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Charms Lesson 1: Color my world It was charms afternoon for the students and the door was open and ready to have the students enter. Professor Primeaux is always one for punctuation and control so there should be no surprise that the room is clean, lit well, and set up in an organized fashion. What might be different is that he has student easels placed where the desks should be. On the easels there is a white canvas and finger paints at each station. Looking more closely you will find no paint brushes. Just every color paint you can think of. Had the professor been pranked by peeves and that's why there is paint and art supplies in his charms room or was Professor Primeaux finally losing his marbles? On the board you will notice a sign from Professor Primeaux but no Professor was found in the room. Quote:
Lesson progression: Paint with a brush Animatae Figura Colovaria Go on and color the castle Thank You for being patient! |
Janelle arrived for Charms class and found the door open. She walked in, and began her greeting. "Hello Profess......or" Janelle stopped short. First of all she was early......really early. Second of all, there was no Professor Primeaux to receive her greeting. What was it with these Hogwarts Professors? Apparently they liked to make an entrance. Janelle was further surprised to see desks replaced by easels. And there was finger paint. Okaaay. This was different. Janelle had her choice of easels, so she picked one and deposited her things there. Seeing the notes on the board, Janelle smiled. They got to finger paint. Keeping her wand at the ready, just in case, she looked at her choice of paint colors and tried to think of what to paint. Maybe she'd just go abstract. How it related to Charms, Janelle wasn't sure. Anyway, this seemed like it would be fun. |
Charms class was a class that Emma always enjoyed, she was someone who liked the classes that were more focused on serious spellwork and potions. She was always excited when she came to the class. Walking in with a smile on her face she smiled and brightly said "Hello professor" but there was no professor there, "or nevermind, there's no professor here". There was no professor, instead the classroom seemed to be turned into a typical muggle art classroom. Which was fun because Emma had always enjoyed art classes when she was a young child attending muggle school, her mother insisted it was good to have basic muggle education as well as a wizarding education when she was older. This was bound to be a exciting class with all of the art. The note said to create an art project using the finger paint. Doing her best she started to paint a nice ocean. Emma wasn't very good at painting, so she did her best to try to make it not look like it was done by a four year old. However she didn't seem to be very successful. |
Azura was excited for charms! She always loved this class and it always cheered her up! It was something she was grateful for, so when she walked in, she was rather surprised to see.. Easels? Her purple eyes flicked to the board and she scanned it carefully, finger painting? Can do! She picked a station and put her bag down next to it and looked down at the paints.. Pretty soon her fingers had been dipped into the sky blue and she started to move them over the top of her canvas. |
Abby walked into Charms and saw the easels and the finger paints and smiled this would be fun but what should she draw because she knew it would be easy to get carried away so she decided on a beach scene which would be fun to do |
After the way previous lessons had gone on, Brooklyn hadn’t headed to the next Charms lesson with many expectations. Considering it was just as likely that Professor Primeaux test them as anything else, although she hadn’t forgotten last term and the lesson involving paint and Peeves, she’d made sure to be ready for anything. Including a quickly cast Impervius charm on her uniform and robes. She wasn’t going to be caught unawares, not now. Stepping into the classroom, those preparations seemed that much more intelligent. She was starting to wonder what was with all the art projects this term. Making her way to an easel, she carefully set her bag down before taking a seat. Eyeing the note on the board, since the professor didn’t appear to be there to greet, she sighed softly. Apparently she’d need to Scourgify her hands after this lesson, however that was going to be possible. Maybe if she only used one hand to paint. |
Carl walked into the Charms Classroom, excited. He liked the subject and was always willing to learn more spells. His good mood dissipated slightly as he saw that Professor Primeaux was not in the room. Maybe he was preparing a surprise activity for them, like the previous year when they went through obstacles. Or - ooh, easels instead of desks. He approached one and put down his bag. There was a white canvas and finger paint at the station and no paint brushes, so it was obvious what they had to do, but he read the sign on the board to make sure. Yep, make a project using finger paint. Dipping his fingers into the red paint, he painted a curved line at the top of the canvas. Then came orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. There, he painted a rainbow! |
This was a joke, right? That was all the small Slytherin could think as he stepped into the Charms classroom, spine immediately stiffening at the sight. It had to be a joke. Because surely there wasn't more than one professor in this school that expected him to be an art kid. They had made it through like... the entirety of the previous term without this kind of stuff. Why were they doing this so much this year?! Frowning, he approached one of the easels and dropped his things rather unceremoniously. At least the note wasn't demanding cartoon characters, or anything humanoid. That gave it a leg up on the last "art class". That didn't stop Jaemin from just standing in front of the canvas and staring at it in annoyance though. Without much considering it, the boy stuck his hand in the green paint and slapped a small green handprint right in the middle. There. A masterpiece. |
Fiyero adjusted his tie as he walked into the Charms classroom. He knew Professor Primeaux was a stickler for neatness. He looked up with a friendly smile, but before he could greet the professor, he noticed he wasn't here. Where was Primeaux? He blinked, looking around the room. And where were the desks?! Yep, all the desk were gone, replaced with - wait, were those easels? He set his bag down beside the nearest one and saw what looked like finger paints laid out in front of him, just like the ones he had in kindergarten. Was he actually supposed to paint something with those? He scoffed; that hardly seemed possible. He couldn't think of anything neat, tidy Professor Primeaux was less likely to assign! Hmm... well, maybe he's ill and we have a substitute teacher, he thought. That was the only explanation. Fiyero stared at the blank canvas in front of him. So what should he paint? He thought for a minute; then it came to him: his owl, Dash! He dipped his fingers first in the green for Dash's eyes, then added some brown and black for her body, then some orange - Dash's beak and feet weren't actually orange, but he thought it stood out better against the brown and black. Boy, for a wizarding school, there sure were a lot of artistic activities at Hogwarts! First the cartoons in Muggle Studies, and now this... Fiyero stil had no idea what finger painting had to do with Charms, unless... He suddenly remembered seeing a sign in Diagon Alley for color-changing finger paints. Was that what these were? |
Sleep hadn't been happening lately which had lead the girl to using a sleeping potion on and off. Sadly the night before hadn't been one of those nights and she hadn't gotten much sleep...in fact she had spent a good portion of the night watching her newborn twin siblings sleeping due to a two-way mirror. Which she always had with her now. Watching them grow wasn't easy when she wasn't there with them but magic made it a bit easier. She did manage a fairly decent lunch however before making her way towards the Charms room. No coffee or sweets were had but the consumption of food was a large plus. So as it was with a small smile which had gotten rare as of lately Hady made her way into the room only making it a couple of steps before stopping. What was going on? Painting. In Charms? WICKED!!! This was another chance to further her training! Hady practically beamed right then looking around for the Professor in order to thank him for this. Really cool guy he was proving to be. However she didn't see him but what she did find was the note on the board. So they could paint what they wanted on their parchments. Good to know. Selecting an empty easel Hady let her bag slid from her shoulder to land at her feet. She rolled up the sleeves of her robes to her elbows, took her wand out casting a quick no staining charm on herself and looked at the colors. A really good selection was going on. Only she wasn't needing them all. She dipped a finger in some brown paint and began making lines down the parchment of varies sizes blending it with a hint of black. Cleaning her fingers with 'scourgify' she then went on to the greens making leaves on top of the brown lines forming trees. Cleaning her fingers again she added darker grays and blacks along the top of the parchment forming a dusky night sky then went on to make the ground adding random rocks about. When she finished she dipped her finger into a bit of green paint and signed her initials in the bottom right corner. Stepping back a little she surveyed her work before once more cleaning her hands. It wasn't her best work since normally she used paint brushed but it wasn't badly done either. |
There a niggling in the back of Tenacius' mind if he and Torrance should one day, show up to Charms class in Auror uniform. Because it seems like something that would either infinitely please or annoy the Charms professor. And aint that something these two boys live for? But today he was dressed in complete spotless Gryffindor robes-- his tie was even on point. He strode into the classroom and the first thing he saw was-- well no imposing Professor Primeaux. Awww now he knows what a cancelled hot date feels like. But then the next thing he saw were the art supplies... ... Art supplies again? He backs out of the classroom door, looks up and around-- he didn’t walk into the Muggle Studies classroom did he? Shrugging to himself, he struts into the room and plops himself onto a seat. Aaaaand theres a note on the board.... Finger painting. They have to do finger painting. Talk about TBT: Pre-school edition. He helps himself to some canvass and some paint and settled himself back onto his desk. No he has no clear idea what to make, but he wasn’t shy on getting his hands dirty. Very dirty. So there goes the paint, slathering away against the canvass. Maybe he can make like Van Gogh? That the guy with the real trippy paintings right? Given that this is all done by fingers he should come fairly close.... Nuninuninuninu.... |
Cornelius let out a soft whistle when he entered the Charms classroom. Well this was a change. A nice weird change. They were going to paint in charms? He wasn't Picasso, but he was down for anything. Bring. It. On. Not finding the professor, Cornelius spotted the familiar face of his friend so he took the station next to her. "Hullo, Miss Azura. How you doin'?" Ooh, she was painting. The boy glanced up at the board. Ah. So finger painting, considering there were no paint brushes. He enjoyed doing this. His mumma liked the artsy stuff and they did this often out in the gardens with babe Mallory. Babe Mallory whom ended up like a baby rainbow by the end of their painting session. Cornelius shrugged his robes off and rolled up his sleeves up his forearms. There. He was free to move and paint. Wiggling his fingers over a few paints, mainly the yellows and orange, he dipped his finger into the yellow. He was going to make himself a C.O.B masterpiece, oh yeaaaah. In other words; he was painting his yellow lizard. |
"Good morning Professor," Kitty said cheerfully as she walked into the room cheerfully. But then she realized that Professor Primeaux wasn't here. And instead of desks there were easels and finger paint stations. "But what about my nails?" she said out loud to no one in particular. As it just to happened her long nails were covered in Gothic nail polish. Kitty had never finger painted before but she was pretty certain that paint would ruin them. Oh well. She could always re-polish them after the lesson. She got into position and started to pain a bat. |
Kitty and mentions of others Charms. Hadley liked charms, even if Professor Primeaux was a bit uptight. He was still nice at least. Hads entered the class room and squeaked to a stop. This was...different. Where was Primeaux, and finger painting? Really? Okay this is what she loved about Hogwarts. Nothing was ever boring, or really even made sense. Everyday was a new batch of craziness waiting to be discovered. It was like schooling, adventure style. And she loved it. She skipped over to Kitty, tossing Salamander, Fairy Princess, Strawberry and her Name Twin each a wave. "Hey, Kitty-Kat, what's new?" Hadley had barely sat down and she was already finger painting with delight. The residual seven year old was peeking through again. She was painting a very happy squid. In purple of course. |
Matt wasn't particularly interested in Charms, but as soon as he walked into the classroom his eyes widened and he staaaared at the canvases and paint. "This... is... BRILLIANT!!!" The boy rushed to one of the white canvases and claimed it. No paint brushes, HOWEVER the message on the board gave them the OKAY to do WHATEVER MASTERPIECE THEY WANTED. Man, was Matt excited. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The Gryffindor raised both fists up in VICTORYYYYY before grabbing two different colours and THROWING them at the canvas in front of him. Modern art, yo. Abstract. NEAT! His masterpiece was to GRAND to fit into that small canvas, alright. Paint eeeveerywheeeereeeeeeee. Wicked. |
Daxton was suspicious. As in, specifically suspicious, on top of his usual untrusting demeanour. It had been some time since he had made an appearance in a Charms class, but, all things considered, he knew that he would have to show his face every now and then, or Primeaux would never leave him alone. So now he was here, barefoot and without robes as he invariably was - though this time he had shoved his boots into his bag before leaving for class - only to find... paints and easels. It was... suspicious. Nevertheless, Daxton remained in the room. There were no desks, only easels, and so he claimed one nearest the door, but instead of getting creative, stood a little way away from it, leaning with his back up against the wall arms folded over his chest while he waited for class to start, casting his eyes around the classroom. Daxton was very much interested in art, but he was [i]suspicious, [/]absolutely not interested in sticking his hands into the paint - if professors here spiked tea and water, they could do the same to anything else - and did not create art on demand, not without knowing why. |
His new bag - well, new for him, second hand in life - slung over his shoulder, Dalton managed to be one of the first to arrive at the classroom. Which wasn't a usual occurrence. Stopping in the doorway, he frowned slightly at the set up, an internal grown obvious on his face. On his way to a desk in the far back corner, the Slytherin paused only to read the instructions on the board. Another obvious, inaudible groan. He dropped his bag behind his chair, before lounging back in it, eyes falling distastefully on the paints, and lack of brushes. There was no way he was doing a toddlers activity. No way, José. |
Maybe Professor P had lost his marbles. Dante would expect this kinda thing in Muggle Studies. But in charms. Nah he was suspicious. Use finger paints and draw appropriate things. Well where was the fun in that. Dante took the black paint and wrote out Boring on his canvas. Done. He gave his best effort Professor P since it did not count towards anything and you will not collect it. |
Hi Dante Charms was another of Kat's favorite and strongest subjects. So she was hoping to get to class first. Unfortunately, not today. She walked in to see that many were already there. Cornelius was one of them. She wanted to sit with him and have him all to herself. Yes she was greedy when it come to him. He was already sitting with Azura. Not seeing the professor passed on by, and walked over to Cornelius. As she passed him she poked him as she passed. He would have totally pulled that on her if she was the first one there. And they would likely be sitting together. Dante. Yep. He was going to be her charms buddy today. She sat down in the seat next to him. Peeking at his canvas. boring she giggled. "Nice work there, Dante." Now what was she going to do? Dabbing her finger in hot pink paint. Finger paint. Finger paint. She dabbed her other finger in lime green paint. Swirling the colors around on the canvas. She was totally the next Picasso. |
Well, this was weird... Not only was Professor Primeaux nowhere to be seen, but there were EASELS and PAINT throughout the classroom. Did the man have an appreciation for art? If so, it was something that he hadn't really shown from what Esme could tell. At any rate she wasn't complaining. Nope. She was more than ready to dip her hands in and create something. This would be fun and she already had the image of a beautiful meadow in her head. Painting nature could be so relaxing. Green paint on her finger, she began working on the grass, taking up less than half of the canvas so that there was a lot of room for the sky. This was done in a nice cheery blue colour with some areas left white. These were fluffy shapes that were obviously clouds. Yellow was used in another blank spot and that was the sun. Carefully she worked to bring the colours close together without turning the paint green. She was running out of clean fingers to use, but managed to add little pink blots to the grass. Those were flowers and she made them all pink because that was her favourite colour. |
*got permission to say Airey did this**bunks with Daxton* Someone get him out of here. Now. Of all the days for the Professor to double check the Common Room, it had to be today. Merlin's Beard what ill luck. Blaise Bellaire reluctantly dragged his feet as he entered the classroom, not sparing his Head of House a second glance. Running was out of the question, what with the man just outside having escorted him here with as much force as was typically needed. You'd think by now Professor Airey would take the hint and leave him be when he was hiding but apparently not. The Gryffindor was practically huffing now, his quill and notepad floating close behind him as he went to take a spot--but which? He hadn't attended a single Charms class this term, for all he knew any spot he took might belong to someone else who'd been dutifully sitting there since September. Could he really rob them of this little joy? Of course not! It would only be rude. The only option would have to be leaving....er....as soon as Airey himself was nowhere close enough to catch him a second time. For now, the boy took the easel next to Daxton with a mutter of, "He got me." before his gaze fell to the board. Paint something...not graded...not going to be collected. So then....why would he paint it? Yeah....seemed like a perfect waste. Not even graded, this wouldn't save his perishing Charms grade. As he stood there, Blaise kept glancing through the door. The plan was to bolt before the Professor arrived. To humour the man, he dipped a finger into the red paint and made a horizontal line. There. Done. |
Kaycee entered the classroom and looked around. Erm? No professor? Fair enough. She glanced at the board before taking a seat. Finger paints, eh? No problem. You were never too old to do ridiculous things. She glanced at the paints before dipping her palm into the brown. It was November and Kaycee was going to make a turkey in honor a great American holiday. Thanksgiving -- National Stuff Your Face in the Name of History Day. |
Echo bounced into the classroom really fast for some reason she thought she was late. She looked around the room to notice that the professor was not there. She wiped her brow and try to find a place to sit. It was fairly busy in the room so did she decided to sit further back away from the front of the class because that seemed to be where she could sit. Echo noticed all the paint the stuff that you could use for painting but she didn't see your utensils to paint why were all the classes seem to be so easy this year she had no idea but she was happy that it looked like you were going to do too much hard work today. |
What was it with all these professors and their desire to make ART? Dot was not an artist. She was creative, but it was expressed in specific and limited ways and all these art supplies made her feel... useless. Not to mention how messy paint was. She took a seat next to one of the easels and glanced around, just to make SURE the professor really wasn't there. Interesting. And very trusting. With the clean tip of her finger, Dot gathered a dab of green paint and chased it around the paper. Just the one finger and just a very little bit of paint. |
Easels? Paint? They were doing art? The first thing Olly felt when he had stepped into the Charms classroom and taken in the decor was excitement. He loved art. It was so fun. Never mind that he had no idea how it could possibly connect to charms. That didn't matter. He took a seat at an easel, not even pausing to see who he was sitting by, and set to work. There was yellow for the sun, and blue around it for the sky. A little bit darker blue for the water to set it apart from the sky. He selected a purple for a the body of a boat, and white and green stripes for the sail. It was beautiful. Except now his fingers were all full of paint and he didn't know what to do. |
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