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Looking for a spot to unleash that inner child of yours or perhaps to keep yourself in shape? This is definitely the place to go. Slides, monkey bars, swings, a see-saw, jungle gym, and even a pole with a tether ball attached is in place ready to be played with. You may also take a seat in the sand that surrounds all the equipment and build a castle. Not to worry though, there's minimal risk of injury here as a cushion charm was placed on the ground.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Oooh. Playground. Kaycee likes playgrounds. They were good for strength training. Kaycee needed to make sure she stayed in tip top condition for dance competitions.
Since teaming up with Kyroh, she'd done more break dancing. Which made her arms wayyy more important than they'd ever been before.
She jumped up and held onto two of the monkey bars. OKAY KAYCEE. You can do this. Pull up time. She pulled herself up so her chin was about the bars. One down.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
They had a playground.
Forget everything they'd told him about going to Hogwarts, maturing and being a man. THEY. HAD. A. PLAYGROUND. If this wasn't incentive enough to be young and carefree forever, he didn't know what was. His Wizarding Prep School had a playground and now Hogwarts had one too. They was no reason business shouldn't continue as usual, which meant.....CHARGING FULL SPEED AT THE MONKEY BARS.
He was ace at this. The only problem came with having to put his quill and notepad down to use it but he supposed it was fine because there was no one around but him. As EXCITING as he was, one didn't make for a good story on it's own...not usually anyway.
Blaise gripped the first bars to pull himself up; he was ready to take on the world--starting with this monkey bar.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Noelle had been looking all over Hogwarts, exploring, trying to remember where she was going. Of course, she now knew of nowhere she had been. She couldn't remember how she even gotten outside. Her eyes lit up as she found something she knew very well.
A playground.
Noelle squealed in excitement and ran full speed at the monkey bars. They were her favorite. When her mum used to take her to the one down the street to her house, she would always tell her she looked like a real monkey when climbing those things. Noelle jumped to try and reach the monkey bars...
She was too short to reach them.
Pouting was happening. Right there in the middle of the playground. Noelle suddenly missed her mum hardcore. Her mum had been the one to always pull her up there. Then she could be the little monkey she was. Noelle looked up at the monkey bars. "I will get to you. Mark my word bars!" Because they could totally hear right?
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB
There was a lot more to Hogwarts than met the eyes. There was a lot more than what was even on his map. Davie had to go around now and correct things, or at least correct his memory of them from when he had last been in the school.
Take this playground, for example. This was new. This hadn't been here last summer when he'd visited his mum. Hanging in the shadows for a moment, Davie squinted up at the playground and the few kids laughing and climbing and playing on it already.
It wasn't for him, nope. Now that pile of papers in the grass, though, that might be something that interested him.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo
The only problem came with having to put his quill and notepad down to use it but he supposed it was fine because there was no one around but him. As EXCITING as he was, one didn't make for a good story on it's own...not usually anyway.
Wandering over to the papers, which were a notebook and a quill actually, Davie casually leaned down and picked them all up. He stuffed them under his arm with his own parchment and map, and continued on around the perimeter of the playground, careful to keep well away from throwing/spitting/hitting/physical contact distance.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes.
Football under his left arm, Adi trudged out to the Playground with Henric. Yeah, yeah, he knew that this was the place for playing on the swings and what not but there was some free space away from all the equipment so it would be perfect for him and Henric to have their fun.
"I bet I can swing higher than you,'' he said to his friend, half meaning it. When he was a kid, Adi used to go on those things all the time. They were his favourite and swinging high was something he always did. He had fallen off quite a bit too... Hehe.
He tossed the football up into the air, bouncing it on his forehead for a bit. He wasn't bad at football. At his cricket club, he would use the technique of having the kids weave in and out of bright orange cones as they kicked a ball for warm ups. "Ready to have your butt kicked, pumpkin boy?'' Laughing, Adi conjured up two miniature nets. One behind him, one behind Henric. One on one football!
Henric rolled his eyes at Adi and made his best impression of his mum's voice,"I'm sure you do, sweetheart...and I bet your daddy did the underdog for you up high in the air, didn't he?" *bat eyelashes* With that, Henric clutched his stomach from laughing too hard.
Alright, enough dilly-dallying! Time to get real competitive up in here! Woot Woot! Football time, people! Pfft...no way he was letting Adi score in his net. "Whatever man! Just kicked the ball already! Best 11 out of 10 wins the match! And oh yeah,don't cry when I kicked on yours first, bud!" Henric grinned and stood in a defensive position.
Noelle had been looking all over Hogwarts, exploring, trying to remember where she was going. Of course, she now knew of nowhere she had been. She couldn't remember how she even gotten outside. Her eyes lit up as she found something she knew very well.
A playground.
Noelle squealed in excitement and ran full speed at the monkey bars. They were her favorite. When her mum used to take her to the one down the street to her house, she would always tell her she looked like a real monkey when climbing those things. Noelle jumped to try and reach the monkey bars...
She was too short to reach them.
Pouting was happening. Right there in the middle of the playground. Noelle suddenly missed her mum hardcore. Her mum had been the one to always pull her up there. Then she could be the little monkey she was. Noelle looked up at the monkey bars. "I will get to you. Mark my word bars!" Because they could totally hear right?
Y'know what was unbelievable? Nobody had informed her about this whole playground thing the second she got here. That DEFINITELY qualified as 300% unbelievable. She could've been here HOURS ago instead of wasting all that time pretending to be finding a place to study. OWL's couldn't be a priority when there were swings to be on, no way. Playground time beat everything all the time, no matter what. It was a rule.
Norah let her bag fall to the ground with a satisfying thump (for once it actually had more textbooks than chocolate frogs in there) and began to sprint, grinning like crazy as she came to skidding halt in front of one of the swings. She paused and looked around. She was supposed to be responsible and check on people or something, right? That was a prefect thing? Or something like that. Riiiiight. She squinted all around but nobody seemed in danger of breaking any limbs so it was okay, yeah? Except no. There was a pouting girl over there, there really really was. POUTING meant SAD and SAD meant BAD THINGS, ever worse things than breaking limbs. Without a backwards glance at the swings, Norah raced in the girl's direction this time with her arms out so the wind caught the sleeves of her robes. Hehehehe SUPER NORAH TO THE RESCUE! "Are you okay? Can I help you? Are the monkey bars being mean 'cause I can give them a firm talking to if they are." Monkey bars could be unfair like that sometimes. The Hufflepuff was still stuck at five feet (AND a centimeter, which totally counted) so she knew a whole lot about mean monkey bars. More than anybody should ever need to know about them. It was kinda tragic. She beamed at the younger girl, who was only a head shorter than her but y'know that counted, and took a tiny step back so she wasn't standing TOO close to her. Apparently that was the polite thing to do. Or something. COULD SHE HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? LIKE A REAL SUPER HERO.
Let your light shine || Be the sun || You're important. Always.
Originally Posted by Sararara
Y'know what was unbelievable? Nobody had informed her about this whole playground thing the second she got here. That DEFINITELY qualified as 300% unbelievable. She could've been here HOURS ago instead of wasting all that time pretending to be finding a place to study. OWL's couldn't be a priority when there were swings to be on, no way. Playground time beat everything all the time, no matter what. It was a rule.
Norah let her bag fall to the ground with a satisfying thump (for once it actually had more textbooks than chocolate frogs in there) and began to sprint, grinning like crazy as she came to skidding halt in front of one of the swings. She paused and looked around. She was supposed to be responsible and check on people or something, right? That was a prefect thing? Or something like that. Riiiiight. She squinted all around but nobody seemed in danger of breaking any limbs so it was okay, yeah? Except no. There was a pouting girl over there, there really really was. POUTING meant SAD and SAD meant BAD THINGS, ever worse things than breaking limbs. Without a backwards glance at the swings, Norah raced in the girl's direction this time with her arms out so the wind caught the sleeves of her robes. Hehehehe SUPER NORAH TO THE RESCUE! "Are you okay? Can I help you? Are the monkey bars being mean 'cause I can give them a firm talking to if they are." Monkey bars could be unfair like that sometimes. The Hufflepuff was still stuck at five feet (AND a centimeter, which totally counted) so she knew a whole lot about mean monkey bars. More than anybody should ever need to know about them. It was kinda tragic. She beamed at the younger girl, who was only a head shorter than her but y'know that counted, and took a tiny step back so she wasn't standing TOO close to her. Apparently that was the polite thing to do. Or something. COULD SHE HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE? LIKE A REAL SUPER HERO.
Staring at the monkey bars like they were going to magically shrink to her size, Noelle heard thumping. Like little feet running towards her. She knew that sound well. It was the sound her little brother made while running at her for tackles and tickles. Noelle glanced curiously and saw an older girl running AT her. RIGHT AT HER. She squealed and covered her face before the girl stopped right before her.
Oh phew. She wasn't being trampled. And now that she thought of it, she did look like a super hero as she ran to her. Robes flapping behind her and all. Noelle beamed when she heard what she asked. "YES! These monkey bars are being insanely mean! I...." She stopped to pout and look up at the bars. ".... Can't reach them.." There. She had said it. She was asking for help. Which she NEVER did. But... "Would you be my super hero and help me? Pleasseeee?" She was even down for begging right now because... MONKEY BARS.
Noelle lifted her arms as high as she could and got on her tippy toes. She was about 6 inches away from the bars. She could do it! She could reach the bars! With her super hero's help!
You is kind You is smart You is IMPORTANT Farah Dubey Seventh Year Hufflepuff
Forget everything they'd told him about going to Hogwarts, maturing and being a man. THEY. HAD. A. PLAYGROUND. If this wasn't incentive enough to be young and carefree forever, he didn't know what was. His Wizarding Prep School had a playground and now Hogwarts had one too. They was no reason business shouldn't continue as usual, which meant.....CHARGING FULL SPEED AT THE MONKEY BARS.
He was ace at this. The only problem came with having to put his quill and notepad down to use it but he supposed it was fine because there was no one around but him. As EXCITING as he was, one didn't make for a good story on it's own...not usually anyway.
Blaise gripped the first bars to pull himself up; he was ready to take on the world--starting with this monkey bar.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
Wandering over to the papers, which were a notebook and a quill actually, Davie casually leaned down and picked them all up. He stuffed them under his arm with his own parchment and map, and continued on around the perimeter of the playground, careful to keep well away from throwing/spitting/hitting/physical contact distance.
Marietta practically sprinted to the playground. She saw it from the windows in the towers and had gotten there as quickly as she could. She may have taken a few wrong turns along the way but what mattered was that she was there now. Or almost there. Marietta could see it from where she was. She couldn't wait to climb onto the monkey bars and sit there or hang upside down or swing on it or... really anything.
But as she got closer she noticed that someone had just climbed onto it after placing something on the ground. Who brought things to the playground? Marietta only brought waterbottles to the playground but she didn't have one now. Had she known that there would be one, she would've packed her favorite bottle from home in her trunk.
Slowing down to a walk, Mari noticed another boy stop by and... pick up what the boy on the monkey bars put down before walking away.
That was probably nothing. "I call dibs on next!" Mari exclaimed. If she didn't say it then just anyone could go next and she would have to wait forever. "If you fall you land on hot lava and it's also my turn."
though we're strangers 'til now, we're choosing a path between the s t a r s________________._____________ ♡♡_______________________.__________________________ ____i'll leave my .l o v e. between the stars...
Mr. Unicorn: Kim's daughter: Jenn's sister : MILKSHAKES: Lita Daley: The Sun: Its so Fluffy!
Originally Posted by LilFox06
Oooh. Playground. Kaycee likes playgrounds. They were good for strength training. Kaycee needed to make sure she stayed in tip top condition for dance competitions.
Since teaming up with Kyroh, she'd done more break dancing. Which made her arms wayyy more important than they'd ever been before.
She jumped up and held onto two of the monkey bars. OKAY KAYCEE. You can do this. Pull up time. She pulled herself up so her chin was about the bars. One down.
One of the first things that needed to happen was exploring. Now, Maisie didn't want to make a fool of herself and get lost one day, though that possibility existed far more than not getting lost, because this place was huge.
The grounds seemed like a good place to come out and relax, and she could see herself enjoying a place or two out here, so there was that good point. As she made her way around, she'd stopped at the playground. There was another girl here, claiming the monkey bars, as she lifted herself up towards it.
"Wow, that's impressive." Maisie said loud enough for the girl to hear, as she clapped at the sight. She wasn't being sarcastic or anything, because that girl could literally do one more pull up than she was capable of. "How many more can you do?" You know, if the girl didn't mind showing off a bit.
Football under his left arm, Adi trudged out to the Playground with Henric. Yeah, yeah, he knew that this was the place for playing on the swings and what not but there was some free space away from all the equipment so it would be perfect for him and Henric to have their fun.
"I bet I can swing higher than you,'' he said to his friend, half meaning it. When he was a kid, Adi used to go on those things all the time. They were his favourite and swinging high was something he always did. He had fallen off quite a bit too... Hehe.
He tossed the football up into the air, bouncing it on his forehead for a bit. He wasn't bad at football. At his cricket club, he would use the technique of having the kids weave in and out of bright orange cones as they kicked a ball for warm ups. "Ready to have your butt kicked, pumpkin boy?'' Laughing, Adi conjured up two miniature nets. One behind him, one behind Henric. One on one football!
Originally Posted by Symphora
Henric rolled his eyes at Adi and made his best impression of his mum's voice,"I'm sure you do, sweetheart...and I bet your daddy did the underdog for you up high in the air, didn't he?" *bat eyelashes* With that, Henric clutched his stomach from laughing too hard.
Alright, enough dilly-dallying! Time to get real competitive up in here! Woot Woot! Football time, people! Pfft...no way he was letting Adi score in his net. "Whatever man! Just kicked the ball already! Best 11 out of 10 wins the match! And oh yeah,don't cry when I kicked on yours first, bud!" Henric grinned and stood in a defensive position.
It seemed to be 'football' time again. The boys had been practicing together since summer and Ilia found herself clueless occasionally dragged into a game. Typically as a 'referee' horrible job when you still weren't the best with the rules or kicking the ball around. She didn't do fancy foot tricks or bounces or whatever the moves were called. She just didn't do it. She could kick the ball and sometimes hit the net with it........that was about it.
The boys did their best to include her in their games, she was better at the ones on the muggle machines than she was at the muggle sports though. Even then...... Oh well she was with her boys. She brought some books in case it didn't go well as always, it was a beautiful day outside. Worst case them in the hospital wing she would read in the crisp fall air, because that would hurt her feelings so much.....
Adi and Henric <33 and mentions of Ilia... sort of.
BOOMBAYAH! | #PuedoPorquePiensoQuePuedo | Certified Blank and Random Person | Raventastic
It was a very beautiful day to play outside. Ava would never stay in the castle in a weather like this. It's too beautiful and she loved the fresh air and the sunshine. So, it's time to play outside. The brunette girl skipped into the grounds, and now here she was... the playground. Hogwarts had their own playground. Cool! She's a big fan of swing set so usually when she's in a playground, her first destination would be the swing set.
But maybe not for now.
She spotted two older guys that she recognized... "Hey guys!" She greeted and waved at Henric and Adi, her favorite Hufflepuff seniors. Hold on.... Were they playing football?? She beamed excitedly because Ava loved football! Apparently she loved any kind of sports that using balls, mainly Quidditch and football, and also basketball. "Can I join? Can I join? Can I join you guys playing football PLEAAAAAAAAAAASEEEEE????" She begged. They had to know that Ava Burton was good in football! She watched a Slytherin girl (Ilia) was sitting not very far from them and she gave a small wave.
AT THE HOGWARTS YULE BALL, YOU'LL BE HANGING OUT WITH....__________________ It's a fairytale evening, and you want the entire event to be totally dazzling and
a real experience with the friendliest people around you.
Staring at the monkey bars like they were going to magically shrink to her size, Noelle heard thumping. Like little feet running towards her. She knew that sound well. It was the sound her little brother made while running at her for tackles and tickles. Noelle glanced curiously and saw an older girl running AT her. RIGHT AT HER. She squealed and covered her face before the girl stopped right before her.
Oh phew. She wasn't being trampled. And now that she thought of it, she did look like a super hero as she ran to her. Robes flapping behind her and all. Noelle beamed when she heard what she asked. "YES! These monkey bars are being insanely mean! I...." She stopped to pout and look up at the bars. ".... Can't reach them.." There. She had said it. She was asking for help. Which she NEVER did. But... "Would you be my super hero and help me? Pleasseeee?" She was even down for begging right now because... MONKEY BARS.
Noelle lifted her arms as high as she could and got on her tippy toes. She was about 6 inches away from the bars. She could do it! She could reach the bars! With her super hero's help!
Holy guacamole did you ever see an ickle so cute? It made it difficult for Norah to be sad that there was pouting going on, 'cause the cuteness was doing a good job of almost distracting her from the sad face. Almost. That didn't change the fact that the sad things needed to be TAKEN DOWN (not literally though, because monkey bars were much too fun to be taken away, 'specially since they'd only just gotten there). "Insanely mean? Oh man, this is a VERY big deal, then." She beamed at the girl before making a scrunched up face at the monkey bars in question. "Very uncool, monkey bars. You should be ashamed." Heheheh. How come no matter how grown up she got she never stopped enjoying talking to inanimate objects? The world would never know.
A SUPERHERO. That was definitely something she wanted to be, uh huh. Super Hero Princess Prefect Norah. That had an even nicer ring to it than Norah McSparkles. "There's only one teensy weensy problem." Emphasis on teensy weensy. "I've got tiny noodle arms that aren't very good at lifting things." Right now was one of those moments that Norah wished she'd taken up body building instead of running. Okay fine, this was the only moment ever but she was STILL wishing it. Her mouth made the shape of a small 'o' as she came up with a GENIUS idea. "I know a spell that sends people shooting up to the ceiling!" Her face scrunched back up again. What if she sent her up there too fast and she smashed the girl's head into a million billion pieces? That'd be bad news for SURE. And definitely not prefect behavior. She grinned again and gave a small shrug. "Ooooooor maybe not. I'm Norah. Who're you?" The thought of head smashing was more than enough to convince her that introductions were in order before some sort of disaster struck. Not that it WOULD, 'cause she was a Responsible Person now, uh huh.
Hogwarts RPG Name: Gabriella Rose Rustokova (#CCOOCC)
First Year
Hello's to Norah and Noelle xD
Otter This World ♡ Catpurrccino ♡ Slotherin ♡ Pandamonium
A playground.
When the heck did this appear here? And where had it been all the years before?!
Hady may be a fourth year now and a snake none the less but she couldn't deny her liking of this new place. So it was with a sure footing and a quickened step that she made her way into the playground have a look around. Her hazel eyes shone brightly as they went over every inch of the area taking it all in. Normally she'd head straight for the swings. Or at least she did when she was younger.
Before she could get there though she spotted Norah and a younger girl she didn't know by the monkey bars. With a small grin she headed towards the girls. "Hey," she greeted them both simply wondering why they were just standing there and not climbing or something. Hady glanced from them to the monkey bars and then back. Was there a problem?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Raspberry Jam | #ChocolateFrogFamous | Ultimate Fangirl
This wasn't here last term, was it? Or it just went completely underneath Zac's radar. Too bad because he would've enjoyed it last term. He was far too old for that nonsense now, though. Of course. Still, he perched himself on one of the swings, had a little look around, and kicked his feet off the ground for a little swing.
It was a slow start, because he didn't care for swings, but the wind seemed to push him a little further until he was actually properly going for it.
About to swing over the bar FORRIZZLE.
who could love me, I am out of my mind___________________________ _________________throwing a line out to sea to see if I can catch a dream
˝ of Lauralie | Koala | The being in Ern's pocket | Baby Smurf | Prouf member of The Flock
Brian was wandering around the grounds, just walking aimlessly. There was a word for that, wasn't there? A word that specifically meant walking aimlessly? That probably sounded a bit like littering? Lottering? Loitering? Yeah, that was probably it. Brian was loitering - y'know what, saying he was walking aimlessly sounded better. He was definitely aimless. Or maybe his aim was to explore - that had to count for something.
And just like that, Brian's inner child was unleashed again and he chased the butterfly all the way from the lake to the playground that he didn't even know existed where the butterfly sat, perched on one end of the see-saw. Poised like a cat ready to catch its prey, Brian stood very, very still.
Frangelina || twitter addict || Music of the Sun || The Fresh Princess of Bellaire
Originally Posted by laurange
Brian was wandering around the grounds, just walking aimlessly. There was a word for that, wasn't there? A word that specifically meant walking aimlessly? That probably sounded a bit like littering? Lottering? Loitering? Yeah, that was probably it. Brian was loitering - y'know what, saying he was walking aimlessly sounded better. He was definitely aimless. Or maybe his aim was to explore - that had to count for something.
And just like that, Brian's inner child was unleashed again and he chased the butterfly all the way from the lake to the playground that he didn't even know existed where the butterfly sat, perched on one end of the see-saw. Poised like a cat ready to catch its prey, Brian stood very, very still.
"Nobody bloody move!!!!!!"
Bentley came charging into the playground with his camera bag billowing behind him. This was it! He was so close to getting his shot. He had been carefully following this one butterfly...well stalking the butterfly (if it was even the same one) for the better part of fifteen minutes and now it finally perched.
He was going to get his shot.
"Back away...back away.." He whispered fiecrely to the boy as he crouched then shuffled gentley towards the see-saw. "I don't want you to scare it away....." Slowly..slowly he brought his camera up to his eye.
...Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack...
When did this get here? She had never remembered seeing this here. She might be seventeen but she was never to old for a good old playground. Her favorite thing just happened to be the monkey bars.
She headed over to the monkey bars jumped up and grabbed the first one. Hanging on tightly she grabbed the next and the next until she was at the end. Once she got to the end she flipped off the last bar and landed perfectly on the ground.
Takes that you little kids. Haha.
She was so proud of herself. She cartwheeled back to the other end of the monkey bars to go again. She was really the biggest kid out there.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl
There was a lot more to Hogwarts than met the eyes. There was a lot more than what was even on his map. Davie had to go around now and correct things, or at least correct his memory of them from when he had last been in the school.
Take this playground, for example. This was new. This hadn't been here last summer when he'd visited his mum. Hanging in the shadows for a moment, Davie squinted up at the playground and the few kids laughing and climbing and playing on it already.
It wasn't for him, nope. Now that pile of papers in the grass, though, that might be something that interested him.
Wandering over to the papers, which were a notebook and a quill actually, Davie casually leaned down and picked them all up. He stuffed them under his arm with his own parchment and map, and continued on around the perimeter of the playground, careful to keep well away from throwing/spitting/hitting/physical contact distance.
Originally Posted by iBeJenn
Marietta practically sprinted to the playground. She saw it from the windows in the towers and had gotten there as quickly as she could. She may have taken a few wrong turns along the way but what mattered was that she was there now. Or almost there. Marietta could see it from where she was. She couldn't wait to climb onto the monkey bars and sit there or hang upside down or swing on it or... really anything.
But as she got closer she noticed that someone had just climbed onto it after placing something on the ground. Who brought things to the playground? Marietta only brought waterbottles to the playground but she didn't have one now. Had she known that there would be one, she would've packed her favorite bottle from home in her trunk.
Slowing down to a walk, Mari noticed another boy stop by and... pick up what the boy on the monkey bars put down before walking away.
That was probably nothing. "I call dibs on next!" Mari exclaimed. If she didn't say it then just anyone could go next and she would have to wait forever. "If you fall you land on hot lava and it's also my turn."
Blaise had always been taught it was good to have constant vigilance and he WAS paying attention...to the monkey bar. All this attention. Everything. Brown eyes locked on his hands that now firmly gripped the bars so no, he didn't see four eyes--he used to know his name, honest but he forgot because his quill never scribbled it down that night--walk up ad TAKE HIS MOST FAVOURTEST QUILL EVER.
Nah, not a clue. What he did notice was that other girl from his house, Marietta, make her way over to the bars as well and mention hot lava. Well didn't that just make the game more interesting. "Deal!" And now he had a new mission on his hands. "Wish we knew how to make the ground red so we could REALLY pretend." Was his quill taking that down? It was a brilliant idea he'd have to ask a Professor about for next time.
The boy glanced to where he'd left the quill and notepad, expecting them to spring up at his want but what he saw had him falling off the monkey bars completely. Good thing the floor was cushion-y though that didn't stop his heart from falling hard. "WHERE'S MY QUICK QUOTES QUILL???" Blaise was a loud child but sparingly so and usually when he was excited. Right now....now he was just all wide eyed and panick-y and covered in sand from his fall.
It was JUST there. Like TWO SECONDS AGO! The boy heaved himself onto his knees and began digging in the sand, wondering if it was magic TOO and ATE it.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________
______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.
Sardine VIP || Shark Attack! || D A R T E R || Captain Oblivious
Originally Posted by Team ronmione
One of the first things that needed to happen was exploring. Now, Maisie didn't want to make a fool of herself and get lost one day, though that possibility existed far more than not getting lost, because this place was huge.
The grounds seemed like a good place to come out and relax, and she could see herself enjoying a place or two out here, so there was that good point. As she made her way around, she'd stopped at the playground. There was another girl here, claiming the monkey bars, as she lifted herself up towards it.
"Wow, that's impressive." Maisie said loud enough for the girl to hear, as she clapped at the sight. She wasn't being sarcastic or anything, because that girl could literally do one more pull up than she was capable of. "How many more can you do?" You know, if the girl didn't mind showing off a bit.
Kaycee grinned to herself. She could still do a pull up. She hadn't tried in years. This was really exciting though.
Oh yeah. She had an audience now. She wasn't expecting that on the playground.
"Thanks." she said pulling herself up to do another one. "I... actually have no idea. I haven't tried in years." So far the count was at two. "Should I keep going?"
"Can you do any?" They could do them together.
I'll Spend Forever Wondering If You Knew__________________________________ _____________________________________________I Was Enchanted To Meet You
HeadGirlMC | Treddie & Trixiver <3 | Copy Girl | Katie's Ickle Minion | I love YOU more
Originally Posted by Emzily
This wasn't here last term, was it? Or it just went completely underneath Zac's radar. Too bad because he would've enjoyed it last term. He was far too old for that nonsense now, though. Of course. Still, he perched himself on one of the swings, had a little look around, and kicked his feet off the ground for a little swing.
It was a slow start, because he didn't care for swings, but the wind seemed to push him a little further until he was actually properly going for it.
About to swing over the bar FORRIZZLE.
If one thing was for certain Ruby had not expected there to be a playground at Hogwarts. Her mother had mentioned there being a treehouse, one that she had played a giant game of hide and seek in one year but not a full set of swings and monkey bars and the like. A muggle playground like her daddy had taken to her when she was younger. Ruby thought that the older children would find it childish and unamusing but she enjoyed sitting on a swing and being absorbed into her own thoughts.
She headed towards the swing on a fine morning. There was a slight autumnal chill in the air and Ruby had her navy blue cardigan wrapped around her in an attempt to keep out the wind as it calmly blew across the grounds. There was a boy already sat on the other to her right and she smiled at him shyly as she joined him, kicking off against the ground and allowing herself to swing back and forth gently.
She supposed she had better start making conversations, to try and make friends with her peers and not keep herself to herself. Her mother had said something like that just before she had boarded the train. “Hello” was all that squeaked out the little brunettes mouth. Not much but at least she was making an effort.
♥s her SS family l Wifey is MINE | Naughty Niffler l Whittysaur l #awkwardturtle<#
Oh. A playground.
That was one thing that Beaxbatons didn't have on Hogwarts.
Paulina might be 17, but that didn't mean she couldn't play with the younger students. Besides, she had only became of age at the end of August, so it was almost as if she was underage still.
She was so going to check them out, but first she decided to make a sandcastle. Maybe it would be her old school, or maybe it would be Hogwarts. Paulina was going to see how things developed and hopefully nothing would destroy her creation.
Now this was awesome. There was a legitimate playground at Hogwarts. First year him would have been crazy excited for this. But still fourth year Dante was just excited. He had not even realized it was here until he randomly walked on by. So go random luck. Dante got an open swing and tried to see if he could swing myself around the top bar.
He was going for the full 360-Degree Swing and it would be awesome.
To Infinity and Beyond!
or you know just swinging on a swing.
-------------------------------------Be a pineapple: Stand tall,
-----------------------------------------wear a crown, and be sweet on the inside.
Colt heard there was a playground in Hogwarts. He couldn't wait to check it out. He got lost a few times trying to find it because this castle was bloody huge. He would need probably need seven years to figure out this castle. He knew the playground must be outside somewhere. He finally made it to what they call the Hogwarts grounds and he noticed other students beat him to it. He nodded and saw one of the swings was open. He took one and began to swing on it. This was quite relaxing to say the least. He hadn't met really any new friends but that would take time as he kept reminding his mother. He would soon ignore the letters she kept sending every week. She needed to let him figure things out on his own. I guess she was getting lonely being in the house by herself? Could be.
Ah well time to soak up some sun and enjoy the sunny day.