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Do you suffer from train carriage FOMO? If you want to be in the middle of everything, these are the seats for you. No one will wander by without your knowing, and no party at the front OR back of the train will be missed. Just make sure you don't party too hard... there's still school at the end of this journey!
Haddie shook her head at Gary. They're your wand. They're speaking to you, trust me. But don't worry. You'll learn who your wand is better than anyone. And when that happens, you and they will understand each other without realizing it."
She was still reeling about her cousin being here, but smiled at Mason as she entered. "How did you get lost on a train?" she chuckled and shook her head. "You haven't missed much. Gary showed us his wand, and apparently the cousin I haven't seen since I was 7 is going to Hogwarts too."
Haddie studied her cousin once more. "I didn't recognize you as you're not wearing nothing but pink." And suddenly her cousin's words sunk in. "What do you mean Aunt Bri is a witch?" The last time she'd seen Ailsa and her family, it was when she had accidentally caused that bully to grow fur all over. That whole week was still clear in her mind. She knew her Mom had confided in Aunt Bri about the weird things that happened around Nat and her, and how worried she was about it all. Haddie remembered because both she and Nat felt horrible that Mom was scared for us because of what was going on. That was the night they started imagining they were fairy princesses, because that way Mom wouldn't need to be scared anymore.
Haddie just stared at Ailsa for a long moment, jaw hanging open. Her cousin was trying to lose herself in a book, and there was no way Haddie would let her pretend she didn't hear her. She snatched the book out of Ailsa's hands and held it away from her. "But that would mean, you knew. Both you and your Mom and Uncle David, you all knew. And you said nothing!" It was an accusation, there was no doubt there.
More and more people were just flooding the compartment now! Soon, they wouldn't have much room if they kept this up! Ailsa and Haddie seemed to have some history that Garreth was unaware of, but of course she was welcome to sit with them. The thought of making more friends excited him, as he'd always had a hard time connecting with kids his age.
A shriek! And another girl! Oh, it was Mason, the girl he'd met on the platform earlier. Where had she gone? Garreth had been under the impression that they were all going to sit together, but she'd simply vanished during the transition from platform to train compartment. "It's good you found us!" he chuckled at her excuse. He didn't judge her though. He knew better than most how confusing things could get when there were a lot of people around.
What he didn't quite get was why Ailsa had suddenly become so withdrawn. "Are you alright?" he asked, eyebrows raised. Was it something he said? Typical. This was probably the reason he didn't have many friends.
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
It was the weirdest thing. Blaise felt like he must have walked the length of the train twice but his cousin was nowhere to be seen. He DID get onboard, right? Auntie Rhea didn't change her mind did she??? Could his parents still change theirs too? He didn't mind meeting them at Hogsmeade and taking the train back.
Oh but what a jerk! He could have told him he wouldn't be going to Hogwarts. The 12 year old wouldn't have minded going back to Jamaica with his Aunt, no matter how hot it was there. He'd take sunburn over this fresh torture any day of the year.
And now he wasn't so sure how he felt about the whole thing. Bentley LEFT him; just like that. Did being cousins mean nothing anymore?? Merlin's soggy beeeard. The little boy stomped down the corridor of the train as he passed through it's middle, working his way back to the front.
A strongly worded owl, that's what he would receive once he got to Hogwarts.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Why'd I have to spaz out like that? He's just a boy. I know plenty of boys and I don't act like a gibbering idiot in front of them...
Ailsa risked a glance over the top of her book when he asked if she was alright, intending a tentative nod. Instead, she found her protective shield of a book suddenly missing from her hands and a rather agitated cousin dominating her view.
"We didn't know it was you! I could have been Natalie. Or both of you. Or neither of you and just some magic trinket that you happened on! Mam notified the ministry, they were supposed to handle it!"
And now he probably thinks I'm stupid for not helping my cousin.
The small girl, deprived of her protective book, seemed to be attempting to hide behind herself by this point.
Hadley scoffed. This time her being upset and angry wasn't in mock or pretend. She really was fuming. It wasn't really Ailsa she was mad at, but she wasn't going to admit that.
Finally she shook her head and half mumbled, half growled, "You should have said something." Haddie shoved the book back into her cousin's arms forcefully and occupied herself, silently, by staring out the window.
Though Waful did not particularly enjoy flying after a moving train, he was pleased to show off how great he was at it. Most owls could do it just fine, true, but not as well as he did.
Look at his majestic wings as he located the part of the train his recipient was at and flew down, keeping pace with the train. He pecked at the window to the compartment until it was opened for him to swoop in.
He set the letter and package he'd carried next to the boy person with a proud, "Hoo." Then he swooped back out just as gracefully as he'd entered.
Waful was going to get a load of treats when he got back to the owl post. He deserved them.
It sounded like the shouting randomly got louder and then quieter - or at least more distant - and when she looked out the window on the door, her suspicions were confirmed as it seemed to be coming from a boy running up and down the corridor. Eh, okay then, if that was how he wanted to spend his time? Rula couldn't really blame him for being excited.
As she sat down, having already put her luggage up on the rack above, she opened the door to her cat's carrier and let Isaac come out to stretch his legs. But then the door burst open and ExcitedShouting!Boy was recklessly pushing in his luggage, knocking everything over in the process.
Was he okay??
Apparently he was though, as he simply jumped up to right the owl's cage and then sit on his trunk. Seemed like it'd be more uncomfortable that the actual seats in here, but again, if that was what he wanted, Rula wasn't gonna force him not to.
"Yeah, I don't think I'd like my cage being on its side either if I was an owl," she replied with a grin.
Before she could say anything more though, there was a pecking at the window. An owl was outside! Oooo, whose package was that?
She quickly opened the window for it to fly it, but it seemed the delivery was for the boy, not her. Poo.
"Looks like you've got something," she said, closing the window again once the owl had flown back out.
"Yeah, me neither." Matt agreed with the girl as he watched his owl wave its wings as best as it could in the cage. "I don't think I'd like to be in a cage at all, though. I don't think R2 likes it either. Are we allowed to set them free in the train?" And without waiting for a reply, he opened his owl's cage to let it FREE. "There! Much better, ain't it, R2??" The way the owl reacted confirmed the boy's theory. "He doesn't like the cage, see?"
But the girl was opening the window for another owl to come in, and as soon as she did, the one with a package came in and Matt's went out. Lol. "Okay, see you later, R2!" The boy called out as he gave his owl a quick wave before turning around to see the oooother owl placing the package next to HIM. "HUH?" He wasn't expecting anything! "Mum can't be missing me already, I just saw her!" Come on, mum.
The 11 year-old opened the letter as quickly as he could because curiosity got the best of him and OOHH, AHAHEHEHEHE! "HEY, it's from ETHAN!" He told the older girl as if she knew who Ethan was. Without excusing himself, he started reading the letter.
First Matt smiled. "GRYFFINDOR!! Like Mandy!" Shouting was his next reaction, even though he knew Ethan couldn't hear him. "WHAT?" He asked loudly as he looked from the letter to the package. He hadn't finished reading yet but he dropped the letter and opened the package thing. "WHOOAAAOOAAAHHHH!!!" He held the helment UP like a TROPHY. Merlin, it was SHINY! SO SHINY! "LOOK!!!" He would have shoved it in the girl's face if they were sitting nearer each other. Lucky her he was still perched on his trunk a good few feet away from her. "Do you know what this is? It's a STORMTROOPER HELMET!" It was so BIG as well, Matt would probably be able to wear that FOREVER!
Starting now.
The boy popped the massive thing on his head and looked at the girl. "COOL, HUH??"
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
Thomas looked up at the two yes he was tired, "Can't sleep on the train, afraid of crash. It's stupid but its a fear of mine." He sheepishly rubbed his head before looking over at Spencer again. "Well I had to be the hero of course, plus once she jumped into my arms I just couldn't put her down." He threw a smirk at Arista be mad at that Princess. He knew very well that she couldn't be cross with him after that, it was the truth in a way. He glanced over at Spencer and Hope and said "Ready to be sorted?" He chuckled as he looked over at Arista remembering when he was sorted...Arista almost punched him when she thought he was going to be in Slytherin like his brother haha she always was a fiesty one...A scary one when angry, he did not want to be on the other side of her wand. She had seen some of her hexes and they were not nice!
Thomas gave a grin at Hope she thought that ferret was cute and nice..HA!!! It wasn't that thing was evillll!!! He turned to glare at the thing and mumbbled something about it being evil before lifting his head and scooting far from the creature as well as Arista. "I don't know why you bring that thing why not bring Killian he is so much better than that thing." Speaking of which he would have to make sure to go check on his owl when they got to the school.
Spencer looked at Hope and smiled. "I'm glad you think that I'm really talented, that means alot to me."said Spencer giving her a soft warm smile. Spencer looked at Arista ferret and smiled at it cuteness. "Your ferret is adorable Arista, I never seen a ferret as cute as this one! "said Spencer. "I used to have one when I was little, her name was Anastasia."said Spencer. Spencer looked at Thomas and laughed. "Reminds me of my cousins old rabbit Thumper, that thing we evil, bit you every time you tried to pet it. "said Spencer.
Spencer nodded. Ah... I see, I'm with that on airplanes, that's why I don't fly them much. "said Spencer. "Although I love flying on a broomstick, I wouldn't be caught dead flying on a airplane, guess it's has to do with control. "said Spencer shrugging. Spencer nodded. "I'm honestly a bit nervous about it really, I excited to see where I go but nervous. "said Spencer honestly. Although he wouldn't cafe where he went, but he wanted Gryffindor more then anything , he honestly felt that he was truly a Gryffindor. Although he wondered what the sorting hat thought about what house he belonged in, that he was afraid to find out.
Spencer looked down at the pin Hope gave him and smiled. "Thanks Hope I love it, and I'm sure you'll be right, you haven't been wrong yet. "said Spencer. He took the pin and placed it on the collar of his shirt, before he looked at her. "Oh I got something for you to."said Spencer as he dug into his jacket of his pocket. He drew out a mood changing necklace and gave it to her. "I saw this in the jewelry shop by my house and thought of you, you always told me that my eyes were like a mood ring, so I got it for you. "said Spencer smiling sheepishly at her.
My reputation's never been worse So you must like me for me
Aaah...pureblood freak? Her parents told her of this before. Some families must be proud of their bloodline.
"My bad. I will introduce myself first. You gave me so much questions to answer." Jessie went back to her previous position in compartment "My Name's Jeslyn Chambell. Always pureblood from my grand-grand-grand parents."
Jessie can't hold her urged to laughing after seeing the expression that boy made. Very nervous as if he met a wild werewolf.
"You can call me Jessie if you want. And yes, I am new here.Moved to Britain last year. The reason why my English is so bad.And i'm in first year. " "i'm sure you're a pureblood as well..." Jeslyn teased the boy again.
Well of course!!my family is from a noble family, my name is De Jarjayes, Raven Lestrange De Jarjayes, we surely a Pureblood, we are really well known in the Royal family, we also have our name in French history.. so where do you live before move to England? slowly Raven start to manage himself even sometimes he still having a shock therapy if Jessie start to smile and stare at him.. she look so sweet with her petite body.. oh Merlin.. Raven try his very best to hold himself..
he wanted to come in to her compartment, one step.. he try to step forward, but he is hesitate, he look quickly to Jessie.. "Dear Merlin, she still staring, what should i do?" he's questioning himself..
he took back his step and still stood in front of the door.. turn his face down everytime he notice Jessie is looking..
Oh dear, he must have a really red face by now.. C'mon you havent answer me, i wouldn't sit and chat with people that not so clear about their root and family his head turn up and you can see his cocky looks.. He can see Jessie angry face but too late, he keep his pride a noble heir.. even though he will soon regret it..
Well of course!!my family is from a noble family, my name is De Jarjayes, Raven Lestrange De Jarjayes, we surely a Pureblood, we are really well known in the Royal family, we also have our name in French history.. so where do you live before move to England? slowly Raven start to manage himself even sometimes he still having a shock therapy if Jessie start to smile and stare at him.. she look so sweet with her petite body.. oh Merlin.. Raven try his very best to hold himself..
he wanted to come in to her compartment, one step.. he try to step forward, but he is hesitate, he look quickly to Jessie.. "Dear Merlin, she still staring, what should i do?" he's questioning himself..
he took back his step and still stood in front of the door.. turn his face down everytime he notice Jessie is looking..
Oh dear, he must have a really red face by now.. C'mon you havent answer me, i wouldn't sit and chat with people that not so clear about their root and family his head turn up and you can see his cocky looks.. He can see Jessie angry face but too late, he keep his pride a noble heir.. even though he will soon regret it..
Lestrange.Black.Malfoy. Somehow reminded Jessie with her dads stories about the battle in Hogwarts long time ago. Her parents used to be there.
"You're a Lestrange," that answered her question about the boy attitudes.
[B]"Let me guess. You're from Slytherin. My mum was from Slytherin FYI.She always said that there'll possibility the sorting hat put me to that house. But for me, every houses are great."
No.Jessie felt little bit scared if the hat put her into Slytherin.
" I was born and raised in Japan. But my some accident happened. My dad had sent into St Mungos and I got my letter from Hogwarts. So we decided to moving here."
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Jeslyn didn't like the way Raven act. Seemed like she was rubbish or another bad stuffs.
Lestrange.Black.Malfoy. Somehow reminded Jessie with her dads stories about the battle in Hogwarts long time ago. Her parents used to be there.
"You're a Lestrange," that answered her question about the boy attitudes.
[B]"Let me guess. You're from Slytherin. My mum was from Slytherin FYI.She always said that there'll possibility the sorting hat put me to that house. But for me, every houses are great."
No.Jessie felt little bit scared if the hat put her into Slytherin.
" I was born and raised in Japan. But my some accident happened. My dad had sent into St Mungos and I got my letter from Hogwarts. So we decided to moving here."
"Hey, what are you doing?"
Jeslyn didn't like the way Raven act. Seemed like she was rubbish or another bad stuffs.
" Yes, im from Slytherin, im in the Third year, please to meet you" there is a sudden change in Raven tone, he seem to be more cold as Jessie mentioning the Lestrange family name.. he even give Jessie a sudden cold and sharp stare
He doesnt like to be mention about his Lestrange's family name.. Oh no, not even a bit.. but yet he is still using it by the heritage he is having..
"What with the name of Lestrange? Weird? Frightening? Resembles of Dark Art? I'm assuming that your parents told you bad stories about our family, but it was long time ago, I don't have that kind of hatred to Mud.. uhm Halfblood" he turn his back to the door, still looking to Jessie
"Well, i think i supposed to be back to my own compartment now.. the Express soon arrive to Hogwarts, i hope you'll meet great new friends and have a fun term, little lady"
he gave a cold glare to the girl as he turning his back and closed the door.. didnt gave any change to Jessie to talk or explains anything
he knew he done something that might hurt the girl, he could see how Jessie looking at him with a disappointment.. but yet he still closing the door and walk to his own compartment
Last edited by LestrangeRaven; 01-02-2016 at 04:56 AM.
Reason: fixing some grammar and words, i like perfection
Maggie had followed the boy's gaze back to the compartment door. This was ridiculous. Zeke was probably still looking for her. Yes, she'd seen him run after her after she'd stormed out their compartment. Which in that moment had given her all the more reason to hide. She didn't want to discuss it. She didn't know what to say or what he wanted to hear.
Stupid Paige!
Eventually dropping her gaze to her lap again, Maggie pushed a lock of blonde hair out of her face. No. She was simply going to stay in here until the train had reached Hogsmeade station. The quiet kid seemed like a suitable companion. One that wouldn't bother her or say annoying things or ask questions.
Only he DID in fact have questions. With a sigh, she looked back up and read the note he'd written. What? "I am." She WAS doing a pretty good job at hiding no? "I haven't been found yet." Which, she concluded, mean she was successfully hiding. As for the next question, "my boyfriend mostly." He was the only one who she felt bad for upsetting after all. Maybe she could go apologize at the feast. Apologize for what though exactly?
Trying to take her mind off it for a little while at least, Maggie tilted her head to the side a little and considered the boy. "Why do you use that instead of just saying the words?" She nodded to the notebook. It was a valid question no?
Well, really, that was just a lie, wasn't it? As far as Daxton knew, hiding meant concealing yourself away in a secret place, where nobody could find you. It did not work if someone knew where you were, because then it was no longer a secret, and the information could easily be shared. He quickly informed her as much using his notebook.
'I found you.'
Not true, technically, as she had simply decided to hide where he already was and he had made no active effort to 'find' her. But the sentiment was the same; Daxton knew where Magdalena Traulton was, and he could quite easily (and guiltlessly) sell her out to her boyfriend (because naturally people routinely hid from their boyfriends on trains). She was not hidden in the slightest.
Apparently the matter of successful hiding was not so important to Magdalena Traulton, which did not make much sense to Daxton... though he soon remembered how little he cared and disregarded the matter entirely. What was deemed worth talking about, however, was his notebook, and was that not always the way? Daxton could count on one hand the number of people who had not immediately questioned him regarding his silence or his notebook, and it was always interesting to see who took which route. But, nevertheless, Daxton provided Magdalena Traulton with an answer - via his notebook, of course - because he was feeling... generous.
'Because I cannot just say the words.'
Generous... for Daxton, that was.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Chocolate!
Well, really, that was just a lie, wasn't it? As far as Daxton knew, hiding meant concealing yourself away in a secret place, where nobody could find you. It did not work if someone knew where you were, because then it was no longer a secret, and the information could easily be shared. He quickly informed her as much using his notebook.
'I found you.'
Not true, technically, as she had simply decided to hide where he already was and he had made no active effort to 'find' her. But the sentiment was the same; Daxton knew where Magdalena Traulton was, and he could quite easily (and guiltlessly) sell her out to her boyfriend (because naturally people routinely hid from their boyfriends on trains). She was not hidden in the slightest.
Apparently the matter of successful hiding was not so important to Magdalena Traulton, which did not make much sense to Daxton... though he soon remembered how little he cared and disregarded the matter entirely. What was deemed worth talking about, however, was his notebook, and was that not always the way? Daxton could count on one hand the number of people who had not immediately questioned him regarding his silence or his notebook, and it was always interesting to see who took which route. But, nevertheless, Daxton provided Magdalena Traulton with an answer - via his notebook, of course - because he was feeling... generous.
'Because I cannot just say the words.'
Generous... for Daxton, that was.
The whole notebook thing was both a little unnerving and...somewhat intriguing.
Maggie watched as he wrote, already curious to see what his reply would be. Like, somehow that way what he had to say seemed all the more important and interesting because you had to WAIT for it. Even if it was just a few seconds. Interesting technique. Very interesting.
"You did not." She immediately countered once she'd read what the boy had written. "I just chose this spot to hide in and you were...well, already here." So, honestly, if anything she had found him. Even if she hadn't been looking for him. Although, maybe she should have.
This was an interesting one.
He couldn't just say the words? "Why not?" was probably a very obvious reply to his but she really wanted to know.
Sassenach | RAVENPUFF | Sing me a song of a lass that is gone | bookDRAGON | #awkwardturtle<#
Art was quietly observing the happenings within the compartment. He wasn't one to actively get involved in the conversations. Not until an interaction was directed towards him.
His eyes were wide as he looked to the young lady. "Hmm? Sorry? For-for what? What?" Why was she saying sorry? He frowned at her, until she asked another question. And the other girl, who looked a bit older, was asking the same question. Great Scott, was he teaching already? Although this question was a 'get to know you' question, he assumed. "Potions. Yes, I'll be your-your new Potions Professor." He nodded. He was very much looking forward to it, getting back to the dungeons and the labs.
"GREAT SCOTT!" He said, standing up. His tall body leant over the young man. "Are you quite alright there, sir?" he asked. That was quite a bang for his head. Those little brains needed protection. Lots of information to soak in.
He thought he recognised the young man saying rat in Japanese. But the rest he couldn't quite understand. Ahh, and then the other young ladies also showed some interest to his Madame Curie. He pulled her back out and pointed her towards the young lady. Just enough so that she could see. He waved her towards the young man, who seemed to be having a strange reaction to meeting his rat-baby. "Madame Curie. She uh... she-she can be very nice, mmmhm. Mmm."
He gave his rat-baby a little pat between her ears, hearing the squeak squeak. "It's okay, they only want to see you."Squeak squeak. "Don't worry, I won't let them do anything. No, you're perfectly safe." Just for safe measure, he tucked her back into his pocket.
But the young man seemed very interested in her. "Do... do you wish to have a hold of her? I... well Iyyyy uhhh, I can't say she'd be up for it but-but-but we could... well you could try."
" Yes, im from Slytherin, im in the Third year, please to meet you" there is a sudden change in Raven tone, he seem to be more cold as Jessie mentioning the Lestrange family name.. he even give Jessie a sudden cold and sharp stare
He doesnt like to be mention about his Lestrange's family name.. Oh no, not even a bit.. but yet he is still using it by the heritage he is having..
"What with the name of Lestrange? Weird? Frightening? Resembles of Dark Art? I'm assuming that your parents told you bad stories about our family, but it was long time ago, I don't have that kind of hatred to Mud.. uhm Halfblood" he turn his back to the door, still looking to Jessie
"Well, i think i supposed to be back to my own compartment now.. the Express soon arrive to Hogwarts, i hope you'll meet great new friends and have a fun term, little lady"
he gave a cold glare to the girl as he turning his back and closed the door.. didnt gave any change to Jessie to talk or explains anything
he knew he done something that might hurt the girl, he could see how Jessie looking at him with a disappointment.. but yet he still closing the door and walk to his own compartment
Jessie speechless.She didn't mean that. Raven look like angry. It's all her fault. She almost made friend but ruined it in second.
Jessie sighed heavily. She felt disappointed to herself.
He was right. What's wrong being a Lestrange?
But it's too late. Raven was disappear. Went to another compartment. They just met. But somehow the girl felt like interested to the Slytherin.
But maybe that boy hate her now.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
It was the weirdest thing. Blaise felt like he must have walked the length of the train twice but his cousin was nowhere to be seen. He DID get onboard, right? Auntie Rhea didn't change her mind did she??? Could his parents still change theirs too? He didn't mind meeting them at Hogsmeade and taking the train back.
Oh but what a jerk! He could have told him he wouldn't be going to Hogwarts. The 12 year old wouldn't have minded going back to Jamaica with his Aunt, no matter how hot it was there. He'd take sunburn over this fresh torture any day of the year.
And now he wasn't so sure how he felt about the whole thing. Bentley LEFT him; just like that. Did being cousins mean nothing anymore?? Merlin's soggy beeeard. The little boy stomped down the corridor of the train as he passed through it's middle, working his way back to the front.
A strongly worded owl, that's what he would receive once he got to Hogwarts.
Bentley came charging down the corridor of the train with his camera held high over his head. The second year looked like he was being chased by a hungry dragon...said dragon being the prefects but of course he wasn't. NO one was chasing him but he wanted to make sure that just in case they were...he got away.
As he was running from the prefect compartment his eyes caught sigh of his cousin.
"BLAISE!" He yelled wildly almost running smack dab into the boy. "I have the scoop of our life!" He said waving his camera above his head.
"Dude our prefects are troll heads...but we can't talk here.." He explained, dragging his cousin into an empty compartment.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
Jessie speechless.She didn't mean that. Raven look like angry. It's all her fault. She almost made friend but ruined it in second.
Jessie sighed heavily. She felt disappointed to herself.
He was right. What's wrong being a Lestrange?
But it's too late. Raven was disappear. Went to another compartment. They just met. But somehow the girl felt like interested to the Slytherin.
But maybe that boy hate her now.
"I'm sorry. " Jessie mumbled to herself.
As Raven return to his own compartment, he straightly sat with a sluggish pose, he felt regret... why did he have to be so mean to a young girl like Jessie..
He looked into his compartment window.. and wander... he resist himself to wandering to far in his mind and decided to do something to ease it.
Helplessly.. He took a book from one of his bag, try to read it but it seem failed, he still thinking about Jessie, the cute girl he saw..
oh well... its been decided, if he meet her again, he will say sorry to her... He didnt mean to gave a death glare to her.. He just went mad sometimes, if someone is mentioning his family name, because usually people will give him that hideous look and mentioning the things that has passed..
He gave another look to the window... finally arrive...
Last edited by LestrangeRaven; 01-02-2016 at 03:32 PM.
Reason: fixing grammar, sorry
Spencer looked at Hope and smiled. "I'm glad you think that I'm really talented, that means alot to me."said Spencer giving her a soft warm smile. Spencer looked at Arista ferret and smiled at it cuteness. "Your ferret is adorable Arista, I never seen a ferret as cute as this one! "said Spencer. "I used to have one when I was little, her name was Anastasia."said Spencer. Spencer looked at Thomas and laughed. "Reminds me of my cousins old rabbit Thumper, that thing we evil, bit you every time you tried to pet it. "said Spencer.
Spencer nodded. Ah... I see, I'm with that on airplanes, that's why I don't fly them much. "said Spencer. "Although I love flying on a broomstick, I wouldn't be caught dead flying on a airplane, guess it's has to do with control. "said Spencer shrugging. Spencer nodded. "I'm honestly a bit nervous about it really, I excited to see where I go but nervous. "said Spencer honestly. Although he wouldn't cafe where he went, but he wanted Gryffindor more then anything , he honestly felt that he was truly a Gryffindor. Although he wondered what the sorting hat thought about what house he belonged in, that he was afraid to find out.
Spencer looked down at the pin Hope gave him and smiled. "Thanks Hope I love it, and I'm sure you'll be right, you haven't been wrong yet. "said Spencer. He took the pin and placed it on the collar of his shirt, before he looked at her. "Oh I got something for you to."said Spencer as he dug into his jacket of his pocket. He drew out a mood changing necklace and gave it to her. "I saw this in the jewelry shop by my house and thought of you, you always told me that my eyes were like a mood ring, so I got it for you. "said Spencer smiling sheepishly at her.
Hope's mouth dropped open when Spencer gave her the mood ring. It was the perfect gift. So thoughtful and sweet. "Thank you so much! I love it!!" She gave him a peck on the cheek and put it on. It fit great!
She watched Arista's ferret for a while. She loved animals in general. She would probably grow up to do something that dealt with animals. "Arista that's the cutest ferret. I have a lot of animals on the farm, but a ferret isn't one of them."
Hope had never been on a plane and this was her first time on a train. It was rather exciting. "I think it would be fine. I'm sure we wont hit nothing or go off track. That is rather hard right??" She was beginning to doubt herself as she thought about it. Then she remembered Final Destination movies and thought of all the weird and horrible ways that the people in the movies died.. It could happen!!! Hope took a calming breath. Nope she wasn't about to go to sleep now. She had just freaked herself out.