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The Eagles sit under a beautiful navy and bronze banner representing their house. Their solid, shiny wooden table is nicely polished with all the place settings perfectly set. The food will arrive after the Headmistress' traditional feast speech. To all Ravenclaws, both new and old: enjoy the feast!
Kitty "Darkness" Valentine made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. This was only her second year at Hogwarts, having studied in Romania first before moving to Scotland. She didn't know anyone very well, so she sat down alone in between two empty chairs. Then she took out her small hand mirror to admire the work she had done to herself on the train - black eyeliner, dark lips, and pale, pale skin. It all went very well with her natural raven black hair. Satisfied, Kitty snapped the mirror shut and began combing her long raven hair. Her eyes wandered over to the Sorting Hat ceremony, where two girls had just been sorted into Gryffindor. She wondered how many new ravens there would be.
District 9 Tribute World's Biggest Harry Potter Fan
Abby made her way over to the ravenclaw table and took a seat because she was glad to be back at hogwarts but was wondered if she would ever see her boyfriend again
Kitty "Darkness" Valentine made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. This was only her second year at Hogwarts, having studied in Romania first before moving to Scotland. She didn't know anyone very well, so she sat down alone in between two empty chairs. Then she took out her small hand mirror to admire the work she had done to herself on the train - black eyeliner, dark lips, and pale, pale skin. It all went very well with her natural raven black hair. Satisfied, Kitty snapped the mirror shut and began combing her long raven hair. Her eyes wandered over to the Sorting Hat ceremony, where two girls had just been sorted into Gryffindor. She wondered how many new ravens there would be.
Lilly, a new Slytherin, stumbled over to a table thinking it was the Snake's table. She spoke to a girl sitting alone between two dark oaken chairs, admiring her complexion in a small hand mirror.
"Hey! I'm Lilly! Slytherin too, huh? It has such a negative connotation but that's pretty invigorating."
Lilly, a new Slytherin, stumbled over to a table thinking it was the Snake's table. She spoke to a girl sitting alone between two dark oaken chairs, admiring her complexion in a small hand mirror.
"Hey! I'm Lilly! Slytherin too, huh? It has such a negative connotation but that's pretty invigorating."
Huh? For a terrifying split second Kitty wondered if she had accidentally sat down at the wrong table, but then she realized that she had not. The Slytherin student was new so she must have made a mistake. "Um...no I'm a Ravenclaw. But you can sit here if you want, I love Slytherins too. My name is Kitty, by the way." She held out her hand.
Kitty "Darkness" Valentine made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. This was only her second year at Hogwarts, having studied in Romania first before moving to Scotland. She didn't know anyone very well, so she sat down alone in between two empty chairs. Then she took out her small hand mirror to admire the work she had done to herself on the train - black eyeliner, dark lips, and pale, pale skin. It all went very well with her natural raven black hair. Satisfied, Kitty snapped the mirror shut and began combing her long raven hair. Her eyes wandered over to the Sorting Hat ceremony, where two girls had just been sorted into Gryffindor. She wondered how many new ravens there would be.
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Huh? For a terrifying split second Kitty wondered if she had accidentally sat down at the wrong table, but then she realized that she had not. The Slytherin student was new so she must have made a mistake. "Um...no I'm a Ravenclaw. But you can sit here if you want, I love Slytherins too. My name is Kitty, by the way." She held out her hand.
"Oh shoot, I completely blanked, the big raven should have been a dead giveaway haha! I am Lilly!"
She grabbed Kitty's hand and shook it. The bustling feast bombarded her brain with so many thoughts, she completely spaced on the fact that Slytherin's colors were GREEN not BLUE. She was completely astonished and ashamed at herself, and clumsily muttered her words out.
"As you can probably tell, I'm only a first year. What year are you in?"
"Oh shoot, I completely blanked, the big raven should have been a dead giveaway haha! I am Lilly!"
She grabbed Kitty's hand and shook it. The bustling feast bombarded her brain with so many thoughts, she completely spaced on the fact that Slytherin's colors were GREEN not BLUE. She was completely astonished and ashamed at herself, and clumsily muttered her words out.
"As you can probably tell, I'm only a first year. What year are you in?"
"Nice to meet you Lilly" said Kitty as she shook her hand, smiling a little. "Technically this is my third year, but my first year I spent in Romania - so it's my second year at Hogwarts. My mum is a journalist."
She looked Lilly up and down. "Do you like make up at all?" Kitty asked casually. "What are you into?"
Last edited by Goblinfrog; 01-02-2016 at 03:05 AM.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Food? Food. He wanted it. Kyroh was quiet literally bouncing in his seat from the moment he sat down. And it wasn't just because he was excited to see his friends. It was mostly because he was starving and moving around made his stomach forget how hungry he was. "Hurry up sorting, hurry up." He whispered to himself quietly, fists lightly banging the old table.
Glanced around he gave a large grin to whoever was already here. A few younger students and oh- "Hey Abby!"
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
Janelle made it to the Great Hall, at last. "Fourth year here I come", she thought. She was sorry that summer was over, but excited for the new term. Hopefully, it would be as uneventful as the previous one.
As she neared the Ravenclaw table, Janelle scanned it briefly. She saw some familiar faces and a new one or two. It would be strange to have a feast without Sophie Brown. Janelle wondered who the new prefects would be. She had a guess, but she would have to wait and see.
Reaching the table, Janelle found a good spot and sat down. She would take a few minutes to gather herself and then talk to some of her housemates. Fortunately she had learned from her previous mistakes and brought snacks for the train. She should be able to make it make it until the food was served without passing out.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
If Austin were a young first year girl, he would be skipping into the hall right now. But he wasn't. He was a 15 year old boy who was just hungry. The boy wanted nothing more than to dig into some wings (a muggle delicacy he recently learned of). But instead, he pulled up a seat at his favorite table. Of course it was the only table he was allowed to sit at at times like these, but it was still his favorite. Giving a nod to those around him, he watched as the Sorting Ceremony took place.
Haddie grumbled loudly and she plopped down next to the only soul at the table she knew: her cousin. "Stupid hat. I'm going to turn it into a monkey's diaper."
She sighed, closed her eyes and took a calming breath. When that didn't work, she took another one. And another. And an...ah forget it.
Haddie sighed again and opened her eyes, looking around at her new house mates? Was that the word for it? "I hope this house doesn't have a GPA it tries to maintain, because if so, it's probably gonna tank now." She shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry. Blame the hat. I'm Haddie by the way."
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
"Haddie!'' Rachel called excitedly to her best friend as she approached the Ravenclaw table in a brisk walk, a bounce in her step. Reaching the table, she hugged the other girl. "We get to share a dorm! With Ailsa too.'' She smiled at their mutual friend but then frowned when her attention was returned to Haddie.
"What's wrong?'' She had missed the earlier complaints of her friend, having joined the table late because of her lengthy wait to be Sorted. Rachel gracefully took a seat as she waited for Haddie to reply. In the meanwhile, she smiled a bit shyly at the Ravenclaw table's other occupants.
"Huh?" Haddie blinked as she was pulled out of her thoughts by both her best friend's hug and her question. It had been a long period between Denaker and Watson, and the original anger with the stupid sorting hat had faded. That didn't mean Haddie had forgiven the stupid, incompetent and rude hat. Not by a long shot.
She shook her head. "Nothing's wrong." When that didn't seem to satisfy her best friend, she sighed. "I was just mentally drafting a declaration of war on that stupid hat. That's all."
And now Haddie's here to be angry with me again... Much as she tried, Ailsa wasn't able to feel sorry for herself. Instead, she just kept going back to how it must feel to think someone knew and hadn't said.
"I'm sorry Haddie. I really am. But think of how incredible it is now! There's so much to learn, so much you can do! Why be upset over the past when the future's so fantastic?" There's a pause, then, "and you probably can't turn the hat into a diaper. I'm sure it's protected."
Well, she'd given it her best shot, even if she had foolishly gone into a technicality at the end. It'd be up to her cousin to pull out of the funk from here. Obligations covered she turned to Rachel.
"Hi Rachel, sorry for weirding out on the train. You and Gary must think I'm a complete nutter now."
Haddie looked at her cousin, confused. "What are you blathering about? Oh, right that. I'm over that." She turned then and gave the Sorting Hat the stink eye.
Ailsa's follow up hit closer to home. She was probably right. It probably was protected. Haddie shrugged. "I'll find a way somehow." Eh, there was nothing she could do about it yet, so it was pointless to keep stewing on it. The problem would work itself out in the back of her mind eventually. She shrugged again.
"Only because you are nuts." Haddie grinned at Ailsa. She left herself open, and Haddie took it. Smart house or not, it was great to be in the same house as her friends. And well, she wasn't going start being any better a student just because they put her here, so it was mostly the house that would suffer any downside to this. "This year will be fun."
Ailsa grinned. If Haddie's attention span was that short, the hat was safe. Even Haddie's little jab wasn't bad. And the fact that with Haddie you just had to steer into the skid was coming back to Ailsa.
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Penelope straightened her prefect badge on her robes before sitting down at the Ravenclaw table. She would wait for the sorting before introducing herself to her housemates. Pulling a notebook out of her pocket, she prepared to write a list of the new students who were sorted into Ravenclaw.
Look at all the new first years who had been sorted into Ravenclaw! There were so many little firstie claw girls! She wanted to meet them all! Penelope stood up and moved to where the whole table should be able to see her. "Hi, I'm Penelope, and I'm one of the Ravenclaw prefects this term. You will all be receiving tickets for the very first Ravenclaw raffle!" Now that she had introduced herself she should probably go meet and be welcoming to the new eagles.
After looking over the list of new Ravenclaws, Penelope walked over to one of the first year girls who was sitting at the Ravenclaw table (Lilly). She had been making note of first years who had been sorted into Ravenclaw, and she didn't remember this girl as being sorted into Ravenclaw. "Hi, I'm Penelope. What's your name? Are you a Ravenclaw? If you're not, I can show you to the table for your house. It's okay if you want to stay here, but I'm sure everyone at your house table would love to meet you." Was she lost, or was she like Charlotte Kettleburn, who had pretended to be a Ravenclaw despite the hat's final decision of Gryffindor? Whatever the case Penelope would help her find the correct table.
Resident Ghost of Ravenclaw | Intelligent & Evasive
SPOILER!!: Eagles
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
Kitty "Darkness" Valentine made her way over to the Ravenclaw table. This was only her second year at Hogwarts, having studied in Romania first before moving to Scotland. She didn't know anyone very well, so she sat down alone in between two empty chairs. Then she took out her small hand mirror to admire the work she had done to herself on the train - black eyeliner, dark lips, and pale, pale skin. It all went very well with her natural raven black hair. Satisfied, Kitty snapped the mirror shut and began combing her long raven hair. Her eyes wandered over to the Sorting Hat ceremony, where two girls had just been sorted into Gryffindor. She wondered how many new ravens there would be.
Originally Posted by Saz Hale
Abby made her way over to the ravenclaw table and took a seat because she was glad to be back at hogwarts but was wondered if she would ever see her boyfriend again
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Food? Food. He wanted it. Kyroh was quiet literally bouncing in his seat from the moment he sat down. And it wasn't just because he was excited to see his friends. It was mostly because he was starving and moving around made his stomach forget how hungry he was. "Hurry up sorting, hurry up." He whispered to himself quietly, fists lightly banging the old table.
Glanced around he gave a large grin to whoever was already here. A few younger students and oh- "Hey Abby!"
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Janelle made it to the Great Hall, at last. "Fourth year here I come", she thought. She was sorry that summer was over, but excited for the new term. Hopefully, it would be as uneventful as the previous one.
As she neared the Ravenclaw table, Janelle scanned it briefly. She saw some familiar faces and a new one or two. It would be strange to have a feast without Sophie Brown. Janelle wondered who the new prefects would be. She had a guess, but she would have to wait and see.
Reaching the table, Janelle found a good spot and sat down. She would take a few minutes to gather herself and then talk to some of her housemates. Fortunately she had learned from her previous mistakes and brought snacks for the train. She should be able to make it make it until the food was served without passing out.
Originally Posted by keepmeclose22
If Austin were a young first year girl, he would be skipping into the hall right now. But he wasn't. He was a 15 year old boy who was just hungry. The boy wanted nothing more than to dig into some wings (a muggle delicacy he recently learned of). But instead, he pulled up a seat at his favorite table. Of course it was the only table he was allowed to sit at at times like these, but it was still his favorite. Giving a nod to those around him, he watched as the Sorting Ceremony took place.
Originally Posted by Mirali
With a shy hello to those welcoming her to the table, Ailsa placed her book carefully down beside herself on the bench as she scanned the new faces.
"Um, hi, I guess..." she finally began, venturing a timid smile and playing absentmindedly with the hem on her robe.
Originally Posted by Callie
Haddie grumbled loudly and she plopped down next to the only soul at the table she knew: her cousin. "Stupid hat. I'm going to turn it into a monkey's diaper."
She sighed, closed her eyes and took a calming breath. When that didn't work, she took another one. And another. And an...ah forget it.
Haddie sighed again and opened her eyes, looking around at her new house mates? Was that the word for it? "I hope this house doesn't have a GPA it tries to maintain, because if so, it's probably gonna tank now." She shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry. Blame the hat. I'm Haddie by the way."
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
"Haddie!'' Rachel called excitedly to her best friend as she approached the Ravenclaw table in a brisk walk, a bounce in her step. Reaching the table, she hugged the other girl. "We get to share a dorm! With Ailsa too.'' She smiled at their mutual friend but then frowned when her attention was returned to Haddie.
"What's wrong?'' She had missed the earlier complaints of her friend, having joined the table late because of her lengthy wait to be Sorted. Rachel gracefully took a seat as she waited for Haddie to reply. In the meanwhile, she smiled a bit shyly at the Ravenclaw table's other occupants.
"Hello,'' she said. "My name is Rachel.''
Soundlessly Helena floated into the Great Hall and over to her precious eagles. It had taken a few extra moments to perfect her make-up and see too that her dress looked impeccable as well as her long brown curls. You had to look your best when welcoming new first years and returning years.
Seeing that her assigned place was vacant still Helena floated over there without haste accidentally giving one of the returning sixth year's (Kaos.Doodles) a free cold shower on the way "My apologies Kyroh and most welcome back!" Helena called to him with an elegant hand wave as she passed a trio of girls (FearlessLeader19, Callie, Mirali) in deep and loud conversation about the Sorting Hat and couldn't not interject with her opinion. "The sorting hat just does its job. No need to be angry at it. Just be happy that you've been sorted into the finest of all Hogwarts houses." If they kept persisting on waging a futile war with the hat then Helena would alert one of the prefects when they arrived.
Hovering in her seat she sent polite but cheery smiles all around. "Welcome back Abby, Austin Kitty and Janelle to Ravenclaw for another year to fill your heads with knowledge and experience and to all first years welcome to the house founded by my mother Rowena."
Originally Posted by Flitsandtheseizures
Lilly, a new Slytherin, stumbled over to a table thinking it was the Snake's table. She spoke to a girl sitting alone between two dark oaken chairs, admiring her complexion in a small hand mirror.
"Hey! I'm Lilly! Slytherin too, huh? It has such a negative connotation but that's pretty invigorating."
Spotting a girl in the green robes of the Baron's house Helena sent her a curious smile across the table. "Welcome over to eagles, Miss?"
Originally Posted by griffin
Penelope straightened her prefect badge on her robes before sitting down at the Ravenclaw table. She would wait for the sorting before introducing herself to her housemates. Pulling a notebook out of her pocket, she prepared to write a list of the new students who were sorted into Ravenclaw.
As Penelope came in and sat down Helena beamed proudly towards her. "Welcome back Penelope and congratulations to becoming a prefect! I have no doubt you'll do excellent!" The badge fastened to the girls robes just looked like it belonged there.
Last edited by Grey Lady; 01-02-2016 at 07:36 AM.
Reason: add's Penelope
"You'll always be creepy," Haddie answered as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, and then smiled lovingly at her cousin.
She would have said a bit more, had it not been for the floating grey spectre of a woman chiding her for her decision to take out the Sorting Hat... Haddie's eyes went wide, not in fear but in total shock. "Um, uh, okay. Sorry..."
As soon as the ghostly woman float on down the way, Haddie turned to her friends excited. "Ghosts are real!? I knew it!"
Look at all the new first years who had been sorted into Ravenclaw! There were so many little firstie claw girls! She wanted to meet them all! Penelope stood up and moved to where the whole table should be able to see her. "Hi, I'm Penelope, and I'm one of the Ravenclaw prefects this term. You will all be receiving tickets for the very first Ravenclaw raffle!" Now that she had introduced herself she should probably go meet and be welcoming to the new eagles.
Hadley's hand shot up almost immediately, but Penelope was distracted by another girl. Wasn't she sorted into Slytherin or something? "Um, what's a prefect and do we win anything in the raffle?"
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by Grey Lady
As Penelope came in and sat down Helena beamed proudly towards her. "Welcome back Penelope and congratulations to becoming a prefect! I have no doubt you'll do excellent!" The badge fastened to the girls robes just looked like it belonged there.
”Good evening, Lady Helena.” Penelope greeted the house ghost. No doubt that she would do excellent? ”Thank you.” The house ghost believed that she would be an excellent prefect! She was feeling warm and fuzzy inside. Penelope was so excited and proud of herself that the Grey Lady thought she would be an excellent prefect.
Originally Posted by Callie
Hadley's hand shot up almost immediately, but Penelope was distracted by another girl. Wasn't she sorted into Slytherin or something? "Um, what's a prefect and do we win anything in the raffle?"
Penelope looked to the girl who had raised her hand and walked over to her. This girls sorting had been very long, probably long enough to be considered a hat stall. Oooh, questions! Questions were definitely encouraged here at the Ravenclaw table. "Prefects are student leaders who are basically there to be good role models." Also to make sure that people weren't breaking the rules as well as some other leadership responsibilities. "Everyone will win something from the raffle." The raffle would be fun! "What's your name? How do you feel about being a Ravenclaw? Do you have any questions?" All good Ravenclaws had questions about something. Maybe Penelope was throwing too many questions at the girl. She could be an official answerer of questions.
Haddie looked Penelope up and down. "Huh." Being a prefect sounded boring to her, but whatever. The raffle though. She smiled. "Sounds like my kind of raffle. What do we win?"
Oh right, introduction thingies. "Hadley Denaker. And um..." She paused a moment, searching for the right response to how she felt about being in Ravenclaw. "Well, confused..." Should she elaborate. Penelope would definitely ask anyway. "I'm, uh... not really a good student." She shrugged.
Truth be told, she had hundreds of questions, but they were all unformed floating around in the back of her head. The excitement and awe of being at Hogwarts --of being in a magical castle-- was making it hard for those questions to take shape just yet. Haddie shrugged again. "Can I call you Penny?"
This post is for Jazz!! I'll say hi to the rest of the Ravvies later!
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Azura's purple eyes were glued to Jasper as she waited for him to get sorted! One hand was in her mouth as she chewed on her nails and the other was twirling her hair anxiously. She was barely paying attention to the rest of the din going on around her..
This was it!
She was even more nervous as she watched her brown haired friend go up to sit on the sorting stool!
Oh please.. Please please please!!!
She was mentally begging the hat to put her friend in Ravenclaw when suddenly!!
Azura leapt off the bench she had lightly perched on as Jasper made his way to the Ravenclaw table!!
"Jazzzzyyyyyy!" and with that the girl leapt into his arms for a hug!! They were in the same house!!!
Azura's purple eyes were glued to Jasper as she waited for him to get sorted! One hand was in her mouth as she chewed on her nails and the other was twirling her hair anxiously. She was barely paying attention to the rest of the din going on around her..
This was it!
She was even more nervous as she watched her brown haired friend go up to sit on the sorting stool!
Oh please.. Please please please!!!
She was mentally begging the hat to put her friend in Ravenclaw when suddenly!!
Azura leapt off the bench she had lightly perched on as Jasper made his way to the Ravenclaw table!!
"Jazzzzyyyyyy!" and with that the girl leapt into his arms for a hug!! They were in the same house!!!
Jasper couldn't help but beam as he saw Azura came towards him. They were in the same house!
Without thinking he immediately hugged her back, still too excited over the situation to really think about it. He did however think he was grateful she hadn't hurt herself until now. "I told you it would be fine," he whispered, before letting go of her.
He had been right!
Slowly he began moving them back towards the table, to sit down with everyone else. At that moment, something else had caught his eye.
"Is that a ghost?" he whispered to Azura, catching sight of a woman floating along the table.