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Post 2 (1 green balloon hit) At first Fiyero was pleased with himself for finally getting his apple to float, but that pride went away when he saw the looks on some of his classmates' face. He really hadn't meant to upstage the older students! He probably couldn't cast that spell again in a million years... he just got lucky this time. He turned his attention back to the game. Now he had to summon his apple back... which involved another spell he'd never done before. "Accio," he said, pointing his wand at the honeycrisp apple above him; nothing happened. Now that was ironic... he got the complicated anti-gravity spell but was having trouble with a summoning charm. "Accio!" he said again, this time a little louder. This time the apple gently floated back into his waiting hand. So now what was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to toss his apple each time or guide it with his wand? Most of his classmates seemed to be throwing their apples, so he decided that must be the way to go. He threw his apple as far as he could, hitting a dart. This was fun! It was almost like throwing a quaffle. There was a loud pop as one of the blue balloons burst, and Fiyero glanced up. Had he done that? No, that wasn't his apple. The dart he'd hit sailed up, narrowly missing a balloon before it vanished. He was sort of glad he hadn't hit a balloon that time. After all, he didn't want his classmates to think he was showing off! Still feeling guilty about casting the spell correctly, he considered throwing the game until... He saw an older Ravenclaw boy sulking in the corner. He felt a bit sorry for him at first. He would've offered him an encouraging smile or assured him that getting that spell right must've been a fluke, that there were plenty of spells he could do that Fiyero couldn't, but then he saw a couple of girls sidled over to him. He had no idea why, but something about that made him angry. I get the spell right and everybody hates me for it, but Mr. Ravenclaw prefect keeps doing it wrong and everybody fawns over him?! he thought. How's that fair? Then he heard a Slytherin girl say something about aiming for the Gryffindor balloons. What did she have against Gryffindor? That was it; Fiyero was done being nice! He'd show her... He threw his apple with all his might. It hit a dart square in the center, and a green balloon burst with a loud BANG! |
Post 2 (No Balloons... Nothing at all...Having issues xD) Hadleigh stared at the red apple laying in the palm of her hand. At least it hadn't smacked her in the head or rolled off the table again. However it would've been much nicer had it actually stayed up in the air! It was very much clear that she was getting frustrated here and probably even a bit annoyed. Whether it was at the apple, the charm or herself still remained to be untold. Setting the stubborn apple back down in the center of her table she just stared at it for a long time. "Alright apple, we're going to try this again and this time it will work..." she muttered at it as if that was going to help her at all. "Derivo Gravitatem," she recited clearly focusing her attention on the apple as she traced out a circle above it with her wand. "Derivo Gravitatem," and another circle was made and then a third, "Derivo Gravitatem." Without any hesitation she picked up the apple and tossed it upwards into the air. Let it work....let it work... Nope. It came right back down giving her only enough time to catch it in her hand. This was horrible. Why couldn't she just get it right. Hadleigh set the apple down again for another try. "Derivo Gravitatem!" This time much more focus and clearly spoken words all three times as the circle was drawn above the apple with the use of her wand. A toss up into the air and straight back down. What was the matter which this apple? More importantly, what was the matter with her?! |
#2 - Still no balloons + Azura Hmm... HMMM... Many people seemed to be having trouble with this spell, which made Matt feel better. At least there wouldn't be THAT MANY balloon popping before he could manage to do the spell. Probably. Hopefully. As he kept trying to get it to work, Matt looked around, totally distracted by all things going on. Two girls went over to help the Ravenclaw prefect who seeeeeemed to be giving up already. WUT. They had just STARTED! "Derivo Gravitatem! Derivo Gravitatem! DerivOHH!! HEY!!" Look at THAT APPLE GO! Towards red balloons. "OI!" Matt quickly scanned the room and noticed it was AZURA's apple. MAN, she learned fast. The Gryffindor was soon standing next to her. "MATE, HOW DID YOU DO THAT? TEACH ME!" The second year |
Post 1 || No hit Ok now with that explanation, this boy understood things better-- they were magicing the air around the apple. That made more sense.... sorta. Tenacius watched the demonstration of what to do with the apple-- so basically they were going to use them as secondary projectiles... Or maybe booster rockets to send the main payload to wherever it was supposed to go-- this time it was to the planet balloon things. Alright he got the mechanics of that down pat.... ... It’s the magic that he needs to work on. Having better understanding of what they were actually doing, the Curly Top tried the spell again "Derivo Gravitatem...." he chanted as he twirled his wand in triplicates, focusing this time on the air surrounding the apple, he tossed one up in the air... And it flewwww.... Is it actually staying up is it is it??? No it flew back down... Kinda slowly now though. He doesnt know if he should count that as a success or a cruel joke by the gods of magic thats drawing things out and testing his miniscule patience. |
Post 2-No balloons hit......again Ok, Janelle was trying very hard not to get frustrated. She kept telling herself that this was a hard spell and she had to be patient. She needed to concentrate, which was a little difficult with all the chaos that was going on around her. Balloons popping, students calling out spells. Anyway, Janelle looked up and tried to focus on the dart she wanted to hit. Then she shifted her gaze to a certain red balloon that she wanted to destroy. No way was it going to get the best of her. Returning her focus to the apple in her hand, Janelle took a deep breath and let the air out slowly. She raised her wand and made three counterclockwise circles above the apple. "Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem", she said, perfectly in time with her circle making. Eyes back on the dart above, Janelle aimed her apple and tossed it toward her target. This time she missed her intended dart, but hit an adjacent one. Just like before, the dreaded apple came falling back down to Janelle. She caught it and had to resist the urge to throw it agains the wall. Her dart had come very close to hitting another balloon and Janelle wondered what would have happened if it had actually popped. Did it count if you popped a balloon, but your spell didn't work? Somehow that just didn't seem right. Although at the rate she was going, that might be her best chance at popping some balloons. |
Post 3 Plus Matt!! Quote:
"Oh!! I'm pretty good at this stuff, but of course I'll teach you, I need to re-charm my apple anyways!" She said with as warm of a smile as she could muster, before a pained look crossed her face and she lowered her voice a little.. "I'm not hitting any balloons! As you can see, my dart went in between the red balloons! I'm purposely trying to miss! I have to many friends in other houses to pop any one else's balloons!" She explained softly as she looked at him. "All right, you want to know how to do the spell?" She asked as she held up her apple and then took her wand out. "I had to empty everything from my mind, it helps me concentrate and focus solely on what I'm doing.. And then I made sure to put intent behind my words. After that, i did exactly what Professor Flamsteed did." Azura slowly traced the tip of her wand over her apple, counterclockwise three times. "Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem." She said, each time the Tem came when she was finishing the circle.. "There!" She said with a smile.. "Now you try." |
Post 2 || No hit (but progress!) "Finally!" -- Finally the apple has reached his hand. But how he wished he could say that and meant the spell was working for him. He rubbed the already bruised and singed apple against his shirt, as if the extra polish can make the spell work any better. Or maybe he was adding some friction... influence that air around it to... work better with the spell yeah? Certainly worth a try... "Derivo Gravitatem.... Derivo Gravitatem.... DERIVO GRAVITATEM!!" he twirled his Alder wood over his Granny Smith. Come on work! Tossing the apple up--- -- and up up and away it goes!! Mouth agape, his wildly surprised blue-green eyes follows the green apple making its trajectory-- and pokes a dart! It poked a dart!! Happy dance all around yeah!! ..... But it seemed like the inertia wasn’t enough and the dart flew only a few inches upward, well away from any hovering balloon. Well.... he was still counting this a success. Now he knows what it takes. |
Post 1 (No balloon) ...Was Professor Flamsteed joking? Esme wasn't one to be pessimistic, but the chances of most if not all of the students not only mastering the spell, but using it to send apples to darts so that they could pop balloons was... pretty slim to nil. Still she was willing to try and the fact that some of her classmates WERE managing to reach some form of success or another was rather heartening. Maybe she could manage something after all; her goal would be to hit at least one balloon. A clockwise circle was traced around the apple. "Derivo Gravitatem." Another circle. "Derivo Gravitatem." A third circle. "Derivo Gravitatem." Mentally crossing her fingers, Esme tossed the apple into the air. Please work. Please work. PLEASE work. "Dang it." Looked like she needed to try again. |
Post 3-Popped a yellow ballon, feel free not to count. It was a fluke. Third times a charm? Well at least Janelle hoped that was the case. She had to turn a corner and get better some time. Why not now? Trying to get her head in the moment, Janelle closed her eyes and took yet another deep breath. Then she pictured the desired outcome of the spell in her mind. It was going to work this time. Would talking to her wand help? Janelle would do it if she thought it would help. She settled for talking to herself instead. Come on Janelle, you got this." The fifth year rubbed her apple for good luck and started again. She had her wand ready and circled around and around and around, above the cup. Janelle made sure that she pronounced the incantation correctly and timed the words with the wand movement. "Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem, Derivo Gravitatem." Aiming at a dart once more, she threw the apple up and waited. It hit a dart and sent it moving upward. This time though, the dart hit a yellow balloon and it popped. Even better, the apple did not immediately fall back to earth. It did fall but much more slowly than before. Janelle had to count that as a small success. It was an improvement anyway. Next time maybe she'd get it to stay up there indefinitely. |
2; none. Thank Merlin for his classmates. If it hadn't been for Olly, Jaemin probably wouldn't have remembered the summoning spell, and he would have had to wait for his apple to slowly come back down. The small boy pointed his wand toward the granny smith and, wrinkling his nose, called out "Accio apple!" The thing came soaring back into his hands and he caught it carefully. There was a small dent where one of the darts had been bumped, but otherwise it still looked nice and tasty... he rubbed it on his robes and looked up at the darts again. Try again? Sure. Jaemin tossed the apple up again, watching as it soared up... up... up... then turned around and came down down dooooooooown. The spell had worn off, apparently, and he bit his lip and reached out to catch it as it fell. |
SPOILER!!: Rooney & company! "Constant vigilance," the astronomer said in feeble attempt at encouraging the young man. "Half the battle with magic is intent, and with that mindset of can't, well, you may never perform the spell. Step back, take a breather, and refocus. Then try again." The astronomer was not a shoulder patter or hair ruffler, and doing either of those things...well...the very idea was enough to make his skin crawl...so rather than any physical contact he leaned down a bit so his whisper could be heard just by the Ravenclaw and not the two prefects. "You can and you will perform the spell correctly. Even if it turns out not to be today. Do not despair." SPOILER!!: Daxton -_____- Leaving the Ravenclaw prefect with a wink, Airey attention was drawn to...............SIGH. Checking his sundial watch, it wasn't as though the man could just leave the classroom and go retrieve the boy...well...he supposed he COULD, but there was NO telling what shape his classroom would be in were he to leave things under Marion's supervision. Therefore...another meeting with Mr. Prince was in order. Another meeting and more letters home to his mother. Sweet solstice. But since he HAD looked at his watch... "15 more minutes!" OOC: approximately 10 hours left before the activity closes ^_^ |
Post 2 - Roo and a red balloon Quote:
"Well. I guess you found your help, Roo." So she'd just... pop all the balloons now. Or whatever. Dot held out her apple and drew a circle over it, her wand whipping sharply to express her displeasure. "Derivo Gravitatem. Derivo Gravitatem. Derivo Gravitatem." Three sharp little circles, and all her intent focused on making her apple into a dangerous gravity-free projectile. Anger was an excellent way to sharpen intention, moreso than joy or sadness. Dot tossed the apple in the air, and it bumped gently against one of the darts. The dart nosed against a red balloon. Red. BYE BYE GRYFFINDOR. |
Post 3 (1 yellow balloon hit) Wow, he actually got one! Fiyero summoned his apple back, immediately tossing it again. He had no idea how long that spell was going to last, and he wanted to pop as many balloons as he could before it wore off, just in case he couldn't cast it again. The apple went up, but this time it missed a dart by several inches. Darn, missed that one by a mile! Undaunted, Fiyero tried again. He threw the apple a little harder; it hit a dart, bursting one if the yellow balloons. Sorry, Hufflepuff! he thought. It was nothing personal... he just didn't want to seem like he was targeting one house in particular. He suddenly heard Professor Flamsteed's voice. Did he just say fifteen minutes left? Oh, no! Fiyero was just getting going. He'd have to really hustle now if he was going to win this thing for Gryffindor! |
Post 3 - yellow ballooooooon See? That wasn't so hard. Not that she really cared about winning or even showing Flamsteed that she approved of his game, but she liked mastering new spells. And there was something very satisfying about popping a balloon. And since there wasn't anything better to do... might as well keeping popping balloons. Maybe a Ravenclaw one this time? "Accio apple," Dot reached out to catch her apple as it zipped back to the earth. Like a baby meteorite falling to the earth, only there was no burning up on reentry. She cast the anti-gravity spell again, already thinking about which of those darn blue balloons she wanted to take out. Probably the one riiiiiight over Flamsteed's head. "Derivo Gravitatem. Derivo Gravitatem. Derivo Gravitatem." Again, she drew the counterclockwise circles over her apple, and when she tossed it, the apple seemed to glide to the spot she wanted. Like sports were so hard! She'd been hoping to clip two darts, but the one she managed to hit was good enough. Better than nothing, really, and she was awfully good at hitting nothing. The dart must have been hit at an odd angle, though, because it didn't push off toward the balloon she wanted. Instead, it spun out, careening in a wild arc away from the blue balloon and taking out a yellow one instead. Oh. Oops? |
Post 2 (Still no hit) Furrowing her brow in concentration, Esme traced her wand around the apple while muttering the incantation. Repeating the process another two times, she was ready to toss the apple again and see if anything happened - or didn't happen more like since it was supposed to float in mid-air. Silently praying to herself, she tossed the apple into the air... and watched it come back down. Okay, she really needed to keep getting discouraged, but mastering the spell was REALLY important to her for some reason. Esme didn't want to fail and she knew it was a silly way to think about things when everyone else was having difficulties as well. If she could calm herself and free her mind from thoughts of failure she was a lot more likely to find success. She was going to need to do just that, so she began taking deep breaths and closed her eyes. It was only when she felt relaxed that she was ready to give a third try. "Derivo Gravitatem," she said as she drew a circle around her apple. She repeated the motion another two times before tossing the apple. This time it managed to stay in the air for a number of seconds before coming back down. It just went to show how much determination and a clear mind helped with spell casting. |
Post 4. Red balloon There were still a lot of people who could not do the spell yet. So Olly was not too upset about it. He did notice that Dot was getting pretty good at it. He made his way closer to her and watched carefully. If he could just to exactly what she did. Except all she did was the incantation and the circles, which was what he had been doing and still not succeeding. He sighed and tried again. "Derivo Gravitatem." Circle. "Derivo Gravitatem." Circle. "Derivo Gravitatem." Circle. He was careful, ending the circles as he ended the incantation like was supposed to be done. And he was concentrating, he really was. He really wanted to be able to perform the spell at least once before class was over. Olly gripped his apple tightly, willing it to work, before throwing it up into the air, aiming directly at one of those darts. It did hit the dart, sending it straight into a red balloon with a satisfying pop. But the apple did not float there. It fell back to earth, though slower than normal. Almost like a feather, floating back down until it landed right in Olly's palm. Better than previous attempts but still not what was supposed to happen. |
Post 3 (Green balloon hit) Feeling confident after her success with the last attempt, Esme was ready to give things another go. It was amazing how much progress could do to improve a person's mood. Glancing around, she was pleased to see that some of her fellow classmates had also come a long way, quite a few of them managing to hit balloons. She would be among them in a few moments. Spell cast, she tossed the apple into the air and was pleased to see that it had managed to stay in place. AWESOME. She had mastered the spell! All it had taken was four or five attempts. That was pretty impressive for something so advanced. Smiling, she watched as the apple headed towards a dart...missing it. Oh, boo. No matter, because it was immediately sent towards another one, making contact. One of the green balloons was hit. Now that's what she was talking about! |
Post 2 - Rooney SPOILER!!: Rooney Why didn't she have a boyfriend? That was a question for later. For now she was just going to keep hugging Rooney and petting his hair. What? He was sad about not being as good as Azura? "Azura is so focused on the spell that she's blocking out everything else from her mind. If you focus, you can do it too." Penelope had talked to Az, and she knew how emotionally painful things were for Azura this term. Azura's focus was keeping out the sadness. Penelope kissed Rooney on his cheek because clearly the cheek tapping was asking for one. Rooney was a prefect, but he was still one of her Ravenclaw babies. Mature and responsible, but still her little eagle baby. Even prefects needed hugging, hair petting, and cheek kissing sometimes. Oh look, Professor Flamsteed was here to offer encouraging words. "As Professor Flamsteed said, intent is very important. You need to believe that you can do it and imagine the spell working to focus your intent." At least that was how she focused on intent. "I believe that you can do it if you set your mind to it. Even if it doesn't work right now, you'll get it eventually. Do you want to try again now?" Hopefully he would be up for trying, but if not she was fine with more talking, hugging, and hair petting. |
Post 4 (Red balloon hit) The spell was still working on the apple as not enough time had passed to render it obsolete, so Esme didn't need to worry about that. There wasn't much time left as Professor had announced 15 more minutes and a bit of time had passed since then. Maybe she had 10 more minutes tops? At any rate that didn't matter because she had one more balloon to hit and she was going to manage it well within the time limit. The apple made its way towards another dart and made the contact needed to send it towards one of the balloons. This time it hit a red one. "Wooo!" Esme did a fist pump. Nothing against Gryffindor, but this was a competition and she had managed to get another one in for Hufflepuff. Of course she had no idea who was going to win... They would see in a few minutes and she hoped that her House would come out at the top though she wouldn't be upset if they didn't. She wasn't a sore loser. |
Post 3 Finally a hit It seemed for him that the more successful he's able to keep the apple in the air, the longer it takes for the apple to come back down. The effect of the spell yes?....don’t do much for the impatient. As he watched his disheveled granny smith float back down like autumn leaves, he realized he has to make each attempt count-- -- specially if they only have 15 minutes left. He leapt into the air and snatched the apple mid-descent. "Ok lets make it count this time Smithy..." he murmured as he polished the apple again, twirled his wand thrice while chanting the spell "Derivo Gravitatem.....Derivo Gravitatem....Derivo Gravitatem--" and then tallywhoop-- send that apple on its way! And the apple flew straight and true, smacking the dart and sending it towards..... the red balloon??! ASFASDFASDFASDFASDF!!!!! The Gryffindor grasped his head in fright as he cried out "Nononononononono not thaaaaat!!--" If the dart was sentient and heard him, it obeyed, grazing the red balloon out of the way and landing with a POP!-- against the balloon right next to it. A green one. SUCCESS!!... But probably not the kind he can tell his dad about heh. |
Post 4 (1 blue & 1 green balloon hit) No sooner had Fiyero hit the Hufflepuff balloon that the Slytherin prefect hit one of the Gryffindor ones. Oh, it was on now! He summoned his apple, but before he could throw it, two more Gryffindor balloons burst. He was getting frustrated! Gryffindor was losing balloons faster than he could hit the other houses'! A loud pop startled him, and his heart sank. Not again! But then he looked up he saw that it was a Slytherin balloon that had burst. He glanced around the room in search of the owner of that apple; it turned out to belong to a fellow Gryffindor (Tenacius). "Dude, nice hit!" he congratulated his classmate. Okay, enough pleasantries. Time to get back to work. Fiyero tossed his apple into the air where it hit not one but two darts this time. One if the darts hit a blue balloon while the other hit a green one. Wow, two for the price of one! He was on fire now! |
Brian had been trying the spell with no success for a good while now, not going anywhere near actual success for the half hour that he had been at it. Though he had been very inconsistent with the wand motions. And now his apple had several bruises on it and this was a very sad waste of them. One more shot. He'd seen people giving up and that was not very in-keeping with the Hufflepuff spirit. He was good at Astronomy. It was his best subject. He could do this. He would do this if it took him all month. Seeing second years succeed before he did was a little disheartening, but he took a moment to steel himself. Come on, Woods. "Derivo-" he said, drawing the first circle over his apple again, "gravi-" the second one, "tatem." And the third, closing on the last syllable. That felt like a more organic movement than all the ones he had done before and now, grasping more of the theory behind why the apple was not meant to fall, he felt that he COULD do this. And on that note, the Hufflepuff tossed the apple in the air, not far enough to actually hit a dart, and not hard enough to do much, especially penetrate through the denser air particles around it with much gusto, but it did ascend slower than usual, and descend in what he felt was quite slowly. That was... some success. He'd just have to keep at it. |
Post 5 (1 blue balloon hit) Fiyero summoned his apple back. Which color balloon should he aim for this time? After quickly doing the math in his head, he determined Ravenclaw was ahead. Blue it is, then. He threw his apple hard at the nearest dart hovering under a blue balloon. It sailes up, piercing the balloon with a resounding Pop! He raised his wand to summon the apple again, but this time it fell back on its own. No no no... the spell couldn't be wearing off already! He placed the apple on his desk."Derivo gravitatem," he said, trying to repeat the wand movements he'd done when he got the spell to work before. "Derivo gravitatem. Derivo gravitatem." He tossed his apple up... and it came tumbling right back down. It didn't work. Why didn't it work? He was sure he'd done everything exactly like he had the last time. He started to panic. If he didn't get that apple back in the air soon, Gryffindor was probably.going to lose! Of all the times for that spell to wear off, why did it have to be now? |
3; blue & red. Everyone was starting to get the spell now... and they were doing it as well as he could, if not better. It was feeling a lot less special every time he saw someone his own age making a hit with an apple that didn't come back down just slightly slower than usual, or when people his age were trying to teach others how to even do the spell at all. The small Slytherin looked at the apple in his hands, frowning, and wondered if maybe he really was just... bad at all this magic stuff. Cause it had taken him months to work the spell up to this point. Still... Jaemin traced his wand in the small circles again, and spoke the spell again, and sent the apple flying back up again. Two darts again this time, and while one went off sideways again instead of straight on, he managed to catch both a blue and a red balloon this time. Pop. Pop. Thankfully Olly had made him remember the summoning spell, because his apple was being super slow again; the small Slytherin summoned it back to himself. |
2; Yellow Marsha stopped. Took a deep breath. Then looked at the apple in her hand. She could do this. She would do this. It would just take time and concentration. She focused on what the charm itself did as she moved her wand over her hand and spoke the incantation three times. “Derivo Gravitatem.....Derivo Gravitatem....Derivo Gravitatem…” Then believing in herself, the apple, the air and gravity she pushed the apple upwards. Then she watched and waited. Except, this time her apple shot upwards and hit a dart. ERSGDHISERDJGF!!!!!!! Holding her breathe, she watched the dart as her apple started to fall… Slowly, as if it was falling through thick syrup - but that didn’t matter because her dart had hit a yellow balloon!!!! SHE HAD DONE IT!!! Grinning widely, Marsha held her wand up. ”Accio apple.” So, she hadn’t perfected it yet, but that was certainly better than allllllllll of her past attempts put together. |
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