recognition, no acknowledgement, no sass. Just shambling. Hadley stopped at the bookshelves and with an uncoordinated hand, she reached up and pulled a book off the top corner, stared blankly at the cover and dropped it at her feet. The next book was pulled off, stared at, and dropped. Then the next book and the next book and the next book. All the while Hadley swayed unbalanced. Find it...find it... |
Penelope was levitating a large, 3 foot tall roll of white paper while walking in the general direction of the art nook. If unrolled, the paper would be found to be infinitely long as far as anyone could tell. There was probably and end somewhere, or was there? She had plans for this for awesome art stuff later. Penelope smiled, thinking about how fun it would be to get some people to do art with and draw or paint on the paper. She set the roll of paper down in the art nook and was about to try unrolling a short section of it when she saw something strange going on in the library. Leaving the paper in the art nook, Penelope went to see what was going on in the library. Quote:
Hadley did not react at all. Not when Penny chided her. Not when she closed the gap or drew her wand. It was entirely as if Hadley Denaker had no idea Penny was even there. She just continued to absently pull books off the shelf, stare at the cover and drop them before moving on to the next one. Then the ropes happened. And the placid, docile mindless Hadley was gone. She trashed and strained against the ropes with a gurgling sound escaping her throat that may or may not have been "Boooook!" The trashing grew more frantic. She had to be free. Had to find the book. Had to bring it to the forest. BOOK! Free. Book. Get book. Free hands. Get book. BOOOK. Hadley Denaker was thrashing to free herself so hard that if she hadn't hurt herself already she would soon. Not only that, but she had been tied up over the books on the floor, many of which already suffering damage from the girl's wild attempts to free herself. "BOOOOOOOOOK!" It was more a moan than a word. |
Roo was heading back into the Common Room after spending a few hours with Brinlee, working on her homework and translating his class notes into drawings for her to understand. But he was intending on stopping by the book area to return something he'd borrowed to help her. However...it was a little bit of a mess. A little bit was an understatement, though. Rooney was a little alarmed to see the state of it as he stepped into line with Miss Penelope. And to see the state of Miss Hadley turned something in his stomach. "Penelope, what did you do to her?!" Why did she have Haddie in ropes? Why were the books everywhere? What on earth was the Head Girl up to?! |
You three... Leo had just left the days staff meeting in the staff room when he was reached by Penelope's patronus. He gathered just from her the panicked tone of his prefects voice that she was distressed by Hadley's weird behaviour. The idea to return to the library to do some cataloguing of new books was pushed for another day as he hurried for up the stairs. If only they could have been allowed to apparate inside the castle Leo thought as he sprinted up the many flights of stairs to the 7th floor. Coming up to Ravenclaw Tower, Leo used his wand to open the door to the Common Room. If there was a crisis he wasn't going to be solving any bronze knocker riddles. Quickly going over to the art nook and library area Leo let his eyes wander about as he took in the scene of Haddie wrapped up in ropes and immobilized and making incoherent sounds, and all the books strewn about on the floor. Turning to Rooney and Peneleope he asked worriedly as he stopped by their sides. "What happened? What's going on with Hadley? Has she been cursed?" |
Merlin, Penelope really could talk, couldn't she? Rooney found himself nodding along through her ramblings and...then she hugged him and he felt so bad for the older Ravenclaw. He gave her shoulder a rub, and mumbled that it was all going to be okay. There wasn't much that he could say, was there? Once he'd finished hugging her, he crouched down beside the youngest Ravenclaw and sighed. "I'm not making tea, Penelope. We need to take her to the Healer. She won't be able to tell us if she's hurt. She could have been poisoned." And as much as he disliked Hadley on an everyday basis, he couldn't ignore the fact that as her Prefect, he needed to step up. Thankfully, they were saved by their Head of House as soon as Roo finished talking. He straightened up and stepped back beside Penelope and shook his head. "I've no idea, Sir. I just got here. Penelope said that Miss Hadley was unlike herself with the books and...not responding to anything." And now she was on the floor. "Can we take her to the Healer, Sir?" |
Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Booooook! Need book. Must get book! Oh, how the zombie girl struggled, futilely, against the immobilization. It did not matter there was no point to her struggling, that she wasn't gonna break the spell. That didn't even register to her. All that mattered was finding the book. Finding it and taking it and bringing it to the edge of the forest. That was her point, her purpose. Boooooooooooooooooooooook! Outside she laid still and motionless, but inside the girl was straining and struggling like never before in order to get her limbs working. To get up and continue her search for the book. Hadley get up. Find book! HADLEY GET UP! |
Aww, Rooney was here and everything was going to be okay. The comforting shoulder rub helped. She smiled a little bit, glad that she wouldn't have to deal with Haddie alone. He wasn't going to make tea? "Hmff." Penelope glared at Rooney for a second before looking back at Haddie. "You're right, it would be good to take her to the healer." If Rooney wasn't going to make tea, she would just have to make tea for herself and let Rooney or Mr. Kitridge move Haddie. Mr. Kitridge was here to save them! Maybe he would make tea. Oh yeah, about Haddie being tied up and immobilized. "I'm not sure what's wrong with Haddie. She might be cursed or possessed or something. It looks like she's searching for some kind of book. She was standing here, taking books off the shelf and throwing them on the floor, and Haddie didn't respond when I tried to talk to her. Haddie was moaning booooook and her eyes looked blank and it was scary and I might have panicked and tied her up and immobilized her. Really I was just worried about her safety and the books being damaged. I think she needs to see the healer." Everything was going to be okay. Mr Kitridge was here, and he would know what to do. Penelope saw her cat Orion coming down the girls dorm stairs and walking towards her with something in his mouth. What was -? Oh no. That was almost definitely a bra that he had found in the mess upstairs, and she was fairly sure it was one of hers. "Orion! No!" It looked like he hadn't destroyed it, which was good. The cat dropped the undergarment by Penelope's feet and meowed at her. She glared at the cat. "Bra thief." Penelope hastily grabbed the bra off the floor and shoved it in one of her overly large robe pockets to hide it. Her face was tinged red with embarrassment. She was absolutely horrified that her cat had done that in front of Rooney and Mr. Kitridge. There were boys here. Not a time when she wanted her cat to be bringing her underwear. Why couldn't it have been socks? Ahem. That had not just happened, or so she would like to think. "Someone went through all of the girls dorms and tipped the nightstands over, messed up the beds, and emptied all the trunks. It's an awful mess up there. Everyone's things are everywhere. There might be some damage to furniture and students' possessions. I think it must have been Haddie, because of her strange behavior here." That explained why the cat was finding things he shouldn't. She thought she had cleaned up the majority of things that her cat might steal, but apparently not. She was going to have to make tea herself. Penelope found a clean mug by the hot cocoa maker. and pulled a teabag out of one of her pockets, thankfully not the same pocket that had the bra in it. After filling the mug with hot water, she put the teabag in the mug and left it there. Emergency or not, she needed tea right now. Head girl duties called, and Haddie needed to be taken to the hospital wing or something. It was all very stressful, and Penelope was probably going to start crying at some point if she didn't have tea right now. Emergency chocolate anyone? This definitely counted as an emergency. |
This was all so confusing. Rooney just wanted to know what was happening, but Penelope was repeating herself over and over and apparently needed tea so badly in a crisis like this. "Miss Penelope, please.." This couldn't be really happening, right? In a moment, he was going to wake up, he was sure of it. But Rooney still looked between his Head of House and the Head Girl, expecting one of them to have an answer. He was fourteen, and had little experience compared to them both. They had to know what was going on. "Has she eaten anything? Was she eating when you got here, Miss Penelope?" Or had she just been trashing the dorms? "Maybe she's hit her he--ohmy." He spotted the garment in the cat's mouth before Penelope did, and he raised a hand to cover his eyes out of courteous behaviour. His mother worked in fashion. His aunt was a model. Rooney Bronwyn knew that piece of clothing. And he could not be looking. So he turned away and crouched again by the young Ravenclaw, gently checking her hair for blood. |
Had Haddie eaten anything? How was she supposed to know that? Did Rooney not understand what she had already said twice, once to Rooney and once to Mr. Kitridge? "No, I don't think she's eaten anything. She was just trashing the dorms and our library as far as I can tell." It was exactly like Penelope had told Rooney. Haddie had been throwing the books on the ground when she got here. Food. Did they have food? Strawberries? Carrots? "I want food." What? Rooney had mentioned eating and now she was hungry. Could they get food after bringing Haddie to the hospital wing? Penelope looked hopefully at Mr. Kitridge. Food? Penelope couldn't help but laugh at how Rooney had reacted to the bra-stealing cat. The way he covered his eyes and looked away was funny, and Penelope burst into laughter. At least he had the decency to look away. This was probably just as uncomfortable for him as it was embarrassing for her. She didn't want boys staring at her bra. She was going to tell Haddie about Rooney and the cat when Haddie was back to normal. Penelope took a few deep breaths and stopped laughing. There was a serious situation at hand. Penelope sipped her tea as she watched Rooney examining Haddie. "I don't think this is just from her hitting her head or something like that. It's like she's not there and something else is controlling her body." Hypnosis? Imperius curse? Possession? There were a few things that Penelope could think of that could have caused this, and none of them were pleasant to think of. Poor Haddie. |
”Okay.. Iwasjustasking.” Had Penelope had to say it in that way? Had she had to make him feel like he wasn’t helping as much as everyone else was here? It wasn’t like she was the one to be held in high regard. No one knew that Miss Penelope wasn’t to blame for this. Maybe Haddie had just said something out of turn – she was good at that – and Penelope had fired spells her way. Roo pocketed his hands and stepped away from the body on the floor. Kitridge and Penelope could handle this themselves. He’d just tidy up the books before anyone really saw it. Because the books were trusted to the students of Ravenclaw house, for them to be strewn across the floor like this looked bad on them. It was not the sort of example he wanted to be setting. ”I don’t think food is important right now.” Roo gave the other Ravenclaw an accusatory look and rocked back and forth on his feet, unsure what to do. Or if her need for food was something to do with Haddie. This was confusing. |
Had she upset Rooney? Did she say something? Maybe she had sounded annoyed when she was speaking to him? Penelope didn't mean to upset Rooney in any way. It hurt her to see that she was hurting Rooney. Maybe the stress of finding Haddie like this was coming out at Rooney. This time when she spoke she made sure it sounded nice. "I'm sorry Rooney, it's just- never mind." There was no way that she could even begin to describe what she was feeling right now. "Thank you for being here and you're really helping." She hugged Rooney. Even just being there as support was helpful, and she knew she couldn't deal with this alone. What had Rooney said about food not being important? Penelope stared at Rooney. "Food is incredibly important." Why couldn't he understand what she was mentally going through right now? Finding that one of your Ravenclaw babies had turned into an unresponsive zombie child was very shocking. She couldn't deal with that very well right now. Penelope looked down at the still tied and immobilized body of Haddie. "You'll be okay Haddie." Penelope's eyes were tearing up again. Look at Haddie, there on the floor bound in ropes because of what Penelope had done. Was it bad that she had done that to Haddie? Something was wrong with Haddie and she didn't know what it was or how it had happened, and there wasn't anything Penelope could do right now to fix it except bring Haddie to see the healer. She wasn't even sure if the healer would be able to do anything. Mr. Kitridge would be able to help her with this, right? What was happening to Haddie? Penelope was scared for Haddie and she just couldn't deal with this at the moment. Oh look, she was actually crying now. |
Roo understood perfectly what was happening here. Penelope was freaking out. Understandable, really. But it probably wasn't going to help if any other students stumbled across this state in the Common Room and she was supposed to be a role model school wide. She was supposed to be who Rooney looked up to and aimed to be like. Right now, he just wanted to get her to sit down and shut up. And when she started to cry, that was when he felt at his worst. Maybe this wasn't to do with her. Maybe she hadn't done this to Haddie because she'd said something wrong. Maybe, just maybe, she was actually fond of the annoying little brat on the floor. What were they actually going to do about the brat on the floor? "Penelope..." She shouldn't have been crying. Crying girls stirred things in Rooney and he wanted to just hug them and pet their hair in the way that he liked people to do to his. "Hey, come on.." For a second, he pulled her away from the scene, nodding to their Head of House to say that he had this under control. Or, he thought he did. Rooney pulled some of the hair away from Penelope's face that had stuck to her tears and wiped them with the handkerchief from his pocket. "You want the first years to see you this upset? You're the Head Girl. You're supposed to be super strong." And he knew what made him feel super strong. Like he was the cream of the crop. Kissing. But this wasn't the time or the place. But Penelope needed it. So just a quick peck was all she got, and then Rooney went back to crouching beside Miss Hadley's head. |
Rooney was sweet trying to comfort her. "Thanks, Rooney." Was she worried about other people seeing her in this state? Not really. Penelope was not happy that Rooney was talking about how it looked to first years. "It's okay to cry, Rooney. There's nothing wrong with crying. Even super strong people cry. Especially super strong people. Sometimes people just need to be upset, okay?" She was not really okay with people telling her that she shouldn't cry just because of how it looked to others. What she needed was to be able to take care of herself right now. "I just need a minute alone." Penelope walked up the stairs to the girls dorms, intending to go back down to the common room in a couple of minutes. After taking a few minutes to compose herself, taking a few more deep breaths, and splashing cold water on her face, Penelope came back down to the common room. Most signs that she had just been crying were gone, and she was ready to deal with the situation at hand. |
SPOILER!!: Penelope, Rooney, Haddie Leo pulled his gaze momentarily from Haddie's tied up figure on the floor to Rooney and Penelope as they filled him in on what they knew about what was going on with Hadley. Apparently Haddie was acting weirdly being unresponsive, moaning and having blank looking eyes. All were warning signs that something wasn't right with Hadley and definitely a cause for worry, if not panic. Flashing Penelope a warm smile he reassured "You acted swiftly and correctly Penelope! It was good of you to tie Hadley up and immobilize her for her own safety so that she doesn't hurt herself or a peer before we can get her to the healer to be helped and treated." Before Leo could ask a follow up question concerning food Penelope's cat pranced down the stairs from the girl's dorms with a cloth garment that he identified as a bra which Penelope hastily grabbed and stuffed into one of her robe pockets. Leo let it slide to save the senior potential embarrassment. The next news about the girl's dorms had Leo shake his head as he replied to Penelope. "I see, that's upsetting and odd. I'll go have a look at the mess in the dorms after I've taken Haddie to the infirmary to see the healer." Flashing a glance to Haddie he said "If Haddie is responsible for the mess in the dorms or not, we won't know until she is back to her normal self again." It didn't seem impossible though considering what she had been doing when Penelope had come across her here in the art nook. Leo's gaze flashed from Rooney to Penelope as they hypothesised on what could be the underlying reason for Haddie's uncharacteristic behaviour. Shrugging he interjected as Rooney examined Haddie's head. "All guesses are as good as any at this point on what is ailing Haddie but until we get it confirmed from the healer I think its more likely to be a curse then a concussion." Like an imperius curse or something similar since she wasn't really---. Leo didn't have time to finish his train off thought before Penelope broke down in tears in front off him due to the stress of seeing Haddie in this way. Rooney acted swiftly though giving Penelope a handkerchief and a comforting hug. Leo interjected his eyes finding Penelope's briefly as he reassured. "Haddie is going to be all right Penelope. I'm going to make sure of it. If the healer don't know what's wrong with Haddie then I'll ask our headmaster to reach out to St Mungos for their aid and knowledge." When Penelope left for the dorms to dry her tears Leo approached Haddie, taking out his wand as he did so and cast a spell to lift Haddie's body into a hovering position up by his side. Gaze turned to Rooney and as Penelope joined them once more he asked "Do you too want to come along to the infirmary?" |
Can't move. Must move. Must find book. Hadley move. Hadley find book!!!! No matter how much the zombie continued to struggle though, her body wouldn't respond. It wasn't working. She couldn't do anything. But she had to. Had to find book. Find book. Bring it to forest. Must....move. Hadley was a very frustrated zombie. |
if you all want to continue this rp then post next in the H wing. Quote:
Not waiting for a response he started to move again out of the Ravenclaw Common Room via the bronze knocker door. If Rooney and Penelope wanted to come along to the hospital wing then they were welcome to. |
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