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of Professor Paul Myers Image by: Pixie The dimly lit office of Paul Myers has a reddish glow tint on all the wood that he adores so much. Upon first entering the office, the vast of amount of books behind his desk draws the eye in, and the comfort of the wicker chairs welcomes you as warmly as the temperature in the office. Right now, the office is neat, but sometimes Professor Myers has a messy week of paperwork and greenery turmoil, and the office will...not look so neat. |
I did this right yes? :D Quote:
Katerina was in mid bounce when the door opened. She grinned, hellloooo. "Katerina or Kat Delgado, professor Myers." She beamed was it to soon to call the man her idol? Probably. Her name could be slightly problematic. Charles? Ahhh dog! Kat also liked pets too! The first year stepped inside the Herbology professor's office. "Hello Professor Myers. I'm not interrupting anything, am I? I have a question for you." She really hoped not. She would come back later. It looked like she might have been interrupting his reading. She noted as she seen the book. |
SPOILER!!: Kat "I like Katerina...it's very pretty. But Kat is nice and short, too. Both sound lovely," he smiled and made his way over to his teapot, putting on some tea for himself. "Would you like any, m'dear?" he asked kindly. He chuckled. "No, you aren't interrupting. I was merely reading. Not doing anything of importance, really." Not that reading wasn't important; it was! But he could always finish up his reading later. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against his bookshelf serenely. "AH....so...what is your question then, Kat?" He was a little curious, now. |
"Hello Professor," she greeted as the man stood before her as she moved closer. And now he actually looked sleepy. "I can come back, sir," Olivia offered, in case she had interrupted something. It wasn't like she had come with a definitive and timely purpose. |
He went back towards his desk and shut his book and tucked away. "Sit, please, Miss...gosh, I have to remember your name..." he sighed and began to pour himself a cup of tea from earlier. It was cold by now, but he didn't want to rebrew. "Do you want anything to drink?" |
"Hullo, sir, can I pet your dog? Also I brought you a present. No, I meant to say 'how was your summer'? And... did you... make any interesting poo-related discoveries? And THEN I wanted to say I brought you a present." She was all flustered now because she'd said it out of order and hadn't been nearly as collected and mature as she wanted to be. She wrinkled her freckled nose at him. "I also wanted to tell you something. But I can't remember if that's before or after I give you the present. Should we start over?" |
She nodded. Great! She felt like that if she wasn't interrupting she was more likely to get what she wanted. Especially with adults. "Great! I...I was wondering if there was somethings I could do to help out around the greenhouse?" She would probably around the greenhouses a lot so she may as well do something productive while she was here. |
"Do you want any tea, Dot?" he asked softly. Charles lifted his head and sniffed a bit, but he didn't move because that would be a lot of work for such a big dog like himself, all right? Oh gosh. All of her words made the man chuckle. "Well...going with the correct order, m'dear," he turned to face her. "My summer was wonderful, I made some interesting poo-related discoveries only old people can make, I thank you for the present but assure you that it was, indeed, not necessary, and lastly....ooo. What do you have to tell me?" he asked curiously. Dot was pleasant company. |
"Hm. Yes, please. Thank you. And you didn't say if I could pet your dog?" Although said dog was looking at her now, so Dot stooped carefully and gave him a friendly scratch behind the ears. He seemed to like that. It was nice of the professor to answer all her questions at once, and she rose to take a seat as he spoke. "That's disgusting, sir. Those are the sorts of things adults are meant to keep to themselves. But I'm very happy for you if those discoveries made your life better." As for the gift, Dot carefully unfolded her handkerchief to reveal a smattering of seeds. Not a very exciting one, except... "Umbrella flower seeds, sir. I harvested them from a friend's greenhouse." The telling could wait. |
But instead, she was called into the office. Sweet. She picked up the box and headed in to the office. "You have weird chairs. They kind of look like flowers." She made her way over to the desk. At least in here looked moderately normal. Wicker wasn't exactly comfortable. "I brought you a magical plant." she said setting a box on the desk. "I'm pretty sure you've seen nothing like it." Why? Because it grew. AS A BEARD! |
He didn't have to wait that loooong. A dog appeared and it was pretty excited "Heeey" he looked down and petted it. He loved dogs, they were the best pets. And then Myers came in "What's up, Professor?" and followed him into the office. Hugo took a seat and snapped his fingers at the dog. "Why didn't you bring your dog last term?" |
SPOILER!!: Kat! Paul thought her commentary was just delightful. He found himself chuckling away. "All right! I'll be sure to make enough for the both of us, then, no problem at all!" His blue-grey eyes wandered to his dog, who was napping as of right now. Dogs looked so peaceful when asleep, especially Charles. "I do enjoy tea parties myself. I have them with my little nieces and a few nephews all the time." The tea finished, and Paul quickly poured them both a cup. He added his cream and sugar, and then carried all of that stuff to his desk for Kat. "Add whatever you like, m'dear!" and he plopped down behind his desk. Ahhh. She wanted to help out! Wasn't that so sweet! "Well, sure! Absolutely! Although..since you're a first year...I'd really only want you in Greenhouses 1 or 2...but there's plenty! You can go in there whenever, Kat! There should be a list of things up in each Greenhouse about how you can help...I think. And if not...I should get on that!" He pulled open a drawer, lifted a notebook out of it, and flipped to a clean page. A second later his teacup was set down with a tiny clink and he was dipping his quill in his ink pot, scribbling a notice that he needed to check about that. "So...I assume you really like Herbology, then? Since you want to help out?" SPOILER!!: Dottie Pouring Dot some tea, Paul sat behind his desk, pushed a teacup towards her, and sipped at his own, sighing in satisfaction. Ahh. Hit the spot, that did. "Yes yes, pet away. Charles Fluffington is sweet. He doesn't bite." Dogs were so great. Paul wasn't sure what why anyone would ever want a cat. Milton wanted a cat. Paul hated cats. The rift was there. BUT BUT BUT Milton enjoyed the dogs, too, so Paul felt that his partner could NOT complain about the pet situation, no NO. "Are you a cat or dog person, Dot? Answer wisely." There was only one correct answer. "They have indeed. And I was only trying to answer your questions honestly! Doesn't our society value honesty?" Though he wasn't in the mood today to be philosophical. Plus, he had mixed feelings on the topic of honesty, anyways. GIIIIIIIFT! Gift GIFT! Paul loved GIFTS! He leaned over, eyeing the seeds with wide eyes, a smiling appearing on his face once more. "Oh, Dot! They're wonderful! Little baby umbrella flowers! Oh oh! If I could snuggle them, I would!" he pressed a hand to his heart in a dramatic fashion. "Those are for me?" SPOILER!!: Kaycee Paul snorted in laughter. "Well, Miss Richards, that's because they are flowers." He was snickering away, now. He loved those chairs; they were FLOWERS! He just HAD to have them! He sat back down in his chair with a groan because these bones were getting old over here, people. "A plant..I've never seen before?" he squinted at it. Why..it had a BOARD! "is that...a gnome?" He asked, pulling the plant towards him and poking the grassy part with his finger. "How did you get this to grow a BEARD, Kaycee?" he asked, squinting. "I didn't know you had a attraction to growing things!" SPOILER!!: Hugo Charles was VERY excited to see the boy..he nudged his hand and circled him, his doggie tail furiously wagging. "He seems to like you, Hugo," Paul smirked and took a sip of his water. "We were just out for a walk. Hope you haven't been waiting long!" he smiled. "What's up? Chicken butt, Hugo." It was a running joke with them, wasn't it? To not answer Hugo's "what's up?" question correctly? He glanced at Charles, who was settling a little bit now. The dog was still trying to nudge Hugo into petting him more, but he wasn't as sniff-crazy and bouncy. "I wasn't sure if he would be welcome...but I got..." he wondered how honest to be..."I felt I needed him with me this term, so I asked...and yes." It had all worked out nicely. |
Alright….animal lovers were nice. “…Stone,” she supplied as she moved to take an offered seat. ”Olivia Stone.” Just in case he was one of those staffers who first names too. Or instead. Olivia shook her head at the offer of a drink. “No thank you…I’m okay,” she assured him. “I was just exploring and decided to visit.” |
"Not a real gnome." Obviously. A muggle garden gnome. This was just a decoration. As for the second part. "I followed the directions actually." Which, she was capable of, for the record. She just preferred not to. "Pretty cool, huh?" she said beaming. "There's other ones too. Like ones that look like sheeps' fur." |
"I have a gray kneazle named Nimbus. Sir, we aren't allowed to have dogs here. I had to be a cat person by necessity if I wanted something to cuddle in the common room." Just... she adored Nimbus and would probably always be a cat person, but there weren't any dog people allowed to enjoy their pets at Hogwarts. His delight at her gift made Dot delighted too, and she lowered her cup and smiled. "Those are for you. But, sir? I can help you raise them, if you want. I... I got an E on my Herbology OWL." She may have blushed just slightly. |
SPOILER!!: Olivia "Yes, I agree. He IS cute. His name is Charles Fluffington." Just to be fancy. He took the seat behind his desk and sipped his...very cold tea. It wasn't terrible, at least. Well, she didn't want any drink! Fine. "I have more than just tea, you know. I also may have some biscuits...somewhere...if I look..." he squinted over his shoulder at his cabinets littered amongst his bookshelves. "Well, I'm glad for the visit. How are you enjoying Hogwarts so far, then, Olivia? Do you like it?" He was curious. He could remember being a first year, and how nerve wracking that entire term was. So much NEW and learning everything from scratch... SPOILER!!: Kaycee Directions? Paul took the plant and turned it over in his hands, ran his fingertips over the leafy part, chuckling quite a bit. "What do you mean...directions?" he asked as he set it back down. "There were...instructions on how to grow this type of plant?" he asked. This was all so...curious. "It is cool...I just...it's so silly and I love it, Kaycee! Thank you," he grinned. "How long did it take you to grow it?" SPOILER!!: Ern Paul waited, very patiently, without averting his gaze. Were they having an unofficial staring contest? He wasn't sure how he would fare since his staring skills were lacking lately. He liked blinking. "Kneazles are pretty nice, Dot. I was kidding, I assure you," he smirked a little as he sipped his tea. "And I suppose that's a fair point. Hmm." He wondered if somehow...hmm. There were so FEW options allowed for the kids to have as pets...and he honestly didn't know anyone who wanted a toad The seeeeeeeeds were calling to him, and he nodded as Dot said she'd help him raise them. "Of course you can, m'dear. I don't mind at all." And...it was nice to see a student who wasn't that enthusiastic about Herbology....show an interest. It quite warmed his heart, to tell the truth. He KNEW he'd get through to them..he just KNEW IT! He could cry right this minute-- Or not that minute, because he was tearing up now about her getting an E on her O.W.L. "D-Dot! That's wonderful! I am so so so proud of you! You're so bright, Miss Wojack. So bright." He blinked a lot before any tears could actually fall and sipped his tea to distract his lip from trembling. "I knew you would do well." |
"Hey, Professor Myers!" Haddie was already entering the office before Prof. Myers was finished inviting her in. She paused just inside his office, looking around and surveying everything. "Huh," was all she said before taking a seat and grinning at the Herbology professor. "I'm here," she announced, obviously thrilled. "So thank you. Dad was much less against me going after you talked with him. Well, against probably's not the right word. You know what I mean." She fiddled with things on his desk while she talked, and beamed at him when she was done. |
He gently shut his copy of the Prophet and smiled. "Yes, you are here." Quite an obvious statement. "I am also here." And another, there. "Well, I am very glad to hear that! I tried my best..it must have been really hard for them. I can't even imagine." He sighed. "Would you like anything to drink? any biscuits? I have chocolate ones..." he smiled a little, but her prying did not go unnoticed. "Do you like to touch other people's things often, Hadley?" he asked, smiling as he asked, and his tone curious more than anything. |
She’d remember that. And remember to be careful in dealing with the canine and then interacting with her own familiar. “It’s still okay Professor. And you don’t have to,” Olivia remarked, letting the man off the hook of searching for something he wasn’t even sure he had anyway. “Quite well so far, so much to explore,” the Ravenclaw answered before nodding. “What’s not to like in the long run?” Granted she wasn’t entirely a fan of getting drenched at the opening feast but that was a one-time thing…right? And the animals in the common room could have easily been an accident or prank and hadn’t bothered her much when it was all said and done. |
She continued to explore his things, even after being called out on it, with a shrug. Everything was meant to be handled, to be picked up and examined with one's hands as much as one's eyes. Everything that wasn't framed, hanging on a wall, or in a sealed glass case that is. Otherwise, why have it? Looking at a thing was never enough. You had to pick it up, had to connect with it. It told your hands things that it couldn't tell your eyes. "If you didn't want people touching your things, you should put them behind glass, shouldn't you? Not here, begging to be picked up." She mimicked his tone of obviousness from a minute ago. Because to her, this was one of the most obvious things in the world. |
She grinned. They were pretty awesome. She knew he'd enjoy the plant. "Only like two weeks." So not very long. "I can bring you another one later if you want." She might even let him grow it himself. |
SPOILER!!: Olivia "Nonsense! Who doesn't like a biscuit.." he was already up and rummaging through one of his cabinets. He pulled out three containers of biscuits, all different flavors, and pushed them towards her as he took his seat once more. "There's chocolate ones in one of those...I think..." Milton was always sending him snacks and sweets and whatnot. Paul had a bit of a sweet tooth. Heh, the girl was looking at things positively! What was not to look...Paul COULD think of things, none of which he would share with the first year. "The castle is full of adventure...fun...learning...magic...it is a wonderful place. I missed it...all these years. It is a true blessing to be able to come back...but do not dismiss your time as a student here...it is precious time you can never get back, m'dear." Getting old could be hard, y'know? But Paul smiled brightly. "You're going to have a good many terms here, I know it." SPOILER!!: Hadley He summoned the biscuits from the cabinet with his wand and gently pushed them to her. "Take as many as you like, m'dear," he said as he opened the flap. He took two for himself and started munching on one right away. AHHH! What a Ravenclaw answer...it was so Ravenclaw, that Paul leaned back in his chair, tilted his head back, and laughed. "YOU are correct, I suppose. Just don't break anything, okay?" especially not the picture of Milton, please and thank you. "Have you just come to chat, then?" SPOILER!!: Kaycee Two weeks? To make this?! Paul was astounded! "And you say they have other shapes? Other things you can do?" he prodded the green part of the plant again. HMPH. ANOTHER ONE? "Yes, I would love that, Miss Richards!" |
SPOILER!!: Oh, Paul... The laugh confused her. Being a smart alec was usually always something she got into trouble for. But Professor Myers seemed to enjoy that side of her. She added this as another reason why she really like Myers. The biscuits were a good distraction for her hands anyway. They set down the small trinket they'd been inspecting and busied themselves with chocolate biscuits instead. Haddie broke off pieces to eat, rather than biting it whole. It gave her more to do that way. "Yeah. You're kinda cool and fun to talk to. Mostly though I came to thank you." Which she had done, so that was out of the way. "And I guess to..." Haddie hesitated. She knew what would come when she asked her next question. "...ask what is so interesting about plants?" To Haddie they were boring. But Rachel found them incredibly interesting, and was her best friend. Best friends cared about each other's passions. Or pretended to. At the very least Myers could help her pretend... for Rachel. |
SPOILER!!: Paul Katerina was still beaming. This man was already her favorite adult person here. Herbology, and her head of house. Yep, he had better just get used to her. And he likes tea parties. This was great. "I loooove tea parties and sleepovers. I have them with my brothers, sister, cousins, and best friend." That was another thing she was going to have to ask about having a sleepover in the common room or dorms with the girls. That would be fun too. Kat smiled, "Thank you, sir" as she took the cup of tea. She added 3 sugar cubes to her tea. Then she took a sip. HOT. Hot. It was still hot. Blowing on the surface of the tea this time before taking another sip. Ah, yes. He was going to let her help out around the greenhouses. The first year grinned. Greenhouse one and two got it and a list of things. She made mental notes. "Thank you. Yes. I love Herbology. My mother is a research healer. She let's me take care of the plants she works with." |
WHOA Someone was in a hurry and pretty dirty also. Dante just blinked and stared as Professor Paul zoomed past him into his office. Not like he was surprised this was Professor Paul after all. Dante just did not expect this to happen. Like he actually shut the door to his office. Dante was about to get up and go to the door. But the door opened and there he was peeked around the door. Dante nodded and entered the room "I can come back at another time if you are busy Professor" Looks like Fluffington was doing well. Charles Fluffington now that was a good dog name. |
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