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The corridor just off the Grand Staircase leads to the Room of Requirement (should you know where it is); the Divination Tower; the Astronomy tower; the Gryffindor Common Room; and the Ravenclaw Common Room.
It has large windows that offer sweeping views of the Quad outside. If you'll look close enough at one of the windowsills, you'll note a little 80-year-old etching that says RIP FW.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Although she was particularly hoping to run into a handsome freckle-faced Ravenclaw fifth year, Dot wasn't moving very fast. She was struck by the window first, with a sweeping view overlooking the courtyard below. Wasn't this a brilliant spot to drop things on...
No, wait. Prefects did NOT drop things out windows. Unless the castle was on fire, in which case she dropped babies and pets into the waiting arms below.
She was also struck by the words etched on the sill, and Dot paused to run her fingers over them. It was kind of sad to think that someone was memorialized in such a very small way. Who was 'FW' and did anyone remember him or her now? Did they leave a hole in the world when they left it, or was there just a smooth spot there? Almost like no one had ever been there at all.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Kyroh felt suffocated. By the common room and all the books in the common room, and his dorm, and all the books in his dorm, and even his bed- and yes, all the books in his bed. He felt suffocated and overwhelmed and term had barely even started yet. He had to do better than good this year, he had to do great. And great was hard. Great was really, really hard.
Exiting the common room, the fifth year took a a large gulp of air-as if it were any different from the particles floating around in his common room. Without much thought he began to walk. It wasn't like Kyroh had an idea as to where he wanted to go, but what he DID know was that-
Was that Dot???
She seemed distracted, or she was thinking about something, off in her own world most likely.
Sneaking behind prefect he leaned in close. "You look very pretty when you're all pensive. Can I get a kiss?"
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
If anyone else had approached Dot while she was deeply in thought and asked her for a kiss, she probably would have hauled off and hit him. Anyone other than Kyroh, though, who happened to be just the person that Dot was hoping to run into it. She turned slightly to peer over her shoulder at the now-much-taller fifth year Ravenclaw, and he earned himself a coy sweep of her eyelashes.
"You always look pretty, and you don't have to ask. Do you know who this is for? 'FW'?"
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Dot had a number of deadly looks. The current one that she was giving him, it was one of them. Kyroh leaned in, brushing his eyelashes against her cheeks before straightening up and moving beside her. Turning his eyes to the markings, Kyroh reached out and he brushed his fingers across the two letters before moving them to the ones before it, the ones that Dot seemed to miss. How long had these words been here? He had a guess. But it was amazing that someone had just left them there, not bothering to restore the windowsill back to its natural state. Were there other little carving like this all around Hogwarts? for the people who had died within the castle?
To him, it seemed obvious who the person was. Fairly obvious. But the obvious answer wasn't always fun.
"Do you want the truth or something cleverly fabricated?"
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Dot had a number of deadly looks. The current one that she was giving him, it was one of them. Kyroh leaned in, brushing his eyelashes against her cheeks before straightening up and moving beside her. Turning his eyes to the markings, Kyroh reached out and he brushed his fingers across the two letters before moving them to the ones before it, the ones that Dot seemed to miss. How long had these words been here? He had a guess. But it was amazing that someone had just left them there, not bothering to restore the windowsill back to its natural state. Were there other little carving like this all around Hogwarts? for the people who had died within the castle?
To him, it seemed obvious who the person was. Fairly obvious. But the obvious answer wasn't always fun.
"Do you want the truth or something cleverly fabricated?"
The eyelash kiss was sneaky, and it earned Kyroh a big grin as Dot turned to give him a proper hug!cuddle. It was nice to SEE him, and she wanted to squish him properly to make sure he was really there and just as substantial as ever. He was, by the way.
Her attention drifted back to the letters, which seemed just a little less sad. Someone had remembered him, and there had been a hole left by him, because they'd bothered to leave this mark right here. Small, but not insubstantial. "Someone who died a long time ago, judging by how old the carving is. And someone who was missed. And someone who taught or was a student here. I hope not a student. That's too sad."
She huggled him again for good measure now that she was feeling sort of morose.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Cassirin
The eyelash kiss was sneaky, and it earned Kyroh a big grin as Dot turned to give him a proper hug!cuddle. It was nice to SEE him, and she wanted to squish him properly to make sure he was really there and just as substantial as ever. He was, by the way.
Her attention drifted back to the letters, which seemed just a little less sad. Someone had remembered him, and there had been a hole left by him, because they'd bothered to leave this mark right here. Small, but not insubstantial. "Someone who died a long time ago, judging by how old the carving is. And someone who was missed. And someone who taught or was a student here. I hope not a student. That's too sad."
She huggled him again for good measure now that she was feeling sort of morose.
He hugged back, tight. After two months of few and far visits with Dot, he would gladly welcome any hugs she gave him. Heck after seeing each other every single day, day in and day out, he'd welcome any hugs she gave him. It would have made him so happy if they weren't talking about this slightly sad topic. Dot didn't want the person to be a student. And Kyroh was fairly sure it was a student. But he didn't want to bring that up even if it was the truth. "He's a hero." He murmured quietly. Because THAT was truth.
"Are you feeling too much?" Sometimes he knew how that felt. Feeling too much. It felt like your whole insides were too heavy and ached and they just wanted to explode.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
He hugged back, tight. After two months of few and far visits with Dot, he would gladly welcome any hugs she gave him. Heck after seeing each other every single day, day in and day out, he'd welcome any hugs she gave him. It would have made him so happy if they weren't talking about this slightly sad topic. Dot didn't want the person to be a student. And Kyroh was fairly sure it was a student. But he didn't want to bring that up even if it was the truth. "He's a hero." He murmured quietly. Because THAT was truth.
"Are you feeling too much?" Sometimes he knew how that felt. Feeling too much. It felt like your whole insides were too heavy and ached and they just wanted to explode.
Kyroh knew exactly who it was, obviously, because his words indicated it, but he was such a gentle flower soul that he didn't want to hurt her feelings. No matter what he ever ever said to the contrary, there was nothing that could convince Dot that Kyroh wasn't actually perfect. Not when he was gallantly protecting people's feelings all the time and stuff.
"A hero? D'you only get remembered if you're a hero?" She put her hand over his and drew it away from the etching on the window. They were in dance position like this, did he see? Face to face, her hand on his shoulder and their other hands clasped. She took a step back to see if he'd lead, or if he really was determined not to dance with her anymore.
"I'm oaky. I always feel too much, but I don't hate it unless I feel too much of a couple different things at once. I only feel two things right now, so it's not too much." If that made sense. Ravenclaws could probably handle feeling lots of things at once.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Kyroh knew exactly who it was, obviously, because his words indicated it, but he was such a gentle flower soul that he didn't want to hurt her feelings. No matter what he ever ever said to the contrary, there was nothing that could convince Dot that Kyroh wasn't actually perfect. Not when he was gallantly protecting people's feelings all the time and stuff.
"A hero? D'you only get remembered if you're a hero?" She put her hand over his and drew it away from the etching on the window. They were in dance position like this, did he see? Face to face, her hand on his shoulder and their other hands clasped. She took a step back to see if he'd lead, or if he really was determined not to dance with her anymore.
"I'm oaky. I always feel too much, but I don't hate it unless I feel too much of a couple different things at once. I only feel two things right now, so it's not too much." If that made sense. Ravenclaws could probably handle feeling lots of things at once.
"I don't think so. You get remembered by the people who care about you." He paused and touched the carving again but Dot didn't let it stay there there for long. "The person who made that cared about him." His eyes left the carving and he turned to glance at Dot. Without much thought his free hand fell to her back and he took a small step forward.
Did she want to dance?
Dot always wanted to dance.
Hm. "What do you feel?" It made sense to him, but his brain didn't seem to work that way. It always felt like he felt one thing at once and it was either really bad or good, but it was always too much. Sometimes he just wanted to sleep to make it stop.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
"I don't think so. You get remembered by the people who care about you." He paused and touched the carving again but Dot didn't let it stay there there for long. "The person who made that cared about him." His eyes left the carving and he turned to glance at Dot. Without much thought his free hand fell to her back and he took a small step forward.
Did she want to dance?
Dot always wanted to dance.
Hm. "What do you feel?" It made sense to him, but his brain didn't seem to work that way. It always felt like he felt one thing at once and it was either really bad or good, but it was always too much. Sometimes he just wanted to sleep to make it stop.
It was nice to know that the people who loved you made you last after you died, although Dot really wasn't convinced that it was quite the same. A hero or a celebrity, someone that history remembered, would keep lasting well beyond the last memory of the last loved one. It should be enough to be remembered by even one person, but Dot sort of would like to be remembered by history.
Was that even possible?
She followed him when he stepped in her direction, and her mouth stretched into a huuuuge huge smile of approval. Dancing with Kyroh was her absolute favorite thing. Well, top of a list, since Dot happened to like many many things, but dancing and Kyroh and dancing with Kyroh were all at the top, so this counted as three.
"I feel sad about FW, and I feel so happy to be back at school and with you. Oh, I also feel love. So now I'm feeling too many things." She waited for the next step.
Yes. It was necessary. Apparently. Zeke nodded along to acknowledge that he heard and understood, NOT that he agreed.
In his opinion detention was as good as a life sentence to Azkaban. It'd be on his record... and his mum would know about it. At least, if there were kisses involved he'd hope it was from Maggie and not a dementor. Not that that was likely, what with Mr. KissingIsIllegalInMySpaceOfInquiry ... yeah, yeah. Rubbish.
As for happiness being an illogical emotion, it really wasn't, if he could avoid detention and do anything else... ANYTHING ELSE, he would be happy. VERY happy. He returned Maggie's hand squeeze, content with her moving closer. Maybe there was a chance they could salvage what was left of their night, there was still time... wasn't there?
Why Maggie bothered drawing out their departure was beyond him. Professor Airey said to exit, and so he would. With a quick salute and a casual-despite-the-awkwardness "See you, Sir", he pulled Maggie along. They had to laugh about this, because that's all one could do. Laugh.
It's Admiral.
That was the last thing Maggie heard before she was dragged out of earshot by Zeke. Maybe that was best really. Who knew what other insane things Professor (Admiral??) Flamsteed would have yelled at them otherwise? Or was still yelling. Detention though. Seriously. DETENTION. For....that. This. It was so....
Maggie couldn't even find an appropriate word in her brain right now.
What had just happened?
Like ???????????
After what seemed like hours, but had probably been barely 3 minutes, Maggie looked around for the first time to see where they were. And then she just stopped. Stopped to stare at Zeke. Maybe he could explain what had just happened to her again because right now she felt like she was in shock.
"We got detention." She eventually said softly, almost hoping he was just going to laugh it off and ask her if she was crazy, that no they hadn't just had a very uncomfortable run-in with Flamsteed. That hadn't just happened right?
*eyes Lisa* Why a different timeline? Alright then I see how it is.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Cassirin
It was nice to know that the people who loved you made you last after you died, although Dot really wasn't convinced that it was quite the same. A hero or a celebrity, someone that history remembered, would keep lasting well beyond the last memory of the last loved one. It should be enough to be remembered by even one person, but Dot sort of would like to be remembered by history.
Was that even possible?
She followed him when he stepped in her direction, and her mouth stretched into a huuuuge huge smile of approval. Dancing with Kyroh was her absolute favorite thing. Well, top of a list, since Dot happened to like many many things, but dancing and Kyroh and dancing with Kyroh were all at the top, so this counted as three.
"I feel sad about FW, and I feel so happy to be back at school and with you. Oh, I also feel love. So now I'm feeling too many things." She waited for the next step.
Kyroh wasn't thinking about FW or dying or if people would remember him or care too much after he died. They probably wouldn't. And that thought made I'm feel really bad so it was best if he didn't think about it at all. Instead he focused on doing the right steps, with Dot, and her SMILE. LOOK how happy she was!
He couldn't help but beam right back at her, because that's what Dot deserved. She deserved him being happy that she was happy. "Don't feel sad about him Dottie. Everyone has to die." He paused. "You're feeling three things. That doesn't sound like too much"
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Maggie
Originally Posted by Lislchen
It's Admiral.
That was the last thing Maggie heard before she was dragged out of earshot by Zeke. Maybe that was best really. Who knew what other insane things Professor (Admiral??) Flamsteed would have yelled at them otherwise? Or was still yelling. Detention though. Seriously. DETENTION. For....that. This. It was so....
Maggie couldn't even find an appropriate word in her brain right now.
What had just happened?
Like ???????????
After what seemed like hours, but had probably been barely 3 minutes, Maggie looked around for the first time to see where they were. And then she just stopped. Stopped to stare at Zeke. Maybe he could explain what had just happened to her again because right now she felt like she was in shock.
"We got detention." She eventually said softly, almost hoping he was just going to laugh it off and ask her if she was crazy, that no they hadn't just had a very uncomfortable run-in with Flamsteed. That hadn't just happened right?
He had perhaps rushed them more than he needed to, but there were just too many thoughts swimming in his head to really be able to think straight. Firstly, he'd gotten into trouble, secondly the penalty of that was detention, thirdly... Emily couldn't know about this so he'd have to owl Gavin, and fourthly... he still didn't know what Maggie wanted to show him (this one was especially important). THOSE THINGS, and he had been enjoying life when Flamsteed happened. Admiral or not, that wasn't cool. The man broke the Bro Code.
"We did," he stated simply after Maggie's words sunk in.
He couldn't help it, he really couldn't, what started as a smirk soon resulted in a sharp snort and a light chuckle. Of all the ridiculous to ever befall Hogwarts, that had to be one of them. "It'll be okay though, we just won't do that again." And by THAT he meant go THERE or get CAUGHT... not the whole, not snogging thing. He liked snogging, and wasn't ready to give that up yet.
Which reminded him.
"So... where were we?" Just, y'know, they still had time. One hand still holding hers, the other reached out to snake around her waist. He was confident the corridor wasn't a special-Flamsteed-Inquiry-space.
He had perhaps rushed them more than he needed to, but there were just too many thoughts swimming in his head to really be able to think straight. Firstly, he'd gotten into trouble, secondly the penalty of that was detention, thirdly... Emily couldn't know about this so he'd have to owl Gavin, and fourthly... he still didn't know what Maggie wanted to show him (this one was especially important). THOSE THINGS, and he had been enjoying life when Flamsteed happened. Admiral or not, that wasn't cool. The man broke the Bro Code.
"We did," he stated simply after Maggie's words sunk in.
He couldn't help it, he really couldn't, what started as a smirk soon resulted in a sharp snort and a light chuckle. Of all the ridiculous to ever befall Hogwarts, that had to be one of them. "It'll be okay though, we just won't do that again." And by THAT he meant go THERE or get CAUGHT... not the whole, not snogging thing. He liked snogging, and wasn't ready to give that up yet.
Which reminded him.
"So... where were we?" Just, y'know, they still had time. One hand still holding hers, the other reached out to snake around her waist. He was confident the corridor wasn't a special-Flamsteed-Inquiry-space.
So they HAD in fact gotten detention.
WHY WAS HE LAUGHING THEN??? Maggie just stared at him, not sure if she, too, should be laughing. Or if she wanted to cry? Or leave? Or stay? Or...what was happening? What if this detention thing was going to take place in front of the entire school and Professor Flamsteed was going to tell the story of how they'd got detention in the first place? WHAT THEN? HMM, ZEKE??? WHAT THEN?????? And what even did he mean by not doing it again? She didn't understand any of it. For a moment it felt like he was speaking a different language.
And then he was pulling her close again (quite boldly too!). Maggie complied instinctively but continued to give him weird looks. Finally she found her voice again. "Did you choose that place on purpose?" She didn't quite know where that thought had come from but now that she'd voiced it, she was getting worked up over it. HAD HE? He had to have KNOWN that Professor Flamsteed would go crazy (or, you know, crazIER) if he caught them. Zeke was a Gryffindor after all. He probably knew about all those rules too.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: Maggie
Originally Posted by Lislchen
So they HAD in fact gotten detention.
WHY WAS HE LAUGHING THEN??? Maggie just stared at him, not sure if she, too, should be laughing. Or if she wanted to cry? Or leave? Or stay? Or...what was happening? What if this detention thing was going to take place in front of the entire school and Professor Flamsteed was going to tell the story of how they'd got detention in the first place? WHAT THEN? HMM, ZEKE??? WHAT THEN?????? And what even did he mean by not doing it again? She didn't understand any of it. For a moment it felt like he was speaking a different language.
And then he was pulling her close again (quite boldly too!). Maggie complied instinctively but continued to give him weird looks. Finally she found her voice again. "Did you choose that place on purpose?" She didn't quite know where that thought had come from but now that she'd voiced it, she was getting worked up over it. HAD HE? He had to have KNOWN that Professor Flamsteed would go crazy (or, you know, crazIER) if he caught them. Zeke was a Gryffindor after all. He probably knew about all those rules too.
So why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
Also why was he so close again? Rude.
His chuckle subsided quickly enough, especially when Maggie didn't seem to share his confusion-fuelled amusement. Couldn't she see how utterly ridiculous all of that had been? They got DETENTION... for snogging, barely snogging, it had all happened so quickly that it may as well have not happened at all. Why couldn't they be back at the courtyard? THAT had been awesome.
A part of him WAS concerned about WHAT they might have to do in detention, but there was little point in dwelling on it now. They'd get their instructions in due time. Squeezing her hand, Zeke tilted his head a little to peer at her curiously. She really wasn't taking this well, was she? "It can't be too bad, we'll probably be writing lines, or cleaning something," he shrugged. And if they weren't supervised for the whole time, he'd help her out. They'd be fine. Did she get that? It wasn't such a big deal. Not really... not unless her parents were like his, in which case he understood perfectly well. Somehow though, he didn't think that was it.
Zeke was still watching her when she finally spoke.
Did he choose it on purpose?
Well... yes and no?
Zeke's brows narrowed a little. Was she trying to imply something? That he wanted them to get in trouble?
No. Surely not.
"I suggested it, and other places too if I recall," he started, because she played a part in choosing the place too. "If you're wondering if I knew that was going to happen, I didn't." He didn't have a stinking clue that Flamsteed would fly off his rocker, just as he didn't know why he was being questioned right now.
So what now?... Zeke loosened his grip on her, she didn't seem that into it anymore, which was a pity.
His chuckle subsided quickly enough, especially when Maggie didn't seem to share his confusion-fuelled amusement. Couldn't she see how utterly ridiculous all of that had been? They got DETENTION... for snogging, barely snogging, it had all happened so quickly that it may as well have not happened at all. Why couldn't they be back at the courtyard? THAT had been awesome.
A part of him WAS concerned about WHAT they might have to do in detention, but there was little point in dwelling on it now. They'd get their instructions in due time. Squeezing her hand, Zeke tilted his head a little to peer at her curiously. She really wasn't taking this well, was she? "It can't be too bad, we'll probably be writing lines, or cleaning something," he shrugged. And if they weren't supervised for the whole time, he'd help her out. They'd be fine. Did she get that? It wasn't such a big deal. Not really... not unless her parents were like his, in which case he understood perfectly well. Somehow though, he didn't think that was it.
Zeke was still watching her when she finally spoke.
Did he choose it on purpose?
Well... yes and no?
Zeke's brows narrowed a little. Was she trying to imply something? That he wanted them to get in trouble?
No. Surely not.
"I suggested it, and other places too if I recall," he started, because she played a part in choosing the place too. "If you're wondering if I knew that was going to happen, I didn't." He didn't have a stinking clue that Flamsteed would fly off his rocker, just as he didn't know why he was being questioned right now.
So what now?... Zeke loosened his grip on her, she didn't seem that into it anymore, which was a pity.
How could he use 'not too bad' and 'cleaning something' in the same sentence?!
Although in this case her scenario was worse than that one. Why? Why? Why? And why did Professor Flamsteed not just TELL them what kind of detention it was going to be? Also WHEN it was going to be? He'd left them with so many questions. Or rather, THEY had left him behind. Maybe she could go back and ask. Or go to his office later. Only she didn't want to make this worse either so.
And yes he had suggested it among other locations. Who was she to know that Professor Flamsteed wouldn't have shown up in those too? Hmm? Maggie continued to eye him, even when he claimed he didn't know. Hadn't known. That it hadn't been planned. If she hadn't been so worked up over this detention thing, Maggie would've probably realized that the idea was simply ridiculous. Now though she wasn't really thinking straight.
"You should go...." She said quietly, eyes still on his as she gave him a rather....confused look.
½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf
SPOILER!!: drama llama Maggie XD
Originally Posted by Lislchen
How could he use 'not too bad' and 'cleaning something' in the same sentence?!
Although in this case her scenario was worse than that one. Why? Why? Why? And why did Professor Flamsteed not just TELL them what kind of detention it was going to be? Also WHEN it was going to be? He'd left them with so many questions. Or rather, THEY had left him behind. Maybe she could go back and ask. Or go to his office later. Only she didn't want to make this worse either so.
And yes he had suggested it among other locations. Who was she to know that Professor Flamsteed wouldn't have shown up in those too? Hmm? Maggie continued to eye him, even when he claimed he didn't know. Hadn't known. That it hadn't been planned. If she hadn't been so worked up over this detention thing, Maggie would've probably realized that the idea was simply ridiculous. Now though she wasn't really thinking straight.
"You should go...." She said quietly, eyes still on his as she gave him a rather....confused look.
He should go?
She was dismissing him?
Zeke dropped his hands from her all together now. Was she seriously so worked up over this? Because sheesh, it wasn't his fault she started all of this. All of this had been her idea in the first place. All of it. Why couldn't he just have kept the favour she had owed him and used it to get her to do his HoM homework or something? Why did she make him use it on her? What annoyed him the most, was he didn't mind it, any of it. In fact, he liked it a little more than he cared to admit.
Taking a step back, Zeke exhaled a deep breath.
Fine. Whatever. He'd go, not because she wanted him to, but because he had better things to do with his time.
"Fine, I will." Just saying.
He turned to leave, but paused after taking only a couple of steps. Looking back over his shoulder, he opened his mouth to speak... but no words came out. What was there to say? See you later? That she'd know where to find him if she got over it? In the end he just shrugged. Now HE was confused, and it wasn't worth it.
"See you in detention," were his last words before he shoved his hands in his pocket and took his leave. Bye Maggie.
Zeke dropped his hands from her all together now. Was she seriously so worked up over this? Because sheesh, it wasn't his fault she started all of this. All of this had been her idea in the first place. All of it. Why couldn't he just have kept the favour she had owed him and used it to get her to do his HoM homework or something? Why did she make him use it on her? What annoyed him the most, was he didn't mind it, any of it. In fact, he liked it a little more than he cared to admit.
Taking a step back, Zeke exhaled a deep breath.
Fine. Whatever. He'd go, not because she wanted him to, but because he had better things to do with his time.
"Fine, I will." Just saying.
He turned to leave, but paused after taking only a couple of steps. Looking back over his shoulder, he opened his mouth to speak... but no words came out. What was there to say? See you later? That she'd know where to find him if she got over it? In the end he just shrugged. Now HE was confused, and it wasn't worth it.
"See you in detention," were his last words before he shoved his hands in his pocket and took his leave. Bye Maggie.
Okay. She would NEVER admit to it but it felt weird to not at least be holding his hand right now.
Which was even weirder.
She casually folded her hands in front of her, watching his face closely to see his reaction. This felt....weird. She didn't like it. But it was for the best. Especially right now. What if Professor Flamsteed had followed them or was stalking them or something? This was good. Yes. She nodded slightly almost as if to convince herself of that fact. Even though that look he'd just given her made her want to apologize or something.
But no. Maggie simply looked at him, trying to keep her face blank.
"See you then." Or in class until then, you know. They WERE in the same year and all that.
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee
Originally Posted by Kaos.Doodles
Kyroh wasn't thinking about FW or dying or if people would remember him or care too much after he died. They probably wouldn't. And that thought made I'm feel really bad so it was best if he didn't think about it at all. Instead he focused on doing the right steps, with Dot, and her SMILE. LOOK how happy she was!
He couldn't help but beam right back at her, because that's what Dot deserved. She deserved him being happy that she was happy. "Don't feel sad about him Dottie. Everyone has to die." He paused. "You're feeling three things. That doesn't sound like too much"
Ugh, that smile. Did he know how it made her insides float up into her throat like they were in zero gravity? Did he know that it was perfect and made her feel like she was doing everything right? His eyes were shiny and his nose wrinkled just slightly and those eyebrows, and ugh. It made Dot wish you could bottle moments. Or people.
"I only feel a little sad. Mostly just so so happy and snuggly and maybe you could dip me. Ballet never has proper dips, just lots of lifting and turning and stuff." She swished her hips like in those dance classes they'd taken once upon a time.
★ BabyQuad ★ PERRY THE PLATYPUS ★ Ern's Fave ★ dangerous with brooms ★
Originally Posted by Cassirin
Ugh, that smile. Did he know how it made her insides float up into her throat like they were in zero gravity? Did he know that it was perfect and made her feel like she was doing everything right? His eyes were shiny and his nose wrinkled just slightly and those eyebrows, and ugh. It made Dot wish you could bottle moments. Or people.
"I only feel a little sad. Mostly just so so happy and snuggly and maybe you could dip me. Ballet never has proper dips, just lots of lifting and turning and stuff." She swished her hips like in those dance classes they'd taken once upon a time.
"I feel like you're using me." Kyroh joked. He didn't really. He felt honoured. Dot liked to dance with him for some strange reason and he really liked that she wanted to.
Unless she got all jealous about Kaycee and didn't want him to dance with her anymore, because then Kyroh didn't like it at all.
He took another step forward and raised his hand to the middle of her back. Shifting his weight into his front knee, he leaned forward and tugged Dot down gently, the rest was up to her.
{act like you know me, but you never will}__{but there's one thing that I know for sure} {i'll show you}
The common room was just too crowded to find to finish this. So she headed out of the common room and into the seventh floor. Now she just needed to find a perfect spot to finish this dress. She didn't want to be in the way but she needed plenty of light to work.
Once she found a good spot she sat in the floor and started sewing up the hem of the dress.
Ugh. This wasn't working the way she wanted it. Sitting in the floor with it was not a good idea. Maybe if she could find a place to hang it up and work on it. But where? She stood up holding it out in front of her, looking for a place to hang it up.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
The common room was just too crowded to find to finish this. So she headed out of the common room and into the seventh floor. Now she just needed to find a perfect spot to finish this dress. She didn't want to be in the way but she needed plenty of light to work.
Once she found a good spot she sat in the floor and started sewing up the hem of the dress.
Ugh. This wasn't working the way she wanted it. Sitting in the floor with it was not a good idea. Maybe if she could find a place to hang it up and work on it. But where? She stood up holding it out in front of her, looking for a place to hang it up.
Having been spending some time in the spare office practicing his patronus, Benny had been ready to try and relax before dinner. He had been heading up to his common room, stepping off the seventh floor landing of the staircase, when he nearly stumbled over a classmate. A house and yearmate actually once he got a better look at the girl that was currently...was she sewing...as she sat on the floor in the corridor.
Now what was Cinna up to?
"Not to be a bother...but wouldn't there be a better place to do that?" Out in the hallway between the main staircase and the common room that was pretty busy didn't seem like the greatest local for arts and crafts.
Having been spending some time in the spare office practicing his patronus, Benny had been ready to try and relax before dinner. He had been heading up to his common room, stepping off the seventh floor landing of the staircase, when he nearly stumbled over a classmate. A house and yearmate actually once he got a better look at the girl that was currently...was she sewing...as she sat on the floor in the corridor.
Now what was Cinna up to?
"Not to be a bother...but wouldn't there be a better place to do that?" Out in the hallway between the main staircase and the common room that was pretty busy didn't seem like the greatest local for arts and crafts.
Hmmmm. Okay so where should she work on this? Sure this spot wasn't ideal by it was quiet. Which was what made this location so appealing. QUIET yes it was nice.
Well while the quiet lasted. It wasn't like the person who was coming wasn't being terribly loud which was nice. She would just move out of the way. She was almost done any way. If she could find somewhere to hang it up and finish it.
Seeing that it was Benny who was coming down the corridor she nodded. And spoke. "Yeah I figured that. I'm looking for some where to hang it up and finish it." shrugging. Did he have any ideas?
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!
Toothless - Napoleon of Crime - Gryffinclaw - Owl Emissary - Pirate Auror - DoctorDonna
Originally Posted by SarcasticStrawberry
Hmmmm. Okay so where should she work on this? Sure this spot wasn't ideal by it was quiet. Which was what made this location so appealing. QUIET yes it was nice.
Well while the quiet lasted. It wasn't like the person who was coming wasn't being terribly loud which was nice. She would just move out of the way. She was almost done any way. If she could find somewhere to hang it up and finish it.
Seeing that it was Benny who was coming down the corridor she nodded. And spoke. "Yeah I figured that. I'm looking for some where to hang it up and finish it." shrugging. Did he have any ideas?
Oh good, so he wasn't saying something knew. Or seemingly bothering his fellow lion with his casual observation. But there was still the dilemma of Cinna finishing the work on her project someplace that might not be an opening corridor. And for some reason , Benny figured he should try and help with that issue. What to do, what to do.
"I'm not sure..." he mused, trying to think over possible options. "I suppose common room is out." Because surely she'd be there in one of the rooms if not the main area if it was available to her. But then it could be pretty rowdy at this time of day. "What about the library...or the room of requirement?" Both were good for studying so why not sewing?
"Or the spare office one floor down? Just came from there and I was by myself." Maybe there hadn't been enough time to it to attract the attention of another student looking for a quiet place to work.
Oh good, so he wasn't saying something knew. Or seemingly bothering his fellow lion with his casual observation. But there was still the dilemma of Cinna finishing the work on her project someplace that might not be an opening corridor. And for some reason , Benny figured he should try and help with that issue. What to do, what to do.
"I'm not sure..." he mused, trying to think over possible options. "I suppose common room is out." Because surely she'd be there in one of the rooms if not the main area if it was available to her. But then it could be pretty rowdy at this time of day. "What about the library...or the room of requirement?" Both were good for studying so why not sewing?
"Or the spare office one floor down? Just came from there and I was by myself." Maybe there hadn't been enough time to it to attract the attention of another student looking for a quiet place to work.
Cinna wasn't going to lie. She did have a tendency to get lazy. This was one of those times. It had been a long day of lessons and then homework. Throw in some studying for NEWTs. This girl was tired. "Yeah. I'm just about done with it now. It would be easier to stay here." It was no sense in going to the library. And really the room of requirement was the closes place actually. But if she finished now she could go up to her dorm and take a nap.
She tilted her head. An idea popped into her head. It would be quick and easy and she would not have to good far at all. "I've got an idea. If you have a few minutes maybe you can help me finish this hem." If he didn't mind helping her out that is. It wasn't that difficult of a task really and he seem to be the right person for this job.
It wasn't like she was going to make him wear the dress. The color would look awful on his skin tone. So no she wouldn't put him through that.
Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You? You are Bread!