Head Girl vs Head Boy. Had Professor Hirsch planned this out or was it just a coincidence that he was dueling her? He had duelled against Tia before, last year and the girl had won that time. But barely. Now, with even more practise under his sleeve and he was sure the Ravenclaw had been practising as well, Yoongi was ready to win.
He smiled at the word partner and bowed his head as well. Slightly like her, not keeping his eyes off of her. That had been his first mistake last year. Not paying attention. And now that he did he took note that her wand was still at her side. He saw the flick and relying on instinct as he didn’t know what spell she had just used, the Gryffindor yelled
“Protego!” the shield charm formed in front of him and her first spell bounced off.
He grinned at her but that grin was only short when he saw a jet of silver light coming his way. Knowing the spell by sight, Yoongi quickly
dived out of the way and as he landed crouched down he pointed his own wand, sending a non-verbal
Homing Spell her way as well as a