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Term 43: May - August 2016 Term Forty-Three: She's Back, and She's Hungry... (Sept 2089 - June 2090)

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Old 06-02-2016, 03:05 PM
ArianaBlack ArianaBlack is offline
Default CoMC Lesson 1: Crup Care 101

It’s nearing on 9am and the late risers may be wondering why they’re up so early. Hopefully that confusion doesn’t last for long, however, because it’s almost time for class! Nine AM on the dot, no exceptions. No excuses. The way it always is.

Your Professor can be found standing in the usual area where class is held by the barn. Luckily for you, he has taken appropriate measures to make sure the area has been insulated nicely with some incredible heating charms coupled with some shielding insulation. It’s definitely not as warm as it could be, but it should be tolerable for the next hour of class. Two benches have been set up, as per usual, though the grass is also an option if you’d prefer to sit there instead. Don’t get too comfortable though, you’re going to be getting up very soon!

A bunch of tub stations have been scattered around the grassy area and if you listen closely, you may pick up on some unusual sounds… But there isn’t anything unusual in plain sight. Hm, guess you’ll just have to wait and see what’s in store for the day! Better hurry, we’re starting on time!

OOC: Hey y’all! Welcome to our first CoMC lesson of term! I'll be moving on in 18+ hours! Please take the time to look at the CoMC rules and SS rules in the meantime!

Additionally, though this is our first lesson together this term, it should NOT be your charrie’s first CoMC lesson of the year!

Class is officially in session! Any arrivals posted from this point forward will risk point loss dun, dun, DUN. Just play as if you've been here the whole time, no one will know the difference *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

Class Progression:
1. Individual Greetings + Get a crup and make friends!
2. Give your cruppy a brush
3. Brushing teeth
4. Bath time!
5. Drying timeeee
Old 06-05-2016, 03:28 PM   #51 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Christopher "CL" Lee
Third Year
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WE have to brush their teeth now, she had completely forgotten to do that herself this morning because of the early class, she threw on her robes and booked it out of the common room.

Spike already did such a good job with her brushing him now she hoped he would be as good with her brushing his teeth.

Laying the crup on her lap with his belly facing up Echo grabbed the tiny tooth brush and tooth paste. Then she wiggled to take out her wand out of her pocket to use it for water, because water was no where to be seen. "this ones going to be a little more uncomfortable" please dont bite me!!! PLEASE!!!!

"im going to get everything ready" taking the tooth paste she put a very small pea sized amount on its tip with getting her wand and saying "Aguamenti" she put the tooth brush under the stream to get it wet. Once it had enough Echo said "Finite" to end the stream.

"okay Spike im going to hold your mouth open okay?" did they not get like full on metal gloves, she would be more comfortable doing this with some metal gloves. Reaching her hand down slowly she used her left hand to keep Spikes mouth open.

As soon as her fingers were in reach instead of biting her it instantly started to lick her fingers, "well its way better than biting" she was speaking alot to her crup friend. "this might not taste as good" the brush was now in the back of the little creatures mouth, doing as instructed working on the gums and then working her way down. Echo could tell that Spike did not like the taste of the tooth paste. "i know its not yummy" brushing the full left side she took out her wand and got some water for him to wash out his mouth. Echo picked him up so he could face the ground to let the tooth paste and the water fall from his mouth.

Placing him back on his belly on her legs she repeated the same thing for the right side of his mouth and the front. "your doing so good" she said, but she was just about to finish the front when Spike sneezed so hard where the tooth paste spat all over Echo's face. "ewwwwwww" she said while getting her free hands robe sleeve to clean off her face.

"i think thats enough for your teeth today" she rinsed his mouth out one more last time and let him rest on her legs, with his back facing her this time. She started to pet it with her thumb to get it to relax. All in all Spike let her do her thing.
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Old 06-05-2016, 03:55 PM   #52 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola A.
Second Year
Default Brushing our cuty and post 1 of brushing his teeth
Mischievous Niffler

Kitty examined the brush before using it on Tickles. She had accumulated quite a collection of combs and brushes back home, and was always comparing other brushes and combs to her own. "This is a good brush Tickles, you'll like it." Smiling, she began to gently brush Tickle's fur.

Next came brushing his teeth. This looked like it could be a challenge. "Don't worry Tickles, I'll be gentle," she said, stroking Tickles with her left hand as she applied toothpaste (it had an interesting smell) on the toothbrush and raised it to Tickle's mouth.
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Old 06-05-2016, 06:51 PM   #53 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jordyn Guidry
Default Major catch up-Getting a crup and brushing him
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff

Class was beginning and Janelle was almost bursting with excitement. They were going to get to play with crups today! This was going to be sooooo cool. Go over and get your crups. Janelle didn't have to be told twice. She was up on it in a flash. Quickly and not very calmly, she joined the line of students waiting to get their pets for the day.

Fifth years were supposed to be cool, yeah? Well Janelle was about to lose all of her fifth year cool points because she found it hard to contain herself. She wanted a cruppie. Gimme, gimme. At last, her wait was over. She reached the front of the line. Arms out, she carefully accepted the crup that the professor handed to her. "Thank you professor", Janelle said, as she gently began to stroke the crup's fur. She found a good spot near a tub station and sat down with her special parcel.

Placing her new friend next to her on the grass, Janelle continued to pet him. "Hi little buddy, I'm Janelle and we're going to be really good friends." Noticing the collar around his neck, she took a peek at his tag. "What's your name, huh? Mikey. Well hello there Mikey." Janelle was just thinking how how cute Mikey was when she got a lick on her hand. "Awwwww, I like you too." Her crup was just a ball of energy. He was in constant motion whenever Janelle stopped petting him. If she wanted to keep him still, she'd have to keep up the physical contact. She placed Mikey in her lap and made him comfortable. Just then they got the next set of instructions from Professor Draper.

Janelle looked into the wash tub and noticed all of the supplies inside. First task, brushing the crups. Hopefully they would have time to play later, but for now, she had a job to do. Janelle thought it best to prepare her crup for what was coming. She grabbed the brush from the tub and showed it to Mikey. "I'm going to brush you now. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. I just need to get all of the knots and loose hairs out and you'll be nice and pretty." Before using the brush, Janelle used her hand to mimic the act of brushing. She was going to ease her way into the whole process. Mikey didn't seem to mind so far, so Janelle figured it was time to introduce the brush.

While speaking softly to her crup, Janelle began to brush him........very gently. Mikey was being very cooperative and Janelle was pleased. "You are such a good boy. I'm so lucky I got you for a partner today." Janelle patted him on his head and kept brushing. Clearly crups did a lot of shedding because there was quite a bit of hair in the brush already. Then Professor Draper mentioned OWL's. Ughhh. Did he have to go there? "Well Mikey", Janelle said. "I guess you're going to help me pass my OWL's.". At least this was a fun way to get some learning in.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-05-2016, 09:31 PM   #54 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Stuart Kynaston
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Rome Keller Drechsler
First Year
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CRUPS WERE THE CUTEST! Kaycee absolutely loved this lesson. Look at all the cute! Ugh. It made her miss her own dog though.

"Hello there pretty Lady." she said petting the crup she was given. "Yes, you are just a cute little thing." she cooed. Puppies were fun. You just speak to them in baby speak and they absolutely went crazy.

So, first things first. The brush. Having her own dog, one that actually had wayyy more fur, she was familiar with the technique. She carefully brushed out her crups hair using a bit of a brush then pet then gently removing the excess fur technique.

N'aww. Cutie.

Now what was next? Brushing teeth...? That's something she'd never done before. Her dog just had those dental stick chew things. But, oh well, she could do this.

She carefully squeezed out a bit of toothpaste. Okay cruppie. "I'm going to brush your teeth now." she explained. She gently pulled down on the bit of skin covering the mouth at the back. Once the teeth were exposed, she began gently brushing, from the back teeth forward, moving the toothbrush in small circular motions. This was a little strange, but she'd accept it. And so far the crup hadn't tried to bite her, so that was good.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________

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Old 06-05-2016, 10:05 PM   #55 (permalink)

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Solana Selwyn
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Selene Diana Evans
Seventh Year
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Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen

Azura looked up at Professor Draper as he gave them their next set of instructions! They had to brush their cruppies teeth? Oh goodness! Azura gave her crup one last little brush before she set the brush down and then dug around in the tub for the toothbrush and toothpaste! She emerged with them in her hands and gently petted Piper. "All right girl.. We need to brush your teeth." She said softly as she held onto the wiggling crup!

"Okay! I get you are excited! Just calm down a little!" She giggled as the crup attempted to climb her and lick her cheek. She petted it's head as she attempted to her her wand out! "Okay!! Just chill! " she laughed as she finally got the tiny crup to calm down just a little..

"There we go! Now.. Let's put this toothpaste on the tooth brush, just like the professor said! " Azura was gently talking to the crup, walking her through what she was doing so she didn't get scared!

She carefully squeezed a pea size shape of toothpaste onto the toothbrush, somewhat one handed..
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Old 06-05-2016, 11:01 PM   #56 (permalink)

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Addison Ayers
First Year
Default Question for the Professor

She was a little sleepy again after eating such a big breakfast, but she had somewhere to be! She knew she wouldn't be able to pay attention on an empty stomach... It just never worked out. She felt her eye twitch as she got to class and found an open station. She wondered what kind of animal they would be observing today, but she didn't think they'd each get their own. Niffler maybe? No, that didn't make sense.

Okay... crups? Yea... Today was a good day. A small smile crossed Kye's face. She had loved playing with her cousin's crup when she visited them. Her parents didn't let her get one, but hey! Her professor would! Could they keep them? If he said no, she half planned to pocket hers... She wondered how she would keep it a secret from her roommates though..

Following suit, she got up and went to get a cruppy from the professor. It looked a bit shy and curious, kind of like a cat... Well, it was pretty small, maybe it was just extra wary by nature? This thing was adorable, she almost couldn't stand it. It's little blue eyes looking up at her innocently... She took it from the professor and went back to the station. She sat down cross legged and kept holding the little thing. She started talking to it and scratching behind its ears. It... 'It.' She realized it was a little boy named Levi. Ha. Because of the eyes right? That made sense... and was downright adorable.

"Hi Levi, how are you?" she cooed. She was normally really quiet, but she loved this. "I'm Kye and I get to take care of you, little thing."

He seemed to become more trusting. Her soft voice seemed to sooth any nerves the little thing was having and he lightened up. He let out a little bark ("aww...") and after another minute of cooing, Levi gave Kye a few kisses. Now Kye's smile was back. At the professor's next instruction, Kye picked up a brush and while still petting Levi, she started to brush him on the back. She figured the transition would help ease into it? He didn't even seem to notice the difference... She started brushing different sections to make sure he was still okay with it, and she did pretty well! There were a few knots in her hair, but Levi was a trooper. After she started brushing his head, he seemed to start enjoying it even. Good because if you live with me, this is how I'm picking up excess fur, so... you really have no choice!

Hmm... brush his teeth, huh? Now this was new to Kye. Sure, she brushed her own teeth, but she could only hope she had enough trust from Levi to be allowed to dig in its mouth. She put the paste on the toothbrush and held it near Levi's face, trying to get him to stop looking around. This proved a little difficult. "Levi... Leeeviiii. Levi." He didn't seem to be as in love with getting his teeth brushed. He would move his head about and try to get her to brush his hair instead.

"Ay, you little diva... Professor? Is there a way to distract him a bit, or is there a way to get him to be less fidgety when I brush his teeth?"

You know, this was probably the first time she had actually spoke up in class, but she was really into it. She was seriously thinking about pocketing Levi and sneaking him back up to the castle with her.
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Old 06-05-2016, 11:08 PM   #57 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Lola A.
Second Year
Default Post 2.
Mischievous Niffler

With the toothpaste on the toothbrush in her right hand, and Tickles squirming peacefully in her left, Kitty gently started brushing his teeth. At first he squirmed, causing Kitty to miss and get a little on his chin. "Oops!" Digging in her purse, Kitty removed a small tissue and wiped his chin gingerly. Then she went back to brushing his teeth.

"I think your teeth are clean, don't you?" She took her small hand mirror from her purse and put it in front of him so he could see himself. Tickles responded by nudging the mirror with his nose. Kitty giggled and pocketed the mirror.
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Old 06-06-2016, 01:11 AM   #58 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Jordyn Guidry
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Janelle and Mikey were busy bonding when Professor Draper told the class what they would be doing next. Brushing teeth? Janelle had not expected that. When she'd peeked in the supply bucket, she had missed those two things. She was a little unsure about this next task. How was Mikey going to feel about having his teeth brushed? How was she going to keep him still?

Stroking the crups head, she said, "Mikey, I'm going to need you to work with me here. I'm going to brush your teeth now." Of course he would have no idea what that meant. Janelle reached into the tub and got the toothbrush and toothpaste. Holding the toothbrush in her hand, she looked at Mikey. "Watch Mikey. This is how it works.". Then Janelle held the brush near her teeth and moved it up and down mimicking the tooth brushing motion. "Now I'll need to keep your mouth open. I'm going to make your teeth nice and clean." Whether Mikey understood her or not, Janelle did not know. The little crup looked at her while she spoke, as if he was listening to every word. He then gave Janelle a lick on the face. She couldn't help but giggle. She was loving this crup already.

Ok, it was the moment of truth. Janelle kept Mikey in her lap and told him, "Stay still now". She tried to move quickly, but efficiently. There was no telling how long she could keep her buddy in place. Taking out her wand, Janelle pointed it at the toothbrush and said, "Aguamenti". She let it just dampen the brush and then said, "Finite". Then she took a moment to pat Mikey, just to keep him happy. Opening the tube of toothpaste, Janelle squeezed out the required pea sized amount onto the toothbrush. Finally, she placed the cap back onto the tube. It had not escaped Janelle's notice, that Mikey seemed to be watching her every move. She didn't know whether that was good or bad, but she chose to go with good. Already determining that her crup was smart, she figured that he was just satisfying his curiosity.

"Ok Mikey, I need you to open up." Janelle opened her moth to demonstrate. Why did it seem like the crup was laughing at her? If crups could laugh, that is. Janelle knew better than to appear afraid of the task at hand. Surely Mikey would be able to sense her fear. So she faked confidence that she didn't really have and got to work. Carefully, she opened Mikey's mouth a little wider and held it just so. First she brushed along his gums. Then she placed the toothbrush on his back teeth and began to move it in a downward motion for the upper teeth and an upward motion for the lower teeth. Janelle made sure to get both the inside and outside surfaces. Then she addressed the rear teeth on the opposite side. Removing the toothbrush, Janelle directed her wand toward the toothpastey teeth and rinsed them with Aguamenti.

"You are being such a good boy", she said with relief. Janelle may have spoken too soon because when she aimed the brush at the next set of teeth, Mikey decided to lick the toothpaste off of it. "Mikey, the toothpaste is not for're not supposed to swallow it." Hopefully swallowing a little would not hurt him. Adding a pinch more toothpaste to the brush, Janelle began to quickly brush around the side the front teeth.......and back to the other side. She rinsed his mouth again and let him close it for a moment of rest. "Ok buddy, just a little bit more. Almost finished." Janelle opened Mikey's mouth once more and repeated the process on the inside of the remaining teeth. "Aguamenti", she said for the last time and made sure that his mouth was properly rinsed. Apparently Mikey was thirsty because he then tried to get a drink of water from Janelle's wand. After letting him get a sip, she ended the spell. "There. All clean. You were awesome Mikey." Janelle gave the crup a big hug and a head pat. She got another lick in return. Now what would they be doing next? A bath perhaps?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?

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Old 06-06-2016, 01:59 AM   #59 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

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The cruppy in Dot's lap was a wiggly little mess with legs and tail slipping constantly off her legs. He was a cute little guy, especially when he nosed against her hand and licked her. Like they were best friends already.

"Rex, pay attention." It was sort of an obvious dog name, but it also meant KING, so it was fitting. Dot kept trying to snag his little snout so she could finish brushing his coat and move on to the tooth brushing, but he was more interested in trying to lick her or escape or BOTH at the same time.

Finally, Dot caught him with one arm and finished the last few strokes with the brush. "Good boy." He got a kiss on his now smooth head, and Dot was able to move on to brushing his teeth. Just a dab of toothpaste and then the big fight began. Rex was NOT into having his teeth cleaned, and the poor little crup kept drooling away the toothpaste onto her robes.

That... was pretty gross.
★ Dawn ★

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Old 06-06-2016, 03:17 AM   #60 (permalink)
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Sydney M. L. Masters
Third Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maddox B. Buchanan
Fourth Year

Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Caledon Roth
The Leaky Cauldron
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Glinda was still licking Fiyero's cheek when Professor Draper started speaking again. He tried to tilt his head out of her reach and peer around her, but that worked for all of five seconds. He shook his head with a small chuckle. "Okay, that's enough!" he said; his word had absolutely no effect. "Get down!"

He had to physically pry the cruppy off him and set her down on the bench. She immediately jumped back into his lap, barking loudly in protest. "Shh, girl!" he scolded. "I can't hear Professor Draper..." He gave Glinda a little pat on the head as she snuggled into his lap. Well, that calmed her down... she must've just wanted attention.

So they were going to brush their teeth next... oookay. Fiyero wasn't sure how he felt about that. He was a little unnerved when Professor Draper said the crups weren't used to having their teeth brushed, but he wasn't one to back gown from a challenge. Who knows, maybe Glinda would like having her teeth brushed as much as she liked having her hair brushed.

He picked up the toothbrush and let Glinda sniff it for a few seconds. She tilted her head to one side, looking up at him inquisitively. "That's a toothbrush," he told her. He had no idea why; she wouldn't understand. "I'm going to use it to brush your teeth, okay?" Glinda blinked a couple of times,; Fiyero took that as a yes as he squeezed a little bit of toothpaste onto the brush.

He tried to hold the cruppy's mouth open, but as soon as he touched her, she growled, snapping at his fingers. "Ow!" he exclaimed, quickly moving his hand. "Hey, that was mean!" Had he hurt her? He thought he was being gentle... this was going to be a lot harder than he thought! Glinda gave an apologetic little whimper as she snuggled into his chest, licking the fingers she'd just nipped at. "It's okay, I know you're sorry," he said.

After a a few minutes of petting, Glinda calmed down a bit, and Fiyero decided it was safe to try again. This time, she didn't bite him when he got near her mouth, but she did squirm. Fiyero laughed. "You know, you sorta remind me of my baby brother," he said to the little crup. "He doesn't like having his teeth brushed either." Glinda stopped wriggling in his arms at the sound of his voice, and he realized talking to her provided a distraction. Duh, why didn't he think of that before?!

Glinda made a little gagging noise as the brush touched her back teeth. "I know, toothpaste tastes gross!" Fiyero whispered as he moved the brush. "Good girl, Glinda... good cruppy. You're behaving so well..." He'd finally finished with the left side of her mouth and raised his wand. He hoped this spell wouldn't rebound like it had in The Great Charms Challenge; somehow he didn't think Professor Draper would take too kindly to him accidentally drowning one of the crups.

"Aguamenti," he said, gingerly waving his wand. He was prepared to react to a strong jet of water, but to his relief, he didn't have to. So far so good... now if he could just keep this up he'd be done in no time! He half-expected Glinda to squirm or bite as he moved to the other side of her mouth, but she let him continue with his work. She must be getting used to the brush now. "I know you don't like having your teeth brushed, but it'll be over soon..." He rinsed her mouth again before moving on to the last few teeth in the front. "Almost done... just a few more teeth to go."

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Fiyero said after he'd finished rinsing out Glinda's mouth for the last time. The cruppy replied by jumping up and licking his face again. The thought crossed his mind to put her down, but he let her keep licking him as a reward for being so patient with him.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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Old 06-06-2016, 04:10 AM   #61 (permalink)

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Solana Selwyn
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Selene Diana Evans
Seventh Year
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Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen

Azura slowly started to open her crups mouth gently with her fingers, just enough to get the toothbrush in there.. Piper was thankfully not wiggling too much.. "This won't be bad at all, I promise.. All right?" She cooed softly to the Crup as she bit her lip a little and slowly moved the toothbrush around the crups mouth..

She started at the back just like the Professor had said and started at the gums and ever so gently moved the brush back and forth.. This.. wasn't too fun.. and her Crup was whining a bit.. But Azura was very gently and kept cooing and making soothing sounds to her little animal.

Finally, she was done and after using Aquamenti to rinse out her crups mouth, she let the wiggling thing down and she smiled as it moved around her..

"See, that wasn't so bad at all was it?" She said as she grinned.
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Old 06-06-2016, 06:06 AM   #62 (permalink)
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Beth Monteleone
First Year
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Taffy was still nuzzling her hand when Professor Draper gave them the next set of instructions. Brush the crup's teeth? That shouldn't be too difficult. She jotted it down quickly on her note paper for future reference, grabbed the little gold-coloured toothbrush, and turned back toward Taffy. He stopped nuzzling her and instead backed away, standing further away from her than he had the entire lesson. Bethany didn't really know what to think. Was he scared? She pet his head a bit, hoping it would calm him down enough for her to actually get a bit of toothpaste onto the brush. "Calm down Taffy, I promise this doesn't hurt." She said, scratching behind his ears. It seemed to have worked a bit and the little crup had let his guard down. She picked him up gently as to not startle the poor thing more than he already was, and placed him onto his back.

Now for the toothpaste.

She picked the brush back up and quickly applied the toothpaste, she didn't have much time before Taffy would start to get restless again. Using her left hand she slowly opened the crup's mouth, while the right inched toward his teeth with the brush, please don't bite me, please don't bite me, please don't bite me . As soon as his mouth was open wide enough, Bethany put the brush to the back of his mouth and began brushing. She noticed the crup was beginning to squirm around, "Shh Taffy, it's okay, I promise this is for your own good...and for the health of your teeth." Nobody wants unhealthy teeth. When she had finished brushing Taffy's gums and teeth thoroughly she left out a sigh of relief. Regardless of her slightly damp robes and the streak of toothpaste on her cheek she patted Taffy's head, "See, that wasn't too hard buddy."

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Old 06-06-2016, 06:13 AM   #63 (permalink)

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Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ascella Archer
Fifth Year
Kimothée Chalamet • The UWU Agenda • Once Baby, Now Trouble • All Growed Up

The brushing part of this cruppy care lesson wasn't even the hard part of it. Vivian had gotten used to this, since she did the same with her Aunt and Uncle's dog, Prancer, at home. However, Pepito was such a very energetic ball of fur and was enjoying all this a little bit too much. The blonde struggled a little bit, trying to let the cruppy sit still or something. But, you know, Vivi remained positive. It's not like she'd down this before. Once she was able to get the hang of it, Pepito did calm down. Although Vivi did try to avoid the wagging forked tail. Not that she was scared of it, but it was a little bit too early to be getting wounded in the morning.

Once that was done, Vivian patted Pepito in the head. "Good job, boy. You're such an angel," she said. She received cruppy licks for that, and giggled at all this loving gestures. It sure did make her miss Prancer a lot. They will be reunited soon though! She could feel it, and she was hanging on to that string of hope.

So they weren't just going to brush the crup's fur? Even their teeth! Well, that must've been normal, really. Teeth care was part of proper hygiene, yeah? Though Vivi couldn't resist it. A small smile grew on her face. Seriously, it was kinda funny and cute. She looked down at the tub again, and retrieved the tooth brush that Professor Draper was referring to. It looked like a normal tooth brush, to be honest. Like the one she normally used for her own pearly whites. Then she took the tube of paste and squinted at it. Specifically used for cruppy care. Well, that made sense. Vivian wouldn't personally allow anyone else use her own tooth paste, much more a creature. Oh, well.

"Pepito, this is a tooth brush and paste," Vivian said as she showed the two to the bouncy cruppy. The cruppy tilted its head at her with that. Did he not know what it was? "First time, huh? I'm going to use them to clean your chompers! So that they'll be healthy! Yay!" Oh please. She was such a natural at all this creature care. The Slytherin placed a small amount of paste on the brush, then looked at it. LOL. That was too small. She added a little more, to make sure that it was roughly the size of a pea. It looked good enough for her now. All was good.

Vivian looked back at Pepito. So it was brushing time, then! "Since you're such a good boy, you deserve to have shiny teeth! Please follow me! Can you grin like this, Pepito?" The first year GRINNED so wide in front of the cruppy, but it did not follow. All it did was chase its forked tail. BLINK BLINK. Guess she had to manually do it herself, then. She wasn't going to complain. She was patient! Vivi took her wand out and dampened the paste using a quick "Aguamenti!" before she proceeded to hold Pepito's mouth into a wide grin. "Awww! You look good! Keep grinning, okay?" Vivi kept her grin too, so that Pepito didn't feel awkwardly grinning alone, then she brushed the cruppy's teeth, starting from the back then moving up front, just like the Professor said. And, yes, more avoiding of the wagging forked tail in the process too. The teeth brushing was also accompanied by a lot of toothpaste and cruppy drool. A sticky, bubbly, and sort of slippery mixture, but Vivi tried not to pay attention to that despite how gross it looked.

"There you go! See? Pearly white and healthy teeth!" Vivian said, contented with her work. She rinsed all the drool and toothpaste bubbles with another "Aguamenti!" Vivi received yet another round of cruppy love and affection, face licks and snuggles. The blonde scratched the back of Pepito's ear. Such a good cruppy! <3
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Old 06-06-2016, 06:38 AM   #64 (permalink)
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Giggling, Esme watched as Stacy started trying to nip at her fingers while her fur was being brushed. It looked like someone had about enough of this even though there was a bit to go. "I'll be done soon," she said reassuringly as she continued to work away with the brush. There was quite a bit of fur accumulating on the ground by now though of course some of it flew away. At least it wasn't staying on the little crup. "There," she said at last. "All done. Now doesn't that feel better?" As if in response, the little creature licked her face, causing Esme to giggle. Looked like she was making a new friend already and that was amazing. She was more than happy to work with a friendly cutie pie.

Now on to the teeth brushing.

That... probably wouldn't go over as well. Yeah, Esme was a bit skeptical because she had never done this with Lucy and she couldn't imagine dogs OR crups enjoying the experience. Professor Draper made it sound easy but then he was an expert with magical creatures and probably wouldn't have any problem with doing it himself.

Biting her lip, Esme picked up the toothbrush and cruppy paste (she hadn't even known that such a thing existed until now). After applying a pea-sized amount on the brush, she gently opened Stacy's mouth wide enough for the brush. The poor thing didn't want any of that and started struggling in her arms. "I'm sorry, girl." It made her feel a little bad but it was a necessary part of crup care. Speaking sweet words of encouragement, she began to work to take care of the teeth, starting from the back of the mouth and slowly to the front. Always making sure to move from the gums to the teeth. Every once in a while she cleaned Stacy's mouth out using Aguamenti but it wasn't easy with the poor thing trying to get away. "I'm really sorry! I'm about done."

It was a good thing that Esme was used to dealing with a struggling dog because that was Lucy every time she needed to have a bath!
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Old 06-06-2016, 07:05 AM   #65 (permalink)

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Brush their teeth? They had to brush their teeth? Olly guessed it made sense. If he had to brush his teeth every day then so did the crups. It just seemed like a lot of work, and not something the crups would be happy about. But he would do his best to try to make it work. Olly but the brush back into the bin and found the toothbrush and the toothpaste. He squeezed just a bit out onto the toothbrush, except maybe it was just a bit more than he had meant. It was supposed to be about the size of a pea? Well his was about the size of a jellybean. Oh well it was okay. More should be even better, right?

Now came the hard part. He had to get his crup to sit still and allow himself to have his teeth brushed. Olly stared right into the crup's eyes. "Okay Henry, I'm going to brush your teeth now. It's good for you and your breath will be minty when we're done so just let me do it, okay?" He stared at Henry for a few more seconds before moving the tooth brush toward his face. He did not open his mouth. Of course not, that would have been too easy. So Olly took his other hand and used it to try to open Henry's mouth for him. Except he did not like that so much and snapped with his teeth. Fortunately, Olly was able to jerk his hand away in time to avoid being bitten. He glared at Henry.

"Hey, don't do that, that's not nice. I'm not going to hurt you okay? Just let me brush your teeth." He reached slowly toward Henry's mouth and used his thumb to gently pull up the skin around his mouth. So far it was going okay. He was able to brush that side of the mouth, and then he did the same for the other. But all he had done was brush the outside, and that wasn't good enough. He had to get the other side of the teeth and the bottom. That was how he brushed his own teeth. He had to make sure that the crup's teeth were brushed just as good as he brushed his own teeth. Except now was the hard part where he had to actually get Henry to open his mouth.

He moved his hands slowly so as not to startle Henry. When he got close, the crup spun and tried to run in the opposite direction. Olly quickly grabbed him and pulled him back. "Stay here," he said firmly. Henry stared at him and cocked his head to the side. His eyes fixed on the toothbrush as Olly moved it closer to his mouth. Henry's tale started to swish against the ground. Again Olly moved his hand slowly toward Henry's mouth and gently reached inside. He prodded it open and held his hand there to keep it open. Henry's tail was still wagging. While he had the chance Olly quickly brushed the sides and bottom and back of Henry's teeth. Then he removed his hand and held up his wand. "Aguamenti." That rinsed Henry's mouth out nicely.

"Good boy!" He patted Henry's head and scratched behind his ears. The crup's tail wagged even faster. When Olly tried to move his hand away, Henry shoved his head back against his hand. So Olly kept petting him as he waited for the next part of the lesson.
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Old 06-06-2016, 09:10 AM   #66 (permalink)

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Was he serious? CRUPS? OMG!!!!!!!!! Like, could she just take them all home? Could she? What did Zeke think? Weren't they just the cutest creatures ever????? To be honest, Maggie had always been planning on getting a dog but now she wasn't sure anymore. Maybe a crup was the way to go after all.


Once it was her turn, Maggie couldn't quite stop herself from squealing slightly when she picked up the cruppy. sadklfjdslkfjdsklfjsdf. Ignoring the squirming she held it just tightly enough to make sure it wouldn't bounce out of her arms without squishing it. Yes. Perfect. She was already so good at this. Maybe they should get a cruppy after school. Hmm. She was going to have to bring this up with Zeke some time. Maybe visit these cuties down here if he was leaning towards no.

After casting an extra heating charm on the ground as well as conjuring up a small blanket, Maggie swiftly sat down and continued to hold the crup close. Ooookay, brushing. That was easy. Reaching for the brush she softly ran it over the creature's fur. There. That wasn't so hard. And it seemed to like it too. LOVE IT in fact. Like, she was just the perfect future crup owner wasn't she? Someone should be taking pictures of her for an article on how to take care of crups. She could be the poster girl for that. THAT'S how awesome she was at this.

The next step.......didn't sound as easy but as an EXPERT Maggie wasn't too worried.

Brushing the crup's teeth. Easy. Pfft.

"Look at this. We need to make sure your teeth are all white and shiny, yes we are." She continued to gush over the cruppy in her arms while putting some toothpaste onto the toothbrush. Would they be flossing too? "Now we just have to-" Okay, it didn't like that. Clearly. Maybe trying to put her finger into its mouth wasn't the best way to go. So instead she started with its front teeth, carefully holding onto the creature's head.

Ah. Okay, yes. That worked. "Well done! You will be the prettiest EVER after this." Mhm. Absolutely.
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Old 06-06-2016, 12:50 PM   #67 (permalink)

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Grooming the crup, particularly this one, has turned into a workout. A fun one nevertheless, but definitely feeling some sweat coming up the pores.

The next thing the Professor said got this Gryffindor to seriously take a pause. "Brush his teeth?" he repeated under his breath and looked at Bowie, still blissfully yapping and wagging his tails "Have you ever had your teeth brushed before boy?" Guess they'll find out now.

Back home, his mom always took care of the family crup's dental requirements. That or ask him to toss Maple one of her special kibbles-- the kind that cleaned out her teeth. What the Professor was instructing them to do was to pretty much brush its teeth like a human being. Yeaaahhh this was gonna be fun.

So the Curly Top grabbed the toothbrush, dotted on some toothpaste and paused looking at his energetic little bundle of fur. "Okay Bowie, say eeeeeeeeee--"

--- and there goes the toothpaste all over the little crup's jaw.


He refilled the toothpaste and tried it again. This time the toothpaste went all over his other hand trying to keep Bowie's lips open. Another attempt-- oh wonderful the crup flicked the toothbrush and it landed on his head.

Toothbrush + curls = mini disaster.

Tenacius was still trying to fish that toothbrush out of his hair when the naughty little crup-- realizing its caretaker was distracted-- made a bolt for freeeeeedoooommmm


"No!! Bowie come heeeeeeeere!!" and there goes the leonine lad chasing after his crup, tangled toothbrush and all.
++Tenacius ++🐦++ Salander++🐦++ Deo ++🐦++ Vickers ++🐦++ Huxley ++🐦+ Aquila++

Yeah thats what crazy is, when its broken you say theres nothing to fix++++++++++++++++++++
+++++++And you pray that everything will be okay, while you're making all the same mistakes
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Old 06-06-2016, 01:38 PM   #68 (permalink)

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Hadley Denaker was actually paying full attention during a Care of Magical Creatures class. It was très weird and a bit uncomfortable. Why did that Man have to do something cool like bring puppies to class!? It threw everything off. Just off.

"Alright, Dorian." The pooch cocked his head to the side and looked at her. Hads grabbed the brush and held it up for the crup to see it. He tried to lick it instead. "No, not for licking," she laughed. "For brushing. I'm gonna use it to brush your fur, got it? Don't worry I'll be gentle."

The crup wasn't happy at first, whining as if she were torturing him. "Shhh," she soothed. "I'm not hurting you. You're alright. You're okay." And soon the soothing tone of her voice and the fact that the brushing wasn't rough, and didn't hurt and was actually kinda nice, Dorian the crup settled down and started to wag his tail. He was liking it.
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Old 06-06-2016, 03:05 PM   #69 (permalink)

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Stevens? Pfftttt, at least she had a cool surname with cool history, what did Draper have? A stupid surname, that's what. . . no wonder Haddles called him Drapes. . . Mason stuck her tongue out at him when he turned his back to her, he wouldn't get a greeting in return, cause he didn't deserve one.

Apparently she had been so blinded by her utter lack of sleep, that she didn't even notice the tubs. . . was he gonna make them wash something? Like a smelly troll? Was this like double-punishment??? Waking up early AND washing smelly-trolls??? Merlin, she was quitting this subject the first chance she got.

But when he presented the things they were actually bathing, it was much worse. Crap. Mason was kinda allergic to dog-hair. . . like breaking-out in heaves kind of allergic. And that was NOT a good look, even on her gorgeous-ness. There were only two things that she was allergic to in the world: Shellfish and Dogs. Duh, that's why she had a cat and a turtle, cause even though puppers were super cute, they made her sneeze and heave. Soooooo, nope. And these were Crups, like wizard-dogs, which meant that there was a slight chance that she wouldn't die and they got points for doing these kinds of things . . . Let's see, shall we?

Mason went over to where the puppers were contained. She scrunched up her nose a little at the sight of them. Sure they were cute, but one whiff an- an a-aa aaaa *HATJOOOO!*


"Are you fricken kidding me?" Mason whispered as she rubbed her nose. She had barely even glanced at the thing and already she was headed for the heaves. She sniffled a little and glared at the puppers, before grabbing one at random and holding it fifty feet away from her. With the Crup now at arm's length, Mason could feel her eyes start to water. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all. . .

Mason lifted it into the air and starred into the little-thing's face. "I shall name you- aa- aa- *HATJOOOO!*" Mason shook her head vigorously and gave another sniff, "Izverg." A lil mother-tongue never hurt nobody, even if she just named him/her/gender-fluid/whatever, 'Fiend'. Cause that's what this lil jerk and his species was. . . even if they were super cute.
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Old 06-06-2016, 03:14 PM   #70 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Dokimoto View Post
"Ay, you little diva... Professor? Is there a way to distract him a bit, or is there a way to get him to be less fidgety when I brush his teeth?"

You know, this was probably the first time she had actually spoke up in class, but she was really into it. She was seriously thinking about pocketing Levi and sneaking him back up to the castle with her.
James only grinned a little hearing her question, "They're going to be a bit restless," well... Depending on the crup because they all had very different personalities. Which was probably apparent by now as some people were having the easiest time. "That's normal, but it's also a part of the challenge." So no, they wouldn't be using any spells on their creatures for this. They could handle it on their own. And James was watching incase they needed some reinforcement.

Originally Posted by Steelsheen View Post

Toothbrush + curls = mini disaster.

Tenacius was still trying to fish that toothbrush out of his hair when the naughty little crup-- realizing its caretaker was distracted-- made a bolt for freeeeeedoooommmm


"No!! Bowie come heeeeeeeere!!" and there goes the leonine lad chasing after his crup, tangled toothbrush and all.

Speaking of which, this one may have been the winner.

And it was quite the sight. James watched in amusement, choosing not to jump to the rescue quite yet. Fortunately for the boy, the cruppies still had tiny bodies that could only carry them too far before they got real tired. It was a matter of seconds before the crup would have to roll down and take a long breather. So they wouldn't be able to make it out of the bounds of James' sight. But... He still kept a close eye on them.

Originally Posted by Nc.Ap. View Post

Mason lifted it into the air and starred into the little-thing's face. "I shall name you- aa- aa- *HATJOOOO!*" Mason shook her head vigorously and gave another sniff, "Izverg." A lil mother-tongue never hurt nobody, even if she just named him/her/gender-fluid/whatever, 'Fiend'. Cause that's what this lil jerk and his species was. . . even if they were super cute.

There was always one, wasn't there? Fortunately for Ms. Stevens, James had thought of this. Walking over to her station with her cruppy, he held out a small vial of an antiallergy potion, which should be enough for the lesson. "If you want it," he said keeping it held in front of her. He'd make that her choice. Some students were stubborn.


Addressing the class again, "Alright once you've finished up with the toothbrush, you can set that aside... Actually, go ahead and take all the remaining supplies out of your tubs." There wasn't much left sitting in there but at least the shampoo, towel, and food. And as many could have guessed the reasoning behind having tubs..... "We're going to give them baths." How exciting, yes?

This would without a doubt be the most challenging part. But... He believed in them. Most of them. They were ready for instructions, yes? Because James wasn't planning on waiting any longer. "You want to fill your tubs with water before beginning, but don't fill them all the way." That would make things difficult. "And you're going to need to get your cruppy in the water... So it may be easier to lower them into the tub before you start adding in the water, but that's personal preference." James preferred to do it the other way around himself.

"Have the specialty crup shampoo on hand, but first you want to use aguamenti again to get your creature wet. Be very careful around their head. You don't want to flood their eyes, nostrils, and ears." That was MAJORLY important. He waited for a bit so they could get started before he continued. "Once your crup is wet, apply the shampoo. You want to start at their head and work your way down through the tail. Then soap their belly and legs," the scrubbing would be the fun part. And luckily the smell of the shampoo would help cancel out the smell of wet crup. ... Sort of.

"Wash their foot pads too, that's quite important," he added as an after thought. Again, he paused to make sure they had all of this and were getting started on the task. "Once you've lathered up the shampoo, you can start rinsing it out starting at their head. If you still have time, you should use a little more shampoo to run this over one more time." Weaving around the different tub stations, he worked his way back to the front.

"If you haven't already, get started."

OOC: For this task you need at least 2 posts (including everything I have written below), they can be split however you want. I'll be posting again in ~ 24 hours.

+Pour water into bath
+Get crup into the tub
+Use aguamenti to get him wet, but be careful around their head
+Once dog is wet apply the shampoo.
+Started at head rinse all the suds out of dogs coat
+Use a little more shampoo and run through this one more time
+Wash all the suds away
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Old 06-06-2016, 04:18 PM   #71 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by first few steps
+Pour water into bath
+Get crup into the tub
+Use aguamenti to get him wet, but be careful around their head
+Once crup is wet apply the shampoo.
If Echo thought that brushing their teeth were hard enough now they were to give them baths. She sure hoped that Spike liked the water... knowing not all creatures did so, she gave her little furry friend a look. Placing him down on her lap she took out what was left in the bin so she could start to fill it up with water.

The tub was emptied but Echo wanted to make sure that it was super clean before giving Spike a bath. "Scourgify". The bin was now clean and it was now her turn to fill it a little bit with water. "Aguamenti" she made sure the stream was focusing on her tub and when she thought it was full enough she said "Finite" to end the stream.

"okay Spike.. the water is nice, dont splash around alot okay?" holding the small crup in left hand she slowly lowered him in. First his feet went in and he didnt seem to mind, but Echo was still going to go slowly. the legs........ now the the neck.. thats where she stopped.

It was kind of like when her aunts gave baths to their kids, not letting the head go underwater seemed pretty important. taking out her wand again she followed her instructions to get the Crup even more wet. "Aguamenti" she said while making sure she didnt hit Spike in the face.

she stopped the water flow and picked up the special crup shampoo and started to lather its legs... giving it a nice massage. "see this is the best part....right?" she knew that the little creature wasnt going to answer her but who cares, this was starting to turn out to be fun, even tho she hates to get messy. once the legs were done echo moved to its belly, trying not to tickle it she lathered in the shampoo and then did his little arms, and just the top of the head to stay away from his eyes, ears and mouth. When it comes time to rinse him she can just use her thumb to clean its top of the head, so no water will actually come close to its face.
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Old 06-06-2016, 04:46 PM   #72 (permalink)

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Mason glowered at Izverg. Now they were supposed to BRUSH these things? What were they? Royalty? Um no, hon. There was no way that she was going to brush it when she hadn't even gotten enough time to brush her own hair. Ponytails were legit life-savers on days like this. . .

And now Draper was offering her some sort of beverage. . . hmmm. "How do I know that you're not taking a page out of Myer's book?" What if he spiked it as well? Would she shrink? Would Izverg step on her afterwards? Hmmm. "You're not even a Potion-Master, did you run it by Newton? Do you even know it was brewed correctly?" Mum said to never take stuff from randos. . . and Draper was definitively a rando.

Before Draper could even answer, however, she grabbed the little vial from his hands and stuffed it into one of her robe's pockets. "Thanks, Prof." she cast one last suspicious-look his way, "If I start to feel like I'm dying, I'll drink it." And by dying she meant the moment her face started getting ugly.

Now, bye bye, Draper. I've got a pupper to notbrush.
Did they HAVE to brush it's teeth as well? This thing really did get 5-star-treatment, which was unfair considering that this was child-labour and they weren't getting paid. Mason would like to get paid in chocolate frogs, peppermint to be exact. She wasn't taking Izverg, that much was sure. . .

Speaking of the little brat. Why was it just laying there? "Come on, I need to brush you." What? "This isn't any time for a nap!" She poked at it with the end of her brush, trying to breath in as little of it's gross-hair as possible. Merlin, why were these things so difficult??? It didn't even open an eye when she poked its soft little body, didn't even protest when she started running the brush over it in its comatose-like-state.

Now she knew how Aria must feel trying to wake her up in the mornings. . .
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Old 06-06-2016, 05:02 PM   #73 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by last few steps
+Started at head rinse all the suds out of crups coat
+Use a little more shampoo and run through this one more time
+Wash all the suds away
Echo had almost forgotten to clean its little paws!, quickly soaping them up she got ready for the next steps. Now that her Crup was all soaped up Echo took her thumb to wipe the little amount of soak on her crups head so there was no worries about getting the water in Spikes face.

Taking out her wand she said ”Aguamenti” and started to rinse around Spikes neck, he started to make noise and flop around a little bit but he wasn’t making to much of a mess or noise. ”shhh its okay!!!” she thought it would be a good idea to move away from his neck, so she moved on his arms and he started to quiet down. ”you really are ticklish aren’t you” she said while giggling. Now that the neck and both arms were done, it was time for the belly and she knew that Spike would move around a lot, his belly seemed to be the most ticklish.

Holding on to him a little tighter, but not to hurt him Echo started to rinse him.. squirming and squeaking happened like crazy.. ”shhhh shhhh, its okay” she moved from his belly now to his legs and he started to calm down again. ”mental note to self, Spike is really ticklish on his belly” maybe she could tell the Professor and who ever got Spike next year or when ever that they be extra careful with his belly. Finally rinsing off his little paws Echo read her instructions and she had to use a little bit more soap and do it all over again.

Soaping him up with very little amount of shampoo Echo did the same steps and made sure that she didn’t get any soap or water in Spikes face.

Spike wasn’t going to like Echo now, she needed to rinse him over again, lucky for her there wasn’t much soap. ”Aguamenti” she said and carefully rinsed him again to make sure that nothing hit the face. Her little crup was surely clean now. Picking him up out of the bath Echo placed him on a towel and wrapped him up like a baby. Pointing her wand at the tub she said ” Evanesco” and the water disappeared. Might as well clean the tub again ”Scourgify” and the tub was fully clean. Now she sat there with a bundled crup helping him to dry, and she’ll give him another brush to get the knots out after he was dry.
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Old 06-06-2016, 05:24 PM   #74 (permalink)

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There, see? That wasn't so bad." She sat back, admiring the happy puppy with a very smooth coat now. what? She had to brush his teeth now!? Er....

"I'm sorry, Dorian. But uh... You're not gonna like this part." Neither would she to be honest. "Just don't bite me okay." Hadley fished out the toothbrush and toothpaste and made a face. was she gonna do this? "Uh, can you smile for me?" The crup simply tilted his head again. "Smile?" she tried again, mimicking an exaggerated smile for him. The puppy wasn't getting it naturally.

With a sigh, Hadley put the paste on the brush and with one hand, tried to hold Dorian's muzzle still while pushing his jowl up so she could get the teeth. He started to fight her instantly making it that much harder to keep his teeth exposed for the brushing. And the second the toothbrush touched his teeth, his fighting doubled in intensity.

"I know, I know. It'll be over soaahhh!" The crup shoved his head toward her hand, sending the brush spiralling out of control and Hadley ended up brushing her hand instead. He bucked and thrashed with such intensity that she could only get a brush or two in before she'd have to pause again and get him under control. By the time she was finished, there was more toothpaste on her than had gotten on his teeth and the brush itself was a disaster.
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Old 06-06-2016, 05:35 PM   #75 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zarina Rae Carraro
Sixth Year
x6 x2
Default Major major catch up!
Stephanoodle || Adorable Nerd

Colt grinned at the Professor and was already liking his style. He knew the Professor wouldn't keep his suggestion for long. Onto the lesson, he saw the Professor bring out a crup. He tilted his head and observed it. Awww it looked like a dog basically. He wanted to pet it and play fetch. He went to the front and managed to get one. It seemed fearful of him but he didn't blame it. He held out of his hand for the little guy to sniff it. It hesitantly sniffed it and then rubbed its head against him. Success. He wondered what he was going to name it. He thought of a list of names and then thought of one. "I'll call you...Jax." Simple enough but it was was cool.

Then he looked at the tub and saw there was a brush. He got it and began to brush him softly and tried to get rid of the clump of hair. Man his was a shedder. "Man Jax you sure do shed.." he said and got his clump of hair. It was actually wagging his tail so it was enjoying this. He heard the tidbit and paid close attention since he was obviously in his OWL year. He heard the next set of directions and he had to brush their teeth? He thought it was bizare but hey they need to be taken care of just like ours. He went to search through his bin and found a little toothbrush and some toothpaste. He began to add a pea size drop and saw the crup eyeing it suspiciously. "Well this is going to go great.." he muttered sarcastically.

He approached the crup with his toothbrush and he saw Jax backing away slowly. He seemed scared and didn't blame him. He looked around and thought to look for some treats but didn't see any. The Professor should have thought this through. He tried again and almost got it into his mouth when it shook his head and walked away. "Come on...." he muttered. What was he gonna need a muzzle? Possibly. Wait a second he could immobilize him but then the trust factor would be an issue. "Professor before i give him a bath, what happens if your crup is insistent on not having his teeth brushed?" He was approaching him with the toothbrush and it turned away everytime.
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