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The Snakes sit under a brand new silver and green banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. It was once said that the Hogwarts House Elves are the best in the world. It is up to your stomach to agree... but surely it will! Why wouldn't it like elf cooking?
If you're thirsty, there is also fresh pumpkin juice and water on the table, regardless of whether or not it is actually mealtime.
Oliver plopped down at his house table after a very long run and started filling his plate up with food. He knew working out and eating a lot wasn't exactly effective but he was so starving. He was pretty sure his metabolism had just quickened and he had to eat every time he got hungry. This was the year for Ollie to get fit and he was going to make sure it got done. Really it was the only thing the fourth year was motivated to do this year which was more the other three years he'd attended Hogwarts.
Before beginning to eat, he looked around the table for anyone he could talk to but seeing as he didn't exactly know very many people in his house, he went back to his plate and took a hug bite out of a chicken leg. Gosh, was that good or what?
Oliver plopped down at his house table after a very long run and started filling his plate up with food. He knew working out and eating a lot wasn't exactly effective but he was so starving. He was pretty sure his metabolism had just quickened and he had to eat every time he got hungry. This was the year for Ollie to get fit and he was going to make sure it got done. Really it was the only thing the fourth year was motivated to do this year which was more the other three years he'd attended Hogwarts.
Before beginning to eat, he looked around the table for anyone he could talk to but seeing as he didn't exactly know very many people in his house, he went back to his plate and took a hug bite out of a chicken leg. Gosh, was that good or what?
Every time of the day was good for a snack...or a whole meal. At least for Hugo.
The fifth year entered the Great Hall and sat down on his house table, he grabbed a biscuit and watched as a guy was devouring a piece of chicken leg. He really must be hungry. "How long haven't you eaten?" perhaps since the start of term feast?
Every time of the day was good for a snack...or a whole meal. At least for Hugo.
The fifth year entered the Great Hall and sat down on his house table, he grabbed a biscuit and watched as a guy was devouring a piece of chicken leg. He really must be hungry. "How long haven't you eaten?" perhaps since the start of term feast?
Yes, it was said already, but it needs to be emphasized. Best. Chicken leg. Ever. Seriously.
Oliver took another bite of it and then picked up a roll and was about to take a bite of that when there was a person talking to him. Possibly making fun of him? IT WASN'T HIS FAULT HE WAS HUNGRY OKAY.
Setting the roll and chicken leg down slowly, he said, "Oh...er...three hours ago???" It only sounded like a question because between the map after breakfast, his run, and now, he couldn't actually remember the last time he ate.
Before now, Ollie had only glanced at the boy because he was kind of embarrassed. Now that his food was down, he looked at him properly and saw the badge on his robes. PREFECT. "It's you."
Yes, it was said already, but it needs to be emphasized. Best. Chicken leg. Ever. Seriously.
Oliver took another bite of it and then picked up a roll and was about to take a bite of that when there was a person talking to him. Possibly making fun of him? IT WASN'T HIS FAULT HE WAS HUNGRY OKAY.
Setting the roll and chicken leg down slowly, he said, "Oh...er...three hours ago???" It only sounded like a question because between the map after breakfast, his run, and now, he couldn't actually remember the last time he ate.
Before now, Ollie had only glanced at the boy because he was kind of embarrassed. Now that his food was down, he looked at him properly and saw the badge on his robes. PREFECT. "It's you."
"More like since the term started" Hugo said. Oh well, he didn't blame the boy because he could definitely relate to him and besides the food here was ALWAYS good.
But yeah he should slow down a bit, just in case he could choke. He took a bite from his biscuit and looked at the boy with a confused look. "Who?" have they met before? He was sure not but then again he didn't have a good memory.
"More like since the term started" Hugo said. Oh well, he didn't blame the boy because he could definitely relate to him and besides the food here was ALWAYS good.
But yeah he should slow down a bit, just in case he could choke. He took a bite from his biscuit and looked at the boy with a confused look. "Who?" have they met before? He was sure not but then again he didn't have a good memory.
Oliver would have been thrown off by the other boy's comment because, really, how rude, but he was too busy staring at prefect to care at the moment.
"Hugo the prefect!" That was all the fourth year really knew about Hugo, and that was simply because Hugo was a prefect. Not like Oliver knew any other Slytherin boys other than the ones in his dorm and Bastien. "I've wanted to meet you before but..." Ollie was going to say he was too shy for that but since here he was, talking to the prefect in real life, he figured maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. "Never mind. I'm Ollie." He smiled at the other boy and hoped Hugo didn't think he was too weird.
Oliver would have been thrown off by the other boy's comment because, really, how rude, but he was too busy staring at prefect to care at the moment.
"Hugo the prefect!" That was all the fourth year really knew about Hugo, and that was simply because Hugo was a prefect. Not like Oliver knew any other Slytherin boys other than the ones in his dorm and Bastien. "I've wanted to meet you before but..." Ollie was going to say he was too shy for that but since here he was, talking to the prefect in real life, he figured maybe that wasn't the right thing to say. "Never mind. I'm Ollie." He smiled at the other boy and hoped Hugo didn't think he was too weird.
Hugo nodded. Well at least he was recognized by other students and that made him feel good. Heh. He was famous. Anywayss..."Nice to meet you Ollie" he was the second Ollie he had met. "I can give you my autograph" and yes, he was kidding.
"So, why you so hungry?" said and finished his biscuit.
Hugo nodded. Well at least he was recognized by other students and that made him feel good. Heh. He was famous. Anywayss..."Nice to meet you Ollie" he was the second Ollie he had met. "I can give you my autograph" and yes, he was kidding.
"So, why you so hungry?" said and finished his biscuit.
Oliver blinked for about a second at the whole autograph thing before he realized Hugo was just kidding. Lol. Oliver laughed and shook his head. "Nice to meet you too, finally...but I think I'll wait for the autograph if that's alright." Maybe one day, if Hugo ever got to be really famous, Ollie would call up Hugo (because they would be besties by then, obv) and ask him for his autograph to give to his cousin or something. Only time will tell.
The fourth year cleaned his hands of chicken flavored junk and shrugged. "I've been working out this year and trying to eat healthy so I think my metabolism sped up...and I just got really hungry after working out." Totally normal, right?
the class clown, a jokester, you like to make people smile,
you're uplifting, easy-going, and can get a laugh out of anyone, you are...
Colt woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. He began his day by walking down to the great hall. He saw other slytherins were there before him and he nodded to all of them. He saw all the food laid out before him and he wondered what he should take. Should he take the cereal? The french toast? The pancakes? So many decisions. He snapped his fingers and came up with a better idea. Why not combine them all onto one plate. I mean he deserved it, he was studying all night. If you refer to studying as in drawing then sure. He began to load up his plate and went down the table to get syrup. The one ingredient he needed and it seemed the house elves forgot to put it on his end of the table.
He began whistling which hasn't happened in a while.
Colt woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. He began his day by walking down to the great hall. He saw other slytherins were there before him and he nodded to all of them. He saw all the food laid out before him and he wondered what he should take. Should he take the cereal? The french toast? The pancakes? So many decisions. He snapped his fingers and came up with a better idea. Why not combine them all onto one plate. I mean he deserved it, he was studying all night. If you refer to studying as in drawing then sure. He began to load up his plate and went down the table to get syrup. The one ingredient he needed and it seemed the house elves forgot to put it on his end of the table.
He began whistling which hasn't happened in a while.
Breakfast. A very important meal of the day. If she wanted to survive the whole day, she need a very decent meal this morning. Meaning she hoped the elves prepares a meal that's not meat or something with sugar. That's just YUCK! Candice was about to make her way towards the Gryffindor table when she noticed a familiar face in the Slytherin table, so the sixth year changed her direction to the Slytherin table.
"Hey stranger! Wassup?" She greeted Colt with a nod before taking a seat in front of him. "Haven't seen you around these days." She blames classes and homework.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
Breakfast. A very important meal of the day. If she wanted to survive the whole day, she need a very decent meal this morning. Meaning she hoped the elves prepares a meal that's not meat or something with sugar. That's just YUCK! Candice was about to make her way towards the Gryffindor table when she noticed a familiar face in the Slytherin table, so the sixth year changed her direction to the Slytherin table.
"Hey stranger! Wassup?" She greeted Colt with a nod before taking a seat in front of him. "Haven't seen you around these days." She blames classes and homework.
As Colt was going to load his plate up with breakfast foods, he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and smiled. "Hey Candice, oh nothing much you know just being a boy and filling up my plate with food. Being a pig is one of my specialties." He was joking of course but there was a little truth underneath it. "I am having waffles, pancakes and some cereal." Great combo no? He heard her comment and nodded, "Yeah I know. It sucks that school has started. These professors are giving us so much homework. I am sure you need to make a great impression being prefect and all.." he grinned nudged her playfully. She needed to be a nerd in all her prime.
After he started eating a little bit and starting to not feel so hungry that your stomach wanted to eat itself, he began to ask a question he wanted to know. "So I wanted to know something..." He was gonna go into hypothetical so he wouldn't give anything away. "So how would you feel is someone younger than you liked you.." Was that too obvious? Nah he thought not.
As Colt was going to load his plate up with breakfast foods, he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and smiled. "Hey Candice, oh nothing much you know just being a boy and filling up my plate with food. Being a pig is one of my specialties." He was joking of course but there was a little truth underneath it. "I am having waffles, pancakes and some cereal." Great combo no? He heard her comment and nodded, "Yeah I know. It sucks that school has started. These professors are giving us so much homework. I am sure you need to make a great impression being prefect and all.." he grinned nudged her playfully. She needed to be a nerd in all her prime.
After he started eating a little bit and starting to not feel so hungry that your stomach wanted to eat itself, he began to ask a question he wanted to know. "So I wanted to know something..." He was gonna go into hypothetical so he wouldn't give anything away. "So how would you feel is someone younger than you liked you.." Was that too obvious? Nah he thought not.
As soon as she sat down, Candice started to fill her plate with mashed potatoes and some vegetables. "Careful Winchester you might turn into a pig one of these days." Just looked at the boy's plate. Full with foods. Not just any foods but foods that contains too much sugar. "You might want to slow down on that sugar." Why does people eat those stuffs anyway? Its just not healthy.
When she saw Colt started to eat his foods, she started to do the same. Omnomnomnom. Huh? How would she feel if a younger person like her? "I think a lot of younger students like me." Well, the Gryffindor one at least. "And I like them too. Most of them. Why do you ask?" That's a very strange question.
All of the love for tomorrow______________________________________________ I know we're gonna be stronger than you'll ever known
As soon as she sat down, Candice started to fill her plate with mashed potatoes and some vegetables. "Careful Winchester you might turn into a pig one of these days." Just looked at the boy's plate. Full with foods. Not just any foods but foods that contains too much sugar. "You might want to slow down on that sugar." Why does people eat those stuffs anyway? Its just not healthy.
When she saw Colt started to eat his foods, she started to do the same. Omnomnomnom. Huh? How would she feel if a younger person like her? "I think a lot of younger students like me." Well, the Gryffindor one at least. "And I like them too. Most of them. Why do you ask?" That's a very strange question.
Colt rolled his eyes and heard Candice's comment. Sounded like something his mother would say. "Yeah yeah I'll eat what I want.." He even got a banana just to prove he could eat healthy. "Why should I slow down, sugar is good." He grinned and he looked over at her plate and it seemed somewhat healthy. She had some veggies and some mashed potatoes. Ergh looks boring and flavorless. He continued eating his meal when he heard Candice mentioning that she thought a lot of younger students liked her. Huh...a little full of yourself huh? He smirked and continued eating.
"Aahh you mean like them as friends?" I mean that is a valid question. "Oh no reason just curious is all." I mean he was doing it for his purposes. Least he had a little shot if he told her he liked her. He was debating if he should tell her now or later. He shrugged and went for it, "Say a certain Slytherin liked you. How would you react?"
Oliver blinked for about a second at the whole autograph thing before he realized Hugo was just kidding. Lol. Oliver laughed and shook his head. "Nice to meet you too, finally...but I think I'll wait for the autograph if that's alright." Maybe one day, if Hugo ever got to be really famous, Ollie would call up Hugo (because they would be besties by then, obv) and ask him for his autograph to give to his cousin or something. Only time will tell.
The fourth year cleaned his hands of chicken flavored junk and shrugged. "I've been working out this year and trying to eat healthy so I think my metabolism sped up...and I just got really hungry after working out." Totally normal, right?
Hugo nodded "Sure" he had plenty of time to give the boy his autograph. The prefect grabbed another biscuit and listened to Ollie. "That makes sense" and he had no problem with him eating a lot. That's how it was suppose to be.
Well done Ollie.
"So, working out to impress the girls?" and took a bite.
As time went by, Elsa felt the place she spend less time on was o the Slytherin House Table, and that was just wrong. She slumped down on the bench and gazed around the table to her fellow Slytherins trying to catch someone's eye. She was feeling chatty!
She then took her time picking up food to her plate. She was FAMISHED!
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Elsa was spooning food into her mouth like a starving person when a gust of frigid wind came in, freezing her to her bones. "What on Merlin's name.." she grunted, looking around the table. Where did that come from?! All hairs on her arms were standing now, she dropped her spoon to pull her wand out when she noticed something white hitting her leg. And then another, and another, and a whole lot of them.
Elsa glanced up to the ceiling. It was snowing, inside!
Despite my empty mouth the words are in my mind. Don't you wonder what's inside?
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
For Nana and Frankie!
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Having agreed to sitting at the green and silver table had been an easy choice. Really where else would she sit? With a grin up at the boyfriend Hady had made her way to her house table happily, sliding down onto the bench without a care in the world. It was a weekend, there was food and she was with Frankie. Everything was as it should be.
Filling her goblet with pumpkin juice which she promptly charmed into her usually beverage choice of Iced Coffee things couldn't be better. Except maybe food. Food was a thing right this moment. Taking a half of turkey and cheese sandwich and some grapes onto her plate she was satisfied for now and rather content nibbling at her sandwich and casting tiny almost unnoticed smiles to the boy at her side whenever she knew he was looking.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Having agreed to sitting at the green and silver table had been an easy choice. Really where else would she sit? With a grin up at the boyfriend Hady had made her way to her house table happily, sliding down onto the bench without a care in the world. It was a weekend, there was food and she was with Frankie. Everything was as it should be.
Filling her goblet with pumpkin juice which she promptly charmed into her usually beverage choice of Iced Coffee things couldn't be better. Except maybe food. Food was a thing right this moment. Taking a half of turkey and cheese sandwich and some grapes onto her plate she was satisfied for now and rather content nibbling at her sandwich and casting tiny almost unnoticed smiles to the boy at her side whenever she knew he was looking.
Nana had an appointment, and as usual she was right on time. Striding confidently toward the Slytherin table, she eyed the students seated along the bench in search of Miss Lynch and Mister Paton, before finally spotting them naturally sitting side by side. Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Nana offered the students a small smile as she took a seat opposite them. "Good evening, mister Paton. miss Lynch." she said, inclining her head to each in greeting. Taking up a goblet, Nana filled it with ice water and took a long sip. She felt the gnawing of hunger at her belly, but that would have to wait until she headed up to the dias. It would not do to have dinner with the students.
"How are you this evening?" She asked, sitting back and surveying them both with a look of mild interest and curiosity.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Nana had an appointment, and as usual she was right on time. Striding confidently toward the Slytherin table, she eyed the students seated along the bench in search of Miss Lynch and Mister Paton, before finally spotting them naturally sitting side by side. Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Nana offered the students a small smile as she took a seat opposite them. "Good evening, mister Paton. miss Lynch." she said, inclining her head to each in greeting. Taking up a goblet, Nana filled it with ice water and took a long sip. She felt the gnawing of hunger at her belly, but that would have to wait until she headed up to the dias. It would not do to have dinner with the students.
"How are you this evening?" She asked, sitting back and surveying them both with a look of mild interest and curiosity.
As she was quietly eating her meal someone clearly their throat nearby caught her attention. Setting down her sandwich she had been nibbling at and lifting her gaze from her dish she meet those of their professor and a small smile tugged at her lips. "Evening Professor Ichihara, I'm doing well thank you." This was the truth mostly for she didn't feel it necessary to say that studying and practicing was tiring, surely the older women across from them knew this was so. She would also know that none of that would stop this girl from achieving her goals.
Hady was sure that the blonde beside her was doing well also as they spent nearly all their free time together even if a great deal of that time was them training to become animagi. Both of them were taking this very seriously as everyone around them knew. With a quick sideways glance at him in which he was given a smile she also picked up her goblet taking a sip from it before returning her attention back across the table.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Text Cut: You two <3
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Having agreed to sitting at the green and silver table had been an easy choice. Really where else would she sit? With a grin up at the boyfriend Hady had made her way to her house table happily, sliding down onto the bench without a care in the world. It was a weekend, there was food and she was with Frankie. Everything was as it should be.
Filling her goblet with pumpkin juice which she promptly charmed into her usually beverage choice of Iced Coffee things couldn't be better. Except maybe food. Food was a thing right this moment. Taking a half of turkey and cheese sandwich and some grapes onto her plate she was satisfied for now and rather content nibbling at her sandwich and casting tiny almost unnoticed smiles to the boy at her side whenever she knew he was looking.
Originally Posted by nicole black
Nana had an appointment, and as usual she was right on time. Striding confidently toward the Slytherin table, she eyed the students seated along the bench in search of Miss Lynch and Mister Paton, before finally spotting them naturally sitting side by side. Clearing her throat to announce her presence, Nana offered the students a small smile as she took a seat opposite them. "Good evening, mister Paton. miss Lynch." she said, inclining her head to each in greeting. Taking up a goblet, Nana filled it with ice water and took a long sip. She felt the gnawing of hunger at her belly, but that would have to wait until she headed up to the dias. It would not do to have dinner with the students.
"How are you this evening?" She asked, sitting back and surveying them both with a look of mild interest and curiosity.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
As she was quietly eating her meal someone clearly their throat nearby caught her attention. Setting down her sandwich she had been nibbling at and lifting her gaze from her dish she meet those of their professor and a small smile tugged at her lips. "Evening Professor Ichihara, I'm doing well thank you." This was the truth mostly for she didn't feel it necessary to say that studying and practicing was tiring, surely the older women across from them knew this was so. She would also know that none of that would stop this girl from achieving her goals.
Hady was sure that the blonde beside her was doing well also as they spent nearly all their free time together even if a great deal of that time was them training to become animagi. Both of them were taking this very seriously as everyone around them knew. With a quick sideways glance at him in which he was given a smile she also picked up her goblet taking a sip from it before returning her attention back across the table.
Frankie didn't feel a bit guilty about sitting at the Slytherin with Hady. Yes, he was the Gryffindor prefect and all of that, but deep down he still believed that Hat got it all wrong. Though that was a battle long gone, one that he had faced a sad defeat in his first year. The only thing he could do now was just sit at their table. Sorry, Slytherins, for your food supply diminishing so quickly, but a growing boy's got to eat.
The blond couldn't help but quietly snort when he gazed over at Hady, watching her nibble away at her sandwich for a brief moment. It was like she was eating like their was a food shortage or that the house-elves had gone on strike. Frankie debated commenting on how little she was eating, but he decided he'd be better off eating her share. He took a handful of her grapes (sharing was caring after all) and smiled before diving right into one of his many sandwiches.
A large chunk of sandwich had been bitten off when he heard someone clear their throat. Chomping away at his sandwich loudly, Frankie turned his head and watched the woman take a seat opposite them and pour herself a goblet. An eyebrow rose briefly, wondering why she was hanging around the Slytherin table. The boy opened his mouth to speak, but he quickly closed it and continued chewing. He gave her a simple nod as a greeting and lifted his half-eaten sandwich, showing that he was doing well and was perfectly content with the food before them.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Frankie
Frankie didn't feel a bit guilty about sitting at the Slytherin with Hady. Yes, he was the Gryffindor prefect and all of that, but deep down he still believed that Hat got it all wrong. Though that was a battle long gone, one that he had faced a sad defeat in his first year. The only thing he could do now was just sit at their table. Sorry, Slytherins, for your food supply diminishing so quickly, but a growing boy's got to eat.
The blond couldn't help but quietly snort when he gazed over at Hady, watching her nibble away at her sandwich for a brief moment. It was like she was eating like their was a food shortage or that the house-elves had gone on strike. Frankie debated commenting on how little she was eating, but he decided he'd be better off eating her share. He took a handful of her grapes (sharing was caring after all) and smiled before diving right into one of his many sandwiches.
A large chunk of sandwich had been bitten off when he heard someone clear their throat. Chomping away at his sandwich loudly, Frankie turned his head and watched the woman take a seat opposite them and pour herself a goblet. An eyebrow rose briefly, wondering why she was hanging around the Slytherin table. The boy opened his mouth to speak, but he quickly closed it and continued chewing. He gave her a simple nod as a greeting and lifted his half-eaten sandwich, showing that he was doing well and was perfectly content with the food before them.
Sooner or later she was sure she would end up sitting at the lions table. With both her best friend and her boyfriend being in the house of red and gold it was somewhat surprising she hadn't already. She was glad though that Frankie never questioned it and didn't seem to mind it at all. He was really good like that.
Oh, don't you go thinking she didn't hear that snort there boy. She had. Only she was much to sweet not to say a word even if she could feel his eyes on her watching her eat. Swinging her hazel eyes his way she gave him a sweet smile before continuing to eat her sandwich. Nothing wrong with eating slowly, that's how she ate. Him taking her food though, now that was something she didn't allow. Usually. From others. Him...well...
She pulled a mock frown at him and lightly elbowed him in the side with a pretend gasp, "Hey!," she exclaimed. This lasted all of oh maybe about five seconds before it all dissolved into giggles. If she didn't like him so much there might have been a problem there. He was a lucky boy alright.
Returning her attention to what was left of her handful of grapes (no thanks to the boyfriend there) and her sandwich she remained content.
Now to what did they owe this visit from their Professor? Hopefully it was something really good.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Frankie didn't feel a bit guilty about sitting at the Slytherin with Hady. Yes, he was the Gryffindor prefect and all of that, but deep down he still believed that Hat got it all wrong. Though that was a battle long gone, one that he had faced a sad defeat in his first year. The only thing he could do now was just sit at their table. Sorry, Slytherins, for your food supply diminishing so quickly, but a growing boy's got to eat.
The blond couldn't help but quietly snort when he gazed over at Hady, watching her nibble away at her sandwich for a brief moment. It was like she was eating like their was a food shortage or that the house-elves had gone on strike. Frankie debated commenting on how little she was eating, but he decided he'd be better off eating her share. He took a handful of her grapes (sharing was caring after all) and smiled before diving right into one of his many sandwiches.
A large chunk of sandwich had been bitten off when he heard someone clear their throat. Chomping away at his sandwich loudly, Frankie turned his head and watched the woman take a seat opposite them and pour herself a goblet. An eyebrow rose briefly, wondering why she was hanging around the Slytherin table. The boy opened his mouth to speak, but he quickly closed it and continued chewing. He gave her a simple nod as a greeting and lifted his half-eaten sandwich, showing that he was doing well and was perfectly content with the food before them.
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Sooner or later she was sure she would end up sitting at the lions table. With both her best friend and her boyfriend being in the house of red and gold it was somewhat surprising she hadn't already. She was glad though that Frankie never questioned it and didn't seem to mind it at all. He was really good like that.
Oh, don't you go thinking she didn't hear that snort there boy. She had. Only she was much to sweet not to say a word even if she could feel his eyes on her watching her eat. Swinging her hazel eyes his way she gave him a sweet smile before continuing to eat her sandwich. Nothing wrong with eating slowly, that's how she ate. Him taking her food though, now that was something she didn't allow. Usually. From others. Him...well...
She pulled a mock frown at him and lightly elbowed him in the side with a pretend gasp, "Hey!," she exclaimed. This lasted all of oh maybe about five seconds before it all dissolved into giggles. If she didn't like him so much there might have been a problem there. He was a lucky boy alright.
Returning her attention to what was left of her handful of grapes (no thanks to the boyfriend there) and her sandwich she remained content.
Now to what did they owe this visit from their Professor? Hopefully it was something really good.
The young man was still eating. Had not properly greeted her... and was still eating, and Nana had heard such good things about english civility and decorum, apparently that was not the case here. Truth be told, Mister Paton was a tad too rash, a tad too casual for her liking. She saw potential in him, but she didn't see control and that was something she looked for in Animagi students, that and a strong sense of self. Miss Lynch... With her gentle nature, hard work and calm demeanor was much more the type.
Oh dear, they were teasing one another. Nana felt decidedly awkward at the young couple's antics, still, her calm exterior went unchanged. "I spoke to you both some time ago on the subject of Animagi and I would like to revisit the subject. Though... "She glanced from Miss Lynch to Mister Paton. "If this is not a good time I can arrange for a meeting in my office." It would not matter to Nana, she had simply wanted to speak with the students as soon as she had made her decision, but it could certainly wait.
the moon: feminine, intuitive, inner strength, innocence
Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch
Text Cut: Quotes
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Sooner or later she was sure she would end up sitting at the lions table. With both her best friend and her boyfriend being in the house of red and gold it was somewhat surprising she hadn't already. She was glad though that Frankie never questioned it and didn't seem to mind it at all. He was really good like that.
Oh, don't you go thinking she didn't hear that snort there boy. She had. Only she was much to sweet not to say a word even if she could feel his eyes on her watching her eat. Swinging her hazel eyes his way she gave him a sweet smile before continuing to eat her sandwich. Nothing wrong with eating slowly, that's how she ate. Him taking her food though, now that was something she didn't allow. Usually. From others. Him...well...
She pulled a mock frown at him and lightly elbowed him in the side with a pretend gasp, "Hey!," she exclaimed. This lasted all of oh maybe about five seconds before it all dissolved into giggles. If she didn't like him so much there might have been a problem there. He was a lucky boy alright.
Returning her attention to what was left of her handful of grapes (no thanks to the boyfriend there) and her sandwich she remained content.
Now to what did they owe this visit from their Professor? Hopefully it was something really good.
Originally Posted by nicole black
The young man was still eating. Had not properly greeted her... and was still eating, and Nana had heard such good things about english civility and decorum, apparently that was not the case here. Truth be told, Mister Paton was a tad too rash, a tad too casual for her liking. She saw potential in him, but she didn't see control and that was something she looked for in Animagi students, that and a strong sense of self. Miss Lynch... With her gentle nature, hard work and calm demeanor was much more the type.
Oh dear, they were teasing one another. Nana felt decidedly awkward at the young couple's antics, still, her calm exterior went unchanged. "I spoke to you both some time ago on the subject of Animagi and I would like to revisit the subject. Though... "She glanced from Miss Lynch to Mister Paton. "If this is not a good time I can arrange for a meeting in my office." It would not matter to Nana, she had simply wanted to speak with the students as soon as she had made her decision, but it could certainly wait.
After getting elbowed by Hady for taking some of her grapes and a few more moments of chewing, the Gryffindor swallowed down the bit of sandwich in his mouth and set the remains on his plate for the time being. He knew that the right thing for him to do was properly greet the professor, but his mother did teach him not to speak with his mouth full. So, obviously, taking care of the food in his mouth was of priority.
Besides, Hady could do all of the talking on his behalf, right? She was good at that. They were a great team, him and her. She took care of all the talking and the meticulous details; he took care of making them both look good, making her laugh whenever the stress-levels were high, and just being downright awesome. Both of them were serious when it came to their ambitions. Though Frankie had to admit that he look a slightly lighter, more fun approach to achieving what he wanted.
Longingly eyeing the food in front of him, he was tempted to reach for one of the desserts. His attention, however, was grasped by the professor the moment she uttered the word Animagi. She wanted to revisit the subject? Was she going to take them both under her wing? "No, no, no. This is definitely a good time, professor," the blond stated with a nod of his head, the food in front of him forgotten not on the forefront of his mind. "In fact, it's a great time to talk about Animagi. Right, Hady?"
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Nana & Frankie! (Phone posting :/)
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
Silly antics and all playfulness aside the very second her eyes fell back upon Professor Ichihara. Normally when in the presence of a professor she would be on her best behavior but sometimes one slipped up a little. It happens.
Hearing the word animagus had gotten her full attention and she sat herself up straighter fixing her eyes to the women across the table. This wasn't a bad time at all! It was something she took incredibly seriously just like waiting to be a Creature Healer.
When Frankie spoke up for them she found herself nodding right away in agreement. "It's the prefect time.," She stated softly with a light smile. See they could both really focus when they should. Please let her say she would be taking them both on. Together. As a pair.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!