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The back of the train is the last to leave the station, and the last to kiss London goodbye. Those who linger here might be sad to see summer end, or maybe they're just not eager for another school term. It's a raucous area, though, full of fun and frivolity, and the detritus that collects in the wake of a all these students. Someone has lost a sock, a chocolate frog, and an exquisite porcelain doll.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jazzy
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper couldn't help but let out a giggle small laugh of his own at the mention of a pepper flavoured bean, nodding as he recalled his own experiences with one of those. "I hate those ones," why couldn't the majority of these beans be a good flavour.
Speaking of good flavours, he'd just had a bubblegum flavoured jellybean.
That made him quite happy.
"If not we might learn some spells so you wouldn't hurt yourself that much," that was a nice thought. Better than commenting that they might have to put her in a padded room with cushions everywhere and nothing else.
His eyes widened at the thought of putting her on ice skates, before shaking his head. "Definitely not," he agreed. That would be terrifying.
Absolutely terrifying for him.
Jasper noted the curious look on her face, but he wasn't sure if he actually wanted her to know what he was thinking. What if he couldn't draw her properly? What if the drawings just never worked? Then she'd think it was pathetic. Or maybe she'd be polite and throw them out when he wasn't around. No it would be best if she didn't know. Then he could spend some time working on it and make sure it was perfect!
She was going to love it!
A grin crossed his face at the thought.
Instead he shifted the topic back to her clumsiness. "I won't allow you to play quidditch either."
The grin stayed on his face. That would cover him, wouldn't it?
Azura nodded and made a face as Jasper spoke, "I do too, I'm glad I've never gotten anything worse.. Though I have managed to find a watermelon one once.. That was surprising!" In a good way! Bertie Botts could be an adventure..
But she was happy with her sugar Quill and she kept on sucking on it thoughtfully as she looked over at him.
"Well my mom is a healer, so I actually know some helpful healing spells, I might have to teach them to you." Like Episky! That one was handy for healing broken toes and fingers and noses! "But I would like to learn some cushioning charms and things of that nature, at least to soften my landings." The ground was hard, and apparently very friendly as it was constantly trying to meet her!
She smiled as she saw the look in his eyes as she mentioned ice skating. "I'll not tell you about "The incident" But I assure you it wasn't fun. Believe me, ice skating is not something I ever want to do again." She said with a reassuring nod. It had been so bad her parents had needed calming draughts!
She watched him carefully, wondering what he was thinking, he seemed to be deep in thought about something and she wondered if it had to do with her? A slow smile spread across her face as she lifted her shoulders happily as she realized she would like it if he was thinking about her!
But then again.. he was most likely thinking about food! Or maybe Hogwarts? Mmmm, it was probably that.
Though a slow smile spread across her face as he spoke of Quidditch.. "I play actually. Surprisingly, I'm very graceful in the air! Once you take my feet out of the equation I don't fall! I've never had a Quidditch accident.".
Okay so there had been that one time when she had run into the broomshed.. but that hadn't been her fault!
Azura nodded and made a face as Jasper spoke, "I do too, I'm glad I've never gotten anything worse.. Though I have managed to find a watermelon one once.. That was surprising!" In a good way! Bertie Botts could be an adventure..
But she was happy with her sugar Quill and she kept on sucking on it thoughtfully as she looked over at him.
"Well my mom is a healer, so I actually know some helpful healing spells, I might have to teach them to you." Like Episky! That one was handy for healing broken toes and fingers and noses! "But I would like to learn some cushioning charms and things of that nature, at least to soften my landings." The ground was hard, and apparently very friendly as it was constantly trying to meet her!
She smiled as she saw the look in his eyes as she mentioned ice skating. "I'll not tell you about "The incident" But I assure you it wasn't fun. Believe me, ice skating is not something I ever want to do again." She said with a reassuring nod. It had been so bad her parents had needed calming draughts!
She watched him carefully, wondering what he was thinking, he seemed to be deep in thought about something and she wondered if it had to do with her? A slow smile spread across her face as she lifted her shoulders happily as she realized she would like it if he was thinking about her!
But then again.. he was most likely thinking about food! Or maybe Hogwarts? Mmmm, it was probably that.
Though a slow smile spread across her face as he spoke of Quidditch.. "I play actually. Surprisingly, I'm very graceful in the air! Once you take my feet out of the equation I don't fall! I've never had a Quidditch accident.".
Okay so there had been that one time when she had run into the broomshed.. but that hadn't been her fault!
Jasper thought for a moment about the different flavours he had discovered in the short time that he had been eating Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans. "I think I've never had a watermelon one... the blueberry pie is surprisingly good though!"
Pie flavoured beans.
What kind of awesome world were they living in?
"I'm definitely going to have to learn those," he said a smile on his face. That way he could help her!
So she could play? That was cool!
"Really? What position do you play?" he asked. So far, he only knew the basics of Quidditch, having read a book that his father got him after his letter arrived. He liked the idea of it... but playing? He wasn't too sure how he felt about that. "I've never flown on a broom before..." he admittedly softly.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper thought for a moment about the different flavours he had discovered in the short time that he had been eating Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans. "I think I've never had a watermelon one... the blueberry pie is surprisingly good though!"
Pie flavoured beans.
What kind of awesome world were they living in?
"I'm definitely going to have to learn those," he said a smile on his face. That way he could help her!
So she could play? That was cool!
"Really? What position do you play?" he asked. So far, he only knew the basics of Quidditch, having read a book that his father got him after his letter arrived. He liked the idea of it... but playing? He wasn't too sure how he felt about that. "I've never flown on a broom before..." he admittedly softly.
That he could blame on growing up around muggles.
Azura's mouth fell open.."Blueberry pie? That sounds amazing." She had never had one of those and now she wanted to see if she could try and find one! "What color was it?" She asked him curiously. Blue maybe? What harm could come from blue beans? Soap?
"Mmm, I'll teach you, they aren't that hard and I can do one on myself unless my nose is broken.. then you might have to help with it." Yeah, but she trusted him! If the spell went wrong, she would just.. still have a broken nose! No big deal really!
"I play Chaser! Just like my mom did!" She said proudly as she looked up at him smiling happily. "Really, other than seeker it's the best for me, I might hurt myself if I was a beater." She said with a bit of a giggle, before he said he had never flown before.
"Really? I could teach you that too. If you want?" She asked him with a warm smile. "It's really fun! I feel free up in the air.." She explained to him as she pushed her hair behind her ears and sat up a bit, leaning forward towards him.
So many things they could do together! And Azura was looking forward to every single minute of her time with Jasper!
Azura's mouth fell open.."Blueberry pie? That sounds amazing." She had never had one of those and now she wanted to see if she could try and find one! "What color was it?" She asked him curiously. Blue maybe? What harm could come from blue beans? Soap?
"Mmm, I'll teach you, they aren't that hard and I can do one on myself unless my nose is broken.. then you might have to help with it." Yeah, but she trusted him! If the spell went wrong, she would just.. still have a broken nose! No big deal really!
"I play Chaser! Just like my mom did!" She said proudly as she looked up at him smiling happily. "Really, other than seeker it's the best for me, I might hurt myself if I was a beater." She said with a bit of a giggle, before he said he had never flown before.
"Really? I could teach you that too. If you want?" She asked him with a warm smile. "It's really fun! I feel free up in the air.." She explained to him as she pushed her hair behind her ears and sat up a bit, leaning forward towards him.
So many things they could do together! And Azura was looking forward to every single minute of her time with Jasper!
"It was a blueish colour I think... with like bits of golden brown," he had looked at it, and afterwards been amused at how it kinda had the colours of a blueberry pie in it. And it had captured the flavour perfectly!
Jasper nodded, a smile on his face. "Well if you need the help, I'll be able to help you!" he grinned. He just hoped that if he ever needed to help her, he would get the spell right! He would feel dreadful if he managed to make it worse besides what would she think of him then?!
"So you try to throw the larger ball through one of the hoops?" he clarified, making sure that he remembered things right. From what she said, and what he remembered beaters were the ones that hit the other balls to try to knock people off of their brooms!
His eyes widened.
He liked the ground.
The ground was safe.
People didn't have wings for a reason.
He was going to die by falling off of a broom if he agreed. Or he'd embarrass himself so much that he'd never be able to face Azura again!
"Uh... sure?" he mentally slapped himself for saying that.
That was why Olivia absolutely adored her Chloe! Jelly slug twinsies! She quickly removed a pack of the delicious candy, handing them over. After sorting her bag, she snuggled up to her friend again.
"Mum was being mean, overreactioning about every little thing." Code for I was grounded for trying to have a life. She sighed, plucking up the comic. "Is this one new?" There was so much to catch up on. Guh, SO MUCH.
Good! She was sharing her sweets. Chloe munched preferred the sharing to not because that would have meant moving to go and get her own. And she was mighty comfy where she was.
Even if Liv was a cuddler.
The little blonde, though, didn't speak in code. So she took what her friend said at face value. Besides, she was used to overreactions on the parent side of things. Her father was an environmentalist. Everything was an overreaction. The planet was apparently dying tomorrow every day.
Oh! Comics. Chloe nodded as eagerly as she was able, "Yeah! It's the new Catwoman. Clara gave it to me before she went off on some crusade with my Dad." She didn't know what that word meant but her mother always used it whenever her parents spoke. Crusade sounded kind of snarky in her mother's voice. She liked it.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Esme and Still keeping HagLady in our sights c:
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
It was a relief that Hady didn't mind the near collision - but then she didn't seem the type to get angry easily. That was a good thing, because the last thing Esme needed right now was to get in a fight with an older student.
Or should she say that the last thing she needed was a HAG?
Shuddering slightly, Esme moved slightly so she was blocked even more from view. Her parents had told her and her sister some stories that involved hags, and they never ended well. "She won't try to eat us...will she?" Esme whispered before gulping.
She was too young to die! There was so much that she wanted to experience in life and none of those aspirations involved being someone's lunch!
Keeping her distance from the old women Hady shifted Hagan in her arms carefully. She wasn't letting anyone she didn't know near her or her cat. Nor would she allow anyone to get the younger girl behind her.
Hady knew the stories but she wasn't sure what how much she believed of them. Now certainly wasn't the time nor the place to dwell on those things either. So at Esme's whispered question the Slytherin shook her head slowly in reply her voice still a whisper when she spoke. "No, no she won't. You'll be okay here with me." Nothing was going to happen to Esme or anyone else that was in her company. That much she would make sure of.
Keeping a level head in strange situations was always a good idea. Just so she could keep it up.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
dream until your • dreams come true ~ Human pygmy puff
SPOILER!!: Professor Finch
Originally Posted by emjay
"Good to know," Ansley nodded at the girl, but he expected the same. Everything appeared to be fine, which was a good thing, and quiet too, also a better thing than out in the corridor where it was loud. Janelle.. "I suppose you could call me Professor Finch." The title might take some getting used to for him having been called Mr. Finch for several years in his work.
Would he like to come in. Well.. he had considered it, or at least thought about sitting after he did a round through the corridors, but things seemed fine for the most part. Maybe he'd take a seat while the train was moving and then he'd go take a walk again, maybe sitting with someone else. "Sure, why not," he said before entering the compartment fully and taking a seat across from the girl.
Ahhhh, Professor. So she was right. As the professor accepted her offer and sat down, Janelle extended her hand. "Nice to meet you Professor Finch." She was curious, yes, but did not want to appear overtly nosy. Still, Janelle needed a little more info. "What subject will you be teaching Professor, if you don't mind me asking?" Given the number of professors who had left, there were several possiblities.
Janelle found it interesting that the professor had chosen to ride the Hogwarts Express to school. Then again, maybe it wasn't his choice at all. Had Janelle been an adult, she could think of many other ways she would have chosen over a train full of kids, but.......whatever. Maybe he wanted to get a heads up on the students he would be teaching and what better way to observe them. Janelle decided that this was a good opportunity for her. She could get to know the professor a little before the first day of class.
Janelle decided to offer up a little info of her own, just to get the ball rolling. "This is my fourth year at Hogwarts. I'm in Ravenclaw. Did you go to Hogwarts too?" Maybe if he did, it would be like going home, not going to a brand new place. Janelle new all about starting over in a new place and it could be scary sometimes.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Salt!
She was examining the doll when she realised something was reaching for her. Rachel looked up to see the hideous old lady's hand dangerously close to her face. She froze in fear, not even having time to shrink back close to Mr Handsome. This thing... woman... old lady... was leering at her. Not to mention that the cackling had sent chills down her spine. She clutched the doll closely as if using it for protection, her eyes wider than usual. "I- I am proud of my f-freckles,'' she stammered. Surely they would not bring her trouble?
Originally Posted by emjay
His eyes snapped to the haggardly-looking old woman as she got awfully close to the both of them. "I need your help? How's that?" He then glanced down at her hand on his arm, mildly amused. Eccentric old bat, was she not? "Well, I did choose to work with teenagers at Hogwarts, I guess that holds a sense of danger in itself." He scoffed a bit as she started to walk away, then glanced down at the young girl who was obviously spooked. "Colorful, isn't she?" And probably harmless, unless she really did eat children.[/COLOR][/COLOR]
Little freckles girl was scared of her. Scared was healthy. Turning crazy eyes back on the girl Ursula cackled satisfied. "Keep an eye on those freckles dearie. When they become fewer you will know that trouble is coming for you."
As the macaw bird shifted on her shoulder and squawked Ursula turned to the Mr handsome blond, gentleman and wheezed out in an exhale of breath. "You've sealed your fate. Danger is at your door. The teenagers will be your ruin mark my words." A shame too. He was so pretty. Turning Ursula walked away further down the train corridor cackling to herself.
SPOILER!!: SpiritWolfe Malfoy + Squishy
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Shifting Hagan in her arms she scratched the fluff ball between the ears her eyes falling upon the old women near the end of the corridor? Who was she and what was she doing on the train? Maybe a new professor? No, no Hady didn't think so. With each step she took she kept the old lady/hag somewhat in her sight just in case doing her best not to allow the women's presence to unnerve her at all.
Originally Posted by Squishy
Not paying attention to where she was going, she barely avoided colliding into Hady. "Oh, I'm sorry!" That could have been a pretty bad accident! Especially for the little fluff balls. "What are you looking at?" Esme was curious. Her gaze focused on an old and ugly woman and she gasped. "...Is that a Hag?"
How terrifying!
She had a follower with a furry pet, one that gave off that magnetic sense. It caused Ursula to hum wickedly to herself in a loud tone that rebounded off the corridor walls eerily. Sniffing the air she smelled the lovelies that was a mix of the children around her and her own perfume. Why had she not taken this train before?
Hearing a gasp and the uttered word of hag, Ursula stopped to look back where she now saw two girls instead of just one. Crazy eyes flashing from one to the other she cackled out in low tone. "Calling someone a hag is not very nice of you. Bad omens i sense around you both. Better keep your furry companions close or they might just not come back." Evil things were everywhere you couldn't be too careful.
With a wheeze she left the girls and walked down the corridor.
Originally Posted by Meizzner
Dante rolled his eyes. Why bring up his mother. She did not know his mother. So she would not know that his mother would be probably say something even worse. Dante loved and feared that woman.
"Manners, yes. Though she would probably call you worse things"
Or just ignore the ugly woman entirely. It was one of those. And get in trouble, please. And why should he keep an eye on the moon. It was just the moon and he only liked Astronomy because of how insane Flamsteed was. And insane was totally better that crazy and on the subject was this old hag crazy. No he did not even need to question it. She was. Totally was.
Tsk. Tsk. She had only walked a few short leaps away when the rude boy responded causing Ursula to turn back to him, resting crazy eyes on him as she cackled out pointing a long sharp finger at him. "What your mother would say is of no concern of mine, boy. You be good now and watch the moon young dearie or great trouble will find you at the turn of the next full moon." Someone people trouble just found. Others sought it out.
Turning with a last wicked cackle Ursula walked off down the corridor.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
SPOILER!!: Hady and the Hag
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
Keeping her distance from the old women Hady shifted Hagan in her arms carefully. She wasn't letting anyone she didn't know near her or her cat. Nor would she allow anyone to get the younger girl behind her.
Hady knew the stories but she wasn't sure what how much she believed of them. Now certainly wasn't the time nor the place to dwell on those things either. So at Esme's whispered question the Slytherin shook her head slowly in reply her voice still a whisper when she spoke. "No, no she won't. You'll be okay here with me." Nothing was going to happen to Esme or anyone else that was in her company. That much she would make sure of.
Keeping a level head in strange situations was always a good idea. Just so she could keep it up.
Originally Posted by Ursula Black
She had a follower with a furry pet, one that gave off that magnetic sense. It caused Ursula to hum wickedly to herself in a loud tone that rebounded off the corridor walls eerily. Sniffing the air she smelled the lovelies that was a mix of the children around her and her own perfume. Why had she not taken this train before?
Hearing a gasp and the uttered word of hag, Ursula stopped to look back where she now saw two girls instead of just one. Crazy eyes flashing from one to the other she cackled out in low tone. "Calling someone a hag is not very nice of you. Bad omens i sense around you both. Better keep your furry companions close or they might just not come back." Evil things were everywhere you couldn't be too careful.
With a wheeze she left the girls and walked down the corridor.
Nodding, it took Esme a moment to realize that Hady wouldn't be able to see the movement while standing in front of her. Well, she was not moving from her current hiding spot. "Okay. I sure hope you're right," she whispered back because she felt that as an older student Hady would know better.
Hopefully the hag hadn't heard.
Okay, she must have super hearing to go along with her scariness. Not the best combination in Esme's opinion. She held her Pygmy Puff closer when she heard what appeared to be a threat. Just try to hurt Sparkle and see what happens to you. She was in protective mode now. Maybe she could tag team with Hady's cat and scratch the old bat up.
"That isn't true!" she called out in response to the old woman's last words. Immediately she regretted the decision. It had been an impulse, and she had no idea what had come over her.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jazzy
Originally Posted by Pucki
"It was a blueish colour I think... with like bits of golden brown," he had looked at it, and afterwards been amused at how it kinda had the colours of a blueberry pie in it. And it had captured the flavour perfectly!
Jasper nodded, a smile on his face. "Well if you need the help, I'll be able to help you!" he grinned. He just hoped that if he ever needed to help her, he would get the spell right! He would feel dreadful if he managed to make it worse besides what would she think of him then?!
"So you try to throw the larger ball through one of the hoops?" he clarified, making sure that he remembered things right. From what she said, and what he remembered beaters were the ones that hit the other balls to try to knock people off of their brooms!
His eyes widened.
He liked the ground.
The ground was safe.
People didn't have wings for a reason.
He was going to die by falling off of a broom if he agreed. Or he'd embarrass himself so much that he'd never be able to face Azura again!
"Uh... sure?" he mentally slapped himself for saying that.
Azura made a mental note of the color of the bean, now she wanted to find it..They had a food cart! She might get some! Because that sounded super delicious! "Now I really want to try that, it sounds amazing." She said with a smile as she looked over at him. "I wonder what other tasty flavors there are? Everyone probably misses out of them because of the horrible ones!"
She smiled at him warmly and nodded. "And the are all pretty simple, so there is no messing them up at all." She could tell that he was worried about that.. just by the look on his face, and she tried to make sure she looked encouraging! She wasn't going to hate him if he couldn't fix her broken nose! There was no way she could hate him!!
She nodded as he tried to clarify what she did. "Yeah, that's about it.. We make the points until the seeker can catch the snitch.. I like that position, but it's hard.. So I stick with chaser." She explained. Besides, being a seeker there wasn't a whole lot strategy.. at least in her mind.. Chasers needed more skill..
At least to her!
Uh oh..
She knew that look!! He was scared of flying!! Oh no!!
And yet he agreed to her lessons? That was so cute of him!
She bit her lip a little and smiled at him gently. "You know, flying is pretty safe, and I promise you we will go really slow all right? You won't be zooming around for awhile.." She smiled warmly at him..
"And hey, if I've never died from it, the clumsy one.. Surely you will be okay right?" She tried to assure him.
Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right.
Originally Posted by Ursula Black
Tsk. Tsk. She had only walked a few short leaps away when the rude boy responded causing Ursula to turn back to him, resting crazy eyes on him as she cackled out pointing a long sharp finger at him. "What your mother would say is of no concern of mine, boy. You be good now and watch the moon young dearie or great trouble will find you at the turn of the next full moon." Someone people trouble just found. Others sought it out.
Turning with a last wicked cackle Ursula walked off down the corridor.
Torrance wasn't looking where he was walking. His Head facing down and watching the Self-Shuffling Playing Cards he's been obsessed with since obtaining them at Diagon Alley.
He walked a few step before hearing lots of complaining from many people down the Corridor. He looked up to see what all the fuss was about when he suddenly bumped into someone.
The young boy turned his head to look at the this Weird Creature. "Wow! You're REALLY Ugly!" He shouted in surprise rather bluntly.
He stood there in complete awe. Never had he seen someone as hideous as this creature. Was she born this way, or was it some kind of Curse? Did she anger some powerful Wizard who them made her Ugly. That would be the cool outcome...Hopefully she wasn't born Ugly.
Kitty walked to the back of the train, avoiding eye contact with any student she stumbled across on her way there. She then went to a seat by the window and took out a small hand mirror. Examining herself in the mirror, she began to apply dark make up to her lips and pale make up to her face. Then she began to dye her already long raven black hair with even more black hair dye.
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
''Yes, I am and I surely will.'' Rachel did try to keep her excitement under control but when you're eleven and about to start your education at the greatest school in the Wizarding World, it was difficult to do exactly that.
"No princesses,'' she agreed. "But cute dogs.'' She liked dogs. It was the reason she had gotten a puppy last year. It was a pity she couldn't bring Barkley along this time to Hogwarts but she had high hopes about doing so next year. "Oh, but the princesses are real! Those animations and the books were done years and years ago so there is a possibility they're real. If only we could trace back the princesses' histories.''
The girl giggled. "Because you look like a mature adult, Mister. I've seen older students but they don't have this air of maturity about them as you do.'' She was correct! He was a Professor. "It's lovely to meet you, Professor Finch. I'm Rachel Watson. You don't teach Potions, do you? I'm not exactly looking forward to that.''
"No, it isn't mine. Does Hogwarts have a Lost and Found? If not, you or I can keep it safe until we find the owner.'' She would be happy to do that. No one deserved to loose this beauty. Dolls were adorable! She was a huge fan of them.
The doll was still held between her and the old woman like a protective barrier. Her freckles meant trouble when they started to disappear? "That's not what they'll mean,'' she said feeling a lot braver now for some reason thought the woman's eyes still creeped her out. Teens will ruin Professor Finch? Rachel frowned at the macaw and the woman as she turned to walk away. Was she a Seer? "Yes, she is. Her eyes and cackles are scary.'' Dark browneyes were back on Professor Finch. "Is she employed at Hogwarts?''
He walked a few step before hearing lots of complaining from many people down the Corridor. He looked up to see what all the fuss was about when he suddenly bumped into someone.
The young boy turned his head to look at the this Weird Creature. "Wow! You're REALLY Ugly!" He shouted in surprise rather bluntly.
He stood there in complete awe. Never had he seen someone as hideous as this creature. Was she born this way, or was it some kind of Curse? Did she anger some powerful Wizard who them made her Ugly. That would be the cool outcome...Hopefully she wasn't born Ugly.
Humming to herself Ursula was thinking about tasty raw liver treats when she felt how someone knocked into her causing her to almost sprawl sideways and fall over flat and her precious macaw bird took to the air with a surprised squawk.
Righting herself up and refastening the grip on her huge bag Ursula fastened her crazy gaze on the source of the collision, a young boy with a rude tone. Cackling she poked him in the chest with one of her sharp finger. "Excuse you! How I look or not look is none of your business. You should watch where you are going and show more respect for your elders."
Rummaging around in her hug bag for the right card she shoved it at the boy saying "You do well to learn patience quickly or you will soon by knee-deep in big trouble. The stars current alignment is not in your favour. Danger is ahead."
With that Ursula pushed past the boy and left with an eerie cackle and the intense smell of perfume to see what more there was to see and the macaw bird flying over her head.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
SPOILER!!: Esme and HagLady
Nodding, it took Esme a moment to realize that Hady wouldn't be able to see the movement while standing in front of her. Well, she was not moving from her current hiding spot. "Okay. I sure hope you're right," she whispered back because she felt that as an older student Hady would know better.
Hopefully the hag hadn't heard.
Okay, she must have super hearing to go along with her scariness. Not the best combination in Esme's opinion. She held her Pygmy Puff closer when she heard what appeared to be a threat. Just try to hurt Sparkle and see what happens to you. She was in protective mode now. Maybe she could tag team with Hady's cat and scratch the old bat up.
"That isn't true!" she called out in response to the old woman's last words. Immediately she regretted the decision. It had been an impulse, and she had no idea what had come over her.
She had a follower with a furry pet, one that gave off that magnetic sense. It caused Ursula to hum wickedly to herself in a loud tone that rebounded off the corridor walls eerily. Sniffing the air she smelled the lovelies that was a mix of the children around her and her own perfume. Why had she not taken this train before?
Hearing a gasp and the uttered word of hag, Ursula stopped to look back where she now saw two girls instead of just one. Crazy eyes flashing from one to the other she cackled out in low tone. "Calling someone a hag is not very nice of you. Bad omens i sense around you both. Better keep your furry companions close or they might just not come back." Evil things were everywhere you couldn't be too careful.
With a wheeze she left the girls and walked down the corridor.
"She won't, don't you worry. I wouldn't let you be harmed anyhow," Hady whispered in return to Esme turning to look at the younger one behind her. Her stance remained the same ensuring that she kept herself between the older women and her younger friend.
The look on the Hag's face and in her eyes was enough to unnerve anyone but still Hady kept her cool. However her arms tightened around her cat and she instinctively took a step backwards keeping Esme out of any harms way. "And threatening a younger girls pet isn't nice either," She answered evenly. Really she should be keeping her mouth shut but oh well.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Azura made a mental note of the color of the bean, now she wanted to find it..They had a food cart! She might get some! Because that sounded super delicious! "Now I really want to try that, it sounds amazing." She said with a smile as she looked over at him. "I wonder what other tasty flavors there are? Everyone probably misses out of them because of the horrible ones!"
She smiled at him warmly and nodded. "And the are all pretty simple, so there is no messing them up at all." She could tell that he was worried about that.. just by the look on his face, and she tried to make sure she looked encouraging! She wasn't going to hate him if he couldn't fix her broken nose! There was no way she could hate him!!
She nodded as he tried to clarify what she did. "Yeah, that's about it.. We make the points until the seeker can catch the snitch.. I like that position, but it's hard.. So I stick with chaser." She explained. Besides, being a seeker there wasn't a whole lot strategy.. at least in her mind.. Chasers needed more skill..
At least to her!
Uh oh..
She knew that look!! He was scared of flying!! Oh no!!
And yet he agreed to her lessons? That was so cute of him!
She bit her lip a little and smiled at him gently. "You know, flying is pretty safe, and I promise you we will go really slow all right? You won't be zooming around for awhile.." She smiled warmly at him..
"And hey, if I've never died from it, the clumsy one.. Surely you will be okay right?" She tried to assure him.
Jasper nodded, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I think most of the flavours that you get are anyway bad, so a lot of people don't bother. Or they spend a lot of time trying to find the flavours they like..." and that wasn't even something that worked all of the time!
Some of them looked too similar...
So it wasn't possible to mess those spells up? That was good, especially considering what could happen if they were messed up!
Jasper only nodded as he listened to Azura explaining her position, he wasn't too sure what he could contribute to the conversation only knowing the basics. He did however want to see a match some day.
Though he had intentions never to play.
If he couldn't play muggle sports, he doubted he had a chance playing a sport on a broom, massively high in the air.
The boy tried, and mostly succeeded to stop the blush of embarrassment that crossed his face as she spoke to him trying to make him feel more confident. "Yeah... that sounds alright," and it sort of did. Though he was terrified of heights. Not so much when he was in a building, but being on barely anything high in the air.
That thought was still slightly terrifying.
But they would start close to the ground... maybe once he knew the basics of flying, flying higher wouldn't be that terrifying?
He laughed at her comment, though she hadn't ever seen him attempt to play a sport. Perhaps he should keep it that way.
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
SPOILER!!: Jazzy
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper nodded, shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I think most of the flavours that you get are anyway bad, so a lot of people don't bother. Or they spend a lot of time trying to find the flavours they like..." and that wasn't even something that worked all of the time!
Some of them looked too similar...
So it wasn't possible to mess those spells up? That was good, especially considering what could happen if they were messed up!
Jasper only nodded as he listened to Azura explaining her position, he wasn't too sure what he could contribute to the conversation only knowing the basics. He did however want to see a match some day.
Though he had intentions never to play.
If he couldn't play muggle sports, he doubted he had a chance playing a sport on a broom, massively high in the air.
The boy tried, and mostly succeeded to stop the blush of embarrassment that crossed his face as she spoke to him trying to make him feel more confident. "Yeah... that sounds alright," and it sort of did. Though he was terrified of heights. Not so much when he was in a building, but being on barely anything high in the air.
That thought was still slightly terrifying.
But they would start close to the ground... maybe once he knew the basics of flying, flying higher wouldn't be that terrifying?
He laughed at her comment, though she hadn't ever seen him attempt to play a sport. Perhaps he should keep it that way.
Azura could tell that Jasper was trying to put on a good face for her and she didn't even notice herself moving over to his bench and sitting next to him. She just wanted to comfort him and tell him it was all right..
So she put one of her hands on his arm and started to rub it.."You don't always have to say yes to me, you know that right.. I'll like youwant to be your friend even if we don't fly together." Yup, half a day into their friendship and she was already trying to make him feel better!
She and her feeling fwoopers weren't going away anytime soon!
"Besides, it's either me teach you or the Quidditch teacher..all first years have to learn to fly at least.. and I'm sure I'll be a better teacher." She said with a warm smile up at him..right before she realized what the heck she was doing!
Oh no!!
Sitting next to him, rubbing his arm? There was going to be neck itching and flushing for sure now!
Just great!!
She bit her lip and gently pulled her warm hand off of his arm and put it in her lap..
"Uhhh.. Sorry.. I uhh.. don't know what came over me."
Jaemin busied himself with trying to unknot the plastic baggie of treat-smush while the man talked; he was still listening, but he wasn't quite sure what the guy meant. He looked up as he finally got it open and fished out one of the mostly-whole treats to hold out to the hedgehog in the girl's hands. Sniffler sniffed at it before dutifully chomping down, and Jaemin was free to look up again. Why were old people so very tall?
"But why are you going to-" waaaaaaait a minute. If he wasn't a conductor, and he very clearly wasn't a student... Jaemin squinted at him suspiciously. "You're not meant to be a teacher, are you?"
He was old, but he wasn't old. There was a difference and this man was clearly not old enough to be a teacher.
Originally Posted by Ashwinder
He hoped he wasn't the conductor? That was the sort of thing an adult was supposed to know, wasn't it? Then again, perhaps all this exuberance on the train had got him all turned about; the best thing to do would be to sort him out again without a fuss.
"If it's a magic train," she reasoned, attempting to be helpful in the face of his uncertainty, "I'm sure it could get along by itself for a while."
But then he was saying that the train was a means to an end, and when the boy -- whose hedgehog she was still holding *ahem* -- asked if the man was a teacher, she supposed that made much more sense. Transportation was transportation, after all.
Ansley let his eyes drift down the corridor, watching to make sure no one else was running, as he let the two try to work out why he might be on the train. He hadn't thought it such a big deal as all that, but it had turned somewhat amusing to him.
"But is it a magic train?" He let his eyes drift back to the young girl. Logic would say that it might be, given their destination, but on the other hand, it was just a train. One that needed a conductor.
His eyes snapped to the young boy as he spoke next. Ah, finally got there. "Spot on," he said, touching the tip of his own nose. Wait.. meant to be? He was. "I've been a teacher for several years. First one at Hogwarts though."
SPOILER!!: Janelle
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11
Ahhhh, Professor. So she was right. As the professor accepted her offer and sat down, Janelle extended her hand. "Nice to meet you Professor Finch." She was curious, yes, but did not want to appear overtly nosy. Still, Janelle needed a little more info. "What subject will you be teaching Professor, if you don't mind me asking?" Given the number of professors who had left, there were several possiblities.
Janelle found it interesting that the professor had chosen to ride the Hogwarts Express to school. Then again, maybe it wasn't his choice at all. Had Janelle been an adult, she could think of many other ways she would have chosen over a train full of kids, but.......whatever. Maybe he wanted to get a heads up on the students he would be teaching and what better way to observe them. Janelle decided that this was a good opportunity for her. She could get to know the professor a little before the first day of class.
Janelle decided to offer up a little info of her own, just to get the ball rolling. "This is my fourth year at Hogwarts. I'm in Ravenclaw. Did you go to Hogwarts too?" Maybe if he did, it would be like going home, not going to a brand new place. Janelle new all about starting over in a new place and it could be scary sometimes.
Ansley leaned back a little as he sat, stretching his legs out a bit, then immediately sat up and leaned forward to shake the girl's hand as she offered it. Now wasn't that polite. He made a mental note to remember her. "I will be teaching History of Magic." He had heard his old house ghost had taught it last term, which struck him as rather interesting, and he wondered what this girl thought of it, though he'd see if it came up in conversation. And before that, an old classmate of his. Well, he had his own personal take on the subject.
Fourth year.. right. Ansley nodded, figuring she was around that age having worked with teenagers for a little while. And History of Magic was still compulsory in that year, so he was certain he'd see her in class. "I did," he nodded. "I was also a Ravenclaw. Always nice to meet a fellow eagle," he added with the hint of a grin. He wondered how much things had changed since he was there last.
SPOILER!!: Rachel and Ursula
''Yes, I am and I surely will.'' Rachel did try to keep her excitement under control but when you're eleven and about to start your education at the greatest school in the Wizarding World, it was difficult to do exactly that.
"No princesses,'' she agreed. "But cute dogs.'' She liked dogs. It was the reason she had gotten a puppy last year. It was a pity she couldn't bring Barkley along this time to Hogwarts but she had high hopes about doing so next year. "Oh, but the princesses are real! Those animations and the books were done years and years ago so there is a possibility they're real. If only we could trace back the princesses' histories.''
The girl giggled. "Because you look like a mature adult, Mister. I've seen older students but they don't have this air of maturity about them as you do.'' She was correct! He was a Professor. "It's lovely to meet you, Professor Finch. I'm Rachel Watson. You don't teach Potions, do you? I'm not exactly looking forward to that.''
"No, it isn't mine. Does Hogwarts have a Lost and Found? If not, you or I can keep it safe until we find the owner.'' She would be happy to do that. No one deserved to loose this beauty. Dolls were adorable! She was a huge fan of them.
The doll was still held between her and the old woman like a protective barrier. Her freckles meant trouble when they started to disappear? "That's not what they'll mean,'' she said feeling a lot braver now for some reason thought the woman's eyes still creeped her out. Teens will ruin Professor Finch? Rachel frowned at the macaw and the woman as she turned to walk away. Was she a Seer? "Yes, she is. Her eyes and cackles are scary.'' Dark browneyes were back on Professor Finch. "Is she employed at Hogwarts?''
Little freckles girl was scared of her. Scared was healthy. Turning crazy eyes back on the girl Ursula cackled satisfied. "Keep an eye on those freckles dearie. When they become fewer you will know that trouble is coming for you."
As the macaw bird shifted on her shoulder and squawked Ursula turned to the Mr handsome blond, gentleman and wheezed out in an exhale of breath. "You've sealed your fate. Danger is at your door. The teenagers will be your ruin mark my words." A shame too. He was so pretty. Turning Ursula walked away further down the train corridor cackling to herself.
Yeah, dogs were alright, though he kind of preferred cats, and Ansley nodded vaguely as Rachel spoke. But Merlin, her head was in the clouds about this princess business. "Sometimes a story is just a story," he said with a knowing smile. "People like to be entertained, you know." And he enjoyed a good story as much as anyone else.
Sigh. A mature adult. That meant old, right? But he supposed it was a good thing. He wasn't eager to go back and relive his teenage years any time soon. "It's nice to meet you too, Rachel Watson. And no, I don't teach Potions," he chuckled. It hadn't been his favorite when he was her age either, but Art seemed like a cool teacher so maybe she'd have a better time of it than he did. "I teach History of Magic." And since she was a first year, she couldn't really compare him to anyone, though he did wonder what her expectations of the subject would be. He knew it had a certain reputation among some people.
So the doll wasn't hers, but surely it belonged to somebody? Ansley let his eyes drift down the corridor. There was no one that seemed to be the obvious owner but he couldn't imagine it wouldn't be missed for long. It looked to be a really nice doll. "I.. don't remember if there is a lost and found, maybe.." He was sure there had to be something, or if there hadn't been, maybe something had been implemented since he was last at Hogwarts. "Sure, that would be very kind of you to keep it safe. I'm sure its owner will be grateful." And he supposed he wouldn't mind helping out, or at least keep an eye out.
His eyes snapped back to the old woman. It was fairly obvious that little Rachel was wary of her, which probably wasn't a bad thing. And he couldn't help but to chuckle at her words - teenagers would be his ruin. Did she mean that literally or..? Good thing he had a decent sense of humor. "Alright, thanks for the advice," he called after her with a wave of his hand as she walked away. What was she doing here anyway? The whole scene was just a bit surreal. He glanced back at Rachel. "I'm.. not sure. This is my first year there actually." He couldn't imagine that she actually worked there though unless they really dropped their standards.
started like a knight in a fairytale_______________________________________________
ended like a moth in flames______________________ ______________________don't you worry I'll be fine _________________________________________________you were good for the plot line
Last edited by emjay; 01-01-2016 at 01:20 AM.
Reason: missed Rachel's question ;)
Azura could tell that Jasper was trying to put on a good face for her and she didn't even notice herself moving over to his bench and sitting next to him. She just wanted to comfort him and tell him it was all right..
So she put one of her hands on his arm and started to rub it.."You don't always have to say yes to me, you know that right.. I'll like youwant to be your friend even if we don't fly together." Yup, half a day into their friendship and she was already trying to make him feel better!
She and her feeling fwoopers weren't going away anytime soon!
"Besides, it's either me teach you or the Quidditch teacher..all first years have to learn to fly at least.. and I'm sure I'll be a better teacher." She said with a warm smile up at him..right before she realized what the heck she was doing!
Oh no!!
Sitting next to him, rubbing his arm? There was going to be neck itching and flushing for sure now!
Just great!!
She bit her lip and gently pulled her warm hand off of his arm and put it in her lap..
"Uhhh.. Sorry.. I uhh.. don't know what came over me."
She blamed the Foowpers!
Jasper had barely noticed her move to sit next to him, barely felt her rub his arm to try to comfort him. He only really noticed her when she started speaking, finally breaking him out of all the thoughts of how terribly wrong flying could go. He nodded at her comment, though he was relieved that it didn't bother her.
"I do want to learn..." he admitted quietly, eyes cast down at his hands where he was fidgeting. At that moment he also realised how close the two of them were, and almost moved away from her, but that was when she began speaking again.
Oh no.
He forgot that he didn't have a choice.
There were flying lessons for first years.
He wouldn't have time to relax himself into his. His green eyes shot to the girl at his side. "I think I'd rather you teach me," he blurted out. "I mean, you know how to fly! Like, you play quidditch so you should know. And I know the teacher will also know, but I don't know her. And they've probably grown up flying and won't understand! And I trust you and-"
He cut his babbling off, realising that he just gave away exactly how terrified he was of flying.
Covering his eyes in embarrassment he leaned forward, not even registering how she had apologised.
He still didn't realise she had been touching him.
He hoped he wasn't the conductor? That was the sort of thing an adult was supposed to know, wasn't it? Then again, perhaps all this exuberance on the train had got him all turned about; the best thing to do would be to sort him out again without a fuss.
"If it's a magic train," she reasoned, attempting to be helpful in the face of his uncertainty, "I'm sure it could get along by itself for a while."
But then he was saying that the train was a means to an end, and when the boy -- whose hedgehog she was still holding *ahem* -- asked if the man was a teacher, she supposed that made much more sense. Transportation was transportation, after all.
Originally Posted by emjay
Ansley let his eyes drift down the corridor, watching to make sure no one else was running, as he let the two try to work out why he might be on the train. He hadn't thought it such a big deal as all that, but it had turned somewhat amusing to him.
"But is it a magic train?" He let his eyes drift back to the young girl. Logic would say that it might be, given their destination, but on the other hand, it was just a train. One that needed a conductor.
His eyes snapped to the young boy as he spoke next. Ah, finally got there. "Spot on," he said, touching the tip of his own nose. Wait.. meant to be? He was. "I've been a teacher for several years. First one at Hogwarts though."
Jaemin took a step back and looked the man up and down, quite obviously. He was a teacher? This man was a teacher. The small boy looked up at him dubiously. Sure, he was tall (everyone was tall to him), but...
"Are you really old enough to be a teacher?" Surely there was an age requirement or something. Nothing extremely high, but surely you had to be over thirty or something? He had never looked into that stuff. He didn't want to be a teacher, he wanted, like all other boys his age (he assumed) to be a Quidditch playing Herbologist.
He stuffed the bag of treats back into his pocket and looked to the girl again. Sniffler was still merrily gnawing at his smushy little snack. He held out his hands for the hedgehog. "I can take him back now. Thank you!"
Snow Miser | Munchy | Molly Hooper | T | Hey, you | Phantom | Mrs. Chris Evans | Brat Pack | Tristalen
Originally Posted by Pucki
Jasper had barely noticed her move to sit next to him, barely felt her rub his arm to try to comfort him. He only really noticed her when she started speaking, finally breaking him out of all the thoughts of how terribly wrong flying could go. He nodded at her comment, though he was relieved that it didn't bother her.
"I do want to learn..." he admitted quietly, eyes cast down at his hands where he was fidgeting. At that moment he also realised how close the two of them were, and almost moved away from her, but that was when she began speaking again.
Oh no.
He forgot that he didn't have a choice.
There were flying lessons for first years.
He wouldn't have time to relax himself into his. His green eyes shot to the girl at his side. "I think I'd rather you teach me," he blurted out. "I mean, you know how to fly! Like, you play quidditch so you should know. And I know the teacher will also know, but I don't know her. And they've probably grown up flying and won't understand! And I trust you and-"
He cut his babbling off, realising that he just gave away exactly how terrified he was of flying.
Covering his eyes in embarrassment he leaned forward, not even registering how she had apologised.
He still didn't realise she had been touching him.
Azura nodded as Jasper spoke and she looked down at him, concern in her purple eyes as she watched him. He was leaning forward a bit.. not really looking at her. Was this what it meant by "in his own head? She wondered to herself as she watched him.
"I know it's scary.. but." She didn't get the rest out, as suddenly his eyes shot to hers and for a moment she forgot how to breathe! But in a second she composed herself and nodded as he started to blurt out his feelings!
Ohhh.. He trusted her! A small smile came over her face and she tried to hide it, because warm flutters were not super appropriate when the person who gave her said flutters was.. panicking!
"Okay, I'll teach you.. and don't worry, we will go slow and everything will be just fine.. I promise." She said as she looked over at him.
Upside.. he didn't seem to notice she had rubbed his arms, so no neck itching.. though he did seem to be a bit embarrassed from telling her that he was scared.
"Hey Jazzy.." She said softly as she leaned towards him a bit.. "You wanna know a secret?" She asked him. "I was terrified when I first started flying.. I thought I was going to die too." She admitted to him with a smile.
❄Suaviter in modo, fortiter in re❄| ⚕=equivalent exchange=⚕ | pinned ya!
SPOILER!!: you guys!
Originally Posted by RandomRaven
Henric and his fake pout. Hehehe. The young lioness couldn't help but gave him tickles because it was his weakness... Oh, and poked on the rib too. "Oh, come on... I knew that you couldn't be mad and pouty at me." She teased the Hufflepuff prefect. "Really, Giraffe? You dumped me as your best friend just because he gave you pumpkin pies and all those treats while I give you nothing? Tsk tsk..." Ava shook her head in disbelief. "I just don't believe that you did this to me, Henric... Just.." More head shaking and sighing. "I'm seriously gonna tell Adi about this and he's gonna send you a howler. I'm 200% sure of this."
But well, who doesn't want to be Owen's friend? Not because of his treat though but he seriously a nice and caring person... "Thanks, Owen!" She smiled at him as he handed the brownies. Nom nom nom... It's finger lickin' good! "Does your mom bake this for you?" She asked. Her mom used to bake a lot too but now she was just too busy for that.
WHAT?? SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "Come on... Do you really think that I have a boyfriend? I am twelve years old, Giraffe. Too young for that." Yeah, she was. "And didn't you tell me and Teddy about how amazing kissing is... and I could see it on your eyes that you want to snog Ilia badly when you saw her." Hehehe.
And yes... She did hear a woman's voice from the outside of the compartment. She took a little peek and saw... Oh, Merlin... WHO WAS THAT?
Originally Posted by Ursula Black
Stepping closer to the young girl Ursula reached her left hand out as if she meant to touch the girl's face stopping just inches from it as she met the girls gaze with a small laugh that sounded more like a creepy cackle. "You should be proud of those freckles dearie. They will bring you lots of fortune but also much, much trouble." She just left it at that as she moved away her macaw bird cawing from atop her shoulder.
Urusla hadn't walked far before the handsome blond gentleman addressed her. Moving closer to grin too broadly for her face at him, she shook her head almost in pity as she responded. "You are too sweet. You should not ask what you can help me with. When it is you who needs all my help." And desperatley.
Reaching out to pat the man's arm with many long sharp nails sticking out she said slowly. "Danger will follow you with the choices you have made. Beware!" Pulling her hand away her nails accidently graced the man's jacket as she turned to leave. Some men were just too pretty.
Hearing a boy speak behind her back Ursula turned slowly to eye him. "Has your mother not taught you better manners? It is not nice to make rude remarks to your elders."
"I expect that tongue of yours will get you in trouble sooner than you think. You best keep your eye on the moon." Ursula wheezed out as she griped around for the card of the reversed moon which she thrust at the boy before walking away with a loud cackle emanating from deep down in her throat.
Spotting the face of a boy looking out at her from a nearby compartment Ursula grinned widely back at him showing many yellow and almost rotten teeth. She just loved the smell of children on the train. It was so intense.
Another girl showed her face in the same compartment door window as the other boy had looked out of just moments before. Humming to herself Ursula walked over and booted the compartment door open with her foot so she could stand in the entrance to block it. "Hello dearies...Don't you just love my new perfume?" she wheezed out as she spun on the spot letting the heavy perfume fill the air.
Originally Posted by Symphora
Did Owen want a fist-bump? Of course! He would definitely give him one FIST BUMP and many more to come! Hufflepuffs bros always stick together. Remember that. "We have to conquer the kitchens again, Owen! This time we're going to bake more delicious pastries you can ever imagine in your lifetime, what do you think? Are you in this thing with me?"he offered.
Henric grinned when he asked about his girlfriend. "Oh you'll meet her soon enough, she's brilliant. I'll introduce to her one day alright, she's a slytherin sixth year like me." He winked.
Ahh! Not the tickle attack again! "Ava stop!" he laughed, avoiding her poking finger too. He nodded, "YES AVA. Unless you have something better to give me? Like a baby dragon? My birthday just passed, you know," he pouted once more. "And I'm not a giraffe! I don't have a long neck...wait, do I?" he asked his strawberry shorkcake younger bestie. He chuckled,"Yeah yeah...go ahead and tell Adi, I'm going to be a great prefect to all of you...watch me!" he told her proudly.
Henric scoffed playfully at Ava, "You will...soon enough.*hehe*" He did say kissing was amazing, didn't he? Oops. "Should I lie then, that its not?"he shrugged. He frowned a little and wagged a finger at her,"Manners Ava...manners. You shouldn't talk like that...I respect her very much, and a gentleman always asked his lady first. Take note, Owen, this is how you win a lady's heart,"he smiled at the both of them.
Can they just take a moment to breathe? BREAAATHEEEE. The old lady sucked all the oxygen in their compartment. Merlin's smelly socks was she smelly. Owen ceased his breathing when she momentarily stood at the entrance of their compartment, forcing out a smile and nod. But she was gone now, wasn't she?
Coughing, Owen turned to Henric and grinned. "'Course! We'll own the Kitchens again this term. I also learned some dessert treats from my mama this vacation. I'll make some and let you try them." Weren't they just awesome? Real men knew how to cook.
Ava was right. She was too young to have a boyfriend. Both of them were. Henric not so much. He even had his...Ilia, was it? "Let me meet her too, mate!" Exciting. Their tickling banter was exciting too. For Owen anyway. He was mentally betting on who would survive the longest. Alas, he got distracted with his macaroons that he was not able to witness who won. Oh well..
Right. Take note, Owen. Take note of what? ...Darn, tasty macaroons. So distracting.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Originally Posted by SpiritWolfe Malfoy
"She won't, don't you worry. I wouldn't let you be harmed anyhow," Hady whispered in return to Esme turning to look at the younger one behind her. Her stance remained the same ensuring that she kept herself between the older women and her younger friend.
The look on the Hag's face and in her eyes was enough to unnerve anyone but still Hady kept her cool. However her arms tightened around her cat and she instinctively took a step backwards keeping Esme out of any harms way. "And threatening a younger girls pet isn't nice either," She answered evenly. Really she should be keeping her mouth shut but oh well.[/COLOR]
Yep, Esme wasn't moving until she was sure that the hag was faaaaar away. Hady wasn't going to let her get eaten. Usually she tried to be at least a LITTLE braver than this, but she had read too many stories with hags and they scared her.
Not as badly as birds did, but that was besides the point.
"Yeah, what she said!" she called out after the hag. It was easier to be brave now that the old woman wasn't there anymore but Esme really needed to stop speaking on impulse. She scolded herself for that AGAIN. They both needed to keep their mouths shut it seemed.
"I wonder why she's even here... she better not be coming to Hogwarts!" That would be HORRID!
Azura nodded as Jasper spoke and she looked down at him, concern in her purple eyes as she watched him. He was leaning forward a bit.. not really looking at her. Was this what it meant by "in his own head? She wondered to herself as she watched him.
"I know it's scary.. but." She didn't get the rest out, as suddenly his eyes shot to hers and for a moment she forgot how to breathe! But in a second she composed herself and nodded as he started to blurt out his feelings!
Ohhh.. He trusted her! A small smile came over her face and she tried to hide it, because warm flutters were not super appropriate when the person who gave her said flutters was.. panicking!
"Okay, I'll teach you.. and don't worry, we will go slow and everything will be just fine.. I promise." She said as she looked over at him.
Upside.. he didn't seem to notice she had rubbed his arms, so no neck itching.. though he did seem to be a bit embarrassed from telling her that he was scared.
"Hey Jazzy.." She said softly as she leaned towards him a bit.. "You wanna know a secret?" She asked him. "I was terrified when I first started flying.. I thought I was going to die too." She admitted to him with a smile.
Deep breaths.
Deep breaths.
It was a simple mantra, and yet it took a few attempts for his body to actually follow through with the command that he gave it. Once he was certain he wasn't going to lose control of it again, he looked back up to Azura. He was grateful for the concern that she saw.
He swallowed, before nodding at her promise. "Ok... it'll be fine," the last part was more directed at himself.
She was scared too at the beginning? "You were?" he asked quietly, slowly moving his body back into an upright position.
Jasper tried to look at the positives, assuming everything went well he'd be spending more time with Azura. He might get inspiration for sketches.
Those were the only positives he could come up with.
Still he tried to gather himself. Azura had been scared and now she loved it. Maybe he could grow to love it as well???
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
His birthday? Merlin... "You'd never told me when is your birthday, and you also didn't send me a present on my birthday last month... I HAVE TOLD YOU!!!!" More poking to his ribs. She was the one who supposed to be pouty right now... But she didn't. Because she's twelve year old and mature enough to not be pouty like that. Did he have a long neck? Not really though... but he's TALL! Like, on the scale one to TALL he is SUPER TALL and make her feel like a minion. He's gonna be a great prefect? Well... "Let's see..." Deep down, Ava was sure that Henric could be a good one. She's just too proud to admit it.
Owen learned from his mother how to make some treats? Wow... Her mother wouldn't let her coming near to kitchen because she's more capable on making disaster rather than baking. Nomnomnom... "Can I have more?" Hehehe... What? She was hungry and that brownies was sooooo delicious!
You will... soon. What? Having a boyfriend? HAHAHAHA!!! The young lioness rolled her eyes to the Prefect. And she coughed badly when the old hag sprayed something to the air... MERLIN!!!!
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.