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If your alarm didn't wake you, hopefully the walk down to the grounds does the job because it's almost 9:00 AM and you have a Care of Magical Creatures lesson.
James had been awake for a while now, getting everything set up for today's plan. Luckily it was bright and sunny this morning, meaning hopefully no complaints. Though, knowing the students... There were always the few. Merlin knew, these kids could find ANYTHING to complain about. Honestly. Children. The Professor had gone ahead and set the benches in their normal place and everything looked pretty much the same... Except for the giant obstacle course behind him. That and the cardboard box he was standing next to, but those were for later.
The man checked his watch... Hm, kids should be coming soon, yeah? He crossed his arms and waited impatiently.
OOC: Hey y'all! Welcome to our final CoMC lesson for the term! I'll be moving on in 18+ hours! Please take that time to look at the CoMC rules and SS rules in the meantime! I'm puuuumped!
Class is officially in session! Any arrivals posted from this point forward will risk point loss dun, dun, DUN. Just play as if you've been here the whole time, no one will know the difference *wink wink* *nudge nudge*
Hadley rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and yawned. She was up late last night working on a paper for Transfiguration and hadn't gotten a full night sleep. Something she was now paying for, her stomach most of all; she'd slept through breakfast today.
Stifling another yawn, the red haired Ravenclaw shuffled her past the CoMC professor and gave him an exhausted wave. "Drapes," she mumbled without her usual energy, and stopped. Back up a second.
Hadley Denaker finally noticed the obstacle course. "Cool!" She was more awake now, the excitement over whatever lesson needed an obstacle chasing away her sleep. "Another fun lesson planned?" she asked, giving Drapes a smirk. Then she yawned and took her seat.
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Another day another care of magical creatures class. Bec walked on the path leading to the lesson at, she checked her watch and saw she still had enough time so she slowed her pace. Reaching the place, her brown eyes immediately gazed upon the giant obstacle course and they flashed with excitement. Whatever they were going to do it was going to be fun, she was sure of that.
"Hello Professor Draper" she greeted, using his right name cause she knew he did not like nicknames. It was sad though cause Drapes was a fun one and....hey! WHY could that Ravenclaw girl call him that but she couldn't?! How unfair!
He was thankful it was so warm out now. Jaemin Song had done his best to avoid the grounds as much as he could after everything before, not keen on the possibility of losing the feeling in his extremities again. The slow thawing meant he could be outside more now, even though it still made him anxious; he made his way down to class a bit slower than his rushed steps had carried him lately, though his eyes looked just as tired.
The obstacle course didn't go unnoticed. The small grey-haired Slytherin gave Draper a wave, mumbling a soft "hello" before finding a place for himself on one of the benches.
Genny did not have a problem waking up early, especially when they had an outdoorsy class. She walked down from the Gryffindor tower until she reached the huge double doors, that's when she unleashed her legs and ran slash jumped her way down to the small crowd on the ground. Not many have gathered yet, which was nice because she got to stand next to one of the good benches (not going to sit yet).
"Good morning!" She greeted everyone, professor and her peers.
Bright and Sunny did not go together with Dreary Draper. Dante just could not connect the two. He was awake enough since well it was not beginning of term. Also from the looks of it he would actually have to put in a effort this morning. Now that was soo not cool. Dante wanted to sit and daydream through his class while making snide remarks at Draper occasionally.
Also would he still consider someone 17 or older a child.
Best leave that one unanswered.
"Mornin, Professor"
An obstacle course, REALLY????
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Fiyero yawned slightly as he arrived at his first class of the day. He was a little tired, but he didn't mind getting up early since Care of Magical Creatures was one of his favorite classes. "Good morning, Professor Draper," he greeted the teacher, inclining his head in a respectful nod toward him.
He waved to Bec as he approached, taking a seat on the bench beside her. It was only when he sat down that he noticed the obstacle course. Were they going to be running that themselves or training some animal to do it? Or some combination of the two? At any rate, it sounded fun! So what kind of animal were they studying today?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
So. This looked like work. Dot studied the obstacle course as she approached the professor. Not calming. Not peaceful. Work. She sort of wanted a nap, and it was only 9 am.
"Good morning, Professor," Dot grinned at him and gave a finger wave in greeting. Maybe he could just... let her be lifeguard? Seventh year privilege?
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
Cruuuiiiissin down to the Creatures place, a half-eaten breakfast muffin in his hand, Tenacius spotted the obstacle course and nearly went past the waiting Professor in his excitement to check it out.
Oops. Double back and gave Draper a muffiny toothy grin. "Mornin Prof!" munch munch swallow "Oh whats this?" pick and poking the cardboard box. "Is it for that?" points at the much desirable obstacle course.
Oh wait is eating in front of the Professor a bad thing? "Muffin?" the Curly Top offered the Creatures man his half eaten breakfast. Least he can do for the man that so kindly brought them brownies at one time heh.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle headed down to Care of Magical Creatures class in a good mood. She enjoyed the walk almost as much as the class. It was a good day and Janelle couldn't wait to see what Professor Draper had in store for the class today. When she reached the class area and saw the set up for the day, she really wondered what was up. Looked like fun whatever it was.
"Good Morning Professor Draper", Janelle said.......as always, trying to get a clue from the professor's face. She went over and found an empty spot and waited for class to begin. Any time now, the mystery would be solved.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Kitty hummed as she walked down to the Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Her hair was loose and both the left and right sides were dyed in a shocking shade of red, while the middle remained black. It was her new hairstyle that she had been wearing all week.
"Good morning Professor Draper," she said happily as she entered the vicinity of the lesson. Her eyes darted to the obstacle course. Hmmm...now what might be lurking inside there?
She moved to sit down next to Hadley. "Hey," she greeted her absentmindedly as she took out her small comb and began smoothing down her already smooth hair.
not throwing away my shot | Slytherpuff | roll for initiative | woof you ❤
This year had pretty great Care of Magical Creatures lessons! Not that they hadn't been pretty good every other year too, but Olly had particularly noticed this year as having fun lessons. He was not even tired because it was already 9am and he was usually a pretty early riser so this was nothing. But apparently not all of his peers liked the earlyish hour. Olly arrived as cheerful as ever, with a full stomach considering he had come directly from breakfast. There had been waffles and strawberries and it had been delicious.
"Good morning professor," he greeted with a smile. Then he chose a seat next to Dot. What was that behind the professor? Something part of the lesson? He was pretty sure that had not always been there. Olly bounced in his seat, eagerly awaiting some sort of explanation.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Esme worked to push her sleepiness away as she made her way towards the group. "Good morning, Professor Draper." Her friends all got greetings as well though her attention was focused more on the obstacle course that was going on behind her. Were they going to continue working with the crups and drive them through the course like a dog show??? That would be pretty interesting!
What was with that box? Why did the Professors like to hide things from them?
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura was surprisingly awake for it being so early in the morning and she happily walked down to her class, letting the slightly cold air take away the rest of her lingering sleepiness.
"Good Morning Professor Draper. " The purple eyes teen said with a wave as she looked around and blinked her eyes as she saw the obstacle course..
Her heart fell to somewhere around her feet.. Uh oh.. She wasn't so good with the physical stuff and well uhh.. Even though she had seemed to grow into her body a little bit and has become more aware of the space she occupied..
Obstacle courses could spell disaster for her..
She took a seat next to Esme and tried not to looked worried.. She could almost feel
the broken nose in her future.
doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo
SPOILER!!: Denaker
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and yawned. She was up late last night working on a paper for Transfiguration and hadn't gotten a full night sleep. Something she was now paying for, her stomach most of all; she'd slept through breakfast today.
Stifling another yawn, the red haired Ravenclaw shuffled her past the CoMC professor and gave him an exhausted wave. "Drapes," she mumbled without her usual energy, and stopped. Back up a second.
Hadley Denaker finally noticed the obstacle course. "Cool!" She was more awake now, the excitement over whatever lesson needed an obstacle chasing away her sleep. "Another fun lesson planned?" she asked, giving Drapes a smirk. Then she yawned and took her seat.
.... Surprise.
First to arrive was none other than Hadley Denaker, how interesting. She was always among one of the first, yeah? James knew she was trying real hard to appear as if she hated his guts, but nah. She was terrible at it. She'd have to try a little harder than that. "Morning," he nodded, the ends of his lips curling up only slightly in amusement.
"Word choice, Denaker," he replied, "my lessons are always enjoyable." Way more enjoyable than whatever foolishness Poncho Paul tried to feed the kids. Load of Hippogriff dung, if you asked James. Who gave their classes a THEME? Ridiculous.
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi
Another day another care of magical creatures class. Bec walked on the path leading to the lesson at, she checked her watch and saw she still had enough time so she slowed her pace. Reaching the place, her brown eyes immediately gazed upon the giant obstacle course and they flashed with excitement. Whatever they were going to do it was going to be fun, she was sure of that.
"Hello Professor Draper" she greeted, using his right name cause she knew he did not like nicknames. It was sad though cause Drapes was a fun one and....hey! WHY could that Ravenclaw girl call him that but she couldn't?! How unfair!
Also. What's in the booox?
He noted the way this one's eyes bounced around in curiosity. Truly Gryffindor. "Good morning, Bec," he replied, impressed that she remembered this time. Good. See, his teaching methods had instant results.
SPOILER!!: Jaemin
Originally Posted by Ameh
He was thankful it was so warm out now. Jaemin Song had done his best to avoid the grounds as much as he could after everything before, not keen on the possibility of losing the feeling in his extremities again. The slow thawing meant he could be outside more now, even though it still made him anxious; he made his way down to class a bit slower than his rushed steps had carried him lately, though his eyes looked just as tired.
The obstacle course didn't go unnoticed. The small grey-haired Slytherin gave Draper a wave, mumbling a soft "hello" before finding a place for himself on one of the benches.
And.... This one.
Particularly easy to spook.
"Morning," James greeted LOUD AND CLEAR to juxtapose the "whisper" the boy himself had used.... He was sure he was in the right house, yeah?
SPOILER!!: Genny
Originally Posted by Magical Soul
Genny did not have a problem waking up early, especially when they had an outdoorsy class. She walked down from the Gryffindor tower until she reached the huge double doors, that's when she unleashed her legs and ran slash jumped her way down to the small crowd on the ground. Not many have gathered yet, which was nice because she got to stand next to one of the good benches (not going to sit yet).
"Good morning!" She greeted everyone, professor and her peers.
This one was enthusiastic. Normally he would've minded a bit, but at least this way she could help offset the rest of the quiet crowd that had gathered already. Where were the rest of the Gryffindors? He was almost disappointed. "Good morning, very eager I see," he noted.
SPOILER!!: Barrington
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Bright and Sunny did not go together with Dreary Draper. Dante just could not connect the two. He was awake enough since well it was not beginning of term. Also from the looks of it he would actually have to put in a effort this morning. Now that was soo not cool. Dante wanted to sit and daydream through his class while making snide remarks at Draper occasionally.
Also would he still consider someone 17 or older a child.
Best leave that one unanswered.
"Mornin, Professor"
An obstacle course, REALLY????
Ah, Barrington. Always a pleasure, sometimes a pain in the rear.
"Morning," he said, giving the boy an amused look as he went to find a seat. What a kid.
SPOILER!!: Fiyero
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy
Fiyero yawned slightly as he arrived at his first class of the day. He was a little tired, but he didn't mind getting up early since Care of Magical Creatures was one of his favorite classes. "Good morning, Professor Draper," he greeted the teacher, inclining his head in a respectful nod toward him.
He waved to Bec as he approached, taking a seat on the bench beside her. It was only when he sat down that he noticed the obstacle course. Were they going to be running that themselves or training some animal to do it? Or some combination of the two? At any rate, it sounded fun! So what kind of animal were they studying today?
"Good morning, Fiyero," he said watching as the boy yawned. "No sleeping in my class, yeah?" But he was serious. No sleeping. It was one of the things he definitely didn't tolerate. That, sugary snack foods, Poncho Paul, Airehead Flamsteed, and the new divinations Professor. Didn't tolerate any of those either. Actually, James didn't tolerate most things.
SPOILER!!: Prefect Dot
Originally Posted by Cassirin
So. This looked like work. Dot studied the obstacle course as she approached the professor. Not calming. Not peaceful. Work. She sort of wanted a nap, and it was only 9 am.
"Good morning, Professor," Dot grinned at him and gave a finger wave in greeting. Maybe he could just... let her be lifeguard? Seventh year privilege?
Ah, he was wondering when the Prefects would show up. Ought to be the first to class, honestly. Merlin forbid the badges be more than just decoration.
"Good morning," he nodded slowly, paying close attention to the way she looked at what was standing behind him. She was hardcore assessing something... It was the same reaction he had gotten from the other Slytherins so far. Mild disinterest.
SPOILER!!: Tenacious
Originally Posted by Steelsheen
Cruuuiiiissin down to the Creatures place, a half-eaten breakfast muffin in his hand, Tenacius spotted the obstacle course and nearly went past the waiting Professor in his excitement to check it out.
Oops. Double back and gave Draper a muffiny toothy grin. "Mornin Prof!" munch munch swallow "Oh whats this?" pick and poking the cardboard box. "Is it for that?" points at the much desirable obstacle course.
Oh wait is eating in front of the Professor a bad thing? "Muffin?" the Curly Top offered the Creatures man his half eaten breakfast. Least he can do for the man that so kindly brought them brownies at one time heh.
This one was a lot. Always.
Today was no different. Tenacious did not disappoint. Unfortunately. He nodded in reply to the QUICK greeting before he was attacked with twenty different questions. Or just two really. Two rapid fire questions. "You'll see soon," a) because he would and b) because he did not feel like answering any other questions that would most likely crop up as a result of explaining the current ones.
"I'm fine," as appetizing as a half eaten muffin sounded. No.
SPOILER!!: Janelle
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Janelle headed down to Care of Magical Creatures class in a good mood. She enjoyed the walk almost as much as the class. It was a good day and Janelle couldn't wait to see what Professor Draper had in store for the class today. When she reached the class area and saw the set up for the day, she really wondered what was up. Looked like fun whatever it was.
"Good Morning Professor Draper", Janelle said.......as always, trying to get a clue from the professor's face. She went over and found an empty spot and waited for class to begin. Any time now, the mystery would be solved.
This one was awfully cheerful today. Always the quiet, respectful one out of the bunch. "Good to see you, Janelle." Eh, mostly. If he had a choice they'd just cancel the rest of the lessons for the term. They had learned enough, hadn't they?
SPOILER!!: Kitty
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Kitty hummed as she walked down to the Care of Magical Creatures lesson. Her hair was loose and both the left and right sides were dyed in a shocking shade of red, while the middle remained black. It was her new hairstyle that she had been wearing all week.
"Good morning Professor Draper," she said happily as she entered the vicinity of the lesson. Her eyes darted to the obstacle course. Hmmm...now what might be lurking inside there?
She moved to sit down next to Hadley. "Hey," she greeted her absentmindedly as she took out her small comb and began smoothing down her already smooth hair.
Denaker's sidekick. He wasn't surprised. Where there was a Haddie, there was also a Kitty. "'Mooorning," he said as he greeted him. What was with it with girls and grooming themselves? Didn't they do that kind of stuff in front of a mirror?
SPOILER!!: Oliver
Originally Posted by littledhampir
This year had pretty great Care of Magical Creatures lessons! Not that they hadn't been pretty good every other year too, but Olly had particularly noticed this year as having fun lessons. He was not even tired because it was already 9am and he was usually a pretty early riser so this was nothing. But apparently not all of his peers liked the earlyish hour. Olly arrived as cheerful as ever, with a full stomach considering he had come directly from breakfast. There had been waffles and strawberries and it had been delicious.
"Good morning professor," he greeted with a smile. Then he chose a seat next to Dot. What was that behind the professor? Something part of the lesson? He was pretty sure that had not always been there. Olly bounced in his seat, eagerly awaiting some sort of explanation.
The crup boy, he made it. "Oliver," he nodded. Why was he bouncing?
The closest bathroom was inside the castle.
Sorry kiddo.
Can't help you here.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Esme worked to push her sleepiness away as she made her way towards the group. "Good morning, Professor Draper." Her friends all got greetings as well though her attention was focused more on the obstacle course that was going on behind her. Were they going to continue working with the crups and drive them through the course like a dog show??? That would be pretty interesting!
What was with that box? Why did the Professors like to hide things from them?
"Esme," he greeted. "Haven't found anymore stray nifflers?" Eh, he had to ask, right? Was that the last one? There were still a few last minutes. Stragglers were bound to show up.
SPOILER!!: Azura
Originally Posted by FwooperOnYourLeft
Azura was surprisingly awake for it being so early in the morning and she happily walked down to her class, letting the slightly cold air take away the rest of her lingering sleepiness.
"Good Morning Professor Draper. " The purple eyes teen said with a wave as she looked around and blinked her eyes as she saw the obstacle course..
Her heart fell to somewhere around her feet.. Uh oh.. She wasn't so good with the physical stuff and well uhh.. Even though she had seemed to grow into her body a little bit and has become more aware of the space she occupied..
Obstacle courses could spell disaster for her..
She took a seat next to Esme and tried not to looked worried.. She could almost feel
the broken nose in her future.
........ This one did not look happy. "Good morning," he said eyeing her as she walked over to her seat. The usual skip in her step wasn't there.... Should he ask? Probably. Would he? Eh. If it got worse... Then he'd ask. But for now, she didn't look like she was in any immediate danger.
Annnnnnnnnnnd it was exactly 9:00 AM. On the dot.
"Glad to see everyone got out of bed this morning," some of these kids would sleep past noon if no one gave them a reason to wake up. It's why they needed morning classes. Keep 'em on there toes. Doing things. Active. Kids were meant to be awake and doing things. Most of them were just lazy. "We've done a lot of work with crups lately, so we're taking a turn and focusing on some new material today," but no complaints, okay? "We were able to connect crups with dogs... What other creatures can we connect from those animals that are only known to Witches and Wizards and those that are known to muggles?"
Tons to choose from. Most magical creatures, in fact, had some sort of muggle-world counterpart. Simple enough to get things started, yeah?
OOC: Hi! This is marks the official start of lesson! Time to avoid posting arrivals. I'll be posting in another 18+ hours!
Please try to keep it at one answer per person!
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Lemon!
Hadley blinked. Did...he...just smile? She caught the slight curl at the edges of his mouth, as it was so out of place on him it was...just obvious. Uh...what? She'd made Drapes smile; she assumed it was the closest thing he could get to a smile.
How...? What?
Things have been confusing enough with him since she'd become a seven year old and her seven year old self had thought him pretty cool... and now he's smiling!?
Shaking her head, Hadley was grateful Kitty chose that moment to sit down next to her. "Hey Kitty. What's new?" Make it good Kitty, because Hadley needed the distraction.
She decided to focus on the question at hand. "Well, there's the Magikarp from last year. And kneazles. They resemble muggle house cats." She thought about the question a little more. "Would owls count? I mean, owls the way muggles understand them can't deliver mail or things like that, but I'm pretty sure the owls we use aren't really different from the ones muggles know?" There that was all she could name. "Oh, and the Dodo. But that might not count either, because Muggles only think it's an extinct animal with no magical abilities when it's actually not."
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
For now it seemed like the lesson was going to start slow and Azura let herself relax..
A little. She still couldn't ignore the looming obstacle course behind the Professor that most certainly spelled her doom, but ahh well.. No use in panicking just yet.. Maybe.. She hoped Professor Draper was good with Healing spells..
Just sayin'
For now she was going to focus on the question and her hand went into the air as she spoke. "Well, there is the Fwooper, that vaguely resembles a muggle parrot and many other muggle African birds, Due to its bright plumage and such.""
Muggle parrots didn't exactly make you insane with their calls, but... You know.. They sort of looked similar..
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up
So, this was kind of like finding a magical-muggle counterpart for the creatures? Well, Vivian did know some but not quite sure that there were others, but being in class widens her knowledge, okay? This was a part of learning. And apparently Vivian could hear her mum's voice saying that line over and over again.
The Slytherin looked around, and especially at the students who have already answered. She blinked. If she wasn't going to raise her hand, she'd run out of options. The eleven year old immediately shot her hand up. "Mokes resemble muggle lizards too, Professor. However, they have the ability to shrink whenever they want to, which makes them practically too small or 'invisible' to Muggle eyes." She nodded, satisfied with her answer, and smiled at Professor Draper.
Her innocent smile, of course.
It's so magical, feeling that no one's got a hold_______________________________ ___________________________________And the whole wide world is whistling...
Why was Draper soooo looooud. It was like he knew Jaemin had been having trouble sleeping the last month or so and was determined to make sure the diminutive teen was awake. He was HERE, Draper. Here and awake. He did his best to look alert, pushing shaggy grey hair out of his eyes absently as he listened to the man.
Creatures that were similar to Muggle ones. There was one Jaemin had done research on, after the Quidditch thingy over the summer...
"There are knarls, which are like hedgehogs," he said softly, one hand in the air. The other patted his pocket, where Sniffler usually resided. "They look exactly the same."
Thankfully for him however, Sniffler was just a regular hedgehog.
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
It was time for class to begin and Professor Draper wasted no time in getting straight to the point. The first question had been posed and Janelle took a moment to think of an answer. What magical animal could be connected to a muggle one? Well of course the first thing that she thought of was the crup-dog connection, but the professor had used that as his example.........sooooo that one was a no go.
Janelle had to think of something quick because the longer she waited, the more answers that would be taken out of the running. Raising her hand, she prepared to give the next answer that came into her head. "The bicorn is kind of like a cow.". To Janelle, that comparison was kind of a stretch, but that was how they were known.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll
Nope, definitely not sleeping in Professor Draper's class! Fiyero sat up a little straighter on the bench, just to show he was awake and ready to pay attention. This class was too interesting to sleep through, no matter how early it was!
He considered Draper's question for a minute while listening to some of his classmates' answers. A lot of the good ones were already taken, and he didn't want to repeat what someone had already said. He needed to think of something and fast, before there weren't any new answers left! Finally something came to him, and his hand shot up. "What about the jarvey, Professor?" he said. "It looks a bit like a muggle ferret, except bigger, and it talks." There, that was a decent answer, right?
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
Ability is nothing without Opportunity | | Creativity is Intelligence having FUN
'You'll see soon' isnt quite the response the Gryffindor Ace was expecting, but then it had a keyword SOON, so he'll stop harassing take his seat for the time being. "Theres more at the kitchens Prof if you wanna!" Tenacius waved his half eaten muffin before it audibly disappeared.
But right lesson time. Oh Wizardy-Muggly equivalensies? Welp Hadsters already said kneazles with cats and they already covered crups and dogs. Hmmm.....
And then it hit him. "Salamanders Professor." he said as he raised his hand. For once that becomes more handy than just a nickname. "Our Salamanders are hot! Muggle Salamanders are....wet. They're kinda cool with them spots and things, but nowhere near as cool as ours that live in FIRE and eat PEPPER!" Yup Wizarding Salamanders are TOTAL WIN.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++ Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
There was definitely something dreadful and possibly dangerous up the professor's sleeves, and Dot wrinkled her nose at him in response to his greeting. Just... no trust for you, sir. You haven't earned it yet.
She studied her shoes as the professor spoke, and as her classmates pitched in with lots of helpful answers. It was a good question - there were lots of parallels between mundane and magical creatures. "Unicorns and flying horses are very similar to mundane horses, sir."
Arielle was an ocean person, and an ocean answer she was going to give. "What about a grindylow? They kind of look like human formed octopi." The ocean was her home, she knew all about the muggle forms of sea creatures. She wasn't sure though if magical creatures could really be compared though.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Any stray Nifflers? Esme thought about it for a moment for shaking her head. She couldn't say that she had seen any but then again maybe she had when she was out of it??? Not like she was in any condition to say since she couldn't remember any of it. At any rate she wasn't lying if she had no recollection.
No crups today. That was a little sad though she was still very interested to see what they would be doing. Her hand shot up in the air at the first question. "Unicorns!" COULD THEY PLEASE DO A LESSON ON THEM??? PLEEEEEEEASE.