-   Term 42: January - April 2016 (
-   -   The Forbidden Forest (

Charely Potter 08-15-2015 01:35 AM

The Forbidden Forest
Also known as the Dark Forest, it borders the edges of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry grounds. The forest is a very old place that holds many secrets and houses many creatures, some dark and dangerous, others friendly. The dense and rough looking trees in the forest and black flowers are considered ancient having hundreds of years of exposure to the elements. Not a likely scenario for any picnic dwelling here.

After all the events from previous terms you wouldn't dare step foot inside.. would you?

Callie 01-09-2016 11:21 PM

For Rachel (Ali)
"Seriously!? Come on, please?" Haddie secured her grip on her best friend's arm. She was not, under any condition, going to let of Rachel's arm. Not yet at least.

They stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the ominous dark woods beckoning enticingly to her. "You're the one that promised we could do whatever I wanted this time. And I want to explore the Forbidden Forest. Pleeeeease?" She glanced back at the woods, still not letting go of Rachel's arm. Not until Rachel agreed to go explore the woods with her. "There are plants. Lots of plants." Rachel loved plants for some weird reason, so it seemed like a good argument.

FearlessLeader19 01-10-2016 01:34 PM

SPOILER!!: Haddie! <3

Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11858116)
"Seriously!? Come on, please?" Haddie secured her grip on her best friend's arm. She was not, under any condition, going to let of Rachel's arm. Not yet at least.

They stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the ominous dark woods beckoning enticingly to her. "You're the one that promised we could do whatever I wanted this time. And I want to explore the Forbidden Forest. Pleeeeease?" She glanced back at the woods, still not letting go of Rachel's arm. Not until Rachel agreed to go explore the woods with her. "There are plants. Lots of plants." Rachel loved plants for some weird reason, so it seemed like a good argument.

"Hadleigh Denaker, you let go of me this instant!" Of course this was as futile as Sebastian trying to keep Ariel away from human things. Rachel tried to tug her arm free but Haddie had a rather strong grip on her and so she found herself being pulled towards the Forest.

"If Mr Kitridge gets wind of this,'' she began, thinking of her Head of House and how disappointed he would be but was cut short by Haddie's reminder of her promise. "I did but I didn't mean going into the Forbidden Forest.'' The dark haired girl tried to dig her feet in the ground to hamper the progress but it was of no use. "There are acromantulas in here.'' She stared around nervously as though expecting to see one. Thank goodness Mason wasn't here. Mason enjoyed teasing her about her arachnophobia.

"Plants? That's your argument, Haddie?'' But Rachel has stopped dragging her feet. The prospect of exploring the flora and plant life was rather appealing. "I suppose it won't hurt to look around though we both know you have no interest in looking at them.''

Callie 01-10-2016 04:59 PM

SPOILER!!: Rachel ❤ ♥❤ Flower Power!

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 11858431)

"Hadleigh Denaker, you let go of me this instant!" Of course this was as futile as Sebastian trying to keep Ariel away from human things. Rachel tried to tug her arm free but Haddie had a rather strong grip on her and so she found herself being pulled towards the Forest.

"If Mr Kitridge gets wind of this,'' she began, thinking of her Head of House and how disappointed he would be but was cut short by Haddie's reminder of her promise. "I did but I didn't mean going into the Forbidden Forest.'' The dark haired girl tried to dig her feet in the ground to hamper the progress but it was of no use. "There are acromantulas in here.'' She stared around nervously as though expecting to see one. Thank goodness Mason wasn't here. Mason enjoyed teasing her about her arachnophobia.

"Plants? That's your argument, Haddie?'' But Rachel has stopped dragging her feet. The prospect of exploring the flora and plant life was rather appealing. "I suppose it won't hurt to look around though we both know you have no interest in looking at them.''

Haddie rolled her eyes at her best friend. She was half tempted at that moment to play connect the dots with Rachel's freckles. That'd show her.

"Kitridge is a boring old man who doesn't see the benefits of good old fashion exploring. He only loves his books. But you, Rachel Skye Watson, you want to be an explorer!"

The plants got her. They always did. Haddie let go of her the brunette's arm. She was hooked now. Rachel wouldn't be running. "Yep. The plants are for you. Forbidden plants. Plants you'll probably never get to see anywhere else. You know why?" She was behind Rachel now, hands on the girl's shoulders, leading her from behind into the forest. "They're forbidden. I'm just here to protect you from the scary spiders." She stuck her tongue at the back of Rachel's head.

Charely Potter 01-10-2016 06:44 PM

SPOILER!!: The explorers

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 11858431)

"Hadleigh Denaker, you let go of me this instant!" Of course this was as futile as Sebastian trying to keep Ariel away from human things. Rachel tried to tug her arm free but Haddie had a rather strong grip on her and so she found herself being pulled towards the Forest.

"If Mr Kitridge gets wind of this,'' she began, thinking of her Head of House and how disappointed he would be but was cut short by Haddie's reminder of her promise. "I did but I didn't mean going into the Forbidden Forest.'' The dark haired girl tried to dig her feet in the ground to hamper the progress but it was of no use. "There are acromantulas in here.'' She stared around nervously as though expecting to see one. Thank goodness Mason wasn't here. Mason enjoyed teasing her about her arachnophobia.

"Plants? That's your argument, Haddie?'' But Rachel has stopped dragging her feet. The prospect of exploring the flora and plant life was rather appealing. "I suppose it won't hurt to look around though we both know you have no interest in looking at them.''


Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11858490)

Haddie rolled her eyes at her best friend. She was half tempted at that moment to play connect the dots with Rachel's freckles. That'd show her.

"Kitridge is a boring old man who doesn't see the benefits of good old fashion exploring. He only loves his books. But you, Rachel Skye Watson, you want to be an explorer!"

The plants got her. They always did. Haddie let go of her the brunette's arm. She was hooked now. Rachel wouldn't be running. "Yep. The plants are for you. Forbidden plants. Plants you'll probably never get to see anywhere else. You know why?" She was behind Rachel now, hands on the girl's shoulders, leading her from behind into the forest. "They're forbidden. I'm just here to protect you from the scary spiders." She stuck her tongue at the back of Rachel's head.

Something told the Groundskeeper to have a look out one of his windows that showcased the Forbidden Forest (from a safe distance of course). Not that it was out of the ordinary, given the temptation by the name alone attracted his own peeks. He was bewildered at the sight of two people toward there. It had to be students. Great. Not exactly his cup of tea, chasing after students but somebody had to do it.

Outside Justin headed toward the forest, not taking long before hearing some bickering from two girls. Wand drawn out he kept walking in, following the sounds before catching sight of the two Ravenclaw girls. First years. Of course. "Alright now, Misses Denaker and Watson. The party's over." They were caught with no place safe to hide from the tone of his voice. "What are you both doing here?" Besides risking their lives.

Callie 01-10-2016 07:23 PM

SPOILER!!: Party Pooper!

Originally Posted by Charely Potter (Post 11858544)
SPOILER!!: The explorers

Something told the Groundskeeper to have a look out one of his windows that showcased the Forbidden Forest (from a safe distance of course). Not that it was out of the ordinary, given the temptation by the name alone attracted his own peeks. He was bewildered at the sight of two people toward there. It had to be students. Great. Not exactly his cup of tea, chasing after students but somebody had to do it.

Outside Justin headed toward the forest, not taking long before hearing some bickering from two girls. Wand drawn out he kept walking in, following the sounds before catching sight of the two Ravenclaw girls. First years. Of course. "Alright now, Misses Denaker and Watson. The party's over." They were caught with no place safe to hide from the tone of his voice. "What are you both doing here?" Besides risking their lives.

Haddie sighed, dropping her head for a moment. She glared at Rachel as if to say Now you've done it! Well, she did. If she hadn't fought Haddie so much, they'd be in the forest already without being caught.

Now there was no chance of that. Right now at least. She shot best friend another glance that said This isn't over. A minor set back, and when the coast was clear, perhaps later today, or tonight, or even another day, they were gonna to explore.

Then Haddie turned around to face the Grounds Keeper and shrugged. "Having a party apparently." She glanced around at the utter lack of party anything. "We were arguing because it was Rachel's job to bring the decorations, and my job to bring the food and drinks. And we both forgot."

FearlessLeader19 01-11-2016 06:46 AM

Haddie & Mr McLeaod! <3
"He is not!'' Rachel rushed to Mr Kitridge's defense. "He's a wonderful person.'' Their Head of House had quickly become one of her favourite persons at the Castle. "I don't like it when you talk like that about him, Haddie.'' She wasn't mad at her best friend. No, she was simply being honest.

She did want to be an explorer. She wanted to follow in her parents footsteps. She wanted to find new, undiscovered plants both magical and mundane but she wasn't silly to fall for Haddie's explanation. "That's not the reason it's forbidden. We really should go back,'' she replied, taking the steps she was forced to due to Haddie pushing her forwards. She couldn't help but giggle. "You'll pull pranks on them with that witty brain of yours?''

Oh no! Rachel's heart sank. They had been caught! She immediately pulled herself from Haddie's grasp to turn to find Mr McLeod there. Great. They were in trouble. Before she could open her mouth, words were tumbling from her friend. She squeezed her eyes shut as she mentally asked what seemed to become the line she had reserved for Haddie: ''Oh, Haddie. What am I to do with you?''

Rachel's dark brown eyes opened again and went in her fellow Ravenclaw's direction. They pleaded with her to remain silent. "Forgive Haddie, Mr McLeod. She gets carried away sometimes.'' She pulled on her most sincere and regretful look. "I apologise but Haddie knows how much I love plants and she thought here would be a good place to explore besides the Greenhouses. She was only trying to do something for me and I let her.'' It was the truth. No, half of it. The other half was that Haddie wanted to explore this dark and dismal place. Rachel didn't care about anything of that right now, however. She just wanted to save Haddie from getting into further trouble (hadn't the Start of Term feast been enough?). She had told Mr Kitridge she would try to do that but she was failing miserably.

"I'm sorry. We both are. Right, Haddie?'' Rachel shot her a sharp look that might have meant 'You had better agree' before looking back at the Groundskeeper with an angelic expression in place.

Charely Potter 01-12-2016 05:50 PM

SPOILER!!: You two

Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11858569)

Haddie sighed, dropping her head for a moment. She glared at Rachel as if to say Now you've done it! Well, she did. If she hadn't fought Haddie so much, they'd be in the forest already without being caught.

Now there was no chance of that. Right now at least. She shot best friend another glance that said This isn't over. A minor set back, and when the coast was clear, perhaps later today, or tonight, or even another day, they were gonna to explore.

Then Haddie turned around to face the Grounds Keeper and shrugged. "Having a party apparently." She glanced around at the utter lack of party anything. "We were arguing because it was Rachel's job to bring the decorations, and my job to bring the food and drinks. And we both forgot."


Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 (Post 11858946)
"He is not!'' Rachel rushed to Mr Kitridge's defense. "He's a wonderful person.'' Their Head of House had quickly become one of her favourite persons at the Castle. "I don't like it when you talk like that about him, Haddie.'' She wasn't mad at her best friend. No, she was simply being honest.

She did want to be an explorer. She wanted to follow in her parents footsteps. She wanted to find new, undiscovered plants both magical and mundane but she wasn't silly to fall for Haddie's explanation. "That's not the reason it's forbidden. We really should go back,'' she replied, taking the steps she was forced to due to Haddie pushing her forwards. She couldn't help but giggle. "You'll pull pranks on them with that witty brain of yours?''

Oh no! Rachel's heart sank. They had been caught! She immediately pulled herself from Haddie's grasp to turn to find Mr McLeod there. Great. They were in trouble. Before she could open her mouth, words were tumbling from her friend. She squeezed her eyes shut as she mentally asked what seemed to become the line she had reserved for Haddie: ''Oh, Haddie. What am I to do with you?''

Rachel's dark brown eyes opened again and went in her fellow Ravenclaw's direction. They pleaded with her to remain silent. "Forgive Haddie, Mr McLeod. She gets carried away sometimes.'' She pulled on her most sincere and regretful look. "I apologise but Haddie knows how much I love plants and she thought here would be a good place to explore besides the Greenhouses. She was only trying to do something for me and I let her.'' It was the truth. No, half of it. The other half was that Haddie wanted to explore this dark and dismal place. Rachel didn't care about anything of that right now, however. She just wanted to save Haddie from getting into further trouble (hadn't the Start of Term feast been enough?). She had told Mr Kitridge she would try to do that but she was failing miserably.

"I'm sorry. We both are. Right, Haddie?'' Rachel shot her a sharp look that might have meant 'You had better agree' before looking back at the Groundskeeper with an angelic expression in place.

After hearing Denaker's lack of explanation, his head tilted more towards Denaker to look straight at her with the calmly direct tone. "So you both argue all the way over into the Forest together rather than turn back and get the stuff." The sarcasm wasn't helping. "Then maybe 10 points from Ravenclaw and a word to your Head of House Mr. Kitridge will help remind you not to lie." Seriously. At least her friend was being more respectful. But these two together, they were looking to head into even more trouble at this rate as he heard Watson's side.

Whether Denaker apologised or not, he nodded accepting at least one. "That's fine that you both want to explore, but these forests are off-limits. If you're wanting to see more plants, then you want to see Professor Myers, who will be happy to share more than what's in the Greenhouses. All you'll be finding around these parts are more dangerous creatures than dead-looking plants." Surely they had some regard to their own safety.

Anyways, the amount of time they spent here was more than passed their welcomed stay. "Now let's hurry back out of the forest Miss Denaker and Watson." No use trying to convince the Groundskeeper otherwise.

Callie 01-12-2016 07:38 PM

"We're kids, sir. We argue. It's..." She was stopped from saying more when Rachel interrupted, apologizing on both their behalfs. And took the brunt of the blame. Though that didn't stop the Groundskeeper from singling Haddie out and deducting points from her. Typical.

Haddie let Rachel take the lead on this one and simply shrugged. "What she said." She nodded to Rachel as she started back towards the castle, "Come on, let's go."

FearlessLeader19 01-13-2016 05:57 AM

This was exactly what Rachel was trying to avoid- Haddie getting into anymore trouble with Mr Kitridge and another round of points loss. Her gaze turned to her best friend. She didn't expect her to apologise; not directly, anyway. No, Rachel knew the other girl too well to tell this much. How right she was.

That was the closest thing the Groundskeeper would get to an apology. "I understand, Mr McLeod. Thank you for not yelling and looking out for us.'' Rachel hated when anyone got mad and yelled. She smiled at him and moved to follow Haddie, hurrying to catch up with her.

Mercifully, they were leaving this horrible, dark, acromantula infested Forest behind.

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