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Also known as the Covered Bridge, the Wooden Bridge appears derelict, connecting from the Courtyard. The appearance has been kept dated due to the natural environment surrounding it, despite attempts to improve it. Though the floor occasionally creaks beneath your feet, that is just for the effect as you can look out into the horizon from here safely.
Daisy wasn't usually like ... this. There was usually more sarcastic banter. More wit. She definitely seemed off. Stressed perhaps. The two of them hadn't ever really talked about their feelings. But they were 14, it's not like they had huge adult-world problems.
Well ...
Ah. There's the wit. It actually made him chuckle slightly and Damien cracked a smile as he shook his head. "I should have worn my cape," he replied as he started to raise his arms all Dracula-like.
He fiddled with the leather cuff on his wrist again. "I've been spending a lot of time in the library and the Hufflepuff Common Room lately. Figured I'd better show myself around the grounds a bit more."
Clearing his throat, he shuffled his feet a bit and ran his hand through his hair. "You seem stressed," he stated simply.
*randomly tagged* | Norbert(a) | The Wandmaker (tm)
Text Cut: Damien
Originally Posted by NannyMcPhee
Now she was reciting some kind of poetry?
Daisy wasn't usually like ... this. There was usually more sarcastic banter. More wit. She definitely seemed off. Stressed perhaps. The two of them hadn't ever really talked about their feelings. But they were 14, it's not like they had huge adult-world problems.
Well ...
Ah. There's the wit. It actually made him chuckle slightly and Damien cracked a smile as he shook his head. "I should have worn my cape," he replied as he started to raise his arms all Dracula-like.
He fiddled with the leather cuff on his wrist again. "I've been spending a lot of time in the library and the Hufflepuff Common Room lately. Figured I'd better show myself around the grounds a bit more."
Clearing his throat, he shuffled his feet a bit and ran his hand through his hair. "You seem stressed," he stated simply.
She chuckled as he pantomimed being a vampire (or at least what muggles thought vampires were like when they weren't twinkling like diamonds and pouting moodily). "Oh no, and me without my garlic...."
And then he started fiddling with this cuff. Daisy felt bad that she didn't realize that Damien wasn't wearing his usual leather jacket, which was odd because the boy wore it even when it was 100 degrees outside. "Stressed...tense...overworked and underwhelmed..."
She sighed again and leaned back so her head was over the railing, brown hair hanging down. There were cracks in the ceiling of the bridge and the light twinkled through here and there. "I wake up sometimes - middle of the night. Feels like spiders are crawling all over me..."
Haddie simply grinned as Mel threw out her theory of the Hag eating the real Divination hire, and shook her head as if she couldn't believe her luck. "This school is amazing, right? We never had Hags eating the real teachers so they could eat all the school children! Man, muggle school was so boring." She shook her head again and then looked up at Mel puzzled. "Wait though, Hags aren't human? I just thought she was... I mean, a foul, disgusting, cannibalistic hag of a human, but human. Huh."
Mel's way of giving the boy fleas was a lot smarter. Haddie didn't say that outright, but her grin said it for her. And then she was puzzled again. She shook her head. "No... I don't know how my magic surfaced. I wasn't even aware that was a thing. Strange things just always happened around us. Well, me, I guess, since Nat isn't magical. But I think there was things happening around us before Mom and Dad could even take us home, or shortly after they did, or something like that. But... you bounced? Do you always bounce? Because that would be cool."
Haddie didn't say anything about the potion idea at first. After a moment she shrugged though. "I'm hopeless at potions. Trust me. Hopeless. Why does it have to be so much like cooking? My Mom's a chef, an amazing one, and can teach anyone -ANYONE- to cook and even she gave up trying to teach me. I'm banned from the kitchen at home." She was quiet a again for a moment and let out a slow sigh. "Think the Room of Requirement can create something that teaches me to cook?"
Okay so Haddie thought her theory might have worked out? “Well…yeah it is?” She admitted with a grin. “My sister still doesn’t eat ice cream because one term it was a bit off I hear?” She admitted with a shrug. “I wasn’t aware of everything but apparently the syrups caused people to go a bit nutty?” She shrugged and snorted a little at her comment about hags.
“Yeah…well…hags are sentient beings” Mel admitted and turned reaching into the bag she still had slung over her shoulder and pulled out her care of magical creatures book, “they are related to humans but basically have the a small amount of magical ability…kind of like trolls? But trolls are beasts” Mel nodded.
Care of Magical creatures was one of her things. “they’d probably have a similar classification rating to trolls…I’d think they’d probably be either four-X rating or have a five-x rating? For being dangerous and everything” she nodded.
“Yeah I get that I only knew because of my sisters and well…sort of cause of my parents but my siblings basically raised me,” she admitted with a shrug. “Nah not always I didn’t have a handle of my magic yet and yeah my neighbor inflated and floated like a raft when he fell in a lake” she admitted with a grin.
“yeah I’m sure…but it can’t make food itself but books I’m sure it can make books” she admitted with a grin. “we could always try some potions are easier than others” she grinned. “I’m plan on getting better at them and well maybe selling some around school” she admitted with a grin.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Hope wandered out to the bridge. She wanted to be outside. It was cold, but it wasn't unbearable. She sat down on the edge and threw her feet over the side. She loved the feeling of being aloof. She opened her sack and pulled out some snacks. Her mum had sent her some homemade chocolates. She popped one in her mouth and smiled. They were so good.
Her mouth was on cloud 9. She did a little shake enjoying it. Once she swallowed she opened up her sack once again producing a book. She flipped it to her last page and began reading. It was her favorite past time.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
Hope wandered out to the bridge. She wanted to be outside. It was cold, but it wasn't unbearable. She sat down on the edge and threw her feet over the side. She loved the feeling of being aloof. She opened her sack and pulled out some snacks. Her mum had sent her some homemade chocolates. She popped one in her mouth and smiled. They were so good.
Her mouth was on cloud 9. She did a little shake enjoying it. Once she swallowed she opened up her sack once again producing a book. She flipped it to her last page and began reading. It was her favorite past time.
Abby was walking across the bridge when she saw Hope the young gryffindor that she had met earlier in the term sitting on the edge of the bridge and saw that she was reading and said "Hey Hope what are you reading?"
Okay so Haddie thought her theory might have worked out? “Well…yeah it is?” She admitted with a grin. “My sister still doesn’t eat ice cream because one term it was a bit off I hear?” She admitted with a shrug. “I wasn’t aware of everything but apparently the syrups caused people to go a bit nutty?” She shrugged and snorted a little at her comment about hags.
“Yeah…well…hags are sentient beings” Mel admitted and turned reaching into the bag she still had slung over her shoulder and pulled out her care of magical creatures book, “they are related to humans but basically have the a small amount of magical ability…kind of like trolls? But trolls are beasts” Mel nodded.
Care of Magical creatures was one of her things. “they’d probably have a similar classification rating to trolls…I’d think they’d probably be either four-X rating or have a five-x rating? For being dangerous and everything” she nodded.
“Yeah I get that I only knew because of my sisters and well…sort of cause of my parents but my siblings basically raised me,” she admitted with a shrug. “Nah not always I didn’t have a handle of my magic yet and yeah my neighbor inflated and floated like a raft when he fell in a lake” she admitted with a grin.
“yeah I’m sure…but it can’t make food itself but books I’m sure it can make books” she admitted with a grin. “we could always try some potions are easier than others” she grinned. “I’m plan on getting better at them and well maybe selling some around school” she admitted with a grin.
Haddie nodded as if she understood all that better than she did. She understood it well enough, but not as well Mel clearly did. Using x's as classification made Haddie giggle a little too much to take them seriously. But more x's meant more dangerous, so that was simple enough.
"You like Magical creatures, I take it? Outside of Care of Magical Creatures, I've never seen any before. But I do love animals... my favorite animal is a lioness." All lions and lionesses really, but one in particular was her absolute favorite. Elsa the lioness.
It's a deal then. We'll use the room of requirement for potion practice and... other stuff." Stuff that was fun. But Merlin knows she needed the practice with potions. "As long as you promise to help me with my potion practice."
Abby was walking across the bridge when she saw Hope the young gryffindor that she had met earlier in the term sitting on the edge of the bridge and saw that she was reading and said "Hey Hope what are you reading?"
Hope looked up at Abby when she came up to her. Smiling at her she patted the bridge indicating that she should sit with her. if she wanted to, of course! "Hey Abby! How you been? I'm reading a book called, Betrayed. It's about a girl who falls in love with a werewolf slayer, and she turns out to be a werewolf and a fairy. It's pretty cool." She swung her legs back and forth. It reminded her of swinging.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
Hope looked up at Abby when she came up to her. Smiling at her she patted the bridge indicating that she should sit with her. if she wanted to, of course! "Hey Abby! How you been? I'm reading a book called, Betrayed. It's about a girl who falls in love with a werewolf slayer, and she turns out to be a werewolf and a fairy. It's pretty cool." She swung her legs back and forth. It reminded her of swinging.
Abby sat down beside Hope on the bridge and said "That sounds interesting Hope, how have you found your first year at Hogwarts?"
Abby sat down beside Hope on the bridge and said "That sounds interesting Hope, how have you found your first year at Hogwarts?"
"Rather interesting. I was a little behind on my studies, but I finally got caught back up. What about you? Have you made any forever friends?" Hope folded her page in her book, and stuck it in her bag. Then started fiddling with the zipper on jacket.
"So tell me about yourself. I don't think we got to talk a lot last time we met up."
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"Rather interesting. I was a little behind on my studies, but I finally got caught back up. What about you? Have you made any forever friends?" Hope folded her page in her book, and stuck it in her bag. Then started fiddling with the zipper on jacket.
"So tell me about yourself. I don't think we got to talk a lot last time we met up."
Abby smiled at Hope and said "Well i had a few friends who have since graduated but i do have a few friends that i would like to keep in touch with once i leave and it has been a pretty interesting term so far, and well i have got two identical sisters who are both in Gryffindor and well i love reading and have a love for the sport of qudditch which i plan to play on a professional basis after i leave Hogwarts, tell me more about yourself Hope?" Abby wanted to know more about her young gryffindor friend
Abby smiled at Hope and said "Well i had a few friends who have since graduated but i do have a few friends that i would like to keep in touch with once i leave and it has been a pretty interesting term so far, and well i have got two identical sisters who are both in Gryffindor and well i love reading and have a love for the sport of qudditch which i plan to play on a professional basis after i leave Hogwarts, tell me more about yourself Hope?" Abby wanted to know more about her young gryffindor friend
"You play qudditch? What position do you play? And professional? Amazing!" Hope was young so she got excited really easy. Especially around magical things since she was raised outside of the magical world.
"Well, I am a younger sister to my brother. I am half witch. My mum is a witch. MY dad is a farmer. I grew up in London. My cousin is Noelle Summers. I love reading. I am pretty good at baking and with a gun. My daddy made sure I was taught well in the world of guns. It's a hobby of his and he wanted his little girl to know how to fend for herself."Hope shrugged. She hoped she hadn't scared her. Hope could give too much information at one time sometimes. She was very perky when she got to know you.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"You play qudditch? What position do you play? And professional? Amazing!" Hope was young so she got excited really easy. Especially around magical things since she was raised outside of the magical world.
"Well, I am a younger sister to my brother. I am half witch. My mum is a witch. MY dad is a farmer. I grew up in London. My cousin is Noelle Summers. I love reading. I am pretty good at baking and with a gun. My daddy made sure I was taught well in the world of guns. It's a hobby of his and he wanted his little girl to know how to fend for herself."Hope shrugged. She hoped she hadn't scared her. Hope could give too much information at one time sometimes. She was very perky when she got to know you.
Abby smiled at Hope and said "Yeah i do play and i play chaser because i am fast and nimble and yes professional i have been to see several professional games during the holidays and i was brought up in the muggle world but that is good to know Hope that you will be able to defend yourself"
"That's so cool! I bet you will be amazing! I will have to see you play! I'm usually cheering on my team, but I'll have to cheer for you too!" She laughed as she smiled and thought about quidditch. She wanted to be chaser, but just didn't have the guts.
"Yes, I can protect you too! I may be younger, but I'm tough." She puffed up her chest a little and then laughed ruining the gesture. She nudged Abby's arm. "I'm protective of my fruends. I guess that's why I am in gryffindor." Hope giggled at her friend. "Do you have a back up plan for if quidditch doesn't work out? We will have to keep in touch!"
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"That's so cool! I bet you will be amazing! I will have to see you play! I'm usually cheering on my team, but I'll have to cheer for you too!" She laughed as she smiled and thought about quidditch. She wanted to be chaser, but just didn't have the guts.
"Yes, I can protect you too! I may be younger, but I'm tough." She puffed up her chest a little and then laughed ruining the gesture. She nudged Abby's arm. "I'm protective of my fruends. I guess that's why I am in gryffindor." Hope giggled at her friend. "Do you have a back up plan for if quidditch doesn't work out? We will have to keep in touch!"
Abby smiled and said "Well i send you tickets to a game so you can see me play, Thank you Hope i would like to be protected by you cause i can sense that your strong and well for back-up plans probably be a potion maker if qudditch does not work out and of course we will keep in touch Hope"
"awesome! You will be able to hear me from the stands." She teased. There was a chill in the air so Hope pulled her jacket up around her neck. "How was your Christmas break?"
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"awesome! You will be able to hear me from the stands." She teased. There was a chill in the air so Hope pulled her jacket up around her neck. "How was your Christmas break?"
Abby smiled at Hope and said "It was really good thanks Hope, how was your break?"
Abby smiled at Hope and said "It was really good thanks Hope, how was your break?"
"It was great. My mum and dad were very excited for me to be home. My brother did too. Even though he would never admit it." She laughed. She had missed her brother too. She really missed playing tricks on him. That's the kind of relationship they had.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"It was great. My mum and dad were very excited for me to be home. My brother did too. Even though he would never admit it." She laughed. She had missed her brother too. She really missed playing tricks on him. That's the kind of relationship they had.
"Do you have any brothers or sisters?"
Abby smiled and said "Well i have two identical sisters who are both gryffindors at Hogwarts" Abby hoped that Hope would not be overawed that she was part of a set of triplets
Abby smiled and said "Well i have two identical sisters who are both gryffindors at Hogwarts" Abby hoped that Hope would not be overawed that she was part of a set of triplets
Hope's mouth fell open. She had put two and two together.. "What year are your sisters? Are you triplets? Because that's the coolest thing ever!" Hope hadn't met a triplet before. Twins, yes. Triplets... nope.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
Hope's mouth fell open. She had put two and two together.. "What year are your sisters? Are you triplets? Because that's the coolest thing ever!" Hope hadn't met a triplet before. Twins, yes. Triplets... nope.
Abby smiled at Hope and said "My sisters are both in sixth year like me and yes we are triplets even though i am in Ravenclaw where as my sisters are Gryffindors cause the hat saw i was different to my sisters when i got sorted"
Abby smiled at Hope and said "My sisters are both in sixth year like me and yes we are triplets even though i am in Ravenclaw where as my sisters are Gryffindors cause the hat saw i was different to my sisters when i got sorted"
"I'm glad you're different! It wouldn't be any fun if you mates were all the same! You are unique! What are your sisters going to do? Do they play quidditch too?" Hope was now very curious of Abby's life. This girl was amazing!
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"I'm glad you're different! It wouldn't be any fun if you mates were all the same! You are unique! What are your sisters going to do? Do they play quidditch too?" Hope was now very curious of Abby's life. This girl was amazing!
Abby shrugged and said "I don't think either of them play qudditch and to be honest i have no idea what they are going to do in the future and yeah i am happy in Ravenclaw i can sometimes spend a whole evening up in my dorm reading without anybody disturbing me"
Haddie nodded as if she understood all that better than she did. She understood it well enough, but not as well Mel clearly did. Using x's as classification made Haddie giggle a little too much to take them seriously. But more x's meant more dangerous, so that was simple enough.
"You like Magical creatures, I take it? Outside of Care of Magical Creatures, I've never seen any before. But I do love animals... my favorite animal is a lioness." All lions and lionesses really, but one in particular was her absolute favorite. Elsa the lioness.
It's a deal then. We'll use the room of requirement for potion practice and... other stuff." Stuff that was fun. But Merlin knows she needed the practice with potions. "As long as you promise to help me with my potion practice."
Melbourne grinned over to Haddie and shrugged, “my parents were magizoologists” she explained and shrugged her shoulder. “They weren’t the smartest though…they kind of got eaten by dragons at the dragon reserve I was born at” she admitted with a shrug of her shoulder. “Mum didn’t even know she was pregnant with me” she admitted with a laugh.
“I…its something I grew up with? I’m more into potions and the idea of making money,” she admitted with a grin. “Lionesses are amazing though honestly,” she grinned. “I’m really into lions my favorite is the Common Welsh dragon “ she admitted with a grin.
“Oh my gosh of course I will!” She beamed, “heck I can even make copies of my sisters books and notes for you so we can ace these classes” she grinned over to her. “we are going to be like the best potioneers ever by the end of this” she smirked. “Do you want to head to the library now and like make our own giant book of potions and things to try? Maybe we can find some helpful tips?” she wondered and grinned to herself more than anything else.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Abby shrugged and said "I don't think either of them play qudditch and to be honest i have no idea what they are going to do in the future and yeah i am happy in Ravenclaw i can sometimes spend a whole evening up in my dorm reading without anybody disturbing me"
"That's so cool. I try and read, but the Gryffindors are rather... enthusiastic." Hope giggled. Her friends were a little on the pranking side. Well all but Spencer. He was her calm boyfriend. She could rely on him to keep his head down. She had to go alone to her bunk, and sometimes the girls were so loud in there that she wished she knew where to go to read.
"I have to go find places to read. My house is more about fun, than studying or reading. Well no we do take our studies seriously, but not the reading. That's just a pass time of mine."
"I hope you and your sisters keep in touch. That would be so cool to meet them."
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Originally Posted by crimsonlion
"That's so cool. I try and read, but the Gryffindors are rather... enthusiastic." Hope giggled. Her friends were a little on the pranking side. Well all but Spencer. He was her calm boyfriend. She could rely on him to keep his head down. She had to go alone to her bunk, and sometimes the girls were so loud in there that she wished she knew where to go to read.
"I have to go find places to read. My house is more about fun, than studying or reading. Well no we do take our studies seriously, but not the reading. That's just a pass time of mine."
"I hope you and your sisters keep in touch. That would be so cool to meet them."
Abby smiled at Hope and said "Yeah well i do know a few quiet places that you can read in peace, like the room of requirement that can become a reading room and you will basically not be disturbed, and yeah we do see each other on the odd occasion but not often enough i do love my sisters and i am sure i will be able to introduce you to them soon"