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Gryffindor Reading Room [ map ]
<3 Leaving the common room was usually high on his list of things to-do in the morning, but with a free session first up, Zeke wasn't motivated to go just yet. Instead, the fifth year set his bag down at one of the desks by the wall and plopped in the chair in front of it. Ancient Runes was a hard enough subject as it was, but without a Professor in the flesh to guide him, it had him wondering what his chances of success would be. Nevertheless, he was determined and with this in mind he pulled his textbook from his satchel and flipped it open to the first chapter. Right..... Runes. |
"Aha! Here you are," he greeted with a broad smile. "I was hoping I would find you." |
Text Cut: NICHOLAS of the nearly-headless variety He had read the first sentence no less than four times, and it wasn't sinking in. That being said, theory had never been his strong suit so he could hope to skip through it and cross his fingers that applying his learning would come easier. Reading, would be the death of him this year. Eyes darting up from his text, Zeke smiled in Sir Nicholas' direction. "Hi Sir Nicholas," he greeted. But then... what was all this? He'd have asked about the ghost's summer too, and all that jazz... but he was too distracted with why he was being sought out. "You were?" he queried almost immediately. Well, HERE HE WAS. His attention with his House Ghost, Zeke pushed his text away a few inches. Curious. |
Text Cut: Nick! His gaze stayed with the ghost as he neared. Thoughts of what the topic of discussion might be, floated in his mind, each one perhaps more ridiculous than the last. Only, as Sir Nick continued, he couldn't help but realise how wrong he was. "Oh?" ... Oh. The feast was still just a blur to him, and it hadn't occurred to him that people (the living and the dead) had witnessed his exchange with Maggie, or even a part of it. But before he could set Sir Nick on the right path, the ghost continued... and could be the death of them? "I... uh... we're okay actually, better than okay," he informed with solemn head nodding, his smile growing into a grin that his face could barely contain. "See, I found out last night, she loves me." Zeke wiggled his brows a bit, yeah, dude hear that? LOVE. But other important things, "And what do you mean, from your experiences? I don't fancy dating being the end of me." It'd be a sad way to die, hardly any glory in a broken heart. |
"Does she now!?" Sir Nicholas grinned from ear to ear, an admiral twinkle appearing in his eyes. "Well this is splendid news, splendid indeed! Congratulations my boy." Well, the ghost certainly felt a bit foolish having come here expecting to find the young man suffering from love's keen sting. Instead he was greeted with a young man basking in it. If only the ghost had had such luck recently. "Ah yes, well....it was the Lady Grieve of whom I hoped to impress by straightening her teeth as she had requested. Unfortunately, my efforts would lead to my demise. Forty-five hacks it took to get the deed done, I may add, and left me with a mere half an inch that has denied me the entry I deserve into the Headless Hunt." Finishing his speech, not without dramatic flare, he turned to Zeke and adjusted his head a bit as it had become a bit lopsided. "Thankfully for you, m'boy, you did not have a tusk of a problem." |
Text Cut: Sir Nick-o-las It was difficult to keep from looking smug, and so he didn't even TRY to conceal his elated expression. Sir Nick wasn't helping to keep him modest either, not with the exclamations and congratulations and all. "She does, but I kinda thought she did for a while anyway," he mused with a casual shrug. He was a loveable kind of guy, and after all the time they'd shared tother how could she not? No, things made perfect sense now, and all was right with the world. Still he beamed his 'thanks' at the jovial ghost. The Lady Grieve thing though, now that sounded messy... literally. "That's harsh," he shook his head sympathetically. They had the gall to have his head, and couldn't even get the job done right. Rude. Naturally he was well up to date with the inch of skin and headless hunt thing, and a part of him wondered if there might be a solution to it. Maybe. "Whatever happened to her? Lady Grieve?" he asked, remembering that it took two to tango. "Did she lose her life too?" |
"I am afraid I do not know what became of her," he lamented as he turned his gaze dramatically towards one of the windows in the reading room. "I suspect she had her tusks surgically removed somehow and went on with her life." Which was just as well considering how she had slapped him across the face and screeched she never wanted to see him again. "How do you manage it with such ease? The wooing?" He had once thought himself quite the catch, but centuries within the walls of Hogwarts and priorities being what they were had put the specter a bit out of practice. |
Text Cut: Nickkkk Somehow he'd always considered ghosts to be all-knowing. Like, they just knew the universe and the things in all places... so the realisation that that wasn't the case was only just sinking in. Interesting. But then tusks were mentioned for a second time, and a light-bulb moment occurred. The woman had tusks? "Oh... fascinating," he murmured, wondering WHY on earth Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington was interested in a woman with tusks. It would hardly be conducive to snogging though, so he could understand why the man had tried to do her a favour. Pity it didn't end well. But then his brows arched at Sir Nick's question. "Uhh... confidence," he supplied casually. "Women love it, just tell them what you want and you'll get it," he nodded, which was something he had learned along the way... the fruits of his labour, Sir Nicholas, use the advice wisely. |
But the current climate of their conversation was steering them away from such gloating. "Confidence," he repeated. Sir Nicholas certainly had that despite Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore's best efforts. "So you are suggesting that I just come right out and say it? Just float right up to her and declare, 'Helena of Ravenclaw, I wish to court thee?'" |
Text Cut: Sir Nick Confidence, yes, take a leaf out of his book , Sir Nicholas... it worked wonders. Zeke nodded in agreement because it was the obvious truth, but what he wasn't prepared for was the House Ghost practicing his efforts before him. ... Sweet. Mother. of. Merlin. Had be been consuming a food or beverage at the time, half of it would have ended up in his nose, and the other half across the desk in front of him. Thankfully, that wasn't the case. "You could say it like that," Zeke finally managed a reply after somehow (skilfully even) managing to keep his composure. "Or you could say: Lady Helena I think you're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen, will you to date with me?" Mmhmm, because CLEARLY that was how it was done. It wasn't exactly how he'd do it, if he had to ask a girl out again, but it was the best way he could think to jazz up an old-soul 'courtly' ghostly request. "And make sure you use creature, because women like to think they're different from us and other-worldly and special in a way that we can't truly comprehend." Like a Veela. Exactly like a Veela. |
SPOILER!!: Zeke Merlin. The ghost was certainly not up with the times when it came to courtship. It was to be expected, he supposed. Seeing as the last time he had seriously attempted to woo a woman had been the Lady Grieve and that had turned out just splendidly for him. "Date?" he repeated with a furrowed brow. "Sounds a bit crude, does it not? The Lady Helena deserves more elegant an expression than that. The term creature, however, may be something I can work with...although one could argue that we are already other-wordly." Practically the manner in which the living referred to spirits, was it not? "Location has a great deal to do with this sort of thing, but us ghosts tend to keep to our usual routines after having been here for all these years. As a young man with fresh eyes, where would you suggest?" he inquired further. |
Text Cut: Nickkkyyyy-poooo Date. Yes date! And HOW was that crude? Zeke shook his head disbelievingly. "It's the modern thing I guess, it's now considered weird if you speak of courtship and things like what you were saying." No offence man, but... ancient much? "It's not like you're asking her to 'go out' with you or anything, date is a perfectly legitimate term." See? LOGIC. And creatures being other-worldly, ghosts in general too... "hell you're still technically human-ish, and you're still on Earth, just more see through than originally." Ahem. "Do use it though, she won't be able to resist your charming her like that." Exceptionally good advice he gave, was anyone else listening??? Because they should. But then came a doozy of a question. Just WHERE did ghosts have dates? "Ummm... the observatory, I highly recommend it. Lovely view, great atmosphere, and I'm sure Professor Flamsteed would be willing to organise for you some extra mood lighting too." Or stick them in detention, which would not only be incredibly amusing, but it was also a great way to bring people together - when done right. |
SPOILER!!: Not quite sure I fancy being called....Nicky-poo Sir Nicholas let out a long 'hmmm' at the Gryffindor's elaboration, still not entirely convinced that using the term 'date' was appropriate from a lady. It did not roll off his semitransparent tongue naturally and felt rather clumsy. "Oh I would not bother your Head of House wish such matters," Sir Nicholas waved off. "We both know he is not keen on his Astronomy Tower being a used as a space for wooing." He gave Zeke a knowing look. "The likelihood of Marion Burbage gracing us with her presence is quite likely, she cannot resist herself in these matters. So perhaps somewhere more private...the Restricted Section of the library, perhaps?" The ghost was not being dense, he knew romance like the back of his semitransparent hand, although it may appear as such to the unknowing young man. The ways in which a ghost thought were not nearly as transparent as their bodies. |
Text Cut: it's endearing, just accept XD Hhhmmmm.... And drats, no? No observatory?! It was such a good idea though, it really was. "Ehh, your loss," he shrugged, his fingers leaning over to fiddle with the text pages. And what was that look all about? Hhmmm? "It's not like wooing is vandalising the place, Professor Flamsteed needs to reprioritise." That's the way he saw it. It was rude to keep a perfectly good date-spot for non-date purposes. Did the man not know how difficult it was to do proper dates at Hogwarts?! The whole Burbage thing was a bummer. "Mmm, I guess. An unused classroom could work too. Or the Room of Requirement...." could ghosts get in there? This was something he was keen to find out. |
SPOILER!!: no thank you. Sir Nicholas Sort out his priorities? Now where had the ghost heard that before. Before nostalgia could fully set in, Sir Nicholas thought over the other suggestions. An unused classroom was another absurd suggestion from the Gryffindor. Unused was hardly a suitable term for the location of place in which one was seeking something to begin. But the ghost kept his thoughts to himself. "I fear such luxuries are wasted on spirits. Not without a physical form of magical blood present to guide the enchantments." Unless Zeke was offering to be that presence, perhaps in the company of his heart's affections, then that was not an option either. Thus, he was just going to continue to float here looking forlorn as he thought things over a bit more. |
Text Cut: pppffftttttt... GHOST It was strange to think what had started out as a study session, had now become a discussion about dating... with a ghost. The wonderfully weird truly did occur frequently at Hogwarts. Nevertheless, it had his mind on potential dates and things with a certain Slytherin. Though, it would be her turn to plan something soon. ... And from what he could tell, the Room of Requirement wasn't an option. Right? That's what Nick was getting at? "So you, can't get in?" he asked, seeking confirmation. "That's a pity, because it's the perfect location really, it can be whatever you want it to be." |
Still, the Restricted Section still had its appeal. If not there then perhaps the Spirit Room. He had felt much more rejuvenated and confident whilst near that room the past few terms. |
Text Cut: Sir Nick Weird. Still, he supposed it made sense, no blood. Blood was... important. Zeke wasn't oblivious, he picked up on the hint well enough, a grin forming on his face. "Sir Nicholas, are you asking for my help?" he mused before nodding. "Whenever you need it, I'd be happy to help." Seriously, pull him out of class for it too, because those were difficult to sit through without stretching legs. He was so generous, was he not? |
"My dear boy, I thought you would never ask!" he grinned eagerly, so much so that his head nearly flopped over. "It would be an honour and a privilege to receive aid from a fine young man such as yourself. I shall leave the details to you and see to wooing milady to the room in question." With that settled, he ought to go make a formal request of the Lady Helena. The ghost had even turned himself away from the Gryffindor to make his exit with a dreamy hopeful look plastered across his semitransparent features. |
Text Cut: Sir N. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought it was Sir Nicholas' birthday. But he DID know better, and so the ghost's expression was taken on face value. Dude was pleased for his help. ... and gosh, compliments too. A fine young man, why yes he was, thank you for noticing Sir Nicholas. "It's no trouble, let me know how the wooing goes though," he winked, grinning to himself as the ghost departed. HA! This was brilliant. Just brilliant. After a brief moment, Zeke's gaze dropped to his book on the desk. Maybe now wasn't the time to tackle that chapter, he was suddenly in a mood for breakfast. Stuffing his book back into his bag, Zeke pushed himself away from the desk and set off. He had a hankering for bacon. |
With an airy wave, the house ghost continued his glide to exit the room. Completely missing the opening into the common room proper and disappearing through one of the curves in the stone walls instead. |
The young girl has nothing to do. She was bored. So she decided to spending her time in the reading room. She bought her favourite book. Plopped down onthe chair, she began to open her book. She took a glance to the potrait for a while before bring her attention to the first page of her book. |
Dora Bora Bentley hauled his stacks of books with him to the Gryffindor reading room. There was a particular subject that had been driving him bonkers the whole year....females. Try as he might he just could not understand them. Not even after extended minutes of incognito observation. His last resort was to hit the library for any information wizards of renown could give him on the matter at hand. After making himself comfortable (by sinking into a large blue bean bag) he made a small stack of books and flipped one open on his lap. Right.....girls.... |
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