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Just outside of the office sits a small area just for the people who want to see the Defence Professor. This seating area contains hues that match the ones found in the office itself. Comfortable orange and teal sofas are dotted around a table that contain a few magazines about the latest defensive theories and spells.
Knock, take a seat and wait for Professor Hirsch to call you in.
Please make sure to post here first having your charrie knocking and wait for me to get back to you. I'll get to you as soon as I can. ^^
"Whaaaat am I doing here? What?" Peeves swooped low and giggled wildly at the very glittery look the boy was sporting. This tiny Ravenclaw girl was trouble, and Peeves liked her.
He'd like to cover her in ink balloons, but he still liked her.
"I live here, my boy. I dwell here. I abide in the castle called Hogwarts. What are yoooooou doing here?"
You're nothing more than a pickle-headed prune biscuit-eating bulldog.
P.S. Your bowtie is crooked. And your pink thestral pony is super girly.
Oh Haddie noooooo. The fact that he hadn't felt anything touch him, coupled with Haddie's giggling and lack of pointing out where the glitter was, had the small Slytherin's face going pink. Had she magicked glitter onto his back or something? Jaemin pulled at his shirt and turned his head to try and see over his shoulder.
"Where did you..." he couldn't see any obvious glitter patches on himself, but that didn't mean they weren't there. His tongue was poised to say something else when a few things started happening, all at once, distracting him from actual words for a long moment. The movement of his head from trying to look at himself sent a small burst of glitter out of his hair and into the air around him; at the same time, a figure dropped through the ceiling above them rather noticeably. Neither of these things made him particularly happy.
At least glitter didn't have an immediate need to be taken care of. It could make him unhappy and a little itchy, but it wasn't inherently harmful. Peeves, however... Peeves. Jaemin wrinkled his nose and gave Haddie a look before directing his gaze up at the poltergeist.
"What are you doing here?" he asked rather plainly, clearly unimpressed with Peeves' appearance.
Originally Posted by .Peeves.
"Whaaaat am I doing here? What?" Peeves swooped low and giggled wildly at the very glittery look the boy was sporting. This tiny Ravenclaw girl was trouble, and Peeves liked her.
He'd like to cover her in ink balloons, but he still liked her.
"I live here, my boy. I dwell here. I abide in the castle called Hogwarts. What are yoooooou doing here?"
Haddie gave Jaemin her own look once it became clear he wasn't happy with her. It was fun. She was just having some fun. And there wasn't any permanent damage done. There wasn't even that much in his hair. "Oh, come on. It'll wash out. Trust me, I know." Come on Jaemin. Lighten up, enjoy yourself buddy.
Speaking of fun. "Hey, Peeves!" Okay, sure, the poltergeist could be annoying, and only ever seemed to show up when she was busy with something else, but mostly Peeves was fun in Haddie's opinion. Now if he showed up other times, when she wasn't hoping to meet with a professor perhaps, they could have some really fun together, but somehow, Haddie doubted that was Peeves' style. "What's the most fun you've ever had in this castle?" She was genuinely curious and figured it would be a fun story.
urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse
Originally Posted by kayquilz
Poor poor Roderik. Paul felt for him, almost. Then again, Paul kind of liked glitter a liiiiittle bit. It made things quite festive, didn't it? He chortled to himself and gave his wand a little flourish, clearing all of the glitter away. "There. All gone. You're spared immense embarrassment now, sir," he winked and quickly CLANGED his spoon on his pot.
"So...who the heck sent you a glitterbomb? On...Valentine's day?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Did the man have a....person?! Paul was curious, and he couldn't help the smirk on his face. "And I will certainly give you half the profits off that song, I promise." Though his band made so little money...it wouldn't even be that much.
No matter.
He wasn't even sure the blue grass community was ready for a song about Hirsch the Glitter Man.
This was too embarrassing. Just, the glitter, the pots and the darned singing. He silently hoped that it wasn't about to become a nickname of his. Merlin only knows how embarrassed he would be if Paul shouted this out for everyone to hear over dinner.
As for the current embarrassment, it was made better, thanks to the man. "Much better! Thanks, Paul," he said, dusting himself off as if he was dusting off any last remnants of the glitter, even if there wasn't. There. All do-
Oh Merlin.
Oh Merlin oh Merlin oh Merlin!
Despite himself, Roderik turned slightly pink, which only made him want to kick himself for reacting like that. "Someone." In all honesty, he'd partially forgotten that it was Valentine's Day but when Paul mentioned it, the man glanced at the empty package still in his hand. Huh. Was this meant to arrive today for a reason? "Glad we got that sorted. I'll come and watch you perform." Was that a hint of a smile?
"So, what do you call this new ensemble of yours?" In short: what was with the outfit, Myers?
Text Cut: All of you <3
Originally Posted by Ameh
The small Slytherin had hopped over pots, pans, rubber scrapers, and a small pile of flour to get out of the kitchen. But he had managed to do so without getting covered in kitchen mess, and had immediately made a beeline for Hirsch's office with his Ravenclaw friend in tow. He was still a bit bummed out over not having a niffler, but... soon he'd have other things to focus on. It'd be alright. Jaemin was quiet as they approached the professor's office door, thoughts straying down to the greenhouse as he wondered how his tiny plants were growing.
He was watching his feet as he walked, and for a long moment he wondered why there were a few sparkly little remnants of what looked like glitter on the floor around the legs of the seating and the tables. Maybe someone had decided to use Professor Hirsch's table to do arts & crafts while they'd waited for him? Either way, it was unimportant. He looked at Haddie and smiled just a little before going to knock on the door.
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie stared at the glitter for a bit, eyeing it suspiciously. If it wasn't food, it was glitter. Honestly, food was better. It washed out fine. Her hair was a glitter sponge, and it took weeks to get it all out of her hair. Although... it might actually look cool with her newly dyed rainbow ends of her hair. Or maybe... She glanced up and noticed Jaemin looking at her and smiled back at him, though it was only in part returning his smile and partially because she had an idea...
As Jaemin turned toward Hirsch's door to knock, Haddie pulled out her wand, aimed it at the bits of leftover glitter and whispered firmly, "Wingardium Leviosa!" The glitter sparkled and danced into the air, following the path Haddie made with her wand. It wasn't much at all really... enough to be worth a giggle or two, but that was it. Up and up, the glitter flowed gently as if on a light breeze over to the door. As soon as it was over the birthday boy's head, she let the levitation spell drop. The tiny amount of glitter sprinkled down on Jaemin's head like sparkly snow.
Originally Posted by Ameh
Having knocked on the door, Jaemin stood at it for a moment, listening for any movement inside. He'd been at the school long enough to know that sometimes the professors wandered, so... he might not be there. But Hirsch had to be there, because... well he just had to be. Jaemin had short legs, and that meant that hunting around the castle would take a very long time.
He turned to look at Haddie, not noticing the glitter that was settling into his hair, and frowned slightly at the sight of her wand in her hand. "What are you doing...?"
She wasn't gonna try to hex him while his back was turned, was she? Cause that was mean. He eyed her wand suspiciously, feeling absently at his sleeve for his own as he looked around them both, just in case he was missing something. Cause... why would she have her wand out...?
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie's wand disappeared behind her back in a flash. "Nothing," she assured Jaemin. The innocent act she was pulling was severely compromised by the fact that she was practically chewing her bottom lip off trying not to laugh. The way his hair shimmered and sparkled in the light was just too rich and a snicker escaped her before she could reign it back in. A moment later she dropped the pretense. The jig was up anyway.
"I am so so sorry," she said, still struggling to keep from giggling. "Really. It was just there and so tempting." Haddie gave the birthday boy a sheepish look of guilt that didn't look guilty at all. "I couldn't resist. It was..." She paused as if selecting her words carefully, and then gave a little gesture like she was waving those words off. The Eaglet shrugged. "You have glitter on you," she confessed. After a moment, Haddie threw her hands in the air. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Was she enjoying herself? You bet she was.
Originally Posted by .Peeves.
Peeves was on the move, looking looking looooooking for something very particular in his school. Best place to start was with the professors, and he was enjoying making the rounds. Some more enjoyable than others.
Like here, where instead of a professor, he found some naughty naughty firsties. He made a raspberry as he slid through the ceiling. Professor was... not here. Good. "Amateur. I'm surrounded by amateurs."
Originally Posted by Ameh
Oh Haddie noooooo. The fact that he hadn't felt anything touch him, coupled with Haddie's giggling and lack of pointing out where the glitter was, had the small Slytherin's face going pink. Had she magicked glitter onto his back or something? Jaemin pulled at his shirt and turned his head to try and see over his shoulder.
"Where did you..." he couldn't see any obvious glitter patches on himself, but that didn't mean they weren't there. His tongue was poised to say something else when a few things started happening, all at once, distracting him from actual words for a long moment. The movement of his head from trying to look at himself sent a small burst of glitter out of his hair and into the air around him; at the same time, a figure dropped through the ceiling above them rather noticeably. Neither of these things made him particularly happy.
At least glitter didn't have an immediate need to be taken care of. It could make him unhappy and a little itchy, but it wasn't inherently harmful. Peeves, however... Peeves. Jaemin wrinkled his nose and gave Haddie a look before directing his gaze up at the poltergeist.
"What are you doing here?" he asked rather plainly, clearly unimpressed with Peeves' appearance.
Originally Posted by .Peeves.
"Whaaaat am I doing here? What?" Peeves swooped low and giggled wildly at the very glittery look the boy was sporting. This tiny Ravenclaw girl was trouble, and Peeves liked her.
He'd like to cover her in ink balloons, but he still liked her.
"I live here, my boy. I dwell here. I abide in the castle called Hogwarts. What are yoooooou doing here?"
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie gave Jaemin her own look once it became clear he wasn't happy with her. It was fun. She was just having some fun. And there wasn't any permanent damage done. There wasn't even that much in his hair. "Oh, come on. It'll wash out. Trust me, I know." Come on Jaemin. Lighten up, enjoy yourself buddy.
Speaking of fun. "Hey, Peeves!" Okay, sure, the poltergeist could be annoying, and only ever seemed to show up when she was busy with something else, but mostly Peeves was fun in Haddie's opinion. Now if he showed up other times, when she wasn't hoping to meet with a professor perhaps, they could have some really fun together, but somehow, Haddie doubted that was Peeves' style. "What's the most fun you've ever had in this castle?" She was genuinely curious and figured it would be a fun story.
Glitter!Hirsch had gone away to deal with any last bits of glitter he had on him. See, while he had been in his office, he was stewing away and the only thing that could ease his restless mind was checking for himself. So, he was gone by the time he had visitors.
And it was an odd mix of visitors too.
That's what went through the man's brain as he came back as de-glitterfied as possible. Silently thanking Paul for getting things sorted, the man approached the company, trying to catch whatever it was that was going on. His eyes, however, went towards Jaemin's hair and, if they were particularly observant, they would notice how his eyes were widening.
Why did the kid have glitter in his hair? Was the glitter still here?!
................. Right. More pressing matters.
"They abide here too, Peeves." At least for eight-nine months a year but those were only minor details, really. And he wanted to know what the poltergeist was doing here as well. Had he left Hirsch a present in the form of a ruined office? Hm?
If they were getting really technical... Peeves didn't live anywhere. Peeves wasn't really alive, and if he wasn't alive, he didn't live, you know? But the newly twelve year old boy didn't know how Peeves would react to being told that, so he swallowed back on the words and directed a sour look at the poltergeist. He was still convinced that it had been Peeves that had ripped his curtains open that one night, and he was going to hold a grudge about that for a very long time. If there was one thing Jaemin hated almost as much as foodfights, it was people - or non-people- waking him up before he wanted to be awake.
The small boy reached a hand up to brush some of the glitter from his hair, eyes flicking to the professor as he appeared. So he hadn't been in the office... made sense, since he hadn't heard anything from inside. Jaemin gave the man a very, very small smile and shifted a bit further away from where the poltergeist was hanging.
"Hi professor... I think someone was doing arts and crafts on your table..." he looked at his palm, and frowned at the glitter clinging to it. Someone else had done arts & crafts on the table, but Haddie had done arts & crafts on Jaemin... he looked at her and held his glittery hand out toward her. "Is there still a lot?"
Glitter!Hirsch had gone away to deal with any last bits of glitter he had on him. See, while he had been in his office, he was stewing away and the only thing that could ease his restless mind was checking for himself. So, he was gone by the time he had visitors.
And it was an odd mix of visitors too.
That's what went through the man's brain as he came back as de-glitterfied as possible. Silently thanking Paul for getting things sorted, the man approached the company, trying to catch whatever it was that was going on. His eyes, however, went towards Jaemin's hair and, if they were particularly observant, they would notice how his eyes were widening.
Why did the kid have glitter in his hair? Was the glitter still here?!
................. Right. More pressing matters.
"They abide here too, Peeves." At least for eight-nine months a year but those were only minor details, really. And he wanted to know what the poltergeist was doing here as well. Had he left Hirsch a present in the form of a ruined office? Hm?
Originally Posted by Ameh
If they were getting really technical... Peeves didn't live anywhere. Peeves wasn't really alive, and if he wasn't alive, he didn't live, you know? But the newly twelve year old boy didn't know how Peeves would react to being told that, so he swallowed back on the words and directed a sour look at the poltergeist. He was still convinced that it had been Peeves that had ripped his curtains open that one night, and he was going to hold a grudge about that for a very long time. If there was one thing Jaemin hated almost as much as foodfights, it was people - or non-people- waking him up before he wanted to be awake.
The small boy reached a hand up to brush some of the glitter from his hair, eyes flicking to the professor as he appeared. So he hadn't been in the office... made sense, since he hadn't heard anything from inside. Jaemin gave the man a very, very small smile and shifted a bit further away from where the poltergeist was hanging.
"Hi professor... I think someone was doing arts and crafts on your table..." he looked at his palm, and frowned at the glitter clinging to it. Someone else had done arts & crafts on the table, but Haddie had done arts & crafts on Jaemin... he looked at her and held his glittery hand out toward her. "Is there still a lot?"
Haddie shook her head, her ponytail with the multicolored ends flowing like waves as she did. "You got like 70% of it." After all there hadn't been that much on the able to begin with and she hadn't gotten all of what was on there. "But if you want," she said with a sly grin. Her wand was aimed at the glitter on the table again. "I can give you more." Yep, Haddie was enjoying herself way too much.
The offer wasn't serious, though and Haddie let her wand drop. She turned to Hirsch, an eyebrow raised questioningly. Where had he been? she wondered. There was no particularly reason for it, she was just curious. And the more she wondered, the more curious she'd was. Not that she was gonna ask or anything. But she wanted to. She had to know. But no. It wasn't worth it. "Hey, Professor. We were wondering if you might show us how to cast a patronus?" Haddie gave Hirsch a pleading look, her eyes flicking up to Peeves every few seconds. Peeves was mischievous. And being mischievous herself, Haddie knew better than to not keep an eye on a troublemaker. Just ask Jaemin. "It's Jaemin's birthday," she added, to help coax the professor into saying yes.
This was too embarrassing. Just, the glitter, the pots and the darned singing. He silently hoped that it wasn't about to become a nickname of his. Merlin only knows how embarrassed he would be if Paul shouted this out for everyone to hear over dinner.
As for the current embarrassment, it was made better, thanks to the man. "Much better! Thanks, Paul," he said, dusting himself off as if he was dusting off any last remnants of the glitter, even if there wasn't. There. All do-
Oh Merlin.
Oh Merlin oh Merlin oh Merlin!
Despite himself, Roderik turned slightly pink, which only made him want to kick himself for reacting like that. "Someone." In all honesty, he'd partially forgotten that it was Valentine's Day but when Paul mentioned it, the man glanced at the empty package still in his hand. Huh. Was this meant to arrive today for a reason? "Glad we got that sorted. I'll come and watch you perform." Was that a hint of a smile?
"So, what do you call this new ensemble of yours?" In short: what was with the outfit, Myers?
HAHA! Roderik Hirsch was RED because HE TOTALLY HAD A PERSON. He had a person! Paul smirked. "Oh? OH? Someone?" Paul now wanted those JUICY details, Hirsch. Come on, mate. "Who is this someone? Like a.....lover SOMEONE?" HMMM? But the other man seemed keen to change the subject well...NOT SO FAST, LOVER-GLITTER-MAN.
"Sure! That'd be wonderful. I'm not all sure it's your scene, but then again...fold music usually isn't anyone's scene." He chuckled. Milton didn't really like it, but he went to Paul's gigs for support. What a nice partner person he was!
Paul cackled at Roderik's question and bowed, causing the colander to clatter to the floor. "WHOOPS--" he stooped to pick it up, but dropped the pot he was holding. "OH DEAR--" and as he tried to pick up the pot, the spoon fell with a loud CLACK onto the metal pot.
"PAHAHA! Having a bit of a clumsy moment I suppose. Heh." Oops. "And...well you know. I got bored!" That was all the explanation that was needed!
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin