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Art's lessons usually begin with students walking into the lab, retrieving their white lab coats from hooks along the side of the wall (which you all wrote your name on during the first lesson of the term), and setting up their work space for the lesson. You can chat amongst yourselves, but nothing too full on.
"'onestleh," Sam replied, "I've 'ad betteh. But I 'ad a lot worse too." She lent forward on her elbows so she could see what he was adding into the cauldron more closely as she waited for the potion to take effect. Had the professor said how long it'd take for symptoms to occur?
It was weird, just hanging out waiting to be fake!poisoned. Until...
"'ey, Oliver, 'as it gotten foggeh in 'ere?" It might well have done, with the water being added into the cauldrons. Or perhaps her vision was going a bit fuzzy and blurry. She squinted as she tried to work out which.
Madge looked over the instructions. Next was The two measures of standard ingredient. She took the bottle that sat on her desk and added them both in, again being careful not to round her spoon.
Madge snorted a bit through her nose then muttered "'Standard Ingredient', what even is that?" under her breath. The name seemed so... vague.
But pressing on she grabbed her measuring cup and filled it with water and carefully poured it into her cauldron, and then a second.
She looked back down to her instructions. 'Heat to a medium temperature for 5 seconds' eh? She grabbed her wand and started the fire under her cauldron, and began counting.
"One-one-thousand, two-one-thousand, three-one-thousand, four-one-thousand, five-one-thousand." She counted out the five second then set a timer for the five minute brew time. Now the clock was ticking down.
The feeling of thirst only grew stronger and stronger. She had to have water, she just had to. Kitty was so thirsty that if she was so dizzy she would have ran out of the classroom in search of water.
"Please, water!" Kitty moaned pitifully and tugged on Tia's sleeves. Vaguely she was aware that she wasn't thinking clearly, but the need for water overwhelmed her.
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
Text Cut: Hady
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
With Brooklyn sat at her table in silent confirmation that the two of them were partners through this Hady felt a bit better. She knew from past experience that the two of them worked well together and not much talking was needed at all to do. It was an unspoken communication they had and honestly she was so used to it she had grown fond of it. So as instructions were given out not much was to be said.
Since Brooklyn said that she would drink the potion first Hady agreed with a nod of her head. This was fine by her. Her potion making skills were fairly decent (nothing had blown up on her). Getting to her feet the snake made her way to the front of the room where she collected everything she would need to brew a successful antidote for her partner.
Returning to their workstation Hadleigh laid everything out neatly so she would be able to see where things were as she needed them. Using her wand she gave the ingredients a nice 'scourgify' before getting started. Things needed to be clean, right? Grabbing her quill and parchment she first wrote down all the notes from the board. So far so good. A quick look to the girl beside her to see how she was doing before beginning.
Taking the Bezoar she put it into the mortar as she pulled it closer towards her so she wouldn't have to reach across the table. Then with the pestle in hand she began crushing the bezoar into a very fine powder. This took a few moments as she had to make sure it wasn't clumpy at all, which she did by moving the mortar around so it adjusted the powder inside. Using her weight helped with this and soon enough she had a nicely crushed bezoar powder. One step down.
Returning to her seat after acquiring her little cup of elixir, Brooklyn was determined to make sure she had her escape before she actually drank it. She wasn’t about to risk herself before she knew Hady had the ingredients for the antidote, at least. Preferably not until it was started, but as the professor had instructed them to start, she glanced at the cup in her hand. She couldn’t stall forever, even if she was still experiencing flashbacks from the fear potion. She’d hoped she would never have to go back there, go back to feeling helpless, but it seemed Hogwarts had a different idea. She wasn’t about to back down, though. Taking it was just another example of showing she wasn’t weak.
As Hady had returned with the ingredients, she brought the cup to her lips and drank. She’d scrunched her nose in distaste as it slid down her throat. Rather expectedly, it had tasted horrible. She would have thought the professor could have managed to make it taste good, or at least be tasteless. Like Veritaserum was supposed to be, but apparently not. No matter how diluted it was, the poison couldn’t be masked entirely.
For a second, though, all she could sense was the aftertaste. But then, a slowly creeping up feeling came over her and she pulled her legs up onto the chair, wrapping her arms around them and resting her head on her knees. At least then maybe she could hold herself together. At least then maybe she could manage to hide how not well she was. Plus, it helped the spinning.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
He wasn't quite okay anymore. He was only a little okay. Jaemin blinked as he watched the taller boy working next to him; was he moving in super slow motion, or was it just Jay's eyes not keeping up with stuff? Everything that moved was becoming slightly blurry, as if it was leaving a trail behind it. The small boy turned his head, drawing a quiet breath in through his mouth.
"I don't think I like this very much," he murmured, words slurring a little as he spoke them. He barely noticed it himself though, as he was busy staring at the tabletop, and the little cup. How strange... it wasn't a good feeling at all, but it was far from what he imagined being poisoned would feel like. He'd expected it to hurt a lot more.
...hopefully that wasn't going to be something else that came on as a symptom shortly. He rather didn't like pain. The boy moved his hand slowly across the table, watching it as it inched forward and leaning onto the surface himself. Come baaaaaaack, hand.
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog
Scarlett was nervous to try this potion but she was glad that Austin was actually doing the brewing - sure, she'd feel kind of weird and sick for a while but it was better than failing this class because she forgot a step in her potion or didn't crush something to the PERFECT powdery consistency. Or something.
As all the other students filed up to get their small dose of the potion, she followed in suit, getting her small teaspoon and returning back to Austin's desk so she could sit nearby and...try not to get sick in his potion? Poor kid, she was sure she was about to be a TERRIBLE distraction and nuisance to him! She hoped that didn't affect his concentration...she really didn't want to DIE or anything...
She took a deep breath and GULP. Down went the potion. It took about a minute, but then...the room started spinning. "WHOA," she said, grabbing the edge of his desk to try and steady herself as she sat down on a stool. If she didn't sit, she really WOULD get sick...
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did
Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers
Originally Posted by Goblinfrog
"I'm not worried," Kitty responded truthfully. She couldn't say the same for herself, and that was why she would rather drink than brew. Hopefully the worst of it would be feeling dizzy.
"Okay here I go!" She raised her cup and drank it all in one sip. "GAA!!!" Her face wrinkled in disgust at the flavor. At first nothing happened. Seconds ticked by and still nothing.
Then out of the blue she realized how thirsty she was. When was the last time she had drank water anyway? It had been before coming to the lesson, but it felt like ages. Kitty clutched at her throat and groaned. "Hey Tia, can you please do that spell that summons water? I can't."
"GAA!"Her throat was beginning to hurt due to lack of water.
Tia had never drank poison, even if it was controlled, so she didn't particularly know what Kitty was about to endure. But everyone seemed to trust Art in that this was safe, though she was still leery about that. If the antidote didn't work, she was skipping the Headmistress though and going straight to the Minister of Magic with this information.
Just as she was about to get set up with crushing her bezoar, Tia turned to look at her partner and swallowed. Oh no, dehydration. "Aguamenti," she cast quickly at an extra bowl. Cause she had no glasses at moment, so a bowl will have to do. She then also cast a refilling charm on the bowl so it would refill itself as Kitty drank from it.
Now time to get going on this supposed antidote. Scourgifying her mortar and pestle first, the seventh year placed one bezoar in the bottom of her mortar and began the careful process of crushing it for several moments until it was a very fine powder. She was skeptical because she thought a WHOLE bezoar had the benefits and that crushing it would take away all benefits. But maybe she'd be proven wrong. For Art's sake.
___________________You should take your littlefinger and just point it in the mirror. ________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem✯
Shoe!Girl │ Rebel Ravie │ Confundus Queen │ RP Addict
For a second, Brooklyn thought the spinning had stopped. At least, she wasn’t feeling it anymore, so she dared lift her head from her knees just enough to peek at Hady’s progress. Hopefully it wouldn’t take too long for her to brew the antidote. It wasn’t as if the process was that difficult. She didn’t dare try to turn her head to look at the blackboard to check the instructions again. Every movement seemed like it risked the spinning to return. She’d rather not deal with that, so instead, she was just going to trust that she remembered it right. She was going to trust she remembered something right, anyway. It was kind of hard to think at the moment.
Plus, as she’d continued trying to watch Hady, things started looking hazy. It was as if a fog had rolled across her vision, and she hoped that didn’t mean something was going wrong. She really didn’t want this to be the first time she was close to a cauldron explosion, and smoke generally meant that. Unless it wasn’t actually smoke, but she really didn’t want to think that she was going blind. No, it was something else. It had to be something else, but until she figured that out, she was just going to go back to hiding her face in her drawn-up knees.
♥♥♥♥ It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me, at tea time, everybody agrees
...It must be exhausting, always rooting for the anti-hero ♥♥♥
Had it been five minutes? It had right? If Elliot had been keeping time properly, which he was certain he had, it had been five minutes. He checked over the notes again and reached for his other ingredients.
Carefully handling the unicorn horns, Elliot put a single pinch into the cauldron and then stirred it once, twice, two times clockwise. He looked over at Jay and furrowed his brows. The smaller Slytherin looked worse for wear. He had to get this potion right. Wouldn't want the little guy keeling over no matter how much not-poison the professor said this stuff was.
Scarlett was nervous to try this potion but she was glad that Austin was actually doing the brewing - sure, she'd feel kind of weird and sick for a while but it was better than failing this class because she forgot a step in her potion or didn't crush something to the PERFECT powdery consistency. Or something.
As all the other students filed up to get their small dose of the potion, she followed in suit, getting her small teaspoon and returning back to Austin's desk so she could sit nearby and...try not to get sick in his potion? Poor kid, she was sure she was about to be a TERRIBLE distraction and nuisance to him! She hoped that didn't affect his concentration...she really didn't want to DIE or anything...
She took a deep breath and GULP. Down went the potion. It took about a minute, but then...the room started spinning. "WHOA," she said, grabbing the edge of his desk to try and steady herself as she sat down on a stool. If she didn't sit, she really WOULD get sick...
Austin rolled up his sleeves, and began crushing the Bezoar in he Morter. "Fine powder," he mumbled. "No chunks." He really didn't want to screw up the antidote. He wasn't usually nervous when he made potions, but that was mainly due to the fact that no one's life was on the line. Even if Scarlett wasn't going to die, she was still going to feel awful.
And as she arrived and took the potion, his thoughts were confirmed. She seemed fine at first, but as the minutes wore on, she looked a little off. "Are you alright?" He said, putting the pestle and morter on the table. He put an arm around her to steady her on the stool, hoping she wouldn't fall off. There wasn't much support on the stool. "If you need more support, you can sit against me on the floor. I promise I won't move." He gulped down his fears, hoping this was just a diluted poison.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Cassirin
It was so HARD to be in Potions without her Sophie, and since Dot had lost her primary Potions partner (or not lost... Kyroh wasn't lost. He just wasn't hers anymore), she was hoping desperately for a friendly face.
And that face right there would do nicely.
"Let's burn this place down," she slid over to stand next to Kaycee, giving the girl a tiny smile and a hip bump for her troubles. See? She was doing GREAT, kthx. She was not a liability partner at all.
Kaycee grins. "Well, here's to hoping we don't to that literally." she said returning the hip bump. She wasn't the best with potions, so, burning the place down might actually be a viable conclusion to the team up.
Hopefully they wouldn't be doing anything too terrible.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
Art cleared his throat and was about to speak when he realised he hadn’t washed his hands. One of the cardinal rules! He went to the basin, washed and dried his hands, and returned to his spot. “Well, uhh, t-today we are going to be working in pairs because one of you will be taking a sample of this potion,” he said, holding up a small vial of a very diluted elixir he had made just that morning, “And the other one will be brewing an antidote.” He smiled. Wasn’t this going to be fun?
Or they could be playing with some kind of poison. ... that was cool too."
Originally Posted by Cassirin
"I'll get the ingredients, and you can take the poison. Don't worry... I'll be saving your life." Dot saluted her partner before skipping up to collect ingredients.
"Sounds good to me." Kaycee said with a nod. She needed more time to grasp the fact that she could possibly make Dot not better. Of course, it wouldn't really be her fault if she couldn't cure what the professor gave them.
So whatever.
She went up and grabbed one of the samples and took it back to seat.
Originally Posted by Jessiqua
He turned back to face the class, ready to get started! “Okay now, everyone has their ingredients and their little cup of the elixir?” he asked, looking around. “Err… those who are drinking the elixir may do so now, and those brewing the antidote can get started now.”
And with that, "Bottoms up." she said before downing the elixer.
Well then. This was weird. Maybe she should have sat down before taking it. She slowly took her seat and glanced at Dot.
"So far, just dizziness, so no pressure."
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Hiss!Roar!Growl!Caw! | Hermione's Double | The Little Three | Alecate
Text Cut: Hey Ju
Originally Posted by Hey Ju
Matt gave the professor a beamy grin and took some of the POISON with him back to their workstation. "I'm BACK!" He announced to the Slytherin girl as he held the vial up above his head in triumph. VICTORYYYYY! Only he was about to drink some POISON, so what victory he was referring to... he didn't know, but hehehehe, how FUN!
"I'm Matt Solo, by the way." He told her, hitting the vial on the desk a couple of times to stir it or something. There was no reason for him to do it, really, he just felt like it. "I'mma drink the POISON NOW." He eeyyeeeeddd all of the ingredients she had to work with. He didn't quite care about that part of the lesson.
POISON TIME! "Bottoms up! RAAAHHH!!!" The Gryffindor drank the liquid in one gulp and looked back at the girl to see if there was any IMMEDIATE effects.
...... How boring.
This boy seemed super awesome to be around! Ariadne decided right then and there that he was going to be her friend. He seemed really excitable and outgoing like she was, too! "I'm Ariadne Greingoth," she said, and she might have said something else, too, but then he was drinking the poison all in one gulp! She had no idea what was about to happen, but suddenly, his job seemed a lot more fun than her job did.
Oh, well. TIME TO BREW!
Ariadne had already washed her hands, so she quickly cleaned all the equipment she'd be working with before getting started. "Mom mom told me that things like dust can get into the cauldron, and if you don't clean it first, you could mess up the WHOLE potion," she told Matt. "Wouldn't it be crazy if I healed you, but...I healed you AND turned you into a rat or something?" What a thing to say to someone who'd just consumed a poison.
Ariadne reached for the bezoar then added it to the mortar. Using the pestle, she began to crush the bezoar into a very fine powder. She had done this LOADS of times with her mom at home. When it was crushed to what she thought looked like a 'very fine powder', Ariadne began collecting four measures of the bezoar. After checking her measurement to make sure it was precise, she added it to the cauldron.
Hoping Yoongi was okay with the arrangement she'd suggested, Norah returned to take a seat with a small cup of elixir in hand. Once Professor Newton had given them the signal, she held the cup up with a small smile and soft "bottoms up!" before bringing the elixir to her lips. That was a silly expression. Why did people say that? Her bottom was going to stay stuck on the chair, thank you very much. Unless she dropped dead or something, but y'know. Hopefully that wouldn't happen.
She wrinkled her nose as she swallowed the elixir, setting the cup down on the desk with a little more force than was necessary. Did it have to taste so awful? And this feeling in the pit of her stomach was kind of awful too...good going, Professor Newton. She was going to die before becoming the next Sophie Brown and she didn't even have anything to show for it. Somebody'd have to tell her cactus goodbye.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by LilFox06
[color=teal]And with that, "Bottoms up." she said before downing the elixer.
Well then. This was weird. Maybe she should have sat down before taking it. She slowly took her seat and glanced at Dot.
"So far, just dizziness, so no pressure."
"Sure, no pressure. You just drank poison, but it's okay, because you'll only die a tiny bit," Dot bit back a smile as she finished cleaning out her cauldron and running a quick Scourgify over the rest of her accouterments. Especially since this was an antidote, she wanted to start with the cleanest equipment possible. Even a little caked on frog guts could render her potion null... or dangerous.
She eyed Kaycee lowering herself into her chair as she dropped the bezoar into the mortar. Eyes on the prize, though, as she began to pulverize it. Surely there was a better way to make powdered goat-stomach-rock-thingy than by hand, because it was making her wrist ache almost immediately.
"You're still feeling okay? You look a little peaky. Why don't you rest your head on the desk?" The bezoar was looking good, all evenly ground and dusty, and Dot quickly added four measures to their clean cauldron.
Jedi Master•General Iroh•Java Junkie• King ♛ Stefan •Mycroft Holmes•Dragon Lord•Druid Boy
SPOILER!!: Elsa!
Originally Posted by Jojogali
SPOILER!!: Jace!
Crush Crush Crush...CRUUUUSH...
How fine, did Professor Art wanted it to be? Jace’s hand and shoulder started to ache as he continued to disintegrate the bezoar manually and carefully. The man said not to leave chunks in there because it will mess up the antidote, so he was very determined to get every bit of the stone in powder form. Merlin, can’t they just get a powdered form in the apothecary?! Why must they do all this labour??? “Hmm?” Jace kept his eyes on his mortar and pestle, crushing away the bezoar while he listened to Elsa. “Oh, is it? My papa wanted me to attend school here, so I could get the best of both worlds. I’ve seen how things worked in Mahoutokoro as a day student. I like it there, but my papa insisted that Hogwarts will be better for me.” Jace shrugged as he paused to massage his shoulder, and after a while, continued to crush the bezoar diligently.
Jace chuckled and shook his head in amusement. “You have to help me get my set of horns first before we could do the research.” So in effect, it’s a back to back research activity. Jace watched Elsa drink her poison from the corner of his eyes. Well, he didn’t like the idea of being puked at.
Jace however had to double check when Elsa announced that the drink was...okay. Well, that’s how poisons should be, right? It has to look, taste, and smell harmless, enough to fool the victim. It didn’t take long for the poison to kick in however. “You don’t look so good.” Jace said flatly, and quickly got a spare cauldron from his workstation and pushed it towards her. “Hey pirate? There’s your cauldron. Feel free to throw up in there.” Merlin, his effort must be in vain. Jace wasn’t sure if Elsa could even comprehend what he just said right now. “Hang in there!”
Mustering all the focus he could get, Jace made sure that his bezoar was powder like, and proceeded with the next step. He got his cauldron, “Scourgify!” And added four measures of the crushed bezoar in it, as well as two measures of the standard ingredients.
With that done, Jace paused to check on his partner by waving his hand in front of her face. “Are you still with me, Elsa-san?” Merlin, talk about pressure!
Right, onto the next steps...
The crushing sound lulled Elsa as she stood against the table, her head in her hands, observing Jace work. Merlin, wasn’t he determined? Look at him crushing that bezoar into oblivion! That though alone made her chuckle again.
She tried to keep a nice talk flowing between her and her Ravenclaw friend “My mum wanted me to go to the same house as she went. She wouldn’t shut it about Slytherin! Slytherin this, Slytherin that”” she mimicked her mother’s voice” “I secretly believe that she does not trust another place to be as capable as Hogwarts.” she shrugged and a shiver made her whimper a little.
As he pushed his spare cauldron to her, she eyed it suspiciously “I’m not supposed to be cooking anything!” she said confused, and put her head in it “Heey it echoes in here!” and another fit of giggles erupted from her throat, vibrating in the cauldron for a minute before she actually emptied the contents of her stomach in a gut-wrenching sound.
She carefully pulled her head from the cauldron, looking up at Jace apologetically, wiping her mouth with a paper tissue she took from her pocket. “I’m sorry Jace, I’m actually not feeling that good.” and she groaned again in discomfort.
As time went by, and Jace kept preparing the potion, the barely there symptoms she thought she had evolved into something more consistent. Her vision was blurry around the edges, she kept sweating like she had just walked through the rain, she was pale and groggy. This poison did not suit her at all. Mild my Dragon’s tail! But then again, if it was actual poison she would probably be on the floor by now, soaked in her own fluids.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed the hair out of her face and pulled it up in to a tight bun, trying to get a firmer grip in reality and her surroundings, fanning her face with her free hand while the other one kept a cautious hold on the spare cauldron. Better safe than sound. She didn’t think her reputation, if she had any, could handle it. “How is it going? Is it hard?” she eyed the content of Jace’s cauldron.
He's dreamed of becoming a Healer one day, but never thought how hard it could be, especially if you have a patient right beside you, going downhill real fast. Jace kept his game face on, concentrating really hard not to mess up the potion. Right now, Elsa's sanity depends on him.
And did she just...? Jace side-eyed her, amazed at the fact that she could fit her head inside the cauldron. The next thing he heard was the unpleasant sound of icky stuff, filling the cauldron. The Ravenclaw squirmed, turned his head and went on with the third step. Jace filled the cauldron with two cups of water, "Aguamenti," picked up his burner, and heated the cauldron with medium fire. "Incendio."
5...4...3...2...1. Now...to brew it for five minutes...
Jace used this time to check up on his partner. "It's okay. Just...keep still. The potion will be ready in no time." The Ravenclaw re-assured her, by putting his hand on her shoulder. "Try not to talk...that might help." They can definitely talk later...right now, what's important is to keep her puke inside the spare cauldron. Unless she goes really bonkers this time and do some crazy stuff with it. What is that elixir made of anyway? Jace was curious. "You don't feel like growing out horns, do you?"
"It didn't go quite as planned." | The Underground Studio Translation: I may have caused irreversible damage on a monumental scale.
When he was sure Scarlett wasn't going to fall off the stool, Austin went back to the potion. The powder seemed fine by eye, but just to be sure, he spent another minute crushing. He wanted to be sure to get it right the first time. There wasn't much room for error, not because his new friend was going to die or anything. But because he didn't want her to be suffering for long. It probably wasn't the best of feelings, and if/when he had to do it, he wasn't sure he'd like it either.
After the Bezoar was crushed to a very fine powder, he added it to his cauldron. "One... Two... Three... Four measures of the powder..." He mumbled again. Austin found that mumbling helped him concentrate. "Now for the Standard Ingredient.. One... Two.. measures of that..." His voice trailed off.
The Ravenclaw's nerves faded away the longer he was behind the cauldron. He wasn't nervous, and he was more confident in his abilities. How could he have ever doubted he'd get the antidote made? He'd made his own potion when he was thirteen, a common antidote was no problem.
With his new found pride, he added two cups of water to the cauldron. "One and two!"
Post Not-Quite-One-Yet? Reluctantly getting the poison
~ Rise and Rise Again, Until Lambs become Lions ~
He'd seen her. She knew it. She just knew the Professor had seen her rather undignified attempt at escaping. It froze her in the spot. Of course. Of course she had to be at the front of the class, in direct sight of the Professor, for the session where they were supposed to willingly poison themselves!
It was ridiculous. Mad. Absolutely bonkers.
Amur Neverwinter did a great many stupid things, but willingly poisoning herself was not one of those things. Taking one for the team as Gryffindors were supposed to do, was not coming into full throttle play either.
Except that, upon glancing up at Bastien, Amur realized what she was technically doing. If she didn't do this now, then that meant he would have to. And likely the kid was better at potions than her, so she was more likely to get a safe antidote. Secondly, what happened if the poison was really powerful, and this was some hag-and-the-cauldron gig again?
Perhaps if she took it, she could warn Bastien before HE had to drink it. He looked like he would be a good runner.
That, sealed the deal for Amur. It was either take the drink or make Bastien take it. She didn't think they were getting out of class without it.
Slithering down her chair (because she was already half-way down that way already), Amur crawled out from under her desk and up to the Professor's desk. She tried very hard not to look at the other students or the Professor and gathered up the poison vial, and the ingredients for Bastien as well.
Really, if she was going to take it, he'd better hop to and make it.
Returning to the desk, Amur put the items down and held the vial in one tight fist. "If I die, hex the socks off that man." And she pointed back at the Professor. Really, it was the least Bastien could do in her memory.
I've got a fire for a heart._________________________________________________
I'm not scared of the dark._________________________________________ _______________________________________You've never seen it look so easy.
Art noticed Mr. Browne and Mr. Reed hadn’t found partners yet, but just as he was about to assign the two together, they found their own partners. Art turned his gaze around the class, watching the students plan their Poison adventure together, and find partners. He looked at his watch to make sure they were on time. As students came up to get their ingredients, and their little drink of elixir, he gave smiled and nods, but Mr. Meriwether had brought a chuckle to the man. Art gave him the taster. From the corner of his eye he saw Miss. Neverwinter slide down the seat a little. Perhaps if she saw just how fun her classmates were having brewing and drinking, perhaps she’d feel like joining in. Otherwise… well, otherwise he was out of ideas.
He walked to the blackboard and wrote the method of the potion on the board for the students to reference.
He turned back to face the class, ready to get started! “Okay now, everyone has their ingredients and their little cup of the elixir?” he asked, looking around. “Err… those who are drinking the elixir may do so now, and those brewing the antidote can get started now.”
Art himself had set up his own space with the equipment necessary to brew the potion. He added one bezoar to the mortar, and used the pestle to crush that stone into a very fine powder. “Now, you want to make sure that you put your elbow into it. Crush it into a powder as fine as you can. Any chunky bits might affect your potion.” He carefully tilted his mortar so that they could see his own very fine powder of bezoar.
OOC: I’ve modified the method slightly, so it doesn’t exactly match up to the Pottermore method. Removed the wand-use, and waiting 40 minutes. IC this is just Art’s tried and true method.
Drinkers: Drink your elixir and start having fun with those MILD side effects - dizziness (please no fainting), drowsiness, slight headache, stomach ache, nausea/vomiting, coughing, sore joints, thirstiness, blurred vision, slight behavioural changes (crankiness, restlessness, irritability, or even euphoria and giggles… + any other mild behavioural changes you would like to RP), and any other MILD general side effects you would like to RP. You can have as few or as little side effects as you want to RP – I just hope you have fun with it! But nothing serious! No fainting, no dying etc.
Brewers: Start up!
If you still don’t have a partner, that’s okay! Just pretend you do, and you can still RP taking the ‘poison’ elixir, and then brewing (whichever order you want). If you DO have a partner, I think about 5 posts each for the brewer, minimum, and at least 3 for the drinker. Feel free to do more if you feel sprinkled with creativity dust. I’ll resume in about 2 days, and then swap, so that those brewing can try the ‘poison’ elixir, and those having been poisoned can brew the antidote.
You don’t need to wait for your partner to post between your posts.
I’m still here, checking in as much as possible, so if you want Art’s attention, just flag it in the subject box and we will get to it as soon as we can. I’ll brew along with the class, but please don’t wait for me! Keep going at your own pace. DRINKERS: DO NOT drink the Antidote to Common Poisons until Art tells you to!
Originally Posted by Hera
SPOILER!!: Bella and Proffy
It was actually a little embarrassing that he wasn't the first person claimed, like, his dad was a potioneer, ergo.. he was a pro. And he was! Like, all O's, always... it was easy as pie. So naturally, he'd make the perfect partner.
... and at least SOMEONE wanted to be his partner. He liked working with his own kind, Gryffindors, though he didn't know much about the first year. Bella. He knew that much, really. Their interactions had been limited until now, and he was sure they would continue to be once the lesson ended. Like. He was a fifth year. BUT.. for now, yes, "Sure, sounds good to me," he even shifted over slightly to make room for her at his table. "I'll grab the ingredients," he offered, giving her time to grab whatever of her own things she might need or wand.
Hands full upon his return he placed them on their table, contemplating how simple yet effective the recipe and methods seemed to be.
But before he could ask what Bella wanted to do this lesson, cause like, ladies choice... they were given more instructions. And it was confirmation, like, simples.
With the go-ahead to start, Zeke turned to his partner. "Did you have a preference? Brewing? Drinking?"
Bella was happy when Zeke agreed to be her partner. She listened carefully to the Professor Newton's instructions as she moved all of her things beside Zeke, ready to start the antidotes they would be brewing. So each of them would have a chance to be the guinea pig and be cured of the effects of the elixir. This ought to be fun, she couldn't wait to start mixing. There was something about potions that everyone in her family had a nature born knack for this particular subject.
Since Zeke had gotten the ingredients she decided to be the drinker first. "I don’t mind being the drinker first,” Bella replied, before getting up to get the elixir and once she had her portion she made her way back to their table. When they were given the okay to begin Bella looked down at the contents of the little cup. “Bottoms up.” She hoped that the side effects wouldn’t be too terrible and that Zeke was good at potions.
So Janelle officially had a partner and a Prefect to boot. "It's nice to meet you Hugo. Thanks for agreeing to work with me."In her previous partnerings with Prefects, things had gone very well. Benzi and Zander had been great and she had no doubt that Hugo would be fantastic as well. However, once the professor began to describe what they would be doing, Janelle was a little worried. Just a little pressure to get it right. She didn't want to be the one to kill her partner with a botched antidote.
And Hugo volunteered to drink the elixer first........the pressure was on. "Ok, I'll brew the antidote. Don't worry, I got this." Janelle hoped she sounded more confident than she actually felt. She was pretty good at potions, but there was no room for error when you were dealing with another person. Turning to Hugo, she said, "I'll go ahead and get started then."
First and foremost, Janelle copied down the ingredients, double checking to make sure she got it right. Then she went up and grabbed all of the ingredients that were listed and returned to her workstation. As Professor Newton added to the instructions on the board, Janelle updated her notes. Then taking out her mortar, pestle, measuring instruments and stirrer, Janelle gave them good, "Scourgify". She was ready, well as ready as she could possibly be. Checking her notes again, Janelle got to work.
Janelle donned her gloves and then placed her bezoar into the mortar. Taking her pestle, she began to crush the bezoar. She put her weight into it, making sure that she would have a very fine powder in the end. Smiling, Janelle thought that crushing was very therapeutic. If you wanted to take out your frustrations, crushing something into tiny pieces was a good way to do it. Finally putting down the pestle, she checked to make sure that there were no chunks left in her powder. Nope, it looked pretty good. Satisfied, Janelle checked her notes for the next step.
Cool. Hugo nodded "No problem" good thing he offered first to drink the poison. Heh. Even though that wasn't very gentlemanlike 'cause he should have asked her first but...yeah, it was Potions. Anyways, "Alright, I'll go get the poison" and so he did. The perfect took the little cup and waited for the professor to give the green light.
"You good at Potions?" he wasn't scared, maybe a little, but it was an informative question. Newton gave the last instructions and now he could drink the poison. "Let's see how this goes" he raised the cup "Cheers" well, she wasn't going to drink it but whatever. The taste was horrible but right now he felt good. Normal at least.
"No effects so far" and as soon as he said so, he started to feel sick and dizzy. He started blinking a lot "Umm I think... I'm going to sit down" and he didn't noticed where the chair was and fell on his butt "Don't worry...don't. I'm good" he stand up. Maybe he should stay like this. Yeah.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by Stefan
Jace's hand flew up in the air, wanting his question to be answered."Professor? How does the other ingredients affect the potion's strength? Is it to cover the wide assortment of poisons, or is it just to reinforce the bezoar? Also, isn't the bezoar enough to cure a mild poison in the first place?" So in other words, do they really need to brew it?
Ahh, "Mr. Reed," Art said, and listened to his question. A very good question, which brought a smile to his face. "Mmhm, a bezoar is an antidote to most poisons, but not all. So... err, well it makes sense to have a broad spectrum antidote, as well as throwing a few other more... well, more specific ingredients. To cover all bases." He nodded, hoping that had answered the first year Ravenclaw's question.
And there was Miss. Neverwinter, who it seemed had decided to take part. Art gave her what he hoped would be an encouraging smile. He realised that some people might not feel all that comfortable being fake poisoned.
Art looked down at Madam Curie, who seemed to be riveted by the students. She kept her careful gaze on them. He knew she would alert him if any of the students were deteriorating. "Having fun there ol' girl?" he asked her.
He glanced up at the class and heard the delightful sounds of some of them retching into cauldrons. "Err," he called out, "D-does anyone need help with a banishing charm?" he asked. You know, for the vomit. Art to the rescue if not. He saw some of the students resting their heads on the table, or their knees, and looking a bit... well, not quite right. He smiled to himself.
He continued to brew his own potion, working with speed and confidence, adding four measures of his crushed Bezoar into his cauldron, followed by two measures of Standard Ingredient. "Now, the standard ingredient... we purchase that pre-made most of the time. It uhh-it just works out cheaper that way. But... I'll be uhh, be showing you all how to make your own stock of Standard Ingredient one day. It's good to be able to make your own, because you can source the best quality ingredients for it. But... the pre-made one, well, there's nothing wrong with its quality at all." Except for in the hospitals, they tended to use the organically grown ingredients, sourced from the countries who had the best natural environment to grow them. No lab-grown herbs. He used the tap by his own bench to measure two cups of water and add to his potion. He lit the gas of his bunsen burner, and sparked a flame, lowering it to a medium height, before putting his tri-stand and cauldron over it, counting down five seconds, and then leaving it to brew for five minutes. As little magic as possible was his way of life.
In the five minutes he was leaving his potion to brew, he walked around the class, looking into the cauldrons, keeping a close eye on his students. The healer within him was telling him to assess them carefully, in case some more serious side-effects occured. But so far, they were as mild as he had assumed they would be.
Madge shook her head and gave an equally as nervous grin as the one she saw on the face of her new Potions partner. "Well lucky you I've been at least half-way decent at potions this year. I'll get started with this potion, and you can... uh... poison yourself?" Madge's face took on some colour as she laughed a little. Slowly but surely human interaction would be less uncomfortable.
She shuffled her way through the crowd of students in front of the professors stores and picked up the ingredients listed. When she returned to her table she looked at Mel, held up the Bezoar with her thumb and forefigner, and gave a twisted face with her tongue stuck out. "So gross right?"
Madge nodded at the professor and her face suddenly got serious. She knew that if she messed up her antidote the professor would help Mel, but she still took this VERY seriously.
From her wrist she untied a long scrap piece of beige fabric and she draped it around her neck under her long and insanely-curly bushy hair. She squashed her hair together with her hands and used the scrap of fabric to tie it up. She used to use fabric covered elastic bands when she was in the muggle world with her family, but for some reason she had yet to see a witch or wizard shop sell them. But her hair needed to be away from her face and back for her to concentrate, so scrap fabric it was. Much more sturdy too.
She pulled her mortar and pestle closer to herself on the table and she plonked the bezoar into it. Fine powder eh? She squared herself up over the mortar and pestle and then pounded the living wits out of it.
After a few minutes it still wasn't a fine powder. She never was the strongest, but she was determined.
After it hit a more granular TVP-looking stage she began to grind it using circular motions.
There was no way she was going to let herself back out of this. Melbourne Johanson was going to poison herself. Well…she was going to do this for class. “Yeah, of course I’ll go uh…get the poison then.” She nodded and grinned when Madge mentioned the Bezoar stones being gross.
“Uh…no kidding I mean they get them out of goats” she crinkled her nose in disgust before heading to grab the elixir. Returning to the table and sitting she watched as Madge continued mixing the potion.
“okay…here goes then” she muttered as she uncorked the potion and lifted it to her lips befroe swallowing.
IT'S NOT AN ACT OF LOVE __________________________________________________ ___________ ____________
IF YOU MAKE HER ____________
Teapot Occamy| gryphons&giraffes&goats,OH MY | chaser of the truth | flutiful❧
Originally Posted by lemon
He had moved on to doodling on his parchment when he heard Penelope's voice, and Dima moved over to make room for her at the table, looking up with a smile. "Hey. That sounds great." Partnering up hadn't been so difficult after all, had it? He'd found himself a smart one.
"Mine was good." Really good, actually. "Spent a lot of time with family. How was yours?"
And it seemed like the professor was giving instructions now. Glancing at his housemate again, Dmitriy considered his options. "I don't mind brewing, if you're okay with drinking." Was she?
"I got to spend time with my family, so it was good." She missed her family, but she was glad to be back at school.
"I can drink first if you want to brew." Penelope went up and got one of the cups of poison, then returned to her seat. Penelope looked at the poison in her cup. It wasn't much, not enough to do any serious harm or kill her. She wasn't thrilled about intentionally poisoning herself, but it would only cause mild side effects, and Dima would brew the antidote and save her life if this turned out to be something that could kill her.
Time to poison herself. Under any other circumstances she would not drink poison intentionally, but it was for a lesson. Not that it would kill her, but poison was generally not good for anyone's health. Lifting the cup to her mouth, she swallowed the contents of the cup. She looked over at Dima. No obvious side effects yet... "The room is spinning."
A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Why was Norah acting decisively now!? He was supposed to sacrifice his health in this relationship right? Eh, not that there was a relationship... Just friends..who had gone on a date...ANYWAYS! As much as he didn't want to drink the poison, he also didn't want her to drink it.
But before he could say anything, the hufflepuff prefect had jumped out of her seat to get a vial and the head boy cursed mentally. While Norah was waiting in line to get a vial, Yoongi had taken out his wand to clean everything with a scourgify. He looked at her uncertainly when she returned but didn't have the heart to tell her he was aweful at this. It was a good thing he had taken the confidence potion earlier. Before Norah had drank the poison, the gryffindor had begun crushing the bezoar in the mortar and he looked at her when he saw her drinking the poison from the corner of his eyes. "How...how are you feeling?" He asked, worry in his voice and he turned to look at her with a concerned expression on his face. "If you need to puke, tap me on the shoulder" because he liked a warning before it happened. He couldn't promise not to puke as well then...
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
Did Colt just throw up?
Merlin, Ava hoped that he wasn't really that worse. She didn't know how strong the poison that Professor Newton gave to them, but well, hopefully it wouldn't make all the students who had just took it were rushed off to the hospital wing. And also, hopefully the antidote that she and the other students were brewing worked properly.
Okay, back to the potion brewing. She needed to focus so she didn't make any mistake. She had left her cauldron getting heated for five seconds, and then she left it brewed for five minutes... Start the clock, Burton. While waiting, she took a clean cup and cast a water conjuring spell. "Here, you might need some drink." She offered the cup of water to her partner.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
There was no way she was going to let herself back out of this. Melbourne Johanson was going to poison herself. Well…she was going to do this for class. “Yeah, of course I’ll go uh…get the poison then.” She nodded and grinned when Madge mentioned the Bezoar stones being gross.
“Uh…no kidding I mean they get them out of goats” she crinkled her nose in disgust before heading to grab the elixir. Returning to the table and sitting she watched as Madge continued mixing the potion.
“okay…here goes then” she muttered as she uncorked the potion and lifted it to her lips befroe swallowing.
Madge, still waiting the five minutes as her timer ticktickticked away, looked at Mel. How are you feeling?" she asked tentatively. "You don't look any different... so far anyway..." she told Mel of her observation. Maybe her side effects would be more mild. It was almost sickening brewing a potion while others were up-chucking into their cauldrons.
ticktickticktockticktickticktockticktick DING!
Madge was startled momentarily before she realized her timer had just gone off. She set it aside and glanced back at her notes. One pinch of Unicorn horn, eh?
She grabbed the bottle and stuck her little fingers in and plonked the pinch into her cauldron. She grabbed her stirring spoon and stirred twice clockwise, in big swooping stirs which made her whole upper body move with the spoons movements.
Unicorn horn... wait as in REAL unicorn horn? It suddenly struck Madge. She knew that unicorns were real, she learned that in a Care of Magical Creatures... but using their horns?
Madge's hand shot up quickly, she had a questions for the professor. "Professor, where do you get your unicorn horn stores from?" what she REALLY wanted to know was whether unicorns were like elephants where they were killed or hurt for their ivory tusks. Were unicorns hurt or killed for this ingredient? or was it sourced from already dead unicorns?
She didn't even know much about unicorns now other than they exist and drinking their blood will keep you alive... but it's considered very wrong to kill a unicorn for its blood. So wouldn't that mean they shouldn't kill for it's horn?