-   Term 42: January - April 2016 (
-   -   Library Bookshelves (

Nordic Witch 12-23-2013 05:17 PM

Library Bookshelves

A large number of floor-to-ceiling bookcases fill up the library, creating aisles upon aisles of books available for students to read and browse. To make finding books for all years a little easier Mr Kitridge has divided the bookshelves into sections like romance, suspense, crime, history, plants and fungi etc.

To return books just walk up to the appropriate shelf and hold up the book. The gripping charm in place on the shelves will take a hold of the book. When you feel a tug on the book let go and the book will fly up and find its right place amongst the other books on the shelves. When retrieving a book you can use the sliding ladders or if you feel confident with your magic you can use a simple accio charm to retrieve the book you want.

In front of each aisle there is small set of desks which students can use to complete homework, copy notes, take book references or chat. Keep your voices down and be mindful of falling books and other students accessing books around you.

Happy reading and learning!

Nordic Witch 01-05-2016 04:40 PM

Coming into the grand bookshelves are Leo stopped and put down the soap buckets on the floor. The line of book trolleys rolled in and came to stop next to right aisle of bookcases. He took a moment to bask in the glorious smells of books before Leo turned to Haddie and Kitty gesturing around him as he explained. "Around us as you can see are many barren shelves with no books on them. Your task is to help me soap clean all the shelves thoroughly with the use of the rags in soap buckets I've provided. If you come across any mothballs and spider webs you can practice using the cleaning charm with its incantation 'Scourgify!' and after that I want you to put up all the books in the trolleys on the right shelves in alphabetical order with care and respect. Do either of you have any questions?"

There was nothing like some good old cleaning to start off the day and being surrounded by books when you did it.

Callie 01-05-2016 06:03 PM

Haddie nodded, apprehensive. And kept nodding until the nods turned confident. "We got this, Mr. Kitridge. Come on Kitty. I can take A through M, and you can take N through Z. Sound good?"

She picked up a bucket and rag, took a long deep breath and walked closer to the shelves, struggling to carry the full bucket of water along with her. But she made it, with only a tiny splash spilled along way. Once at the shelves, she dunked the rag and with another long deep breath, started to scrub. All the while her eyes scanned around for spider-webs and mothballs that she could practice her first learned spell upon.

Goblinfrog 01-05-2016 06:45 PM

"Okay, N through Z." Kitty nodded at Haddie. "Sounds fun. Let's do this!" Sometimes she washed the dishes without magic back at home, because her mother thought it built character - so this really shouldn't be that hard. She took a pale of water and soap and made her way down the opposite row - wondering how many spiders she would find.

Peeves 01-05-2016 07:02 PM

Peeves had heard alllll about the festivities that took place the night before. It was just a shame that he had missed it all because it was right up his alley! Not to worry though because he could still have some fun of his own, it was never too late for Peeves!

He popped into the library, his arms full of goodies from the kitchens. He hadn't seen anyone in the Great Hall, but luckily there were some students in here to play with! Surely they would appreciate his humour!

"FOOD FIGHT, FOOD FIGHT!" he yelled, cackling with laughter as threw handfuls of mashed potatoes at the Ravenclaw girls, splattering them onto the bookshelves as well.

"Oh, Mister LeoBALD Kittridgeeee!" he sang out, grinning with glee. "I think your dull library could use a SPLASH of color!" As in tomato soup red - and he splashed the walls with the tomato soup from the bowl in his arms.

Hehehe, food fights were so much fun! And he had plenty of ammunition!

Callie 01-05-2016 07:27 PM

"Scourgify!" Haddie yelled with a giggle and a wave of the wand. Then she frowned. The spider web was still there. She tried again, with a bit more determination. "Scourgify!" And again. "Scourgify!" And again. "Scourgify!"

"I did it!" she cheered. She cast her first spell and it worked and ---

SPLAT! Deja vu? What the heck? Someone was yelling food fight and tossing mashed potatoes and tomato sauce and Haddie excitedly reached for a pile of mashed potatoes before realizing this was the library, not the Great Hall and Mr. Kitridge was too close for comfort. Not to mention her attacker seemed to be a ghost.

She pulled her hand away from the mashed potato pile with a sheepish glance at Kitridge, and stood instead, drawing her wand. She knew one spell, exactly. It had worked on the spider web, but she would it work on a ghost? She had enough doubt to come up with a slightly better idea.

She aimed the wand at the ghost, or rather more accurately, centered on the piles of food in his arms. If it didn't work on the ghost maybe it would work on the food? "Scourgify!"

Goblinfrog 01-05-2016 07:37 PM

Kitty was humming peacefully to herself as she cleaned, when a tremendous amount of mashed potatoes hit her. It was Peeves!

"GAAA!!!" Kitty screamed in shock and threw up her arms as Peeves pelted them with mashed potatoes. In her haste to escape she tripped over the water bucket and accidentally poured it all out over the floor, making the mess even worse. And now Peeves was throwing food at the shelves too, making everything much, much dirtier.

"Professor Kitridge help!" she shouted. But then she saw Haddie taking out her wand and pointing it at Peeves. She looked like she knew what she was doing, and Kitty felt inspired by her confidence."SCOURGIFY! Kitty shouted, following Haddie's lead - wand pointed at the pile of food in Peeves arms. Hopefully this worked.

WhittyBitty 01-05-2016 10:53 PM

For Kat!
The library wasn't Esme's favourite place, but she DID want to look up more information on crystals, so it was the perfect place for her to go.

Quietly she made her way up and down the aisles. She supposed that it made more sense to ask Mr. Kitridge where they were located, but she had no idea where he was and didn't want to disturb him at the moment anyway.

...Was that Peeves she heard?

He wasn't exactly being quiet. Esme frowned as she turned to the next aisle and spotted him harassing the librarian and a few students. So THAT was where he had been. Trying her best to be silent, she retreated back into the previous aisle. There was no way that she wanted to be caught in the cross-hairs. Food fights weren't something that interested her and they were very wasteful.

Holmesian Feline 01-06-2016 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Squishy (Post 11854559)
The library wasn't Esme's favourite place, but she DID want to look up more information on crystals, so it was the perfect place for her to go.

Quietly she made her way up and down the aisles. She supposed that it made more sense to ask Mr. Kitridge where they were located, but she had no idea where he was and didn't want to disturb him at the moment anyway.

...Was that Peeves she heard?

He wasn't exactly being quiet. Esme frowned as she turned to the next aisle and spotted him harassing the librarian and a few students. So THAT was where he had been. Trying her best to be silent, she retreated back into the previous aisle. There was no way that she wanted to be caught in the cross-hairs. Food fights weren't something that interested her and they were very wasteful.

Cliché Ravenclaw or not, Olivia had been drawn to the library as part of her places to explore as she got to know the school that would be her home for the better part of the next seven years. And who knew, maybe she would find something of interest to sink her curiosity into. She hadn’t quite gotten the moment to have a good look at the shelved that graced her own common room but there was plenty of time for that too.

Stepping into the large cavernous room on the fourth floor, it seemed perfectly normal at first. Quiet of course, like she remembered any other libraries she had been in. However as she made her way into the stacks, things certainly got louder.

Was that yelling? Or singing? Or something else entirely?

Turning into one of the aisles, Olivia debated investigating the source of the noise. But before she could move closer, another slightly older looking girl backed into the aisle from the direction the noise was coming from. Like she was escaping something. “So…you’ve heard it too?” You know, just in case she had been imagining it after all.

WhittyBitty 01-06-2016 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 11854647)
Cliché Ravenclaw or not, Olivia had been drawn to the library as part of her places to explore as she got to know the school that would be her home for the better part of the next seven years. And who knew, maybe she would find something of interest to sink her curiosity into. She hadn’t quite gotten the moment to have a good look at the shelved that graced her own common room but there was plenty of time for that too.

Stepping into the large cavernous room on the fourth floor, it seemed perfectly normal at first. Quiet of course, like she remembered any other libraries she had been in. However as she made her way into the stacks, things certainly got louder.

Was that yelling? Or singing? Or something else entirely?

Turning into one of the aisles, Olivia debated investigating the source of the noise. But before she could move closer, another slightly older looking girl backed into the aisle from the direction the noise was coming from. Like she was escaping something. “So…you’ve heard it too?” You know, just in case she had been imagining it after all.

Why did she have the luck to come to the library when Peeves was causing terror??


She hardly even came here.

Esme was going to sneak back out... Turning to go, she almost bumped into a young girl. Oh. She had barely managed to avoid the collision and it took a moment to understand what was being said to her. "Oh yep. Peeves is at it again," she hissed while hoping that they wouldn't be overheard.

Nordic Witch 01-06-2016 03:01 PM

SPOILER!!: Peeves, Haddie, Kitty

Originally Posted by .Peeves. (Post 11854419)
Peeves had heard alllll about the festivities that took place the night before. It was just a shame that he had missed it all because it was right up his alley! Not to worry though because he could still have some fun of his own, it was never too late for Peeves!
He popped into the library, his arms full of goodies from the kitchens. He hadn't seen anyone in the Great Hall, but luckily there were some students in here to play with! Surely they would appreciate his humour!
"FOOD FIGHT, FOOD FIGHT!" he yelled, cackling with laughter as threw handfuls of mashed potatoes at the Ravenclaw girls, splattering them onto the bookshelves as well.
"Oh, Mister LeoBALD Kittridgeeee!" he sang out, grinning with glee. "I think your dull library could use a SPLASH of color!" As in tomato soup red - and he splashed the walls with the tomato soup from the bowl in his arms.
Hehehe, food fights were so much fun! And he had plenty of ammunition!


Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11854434)
"Scourgify!" Haddie yelled with a giggle and a wave of the wand. Then she frowned. The spider web was still there. She tried again, with a bit more determination. "Scourgify!" And again. "Scourgify!" And again. "Scourgify!"
"I did it!" she cheered. She cast her first spell and it worked and ---
SPLAT! Deja vu? What the heck? Someone was yelling food fight and tossing mashed potatoes and tomato sauce and Haddie excitedly reached for a pile of mashed potatoes before realizing this was the library, not the Great Hall and Mr. Kitridge was too close for comfort. Not to mention her attacker seemed to be a ghost.
She pulled her hand away from the mashed potato pile with a sheepish glance at Kitridge, and stood instead, drawing her wand. She knew one spell, exactly. It had worked on the spider web, but she would it work on a ghost? She had enough doubt to come up with a slightly better idea.

She aimed the wand at the ghost, or rather more accurately, centered on the piles of food in his arms. If it didn't work on the ghost maybe it would work on the food? "Scourgify!"


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 11854440)
Kitty was humming peacefully to herself as she cleaned, when a tremendous amount of mashed potatoes hit her. It was Peeves!
"GAAA!!!" Kitty screamed in shock and threw up her arms as Peeves pelted them with mashed potatoes. In her haste to escape she tripped over the water bucket and accidentally poured it all out over the floor, making the mess even worse. And now Peeves was throwing food at the shelves too, making everything much, much dirtier.
"Professor Kitridge help!" she shouted. But then she saw Haddie taking out her wand and pointing it at Peeves. She looked like she knew what she was doing, and Kitty felt inspired by her confidence."SCOURGIFY! Kitty shouted, following Haddie's lead - wand pointed at the pile of food in Peeves arms. Hopefully this worked.


Wiping away mashed potatoes from his face Leo turned and cried out "GAAAAAH PEEVES! You know you aren't allowed in here! Get out RIGHT NOW or i'll send for his Bloodiness!" Grabbing his wand the veins in his face starting to bulge in tune with his growing anger and despair Leo surveyed the tomato soup on his precious books and shelves as he continued to yell at the entity. "This is MADNESSS! Stop it right now Peeves! You are ruining several hundred year old books! The library is not your personal playground for throwing food at people! Are you ever going to grow up?"

Turning to Haddie and Kitty doing his best to keep it together and not to freak out on them or worse faint Leo shouted over Peeves's gleeful cackles. "Keep cleaning away the food Peeves dishes at us. If we work together he will soon lose interest and leave!" Or that was his hope. Aiming his wand at the nearest shelves clad in tomato soup he cried "Tergeo Maxima!" and watched with satisfaction as the red and icky soup disappeared from his precious books. Whipping around he focused on the mashed potatoes and tomato soup smeared on the other side. Rolling up his sleeves Leo got his wand at work cleaning.

Peeves was not winning over this Librarian!

Glancing over at Kitty and Haddie again he called slightly out of breath and wide-eyed at that. "Don't try to shoot any spells at Peeves. It won't do any good! Just try and avoid getting hit and cleaning up the mess. We have to save the BOOKS!"

Goblinfrog 01-06-2016 03:24 PM

"Okay!" Kitty shouted over the loud noises to show that she had understood the new instructions, and she pointed her wand at the food covered book shelves. SPLAT! A chunk of mashed potato hit her in the face, filling up her eye. She yelped in discomfort and rubbed her eye to clear it. "SCOURGIFY!!!" Kitty shouted, pointing her wand at the book shelves with one eye still stinging slightly from getting hit. She did not know the spell that Mr. Kitridge had just used, so she stuck with the one she had been using before.

Callie 01-06-2016 05:51 PM

"But..." Haddie started to protest, but then just sighed. And nodded. "Yes, sir." Haddie didn't like it. In fact, Haddie hated it. It wasn't her in the most severe way. It felt... wrong.

She sighed again and aimed her wand at a mound of mashed potatoes plastered with tomato sauce that kinda looked like a volcano erupting. And grumbled. "Tergeo Maxima!" At least she could practice the new spell Kitridge showed them. Nothing. "Tergeo Maxima! ... Tergeo Maxima! ... Terge... Scourgify!" Only part of it poofed away. Where did it go after? "Scourgify!" The rest of the mashed potato volcano joined it.

Haddie twisted around and aimed at a splatter of tomato sauce covering a shelf that was still full of books. SPLAT! A sizeable volume of tomato sauce hit her in the face and hair. Once she cleared her eyes and could see again, she re-aimed her wand at the splattered shelves. "Torgeo Maxima! TORGEO MAXIMA! Torgeo MAXIMA! TORGEO Maxima! TorgeoMaximaTorgeoMaximaTorgeoMaxima!" She was determined to get that spell. Haddie closed her eyes, took a deep breathe and opened them again. "Torgeo Maxima!" The tomato sauce covering the shelf and books was... still there. "Scourgify!" It was partially gone. Two more scourgifys got rid for the rest.

It was her first day, she wouldn't be able to master all the spells. A helping of Mashed potatoes hit her robes with a SPLOOT! So much for avoiding being hit. She aimed at another mix of potatoes and tomato sauce, "Scourgify!" Then a smaller batch on the floor. "Scougify!"

Peeves 01-06-2016 05:54 PM

Hehehe! Did those silly students think they were going to stop all of the fun that Peeves was intending to have with some cleaning spells? Not a chance! He merely popped out of the way of the incoming spell and popped back into sight behind them.

"I think you are mistaken! It's not Peeves that needs cleaned up, it's YOU!" He cackled some more then threw handfuls of chocolate pudding and mashed potatoes at the Ravenclaw girls, hitting MANY of the books and shelves in the process.

He hadn't had a good, old-fashioned food fight in a long time. What fun this was! Until old grumpy pants started talking. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Peeves mimicked a talking motion with his hand.

"Peeves is just catching up on all the fun he missed!"
He did not like mention of the Baron one bit, but he wasn't here now, was he? He eyed the man's wand then watched him and the students clean the shelves.

These students got BORINNNNGGGG real fast, even if the bulging veins in the librarian's face was awfully funny to see. "You haven't seen the last of me!" he cackled before swooping over the man's head and overturning the last of his bowl of soup. And with a POP he was out of sight.

Callie 01-06-2016 06:18 PM

SPLICH! Chocolate pudding hit her from behind. Lots of it. Joining the Jackson Pollock painting that she was becoming. Haddie turned around in time to see Peeves mimic mock Kitridge and giggled. She couldn't help it. She tried. Honest. Really, really hard.

Then Peeves dumped a whole bowl of tomato sauce on Mr. Kitridge and was gone. Haddie bit her lip and looked at the floor. "Scourgify!" That took care of a bit of the pudding. "That was fun," she said, sincerely. Mostly to herself, but with Haddie, nothing is ever just to herself. "Scourgify!" A another chunk of the pudding around her vanished. She continued to cast the cleaning spells at globs of food, both busying herself and giving her an excuse not to meet Kitridge's eyes. She was fairly certain he'd not be pleased at her for giggling. Especially after having an entire bowl emptied on him.

Goblinfrog 01-06-2016 08:13 PM

Kitty crouched behind a book shelf to avoid getting hit by the flying pudding. She aiming her wand out through the cracks in between and fired Scourgify at the ruined books, but Peeves was able to throw much faster than they were being able to clean. Kitty aimed her wand at the closest shelf and whispered so no one could hear if she got it wrong, "Torgeo Maxima!" Nothing happened. Hopefully no one noticed that. She sighed and reverted back to Scourgify. That spell she would have to practice on her own later.

Then, just as quickly as he had come Peeves was gone - flying out of the library with a promise that they hadn't seen the last of him. Kitty stood up from behind the book shelf and came out into the open. Nearby she heard Haddie saying it was fun. Now that it was over she could see her point (even though she hated getting dirty), but she didn't dare agree out loud. Hopefully he wouldn't get mad.

Looking around at the huge mess which still remained, Kitty took out her wand again and began casting Scourgify at everything around her.

Nordic Witch 01-07-2016 03:26 PM

SPOILER!!: Peeves, Kitty, Haddie

Originally Posted by .Peeves. (Post 11855303)
Hehehe! Did those silly students think they were going to stop all of the fun that Peeves was intending to have with some cleaning spells? Not a chance! He merely popped out of the way of the incoming spell and popped back into sight behind them.
"I think you are mistaken! It's not Peeves that needs cleaned up, it's YOU!" He cackled some more then threw handfuls of chocolate pudding and mashed potatoes at the Ravenclaw girls, hitting MANY of the books and shelves in the process.
He hadn't had a good, old-fashioned food fight in a long time. What fun this was! Until old grumpy pants started talking. BLAH, BLAH, BLAH. Peeves mimicked a talking motion with his hand.
"Peeves is just catching up on all the fun he missed!" He did not like mention of the Baron one bit, but he wasn't here now, was he? He eyed the man's wand then watched him and the students clean the shelves.
These students got BORINNNNGGGG real fast, even if the bulging veins in the librarian's face was awfully funny to see. "You haven't seen the last of me!" he cackled before swooping over the man's head and overturning the last of his bowl of soup. And with a POP he was out of sight.


Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11855315)
SPLICH! Chocolate pudding hit her from behind. Lots of it. Joining the Jackson Pollock painting that she was becoming. Haddie turned around in time to see Peeves mimic mock Kitridge and giggled. She couldn't help it. She tried. Honest. Really, really hard.
Then Peeves dumped a whole bowl of tomato sauce on Mr. Kitridge and was gone. Haddie bit her lip and looked at the floor. "Scourgify!" That took care of a bit of the pudding. "That was fun," she said, sincerely. Mostly to herself, but with Haddie, nothing is ever just to herself. "Scourgify!" A another chunk of the pudding around her vanished. She continued to cast the cleaning spells at globs of food, both busying herself and giving her an excuse not to meet Kitridge's eyes. She was fairly certain he'd not be pleased at her for giggling. Especially after having an entire bowl emptied on him.


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 11855394)
Kitty crouched behind a book shelf to avoid getting hit by the flying pudding. She aiming her wand out through the cracks in between and fired Scourgify at the ruined books, but Peeves was able to throw much faster than they were being able to clean. Kitty aimed her wand at the closest shelf and whispered so no one could hear if she got it wrong, "Torgeo Maxima!" Nothing happened. Hopefully no one noticed that. She sighed and reverted back to Scourgify. That spell she would have to practice on her own later.
Then, just as quickly as he had come Peeves was gone - flying out of the library with a promise that they hadn't seen the last of him. Kitty stood up from behind the book shelf and came out into the open. Nearby she heard Haddie saying it was fun. Now that it was over she could see her point (even though she hated getting dirty), but she didn't dare agree out loud. Hopefully he wouldn't get mad.
Looking around at the huge mess which still remained, Kitty took out her wand again and began casting Scourgify at everything around her.

Shutting out Peeve's cackles as he kept on mocking Leo and throwing food all over the place and not just soup but also chocolate pudding was very hard. It did however not go past him that Haddie thought all this was funny and she even had the audacity to giggle along with Peeves antics.

It made Leo see red as he fought the onslaught of food with a myriad of cleaning spells that he cast in quick succession. He was not going to let one page or book get ruined. It was not happening. When Peeves finally left Leo was breathing hard and his face was flushed with equal anger and stress and some emotion he could not place.

Closing his eyes for just a moment to regain his breath Leo heard Haddie utter the line. 'That was fun.'

Eyes flashing opening Leo's eyes would have shot daggers if he wasn't fighting to keep his cool and calm. Veins bulging on his forehead alarmingly as he addressed Haddie, gesturing around him to the mess of food still on the shelves, books and the red sauce on the floor. "You think all this is funny Hadley? Is it funny that school property might be destroyed because of the food Peeves has thrown around today? Books whose knowledge you might never get to read and acquire, because the books are too damaged by sauce, pudding and potatoes to be cleaned and fixed that all I can do is burn them up in my fireplace?" If it came to that he would cry and keep crying until the books were nevermore. He'd have to ask someone to do that with him or for him rather. It'd be a too traumatic experience.

At least Kitty had the sense to not say something that angered him more and for that he complimented but it was one hard found because Leo was still seething with anger. "Good work Kitty! Please focus on cleaning up the soup first so that none of us slips."

Leo did not want to look down at the damage in the book trolleys. He already knew it was bad. Peeves never did anything by half. Hand trembling slightly he moved to touch the nearest shelf with love mumbling loving words as he cleaned away the chocolate pudding.

Callie 01-07-2016 04:35 PM

Haddie sighed, and gave Mr. Kitridge a frank and flat stare. She turned her attention to a spot of pudding. "Scourgify!" For the head of the smart house Mr. Kitridge sure had a way of twisting meaning around.

"Fun," she muttered. "Not funny. Fun. There's a difference." Not that it was going to do much good, Haddie believed. Most adults when they couldn't punish the person responsible, were quite happy to punish another in their place. And Haddie never was able to keep her mouth shut. She'd probably been here as much as she had the responsible party. "Scourgify!"

Was it even worth trying to explain that she didn't find the destruction of the books or anything else for that matter funny or fun, even while she found Peeves and the excitement of dueling with him to be both? Would she even be able to express that accurately enough to Mr. Kitridge? Probably not. Haddie shrugged instead. "I can't help what I find fun, Mr. Kitridge. No more than anyone else can. Scourgify!"

She waited to hear what her punishment for today would be, and continued to clean with the spell Mr. Kitridge had shown them.

Holmesian Feline 01-07-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Squishy (Post 11854934)
Why did she have the luck to come to the library when Peeves was causing terror??


She hardly even came here.

Esme was going to sneak back out... Turning to go, she almost bumped into a young girl. Oh. She had barely managed to avoid the collision and it took a moment to understand what was being said to her. "Oh yep. Peeves is at it again," she hissed while hoping that they wouldn't be overheard.

Was she hissing at her?

Oh…she was trying to be quiet while not being quiet to respond to her. See, Olivia wasn’t completely stupid as a first year. And the mention of Peeves clued her into why her older companion was doing it. When one had family that had attended Hogwarts before you, or you read Hogwarts: A History for that matter, you could learn about the ghostly inhabitants of the castle. There was the four house ghosts…and then there was Peeves the poltergeist.

The troublemaker.

Who seemed to be currently causing trouble with one head of house and at least one student by the sounds of it. “Um…should we do something?” Olivia asked quietly so only the other girl could hear.

Goblinfrog 01-08-2016 02:13 AM

"Yes sir" A small rush of happiness came over Kitty as Kitridge complimented her. She pointed her wand at the soup on the floor nearest them, which was now mixed with the water she had accidentally spilled when trying to escape Peeves. "Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify!" She did it in the pattern of an expanding circle, so that the floor nearest them was cleaned first. The circle ended where the floor met the book shelves.

In the meantime she listened to Kitridge lecture Haddie and Haddie respond, secretly admiring Haddie's defiance - but at the same time hoping that she didn't get punished any more. When at last the floor was clean she pointed her wand at the damaged books and began there next.

WhittyBitty 01-08-2016 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 11856307)
Was she hissing at her?

Oh…she was trying to be quiet while not being quiet to respond to her. See, Olivia wasn’t completely stupid as a first year. And the mention of Peeves clued her into why her older companion was doing it. When one had family that had attended Hogwarts before you, or you read Hogwarts: A History for that matter, you could learn about the ghostly inhabitants of the castle. There was the four house ghosts…and then there was Peeves the poltergeist.

The troublemaker.

Who seemed to be currently causing trouble with one head of house and at least one student by the sounds of it. “Um…should we do something?” Olivia asked quietly so only the other girl could hear.

The young girl seemed confused for a second, but it seemed that she had worked whatever the problem was out. Good.

Esme bit her lip and looked into the next aisle of the bookshelves. About to mention the Bloody Baron, she let out a sigh of relief when the poltergeist decided to pop out of sight. "Crisis averted!" That had been pretty close and she hadn't wanted to talk to the Baron because he made her feel a little anxious. It was the ghost blood.

"I guess we should help them clean up." Oh joy.

Holmesian Feline 01-08-2016 03:32 PM

Offering help
At the other girl’s mention of trouble being gone, Olivia moved besides her and stuck her own head out to see. Sure enough, there was no sign of the poltergeist that she could see, other than the mess he had obviously been the cause of. She nodded at the suggestion to help clean up, agreeing that was the least they could do unless they both wanted to just escape. But she herself didn’t want that.

“I’m Olivia, by the way,” she introduced before heading over to the librarian and his two student companions.

“Mr. Kittridge…” Olivia said as she came to the group. “Is there anything we can do to help?” The first year asking, not aware her companion might not want to, nor prefer not to be included in the ‘we’. Or even if she followed along. Looking around, she hoped that perhaps there was something she didn’t have to depend on her magic for…the Ravenclaw didn’t want to make matters with the books worse.

Nordic Witch 01-09-2016 09:02 AM

SPOILER!!: Haddie & Kitty

Originally Posted by Callie (Post 11856135)
Haddie sighed, and gave Mr. Kitridge a frank and flat stare. She turned her attention to a spot of pudding. "Scourgify!" For the head of the smart house Mr. Kitridge sure had a way of twisting meaning around.
"Fun," she muttered. "Not funny. Fun. There's a difference." Not that it was going to do much good, Haddie believed. Most adults when they couldn't punish the person responsible, were quite happy to punish another in their place. And Haddie never was able to keep her mouth shut. She'd probably been here as much as she had the responsible party. "Scourgify!"
Was it even worth trying to explain that she didn't find the destruction of the books or anything else for that matter funny or fun, even while she found Peeves and the excitement of dueling with him to be both? Would she even be able to express that accurately enough to Mr. Kitridge? Probably not. Haddie shrugged instead. "I can't help what I find fun, Mr. Kitridge. No more than anyone else can. Scourgify!"
She waited to hear what her punishment for today would be, and continued to clean with the spell Mr. Kitridge had shown them.


Originally Posted by Goblinfrog (Post 11856505)
"Yes sir" A small rush of happiness came over Kitty as Kitridge complimented her. She pointed her wand at the soup on the floor nearest them, which was now mixed with the water she had accidentally spilled when trying to escape Peeves. "Scourgify! Scourgify! Scourgify!" She did it in the pattern of an expanding circle, so that the floor nearest them was cleaned first. The circle ended where the floor met the book shelves.
In the meantime she listened to Kitridge lecture Haddie and Haddie respond, secretly admiring Haddie's defiance - but at the same time hoping that she didn't get punished any more. When at last the floor was clean she pointed her wand at the damaged books and began there next.

He expected understanding.He expected an apology. He even expected a show of compassion and respect for the books and his plain and visible hurting. What Leo got from Haddie was sass and rudeness. Why had the sorting hat placed this girl in his house? To torment him? Merlins socks if that was the case then he had now gotten the memo in full and a blasting headache to show for it to match all his bent up anger and stress.

Closing his eyes and breathing in and out to try and calm himself because like those who knew him best Leo only had major meltdowns if it concerned his BOOKs or family. It wasn't until several minutes later that Leo addressed Haddie again his tone short and to the point as he eyed the 11 year old girl. "You are right you can't help what you find 'fun' Hadley, but you can do a million times better job at using your inborn intelligence and wits that made the sorting hat put you in Ravenclaw house last night to know when it's better to keep your mouth shut." He paused to rub at his temples. The headache raging in his head was not to be played with.

"This library and the books in it I love as much as the woman I spend my life with. When these precious tomes of knowledge get defiled, defaced or in this case food splashed all over them then it's like a sharp stab of hurt against my heart and I take that very, very seriously. I expect all students and colleagues to if not understand at least be considerate of my feelings and not make things worse." Leo finished off. Did Haddie get it now? She was hurting his feelings. Haddie owed him a heartfelt apology. Could she give him one or earn herself detention?

Casting cleaning spells left and right he was pleased that Kitty was doing her part at least and not trying to interject in his lecturing of Haddie.

SPOILER!!: Esme & Olivia

Originally Posted by Squishy (Post 11856597)
The young girl seemed confused for a second, but it seemed that she had worked whatever the problem was out. Good.
Esme bit her lip and looked into the next aisle of the bookshelves. About to mention the Bloody Baron, she let out a sigh of relief when the poltergeist decided to pop out of sight. "Crisis averted!" That had been pretty close and she hadn't wanted to talk to the Baron because he made her feel a little anxious. It was the ghost blood.
"I guess we should help them clean up." Oh joy.


Originally Posted by Holmesian Feline (Post 11857018)
“Mr. Kittridge…” Olivia said as she came to the group. “Is there anything we can do to help?” The first year asking, not aware her companion might not want to, nor prefer not to be included in the ‘we’. Or even if she followed along. Looking around, she hoped that perhaps there was something she didn’t have to depend on her magic for…the Ravenclaw didn’t want to make matters with the books worse.

As he heard footsteps Leo prayed that it wasn't someone with more bad news or the urge to make the current situation worse. Luckily though it was just Olivia and a badger's name he couldn't place that wanted to offer their assistance with clean up. Smiling at them even if he had to dig deep for it he said "Hi Olivia and Olivia's friend that i don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting before? I'd be grateful if you two could clean up any and all food in the book trolleys over there and then move to cleaning the food from off the shelves. If you find books that are drenched in food then please bring them to me."

Callie 01-09-2016 06:25 PM

Yeah, not according to her parents. According to them, she never knew when to keep her mouth shut. And the Sorting Hat was a moron in Haddie's opinion. But before Haddie could tell Kitridge either of those things, he continued and she went back to scourgifying food where ever she saw it as she listened.

But-but they were cleaning the books weren't they? Magically? Wasn't there spells that could repair any damage they'd taken? "I'm sorry," she told Kitridge, about the books. She meant that. Believe it or not, the girl did have her own, unique, ethical code. She did want to ask about why he couldn't just fix the books with magic. She'd seen it do so much already, why was that beyond its capabilities? But thought better of it, and put a bit more distance between Kitridge and herself and went back to scourgifying food off shelves.

WhittyBitty 01-09-2016 09:24 PM

It was not fair for Peeves to leave them with a mess to clean up. Stinking poltergeist. Esme didn't mind cleaning, but she thought that he needed to learn some manners!

"I'm Esme," she said with a smile to Olivia. She would remember the name, but there was no time to get to know each other properly because Mr. Kitridge needed their help. "Name is Esme," she told him with a smile. It was no real surprise that he didn't recognize her since she didn't exactly spend a lot of time at the library.

She couldn't even remember the last time she had been here...

"Yes, Sir!" she said giving a little salute. She could do that easily. Heading over to one of the book trolleys, she made a tisking sound. So much food wasted and so much left for them to clean. Shaking her head, she got to work.

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