![]() |
She had shown up. A nod might have been her only greeting but it was a polite one and she hadn't ignored the man. Sure it wasn't like her to be silent...this silent but people were entitled to off days. This just happened to be hers. Hady was trying though and apparently had made some progress with things for she managed to get to the class as opposed to not showing up which she had considered. When Professor Airey did begin the lesson her hazel eyes opened and she focused them on the man to the best of her ability. See Sir, she wasn't being rude. She listened silently to what was being said and slowly lifted a hand into the air, "They taste good and most creatures like them just as much as we do." A very simple answer really but hey, she did give one so it counted, yes? Her eyes sifted around the room without much thought as it was a normal habit of hers to know who was around her. Landing on Zeke she gave him a tiny almost unnoticeable smile in greeting. Why he was here she didn't know cause from what she could remember he had dropped the class but right now she was grateful to be seeing him and not a certain blonde. |
Of course Katherine had used the lint roller and was sitting at the front row as usual. She had noted the apples too, but she had no desire to eat them. And as usual, because she liked to give a different answer than her friends, she listened to everyone first before raising her hand. "Apples were first found in eastern Turkey," she said, "and Alexander the Great found dwarf apples in Kazakhstan. He then brought them to Macedonia and apples have been a great food source in Asia and Europe since." Except, what did it have to do with astronomy? |
Shrill and jovial laughter echoed throughout the Astronomy classroom before the one and only Marion Burbage made her boisterous appearance known by appearing through the chalkboard and gliding effortlessly towards Studmuffin Flamsteed. "Oooooooooooooooh did someone say Sir Isaac Newton? Ooooooooooooh were I to have been alive in a different time he would have been a diviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine match. Ooooooooooooh goodness gracious HEAVENS ABOVE what a brilliant mind and ooooooooooooh quite the STUDMUFFIN himself! I do hope you brought a visual aid with you today, dear." A comment that was directed towards the professor himself and of cooooooourse if Newton was to be discussed Marion would simply HAVE to make an appearance. "Oh fret not Airey, dear," she cooed at the Astronomy professor with a giggly pat on the cheek. "You're still a studmuffin in my eye as well. OOOOOOOOOH especially with that delightful little decoration you've got there on your side now. Has he shown you darlings?" The ghost turned her attention towards the semi circle of occupied desks and gave a little jovial wiggle. "Has he? It's aaaaaaaaaaaall the way up his right side. OOOOOOOOOOH and the STORY behind it is siiiiiiiiiimply marvelous! Oh DO dell them Airey darling. DOOOOOOO tell." Or she could. Marion was never fussed with spreading little nuggets of gossip such as this. HO HO HO HOOOOOOOO! |
Hadley looked at the apple on her right and then on her left. Yep. They were apples. Delicious looking apples. That wasn't what he wanted them to see, she was sure of it. Universal truths of an apple? They were apples. They didn't have universal truths. Did they? What else could she honestly say about the universal truth of an apple? "They're apples? They, uh, grow on trees?" Yeah, that was lame. "We can eat them?" Lamer still. Please, someone provide some sort of distraction. Hadley Denaker was dying over here and... What? "Another new ghost!?" Wasn't Miffy last year enough? Seriously? |
Astronomy and Astrology weren’t related? Then why did they both have Astro in their name!? And they were both about stars right? Not that it mattered of course. Also, why did he have to speak in …weird talk. .. Dragon in the room. Just say there were apples on the desk, much easier! Dragon in the room, Merlin’s Beard! Bec looked at her own non modified non magical side effects apple with a sceptical look. She had already learned that the Professors at this school didn’t mind poisoning their students if it was meant for class. Like in Herbology. Ok they weren’t exactly poisoned but close enough! She watched her Head of House tossing an apple in the air and she literally clapped her hands when he caught it. No seriously, that took skill. She would have dropped the apple. What was true about apples? Bec listened to the other students and wondered how they knew so much about them. Perhaps it was that she didn’t really eat fruit that she didn’t know but she was still going to voice her opinion. shot her hand in the air. “Can an apple be seen as a planet, Professor? With the core in the middle and like Hufflepuff dude (Carl) said they’ve been around for thousands of years. MAYBE even MILLIONS. They are not as good as gummy worms though” Gummy worms for life! ....................................Studmuffin Bec laughed out loud at this ghost showing up, looking at the Professor and wondered how he would react. |
Universal truth about apples. He was serious, wasn't he? Chloe just wanted to know, truly, if any professor at this school (besides Hirsch because he was the best ever. swoon.) was capable of starting a lesson with the subject of the lesson and not in some weird backwards way. Ugh. Professors. She wanted to tell him to get to the point but that would be counted as rude so her lips stayed zipper. Save one comment, "All apples are under a hundred calories." Fun fact. |
a Truth?? a truth about apples? what was Hogwarts coming to now? they were learning about so many muggle things in their lessons so far, regular roses, aging...... what on merlins beard were they learning this year? Might as well give an answer, raising her hands "Professor, apples all have seeds!" there, theres your answer. Echo could be spending her time sleeping her her dorm, or reading over all her lessons the past five years to study for her owls! "ohh maybe they are going easy on us because its our OWL year?" she thought while placing her head in her hand starring at her apple on her desk. it did look rather yummy. |
Excuse you, Airey Flamsteed. Daxton paused and looked up, narrowing his eyes slightly at the outright accusation that he would need anything. Of course, he blew it completely out of proportion, stubborn and oversensitive as he was about 'needing' anything or anyone. Glowering at the professor for a moment or two, Daxton went back to his notebook, while under the desk he stretched out his leg and used his bare foot to nudge the apple so that it rolled even further away. After that, he simply left the apple there, and continued to draw in his notebook. He continued to do so even as the class started, though looked up very quickly at the mention of a dragon in the room. Alert, eyes wide, Daxton looked wildly about the room, certain he had not seen a dragon earlier, and even more certain that bringing a dragon into one of the Hogwarts towers was a Very Bad Idea. But there was no dragon, and no further mention of them either, and Daxton was left confused and unsettled, and eventually figured that that had simply been another nonsensical saying that he did not understand. Apples, though. Daxton... did not care about apples. He was unhappy enough about being surrounded by food and the potential for people to start eating - that Gryffindor, Zeke Browne was already crunching on one a little way away, and Daxton was trying very hard not to look in his direction - and did not care to be any part of a discussion on food, either. He turned his attention back to his notebook to draw until they moved onto a non-food topic, but almost instantly his head shot up yet again. Because of the ghost. The very shrill ghost. The very loud ghost. Scowling, Daxton dropped his pen and pressed his hands over his ears to block out that horribly piercing, annoying ghostly laughter. He was half tempted to grab an apple belonging to one of the students closest to him, and to throw it at the ghost. Knowing it would have no effect, however, stopped him. The ghost was now talking about Airey Flamsteed. No amount of covering his ears could block that out, something about a decoration and a story behind it. Daxton, ears still covered, eyed the ghost, and then Airey Flamsteed, incredibly suspicious. What was it talking about? |
Apples. They were talking about apples? In Astronomy? Now that actually really confused Hattie. She didn't get it, but she was sure she would get it soon. She was only little, and she had lots to learn. And she was excited to learn about Astronomy. And if that involved getting to know about her apples, and her neighbours apple, then she was okay with that. She liked apples too. Apples were yummy. Could they eat the apples later? If not she'd have to get one from the great hall later. She was about to raise her hand and answer when a ghost came into the lesson. Hattie blinked, leaning back as she watched the ghost. Now that was interesting. But on to the lesson. She wouldn't let a ghost stop her from answering. Smiling, and trying to ignore the ghost, Harriet raised her hand. "Uh... all the apples grew on trees? |
Apples. Dalton rolled his around in his hands, leaning back in his chair to toss it from one to the other. Even when asked to looked at the fruit of the people either side of him, he just concentrated on his own apple, moving too and fro across his gaze. At least this was some form of distraction from the lesson. His gaze only moved when the new voice joined the general clamour of the classroom, and his apple came to a stop in his right hand. "What the - he found himself mouthing, his eyes moving between Flamsteed and the ghost. Studmuffin?! Why was she here? Could she just leave and let them get on with the lesson? Because this was an unnecessary interruption, and was clearly going to prolong the lesson he was eager to finish, already. Also, would she be so kind as to shut up? Dalton could feel a serious headache coming on. |
"They're all round, Sir." What? It wasn't like he hadn't given a fact about apples. All of the ones he could see were particularly round and of appley colours! His peers had covered the rest of the things Rooney knew about apples. They grew on trees. They had seeds and a core. OH OH! "GROWING APPLES IS CALLED POMOLOGY, SIR!" And..how did Rooney know that? Well, he had read a leaflet on strange hobbies once when he was seven. Although, growing apples wasn't the strangest of hobbies, he thought. Actually, it was quite normal, wasn't it? What WASN'T normal was the ghost joining their class and being all...well, she reminded Rooney of a mixture of his Gryffindor girls. Liv, Char and Brinlee were definitely like this ghost. Loud. Talkative. Lots of words when words weren't needed. What did this have to do with this lesson..? ACTUALLY WHAT DID THIS LESSON HAVE TO DO WITH THIS LESSON!?! Rooney just wanted to eat the apple. But after that Herbology class, Rooney was very cautious of anything given to him by another person. Especially consumable things. |
Melbourne looked up as she heard the familiar voice of the former Astronomy Professor and ghost…familiar of course because she had met her just last year on the tower patch. Mel wasn’t having an issue with Burbage being in the room after all maybe she could help with their lesson? Melbourne raised her eyebrow when Burbage mentioned Newton was a studmuffin…what even were studmuffins she knew from her grandmother that studs were used in houses and apparently the little condo she had sold in new york had had none of those…it was rather hilarious actually as she had walked around the apartment mimicking the sound of the studfinder. Wait….Flamsteed was a Studmuffin? Mel’s nose crinkled at the idea because no. Nope. Ew. He was all oooold and stuff. “Decoration?” Mel asked and looked from the ghost to Flamsteed. Turning towards Tenacius and then towards Hads she simply said one word. “Studmuffin?” |
Maddie was thinking along the lines of apples having twenty five percent of their volume made up of air, making it possible to bob for them, as muggles so liked to do. Yes, floating apples in a large container so one could stick their head in to try and bite one out without getting soaked sounded like a barrel of fun...snort. The appearance of the ghost sent her mind in a different direction, though. Hand raised, Maddie waited for her turn and then offered, "The seeds inside of apples contain a cyanide compound." Pause. "Though you'd need to eat an extremely large amount of the seeds for it to have any real negative effect on you." But it was there, lurking behind a protective coating. Maddie couldn't help but wonder if the poison apple idea had stemmed from that. |
And the lesson was starting, which why did the way Flamsteed assured them of their apples that Skylar remained someone doubtful of their survival post-lesson. Also, was modified food NORMAL at Hogwarts? She should know this, but alas, perhaps her friends and family neglected to inform her of those minor details. Nonetheless, Sky was now skeptical of the fruit because of the fact that Flamsteed had to mention that. So she half hoped hers DIDN'T survive the lesson. She'd sacrifice it if she had to. Careful look at their apples. Universal truths. Well that was a strange way to start a lesson and what it had to do with Astronomy remained a mystery. But she did know few things about apples, some of which had already been mentioned by her peers. However, being Skylar, the first year tried to think of something unique that hadn't been mentioned. She could say 'an apple a day keeps the teacher away' but that's obviously not true, since the professor was standing right before them. That was when it hit her, as she gazed out into the nightsky of something about apples that was unique that also connected to what she knew of Astronomy. Raising her hand, she offered her insight. "If you take the apple and slice it horizontally in half, then you'll see there are stars on both sides of the apple." It always felt like magic whenever someone did that and showed her too. |
Dot was studying her apple for obvious signs of physical defect... like it was a sign that the apple was cursed or poisoned or whatever it was Lamesteed had done to make them all suffer... when they were interrupted by a ghost. A loud, somewhat familiar ghost, who obviously had a story to share. Dot dropped her chin to her fist, tilting her face until she was gazing up at the ghost and Lamesteed through her eyelashes. It was a killer pose. "Excuse me, professor, but what is this ghost telling us? Do you have a tattoo? Is that what she's saying? Maybe a dragon? Ukranian Ironbelly?" It was the lamest of lame men who went for the most masculine tattoos. |
SPOILER!!: Apples Bella eyed the deep red apple on her desk once she was completely settled in her seat. Weird! Shouldn't this be the other way around? The students should be giving the teacher the apple. Oh well. It did look delicious, but since it was placed there by Professor Airey it was probably needed for the lesson ahead. While everyone was answering true facts an ordinary apple, she was looking at it from a different point of view. Sometimes she liked to think outside the box. "It’s a good representation of a planet." The different layers from the skin to the core. |
Fact Number One. Dante could not juggle well. But he was more than willing to try since he was a little bored. Fact Number Two he so saw that creepy smile and gave Kaycee a did you see that look. Which from the looks of it she did. Anyway he was not going to be doing an juggling with Airey looking at them like that. And now he wanted to know facts or in his words universal truths. Dante liked Kaycee's answer and had an answer of his own. "An apple a day keeps the dark wizards away" Yeah that was total nonsense. But Dante liked it. And Fact Number Three. Ghosts were annoying. |
Jaemin had been sitting in his seat, half-listening to other peoples' answers about the apples, half lost in thoughts about apple blossoms and how apples were related to roses, when the ghost appearing snapped his attention into teeny tiny pieces. Pieces that she then gathered up and kept for herself, because how could one not pay attention to someone being so... boisterous? Jaemin stared at the ghost with wide eyes, expression a bit dubious. The idea of ghosts being able to go wherever they wanted to go, and not knowing when they were there or if they were going to pop up, was still unsettling to him. And this new ghost seemed to know a lot about Professor Flamsteed's... er... decorations? He didn't connect the dots until The Dot said the thing. And then, Jaemin's wide, curious eyes went to the professor. A tattoo??? Professor Flamsteed??? The man who made them use a lint roller, and who had freaked out over his suit so badly last term that Jaemin had been convinced that the man was part fainting goat for a good long while? That Professor Flamsteed? With a tattoo? They made sense on Hirsch, but... not on Professor Flamsteed. Professor Flamsteed was too clean-cut for that. Right? Stare. Stare. Stare. |
pardon us darlings ;) Quote:
Actually...she was torn between aghast and flattered. This DARLING little Ravenclaw had just implied that she was NEW and therefore NOT OLD which was siiiiiiiiiiiiiimply divine. "Oh gooooooodness gracious HEAVENS ABOVE," she clucked at the girl. "I have been at Hogwarts in this form for several years now my dear. I died just out there in that very Tower Patch. Horribly plant just swallowed me whole! Buuuuuuuuut all water under the bridge now, darling. Although I doooooooooo suggest you brush up a bit more on your Hogwarts, A History." Quote:
Was the professor turning a bit pink in the face? Oh pish posh the man needed to lighten up a bit if he was. Quote:
"He does INDEED, my dear," the ghost hooted. "Oh but no dragon. No no no. It is....oh doooooooooo let me tell the story, son." She wiggled herself in front of the Astronomy professor. Although he could still be seen through her semi transparent form. "It is quite the intricate design drawn by your professor himself! Oooooooooooooh it is so divine AND animated! The celestial movements of the solar system on the day his little bundle of joy was born! Or dear, Airey. I siiiiiiiiiiiiiiimply do not understand why you insist on keeping all this so private. Look? Your darling little students are oh so curious." Marion gave another excited little wiggle. "Oh my darlings. Do you know who else of your professors has tattoos? Oooooooh he looks a bit more scrumptious with them than your dear pasty white Astronomy professor...NOT that there is anything wrong with that, dear," she said with a chipper glance over her shoulder towards Airey. "Your complexion is smashing as it is. Oh but my darlings, your dear STUDMUFFIN of a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor does as well. OH HO HO HOOOOOO!" But Marion was not beginning to see how of course she had just taken the lesson - oh dear DO forgive her darling Airey - so she would do her best not to steer it back. "You know who did NOT have any tattoos? Sir Isaac Newton. Who I dooooooooo believe is whom your professor would like to talk about next, hmmmm? Two of you little darlings did bring his name up, mmhmmm." Which had been Marion's calling card. Ooooooh how she FANCIED that man. OOOOH HO HO! "As Head Girl Wright pointed out, well done darling, the story goes that Sir Isaac Newton was sitting and perhaps napping under an apple tree one day and OOPSIE DAISY! An apple fell and knocked him right on the head THUS prompting an AHA moment...'why did the apple fall down to the ground, and not up, or sideways? WEEEEEEEEEEELL my darlings, he recognized that a special kind of force was acting on the apple. NOT just the apple...but all the objects on earth. WEEEEEEEEEEEE now know this force to be called gravity!" OH OH OH what a clever little studmuffin he was. Good looks, good hair, and outstaaaaaaaaanding intellect! "Which I doooooooooo believe was the point your dear professor was wishing to make with the universal truths regarding your apples AND connect them to the eternally charming Sir Isaac Newton," she nodded. Airey could correct her if she was incorrect. Once that kneazle released his tongue since the man had fallen silent. Tsk tsk. "Now my darlings, could you each please summarize gravity in your own words? You may elect to write your words on parchment rather than share aloud if you wish." ICly OOC note: Do not fret my dears! Your Astronomy professor is still preset and will react to everything soon and I certainly have noted each of your responses. Please DO answer my question, however. Class shall resume once the poor man regains his wits. |
Honestly at this point Esme was so used to weird things happening during classes that she didn't so much as blink when the ghost of Marion Burbage emerged from the blackboard. Stranger things had happened at Hogwarts and had heard the story of what happened to the Professor ages ago. Far stranger was the fact that Flamsteed had gotten a TATTOO. That was beyond weird. Shaking her head, she turned her attention to the discussion of Sir Issac Newton. She had a feeling that was where the lesson was supposed to go and that was why she had mentioned it in her answer. So there HAD been a way to connect apples with space. They were just that awesome. She raised her hand. "As far as I know, gravity is the force that pulls an object towards the center of the earth or an object with mass." Anything past that was beyond her scope of understanding. |
Gravity? That was the universal truth of an apple!? Come on. She got the Newton reference but still, gravity was a universal truth of everything, not just apples. Whatever. "Gravity is the pull generated by the mass of an object, on other objects toward the center of mass. Everything that has mass has gravity, including everyone in this room. Living at least. Do ghosts have mass?" She shook her head. Nevermind. "The more massive an object is," in the literal term of massive, "the stronger its gravitational pull. My gravitational pull is infinitely weak in comparison to that of the Earth's or the Sun's." Oh, she gave up. Fine. She was secretly good at Astronomy. Whatever. |
Daxton did not like that ghost. If ever there was a spirit who deserved to be a test subject in his 'trap a ghost' theory, it was this one, and not so he could question her about history like he would with the others. No. With this one, Daxton would simply trap her in the Tower Patch so she could not come screeching along to one of the lessons that he actually attended and ruin the precious order of things. With his hands still pressed firmly over his ears, Daxton squinted between ghost and professor over and over again, back and forth, back and forth. Something about a 'little bundle of joy' had been mentioned, and he had no idea what that meant, only that it sounded suspicious and Not Good At All. Much of the conversation in the room was now beyond Daxton, so much so that he was good and annoyed and ready to get back to the science. ....... Except that the ghost was trying to teach them, which had Daxton scowling. It was not their teacher, and Daxton did not like the fact that it was acting like it was. That was wrong, it was all wrong, it was all different, and Daxton did not like it one bit. It was extra frustrating, because the question was one that he could answer, but was now refusing to do so on principle. Instead, he kept his hands pressed tightly over his ears, and glowered at the ghost from his seat, all the while unable to keep his thoughts from straying to gravity, and the way that it was both the weakest yet most important and ultimately unavoidable force in the universe, that gravity was at the heart of everything, every star, and every element, and just everything. But Daxton would not share that. He did not cater to the whims of any usurper; just ask Hirsch. In fact, after a moment or two, he looked pointedly away from the ghost and instead stared out at the night sky, practically radiating recalcitrance. |
Azura was actually pleased to see Marion Burbage float in! She liked the ghost after meeting her up on the Tower Patch, she gave her a small wave as she thought about her question.. Her hand went into the air as she spoke. "Gravity is the force that holds us to the ground. Without it we would all go flying out into space. It wouldn't be fun playing ball if the ball just floated out into the air and never came back. The force the makes the ball return to our hands is gravity." She hoped she did well enough.. |
Why was this ghost here? Sure she lived in the Astronomy tower or whatever, but why was she interrupting their lesson? Olly supposed he didn't mind. He was fine with the lesson going off course a bit, especially since there were a few interesting developments here. First of all that Flamsteed had a tattoo? Was that true? He looked at Dot, who had asked the question, and then at the ghost, who answered, and finally at Flamsteed, who apparently had a tattoo. Olly peered closely at him for at least a minute. He did not seem like the tattoo having type. He did not so much appreciate when the ghost asked them a question. He had been hoping the lesson might be derailed by her presence but apparently not. They were just going to learn as usual. Though talking about gravity was fine because at least he understood that. Except...he peered at the ghost and how gravity was obviously not acting on her seeing as she was able to float. He raised his hand. "Why doesn't gravity work on ghosts?" Wasn't it a law? |
... ... ... There was ghost. That DIED right outside. You can't just tell people that sort of thing, ghost lady. Kaycee then blinked several times. Then tilted her head. Apparently Ghostie Professor Lady enjoyed seeing tattoos and describing old physicists as... studmuffins. What was going on though? Seriously? They couldn't just go back to talking about gravity after something like this. Did Ghostie not understand that gravity of the amount of gossip she just unleashed? She needed to continue with that train of thought. |
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